Sensation of a foreign object in the anus

Oh, how it hurts, burns and cuts...

Pain in the anus can be pronounced and have a short-term property: it quickly appears and disappears.

Pain that is always present is usually of lesser intensity. Painful manifestations can be aching, stabbing, as well as pulling or cutting in nature. Sometimes they only happen at night. Using these and other signs, the doctor determines the cause of the disease.

Itching is accompanied by redness and, over time, roughening of the skin, increased moisture, or, conversely, excessive dryness.

It is usually present all the time and tends to increase at night. It gets worse often and for any reason: as a result of the slightest deviation from the diet, fatigue, colds, overexertion.

To facilitate the passage of stool, the intestines secrete mucus. If it is transparent, then there is no pathology in a small amount of such discharge from the anus.

The main thing is that this does not happen often and in large quantities, and is not accompanied by discomfort, pain, or changes in stool.

Caution should be exercised when:

  • secretion of mucus of any kind, frequent and abundant, or accompanied by pain in the lower abdomen, a deceptive urge to defecate, appearing along with constipation or diarrhea;
  • bloody or mucopurulent discharge, as well as with an admixture of greens and white particles.

Male causes of anal discomfort

The main cause of a pressing sensation in the anus in men is considered to be prostatitis - inflammation of the prostate gland. This internal organ contains a large number of nerve fibers, so the inflammatory process is accompanied by pain, radiating to the groin and anus.

Pathologies of the back, especially the lumbar region, are typical for males. They also cause problems with the anus, since the nerve endings are compressed and the innervation is disrupted.

Hemorrhoids in men

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