Which is better: Trimedat or Duspatalin?

For diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, a dilemma arises as to whether to choose Duspatalin or Sparex for therapy, since both medications produce an antispasmodic effect. The drugs contain the same active substance and are used for pathologies of the digestive system. Medications should be used for therapy only after reading the instructions for use.

Duspatalin and Sparex produce an antispasmodic effect in the gastrointestinal tract.

How they affect the body

Medicines affect the muscles of the gastrointestinal tract, helping to relieve pain. At the same time, the drugs do not have an effect on intestinal motility. Under the influence of medications, the rate of water absorption in the walls of the gastrointestinal tract changes. The drugs do not affect the secretion of gastric juice.

pharmachologic effect

Duspatalin helps relax the intestinal muscles, thereby eliminating spasms. Sparkex has the same effect. Once in the gastrointestinal tract, the drug quickly dissolves and is absorbed in the intestine, helping to block the reverse mechanism of norepinephrine uptake. Medicines have little effect on the tone of the pulmonary arteries.

Antispasmodic agent JSC

Hi all!
Today we will talk about the most valuable thing, health!

After maternity leave, I got a job and then off we go: cakes, pies, sausage, coffee and all sorts of other junk food, all the time, sometimes it’s a holiday, sometimes there are sweet tooth lovers who constantly buy something and treat them, and when there’s... table, it is very difficult to refuse.

As a result, after a year of working in this mode, plus before, I loved to eat sweets, my pancreas gave in and wild pains and spasms began in my left side, my stomach swelled up like a ball, I didn’t understand what happened and first went for an ultrasound of the abdominal cavity, where I wrote a diagnosis - dilation of the loops of the large intestine in the splenic angle.

I quickly went to the gastroenterologist with the same legs, because the pain was unbearable, it was even hard to work, it was even hard to lie at home.

He said that the expansion of the intestines is just gases (in fact, my stomach was so swollen that it didn’t even retract), and the reason for this was indigestion in the upper sections, in the stomach and pancreas, diagnosed gastroduodenitis and pancreatic dysfunction, until pancreatitis was diagnosed , told me to take additional tests.

Plus, before that, according to an ultrasound, I had a constant stagnation of bile due to a congenital bend of the gallbladder, which I treated only that year with Livodex; the doctor said that this long-term stagnation also greatly affected the pancreas.

The gastroenterologist first prescribed me a strict diet - table No. 5, so goodbye to everything fatty, all cakes and pastries)) Only non-fried and non-fatty foods are allowed. You can read more about this diet on the Internet. I knew about this diet, but recently I’ve relaxed a lot in my diet, which is why I ruined my health and gained several kg.

Now I intend to completely reconsider my diet on an ongoing basis, and not as a temporary restriction, since the pancreas is a bad joke, and diabetes is not far away, and I don’t want that.

As for medications, the doctor prescribed me a drug against spasms and pain - this is either Duspatalin or Sparex.

Having looked at the prices of the drugs, as you already understood, I chose the less expensive Sparex.

I don't understand why there are so few reviews about him here.


  • Active substance: mebeverine hydrochloride 200 mg;
  • Excipients: colloidal silicon dioxide (Aerosil), hypromellose (hydroxypropyl methylcellulose brand Benecel MP 874), povidone (Plasdon K 90, Kollidon 90 F), magnesium stearate;

The price of 1 package of Sparex is 314 rubles.

There are 30 capsules in a pack.

Manufacturer – Russia, Moscow region.

For comparison, Duspatalin 30 capsules costs 482 rubles (Manufacturer: Germany).

Pharmacological action - antispasmodic.

Antispasmodic myotropic action, has a direct effect on the smooth muscles of the gastrointestinal tract (mainly the large intestine). Eliminates spasm without affecting normal intestinal motility. Does not have anticholinergic effects.

Yellow capsules, 2 blisters of 15 capsules.

Dispensed by prescription. Nobody asked me about it.

The drug helped me a lot, but the result did not appear immediately, the doctor prescribed me a course of 3-4 weeks, I noticed an improvement after about a week, I bought 2 packs for a month’s course.

You need to drink 2 capsules a day, one in the morning, the other in the evening 20 minutes before meals, that is, one package is enough for 15 days.

Now I’ve been taking the drug for about 3 weeks, the bloating has gone away, but I’ll say there are still a few cramps sometimes, I think the pancreas will take a long time to restore its activity and the main thing is now to also stick to the diet.

Together with Sparex, the doctor also prescribed Nolpaza, since high acidity and enzyme preparations are often a concern, which also affected the result of treatment, I will talk about them in the following reviews.

Based on the results of treatment with Sparex, I am very pleased, so I confidently recommend it to everyone, its composition is the same as Duspatalin, the only difference is that Duspatalin is an imported drug, and Sparex is domestic.

I agree that it happens that an imported drug is better than ours (I had experience with Phlebodia and Venarus, for example), but sometimes there is no difference, and our manufacturers, on the contrary, want to make the drugs more accessible to Russians.

Reviews of other drugs:

Hepatoprotector Legalon - an assistant for your liver

Itomed – for gastritis and reflux esophagitis

Source: https://irecommend.ru/content/analog-dyuspatalina-po-priemlemoi-tsene-sovetuyu-pri-bolyakh-i-spazmakh-v-kishechnike-i-drug

special instructions

Medicines should be taken only after consultation with a doctor in recommended doses.

Pregnancy and lactation

It is not recommended to take medications during this period, as there may be a negative effect on the fetus and newborn.


Duspatalin should not be taken until the age of 18, and Sparex - until the age of 12. The safety of treatment with these medications in childhood has not been proven.

Elderly age

Medications can be taken to treat older people, however, if liver and kidney diseases are present, it is important to undergo a preliminary examination.

What is the difference between Sparex and Duspatalin and which product is better?

Disruption of the normal functioning of the digestive system is a fairly common ailment among people. We often have to snack on the go, skip lunch or breakfast, and eat junk food. All this affects your health.

Various agents can be used as therapy for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. We will try to figure out which medication is more effective - Duspatalin or Sparex.

Characteristics of Sparex

The medicine is an excellent generic version of an imported analogue. It belongs to the group of myotropic antispasmodics. It has a targeted effect on the smooth muscles of the stomach, helps eliminate pain without directly affecting the motor activity of the intestines. Basically, the tablets have an effect on the large intestine.

The medication does not accumulate in the blood plasma. Excretion is carried out in the process of metabolism - with urine and bile. Characterized by a long-lasting effect, due to which the accumulation of the drug is insignificant.

In what situations is the drug prescribed:

  1. It is prescribed to children over twelve years of age for the treatment of gastrointestinal disorders characterized by pain in the abdominal area. Spasms can be of various origins, including diseases of various organs.
  2. For the treatment of chronic, recurrent bowel disorder
  3. For cramping pain in the intestines and gall bladder.

Characteristics of the drug Duspatalin

The medication is highly effective, helps relieve severe pain, and quickly relieves spasms. It is a powerful antispasmodic. Affects only the smooth muscles of the intestines. In view of this, it is considered harmless.

Most specialists have refused to prescribe old-generation drugs, and only prescribe foreign analogues for various pains.

The active ingredient is mebeverine . The medication is available in the form of tablets with a concentration of 0.135 g and long-acting capsules, the dosage in them is 0.2 g.

The standard dose is 1 tablet twice a day after meals, with a sufficient amount of water.

It is recommended to use with caution in case of hypersensitivity to the components; it should not be prescribed to persons under the age of majority.

Indications of the imported product:

  • Pain of a spasmodic nature in the abdominal cavity, and when it appears against the background of pathologies of other organs.
  • Colic in the intestines and gall bladder.
  • Dysfunction of the gallbladder.
  • After removing the bubble.
  • IBS.

What do the two medications have in common?

Both drugs of the same group are antispasmodic myotropic drugs. Effectively relieve pain syndromes localized in the stomach area.

The active component is mebeverine, which is a reserpine derivative that has a specific effect on smooth muscles. The action is similar to atropine, but mebeverine is better because it does not have such undesirable effects.

The powerful drug has been proven to inhibit intestinal smooth muscle contractions. It was synthesized in 1960. At that time, many independent experiments and studies were carried out, and it was found that the component was effective and well tolerated by people. Medicines containing this substance are sold in 57 countries around the world.

The component inhibits ion voltage-gated channels . In addition, it reduces the accumulation of calcium in muscle cells, which promotes smooth muscle relaxation. It has recently been established that mebeverine helps reduce the concentration of the hormone motilin in the gastrointestinal tract, which reduces the contraction activity of intestinal smooth muscles.

Differences between drugs

Duspatalin is a brand of a Belgian company and is now produced in the Netherlands. Sparex is manufactured by domestic manufacturers.

The main difference is the content of active mebeverine. Duspatalin is produced in two forms, since the dose must be reduced daily when moving from initial therapy to the main treatment. The Russian drug has only one release form.

Price difference. Undoubtedly, when choosing a drug, we rely on the opinion of the attending physician, but another important indicator is the cost of the drug. The price of a package of an imported drug in thirty capsules varies from 530 to 660 rubles. A similar volume of Sparex is approximately 35 percent cheaper. The price ranges from 269 rubles to 370.

In difficult times of crisis, when saving is very important for the majority of the population, domestic funds are very helpful in the treatment of diseases and pathologies.

Which medicine is better and more effective?

Let's try to figure it out. According to numerous surveys, it turns out that Sparex is more in demand. Essentially, this is the same Duspatalin, but much cheaper. Its availability is higher; you can purchase it at any pharmacy chain.

Summarizing all of the above, we can say that there is no significant or big difference between the two drugs . These are the same medications, which have a similar composition, list of indications, and side effects. The only difference is the cost, brand and form of the medicine produced. Duspatalin can be bought in tablets.

If severe discomfort in the stomach cavity occurs, consult a doctor who will make the correct diagnosis and select an effective medicine and treatment regimen, taking into account the individual characteristics of the body and the complexity of the disease.

Reviews are also mixed. For some users, Duspatalin will not always relieve cramps. Therefore, the doctor recommended changing the medicine. Another user wrote that this medicine lowered blood pressure and caused dizziness.

A user from the Czech Republic says that after removing a gallstone, her mother takes a course of Sparex, which has the same effect as its expensive counterpart.

Source: https://vchemraznica.ru/chem-otlichaetsya-spareks-ot-dyuspatalina-i-kakoe-sredstvo-luchshe/

Side effects of Duspatalin and Sparex

During drug treatment, dizziness may occur. If you are intolerant to the active component, allergic reactions are possible, which are accompanied by itching, burning and swelling. If such symptoms occur during treatment, it is recommended to take an antihistamine and consult a doctor.

Taking Sparex during pregnancy is not recommended.

Also, in rare cases, digestive disorders occur, and diarrhea or constipation may occur. In the first case, it is recommended to reconsider the diet. For therapy, you can take appropriate medication that will eliminate the manifestations of diarrhea. For constipation, it is recommended to introduce more vegetable dishes into the diet, and the use of laxatives is allowed.

Sometimes during therapy a headache occurs, which goes away after the end of drug treatment. If the symptom is constantly present, then you can take a pain reliever. Additionally, the pressure should be monitored.

If the body’s negative reactions increase when taking these medications, it is important to inform a specialist who will review the dosage or replace the medication.

What are the similarities and differences between Trimedat and Duspatalin?

What the drugs have in common is that they belong to the same pharmacological group of myotropic antispasmodics. The drugs differ in:

  • composition of active substances,
  • their mechanism of action,
  • dosage form,
  • composition of formative and auxiliary components,
  • manufacturing company,
  • cost.

Duspatalin contains the substance mebeverine

(Instructions PDF).
The difference between Trimedat and Duspatalin is that it contains another active component - trimebutine
(Instructions PDF).

Trimedat is produced in tablet form in two dosages of 100 and 200 mg. Duspatalin is available in two forms: tablets (135 mg each), capsules (200 mg each).

Both drugs are imported.
Duspatalin is a product of Abbott Healthcare Products (Netherlands), and Trimedat is a product of Dae Hau New Pharm Co (Korea). comparison table

Valid substance:
trimebutine maleatemebeverine
tablets - 100 mg; tablets - 200 mg; tablets - 135 mg; capsules - 200 mg;
Packing quantity:
10 or 30 pcs.30 caps. or 50 tablets
Average frequency of use in adults:
3 tab. in a day. 3 tab. or 2 caps. in a day

"Duspatalin" 30 capsules (200 mg)


If the daily amount of drugs is exceeded, increased excitability and interruptions in heart function are possible. If this happens, it is important to take activated charcoal to speed up the removal of the active substance. If symptoms worsen, it is advisable to call an ambulance.

If no more than an hour has passed after taking the drug, you should rinse your stomach. If arrhythmia or pain in the heart area occurs, it is recommended to take appropriate medication to relieve the symptoms. For CNS excitability, no special treatment is provided.

What's better

Despite the fact that Sparex is an analogue of Duspatalin from a domestic manufacturer, it is not recommended to combine the drugs . Duspatalin and Sparex are not the same medicine, so the combined use of drugs is unacceptable. It is impossible to say with absolute certainty which medication eliminates spasm better; medications act individually on the patient’s body.

Sparex and Duspatalin can cause a number of side effects, especially in people who are sensitive to certain components of the drug, including mebeverine. In most cases, the drugs are well tolerated by patients.

The instructions for use indicate possible side effects:

  • headache;
  • dizziness;
  • Quincke's edema;
  • swelling;
  • attacks of nausea;
  • diarrhea;
  • intestinal obstruction;
  • rashes on the skin.

Sparex has a more extensive list of side effects, so the Dutch medicine is considered safer.


Drugs to replace Sparex and Duspatalin:

  1. Dicetel - not only has an antispasmodic effect, but also eliminates hypersecretion of gastric juice.
  2. No-spa - relaxes the muscles of the gastrointestinal tract, eliminating unpleasant symptoms.
  3. Buscopan is used for inflammatory pathologies of the intestines and stomach to relieve pain and spasms of internal organs.
  4. Odeston - relieves pain, stimulates bile production, eliminates intestinal spasms.
  5. Niaspam - used for IBS and other similar diseases as a quick-acting remedy.
  6. Mebeverine - eliminates muscle hypertonicity, relieving spasms and pain and providing a myotropic effect.
  7. Trimedat - gently regulates the motility of intestinal smooth muscles and eliminates pain during spasm of the bile ducts and pancreatitis.

You should not change medications on your own without first visiting a doctor.

Trimedat or Duspatalin: which is better?

Trimedat is a drug widely used in gastroenterology. Its main active ingredient is trimebutine.

As for the rest of the components, they are responsible for the absorption of the drug.

Entering the body, the medication is absorbed by the gastrointestinal tract and penetrates the blood.

Maximum activity occurs half an hour after application, although this period can be extended to two hours. A day after use, the drug is completely eliminated from the body along with urine.

Due to the lack of toxicity and the ability to accumulate in the body, the medicine does not cause addiction and is allowed for long-term use.

The tablets have a targeted effect on all the smooth muscles of the internal organs. Which provokes a number of actions:

  • reduction of spasms caused by chronic diseases;
  • reduces bloating;
  • relieves colic;
  • eliminates constipation;
  • normalizes intestinal motility;
  • improves bile flow
  • ensures the natural movement of food from the stomach to the intestines.

All unpleasant syndromes disappear.

Indications for use

Typically, experts prescribe Trimedat for problems with the gastrointestinal tract. Prerequisites for use may be the appearance of the following symptoms:

  • nausea;
  • irritable bowel symptom;
  • spasms;
  • pain;
  • stagnation of food in the stomach;
  • bloating.

This drug is often prescribed for pancreatitis.


Trimedat should not be used in the following patients:

  • pregnant women;
  • persons suffering from lactase deficiency;
  • people with individual intolerance;
  • during lactation.

The drug is often prescribed for pancreatitis, but during an exacerbation of the disease it is worth temporarily abandoning the drug.


Only a doctor can prescribe the exact dosage, so self-medication is not recommended. It is usually prescribed 1 tablet 3 times a day before meals, washed down with plenty of water.

Side effects

They occur rarely, but it is still worth knowing about them:

  • allergic reaction;
  • nausea;
  • diarrhea;
  • disruption of the menstrual cycle.

All side syndromes disappear after stopping the pills.

Trimedat is a good assistant in eliminating problems with the gastrointestinal tract. If you choose the best, then both remedies are effective and help eliminate existing problems. However, this remedy, unlike Duspatalin, has a wide spectrum of action.

Differences between Trimedat and Duspatalin

The action of the drug Trimedat is based on its effect on intestinal opiate receptors. Depending on the excitation or inhibition of one or another type of these nerve cells, the medicine can both fix the stool in case of diarrhea, and have a mild laxative and antispasmodic effect in case of constipation. Trimedat is especially effective for irritable bowel syndrome: the disease is characterized by alternation of both conditions, flatulence or bloating.

The active ingredient Trimedat (trimebutine) has a stimulating effect on the muscles of the intestines and digestive tract.

In contrast, Duspatalin acts as an antispasmodic drug. The drug relieves muscle tension and reduces pain caused by spasms. In case of pancreatitis, the active substance mebeverine also affects the ducts of the pancreas and gallbladder, alleviating the patient’s condition and promoting the excretion of pancreatic juice and bile. Duspatalin is able to increase blood circulation by dilating blood vessels.

The difference in the action of trimebutine (Trimedat) and mebeverine (Duspatalin)

Trimebutine (Trimedat) interacts with mu-opiate, delta-opiate and kappa-opiate receptors, which mediate excitatory (mainly mu and delta receptors) and inhibitory (kappa receptors) effects on intestinal motility. Moreover, the substance has almost the same affinity for receptors of all 3 types, so the predominance of activation or inhibition of excitation will depend on the location of each type of opiate receptor and the state of the intestine (rest or excitation).

This is very important, since one of the symptoms of abnormal bowel function in IBS is alternating diarrhea and constipation. And thanks to this unique combination, the drug has a dual action profile, allowing it to selectively modulate the motility of the large intestine in one direction or another. However, you should not expect an immediate effect from trimebutine.

Based only on the mechanism of action, it is impossible to say unequivocally, Trimedat or Duspatalin - which is better for IBS. If trimebutine has some stimulating effect on the muscles of the gastrointestinal tract, then mebeverine is a classic antispasmodic. It has a relaxing effect on smooth muscles, relieving spasm. Its effect is based on the inhibition of voltage-gated sodium channels, which are involved in the conduction of excitation and muscle contraction. At the same time, mebeverine is also active against calcium ions, preventing their penetration into the cell. If sodium and calcium do not enter the cell, then the smooth muscles of the intestines relax and the spasm disappears.

The drug "Trimedat"

In what cases is Duspatalin or Trimedat better?

There is an opinion that trimebutine is the drug of choice among patients with predominant symptoms of constipation. Studies have shown that patients with alternating diarrhea and constipation experience less improvement from taking trimebutine-containing medications. But in patients prone to constipation, after taking trimebutine, intestinal transit time was significantly reduced, and stool normalization was observed.

If the course of the disease is dominated by pain and abdominal discomfort, then mebeverine-containing medications take priority: Duspatalin, Sparex, Niaspam (see comparison at the link below), which reduce spasms of the smooth muscles of the gastrointestinal tract and, therefore, can reduce pain. Considering the pronounced antispastic effect of mebeverine, when choosing Duspatalin or Trimedat - which is better for spasms, you can choose Duspatalin.

Randomized clinical observations showed a decrease or absence of abdominal pain in 54% of patients after a month of taking mebeverine and in 72% after 3 months. In comparative studies where Trimedat and Duspatalin were used simultaneously in 140 patients with IBS, both drugs confirmed their effectiveness, improving the quality of life of respondents by 82 points (taking trimebutine) and 95 points (taking mebeverine) after 6 weeks of treatment.

Undoubtedly, when choosing a drug, medical supervision is necessary. With a wide range of gastrointestinal symptoms, it is necessary to select the correct treatment tactics and its duration, as well as monitor the result. It is also important to remember that the drugs Duspatalin and Trimedat, along with laxatives, probiotics, analgesics and antidepressants, are prescribed in combination. However, only a doctor can select the necessary medications based on each specific case.

Contraindications and cost of drugs

Differences in contraindications

[General] Individual hypersensitivity to any component.
I trimester of pregnancy and breastfeeding period, in the II and III trimesters as prescribed by a doctor; children up to 3 years old Pregnancy; lactation; under 18 years of age (due to lack of data).

The cost of drugs is another consideration that influences our choice, so information about this will not be superfluous. A package of Duspatalin capsules (30 pcs.) costs about 500 rubles, and a package of tablets (50 pcs.) costs about 650 rubles. A package of Trimedat in a dosage of 200 mg (30 pcs.) will cost approximately 15–20% less.

The course of treatment for a number of gastrointestinal pathologies includes antispasmodic drugs. Experts often prescribe Duspatalin or Trimedat, which effectively eliminate pain and quickly alleviate a person’s condition.

Duspatalin or Trimedat effectively eliminates pain and quickly alleviates a person’s condition.


The antispasmodic agent, which has a myotropic effect, is sold in capsule or tablet form. The drug is based on mebeverine hydrochloride.

The drug is indicated for:

  • The occurrence of spasms in the gastrointestinal tract.
  • Diagnosing irritable bowel syndrome.
  • The appearance of pain and discomfort in the intestinal area, etc.

Duspatalin is not prescribed during pregnancy or if allergies are detected. Capsules are prohibited from being prescribed to patients under 18 years of age. They must be swallowed whole, as their coating contributes to the prolonged action of the medication.

The drug should be drunk 20 minutes before the main meal, washed down with plenty of clean water. A standard dose for an adult should not exceed 400 mg per day. After you feel better, the dosage is gradually reduced.

The pharmaceutical product may contribute to the development of some side symptoms:

  • The appearance of a skin rash of a viral nature.
  • The occurrence of neurotic edema.
  • The occurrence of allergies and anaphylactic reactions.
  • Abnormal stool.
  • Feeling dizzy, nauseous.
  • The occurrence of migraine.

While taking pills, you should not do work that requires high concentration.

The cost of 50 tablets at a dosage of 135 mg starts from 644 rubles .

Which one is better, when and for whom?

Trimedat is most often prescribed to patients prone to constipation. The active substance of the drug reduces the period of intestinal transit, providing a laxative effect and normalizing stool.

For pain in the intestinal tract and stomach, Duspatalin is prescribed, the active substance of which can relieve intestinal spasms and improve the functioning of internal organs. That is why it is better to buy it for spastic pain.

If a patient is diagnosed with irritable bowel syndrome, then both drugs can help him. They are prescribed along with probiotics and some other complex remedies. However, the treatment regimen is carried out only by a therapist, focusing on a specific medical history.

Medicine and healthComment

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