Which suppositories for proctitis are best to choose, inexpensive and effective?

Radiation therapy is a proven effective method in practice for cancer patients. It is often prescribed for radiation and post-radiation proctitis (symptoms and treatment are nonspecific) due to damage to the rectum by radiation, the radiation dose of which exceeds 50 gray. The radiation form is the result of previously performed radioisotope treatment for tumors of the intestinal organs.

The harmful effects of ions suppress oncogenic and healthy epithelial cells of the intestinal cavity. Radiation proctitis symptoms and treatment are carried out with medications, diet, and folk recipes. In case of complications, emergency surgery is indispensable.

Causes of the disease

Affected area
Proctitis, provoked by radiation (gamma therapy using isotopes, pure radium) is a pathological condition of the submucosal, mucous part of the anal area with possible involvement of muscles in the degenerative process.

With hemorrhoids and proctitis, due to exposure to radiation, the inflammatory process begins to slowly progress, provoking stagnation of blood in the arterioles of the rectal canal, stenosis of the epithelium with the formation of scars, atrophy and desquamation of cells, perforation, and the formation of a fistula.

Erosion of the rectum is provoked not only by harmful radiation exposure, but also by the entry of infectious agents into the cracks of the intestinal canal:

  • Koch's wand;
  • cytomegalovirus;
  • tuberculous mycobacteria that enter intestinal tissues through microcracks and the bloodstream, forming a fistula and ulcer;
  • pale spirochetes (syphilis), causing the formation of chancre;
  • gonococci that penetrate through the walls of the vagina in women into the rectal canal, causing gonorrheal vaginitis;
  • parasites and protozoa;
  • roundworms;
  • pinworms.

The chronic form of the disease develops as a result of:

Stomach ache

  • formation of benign and malignant tumors;
  • genetic predisposition;
  • autoimmune, infectious disease;
  • hemorrhoids, leading to anal fissures after medical procedures;
  • frequent diarrhea, constipation causing scratching, irritation, microtrauma;
  • constipation with the passage of dense feces with coarse food elements that damage the mucous membrane;
  • medical therapy for anal fissures and hemorrhoids;
  • anal rough sex;
  • entry of a foreign object into the anus, accidentally injuring the intestinal tissue;
  • ruptures during childbirth in women in labor.

Reference! The risk of radiation proctitis increases only when exposed to a total focal dose of radiation exceeding 50-65 Gy. More often, the inflammatory process progresses due to a violation of the integrity of the rectal canal from the use of radiation isotopes and the use of gamma therapy by doctors in women with cancer of the body (cervix) of the uterus. It happens that it is diagnosed after an emergency therapeutic course for oncopathology of coelenterate cells.

Types of colitis

If there are not so many forms of colitis - acute and chronic, then there are more types of this disease. The following types of colitis are most often diagnosed in patients.

Ulcerative colitis

The inflammatory process is accompanied by ulcerations on the surface of the colon mucosa. In this case, the walls of the affected intestine become swollen, and degenerative changes occur in their epithelium. Ulcerative lesions can affect the entire surface of the colon. The causes of ulcerative colitis are not fully established, so treatment does not always lead to the desired result.

Spastic colitis

Spastic colitis is accompanied by heaviness and noticeable bloating in the abdomen, alternating diarrhea and constipation, and increased gas formation. Often occurs against the background of a decrease in the functional activity of the colon . Unlike ulcerative colitis, it responds well to treatment.

Catarrhal colitis

Catarrhal colitis usually occurs for a short time and is characterized by severe symptoms: abdominal pain, bloating, and in some cases, the appearance of blood in the stool. May be due to food poisoning.

Atrophic colitis

It can develop against the background of spastic colitis and is a later stage of this disease. Smooth muscle atrophy occurs in the colon area. Over time, it can develop into an ulcerative type of the disease.

Erosive colitis

It often represents the initial stage of ulcerative colitis, since erosive lesions are not as deep as ulcers and are not accompanied by perforation of the intestinal walls. Accompanied by nausea, noticeable abdominal pain, rumbling, and sometimes belching or heartburn.

Diffuse colitis

May affect both the large and small intestine. Accompanied by severe pain, diarrhea, vomiting. It often occurs in a severe form.

The consequences of colitis can be very serious, so it is necessary to start treatment on time, for example, use suppositories for intestinal colitis on the advice of a doctor.

Forms of inflammation

Radiation proctitis and paraproctitis usually develop slowly. The first unpleasant symptoms appear 2-3 months after exposure to a large dose of radiation to the rectum.

Doctors distinguish:

  • early form of the disease if it appears up to 3 months after radiation intervention;
  • late when detected after 3-3.5 months.

Taking into account the severity and intensity of symptoms, proctitis is divided into acute and chronic.

Pathology with an acute course can occur as:

Mucus discharge

  • catarrhal mucous with active leakage of mucus from the anus, swelling and swelling of the rectal mucosa;
  • hemorrhagic with the appearance of swelling, redness, multiple hemorrhages inside the intestinal cavity;
  • purulent with cooling of pus from the anus;
  • purulent-fibrous with the formation of a fibrous purulent film on the inner surface of the intestine;
  • ulcerative with the formation of necrotizing ulcers in places of intestinal damage;
  • polyposis with the formation of polyps, growths on the intestinal mucosa.

Chronic proctitis with rectal erosions is divided into forms:

  • atrophic, causing thinning of the mucosa, transillumination of blood vessels located in the submucosal layer;
  • normotrophic, accompanied by severe pain during the inflammatory course, although no changes in the thickness or relief of the anus are observed;
  • hypertrophic, leading to thickening of the inner lining of the intestinal mucosa, the formation of focal growths, false polyposis.

If proctitis is not treated for a long time (ICD code - K 62.7), it will become chronic. Mucosal ulcers and intestinal bleeding can become obsessive and constant. One of the dangerous consequences of radiotherapy is a sharp narrowing of the intestinal canal, constipation, and stone obstruction. Such symptoms cannot be ignored and you need to contact proctologists for examination and therapeutic therapy.


Reviews about the use of rectal suppositories are mostly positive, since most patients confirm the effectiveness of rectal suppositories. Some are dissatisfied with the overall impact and inconvenient use of drugs in this form of release.

I was recently diagnosed with erosive proctitis and prescribed a certain course of treatment. Among the drugs used are rectal suppositories to relieve inflammation and relieve pain. I administered suppositories at night, so I was pleased with the results. After their effects begin, there is a noticeable improvement in the general condition. Therefore, I want to recommend a remedy for those who have similar problems.

Olga, Krasnodar

I also used rectal suppositories during exacerbation of proctitis, since inflammation in the anus with acute symptoms gives negative sensations. In this case, suppositories really help, but they must be used correctly. It is best to administer the medicine before bed and relax as much as possible to obtain the desired effect.

The duration of treatment was 10 days, and upon completion, clear improvements and almost complete healing of the resulting ulcer in the anus became noticeable. What is especially important for me is the absence of serious contraindications and side effects. Therefore, this method of therapy is very useful when using various complex recovery techniques.

Irina, Kostroma

I used rectal suppositories to treat hemorrhoids, and when proctitis also developed, I also decided to use them. I first consulted with my doctor, and he recommended Proctosan, which has anti-inflammatory and antibacterial effects. I want to say that it is best to administer the medicine in a state of absolute rest, and then lie down for a while. In general, I have only good recommendations.

Proctitis is an inflammation of the inner lining of the rectum. It captures individual segments or spreads higher to the sigmoid region, passes through the wall and causes paraproctitis. Suppositories for proctitis produce an effect in different locations and types of disease. At the same time, they help get rid of the causes of damage (infections, parasites, perineal diseases, consequences of anal sex, foreign bodies, injuries). Radiation proctitis, which develops against the background of exposure to radioactive agents and low immunity, requires special attention.

Signs of acute proctitis

From the effects of radiation on the colon, there is a disruption of the normal division and maturation of cells, their peeling, atrophy, and covering with scales.

In acute proctitis, symptoms begin to appear at an early stage:

  • periodic painful urge to empty the intestines;
  • paroxysmal pain that gets worse after going to the toilet
  • effusion of blood, pus and anus;
  • burning, itching, presence of a foreign object in the anal canal.

Additional symptoms of inflammation of the rectal mucosa:

Manifestations of the disease

  • physical weakness;
  • high temperature up to 38 degrees;
  • chills with purulent-ulcerative proctitis.

Usually after 3-4 days, acute symptoms begin to subside. Especially if patients are undergoing treatment taking antibiotics and anti-inflammatory drugs. But after a certain time, symptoms can flare up again, as if delayed, 3-4 months after exposure to radiation. Frequent urination, passing feces in small portions, pain in the anus, dull pain in the left iliac region (in the rectal area) begins to bother me.

Reference! An obvious sign of radiation proctitis is the passage of stool with mucus. The manifestation of early symptoms cannot be ignored: false urges during bowel movements, paroxysmal intense pain after emptying the intestines and the release of feces, constant secretion of mucus, burning, itching in the anus with intensification after bowel movement, a pulling urge to defecate with pain radiating to the abdominal muscles, rectal bleeding, unusual mucus discharge, weight loss.

Treatment of colon inflammation

Inflammation of the colon mucosa is called chronic colitis. As a result of colitis, intestinal motility is disrupted and swelling of the intestinal mucosa, accumulation of mucus, and increased vascular pattern are observed.

Inflammation of the large intestine may be absent; if inflammation affects the small intestine, then the disease is called chronic enterocolitis.

Causes of chronic colitis:

  • long-term use of medications,
  • infectious diseases,
  • spicy food,
  • alcohol emotional stress,
  • stress,
  • eating disorder

All of the above factors reduce intestinal resistance and lead to inflammation.

Before treating colitis, the cause of its occurrence must be identified, otherwise treatment becomes in vain: if the cause remains, the disease will remain.

To diagnose colitis, doctors look for the following symptoms:

  • unstable chair
  • pain of various types
  • mainly in the lower abdomen
  • belching often occurs
  • nausea
  • bitterness in the mouth
  • general weakness
  • headache
  • decreased performance
  • deterioration of sleep

Incorrect treatment of chronic colitis can lead to complications. The main complications of colitis:

  • -spread of the inflammatory process to the small intestine;
  • - dysbacteriosis;
  • -the appearance of reflex pain in the heart area;
  • - erosive intestinal lesions are formed;
  • -false urges with the release of gases, mucus and blood;

Erosive intestinal lesions. developing during the course of the disease, lead to colon cancer. Doctors at the Proctology Center will help you choose the right treatment for chronic colitis.

  • 900 rub. Consultation with a proctologist
  • 350 rub. Secondary reception
  • 700 rub. Simple anoscopy
  • 600 rub. Novocaine blockade
  • 800 rub. Sigmoidoscopy
  • 1500 rub. Abdominal ultrasound
  • 600 rub. Ultrasonography

Symptoms of chronic inflammation

A latent form of chronic proctitis due to inflammation of the rectum (symptoms and treatment) with progression 3.5 months after radiotherapy is diagnosed in 10-15% of patients. Symptoms are minor or absent even at a late stage of the disease. Only periodically feces with mucus admixtures leave the rectum, and dull pain occurs in the intestines. If left untreated, the mucous membrane of the rectal epithelium will gradually become strictured and may become covered with scars.

Worth knowing! With chronic proctitis, pain in the anus is dull, aching, and mild. The inflammation progresses, but symptoms may be virtually absent for a long time. In the absence of treatment for radiation proctitis, the disease flares up unexpectedly, in waves, causing a sharp deterioration in well-being.

Symptoms of the disease

Any disease of the rectum occurs in a variety of ways, all indicators are personal and depend on:

  • complexity of ulcerative lesions of the intestinal tract;
  • patient's age;
  • other existing diseases.

When the intestines are damaged, the signs can be both very noticeable and mild. In some patients, the disease does not show itself for a long time, only from time to time an exacerbation may manifest itself as blood in the stool. With all this, the patient will be able to associate this indicator with the manifestation of hemorrhoids, and often delays visiting the doctor and conducting a diagnostic examination.

X-ray examination is very important not only for diagnosing the disease, but also for preventing its severe complications.

If the intestinal tract is affected, the patient is hospitalized with the following symptoms:

  • fecal incontinence;
  • bloody diarrhea;
  • temperature;
  • weakness;
  • pain.

For colitis, treatment should be carried out in a medical facility. If the infectious component of the disease is revealed, then in special infectious diseases departments. For this condition, doctors prescribe individual drug treatment. Prescribed drugs often have a huge number of adverse effects and contraindications. They must be used only under medical supervision - these are suppositories, enemas, tablets.

When choosing the optimal treatment for rectal colitis, the specificity of the disease, the degree of damage to the intestinal tract, and the presence of other unfavorable conditions of the digestive system are taken into account.

To combat harmful organisms that multiply in the intestines, broad-spectrum antibiotics are often prescribed.

Erosive proctitis

Acute stage of the disease
With erosive proctitis, symptoms appear as superficial erosions (defects, flaws) on the tissues and mucous membrane of the rectum. Gradually they heal and do not leave scars, becoming covered with a crust and subsequently falling off. This form of the disease can be provoked by nonspecific infectious agents (simple streptococci, staphylococci) that provoke various types of inflammatory purulent processes.

In form, depending on the provoking factors, erosive proctitis occurs as: radiation, immune, somatic, stagnant, traumatic, alimentary.

In patients, feces begin to stagnate in the rectal passage, compress the venous vessels, and impair the outflow of venous blood in the walls of the large intestine.

The chronic form of erosive ulcerative sphincteritis develops after:

  • carrying out diagnostic procedures;
  • masturbation, anal sex;
  • effects of radiation therapy;
  • chemical trauma to the rectal mucosa;
  • introducing aggressive substances by mistake or purposefully (with a criminal connotation), for example, to punish a person during interrogation.

A thermal cause of the development of erosive ulcerative proctitis is possible in the case of accidental (intentional) introduction of a hot or cold solution into the rectum, location of the perineum on a hot surface, contact of patients with radiation sources or radioactive substances with unauthorized access to them, for example, during combat operations.

Symptoms of erosive proctitis are acute, sudden:

  • fever, chills;
  • burning, itching, pain in the anus;
  • violation of the act of defecation;
  • feeling of heaviness, a foreign object in the anus;
  • general deterioration of health;
  • discharge of liquid feces with impurities of mucus, blood, pus;
  • characteristic pain, frequent tenesmus.

Note! A feature of erosive proctitis is the formation of multiple defects on the surface of the rectal mucosa. Most often, pathology develops after contact gamma therapy or other radiography methods.

How to properly treat proctitis, which rectal suppositories to choose for the treatment of proctitis

To achieve a positive result in the treatment of proctitis and eliminate pain in the rectum, it is necessary to provide a powerful anti-inflammatory effect, which can be achieved by using microenemas, taking antibiotics and rectal suppository therapy. Treatment of proctitis is carried out mainly on an outpatient basis. Only in advanced cases and the development of serious complications due to the inflammatory process in the intestines, for example, when scars appear, leading to a narrowing of the lumen of the rectum, or the detection of formed polyps, does the patient need to be in the hospital. If scars have begun to form, then the pain between the buttocks with proctitis can only intensify.

Rectal suppositories (suppositories) for the treatment of proctitis, pros and cons

Why is it better to treat proctitis with suppositories and rectal suppositories? Taking anti-inflammatory drugs, in addition to affecting the inflamed areas of the rectal mucosa, can have a systemic effect on the entire body, which is often manifested by various side effects. Therefore, when treating proctitis, the most rational approach is to provide local therapeutic effects. For this purpose, drugs are used in the dosage form of suppositories. This is especially true for a group of patients for whom, for various reasons, oral tablets and capsules are not recommended.

The advantage of using rectal suppositories is:

1 in the local effect on inflammatory foci and defects of the rectal mucosa;

2 in the analgesic effect within the local area of ​​inflammation;

3 in promoting the rapid healing of pathological microdamages of the mucous membrane against the background of inflammation;

4 in the prolonged action of active substances of drugs;

5 in the absence of a systemic effect on the body.

The choice of suppositories, suppositories, and proctology is varied, but you cannot do without the recommendations of a specialist. Only a doctor who has complete information about the severity of symptoms, the degree of damage to the rectal mucosa, and the presence of concomitant pathologies in the patient will be able to select the best option for rectal suppositories. Otherwise, self-medication may result in the development of serious complications. Due to the increased sensitivity of inflamed lesions, the level of its vulnerability to mechanical influences increases. Therefore, it is important not only to choose the right candle option, but also to use it correctly so as not to provoke the occurrence of new microdamages.

In some types of proctitis, for example, in a disease that developed as a response of the body to radiation therapy, the decision on the advisability of local therapy with rectal suppositories is made only by a doctor, since there is a risk of increased irritation of the altered mucosal tissues, which can lead to stagnation of fecal matter and even more thinning of the walls of the rectum. In case of formation of ulcer-like defects in the structure of the mucous membrane, suppositories are also used very carefully to avoid bleeding. It is necessary to take preliminary measures to heal the wound mucosal surfaces.

Diagnostic and treatment methods

The examination of patients begins with a visual examination, examination of existing signs, and identification of the connection of the disease with radiation exposure.

The proctologist prescribes laboratory tests:

Diagnostic tests

  • blood for the ratio of the total leukocytes (in%) to assess the severity of the disease;
  • general blood test to determine increased ESR, leukocytes in the blood;
  • sigmoidoscopy is an effective informative examination method;
  • histological examination to determine the degree of pathological changes in tissues;
  • bacteriological smear from the anus to detect infection (a nutrient medium is inoculated to grow colonies of the pathogen);
  • stool analysis for occult blood and worm eggs in cases of suspected worm infestation or infestation;
  • biopsy of the mucous membrane for complications of proctitis, fistula formation.

In case of erosive sphincteritis of the rectum, the doctor will examine the perineum, note defects: spastic contraction or relaxation of the sphincter, and determine whether blood is bleeding from the anus. Next, he will conduct a rectal examination for swelling and mucous discharge from the rectum.

Other instrumental research methods:

  • sigmoidoscopy with the introduction of a sigmoidoscope into the intestinal lumen to view changes in the mucosa;
  • rectoscopy with the introduction of a special mirror into the anus to identify redness of the walls, the presence (absence) of fibrinous-purulent plaque;
  • biopsy with tissue sampling from different parts of the intestinal epithelium mucosa, followed by histology and cytology examination.

Diagnosis of erosive proctitis is differential. It is important to find differences from similar conditions: anal fissures, oncology (with the disintegration of neoplasms in the walls of the rectum), internal hemorrhoids, non-erosive proctitis. Therapy for radiation proctitis is complex. The initial goal is to reduce the harmful effects of radiation on the body.

Patients are prescribed:

  • vitamins B, A, C to remove and neutralize free radicals;
  • antihistamines to relieve itching and swelling;
  • antiviral, antibacterial drugs based on test results;
  • painkillers for severe pain due to exposure to radiation etiology;
  • hormonal agents for restoration of the intestinal mucosa, healing of lesions caused by radiation.

If proctitis progresses, the intestinal canal has clearly narrowed, scars, fistulas and neoplasms have formed, then doctors resort to surgical intervention.


If the form of the pathology is correctly determined, the result of colitis treatment is positive.

To recognize the extent of the disease, a number of research activities are required:

Diagnostic tests

  1. Testing stool for protozoan parasites.
  2. Colonoscopy, sigmoidoscopy - detection of catarrhal and trophic changes in the intestinal mucosa.
  3. X-ray or irrigography - assessment of the intestinal structure with determination of the localization of the lesion.
  4. Coprology – testing the functioning of the digestive tract and metabolic processes.

Some patients are prescribed a biopsy to exclude the possible formation of a malignant process.

Diet for proctitis

With proctitis, diet plays an important role. It is worth refusing to take irritating foods. Include steamed or boiled food in your diet, taking a little at a time in a warm, semi-liquid form.

The diet for inflammation of the rectum is a special one with limited use of sweet products and plant foods. It is important to completely eliminate alcohol, spicy, salty, and sour foods. Fermented milk products, broth-based soups, and lean meat are shown. It is possible to expand the diet only during the period of regression of radiation proctitis.

Contraindications to the use of suppositories for proctitis and colitis

Despite the fact that suppositories do not have a pronounced systemic effect on proctitis and colitis, there are a number of contraindications for use:

• Severe forms of radiation damage to the intestine. Contact with a damaged mucous membrane leads to irritation of the intestinal walls, blocks peristalsis, which leads to stagnation of feces and constipation.

• Ulcerative and necrotic lesions of the intestinal mucosa. With erosive or necrotic changes in the mucosa, there is a high probability of developing intestinal bleeding, which is difficult to correct.

The working component is Mesalazine.

The drug belongs to the group of intestinal anti-inflammatory drugs. The action is caused by the suppression of neutrophil lipoxygenase and a decrease in the synthesis of inflammatory mediators. Affects the process of phagocytosis, slows down the production of immunoglobulins. Salofalk suppositories destroy free radicals, which results in an antioxidant effect.

Mesalazine has a local effect in the mucous and submucosal layer of the intestine and has good bioavailability, especially in the rectum and colon.

Indications for treatment:

Ulcerative colitis in moderate and mild severity in the acute stage.

Planned therapy of nonspecific ulcerative colitis.

Inflammation of the rectum (proctitis).

Crohn's disease, exacerbation and for the purpose of prevention.

Release form


• tablets of 250, 500, 1000 mg, • foam for rectal use 1 g, • suppositories of 250 and 500 mg, • suspension of 2 and 4 g.

The most popular form of administration is Salofalk candles.

Dosage: 1 suppository 250 or 500 mg 3 times a day, in severe cases the dosage may be doubled. For preventive purposes, suppositories with a minimum dosage of 250 mg are often prescribed. To enhance the therapeutic effect, simultaneous administration of the tablet and rectal forms of the drug is possible, but the maximum daily dose should not exceed 3 mg.

Skin manifestations: rash, itching, redness.

From the lungs - bronchospasm, allergic alveolitis.

From the gastrointestinal tract, dyspeptic symptoms, acute pancreatitis, hepatitis, increased liver tests (AST, ALT, bilirubin).

From the cardiovascular system - myocarditis, pericarditis.

From the nervous system - increased or decreased blood pressure, chest pain syndrome, shortness of breath, headaches, insomnia, depressed mood, polyneuropathy, convulsive syndrome, tremor.

From the hematopoietic system - changes in peripheral blood parameters, decrease in the number of platelets, leukocytes, anemia.

From the excretory and reproductive systems - interstitial nephritis, the appearance of protein in the urine, casts, red blood cells. Changes in spermogram (impaired sperm motility).

Common unwanted side effects:

• hair loss, • increased temperature response, • pain in joints and muscles, • inhibition of the lacrimal apparatus, • acquisition of an orange tint in urine and tear fluid.

Contraindications to treatment:

• Diseases of the hematopoietic system. • Severe kidney and liver diseases in the decompensation stage. • Increased individual sensitivity to the components of the drug and salicylic acid derivatives. • Phenylketonuria. • Peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum. • Use during pregnancy (1st trimester) is possible in cases where the benefits of the drug exceed possible negative effects. • During lactation, use with great caution as prescribed by a doctor; in case of neonatal diarrhea, stop breastfeeding.

The likelihood of side effects when using suppositories is less than when using oral forms of the drug.

In childhood, attention is paid to the form of "Salofalk", the drug is not used until 2 years of age, upon reaching 2 years of age suppositories can be prescribed, from 3 years - tablets, from 6 years - granules. Dosage up to 40 kg - 250 mg 3 times / day, above - 500 mg 3 times / day, the course of treatment is determined by the doctor in each case individually.

Before using Salofalk, it is necessary to monitor a general urine test, a general blood test, and liver enzymes. Monitoring is necessary for all chronic diseases during treatment with Salofalk, especially for kidney diseases (nephrotoxic effect) and lungs (bronchial asthma affects psychomotor reactions, which must be taken into account when driving a car or performing precise work.

List of drugs with which Salofalk is not prescribed:

• indirect anticoagulants, • glucocorticosteroids, • rifampicin, • spironolactone, • furosemide, • lactulose, • azathioprine, • 6-mercaptopurine.

Review of Methyluracil suppositories

Methyluracil suppositories are used to normalize metabolic processes and improve trophism. The active ingredient is dioxomethyltetrahydropyrimidine, which stimulates recovery processes (regeneration) and the formation of leukocytes and red blood cells. In addition, the medicine has a positive effect on all parts of the immune system. Methyluracil is especially popular in the treatment of radiation damage to the intestine.

Indications for use:

• Acceleration of healing of the intestinal mucosa against the background of inflammation, erosive or necrotic lesions. • After surgical interventions on the rectum (fissure excision, hemorrhoidectomy), • Chronic rectal fissure. • Exacerbation of hemorrhoids.

Dosage: 500-1000 mg 3-4 times a day for adults, course duration is individual, from 10 days to several months.

• burning in the anal area, itching.

These side effects do not require discontinuation of the medication and go away on their own.

In case of allergic reactions, treat with another drug.

• Malignant diseases of the hematopoietic system and gastrointestinal tract. • Hypersensitivity reactions. • Syncope. • Tendency to form keloid scars.

Reviews about the use of the drug "Methyluracil" are generally positive; these are effective and inexpensive suppositories for inflammation of the rectum. Side effects are rare.

For proctitis and colitis, the safest suppositories are with sea buckthorn oil. The low price does not affect the effectiveness of the drug: suppositories with Sea Buckthorn are prescribed to both pregnant women and children.

The natural composition of suppositories does not cause any side effects. The only contraindication for use is individual intolerance to sea buckthorn oil, which is extremely rare.

Apply 1 suppository 2 times a day for a course of 10-12 days.

Drug treatment

For proctitis, it is necessary to suppress the negative effects of ionizing rays on healthy tissue. If radiation therapy is carried out, it is canceled by doctors or the administered doses are reduced.

To treat inflammation of the rectum, anti-inflammatory and antihistamines are prescribed:

Popular drugs

  • Loratadine with antipruritic, antiallergic properties;
  • Clemastine with exudative, antihistamine, antipruritic effects;
  • Hifenadine is a cholinergic protector with a local anesthetic, antiserotonin effect;
  • potassium permanganate, cholibacterin for severe inflammatory process;
  • antibiotics (Levomycetin, Metronidazole) to suppress the negative effects of antibiotic drugs;
  • antispasmodics (Spazmaton, Drotaverine) for disturbing severe rectal pain.

If an infectious agent is detected, antibacterial therapy is carried out.

Treatment of the affected organ

The lesion usually affects only the large intestine, but with Crohn's disease, different parts of the intestine can be affected. These diseases manifest themselves as periodic relapses.

Suppositories are perfect for restoring and treating damaged rectal tissue, which will help:

  1. Accelerate the tissue healing process.
  2. Stimulate protection at the cellular level.
  3. Stop the bleeding.
  4. Reduce inflammation, which is of great importance during illness.

The objectives for the treatment of colitis with suppositories for rectal use are as follows:

  • elimination of inflammation;
  • restoration of damaged tissues;
  • maintaining remission.

Inexpensive treatment of intestinal diseases takes place in several steps. The first healing period is short, during which time different pharmaceutical drugs are used - less aggressive, with the least side effects. If relief does not come, they resort to stronger medications.

In medicine, patients with colitis of the large intestine are offered suppositories with different compositions and effects, so when choosing more effective substances you can easily get confused. It is better for the attending doctor to prescribe the necessary medications based on the patient’s medical history and taking into account various side factors.

Suppositories for inflammation of the rectum

Suppositories for proctitis help well in the treatment of proctitis caused by radiation:

Rectal suppositories

  • Salofalk (for the treatment of proctitis, suppositories) based on mesalazine with anti-inflammatory properties;
  • Proctosedyl is a local antibiotic (suppositories for paraproctitis in adults) placed in the anus after emptying the intestines;
  • Pentasa (suppositories for inflammation of the rectum) to neutralize free radicals, inhibit chemotaxis and leukocytes, reduce the formation of cytokinins and leukotrienes;
  • Asacol with a local anti-inflammatory effect.

Rectal sea buckthorn suppositories are very helpful for the treatment of proctitis. In severe cases, suppositories are prescribed for paraproctitis: Sulfasalazine, Prednisolone, Proctosan, Ultraproct.


It is impossible to establish the exact cause of the disease.

But there are a number of factors that contribute to exacerbation:

  1. Ingestion of sharp, undigested objects into the intestinal tract.
  2. Various operations on any part of the rectum.
  3. Injuries to the intestines and anus.
  4. Inflammation or deepening of cracks in the anus.
  5. Passion for anal intercourse.

Often the cause is poor diet and alcohol abuse.

Also influences:

Symptoms of proctitis and possible treatments

  • food intoxication,
  • complex forms of sore throat and ARVI,
  • intestinal diseases.

Most often, people suffering from peptic ulcers associated with the pancreas are susceptible to the disease.

A person can determine the chronic form by characteristic signs:

  1. There is aching pain in the anal area.
  2. Defecation is always accompanied by bloody discharge.
  3. There is constant itching in the anus area.

The disease is very dangerous and can lead to anemia and complete exhaustion. If left to chance or self-medicated, the disease will cause polyps or tumors. The intestines will become exhausted, bowel movements will be problematic. At the initial stage, suppositories for the treatment of proctitis can help, but in the acute or chronic form, a long-term complex method will be required.

The pharmacy sells many drugs to treat the disease, but your doctor will be able to select them. Each remedy is designed for a specific form of proctitis, for the individual characteristics of the human body.

Treatment of chronic proctitis

Doctor for delicate problems
The chronic form is characterized by a sluggish course, so treatment is a course. For radiation proctitis, patients are prescribed supportive treatment with long-term medication to relieve inflammation and strengthen the immune system.

When treating radiation proctitis, it is recommended to use candles, sign up for a massage and radon baths. Physiotherapy methods have proven themselves well: exercise therapy, mud therapy, balneotherapy, stay in a sanatorium. Also enemas for proctitis with the introduction of decoctions, herbal infusions (oregano, lemon balm, chamomile, calendula).

Reference! If you treat ulcerative proctitis in a timely manner, reduce the frequency of exacerbations, adhere to a healthy lifestyle and a special diet, you can achieve stable remission even after treatment of chronic proctitis or diagnosis of oncology.

Eliminating the causes of illness

To identify the causes of colitis, the doctor will need to collect information about the patient’s condition. To do this, he will ask him some questions about his health, and also write a referral for tests.

If spastic colitis has been diagnosed, then most often it is enough to adjust the diet and diet.

In the case where the cause of the disease is parasites that have settled in the intestines (for example, worms), the patient is first prescribed medications to destroy them. These drugs include Albendazole, Azinox, Vormil or Dekaris. They effectively destroy all protozoan parasites.

If the patient has other problems with the gastrointestinal tract, the doctor should prescribe their diagnosis. It is often possible to cure colitis and other problems in this area with medications alone.

Regardless of the cause of the disease, the patient is recommended to follow a strict diet, limit exercise, and abstain from smoking and alcohol. Medicines used for other diseases may also be discontinued.

Traditional medicine recipes

When treating the rectum with folk remedies, sitz baths with the addition of sea buckthorn oil and medicinal herbs (chain, tansy, chamomile, horsetail) successfully help to relieve pain and inflammation in the intestine. Solutions are introduced into the intestine through the anus in a warm form (t + 37 degrees).

Effective recipes for the treatment of proctitis with folk remedies:


  1. Herbal mixture (oak bark, toadflax, water pepper) to relieve pain and inflammation in the intestines. Take 2 tbsp. l. dry powder, pour in pork fat, leave overnight. In the morning, heat, strain, insert moistened tampons into the anus, leave for 5-6 hours.
  2. Sweet clover tincture for anemia, to reduce tissue swelling. 1 tbsp. l. pour boiling water (0.5 l), leave for 30 minutes. Take 1/3 cup three times a day.
  3. Pour boiling water (1 liter) over horsetail (50 g of dead wood), leave for 15-20 minutes, strain. Add to baths when treating proctitis at home, sitting down and holding for up to 30 minutes.

Relieving pain and spasms

No-Shpa is the most famous antispasmodic based on drotaverine. No-Shpy tablets are used after meals for attacks of spastic pain in the abdomen, 1-2 tablets up to 3 times a day. Treatment lasts a maximum of 2-3 days. If the pain does not subside, consult a doctor.

Duspatalin - affects the intestinal muscles directly, affecting the large intestine to a greater extent. Peristalsis is not affected, the intestines work normally. Does not pass into breast milk and has no toxic effect on the fetus. Take morning and evening 20 minutes before meals with water. Duspatalin affects the ability to drive a car and other activities with increased concentration.

Buscopan - used for abdominal pain of various origins. Available in tablets and rectal suppositories. It is poorly absorbed from the intestines, having a predominant effect on the digestive organs. 1 tablet or suppository three times a day relieves pain and spasms in the intestines. Cannot be used for more than 2 days in a row.


In general, the prognosis is positive for 80% of patients if they undergo timely treatment with suppositories and ointments for proctosigmoiditis, paraproctitis, and proctitis. Although today it is quite possible to avoid harmful gamma radiation effects on internal organs. Modern protocols and techniques in the treatment of oncological diseases of the abdominal and intestinal cavity are not capable of harming intact tissues or epithelium. In case of a cancerous tumor, only the affected cells are suppressed, without affecting healthy ones.

For prevention purposes, it is recommended:

Doctor's recommendations

  • treat gastrointestinal diseases, inflammation of the anorectal area in a timely manner (for proctitis - treatment with medications, suppositories);
  • eat right, do not abuse fatty, fried, spicy foods;
  • stop smoking, alcohol;
  • monitor genital hygiene;
  • do not neglect contraceptives during casual sexual intercourse

The danger of radiation proctitis is complications, a sharp narrowing of the rectal canal, constant constipation, anal fissures, severe pain in the left iliac region and the passage of hard feces with mucus. The main thing is to prevent serious complications from radiation (erosive) proctitis by neglecting treatment. When 1-3 sections of the intestine are affected, fistulas form and severe bleeding occurs. Then emergency surgery is performed, and treatment with gels, suppositories, and ointments for proctitis becomes ineffective.

Predictions and prevention of the condition

The uncomplicated form of the disease has a good prognosis - almost always the disease can simply be treated with suppositories and goes away without a trace. Medicines used to treat diseases of the intestinal tract play an important role. The use of traditional remedies without consulting a doctor can worsen the clinical picture and make it difficult to diagnose a severe form of the disease.

Today in pharmacies you can find a large variety of rectal suppositories for colitis with excellent anti-inflammatory effects. They are used to treat the disease. Their action is based on active components that have a positive effect on the body. One of the main components in the treatment and prevention of colitis is diet and consumption of the required amount of vitamins and minerals.

To prevent the onset of the disease, you need to do the following:

  • to drink a lot of water;
  • Healthy food;
  • chew food thoroughly;
  • follow the doctor's instructions.

If symptoms of the disease occur, the first thing you should do is seek help from a doctor. Only with his approval should you use any treatment methods for this inflammatory disease.

Intestinal colitis is a complex pathology that can lead to the development of serious complications. Therefore, it is important to consult a doctor in a timely manner to make a correct diagnosis and early start of treatment.


Dystrophy or inflammation of the large intestine with further atrophy of the mucous membrane is called colitis. Colitis affects the inside of the intestines. There are several types of pathology: segmental, pancolitis, ulcerative and others. The treatment regimen for the disease is prescribed by the doctor and includes medications, local medications (suppositories for colitis), and a diet.

When prescribing restorative and therapeutic therapy for the rectum, suppositories are prescribed for colitis. Suppositories promote regeneration, help strengthen local immunity, and prevent blood loss. Suppositories are prescribed to eliminate the inflammatory process, swelling, and maintain remission. The form of preparations - suppositories - allows you to deliver therapeutic components directly to the injured tissue. To start using a suppository, patients must undergo diagnostic testing and consultation with a specialist.

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