Treating food poisoning at home

Vomiting is a complex process, which is a reflex release of the contents of the stomach (often the small intestine) through the mouth as a result of contraction of the abdominal muscles and stimulation of the vomiting center of the medulla oblongata. This is a reaction that occurs when microbes and toxic compounds enter the stomach. Most often, vomiting occurs due to poisoning with drugs, mushrooms, food, alcohol and narcotic substances. Helps cleanse the gastrointestinal tract of toxic substances. Everyone should know what to drink when poisoning and vomiting. The problem, if not properly treated, can cause fluid loss, dehydration, hypovolemic shock, asphyxia, reflux of food into the respiratory tract with the development of tracheobronchitis and pneumonia.

Character of vomiting in case of poisoning

Vomiting in case of poisoning (intoxication) has the following features:

  1. It occurs reflexively in response to irritation of the mucous membrane of the stomach and small intestine.
  2. It is provoked by taking medications, inedible or conditionally edible mushrooms (if improperly prepared), foods with a high content of bacterial toxins and microbes, alcoholic beverages, alcohol surrogates, pesticides, nitrates, inhalation of harmful vapors and aerosols.
  3. It can be single or multiple (represents the greatest danger).
  4. Frequency - up to 15 times a day or more (the most severe with botulism).
  5. Vomit may contain microbes and their toxins (during foodborne illnesses and intoxications), gastric juice and fragments of undigested food.
  6. Occurs in the early stages.
  7. Appears a few hours after microbes or toxic compounds enter the body (most often in the first 12 hours).
  8. Accompanied by heartburn, sour or bitter (with liver damage) taste in the mouth.
  9. Combined with other symptoms of poisoning (increased salivation, diarrhea, fever, abdominal pain, bloating, pale and dry skin, drop in blood pressure, nausea). With botulism, along with vomiting, constipation, blurred vision, dysphagia and speech disorders are possible. Diarrhea and vomiting are accompanied by dehydration, which leads to a weakened pulse, lethargy and lethargy.

What is the best remedy for vomiting in case of poisoning in an adult?

To stop vomiting you will need:

  • restoration of the volume of lost fluid;
  • giving the patient a comfortable body position;
  • taking medications;
  • refusal of food;
  • cessation of exposure to toxic substances on the body.

Conditions for stopping vomiting are restoring intestinal function, removing toxins from the body, reducing the excitability of the trigger zone of the vomiting center. If you feel unwell, the following medications may be prescribed:

  1. Metoclopramide. The drug stimulates peristalsis, blocks dopamine receptors, increases the threshold of the trigger zone and accelerates the emptying of the stomach and small intestine, which helps reduce reflux (return of food into the esophagus and oral cavity). Contraindicated in case of individual intolerance, gastrointestinal bleeding, perforation of the stomach wall, epilepsy, intestinal obstruction, glaucoma, pheochromocytoma, during pregnancy and lactation, and prolactinoma.
  2. Cerucal. The active ingredient is metoclopramide hydrochloride. Available in the form of tablets for oral administration and solution for injection.
  3. Perinorm.
  4. Motilium. Centrally acting antiemetic drug. The active ingredient is domperidone. The mechanism of action is associated with the effect on gastric motility and antagonism with dopamine receptors located in the trigger zone. The drug is used to relieve nausea and vomiting. Motilium is contraindicated in cases of hypersensitivity, prolactinoma, lactose intolerance, lactase deficiency, malabsorption syndrome, severe electrolyte disturbances, bleeding, low body weight, pregnant and lactating women.
  5. Motonium.
  6. Motilak.
  7. Passengers.
  8. Domstal.
  9. Domperidone.

You can use traditional medicine (ginger, dill, peppermint). Based on them, decoctions and infusions are prepared for oral administration.

What tablets to take when vomiting after poisoning

Vomiting after food poisoning occurs due to dysregulation of the nerve circuit. Impact on the central or peripheral parts helps prevent active contraction of the stomach. Astringents, enveloping agents, and anesthetics have a similar effect due to local blockade of nerve receptors.

The activity of the vomiting center and the prevention of the activity of the chemoreceptor trigger zone is achieved by the use of neurotropic drugs. H1 histamine receptor blockers, muscarinic (cholinergic), antiserotonin drugs block the effectiveness of nerve conduction.

Serotonin receptor blockers play an important role in preventing vomiting and nausea. When vomiting, the effect of tropisetron, ondansetron, metoclopramide is ensured by inhibition of D2, 5HT3 receptors.

Anticholinergics eliminate vomiting more effectively when used in combination with H1-antihistamines (promethazine, diphenhydramine). Used for Meniere's disease. Butyrophenone and phenothiazine are dopaminergic drugs from the group of antipsychotics.

High antiemetic activity is achieved with the use of thiethylperazine, trifluoperazine, prochlorperazine, perphenazine, and haloperidol.

Sample list of medical antiemetic tablets:

  1. Avioplant;
  2. Bimaral;
  3. Bonin;
  4. Validol;
  5. Granisetron;
  6. Vero;
  7. Domstal;
  8. Kytril;
  9. Latran;
  10. Cormenthol;
  11. Ondansetron;
  12. Domperidone;
  13. Cormenthol;
  14. Metamol;
  15. Metoclopramide;
  16. Motizhekt;
  17. Motilium;
  18. Levomenthol;
  19. Motilak;
  20. Peppermint;
  21. Notyrol;
  22. Navobane;
  23. Ondator.

When vomiting, you can drink not only pharmaceutical adsorbents. Before the development of these anti-poisoning agents, intestinal intoxication was treated with natural sorbents. An important feature in the correction of gastrointestinal disorders is the normalization of the diet.

Natural sorbents against poisoning:

  1. Pectin – found in cabbage, beets, strawberries, grapes, peaches, gooseberries;
  2. Fiber: prunes, nuts, oatmeal, eggplant;
  3. Siberian cedar is the progenitor of polyphepane. The product eliminates allergic reactions;
  4. Chitin;
  5. Cellulose.

Chitin and cellulose are pharmaceutical tablets made from natural ingredients.

Dangerous manifestation of artificial vomiting

Inducing vomiting artificially (by pressing on the root of the tongue) is necessary only during the process of gastric lavage, when water, saline solution or potassium permanganate solution is supplied. If you do not follow the rule, the following consequences are possible:

  1. Aspiration of vomit.
  2. Irritation and burn of the mucous membrane of the esophagus and oral cavity. Possible in case of poisoning with acids and alkalis, with increased acidity of gastric juice. Irritation of the mucous membrane can provoke bile, which is often found in vomit.
  3. Dehydration of the body. It is observed with frequent induction of artificial vomiting. It is characterized by a decrease in the volume of circulating blood and a decrease in the amount of fluid in the tissues.
  4. Electrolyte imbalance (decreased potassium, sodium and chlorine).
  5. Blood thickening.
  6. Thrombosis.
  7. Metabolic alkalosis. It means a shift in the reaction of the medium towards the alkaline side.
  8. Pneumonia. It is characterized by inflammation of the lung tissue when vomit enters the trachea and bronchi. Manifested by chest pain, shortness of breath and cough.
  9. Hypovolemic shock.
  10. Coma.
  11. Impaired consciousness.
  12. Decreased diuresis up to anuria.
  13. Convulsive syndrome.
  14. Mental disorders.
  15. Arterial hypotension (low blood pressure).
  16. Kidney diseases, dysfunction of the heart and brain.

You cannot artificially induce vomiting in case of poisoning with acids, alkalis, household chemicals, gasoline, kerosene, antifreeze and solvents - this can lead to damage to the larynx, ligaments and esophagus. In such a situation, a probe is used to lavage the stomach.

What medications are needed for poisoning?

For vomiting, high fever, diarrhea and other signs of poisoning, the following drugs are used:

  1. Sorbents. It is recommended to use white charcoal (black charcoal can mask gastrointestinal bleeding due to changes in the color of stool), Enterosgel, Smecta, Polysorb, Laktofiltrum and Polyphepan.
  2. Specific antidotes. Medicines that bind and neutralize toxic substances.
  3. Antiseptics and antibacterial agents (Enterofuril in the form of capsules and suspensions, Elufor, Stopdiar, Furazolidone). Before taking the drug, you should carefully read the instructions.
  4. Antiemetics (prokinetics).
  5. Drugs that eliminate spasm of the smooth muscles of the stomach and intestines (Drotaverine, No-Shpa, Duspatalin, Sparex, Mebeverine, Niaspam).
  6. Medicines that replenish fluid loss and normalize the water-salt composition (Trisol, Disol, Acesol, Regidron). Indicated for symptoms of intoxication and dehydration.
  7. Means for infusion (intravenous drip) administration.
  8. Saline laxatives. Effective in the absence of diarrhea. Used for self-cleansing of the intestines.
  9. Medicines that regulate intestinal microflora (Hilak forte, Linex).
  10. Enzymes (Creon, Panzinorm). Prescribed after symptoms have reduced to normalize the digestion process. In the acute period, poisoning is not used.

All medications must be prescribed by a doctor.


Rules for the use of antipyretics

For hyperthermia use:

  1. Paracetamol - for children over 3 months and adults (no more than 4 times a day).
  2. Ibuprofen - dosage depends on the severity of the disease.
  3. Nimesulide - for adults.
  4. Nise - can be given to children over 2 years old.
  5. Aspirin - due to possible undesirable effects, is used if other means are ineffective.

When choosing an antipyretic, individual tolerance, the patient’s age, and his condition are taken into account. If taking standard medications does not produce results, adults are administered Analgin and Diphenhydramine parenterally.

It is not recommended to give antipyretic syrups to children with food poisoning due to the content of flavorings, dyes and other ballast substances that are undesirable if the digestive organs (stomach and intestines) are hypersensitive.

Antipyretic for children

Medicines for poisoning are taken in accordance with the instructions for the drug, because if the dosage is violated, the load on the kidneys and liver increases, and intoxication may increase. If you have vomiting and stomach pain, capsules or tablets may not be effective. It is better to use drugs in the form of suppositories (they begin to act quickly). Analgin, Aspirin, Amidopyrine should not be given to children as antipyretics: the drugs can cause undesirable effects.

In case of food poisoning in a child, you can repeat taking antipyretic drugs after 4-6 hours. If there is no result from their use, you must call an ambulance.

How to determine poisoning

To begin to help the victim at home, you need to know what signs to identify food poisoning. These include:

  • Frequent diarrhea, can occur 3-4 times in one hour.
  • Nausea, urge to vomit, but vomiting itself is rare.
  • General weakness.
  • Unpleasant sensations in the stomach.
  • Temperature rise, slight.
  • Cold sweat appears on the skin.

The patient's condition is not critical, but very unpleasant. If the symptoms are significantly worsened, the cause may be salmonellosis, in which case it is necessary to consult a doctor.

The most dangerous food poisoning disease is botulism. Caused by botulinum toxin produced in home canned food prepared using the wrong technology. This toxin causes disturbances in the functioning of the nervous system. There may be visual distortions and difficulty speaking. In rare cases, visual hallucinations occur. The greatest danger is weakening in the muscles throughout the body: it begins with the muscles of the respiratory system, patients may experience breathing problems and outright suffocate.

When the symptoms of poisoning become aggravated, accompanied by pain in the liver or kidneys, disturbances in the functioning of the nervous system, or difficulty breathing, you need to call an ambulance rather than try to do something about it yourself.

What is forbidden to do in case of poisoning?

Preventing intoxication is much easier than treating its consequences. However, illiterate and inept actions lead to complications. Therefore, you need to know which procedures cannot be performed:

  1. Induce vomiting if the victim is unconscious, as well as if affected by chemical compounds.
  2. Resort to artificial gastric emptying in the presence of cardiovascular diseases or in the development of convulsive syndrome.
  3. It is recommended to replenish fluids, but not to use carbonated drinks.

Anyone can be poisoned by low-quality food products. If the condition is satisfactory, treatment is performed at home. You should not take any medications on your own; your doctor will advise you on the optimal treatment regimen, taking into account possible contraindications. If severe intoxication is observed with profuse vomiting that does not bring relief, the patient is transported to the hospital.

Daria Shirochina

Practitioner. She graduated with honors from Vitebsk State Medical University in 2012 with a degree in general medicine. She was awarded a certificate of honor for her achievements in her work.

First aid for food poisoning

What to do in case of food poisoning? In case of severe intoxication, you must first call an ambulance. During the time that doctors will travel, it is important to help the poisoned person relieve symptoms and avoid worsening the condition. First aid must also be provided for minor poisonings, when there is no need to call doctors.

The patient needs to be provided with bed rest and complete rest. It is better to lie on your side, since if nausea and vomiting develop, you can choke on the vomit. Next, you should do a gastric lavage; for this, the patient needs to drink a lot of liquid (water or soda solution, potassium permanganate solution) until there is only water in the vomit - this is a mandatory step in eliminating severe intoxication syndrome.

To lavage the stomach, a solution of potassium permanganate is prepared as follows: into warm boiled water, heated to room temperature and slightly above -25-40 degrees, add a solution of potassium permanganate until the solution turns dark pink - for adults, for children use a pale pink solution colors. Drink 2-3 liters of solution, then induce vomiting by pressing on the root of the tongue.

After each attack of vomiting, you should drink water or decoctions, this will help avoid dehydration. It is prohibited to give food to the patient for 24 hours. If you need to eat, you should not eat proteins and fats; preference should be given to complex carbohydrates; you can eat oatmeal with water. Read also: First aid for poisoning.

Polysorb for food poisoning

Polysorb is a new direction in the treatment of intestinal intoxications. Silicon based product. It has a bluish color and a powder consistency. It is convenient to take the medicine by diluting it in water. Taking the medicine together with sugar syrup for diarrhea, vomiting, and nausea is not recommended.

The drug copes well with psoriasis, food intoxication, and bronchial asthma. Kidney and liver failure, allergies are secondary conditions that often occur with intoxication intestinal syndrome. For combined nosology, enterosgel with antihistamines is recommended.

Enterosgel is an absorbent tablet that comes into contact with harmful substances in the body. Quickly and firmly bind to toxins. They are excreted in 6-7 hours with feces.

Other popular sorbents for food poisoning:

Sorbex; Carbolene; Carbolong; Sorbolong; Atoxyl; Chitosan.

For food intoxication syndrome, accompanied by nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea, it is rational to consume large amounts of water. Among pharmaceutical preparations, rehydron is recommended for the purpose of reabsorption of fluid from the intestines. The medicine maintains the required level of circulating blood.

To eliminate reflex nausea due to food intoxication, validol is recommended. The beneficial effect of the medicine is achieved due to menthol, which is part of the medicine.

If you are vomiting, you should drink motilium, phthalazole, sulgin, furazolidone 20 minutes before meals.

Diarrhea is treated by taking rice porridge, which binds the liquid contents of the intestine.

Treatment of food poisoning

If there are signs of food poisoning, the victim must be given first aid. It includes a very unpleasant but necessary procedure - gastric lavage at home. To do this, drink a large amount of boiled water and induce vomiting. The stomach is washed until clear water comes out of the mouth. To stimulate gag reflexes, several crystals of potassium permanganate or baking soda can be used.

After washing, the patient is recommended to take sorbent drugs that slow down the absorption of harmful toxins into the intestines. They are taken every 15 minutes during the first hour, washed down with a small amount of boiled water. You can apply cool compresses to the forehead for fever or provide the patient with heating pads for chills.

You can take medications that support the liver, because it suffers the most. But the main thing that can be done to help the patient is to ensure rest and provide plenty of fluids. The body loses a large amount of fluid, which comes out with loose stools and vomiting. You can replenish fluid by drinking a lot (often and in small sips) of mineral water, herbal teas or compotes. You can make saline solutions and alternate drinking with them.

It is recommended to follow a diet, make light dishes without spicy, starchy or sweet foods. Food poisoning passes quickly, symptoms appear in only 1-2 days, and after 3-4 the body is completely restored. But in severe cases, the victim may need to be hospitalized.

Nutrition in the treatment of poisoning

Dietary nutrition is very important in the treatment of poisoning. It helps restore the functionality of the digestive system . The list of permitted and prohibited products should be discussed with your doctor. When preparing a diet, you need to take into account the individual characteristics of each patient, his concomitant diseases (for example, diabetes or food allergies).

Below are the basic rules of diet therapy for food poisoning.

  • During treatment, food should be consumed frequently and in small portions. It is best to eat every 2 hours.
  • The food temperature should be neutral. Hot and cold will irritate the gastric mucosa.
  • It is strictly forbidden to eat fried, spicy and fatty foods, drink alcohol and carbonated drinks.
  • It is best to steam or boil food. After 5-7 days, you can diversify the patient’s diet with stewed or oven-baked dishes.
  • When preparing dishes, you can only use vegetable oil, salt and sugar. Animal fats and hot spices should be avoided during the period of treatment and recovery.

List of permitted products and dishes:

  • chicken broth prepared without spices;
  • oatmeal, rice and buckwheat porridge cooked in water;
  • boiled vegetables;
  • bananas;
  • baked apples;
  • dried white bread;
  • biscuits;
  • lean varieties of meat and fish.

During treatment, it is forbidden to eat fatty meats, chips, offal, and store-bought convenience foods . You should also give up coffee, strong tea, freshly squeezed and store-bought juices, chocolate, and confectionery.

Diet and pills for food poisoning are prescribed by your doctor. Self-medication is prohibited. Treatment is selected by the doctor based on examination of the patient, collection of anamnesis and laboratory and instrumental examination. In case of mild poisoning, a person can take medications at home, while following all the recommendations of the attending physician. In addition to taking medications, you need to adhere to a diet. It helps the digestive system recover and begin to function fully.


Properly selected therapy is considered the best guarantee of quick recovery and recovery from food intoxication. Therefore, every first aid kit must contain the medications necessary to treat poisoning.

Every person at least once in his life has encountered poisoning, which occurred as a result of consuming low-quality products, alcohol, or interaction with chemically active substances. Traditional food intoxication refers to acute conditions that require immediate medical intervention.

What medications can you take?

There are only a few groups of drugs that can be taken for food poisoning. These include:

  • Enterosorbents.
  • Multivitamin complexes.
  • Hepatoprotective agents.

You should not take antibiotics or medications aimed at combating nausea and diarrhea. You can take some medications only on the recommendation of a doctor; in other cases, it is better not to overstrain the body.

Your doctor may prescribe medications to restore the balance of electrolytes in the body. These include Regidron, which contains a complex of mineral salts and substances necessary for the body. Antibacterial drugs may be prescribed in cases of severe poisoning. But only specialists can prescribe and set the dosage. You cannot self-medicate with medications: all components of the drugs are eliminated by the liver, and in case of poisoning, it already suffers.

Classification and examples of drugs

It is up to the doctor to decide which tablets to use in therapy for foodborne infections. Taking inappropriate antibiotics can lead to worsening intoxication of the body and the development of severe side effects.

In case of a mild form of food poisoning, it is permissible to choose medications yourself. Usually such disorders go away on their own after a few days. But it’s still better to help the body recover.


Sorbents are used to cleanse the digestive tract of toxins and poisons. Drugs in this group adsorb harmful substances on their surface and remove them from the body. As a result, the severity of intoxication decreases, nausea subsides, and body temperature drops when poisoned by toxins.

The faster the sorbent is taken, the higher the likelihood that toxins will not have time to penetrate the bloodstream. Their use on the second day and later is unjustified.

Names of popular sorbents:

  • Activated carbon;
  • Polysorb;
  • Smecta;
  • Enterosgel;
  • Sorbex.

Activated carbon for food poisoning is best taken in the form of an introductory suspension. To do this, crush 10 tablets and mix with water. The resulting mixture should be drunk once, preferably after gastric lavage.

Rehydration preparations

To prevent dehydration of the body due to frequent bowel movements and vomiting and to prevent an increase in acidity in the gastrointestinal tract, drugs are used to restore water and electrolyte balance. They contain sodium and potassium salts. They are produced in the form of powders for dilution. Ready-made solutions are taken orally or administered intravenously using droppers.

What to drink if you have food poisoning:

  • Regidron;
  • Re-sol;
  • Normohydron;
  • Regesol.


To restore the functions of the gastrointestinal tract, drugs based on digestive enzymes are used. They break down proteins, carbohydrates and fats, which facilitates the process of digesting food.

Examples of enzyme preparations:

  • Mezim;
  • Festal;
  • Pancreatin;
  • Innozim.

Mezim is taken orally during a meal, 1-2 tablets without chewing. The treatment course varies from several days to several months, depending on the degree of indigestion.


Pain arising from spasms of the muscles of the digestive tract can be relieved with the help of antispasmodics based on drotaverine and papaverine. Taking them without consulting your doctor is extremely dangerous. Symptoms of food poisoning are similar to those of appendicitis; pain relief will blur the clinical picture and make it difficult to make a correct diagnosis.

What to take if you have food poisoning:

  • No-spa – 1-2 tablets 2-3 times a day, but not more than 80 mg;
  • Drotaverine – 1-2 tablets 3 times a day, but not more than 200 mg.


For irritable bowel syndrome, which often accompanies diarrhea, and to prevent inflammation of the stomach walls, you can take gastroprotectors.

  • De-Nol;
  • Omez;
  • Omeprazole;
  • Almagel.


To eliminate the imbalance of microflora in the intestines, probiotics are prescribed. They contain pure cultures of beneficial bacteria. Examples of probiotics and rules for taking them:

  • Linex – 2 capsules 3 times a day, washed down with a small amount of water;
  • Bifiform - 1 capsule 4 times a day until stool normalizes, and then 2 capsules a day until the symptoms of poisoning completely disappear.

Antidiarrheal and antiemetic drugs

Antiemetic and antidiarrheal drugs are prescribed as a last resort : when there is a threat of severe dehydration, and only if the bulk of the toxins have already left the body naturally. Otherwise, they will contribute to the absorption of harmful substances into the blood, stopping the process of their removal from the body, and worsening intoxication. Medicines inhibit intestinal or stomach motility. As a result, the urge to vomit and defecate stops.

Examples of drugs:

  • Antiemetics - Motiluim, Cerucal;
  • Antidiarrheal – Loperamide.

Loperamide is taken in the amount of 2 tablets at the beginning of therapy and 1 thereafter after each loose stool. The maximum treatment period is 48 hours.


Antibacterial tablets for food poisoning are prescribed only if the illness is caused by bacteria. In case of toxic infections, they will only aggravate the patient’s condition by disrupting the intestinal microflora. Antibiotic names:

  • Ofloxacin;
  • Furazolidone;
  • Ciprofloxacin;
  • Metronidazole;
  • Ceftriaxone.


It is necessary to take enterosorbents in case of poisoning so that the toxins are absorbed into the intestinal walls as little as possible. It will take the body longer to eliminate absorbed toxins. Sorbents are taken at home immediately after gastric lavage. The most effective sorbents are:

  • Activated carbon.
  • Smecta.
  • Enterosgel.

Coal is taken 2-3 tablets at a time. You need to drink every 15 minutes for an hour, wash it down with boiled or filtered water. The maximum dose of activated carbon is 30 grams of pure substance. After ingestion, the stool will be colored black, this is not scary.

A packet of smecta dissolves in water, the solution is taken immediately after gastric lavage. Can be used to treat poisoning in young children. In rare cases, constipation occurs after consumption.

Enterosgel is available in the form of a paste and is an analogue of Smecta. One and a half tablespoons of the substance are dissolved in water and taken after gastric lavage. You need to drink the solution three times a day to enhance the effect. There have been no cases of drug overdose.

What medications should I take for food poisoning?

Drugs for poisoning are selected in accordance with the etiology of poisoning and its symptoms. It is impossible to name any one drug that would help with any poisoning. It is necessary to take into account all symptomatic manifestations, only then certain medications are prescribed.

Already when the first signs of food intoxication appear, it is necessary to take measures to stop the poisoning, because complications can provoke irreversible changes in the kidney, liver and pancreas structures.

Even in pediatric patients, poisoning can easily cause kidney failure. If appropriate measures are taken, the liver will be able to regenerate, but the kidneys will no longer be able to return to their original state. Therefore, any intoxication requires immediate medical intervention.

If a patient is diagnosed with food intoxication, then the first drug that needs to be taken urgently will be some kind of sorbent.

  • Activated carbon is considered the simplest and most famous sorbent. Take it immediately after washing the stomach with a solution of salt, potassium permanganate or soda. The dosage calculation usually depends on the weight of the poisoned person; you need to give the patient 1 tablet of coal for every 10 kg of his weight. After this, you need to give 2 more tablets every 5 hours. This treatment lasts about a week (depending on the condition).
  • Smecta is another fairly effective sorbent that has enveloping and mucosal protecting properties. The drug eliminates abdominal pain and alleviates diarrhea.
  • Polysorb is also a well-known drug with high adsorption properties. The drug is taken by dissolving the powder with water, i.e. in the form of a suspension. Polysorb has a high anti-intoxication effect.
  • Enterosgel - the drug has an adsorbing and enveloping effect, due to which it relieves diarrhea and painful manifestations in the gastrointestinal tract, normalizes the activity of the gastrointestinal tract.

Also included in the category of such drugs are Atoxil, Sorbex, White Coal, etc. It is important to take any sorbent immediately at the first manifestations of intoxication, since the drugs neutralize the toxic effect and, if taken in a timely manner, can prevent the development of clinical signs of poisoning.

Medicines to help the liver

The liver has to do most of the work of removing toxins from the body. It bears a huge burden, therefore it is recommended to use hepatoprotectors during the treatment of poisoning at home. These include:

  • Essentiale Forte N.
  • Heptral.

It is recommended to consult a doctor first. The drugs should not be taken if you are hypersensitive to the components; there may be other contraindications.

Essentiale is taken three times a day. During meals, take two capsules orally with enough liquid. This drug is not prescribed for children under 12 years of age. Use during pregnancy and lactation is possible.

Heptral not only has a hepatoprotective effect, but is also an antidepressant. During pregnancy, lactation, and bipolar affective disorder, it is prescribed with caution. Not prescribed for children and adolescents under 18 years of age.

Vitamin complexes

Multivitamin complexes serve as excellent support for the body during treatment of poisoning at home. Can be used by both children and adults. Such complexes contain vitamins and minerals that are necessary for normal metabolic processes. When food poisoning occurs, the body is weakened and needs support. Detoxification mechanisms can be helped by taking such support vitamins. Common complexes:

  • Vitrum.
  • Alphabet.
  • Doppelhertz.

Vitrum vitamins contain a complex of vitamins necessary for daily nutrition of the body. Made in the USA. Another complex, Alphabet, also contains all the necessary vitamins and minerals, but is produced in Russia and will cost less. The Doppelhertz series of multivitamins offers different complexes to support the body; you can choose the general one “from A to Zinc”, aimed at strengthening the body.

It is recommended to coordinate any medications and multivitamin complexes with your doctor, despite the rapid incubation period of pathogenic organisms. If symptoms persist for a long time during treatment at home, you will need to make an appointment with a doctor or call an ambulance.

Alternative treatments for poisoning

Although medications are effective, they are not always necessary to take. You can eliminate the symptoms of intoxication with folk remedies at home, although ordinary Smecta helps many. Smecta is inexpensive and is sold in every pharmacy.

It is necessary to start treatment at home only after cleansing the intestines, otherwise the effectiveness of folk remedies will be low.

You can cure poisoning yourself:

  1. Cinnamon tincture. Pour 150 grams of cinnamon into 2 liters of boiling water and drink within 1 hour.
  2. Althea infusion. Brew marshmallow leaves or flowers as tea and drink at least 3 times a day.
  3. Infusion of dill with honey. Dill seeds should be poured with 1.5 liters of boiling water and left for 2 hours in a thermos. Add a spoonful of honey and drink 1 glass every 2 hours.
  4. Lemon juice. Squeeze the juice of half a lemon into a glass, dilute with warm water and drink in one gulp.
  5. Sauerkraut juice. Squeeze the juice from the cabbage and dilute it with water in a 1:1 ratio. Drink 2 glasses for 2 days.

For complete recovery, it is necessary to maintain plenty of fluids and diet for at least 3 days. If symptoms of intoxication do not disappear within the next 5 days and no improvement is observed, you should immediately consult a doctor.

What to do after intoxication

What to do after poisoning? When the symptoms of intoxication have already passed, it is important to restore the health of the body. First of all, it is necessary to restore the intestinal microflora, which can be done with Linex and Bifidumbacterin.

Nutrition and a properly composed diet are important. Fatty and fried foods, spicy foods, canned food, marinades, fast food, coffee, carbonated drinks and alcohol should be excluded from the menu. Preference should be given to low-fat broths, porridges and cereals, vegetables and fruits; vegetables can be stewed or baked. You are allowed to eat lean meat and fish. Fermented milk products will help restore intestinal microflora.

It is necessary to observe the drinking regime, drink a sufficient amount of clean water, you can also drink decoctions, jelly, and fruit drinks.

The next stage of recovery is to improve the condition of the whole body; during this period it is recommended to increase immunity, take a lot of vitamins, and do physical exercise. Sport improves blood circulation throughout the body, including the gastrointestinal tract, which improves the quality of digestive function.


To prevent food poisoning, prevention is very important:

- personal hygiene is mandatory (with soap, at least a couple of minutes in a row before eating, wash your hands; especially after visiting the toilet, communicating with any animals, returning from walks, contact with any frequently used objects - computer, remote controls, etc. )

- keep dishes and all kitchen utensils clean;

- use different cutting boards for each type of product (meat, pork, vegetables)

- wash your hands before preparing food, rinse food thoroughly using soda;

- if there are scratches or wounds on your hands, use rubber gloves;

- regularly change the sponges used for washing dishes;

— it is advisable to use disposable kitchen towels;

- when preparing offal from meat, poultry, fish, maintain a certain temperature;

- control the temperature at which food is stored in the refrigerator and freezer (they should be stored in food containers with lids)

- Never re-freeze any frozen food after thawing;

— expiration dates of products must be checked when purchasing and before preparing and consuming products;

— store waste and garbage in closed containers and out of children’s reach.



Poisoning occurs due to eating dishes prepared from low-quality products. Unwashed vegetables and fruits, poor heat treatment of meat, dirty hands of a cook, waiter, or seller provoke rapid intoxication. Dishes that have not received heat treatment and have been stored in the refrigerator for a long time are at risk. Food intoxication can appear after a couple of hours.

The second cause of nausea and vomiting is the consumption of poisonous berries and mushrooms. Appears after 4-12 hours.

The reasons are specific. Symptoms of food intoxication and toxic infection vary.


It is impossible not to notice the signs of poisoning. Food intoxication appears within an hour, depending on individual characteristics.

  • Nausea.
  • Abdominal pain (spasmodic abdominal pain).
  • Weakness in the body (basically the first symptom of intoxication).
  • Diarrhea.
  • Dizziness.
  • Gagging, vomiting.

Symptoms of toxin poisoning are severe:

  • Headache.
  • Diarrhea.
  • Colic in the stomach.
  • Nausea, frequent vomiting.
  • General weakness with fever.
  • Increased heart rate.
  • Skin with a bluish tint.
  • Symptoms of dehydration (dry mouth, dizziness, weak urination).

Depending on age, signs of intoxication may increase. If diarrhea, nausea, or vomiting occurs in a small child, you should immediately call a doctor. It is easier for an adult to tolerate intoxication - food infections can be treated at home.

In case of toxic infection, you must call an ambulance. Signs of poisoning will increase. Complications may arise. You should not neglect the help of specialists when it comes to intoxication of a pregnant woman, child, or elderly person.

Characteristic symptoms of poisoning

Each poisoning has symptoms unique to it, but with oral poisoning, general symptoms are noted:

  • nausea,
  • vomit,
  • frequent loose stools (more than 2 times a day),
  • headache,
  • body aches,
  • rise in temperature.

And also - bloating and, with frequent diarrhea, symptoms of dehydration: thirst, decreased urination, decreased amount of urine and its darkening, dry skin and mucous membranes.

First aid

After poisoning, a person should be given help. It will help get rid of symptoms, remove toxic substances from the body, stop the reproduction and spread of harmful microorganisms. If everything is done according to the rules, you can quickly restore the patient’s condition and relieve him of suffering.

If there are signs of intoxication, you should not remove them with medications. It is necessary to drink liquid - it promotes rapid cleansing. Medicines should be taken after first aid.

If severe vomiting has stopped, you should rinse your stomach. When vomiting, not all toxins come out - it is necessary to completely get rid of them so that toxic substances do not multiply in the human body. Gastric lavage occurs using a weak solution of potassium permanganate (or potassium permanganate). You need to add a few granules to 2 liters of boiled water. It is important to ensure that they are completely dissolved. Drink the resulting liquid, induce vomiting, but basically you don’t have to induce it. If necessary, repeat the procedure. After vomiting, you need to drink a lot of water to restore fluid balance.

To soothe the gastric mucosa, drink a glass of black, sweet, strong tea an hour after rinsing. If there is no vomiting, but the temperature and diarrhea remain, it is worth doing a new rinse until the toxins have completely spread throughout the body.

The next step is colon cleansing. Diarrhea in case of poisoning says: digested food has naturally entered the intestines, which are trying to remove the toxin. You can cleanse your intestines by drinking plenty of fluids. It is not recommended to take medicine for diarrhea on the day of intoxication.

After poisoning, the body in adults is not always ready to eat. If on the first day of poisoning a person does not need food, you should not force him. But don't forget to drink. On the second day, you can eat rice or broth. Food should not be heavy, fatty, fried or smoked.


In case of food intoxication, you can treat yourself. If we are talking about food poisoning caused by poisoning with toxic substances, you need to go to the hospital.

Depending on the severity of the condition, different methods are prescribed. To obtain a quick effect, complex treatment is used.


The group of medications required to be taken during intoxication are sorbents. These drugs absorb toxins from the body and eliminate them naturally. A widely known, effective sorbent is activated carbon. This product is inexpensive. The dosage of activated carbon is calculated individually: drink a tablet per 10 kg of a person’s weight. Children are allowed to consume charcoal. Drink the sorbent before consuming alcohol or exotic dishes to avoid possible poisoning.

Activated carbon should be consumed after washing the stomach, intestines, and stopping diarrhea with vomiting. The sorbent has a binding effect that helps retain toxic substances in the body. Coal is drunk only in case of food poisoning.

Intetrix, Polysorb, Enterosgel are tablets prescribed for intestinal disorders caused by a virus; they belong to the class of sorbents. For poisoning, you can take Smecta - the drug helps fight poisoning of various origins. Release form: powder.

Regidron is prescribed to restore a person’s water balance. Prevents dehydration. The drug Linex is prescribed to restore intestinal microflora. Helps with intestinal flu, food poisoning. You can relieve pain and cramps in the stomach with the help of No-Shpa and Drotaverine.

Traditional methods

Non-drug remedies will help in case of mild intoxication. In case of severe poisoning: in case of nausea, vomiting with fever, diarrhea, medical intervention is recommended.

A solution with soda will help with nausea. Add a spoonful of soda to a glass of boiled water and drink. It is recommended to drink green tea, make a drink that includes water, half a spoonful of lemon, and a spoonful of sugar. Lemon water helps pregnant women get rid of morning sickness and vomiting.

When vomiting, drink half a tablespoon of fresh potato juice. If you feel nauseous, you can take a drink of grated fresh ginger or add the grated root to your dishes. A decoction of peppermint, as well as a decoction of dill seeds and an infusion of lemon balm help to cope with nausea.


Food poisoning: what pills to take

In case of food poisoning, you should drink enterosorbents. This group of drugs is the best choice for gastrointestinal intoxication. In medical language, such therapy should be called “withdrawal”. The origin of the term is explained by the basic mechanism of action of drugs. When taking the current dose (7-9 tablets of activated carbon at a time with a small amount of water), complete removal of the toxic substance through the intestines with feces is ensured. You just need to take the drug in a timely manner - no later than the first hour after eating.

Use activated carbon correctly. At low absorbent concentrations, the toxic compound is not completely bound. Some of the substance enters the blood, which forms signs of poisoning. The severity of symptoms is determined by the concentration of the toxin. The dose of the drug is calculated per 10 kg, 1 tablet. For an average person weighing 80 kg, 8 tablets of activated carbon are required. When taken, they are ground into powder and washed down with a small amount of liquid (no more than 250 ml).

Food poisoning occurs not only when using low-quality food products. The danger is bacterial contamination. Salmonellosis, diphtheria, gastroenteritis due to the consumption of E. coli are the most common manifestations of toxic infections. The condition is treated not only with adsorbents, but also with antibiotics.

For 10-15 days you need to take no more than 7 grams of activated carbon. It is better to take the dose in several doses.

Activated carbon can be used not only at the first signs of poisoning. At the recovery stage after intoxication, 2 tablets are prescribed one hour before meals. The daily dose is calculated by weight. The concentration of the drug gradually decreases.

The duration of treatment should depend on the characteristics of food poisoning. In case of chronic intoxication, it is necessary to exclude the provoking factor. Against this background, preventive therapy is rational.

In case of alcohol poisoning, activated carbon is the best remedy for restoring the functionality of the body. Partygoers or people whose work requires frequent visits to restaurants know that it is enough to drink 4-5 tablets of this adsorbent before the party to reduce the absorption of alcohol.

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