How to make baking soda for heartburn at home

What is soda from a pharmacological point of view?

Most people perceive soda as a food additive, which is used for baking and cleaning dishes. For pharmaceutical specialists, the meaning of white powder is different. Sodium bicarbonate (soda) is an officially recognized medicine. According to the pharmacological nomenclature, it refers to the following substances:

  • regulating electrolyte balance;
  • correcting the acid-base balance of environments;
  • antacid (in other words, “anti-acid”) compounds.

Soda is called sodium bicarbonate and sodium carbonate. This substance is found in some medications:

  • immediate action proton pump inhibitors (Omez Insta);
  • osmotic laxatives (Endofalk, Lavacol);
  • cough remedies (Codelac and Codelac Broncho);
  • soluble heartburn medications (in powders);
  • combined antacid drugs (Gaviscon);
  • drug for intravenous detoxification therapy (Hemodez-N).

Sodium bicarbonate is used to perform the alkaline test (Noller) to assess the amount of hydrochloric acid produced by the gastric epithelium.

There is information about special techniques for using baking soda for weight loss and cancer treatment. They have no scientific confirmation.

Information about soda

Sodium bicarbonate, or “ash of the Gods” as it was called in ancient Egypt, was mined in the Wadi Natrun valley. It was found on the site of dried up reservoirs that were rich in sodium.

Initially, the Egyptians used an unknown powder for mummification. But it was not until the 18th century that its discovery as a naturally occurring substance was officially documented.

The Italian Simoncini Tullio, after conducting a series of experiments, announced the amazing antiseptic properties of sodium bicarbonate. It is because of these properties that the substance is used in modern medicine as a drug with a weak antiseptic effect.

Soda is used:

  • for rinsing and lotions for minor burns;
  • as a gargle for throat diseases;
  • for runny nose, sinusitis, cough;
  • for fungal diseases, corns, calluses and acne;
  • from acidosis and stomach pain;
  • to relieve itching after insect bites;
  • in order to relieve attacks of hypertension and arrhythmia.

According to the theory of the same Simoncini Tullio, even cancer can be treated with soda. However, he also claims that such treatment does not give positive results due to the rapid adaptation of malignant tumor pathogens to soda. It follows that treating cancer with soda is useless and dangerous.

Hoping for a miraculous and fairly simple means of getting rid of a terrible disease, patients miss the precious time needed to apply effective methods.

In addition, every housewife is happy to use the white powdery substance at home, because with it you can easily and efficiently clean kitchen utensils, get rid of scale in the kettle, and prepare fluffy pancakes and omelettes. Adding baking soda to coffee and tea enhances the flavor of the drinks.

The mechanism of heartburn development and the role of soda in its elimination

The natural pH of the stomach is less than 2.5, which means the environment is very acidic. When mixing food with gastric juice, the indicator increases insignificantly. When the secretory cells of the stomach are overactive (gastritis, eating secretion-stimulating foods), excess hydrochloric acid is released.

Overeating, weakness of the gastric sphincter, pressure on the abdomen in the epigastric region provoke the entry of chyme from the stomach back into the esophagus. This is accompanied by:

  • burning in the chest area;
  • sour taste in the mouth;
  • belching with unpleasant impurities.

The burning sensation is caused by a mixture of food, hydrochloric acid and pepsin (a stomach enzyme). The esophagus is alkaline, so burns can occur on the mucous membrane. This is heartburn.

An aqueous solution of sodium bicarbonate causes an alkaline reaction. When reacting with hydrochloric acid, sodium carbonate salts, water and bubbles of carbon dioxide (carbon dioxide) are formed. On its way to the stomach, the soda solution neutralizes the acid in the esophagus and eliminates the burning sensation behind the sternum. The solution reduces the concentration of hydrochloric acid, eliminating the cause of discomfort.

The best example of medicinal soda solutions is alkaline mineral water (for example, Borjomi). The concentration of sodium bicarbonate in them is small, but this is enough to relieve symptoms, improve the evacuation function of the stomach and normalize the acidity of other environments in the body.

Baking soda during pregnancy: pros and cons

Heartburn during pregnancy is a very common symptom. The relaxing effect of progesterone on the muscular system makes it impossible to contract the sphincter - a muscular ring that prevents the contents of the stomach from entering the esophagus. This is the main cause of heartburn in pregnant women, especially after a feast replete with fatty and spicy foods.

Whether it is harmful for women in an interesting position to be treated with soda is of interest to many pregnant women.

Considering that the use of soda does not cure heartburn, but only helps to eliminate it temporarily, you should stop using it not only during pregnancy, but also during the entire period of breastfeeding.

There is no guarantee that the burning sensation that was eliminated with the help of an alkaline substance will not happen again. Consequently, often resorting to his help is not only useless, but also dangerous for the health of the child and mother.

The first contraindication is the progressive swelling that women already suffer during this difficult period. In addition to edema, the use of this method causes more serious pathologies that develop against the background of irritation of the mucous membranes of the gastrointestinal tract.

Based on this, already when planning a pregnancy, you should think about what medications should be purchased for the first-aid kit of the expectant mother.

The best among them should be called Maalox and Alfogel. They are not absorbed into the blood, so they will relieve the expectant mother of discomfort and will not harm the baby.

Carelessness is inappropriate

Baking soda works reliably against heartburn due to a chemical reaction. However, this is not a reason to regularly use it as a medicine. 3 g of soda taken orally maintains a pH of 3.0 in the stomach for 75 minutes. After this, the symptom will most likely return with a vengeance. The reason for this is rebound syndrome. It is triggered by the irritating effect of carbon dioxide on the secretory cells of the stomach. As soon as the effect of sodium bicarbonate stops, the cells will begin to more actively produce hydrochloric acid.

The second reason to think is the risk of severe gastroesophageal reflux. If carbon dioxide does not leave the stomach naturally (with belching), it may move in the stomach, disrupt the movement of chyme into the duodenum and cause reflux, more like vomiting.

Another argument against soda is that it is an absorbable antacid. Salts that are absorbed through the walls of the stomach increase the concentration of sodium in the blood. In essence, this is a shift in electrolyte balance. It leads to fluid retention in the body, increased loss of potassium salts and impaired cardiac activity.

The medical literature records a case of stomach rupture due to the immediate release of large amounts of carbon dioxide after ingesting soda.


It should be noted right away that not everyone is allowed to take this remedy for heartburn, since it has several important contraindications for this, the violation of which can only worsen a person’s condition.

Thus, you should not take soda solution in the following cases:

  1. People who suffer from severe chronic diseases of the digestive system. This could be pancreatitis, stomach ulcer, etc.
  2. The period after a recent surgical intervention on the digestive tract.
  3. Patients suffering from frequent surges in blood pressure.
  4. Childhood. In this condition, only the attending physician should select a medicine for heartburn. Self-medication is unacceptable.
  5. People who suffer from severe heart disease.

Soda solution has certain contraindications.
The use of soda orally is contraindicated for the following pathologies:

  • primary and secondary arterial hypertension;
  • hypocalcemia and hypochloremia;
  • history of seizures and epilepsy;
  • swelling of any localization;
  • severe kidney pathologies;
  • flatulence (possible increased flatus - discharge of intestinal gases);
  • pathologies of the central nervous system (sleep paralysis, hypersomnia, Alzheimer's disease, etc.);
  • inflammation of the pancreas (pancreatitis);
  • intestinal dysbiosis, acute intestinal infections and other conditions accompanied by diarrhea.

During pregnancy, instead of drinking soda, you can use other home remedies to combat heartburn.

It is not recommended to drink soda during pregnancy, especially if a woman is diagnosed with late toxicosis (preeclampsia), since sodium bicarbonate can aggravate the woman’s condition and cause increased swelling and increased blood pressure.

Is it harmful to treat heartburn with soda? It is recommended to resort to this remedy only in extreme cases, when it is unbearable to endure the debilitating symptoms of the disease. To combat the disease itself, sodium bicarbonate and solutions prepared on its basis are not suitable.

Before drinking soda, you should consult a qualified professional. Based on the complex diagnostics carried out, he will be able to make a specific conclusion about the possibility of using the product. Otherwise, there is a risk of causing enormous harm to the body.

If the drug in question is consumed in large quantities, regularly or without the advice of a doctor, the following occurs:

  • damage to the cardiovascular system;
  • gastrointestinal disorder;
  • harm to the nervous system.

The thing is that during a chemical reaction, sodium is released from the solution that was taken for heartburn. This substance is able to penetrate into the blood in a short period of time and remain in it. With each subsequent intake, the amount of sodium in the blood becomes more and more, which negatively affects human health.

Regarding the cardiovascular system, there is a negative effect of high sodium concentrations primarily on blood vessels. Their walls, under the influence of the chemical element in question, become thinner and lose the ability to perform their functions in full.

Soda solution for severe heartburn has not only advantages, but also many disadvantages. One of them can be considered a list of contraindications to the use of this method of quick help. So, it is forbidden to use soda for heartburn if the patient:

  • stomach acidity is reduced;
  • sweating increases;
  • ulcers and other lesions of the mucous membranes of the gastrointestinal tract were diagnosed;
  • diabetes;
  • increased stomach acidity;
  • allergy to sodium bicarbonate;
  • insomnia;
  • neuroses;
  • disorders of the central nervous system;
  • chronic fatigue;
  • arterial hypertension;
  • inflammatory process in the gastric gland;
  • increased swelling;
  • pregnancy period;
  • lactation period.

You also need to remember that soda has an expiration date, after which it becomes more dangerous to the body. Unopened, unpacked soda is stored for one and a half years, and when unpacked, this period is reduced to 6 months. Therefore, you should not take soda for food, and especially for medicinal purposes, which has been in your possession for several years. You don’t have to throw it away, but use it for household needs: cleaning dishes, etc.

Many patients suffering from heartburn are interested in whether it is possible to drink soda for heartburn, and whether its use is harmful to the body. It is permissible to take baking soda for quick relief of the condition in the absence of gentle antacids, if this symptom occurs rarely in a person. Prolonged heartburn requires close attention, as it is usually a symptom of some disease; if it occurs, it is better to visit a doctor and not self-medicate, which can do more harm than good.

The benefits of the product include:

  • availability and low cost:
  • fast action.

There are many more disadvantages:

  1. Sodium bicarbonate can only temporarily relieve unpleasant sensations, but does not in any way affect the cause of their occurrence, i.e., does not contribute to healing.
  2. When sodium bicarbonate interacts with gastric acid, carbon dioxide (CO2) is released, which irritates the mucous membranes of the gastrointestinal tract, which can provoke increased production of hydrochloric acid.
  3. The effect of using a soda solution is short-lived, after which the patient’s condition may worsen.
  4. An increase in the amount of sodium in the body can lead to increased blood pressure and the development of edema of the upper and lower extremities.
  5. When using sodium bicarbonate, headaches, increased irritability, bloating, nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, and diarrhea may occur.

This product should not be used if:

  • a number of diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  • gastritis;
  • peptic ulcer;
  • during pregnancy and lactation (pregnant women often experience swelling, sodium can aggravate it).

A traditional remedy must be used correctly

Soda is not suitable for people who experience heartburn regularly. Rather, this is an emergency method if the burning sensation occurs occasionally, is very bothersome, and the nearest pharmacy is 50 km away. There are 2 traditional recipes for diluting soda.

  • Add 1/2 teaspoon of soda to a glass of water at room temperature or slightly warmed. The method is suitable for heartburn that appears on an empty stomach or after eating spicy, salty, fatty foods.
  • Add 1/4 teaspoon of regular (or apple) vinegar, or 2 teaspoons of lemon juice, or 1/4 teaspoon of citric acid crystals to 0.5 cups of warm water. Pour 1/2 spoon of soda into the solution. The mixture is quickly stirred until foam forms and taken orally. The method will help if heartburn occurs after overeating or the stomach stops.

How to drink solutions

Drink the soda solution gradually, in small sips with pauses. You can drink it in several doses. The last portion of water, in which undissolved crystals remain, is drained. Daily dose – 1 glass. After taking the product, you need to sit down, lean back, or take a half-lying position. It is important that belching occurs soon after consuming the solution.

The “fizzy drink” is drunk immediately after stirring, while it is still foaming. Drink the entire volume in one gulp. It is not advisable to take more than 1 serving of the drink per day.

Drug interactions

If a person is already taking any medications, it is necessary to consult a doctor before using soda, as it is possible that the effectiveness of the therapy may be reduced or, conversely, increased.

Soda is generally not compatible with antacids, since the alkaline effect on the stomach increases, which ultimately leads to a pathological change in the acid balance of the gastrointestinal tract

  • With the simultaneous use of sodium bicarbonate with lithium carbonate, the concentration of lithium ions in the blood plasma decreases.
  • The hypotensive effect of indole alkaloids (in particular, riserpine) is enhanced by the simultaneous use of a soda solution by intravenous drip.
  • Soda can enhance the elimination of methotrexate and slow down the elimination of amphetamine.
  • If it is necessary to take tetracycline antibiotics simultaneously, it is necessary to maintain an interval of 2-3 hours, since their absorption may slow down.

You need to see a doctor and not self-diagnose

Soda is an inexpensive and quite effective folk remedy for treating heartburn, which quickly helps to cope with the unpleasant burning sensation and discomfort. Despite this, you should not abuse this product, since soda has a short-term effect and can be harmful to health if used incorrectly and without first consulting a doctor.

  1. How to drink soda against heartburn
  2. How to treat the large intestine with folk remedies? There is an answer!
  3. Heartburn from cigarettes (electronic and regular), causes of heartburn after smoking and methods of relief
  4. How to drink soda to cleanse the intestines

Can everyone be treated like this?

The product is strictly contraindicated for people with chronic diseases of the stomach, pancreas, or during the acute phase of gastritis and peptic ulcers. It is better for diabetics and hypertensive patients to avoid this method. It is not advisable to give soda to children.

The use of soda during pregnancy is contraindicated. This is justified by tests of sodium bicarbonate solutions on animals, during which its negative effect on the fetus was revealed. The tests used high doses of sodium bicarbonate, and there is still no confirmation of a negative effect on humans.

Consequences of treatment with soda

The medicinal properties of the substance cannot be denied and the effectiveness of eliminating unpleasant sensations and discomfort should be recognized. But we cannot agree that soda cures heartburn. In addition to the fact that the achieved improvement is a short-term result, it is fraught with quite serious consequences and side effects.

The sodium contained in soda can penetrate into the blood very quickly. With frequent use of bicarbonate, its concentration increases sharply. This causes:

  • fragility of blood vessels that lose elasticity;
  • pathological processes in the kidneys;
  • leaching of potassium from the body;
  • increased blood pressure;
  • alkalization of the body.

In addition to the negative impact on the condition of blood vessels and the heart, acid-base imbalance provokes severe symptoms in the form of tormenting thirst, constant headaches, weakness and even cramps.

Making a soda solution to relieve heartburn

The recipe for the solution is quite simple.

  1. Fill half a glass with boiling water, put a teaspoon of sodium bicarbonate in it.
  2. Stir the contents thoroughly and drink, but do not drink completely, it is better to pour out the sediment. Solid particles of powder are harmful to the stomach.

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Heartburn subsides immediately, but after a while it may return again. Don’t get carried away, you need to adhere to the daily intake of the solution – 200 ml.

When heartburn occurs, sometimes take fizzy soda. It's also quite easy to prepare.

  1. Place half a spoon of apple cider vinegar in a glass of water.
  2. Add a spoonful of baking soda.
  3. When the contents begin to bubble and form foam, drink everything in small sips.

There is another way to make fizz.

  1. Pour half a glass of boiling water, put a teaspoon (about a quarter) of citric acid in it on the tip, you can use lemon juice.
  2. And add half a spoon of soda.
  3. Then mix the contents and take in small sips.
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