Diarrhea in adults - treatment at home

How are the causes and treatment of diarrhea related?

It is necessary to distinguish between acute, prolonged and chronic diarrhea. They differ to a greater extent in the duration of symptom manifestation. The acute form of diarrhea worries the patient for no more than 10 days, the prolonged form lasts up to two and a half months. Severe diarrhea lasting 3 months or more is called chronic. It is logical that the reasons for these forms also differ. Acute diarrhea can be caused by:

  • unbalanced diet and other eating disorders;
  • allergic reaction to certain foods;
  • individual intolerance to both food and medicines;
  • acute intestinal infections caused by pathogenic organisms - protozoa, viruses or bacteria: salmonellosis, campylobacteriosis, gastroenterocolitis, yersinosis, pseudomembranous colitis, etc.
  • change of place of residence, trip to exotic countries on vacation, etc. (so-called travelers' diarrhea associated with acclimatization).

In the first three cases, treating diarrhea at home in parallel with a change in diet is the best solution for a busy person. If the cause of loose stools is individual diseases or acclimatization, then it is better to consult a specialist for detailed advice. Remember that your health is in your hands!

As for the chronic form, the situation here is more serious. The reasons for it are much more varied, and it is impossible to understand them without a thorough diagnosis. The following are just some of the possible causes of chronic diarrhea:

  • systematic malnutrition without changes in diet;
  • taking certain medications (diarrhea can often be associated with antibiotics);
  • alcoholism;
  • decreased gastric acidity, which can be either congenital or develop against the background of gastrointestinal pathologies;
  • conditions after surgical interventions;
  • giardiasis (parasitic disease);
  • diseases of the endocrine system: diabetes mellitus (pancreas), hypothyroidism (thyroid), etc.;
  • malignant neoplasms in the large intestine;
  • chronic pancreatitis;
  • excessive growth of small intestinal microflora, etc.

Getting rid of chronic diarrhea is much more difficult, and its causes are usually much more serious. Therefore, if you have loose stools for a long time and no independent treatment helps, be sure to consult a doctor!

Diet as a method of treatment

Treatment of diarrhea at home during a mild stage of the disease can be carried out using dietary nutrition, limiting foods that are difficult to digest for a certain period of time.

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Basic rules recommended to follow for diarrhea in adults:

  • to prevent dehydration during diarrhea, you should drink more liquid (still mineral water, apple and blueberry juice, liquid jelly from natural products, rice or potato broth, black and green tea, herbal infusions that bind);
  • dietary treatment, starting from the second day, can be varied with liquid porridge from small cereals, white bread crumbs, weak chicken broth;
  • on days 3–4, you can add steamed vegetables, fish and boiled lean meat to your diet;
  • to stop diarrhea in an adult, coffee, alcoholic drinks regardless of strength, raw vegetables and fruits, dairy products, sweet pastries, brown bread, and confectionery should be excluded from the diet;
  • It is not recommended to chew chewing gum until complete recovery, since the sugar in it is replaced with sorbitol, which has a laxative effect;
  • during treatment and 3 days after it, do not include fatty, hot, spicy foods in the menu to avoid irritation of the mucous membrane of the digestive system.

How to treat diarrhea: basic tips

The best way to combat diarrhea is to switch to a gentle diet and get rid of bad habits. To speed up the process of getting rid of an unpleasant symptom, avoid “irritating” foods: spicy, fatty, salty, peppery foods. It is also worth limiting the consumption of coffee and alcoholic beverages, and giving up smoking. It would also be a good idea to reduce the amount of fruits and dairy products you eat, as they are difficult to digest.

Another tip is to avoid sorbitol-containing chewing gums. They significantly affect the condition of the digestive tract. Increase the amount of clean water you drink per day to two to three liters. This will avoid dehydration of the body and also maintain its water balance.

Medicines that can be bought at a pharmacy without a prescription can help stop diarrhea: activated carbon, Smecta, Imodium, Atoxil and others. Read the information in the leaflet carefully to avoid overdosing on the drug or causing side effects. Do not take medications for too long, as this can lead to the opposite problem - constipation.

When to see a doctor

It is necessary to visit a doctor and treat diarrhea with medication if the following signs appear:

  • blood, pus, mucus in stool;
  • for diarrhea, it is dangerous to take folk remedies if the body temperature is significantly increased;
  • duration of the disease with worsening symptoms for more than 2–3 days;
  • relieving diarrhea with folk remedies poses a danger to health and life if colic or aching pain in the abdominal area occurs;
  • black color of stool when taking activated carbon is excluded;
  • dehydration begins.

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Treatments in these cases should be used as prescribed by a doctor.

Home remedies to treat diarrhea

Home remedies can speed up recovery. For example, a decoction of oak bark is effective. To prepare it, you need to mix the dry substance with water at the rate of 4 - 5 spoons per liter of water. You need to drink 50–80 grams of the decoction three times a day. If there is no bowel movement for more than 10 hours, the medication can be stopped. Bird cherry compote is also often used to treat loose stools. To do this, pour two tablespoons of berries into a glass of water and boil the resulting decoction for 10 minutes. After this, you need to cool the compote and pour 20 drops of propolis into it. In this case, the dose is increased to 100 grams per day, the frequency of administration does not change.

Tincture of pomegranate peels is also an ancient folk remedy for diarrhea. Its peculiarity is that it allows you to quickly get rid of diarrhea. You need to prepare 1 spoon of pomegranate peels and 200 ml of boiled water. Then you need to pour the peels into water and boil them, and also wait until the broth is infused until the water turns a characteristic color. In this case, you need to drink the product only twice, dividing the entire prepared dose into two times.

Rice and rice water

Rice contains starch and some other substances that coat the irritated stomach and slow down the digestion process. With its help, it is easy to restore the balance of microflora. You can eat rice boiled in water, or use a special decoction for treatment:

  • boil 1 liter of water;
  • add 3-4 tbsp. l. rice;
  • cook for 40 minutes over low heat after boiling;
  • take a quarter glass every 3 hours.

If you have severe diarrhea, rice can be pre-fried without oil until brown, and then ground in a coffee grinder. Add 3 glasses of water to the resulting amount and cook for 30 minutes over low heat. The rice is then not thrown away, but taken together with the resulting liquid.

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How to treat diarrhea in children

As in adults, the best remedy for diarrhea in children is a gentle regimen. Carefully monitor all foods you feed your baby. It is best to completely switch him to eating chicken broth for the first one or two days after the onset of symptoms. It is not so easy to cure diarrhea in infants, because on the one hand they cannot be weaned from the breast, and on the other hand, the cause of the pathology may just be the mother’s poor diet. Then it is breastfeeding that causes loose stools. In this case, it is better to consult a doctor.

Folk remedy for diarrhea No. 4: apples

If the diarrhea does not stop, but is not accompanied by headache and fever, the following old Russian folk remedy was prescribed: during the day you had to eat 12 large grated apples, from which the peel was removed - 1 apple every 2 hours. You can't eat or drink anything. Do not take any medications. Usually this method can completely stop the diarrhea. If diarrhea is caused by cooling the stomach, the patient should lie down in bed and drink diaphoretic tea.

Tea made from raspberries, sage or linden flowers was considered the best folk remedy for diarrhea. You need to drink tea often, and the more intense the sweating, the better.

Prevention of diarrhea

If you want to avoid the recurrence of diarrhea in you or your child, follow these simple rules.

  • Avoid drinking “unprocessed” water. Drink only boiled water or buy containers of purified water. This is important, since “dormant” forms of pathogenic microorganisms can live in tap water, which will begin to actively multiply in the human body and cause diseases.
  • Always wash fruits, berries and vegetables before eating.
  • Do not buy canned meat and vegetables “from hand” - you cannot be sure that these products are stored correctly and that they are free of pathogenic microorganisms.
  • Sometimes treat yourself to carbonated or mineral water (but do not overdo it, as this can lead to flatulence) - soda contains a lot of carbon dioxide, and it is effective in fighting germs and bacteria.
  • Eat only well-cooked meat and fish - this will help avoid helminthiasis.
  • Monitor food storage and expiration dates.
  • If your body is prone to diarrhea, be sure to consult with your doctor before taking antibiotics.

Paying attention to your health, balancing traditional and medicinal treatment methods, as well as preventing possible diseases will help you avoid the appearance of unpleasant symptoms. Do not ignore the “signs” from the body, contact a specialist in time - and be healthy!

The most affordable medications for diarrhea in every home

To identify the cause, you need to consult a doctor who will conduct a thorough examination.

We are all familiar with such a common digestive disorder as diarrhea. This unpleasant phenomenon can be caused by a variety of factors: poisoning, taking antibiotics, etc.

But with this disorder, it is no less important to get rid of the symptoms as soon as possible: firstly, because frequent loose stools cause significant inconvenience in life, and secondly, it can lead to dehydration, disruption of the intestinal microflora and other unpleasant consequences.

Important to remember! Severe disorders of the digestive system can cause severe dehydration and lead to death in both adults and children.

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If you need to quickly get rid of diarrhea, and there is no way to immediately get to a doctor or pharmacy, folk remedies will come to the rescue.

Their action is as follows:

  • securing the chair;
  • replenishment of water and mineral reserves in the body;
  • removal of toxins;
  • strengthening the immune system;
  • ensuring normal functioning of the intestines.

To find a folk remedy for diarrhea in adults, take it quickly and alleviate the symptoms, sometimes you don’t even need to go outside. In every home there are products such as tea leaves, potato starch and rice, you just need to know how to use them correctly.


Traditional healers used various types of walnut tree raw materials: unripe fruits collected in the first half of summer, dry leaves, internal partitions, bark, and shell. In any of these options, walnuts have a binding effect and improve metabolism.

Traditional healers used various types of raw materials of the walnut tree: unripe fruits collected in the first half of summer, dry leaves, internal partitions, bark, shell

If you have diarrhea, you should pay attention to the following recipes:

  1. Brew 2 dessert spoons of leaves with boiling water (250 ml), wait until it cools and filter. Drink in the morning at lunch and in the evening, dosage – 0.5 cups at a time.
  2. Add 1/4 liter of alcohol (70%) to 300 g of crushed partitions. After 7-8 days the tincture is ready. Dosage: 6-7 drops before meals three times a day. This tincture has a powerful strengthening effect, and should be discontinued when symptoms disappear.
  3. Cut milky ripe nuts (about 20 pieces) into pieces and pour into a liter jar. Add 500 ml of vodka. After this, leave for 14 days, tightly closed, in a dark place. Filter and place in a dark glass bottle. Take 1 tbsp after each meal. l.

It is important to know! Walnut is recognized as a strong allergen, so people with a predisposition should take it with caution.

Rye bread

This product contains non-digestible fiber that cleanses the intestines and removes toxins. With the help of such a simple folk remedy, you can quickly get rid of diarrhea in both adults and children. Fill the dry crusts with water and leave for several hours. Drink half a glass of the strained infusion throughout the day, eat the soaked crusts.


Pectins contained in apples help bind toxins and have an antimicrobial effect. Thanks to a large number of microelements, this fruit perfectly restores the microflora of the gastrointestinal tract. In addition, the apple is easy to digest , as it consists of 85% water.

Pectins contained in apples help bind toxins and have an antimicrobial effect.

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In case of acute disorder, it is recommended to consume apples heat-treated, and preferably baked. You can also cook jelly from this fruit, which envelops the walls of the gastrointestinal tract and reduces pain. It is prepared according to the usual recipe, only it is better to remove pieces of fruit before use.


Rice has an enveloping effect, slows down the process of food digestion, and soothes the stomach. Thanks to its composition rich in microelements, it helps restore microflora. For diarrhea in adults, it is useful to eat boiled rice, but you can quickly achieve the best therapeutic effect using rice water.

My grandmothers left me with a simple recipe for preparing this folk remedy. For a liter of boiling water we take 1.5 tsp. cereals and cook over low heat for about 40 minutes. Take the cooled broth every 2.5 hours, 0.25 cups.

In case of severe disorder, a more effective recipe is needed: 5 tbsp. l. Fry the rice without oil until brown, grind in a coffee grinder and add 3 cups of water. Cook the mixture for 30 minutes at low boil, stirring constantly. The resulting puree should be eaten little by little throughout the day.

Lemon juice

Lemon is a wonderful natural antiseptic containing a lot of useful microelements. Its constant use helps eliminate toxins. Lemon fibers facilitate intestinal motility and gently cleanse it. Experts advise drinking hot water with lemon juice every morning to prevent diarrhea.

Lemon is a wonderful natural antiseptic containing a lot of useful microelements

In case of disorder, a lemon drink is recommended, prepared as follows: juice squeezed from 1 fruit, diluted with a glass of warm water and sweetened with 1 tsp. honey The effect of the drink is to cleanse the intestines of harmful microorganisms adhering to its walls.

Potato starch

This is a well-known folk remedy for diarrhea in adults, quickly helping to cope with unpleasant symptoms. It eliminates irritation of the gastrointestinal mucosa, prevents excessive excretion of fluid, and improves well-being.

There are several options for using starch:

  1. A teaspoon of starch is diluted in 0.5 glasses of water; you should drink this mixture in the morning, lunch and evening. For mild disorders, once is enough.
  2. Astringent liquid jelly, to which you can add dried thorns, blueberries or pears. Drink three times a day.
  3. Take 1 tbsp in your mouth. l. powder and drink water in small sips. This method is the fastest.

Potassium permangantsovka

Potassium permanganate is known for its good antiseptic properties. For loose stools, a weak aqueous solution is used . Pour a few crystals into boiled water, stir, and you get a bright pink liquid.

Potassium permanganate is known for its good antiseptic properties

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Pour it into another container and add water until it turns pale pink. Drink half a glass of the solution in the morning and evening or use it for enemas.


Bean decoction is considered a good remedy for diarrhea in children, but adults also take it. 1 tbsp. l. Brew bean cereals with boiling water, cook for 30 minutes (the best option is a water bath). The strained liquid is used for diarrhea in a dosage of 2 tbsp. l., frequency of administration - several times a day.

Onion peel

Many people throw away onion skins, but in vain. It contains a considerable amount of organic acids, salts and other trace elements. Fill a handful of raw materials with water (about 1 liter) and keep on fire for 10 minutes, remove and leave for another half hour, filter. 0.5 liters of decoction should be divided into equal doses and consumed throughout the day.


This aromatic spice has an antimicrobial, antiparasitic effect, helps with fungal diseases, and stimulates the gastrointestinal tract. For diarrhea, add cinnamon (about 1/4 teaspoon) to a glass of boiling water and hot red pepper on the tip of a knife. Wrap and leave (about 20 minutes). Drink the resulting mixture every hour until stool normalizes, 2 tbsp. l.

This aromatic spice has an antimicrobial, antiparasitic effect, helps with fungal diseases, and stimulates the gastrointestinal tract.

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