12 most effective herbs for hemorrhoids and a review of folk recipes

Garlic milk for hemorrhoids

Garlic has blood-thinning properties, improves blood quality, prevents atherosclerosis and cardiovascular diseases, and prevents the deposition of LDL (low-density lipoproteins that form atherosclerotic plaques) on the walls of blood vessels. These and other beneficial properties of garlic make it an excellent remedy for the treatment and prevention of many diseases, which has long been used in oriental medicine. Among the traditional methods of treating hemorrhoids, garlic milk deserves special attention, the recipes for which are presented below.

  • Two heads of garlic are peeled from coarse husks without separating them into cloves. Next, they, along with the peel, are boiled in a saucepan with 200 ml of milk for 30 minutes, until the garlic becomes soft and can be easily pierced with a fork. Cool the garlic milk on the windowsill and take a tablespoon at each meal. The course of treatment is ten days, if necessary it is repeated after a two-week break.
  • Peel the head of garlic and divide it into cloves, peel five of them and chop them on a grater or in a garlic press. Add 200 ml of milk to the resulting homogeneous mass and leave for two hours in a cool place. You need to drink garlic-milk infusion three times a day, half a teaspoon, the course of treatment is a week, after three days it is repeated if necessary.
  • The easiest way to use garlic with milk to eliminate vascular spasms and improve blood circulation is to eat it in the amount of three cloves a day, one after each meal, with a glass of milk.

Contraindications to the use of garlic are stomach ulcers and gastritis in the acute stage, inflammation of the pancreas, and epilepsy. During pregnancy, you need to be careful with garlic; a woman is advised to consult a doctor before using it for medicinal purposes.

Find out more: Health benefits and uses of garlic


Another herb for hemorrhoids is peppermint. Not only does it help manage pain, but it can also stop bleeding. The infusion is mainly used for enemas or baths. To prepare, you will need to boil water and wait until it cools. One glass of liquid requires 20 grams of knotweed. Infuse the herb in cool water for eight hours. Treatment is carried out with strained infusion.

A good painkiller is a decoction of wormwood. This herb also relieves inflammation. Add four tablespoons of crushed wormwood to a liter of water, stir and boil. After boiling, reduce heat and simmer for another five minutes. When the broth has cooled to body temperature, it is filtered and microenemas or compresses are applied.

You can also use bay leaf, which calms pain, reduces swelling, and relieves bleeding. To prepare the medicine, you need to pour boiling water (3 liters) into 20 whole bay leaves. Cover the container loosely and wait for natural cooling. The course of treatment lasts two weeks. Every morning you need to drink a glass of heated infusion. Keep refrigerated. This product can additionally be used externally.

Effective treatment of hemorrhoids according to a healer’s prescription

People often turn to one healer with a request to cure hemorrhoids, since the medications they buy at the pharmacy only relieve pain for a while, but do not cure. It was in the treatment of hemorrhoids with folk remedies that she became famous throughout Yekaterinburg. And all because of a recipe using one herb, thanks to which she cured more than a thousand people suffering from hemorrhoids of all types and all degrees! And the most important thing is that after a few days the bleeding disappears, and after a week you already forget what you were sick with.

And people would still go to it if one person had not figured out what kind of grass it was. It turned out to be mullein, which is also called the “royal scepter.” Now, according to a healer’s prescription, you can be treated at home, without having to go to Yekaterinburg. And the recipe is this: you just need to brew the flowers (fresh or dried) of this plant 3 times a day and drink it instead of tea. And within a week you will be completely cured of hemorrhoids.

Source: newspaper ZOZH

Medicinal decoctions

A remedy for hemorrhoids for oral administration can also be in the form of a decoction:

  1. Herb snakeweed , or kidneyweed (kidney herb), 2 tsp. which is steamed in a “water bath” in 0.5 liters of water for 20 minutes, then infused for 3 hours. This medicine, taken half a glass 4 times a day before meals, has not only a hemostatic effect, but also many others: analgesic, decongestant, and thanks to its diuretic and mild laxative actions, it facilitates the cleansing of the body of toxins, helping the intestines and kidneys. One of the most popular and effective remedies for the treatment of hemorrhoids.
  2. 25 bay leaf leaves , steamed in 3 liters of water, take 1 tbsp. per day for a 2-week course with a break of 1 month. The decoction not only has a local analgesic effect, but also narrows varicose veins of the rectum and reduces their bleeding, cleanses the intestines of putrefactive flora, toxic substances and toxins and promotes calmness of the nervous system.
  3. As a stand-alone decoction or as part of tea leaves, it is justified to use nettle leaves , which have a pronounced hemostatic effect.

You can also use leaves of St. John's wort, raspberry, stone fruit, and horsetail shoots for decoctions.

A decoction of bay leaves should not be used by pregnant women, breastfeeding women, patients with severe constipation, stomach ulcers (as well as duodenal ulcers), as well as acute cholecystitis and pancreatitis.

Fantastic home remedy for hemorrhoids

If you are reading this recipe, then most likely you suffer from hemorrhoids, as I suffered for over a year, and you have most likely already tried different hemorrhoid treatments that only worked to a certain extent or did not work at all.

All the recipes I tried did not help me get rid of the problem. And some did even worse, for example, using apple cider vinegar.

Finally, after months of research and trying various natural remedies that didn't work, I came across a comment on a blog that piqued my curiosity.

The person who wrote the comment suggested a home treatment consisting of only 3 components. I already had all the ingredients, so I tried it, and after 3 days I received significant relief, and after a week I was completely cured!

I'm surprised that no one knows about this extremely simple and effective hemorrhoid treatment that anyone can do at home. That's why I decided to tell everyone how you can get rid of this problem quickly and naturally without going to the doctor or buying any pharmaceutical drugs.

What I am now describing is the single most effective home treatment. I have tried countless other so-called "medicines" but none have been as effective as this one.

In a word, these are suppositories made of garlic, coconut oil and witch hazel (an ointment containing witch hazel, which can be bought at the pharmacy).

To prepare suppositories you need::

  1. 3 cloves garlic
  2. 1/4 cup coconut oil.
  3. 10 drops of witch hazel ointment (sold in a pharmacy for about 100 rubles). Or, you can take it in the form of suppositories and melt them.
  4. Garlic crusher
  5. Baking paper

Cooking steps:

  1. Crush 3 cloves of garlic into a cup and mix it with coconut oil in a ratio of 1:5 (that is, you need to take 5 times more coconut oil than garlic). Please note that if your hemorrhoids are bleeding, then you can take garlic in a ratio of 1:10, and after a few days increase its proportion
  2. Add 10 drops of witch hazel ointment and mix everything
  3. Place on baking paper in the form of small candles. Place them in the refrigerator for 30 minutes (until they are quite firm)
  4. Insert ready-made candles before bed for a week

Please note that there may be a burning sensation for the first 20 minutes, but it will gradually decrease. If for some reason the burning sensation is strong and does not go away, it means you have added too much garlic, it needs to be reduced.

Tip: you can also add aloe vera to the recipe, this component will enhance tissue regeneration.

Source: A Fantastic Home Remedy for Hemorrhoids - Suppository Recipe

On the subject: Review of the 19 most effective suppositories for hemorrhoids

Burnet and hemorrhoids

In case of severe bleeding from varicose nodes in the anus area, it is recommended to resort to the help of burnet. The plant contains special substances - saponins, zinc and magnesium compounds, tannins, which significantly reduce the severity of blood loss.

Recipes with burnet can be used in different ways. So, the decoction is used both for oral administration and for sitz baths. It is enough to pour 25 g of carefully crushed rhizome into 200 ml of boiling water. Then simmer the mixture over moderate heat for about 25–30 minutes, let it sit for 3.4–5 hours. After filtering, drink 100 ml 2 times a day, or pour it into a container where the bath is carried out.

You can prepare suppositories based on hemorrhoidal herbal collection - combine burnet rhizomes, cocoa butter, as well as chamomile flowers, pumpkin oil, mint leaves and propolis tinctures in a container in equal proportions. Combine crushed herbal ingredients with an oil base and pour into molds. After freezing in the refrigerator, they are used rectally - 1 pc. into the rectum before bed.

Stone oil for hemorrhoids

Stone oil or braxun is a mineral growth that forms in rock crevices and has long been used in Eastern medicine for the treatment of various diseases, valued primarily for its anti-inflammatory and hemostatic properties. Stone oil dissolves in water, has an astringent, sour taste, and can be used externally and internally. To treat hemorrhoids, it is recommended to combine both methods of use.

After a three-month course of treatment with stone oil in the form of microenemas and a drinking solution, hemorrhoids resolve, the process of defecation is normalized, pain and other unpleasant symptoms of the disease disappear. Brakshun is effective even when other means - suppositories and ointments for topical use - do not produce significant results.

Stone oil for internal use is dissolved in a proportion of 3 grams per two liters of water and drunk a glass three times a day half an hour before meals. For gastritis with high acidity, the solution should be drunk an hour before meals. The course of treatment is two months, it is repeated if necessary, after a break of two weeks.

Microclysters with a solution of stone oil are done daily after cleansing the intestines, the course of treatment lasts from two weeks to a month, after which they take a break. To prepare a solution, take 3 grams of rock oil and a tablespoon of honey per half liter of warm water. The volume of the microenema is 100 ml, it is kept inside until the solution is absorbed.

Find out more: Properties and uses of rock oil

Herbs for hemorrhoids

Folk remedies for hemorrhoids often include medicinal herbs in recipes. They are available, used as decoctions, infusions - water or alcohol - for external and internal use. The use of herbs helps:

  • reduce pain;
  • eliminate tissue swelling;
  • speed up healing;
  • stop inflammation;
  • strengthen the walls of blood vessels;
  • reduce the size of nodes;
  • relieve itching, burning;
  • prevent the development of infection;
  • strengthen the immune system;
  • constrict blood vessels;
  • relieve spasms;
  • reduce bleeding.

Treatment of hemorrhoids with herbs depends on the symptoms and degree of damage. It is better when everything is agreed with the doctor. They are used as part of preparations or separately - each acts on its own symptoms. Herbs used in folk remedies recipes:

  • common mullein;
  • knotweed;
  • sagebrush;
  • pharmaceutical camomile;
  • steelweed root;
  • horse chestnut

Chamomile for hemorrhoids

The use of this plant is very effective, but is prohibited for pregnant women. Chamomile has a healing effect for hemorrhoids due to its antiseptic effect. When used in decoctions, infusions for internal and external use:

  • inflammation goes away;
  • pain decreases;
  • itching is eliminated;
  • spasms are removed;
  • the bleeding stops.

Chamomile infusion is used for hemorrhoids in microenemas, lotions, and baths. To prepare, leave a glass of boiling water with 3 tablespoons of herbs under the lid for an hour. Gauze dressings with a solution that are kept in place for 15 minutes are effective. You can make candles according to this folk recipe:

  • cut off the little finger of a rubber glove;
  • pour in the infusion;
  • tie;
  • to freeze;
  • put it on overnight.

Onion for hemorrhoids

In folk recipes for the treatment of hemorrhoids, onions are often used. At the initial stage, it is recommended to make juice from it. Take the composition three times during the day, and you can add the same amount of water or honey to one spoon. Homemade rectal suppositories made from oblong onion sets are effective. It is first kept for a day in honey.

Onions are used for hemorrhoids and other uses in folk remedies:

  • sitz baths with brewed husks - relieve burning, pain, itching;
  • onions baked in a frying pan, if you make compresses with them every day, reduce the size of the nodes;
  • They act quickly - I reduce pain and burning - steam baths prepared from a couple of onions, stewed in two liters of milk for 2 hours in the oven.

Yarrow for hemorrhoids

A popular and affordable medicinal herb, yarrow, is used in folk remedy recipes for many diseases. This happens due to its exceptional properties - antibacterial, analgesic, hemostatic. Using:

  • nodes dissolve;
  • spasms are relieved;
  • swelling decreases;
  • wounds heal;
  • inflammation is relieved.

Since the spectrum of action of the medicinal plant is very wide, it is advisable to first coordinate its use with your doctor. Yarrow is used in folk recipes for the treatment of hemorrhoids in a comprehensive manner:

  • brew and drink tea - 2 tablespoons of leaves are needed for a liter teapot;
  • make microenemas with a decoction;
  • apply lotions with alcohol tincture.

Kalanchoe for hemorrhoids

The leaves of the house plant are used freshly cut. You can activate the beneficial properties of Kalanchoe if you keep the raw material in the refrigerator for a week. This medicinal plant as part of folk remedies helps:

  • reduce inflammation;
  • prevent the development of infection;
  • heal cracks and wounds;
  • relieve swelling;
  • reduce bleeding.

Thanks to its antibacterial, analgesic and hemostatic properties, hemorrhoids are quickly treated. The following methods of using Kalanchoe are recommended:

  • applications from plant juice diluted three times with water;
  • applying a crushed sheet of paper to the outside;
  • using a twisted turunda made of gauze soaked in juice as a candle.

Treatment of hemorrhoids with potato compress

To eliminate burning in the anus with external hemorrhoids, use grated raw potatoes. This folk remedy not only relieves discomfort after the first use, but also helps treat hemorrhoids. Wrap grated potatoes in a clean cloth and leave for 10 minutes. Before the procedure, you must wash yourself thoroughly to avoid infection and inflammation.

For internal hemorrhoids, raw potatoes can also be useful, but they are used in a different way - they are cut off and placed inside the anus, so that they can be easily pulled out.

Burdock in the treatment of disease

Despite the fact that this plant is considered a weed, burdock is widely used in the treatment of the disease.

Most often, decoctions are prepared from this type of plant, and burdock is used in the form of a root, which contains all kinds of vitamins.

This folk recipe relieves itching and burning, relieves severe pain and reduces the size of hemorrhoids.

  • To prepare a decoction for hemorrhoids, the burdock root is thoroughly washed and cut into small slices.
  • Place the burdock in a saucepan, add water and boil until the broth turns dark brown.
  • After this, the burdock in the form of a decoction is cooled.

Burdock is used for medicinal baths, which are recommended to be done every day in the morning and before bed until the pain disappears.

Heparin ointment for hemorrhoids

Heparin ointment contains three main active ingredients - heparin, benzocaine, benzyl nicotinate, which ensure its effectiveness in the treatment of hemorrhoids, both chronic and acute forms.

  • Benzyl nicotinate promotes rapid absorption of heparin, which is why the effect of using the ointment appears within a few minutes after application.
  • Heparin has thrombolytic properties, reducing the amount of fibrin in the blood, which prevents blood cells from sticking together and forming blood clots. Heparin does not affect blood clots that have already formed - it cannot reduce or remove blood clots, but it can stop their growth and prevent the formation of new ones.
  • Benzocaine in heparin ointment provides its anesthetic effect, eliminates pain and discomfort.

Heparin ointment is used to treat external hemorrhoids, since problems may arise when treating internal hemorrhoids. The main danger of heparin ointment in the treatment of internal hemorrhoids is massive bleeding. Large hemorrhoids can be injured upon contact with hard feces (which often occurs with constipation) and bleed. Heparin ointment has anticoagulant properties and interferes with blood clotting, which in this case can lead to large blood losses and the need for medical attention.

Useful additions

Herbs for hemorrhoids are inexpensive and effective. An integrated approach will help make herbal treatment more effective. Follow a diet by eliminating spicy and fatty foods from the menu and increasing the amount of fiber. Eat kushi, vegetable soups, green vegetables, wholemeal pasta, a variety of fruits and dairy products. Stop smoking completely ; during treatment you should not drink alcohol, strong tea or coffee.

Maintain good hygiene. After bowel movements, wash the anus area with cool water, dry it carefully and lubricate it with a bactericidal gel with a moisturizing effect. Try to avoid constipation and diarrhea. Enemas with chamomile decoction or a pale pink solution of potassium permanganate will help to regulate the process of defecation.

An excellent addition to lotions and herbal baths are anti-inflammatory suppositories, bactericidal ointments and gels. In case of exacerbations, proctologists prescribe a course of antibiotics; drinking them without the supervision of a doctor is strictly prohibited . Remember that some herbs may not be compatible with oral medications.

Our website presents a variety of traditional methods for treating hemorrhoids. We have collected the best folk recipes especially for you:

  • collection of the best recipes;
  • home remedies and methods;
  • about the benefits of baths and trays.

Traditional medicine in the treatment of hemorrhoids suggests using: nettle, chamomile, celandine, garlic and potatoes.

When planning to take tinctures or decoctions with tablets at the same time, be sure to consult your doctor.

Medicinal herbs are excellent helpers in the treatment of hemorrhoids. However, you should not rely on them alone. The best results will be achieved by comprehensive treatment that combines herbal therapy with medications prescribed by a doctor. Carry out treatment under the supervision of a proctologist, who will be able to monitor the results and, if necessary, adjust the dosage.

Treatment of hemorrhoids with sea buckthorn oil

Sea buckthorn oil is an effective folk remedy for treating hemorrhoids, which is safe to use even during pregnancy, when other antihemorrhoidal drugs cannot be used.

  • Sea buckthorn is rich in organic acids, tannins and vitamins, and is capable of regenerating damaged tissue. Relieves pain thanks to its anti-inflammatory effect, eliminates bleeding and discomfort, and stops the growth of hemorrhoids.
  • Vitamin C in sea buckthorn oil is necessary for the synthesis of collagen, which ensures the tone and strength of blood vessels. The vascular walls become resistant to stretching and damage, bleeding stops, and new hemorrhoids do not form.
  • Tannins reduce the inflammatory process in the area of ​​damaged blood vessels, eliminate swelling and pain of hemorrhoids. Polyunsaturated fatty acids in sea buckthorn oil - stearic, linoleic, palmitic and oleic - improve blood rheology and prevent stagnation in the pelvic veins.

How to use sea buckthorn oil to treat hemorrhoids?

Good results are obtained by the complex use of the product - sea buckthorn oil is taken orally and topically to prevent the formation of new hemorrhoids and stop the growth of existing ones. A special diet rich in fiber from bran, vegetables, and dried fruits, which prevents constipation, increases the effectiveness of sea buckthorn.

Sea buckthorn oil is drunk immediately after waking up on an empty stomach, one tablespoon per day is enough. You can start eating in half an hour.

Compresses and lotions with sea buckthorn oil on the affected areas help to resolve hemorrhoids and restore damaged blood vessels. They are applied to hemorrhoidal formations in the anal area, changing three times a day. A cotton swab soaked in sea buckthorn oil is left on the affected area overnight, as bed rest is necessary to speed up the healing process. Treatment is continued until symptoms are completely eliminated - pain and tension, bleeding in the stool, nodular formations.

Other vegetable oils for internal use should be included in the diet in order to normalize digestion and stool. Effective oils for the prevention of constipation and hemorrhoids are flaxseed, corn, olive and grape; they are used to season salads or drink raw on an empty stomach.

Types of hemorrhoids

This disease can be internal or external. But often people simultaneously develop hemorrhoids that combine these two types. With the internal manifestation of the disease, after defecation, you can notice blood appearing in different quantities. Often in this case the patient feels itching.

External hemorrhoids during exacerbation are accompanied by swelling, pain and discomfort, especially when moving. Severe pain occurs when thrombosis of hemorrhoidal veins occurs. In each individual situation, it is necessary to select certain medicinal herbs, a description of which is given below. Before starting therapy, it is important to be sure that you have hemorrhoids, since some of its symptoms are very similar to other types of diseases.

Other folk remedies for hemorrhoids

  • Nettle decoction. It is known that people who have sedentary work most often suffer from hemorrhoids; the following nettle recipe can help them very well. You need to take half a glass of dry nettle, pour boiling water over it, cover with a lid and leave until it cools down, remembering to stir. Then you need to strain it all. The result will be green water. Drink this water in the morning, at lunch and in the evening and hemorrhoids will go away.
  • Dogwood berries. Take three glasses of dogwood berries and eat them in the morning - one tablespoon before meals, thirty minutes. And at lunch, two teaspoons, at night also one spoon. You need to eat slowly, while chewing well. But during the course of treatment you should not drink alcohol, smoke, eat meat dishes or spicy seasonings. The course of treatment is 2 weeks. If your disease is advanced, then take four glasses per course.

Features of the use of herbs

The popularity and prevalence of traditional medicine recipes is explained by the fact that herbs for hemorrhoids have a diverse healing effect on the human body. In addition, they are natural, versatile and almost completely safe.

The same plant can be used in different ways - for sitz baths, as decoctions or infusions, microenemas or suppositories. We are also pleased with the variety of growing herbs that can cope with varicose defects in the anus area. So, you can resort to the help of nettle, dandelion, chamomile, and yarrow. The choice of the optimal option will depend on the severity of negative symptoms, as well as the existing medicinal properties of the plant itself.

Experts recommend using the same herb for hemorrhoids for different purposes at once. This allows you to enhance its effect on the disease, and will also reduce the risk of unwanted allergic reactions. Especially if a person has a tendency to such conditions.

Exercise to treat hemorrhoids

Maybe you remember how at school we were forced to do such an exercise as the “birch tree”. This is when lying on your back, resting on your elbows, you had to raise your legs and lower torso up as high as possible. Now try this exercise by holding this position for three minutes. At this moment, take a deep breath and exhale slowly through your mouth. Repeat the exercise several times a day, the very last time before you go to bed. It will only take two days and the bumps will begin to disappear. And try to always wash the problem area with cold water.

Benefits of mullein

Another effective herb for hemorrhoids is mullein. But it is worth remembering that this plant comes in different types. Most often, high mullein is used for hemorrhoids. It may be known as royal or goldenflower. You can easily purchase dried mullein at the pharmacy. The properties of this plant for hemorrhoidal inflammation include anti-inflammatory, hemostatic, regenerating, analgesic and antispasmodic effects. You can take mullein both externally and internally.

To prepare a decoction, you will need a few tablespoons of the plant. Place the herb in a small saucepan and add already heated water. Leave on low heat, covering with a lid. After 15 minutes, the broth is removed from the stove and left for an hour and a half. At the next stage, it is filtered and poured into a convenient container. Drink 100 ml several times a day. If the patient has good tolerance to this product, treatment continues for two weeks.

If desired, you can make baths. To do this, the mullein collection is poured with boiling water and left until the liquid cools to a comfortable temperature. The duration of the procedure is 10 minutes.

Herb for hemorrhoids photos and names

Despite the many medications available to treat anal varicose veins, herbal treatment for hemorrhoids is still very popular.

Some proctologists even recommend using some medicinal plants along with pharmaceuticals. This combination can enhance the effect of drugs and speed up recovery.

And in the initial stages of the disease, antihemorrhoidal herbs in some cases will allow you to completely abandon the use of other remedies if you combine their use with a change in diet, giving up bad habits and increasing physical activity.

The main features of medicinal plants used for varicose hemorrhoidal veins are their versatile effect, naturalness and versatility.

The same antihemorrhoidal herb can be used in completely different ways. For example, plants are used for procedures such as:

  • compresses and applications;
  • sitz bath;
  • ointments;
  • microenemas;
  • suppositories;
  • use of infusions and decoctions.

The choice of herb for the treatment of hemorrhoids depends on the degree of the disease, the severity of symptoms and the healing qualities of the plant itself.

In addition, the use of infusions from medicinal plants, which have similar qualities, is also effective. This combination allows you to quickly see a positive result.

Recipes with medicinal plants allow patients:

  • eliminate pain syndrome;
  • reduce burning and itching sensations;
  • relieve inflammation and swelling of tissues;
  • stop bleeding from the rectum;
  • accelerate the regeneration of tissues and mucous membranes;
  • prevent infection of affected areas;
  • strengthen the body's defense system;
  • improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, eliminating, among other things, constipation.

So, herbal treatment and hemorrhoids go well together. It is only important to choose the right plant and the recipe for its use. The most common and effective anti-hemorrhoidal plants will be discussed further.

There are quite a lot of such plants, so it’s extremely easy to get confused about their beneficial qualities. The information below will be useful for those who decide to take advantage of the natural power of healing herbs.

Many people know about the incredible medicinal qualities of chamomile flowers. They are used for diseases of the digestive tract and throat, inflammatory processes in the genitals and rectum.

  • Sitz baths. Chamomile baths for hemorrhoids reduce inflammation, burning and itching, destroy pathogens, relieve pain, heal damaged skin areas and reduce bleeding.

For the procedure, you will need to pour 70 grams of dried chamomile flowers with a liter of boiling water, wait a few hours and pour into a suitable container. You should sit in it for a quarter of an hour. Warm chamomile baths give the best effect.

  • Microclysters. When hemorrhoidal nodules are located internally, the same infusion is used for douching of the rectum. To perform the procedure, you need to take 50 ml of liquid and pour it into the anus. The patient must lie on his left side.
  • Suppositories. The broth should be poured into molds for rectal suppositories and placed in the freezer. These ice suppositories are great for relieving pain and reducing bleeding.
  • Ointment. Mix chopped lard with chamomile infusion, hold for a while in a water bath and then add natural honey. The product can be lubricated on external lumps or injected into the rectum to treat internal nodules.
  1. Highlander

Hemorrhoidal grass is the ancient name of the knotweed.

For hemorrhoids, knotweed helps stop bleeding and prevent its further development.

For hemorrhoids, knotweed helps stop bleeding and prevent its further development. This property is provided by vitamins K and C, which strengthen the walls of blood vessels.

In addition, bleeding is reduced by increasing blood viscosity. That is why the plant is contraindicated for thrombosis of hemorrhoids and a tendency to form blood clots.

There are several options for using kidney grass:

  • Infusion for oral administration. 2 tablespoons of crushed raw materials are poured with half a liter of boiling water and left until the morning. The resulting infusion is filtered, divided into 3 equal parts and drunk before meals.
  • Decoction for baths. This is a remedy for topical use. To prepare the decoction, 100 g of crushed raw materials are poured with half a liter of boiling water and boiled for half an hour. Then the resulting decoction, after cooling slightly, is poured into a container and a sitz bath is taken for a quarter of an hour.
  • Lotions and compresses. A gauze cloth is moistened with the same decoction and applied to external hemorrhoids, especially when they are bleeding, for a while.
  • Microclysters. The same recipe for the decoction is also used to irrigate the rectal mucosa. Herbal infusion cleanses the intestines and strengthens vascular walls.
  1. Dogwood

These sour fruits are known to many for their delicious jam, but few people realize their anti-hemorrhoidal properties. The berries of the bush contain numerous minerals and vitamins, aromatic oils, tanning components, pectins, etc.

With regular consumption of dogwood, the venous walls are strengthened, bleeding disappears, and the risk of blood clots is reduced.

The fruits are especially valued for their high concentration of vitamin C, which tones the walls of blood vessels. With regular consumption of berries, the venous walls are strengthened, bleeding disappears, and the risk of blood clots is reduced.

The recipe for using dogwood for hemorrhoids is very simple: it is enough to eat 50-80 grams of fruit daily, along with the peel and seeds. It is in the nucleoli that most of the useful components are contained.

Many people recognize this herb by its pungent smell and distinct bitter taste.

For varicose hemorrhoidal veins, this plant is used to relieve inflammation, stop bleeding, dry, relieve pain and resolve nodules.

The most effective wormwood recipes are as follows:

  • Alcohol tincture. 25 grams of chopped herbs are mixed with 100 ml of medical alcohol. The solution is infused for 24 hours, then filtered. The resulting tincture is used twice a day (about a week), adding a teaspoon to a glass of water.
  • Microclysters. You should first prepare a saturated decoction of 4 tablespoons of crushed raw materials and a liter of water. The composition is boiled for 5-10 minutes, then left for several hours and finally filtered. The product effectively reduces pain and inflammation. For external nodules, a gauze bandage is soaked in the decoction and used as a lotion.

From wormwood infusion you can make microenemas that help with hemorrhoids.

  1. Burdock

Medicinal herbs that help with hemorrhoids can be confusing to patients because they are accustomed to thinking of them as ordinary weeds. This is especially true for burdock.

However, the root of this common herb helps to get rid of itching and burning sensations, reduce inflammation, gradually reduce the size of hemorrhoids, and heal cracks in the anus.

A decoction of burdock roots is used for:

  • applications;
  • ingestion;
  • compresses;
  • sitz baths.

Burdock baths for hemorrhoids are taken from the cooled decoction for a quarter of an hour. You can drink 100 ml three times a day after meals for 3-5 weeks.

Burdock root helps relieve itching and burning sensations and reduce inflammation.

  1. Nettle

The main beneficial quality of the burning plant is to increase blood clotting. That is why nettle decoctions are indispensable specifically for bleeding hemorrhoids.

In addition, taking fluids orally helps improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, prevent constipation, remove toxic substances from the body, and strengthen the immune system.

The following types of medicines made from nettle infusion will help cure hemorrhoids, such as:

  • sitz baths;
  • compresses;
  • microenemas;
  • ointments.

Preparing a medicinal decoction is quite simple. You need to pour 50 grams of dry nettle leaves into 200 ml of boiling water and leave for about 30 minutes. Drink liquid three times a day before meals, about 50 milliliters.

With the help of this herb, treatment occurs when hemorrhoids are accompanied by severe bleeding.

You can prepare the following products from burnet:

  • Decoction. To make it, 25 grams of crushed rhizomes are poured with 200 ml of boiling water, the mixture is kept in a water bath for about 30 minutes, and then infused for several hours. The product is taken orally and used for baths and lotions.
  • Suppositories. You will need the same amount of burnet rhizomes, cocoa butter, chamomile flowers, pumpkin oil, mint leaves, and propolis tincture. The crushed plant ingredients are mixed with melted cocoa butter, then the mixture is poured into molds and placed in the refrigerator.
  1. Aloe

Hemorrhoids and herbs? Treatment is quite possible and even desirable if aloe is used.

All lovers of indoor indoor plants are familiar with this common and unpretentious herb.

Agave is a truly universal plant used to treat many pathological processes. Its juice heals damaged tissue, stops bleeding, and improves the restoration of the mucous membrane.

  • Suppositories. A medium-sized leaf should be washed, the thorns and skin should be cut off, and a liner no longer than 4-5 centimeters should be cut out. Such homemade suppositories help heal wounds and reduce pain.
  • Compresses. This remedy is suitable if external hemorrhoids are combined with anal fissures. The leaves should be thoroughly crushed, placed in a gauze bag and applied to the anorectal area.

Aloe juice heals damaged tissue, stops bleeding, and improves the restoration of the mucous membrane.

  1. Dandelion

Dandelion treatment is an inexpensive and effective way to get rid of varicose hemorrhoidal veins. This herb contains a large amount of macro- and microelements and vitamins.

The plant is an antiseptic, an antispasmodic, and has the ability to reduce temperature, increase tone, relieve inflammation, and accelerate the regeneration of tissue and rectal mucosa.

Typically, a decoction of dandelion root is used to treat hemorrhoids. 20 grams of herb are poured with a glass of boiling water, kept on low heat for a quarter of an hour, then left for another 30 minutes and filtered. You need to take a tablespoon of the decoction four times a day.

When asked what herb treats bleeding hemorrhoids, traditional healers answer: yarrow. This plant is known for its antispasmodic and bactericidal properties.

Yarrow accelerates the healing of hemorrhoids, helping to eliminate foci of inflammation, reduce cavernous formations, dry out wet skin, and stop bleeding from the rectum.

Yarrow speeds up the healing of hemorrhoids, helping to eliminate foci of inflammation.

The plant can be used in different ways, since its beneficial qualities are preserved in all dosage forms. Prepared from yarrow:

  • tea (tastes good, it can replace regular black tea);
  • infusion;
  • microenemas;
  • lotions;
  • alcohol tinctures;
  • sitz baths.

And yet the best effect is found from using the infusion. To prepare it, you will need to pour 2 teaspoons of plant material with a glass of boiling water and leave in a thermos for 60 minutes.

Drink the resulting product warm, 60 milliliters three times a day until positive results are obtained.

Despite the multiple beneficial properties of medicinal plants, not all of them can be drunk. Some medicinal herbs contain ingredients that irritate the intestines, others even include natural poisons, and therefore are suitable only for topical use.

Sitz baths, compresses, suppositories or ointments are prepared from herbs with toxic components. Internal use is prohibited!

For hemorrhoids, you can use an infusion of chamomile flowers internally.

You can use the following herbal ingredients inside the infusion:

  • chamomile flowers;
  • knotweed;
  • nettle leaves;
  • yarrow;
  • dandelion roots;
  • rowan fruits;
  • burnet rhizome;
  • dogwood berries.

Herbal raw materials are a natural remedy, unlike many pharmaceutical drugs. And this is the main advantage of medicinal plants. However, no one can guarantee that the human body will not give a completely unexpected reaction to the use of a decoction or infusion.

Most medicinal plants have restrictions and contraindications. Expectant mothers and young children should take herbs for hemorrhoids with special caution.

That is why, despite the well-known effectiveness of natural remedies, you should not self-medicate for varicose hemorrhoidal veins. It is better to consult a doctor who will select safe medicinal plants and prescribe the necessary medications. This will speed up getting rid of negative symptoms.


The modern rhythm of life increasingly leads to an unpleasant disease. These are varicose veins of the rectum, more familiarly known as hemorrhoids. At the initial stage of the disease, herbs for hemorrhoids have proven themselves very well. They will relieve pain and discharge and help completely get rid of painful sensations.

Constant bleeding from the anus and severe pain force you to contact a proctologist to prescribe appropriate treatment.

Taking into account the specifics of this doctor, such treatment causes quite a lot of discomfort. This is where they usually remember herbalists and traditional medicine recipes.

Of course, relief from the condition and relief from unpleasant symptoms can only be expected if you maintain a healthy lifestyle and give up bad habits, at least for the duration of treatment.


If the disease is already advanced, then herbs will bring undeniable benefits, but their use must be combined with drug therapy, which should only be prescribed by a doctor.

Nettle, alum and onions

For this method, you can use both the herb itself (in dry form) and nettle tablets purchased at the pharmacy. Half a glass of raw material is poured with several liters of boiling water, after which the whole thing is covered with a lid and left to infuse, stirring occasionally. When the infusion has cooled completely, it must be strained through cheesecloth; the result should be green water. Drink the product three times a day, half a glass. Half a kilogram of alum is added to boiled 6-8 liters of water, when the latter is completely dissolved, the pan is covered with a lid and removed from the heat. The finished potion is poured into a basin and covered with a wooden lid with a central hole, the diameter of which is 3-5 centimeters. The hemorrhoids are doused with steam that will come from the broth, after which the anus inside and outside must be lubricated with Vaseline (or any other lubricant) and a laxative taken. This set of measures should be used once every 7 days for another three weeks.

The same can be done with onions: 4-5 medium-sized onions are poured with milk. All this is covered with a lid and sent to the oven until the onion is boiled. Then do the same as in the method described above. You can repeat the procedure after 2-3 days, having previously (6 hours before) taken laxatives.

A patient who has decided to get rid of hemorrhoids using folk remedies rather than drugs should take into account that any medicinal herb has its contraindications. A careless attitude towards this fact will not only lead to a deterioration in overall health, but will also complicate the progression of hemorrhoids. Therefore, it is better to consult a proctologist before starting treatment.

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