Focal formations of the liver
Focal and space-occupying formations in the liver on ultrasound: possible causes
1 11950 Focal formations of the liver are a serious disease of this internal organ. It is characterized by the formation
Fasting for gastritis: prohibitions, basic rules and recommendations
Is it possible to fast with gastritis? A clear answer to the question “Is fasting always effective for gastritis?”
Physical training
Exercise therapy for gastritis: examples of sets of exercises and gymnastics
When muscles work intensively, various kinds of biochemical reactions take place. In this regard, the exchange
cancer pills
Folk remedies for the treatment of pancreatic cancer
Propolis is a very valuable and unique beekeeping product. Bees produce this substance from resinous
Condensed milk for gastritis with high acidity
Gastritis is a disease associated with inflammation of the gastric mucosa. The disease is widespread
What painkillers can you take for gastritis?
Causes of stomach pain due to gastric pathology Pain syndrome is often observed in the epigastric region.
How to drink oil for ulcers
How to take olive oil for gastritis for medicinal purposes?
How to drink correctly It is not at all necessary to use oils for the treatment of gastric ulcers and duodenal ulcers,
Why is it forbidden to eat chocolate if you have gastritis?
Diet for the treatment of gastritis At the first signs of inflammation in the gastrointestinal tract (nausea, pain
Dysbacteriosis after antibiotics: symptoms, prevention, treatment
Causes of occurrence Intestinal dysbiosis after antibiotics is not considered by doctors to be an independent disease. Doctors perceive the disorder
Is it possible to eat Olivier if you have a stomach ulcer?
Recipes for delicious salads allowed for gastritis
A disease such as a stomach ulcer imposes serious restrictions on the diet of patients. In particular, the main
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