What painkillers can you take for gastritis?

Causes of stomach pain due to stomach pathology

Pain syndrome is often observed in the epigastric region. This area is located above the line drawn through the center of the abdomen. With a disease of the gastric region, pain may radiate to the left side. The causes of stomach pain may be the following:

  • Gastritis. With this disease, the nature of the pain is aching and dull. It occurs immediately after eating. Additionally, the patient experiences a feeling of heaviness and fullness, belching, heartburn, and an unpleasant taste in the mouth. Weakness, irritability, drowsiness, sweating, and fatigue appear.
  • Stomach ulcers. Pain occurs after eating an hour and a half later. The exacerbation of the disease is seasonal, often accompanied by nausea, vomiting, and sour belching. Weight indicators are decreasing. A dangerous symptom can be a stabbing pain; it signals that a hole has appeared in the wall of the stomach and food is penetrating through it into the peritoneal cavity. Perhaps the development of painful shock.
  • Stomach polyps. In this case, sometimes aching and dull pain appears. A feeling of pain on palpation, nausea, vomiting and bleeding are possible.
  • Stomach cancer. This cancer is accompanied by constant aching pain in the early stages. Patients develop an aversion to meat dishes, develop anemia and asthenia. In the later stages, there is blood in the vomit, and blood inclusions in the stool turn it black.
  • Bacterial and viral infections. With these infections, the pain is cramping and accompanied by diarrhea, vomiting, and fever.
  • Stomach dysfunction. Disorders are associated with overeating, changes in the digestive process, food is not digested. Accompanied by diarrhea. Smoking and high doses of alcohol can provoke pain in the stomach.
  • Damage to the gastric mucosa. Sharp pain occurs when acids or alkalis enter the stomach involuntarily. Poisoning with mercury and heavy metals. Symptoms are similar to those of acute gastritis. In the severe stage - fainting, shock.
  • Food poisoning. Eating low-quality food causes poisoning, and the amount of food eaten affects the severity of intoxication. Pain may appear immediately within an hour and a half, or after a few days. Sharp cramps, weakness, diarrhea, and dizziness are observed. In case of severe poisoning – loss of consciousness.
  • Emotional and other stressful situations. This causes stomach cramps, nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea.
  • Allergies or inability to digest certain foods. The pain that occurs is aching in nature. This is a reaction to allergens or foods such as lactose. There is a passage of gas, stool disorders, a feeling of nausea and vomiting.

Causes of stomach pain in diseases of other organs

Pancreatitis causes a feeling of pain in the abdomen.

The pain that occurs due to diseases of the internal organs can radiate to the stomach area. Such diseases include:

  1. Pancreatitis. Pain sensations arise in the upper half of the abdomen, then appear in the stomach area, then become encircling. They increase during meals. Associated symptoms: bloating; pain on palpation; feeling of nausea, urge to vomit; fever, loss of appetite; rapid pulse.
  2. Duodenitis. Disease of the small intestine. Intense pain syndrome. The symptoms are the same: nausea, vomiting, weakness, fever.
  3. Duodenal ulcer. With this disease, characteristic pain is localized in the epigastric region and in the pit of the stomach. There are often nighttime “hunger pains.” If you do not follow the diet and eat too spicy or sour foods, as well as after exercise, the pain intensifies. The disease worsens in spring and autumn.
  4. Ulcerative colitis is nonspecific, colitis. Pain syndrome appears in the area of ​​​​the projection of the stomach - the anterior wall of the peritoneum. It is accompanied by diarrhea, false urges, feces with mucous and bloody inclusions; elevated temperature; refusal to eat; weakness of the body.
  5. Irritable bowel. Pain and discomfort in this syndrome are constant and localized in the area of ​​the stomach projection. Constipation alternates with diarrhea. The character of stool varies. There are headaches and back pain, anxiety, and depression.
  6. Appendicitis. This is an inflammatory process of the appendix of the cecum. The pain begins in the area of ​​the stomach, then the pain spreads throughout the abdomen. After a few hours, the painful sensation moves to the iliac region. When coughing or changing body position, the pain intensifies. There are additional signs of appendicitis:
  • loss of appetite;
  • nausea and minor vomiting;
  • heat;
  • rapid heartbeat, increased blood pressure.

Damage to the cardiovascular system. This may be a pathology of the aorta in the abdominal cavity. At the beginning of the disease, sharp pain appears in the epigastric region. They can be mistaken for stomach pain. Further, they spread throughout the abdomen.

Cardiac ischemia. In this condition, the blood supply to the myocardium is disrupted. During increased physical activity or after stress, pain occurs behind the sternum and radiates down the abdomen. There are other complaints:

  1. shortness of breath is observed;
  2. heart rhythm disturbance;
  3. heart sinking;
  4. swelling of the lower extremities;
  5. weakness.

Spasms of the diaphragm. The blood supply to this muscular organ is disrupted when the body is in a bent state for a long time, thereby causing spasms - sharp pain. After some time they pass.

You will learn about the causes of abdominal pain from the video:

The appearance of an ulcer

In most cases, an ulcer appears as a result of trauma to the stomach or its damage under the influence of various factors. The disease is chronic and can occur with exacerbations, which are characterized by pronounced pain symptoms. After proper treatment, the wound begins to gradually close, which leads to the elimination of pain and other symptoms. Among the main causes of the disease are the influence of factors such as excessive consumption of alcohol and tobacco, disruptions in diet, gastritis and exposure to stress. Heredity also plays a major role in the formation of ulcers. The pain that occurs with a stomach ulcer increases within 30-60 minutes, after which it begins to subside. Also, pain occurs 1.5-2 hours after eating. Hunger pain and stomach pain at night may also occur.

First aid at home

Ranitidine is a remedy for abdominal pain.

You need to monitor your condition. Remember when attacks occur - after eating, during eating, in the morning or at night.

What foods cause pain? Does pain appear when changing body position, sneezing, or deep breathing.

Does the temperature rise during an attack? Record in memory what types of pain predominate - stabbing, sharp, pulling or girdling, spasmodic or constant.

If you really want to eat, you can prepare light porridges and soups without seasoning, steamed cutlets, and vegetable purees. During an attack, you should not consume dairy products. Avoid sour and spicy foods, fried, salty and fatty foods. You can take painkillers and antispasmodics. Gastroenterologists prescribe the following drugs in emergency cases:

  1. Almagel (taken depending on acidity);
  2. proven product No-shpa;
  3. Spazmil M;
  4. A course of the drug Ranitidine for the prevention of ulcers.

Folk remedies

Olive oil is a folk remedy for eliminating pain in the abdomen.

Typically, patients cope with the pain they experience on their own. Moreover, the diagnosis is known and this attack is provoked by an exacerbation of a chronic disease of the stomach or internal organs.

It is necessary to adhere to a diet - eat steamed and boiled dishes, stewed, boiled and baked vegetables. Mineral medicinal water without gas.

Every day take 100 ml infusion of chamomile and mint three times. Brew and drink cold blueberry tea, a quarter cup up to four times a day. For severe attacks, drink 25 ml of olive oil every half hour.

Calendula tincture in alcohol, diluted with water, relieves pain well. Drink 20 drops 3 times a day. But any folk remedies cannot replace examination and comprehensive treatment of the causes of pain.

Pay attention to the body, listen to it, notice all deviations and disturbances, all this will help to understand the reasons and begin treatment.

Gastritis pain is a symptom known to many firsthand. To relieve pain from gastritis, more and more new painkillers are being released. Home medicine offers a lot of its own, time-tested recipes. Today, inflammatory damage to the gastric mucosa is widespread.

The cause of pain in the stomach during gastritis is irritation of the internal receptors innervating the wall of the stomach. Irritation is caused by the effect of hydrochloric acid on the receptors, excess food mass in the stomach cavity and a number of other factors. How to relieve pain with gastritis depends on the above circumstances.

Gastritis pain comes in a variety of forms. The stomach hurts either in the epigastric region, or the pain radiates to the right or left hypochondrium, under the shoulder blade, or to the lumbar region. The patient is not always able to recognize the nature of the pain, associate it with gastritis and take pills for stomach pain. The nature of the pain is varied - it can be pulling and dull, sharp, cutting or spastic.

To eliminate pain from gastritis, you need to see a doctor and undergo a thorough examination. Based on the results, the doctor will prescribe adequate treatment and appropriate pain medications for the case.

Therapeutic tactics and the answer to the question of how to relieve stomach pain with gastritis directly depend on the type of gastritis of the patient. To reduce pain during hyperacid conditions, the doctor prescribes drugs that help reduce the production of hydrochloric acid in the stomach cavity. If the body does not produce enough hydrochloric acid, replacement therapy is practiced to enhance its production, which will make the patient feel relief.

General rules

In order to choose the right painkillers for stomach ulcers, it is necessary to find out what pathological process led to the pain. This can only be done after consultation with your doctor. It is in this case that drug therapy will be correct and effective.

The most likely causes of pain in gastric ulcers include:

  • long break between meals;
  • chemical, thermal or mechanical irritation of wounds;
  • increased production of hydrochloric acid in the stomach;
  • binge eating;
  • injuries.

Such pain will be aching and dull in nature, of weak to moderate intensity. If it has become extremely strong (the so-called “dagger-like”), the reason is perforation or penetration of the ulcer. In this case, you cannot take any medications - you must call an ambulance.

Regardless of the nature of the pain, ulcer sufferers are prohibited from:

  1. Analgin;
  2. Aspirin;
  3. Diclofenac;
  4. Ibuprofen;
  5. Ketoprofen.

They aggressively affect the ulcerated areas of the mucous membrane, causing even greater pain.

Pain relief from acidity

The goal of treatment for gastritis with high acidity is to reduce the intensity of pain. This direction in the treatment of gastric pathology is the leading one.

To relieve pain in a hyperacid state, painkillers are used:

  • Enveloping.
  • Antacids.
  • Proton pump inhibitors.
  • Gastroprotectors.

Enveloping drugs

Enveloping drugs have a chemical composition of a number of substances that, interacting with water, form colloidal compounds and create a special protective film on the surface of the mucous membrane, designed to protect nerve receptors from irritation.

The use of such medicinal substances is indicated for acute or chronic gastritis of various etiologies. Examples of medicinal substances are Almagel, Phosphalugel, Maalox. Antispasmodics are often prescribed in combination with enveloping drugs.


The drug is most often recommended for gastritis in order to eliminate pain in the abdomen. Analogies based on the principle of action are Maalox and Almagel Neo. The substance is used for gastritis with high acidity. Available in the form of a suspension, drink with a special measuring spoon between meals to soothe pain and heartburn.

The main advantage of the drug is the fact that, when interacting with acid in the stomach, it does not form carbon dioxide and does not cause bloating and flatulence in the patient. The group of drugs is characterized by low toxicity and is safe to take during pregnancy or breastfeeding.

The attending physician will recommend the most adequate therapeutic dosage of the drug to eliminate pain. To take the medicine correctly, the bottle will need to be shaken thoroughly before taking. The suspension will become homogeneous. Indications for use include acute or chronic gastritis, peptic ulcer, esophagitis.

It is not recommended to take the drug for children under one month of age, patients suffering from Alzheimer's disease, acute or chronic renal failure.

Anticholinergic drugs

Standard antacids and painkillers are not always effective for acute stomach pain. Other pharmacological groups of drugs are suitable for treatment, in particular, anticholinergics and antispasmodics.

In practical medicine, the drugs Buscopan, Gastrocepin, Aprofen are used.


The drug belongs to the anticholinergic group and acts selectively on the secretory activity of the gastric glands. The medicine blocks a number of receptors in the gastric mucosa and reduces pain. The medication can be used in the treatment of pregnant and lactating women, liver and kidney diseases. Its penetration into the blood is extremely low, which makes it safe. The drug can be taken in combination with other anti-inflammatory drugs. A gastroenterologist or therapist has the right to prescribe medicine.

You can take a gastrocepin tablet if the pain increases between meals, take it before meals in a regular course.

List of painkillers for stomach ulcers

"No-spa" - the main pain reliever

The active substance of the drug against pain in ulcers is drotaverine. Using an anesthetic drug, it is possible to permanently eliminate spasms of muscles and blood vessels. A distinctive feature of No-shpa from other drugs is the possibility of its use during pregnancy and the lactation period. Painkillers are produced in the following forms:

  • pills;
  • injection solution.

Features of "Baralgin"

In case of exacerbation of peptic ulcer, the drug is administered intramuscularly.
This painkiller belongs to the NSAID group. After taking it, it has an analgesic effect on the body, eliminating spastic contractions that lead to an attack of pain during an ulcer. More often, the injection of Baralgin solution into the muscle is prescribed. If the medicine cannot be used for some reason, then Ibuprofen, Nurofen and other non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are prescribed.

Is Analgin prescribed?

For gastric ulcers, the use of such a medication is not recommended, as it can cause irreversible consequences. Although the medication has an analgesic effect, in case of an ulcer it has an aggressive effect on the mucous membrane. Often, after using acetylsalicylic acid, the patient experiences internal bleeding.

Action of "De-nol"

The drug is included in complex therapy for stomach ulcers, since it has a lasting effect on the bacterium Helicobacter pylori. Thanks to De-nol, it is possible not only to relieve pain, but also to achieve stable remission of the disease. The medicine is produced exclusively in tablet form. As analogues you can use:

  • "Ventrisol";
  • "Tribamol";
  • "Bismofalk."

Application of "Papaverine"

The drug is prescribed during pregnancy and lactation.
Relieving pain from ulcers is possible with the use of such a drug. Medicinal substances can be injected into a muscle, vein, or under the skin. Papaverine hydrochloride has antispasmodic, myotropic and hypotensive effects. It is allowed to take the medication for ulcers that develop during pregnancy or breastfeeding. You should not relieve pain with Papaverine in the following cases:

  • individual intolerance to active and auxiliary substances;
  • combination with MAO inhibitors;
  • atrioventricular conduction dysfunction;
  • signs of arterial hypotension;
  • liver failure;
  • state of coma;
  • glaucoma.


Before using the product, consultation with a gastroenterologist is required.
The most effective pain reliever for peptic ulcers of the stomach and duodenum. The composition includes the following substances:

  • metamizole sodium;
  • pitofenone hydrochloride;
  • fenpiverinium.

Thanks to such components, it is possible to achieve rapid pain relief. It is used for ulcers in tablet form and liquid injected into the muscle. You are allowed to take no more than 6 tablets per day, with a time interval of 8 hours between doses. The painkiller "Spazmalgon" is used only as prescribed by a doctor, since taking it independently can cause complications of the ulcer.

Using Buscopan

A medication is prescribed for severe pain that occurs against the background of an exacerbation of a stomach ulcer. The active substances do not cause irritation to the mucous membrane of the gastrointestinal tract, and the components of Buscopan rarely cause undesirable reactions. It has a relaxing effect on smooth muscles, but does not affect the patient’s nervous system. Produced in the following forms:

  • pills;
  • rectal suppositories.


Gastritis pain is caused by spasm of the smooth muscles of the stomach. You can relieve an attack of pain with the help of a group of myotropic antispasmodics. This group of medications is in demand today and is widely used to eliminate pain.

In drugs, the antispasmodic mechanism of action is aimed at eliminating spastic contractions of the smooth muscle tissues of the stomach and intestines. By eliminating malfunctions in the sodium and potassium pumps, spastic contractions are eliminated.

Spastic contractions can be relieved with the help of drugs belonging to the antispasmodics group:

  • No-shpa or drotaverine.
  • Galidor.
  • Papaverine.
  • Spasmalgon
  • Baralgin.
  • Metacin.

In case of an overdose of drugs from this group, side effects are observed in the form of neurological and psychotic disorders, seizures and disorders of urination and defecation.


Drotaverine or no-spa, like any antispasmodics, helps eliminate spastic contractions of smooth muscles and helps soothe irritation of stomach receptors. It is permissible to drink in the form of tablets, take parenterally - intramuscularly or intravenously.

Take the drug with caution during pregnancy and breastfeeding. This pain reliever for gastritis is effective and safe.

When pain relief is contraindicated

Sometimes the patient's medical history reveals a severe concomitant disease that prevents the prescription of analgesics. A list of contraindications to taking this group of medications is described.

  1. Crohn's disease.
  2. Megacolon.
  3. Nonspecific ulcerative colitis.
  4. Tuberculosis.
  5. Acute intestinal infections.

Severe pain in the stomach sometimes becomes a signal not only of the presence of gastritis, but also acts as a sign of more serious diseases. In particular, perforation of an ulcer, peritonitis or appendicitis. In this case, it is not necessary to relieve pain until the patient is examined by a surgeon.

Before taking pills, you should consult your doctor. The doctor will prescribe an appropriate examination and decide which medications will be effective. You should not be guided in your decision by the fact that a certain medicine was effective for a neighbor or relative.

First aid for acute gastritis

  • Rinse the stomach with boiled water, isotonic sodium chloride solution or 0.5-1% sodium bicarbonate solution.
  • Do a cleansing enema.
  • Prescribe bed rest, limit food intake for 6-8 hours.
  • For severe pain, only if there is no doubt about the diagnosis, prescribe dry heat to the abdominal area.
  • Administer antispasmodics: 2% solution of no-shpa 0.1 ml per 1 year of life, papaverine hydrochloride orally 0.01-0.05 g per dose, “becarbon”, besalol 1/3 - 1 tablet orally.
  • Drink plenty of fluids (Rehydron, Oralit, tsitroglukosolan), a gentle diet.

Most often, an attack of acute gastritis in a patient occurs unexpectedly. Treatment should primarily consist of pain relief. Acute pain is relieved with antispasmodics prescribed by the attending doctor. But what can you advise a patient if the necessary drugs are not available? How to treat an exacerbation that occurs?

Painful symptoms can be relieved as follows. Lie on either side, pull your knees towards your stomach. Try to relax as much as possible and lie in this position for 15 to 30 minutes. If the pain persists, then try placing a heating pad with cold water on your stomach, just below the solar plexus.

You can relieve spasms and feelings of nausea with a piece of ice or a slice of lemon.

Since disruption of nervous regulation processes plays an important role in the exacerbation phase, it is recommended to take drops of motherwort or valerian tincture. Next, calm down and analyze what could have triggered the attack of the disease.

Pain relief for gastritis with low acidity

With low acidity, you may experience aching pain in the abdomen, nausea and a feeling of fullness. If there is a deficiency of gastric secretory activity, the pain can be easily relieved with the help of replacement therapy. To prescribe the correct treatment, you must consult a doctor.

For pain relief in hypoacid conditions, enzymes are used - mezim, panzinorm, creon. Hydrochloric acid with pepsin is prescribed. It will alleviate the condition and activate digestive processes in the cavity of the stomach and intestines.

What medications should you not take?

To eliminate stomach pain, it is not recommended to take painkillers: analgin, diclofenac, ortofen. These medications do not relieve stomach pain and will worsen the patient's condition and cause stomach bleeding.

Why does pain occur with gastritis? Stomach pain is the first and main sign of gastritis. Gastritis is one of the most common diseases in the modern world. It occurs due to inflammation of the inner mucous membrane of the stomach and is accompanied by severe bursting pain. It is this that causes severe discomfort and poor human condition.


During an acute attack of gastritis, eating during the first two days is not recommended. Therapeutic fasting is prescribed, during which it is allowed to drink warm unsweetened tea with lemon and still mineral water. Then liquid boiled dishes are introduced into the menu. It is necessary to exclude spicy, fatty, salty foods from the diet. Food should be warm; too hot or cold food irritates the gastric mucosa.

Boiled lean meat and fishFatty meat, sausage, frankfurters, lard, smoked meats
Soft-boiled eggs (2 pieces per day)Canned meat and fish
Dried wheat breadRye bread, baked goods
Porridge (oatmeal, semolina, buckwheat, rice)Confectionery, candy, chocolate
Boiled vegetables, vegetable pureeLegumes, peas, cabbage, garlic
Fresh tomatoes (100 g per day)Sour and fatty dairy products, sharp and hard cheese
Compote and jelly from sweet fruits and berriesSour fruits and berries
Vegetable oil (linseed or sunflower)Carbonated and alcoholic drinks, coffee
  1. Medicines for gastritis of the stomach with low and high acidity
  2. Treatment of gastritis with honey: reviews and recipes
  3. What vegetables can you eat if you have gastritis?
  4. Pain due to gastritis of the stomach: tablets for acute and severe pain

The nature of pain with gastritis

Gastritis most often occurs in men, and causes a number of symptoms that can be used to determine the extent of the disease. The main symptom is pain. It is the intensity of pain during gastritis and its nature that makes it possible to distinguish this disease from hepatic colic and cholelithiasis. The pain in this disease does not begin abruptly; it increases in intensity within 10 minutes and subsides very slowly. Of course, it is impossible to diagnose such a disease based only on intensity, so you should be aware of other symptoms that gastritis provokes. These include:

  • nausea;
  • heartburn;
  • feeling of fullness in the stomach after eating;
  • presence of an unpleasant taste in the mouth.

These symptoms will help determine the presence of gastritis and begin treatment. In this case, you should know exactly where this pain should be. Most often, patients complain that the left hypochondrium hurts, and this is logical, because that is where the stomach is located. The pain usually occurs after eating and can torment a person throughout the day. In severe cases, the stomach hurts for several days or even weeks. This pain directly depends on the exacerbation of the disease itself.

Gastritis is a painful problem for a large number of people. Many people try to cope with the disease on their own, which increases the risk of its progression. Therefore, when faced with a number of symptoms, you should not try to relieve gastritis pain on your own; you should seek qualified medical help.

How to calm the stomach with gastritis

Gastritis is a disease characterized by inflammation and irritation of the mucous membrane of the digestive system. The occurrence of pathology is associated with improper diet, consumption of foods harmful to the stomach, and a passive lifestyle. Gastritis is accompanied by nausea, vomiting, heartburn, belching, and pain. Relieving unpleasant symptomatic signs at home is first aid during an exacerbation of the disease.

Pain is a symptom that signals an internal inflammatory process. An attack of gastritis is accompanied by spasms on the left side of the stomach area. The pain can be cramping, intense, weak, or moderate, depending on the severity of the inflammatory process. When the intestinal muscles are damaged, acute spasms are observed, stretching of the outer lining of the esophagus is weak, and with an exacerbation of the chronic form of gastritis, dull spasms are observed, accompanied by heaviness in the stomach.

There are certain causes of pain during inflammation of the mucous membrane:

  • non-compliance with the diet: eating low-quality, unhealthy food, eating dry food, snacking, overeating, following strict diets;
  • swallowing food in large pieces;
  • abuse of alcoholic beverages and tobacco products;
  • long course of taking medications;
  • exposure to environmental factors;
  • stress, emotional turmoil;
  • internal diseases: penetration of bacterial infection, disruption of the functioning of the endocrine, cardiovascular systems, pathologies of the abdominal organs.

When gastritis worsens, it is necessary to eliminate the unpleasant symptoms that cause discomfort, in particular, spasms. You can relieve stomach pain at home without harming your health.

You can relieve stomach pain with gastritis on your own, taking into account the form of the disease. Cleansing the stomach is the main way to relieve an exacerbation. To do this, you need to induce vomiting, and also refuse to eat any food for several days. To cleanse the stomach, you should take a solution that you can prepare yourself: mix soda with warm water. It is not recommended to add potassium permanganate to avoid damage to the esophagus. If you cannot empty the stomach yourself, you should rinse it using a medical probe.

In case of acute inflammation of the mucous membrane, it is necessary to observe bed rest, sleep more, and rest. Diet during an attack of gastritis is the main method of therapeutic course that can reduce pain. Proper nutrition implies the inclusion of liquid porridges, broths, pureed vegetables, and boiled meat in the diet. In case of exacerbation of chronic gastritis, it is necessary to follow a balanced diet and also use medications.

An auxiliary remedy to relieve pain is a heating pad with cold water, which should be kept in the abdominal area for half an hour. If you cannot relieve an attack of gastritis at home, then you need to seek help from a gastroenterologist.

Relieving pain is an important component of providing assistance during the period of exacerbation of gastritis. You can relieve spasms yourself by using proven methods of treating the stomach. Effective methods include taking medications and using traditional recipes.

Elimination of unpleasant symptomatic signs is impossible without taking medications. Proven medications are:

  • antacid drugs;
  • painkillers, analgesics;
  • enzyme preparations;
  • blockers;
  • antiseptics.

Antacid medications help normalize the level of stomach acidity, relieve the feeling of heaviness, get rid of heartburn, bloating, and restore the mucous membrane of the digestive organ as a result of pathological damage. The products differ in the degree of absorption. Absorbed antacids quickly and effectively neutralize the level of hydrochloric acid in the stomach, but the effect of the drug is short-lived. Taking rapidly absorbed drugs can lead to increased acidity and exacerbation of the disease. Non-absorbable drugs with a long-lasting effect have a gentle effect on hydrochloric acid. Antacids include:

  • Almagel gel;
  • Maalox suspension, Phosphalugel;
  • tablets Gastal, Rennie, Vikair, Vikalin.

Antacids should be taken 60-90 minutes after eating. The drugs help relieve early pain, eliminate heartburn, and protect the mucous membrane.

Analgesics relieve spasms and tone the muscles of the stomach. Painkillers are not the main medications for the treatment of gastritis. The main components of analgesics that block nerve impulses are papaverine and drotaverine. Effective antispasmodics are:

Taking Analgin and Ibuprofen for gastritis is contraindicated. Strong painkillers cause damage to the irritated gastric mucosa. Antispasmodics are contraindicated in the presence of internal pathologies: liver disease, kidney disease, circulatory disorders, intestinal infection, Crohn's disease, stomach ulcer. It is necessary to stop using painkillers for women during pregnancy and breastfeeding. During persistent pain, doctors may prescribe narcotic analgesics - Morphine. But strong medications are not suitable for self-relief of spasms.

Medicines containing enzymes help normalize the digestion of food consumed at low acidity. The main substances of medications break down food into easily digestible components, so the medication should be taken during or after eating food. Effective enzyme preparations are:

Medicines are contraindicated in acute form of pancreatitis, sensitivity of the body to the components of the drug.

Painful symptoms are accompanied by nausea and vomiting. To relieve unpleasant symptoms, you can take blockers: Motilium tablets, Cerucal. To reduce the level of stomach acidity, it is necessary to take anticholinergic drugs.

Antibacterial and antiseptic drugs have an enveloping effect, protecting damaged stomach walls from external irritants. The astringent components of the drugs restore the functions of the digestive system organ, and as a result, prevent repeated attacks of the disease.

Folk recipes for attacks of gastritis eliminate severe pain syndromes. If your stomach hurts or you experience cramps of varying intensity, then you need to use simple, proven methods:

  • rice water, which has an enveloping effect;
  • flax seed powder;
  • potato, cabbage juice;
  • decoctions of rose hips with lemon, mint, currant leaves;
  • dandelion syrup;
  • infusions of chamomile, yarrow;
  • gooseberry compote;
  • aloe leaves.

Folk recipes for pain relief include medicinal herbs, medicinal mixtures that have anti-inflammatory and antibacterial effects. The components of infusions and decoctions envelop the walls of the stomach and restore damaged areas of the mucous membrane. When taking herbal ingredients, you must make sure that you are not allergic to herbal preparations.

The information on our website is provided by qualified doctors and is for informational purposes only. Don't self-medicate! Be sure to consult a specialist!

Author: Rumyantsev V. G. Experience 34 years.

Gastroenterologist, professor, doctor of medical sciences. Prescribes diagnostics and carries out treatment. Expert of the group for the study of inflammatory diseases. Author of more than 300 scientific papers.


It is difficult to find a person who has not had a stomach ache at least once in his life. This problem can be encountered at any age, regardless of gender, lifestyle, diet and physical activity.

And although the causes of stomach pain are quite varied, the main and most common is gastritis.

Stomach pain with gastritis can be constant or occur periodically, depending on the form of the disease - acute or chronic.

In any case, to make a correct diagnosis, you need to consult a doctor who will prescribe adequate treatment and select the necessary medications, because gastritis comes in different types and, therefore, requires a different approach to treatment.

But it happens that it is impossible to seek medical help at the moment, and unbearable pain in the stomach causes severe suffering. In this case, it must be stopped before going to the hospital.

This article will tell you what to do and how to relieve stomach pain.

For starters, it’s a good idea to find out what causes gastritis and what the main types of this disease are. Gatsrit can be caused by several reasons: :

  1. Bacteria. Responsibility for it lies with a bacterium called Helicobacter pylori. The microorganism lives in the stomach of most people on the planet, but under certain conditions it begins to multiply rapidly and the toxic waste of its activity damages the mucous membrane, causing symptoms of gastritis.
  2. Stress. Exacerbations of gastritis often occur on the eve of important meetings, events, during exams, under stress or depression.
  3. Poor nutrition. Fatty, fried, spicy foods can provoke attacks; excess spices, sauces, marinades; smoked foods, street fast food, carbonated drinks, as well as poor quality food and certain medications.
  4. In addition to the described types, which are considered uncomplicated, there are other, more severe forms of gastritis - fibrinous (requires emergency care, as death is possible), atrophic and hypertrophic (risk of developing a malignant tumor), phlegmous (treatable with antibiotics). Such complex cases are treated exclusively by specialists and there can be no talk of relieving stomach pain at home.

Despite the different types and causes of stomach disease, the symptoms characteristic of uncomplicated forms of gastritis appear almost identically in all cases:

  • sharp pain in the stomach area
  • heaviness in the upper abdomen
  • poor appetite
  • bloating
  • nausea and vomiting
  • bad taste in mouth
  • heartburn, belching

To normalize the condition during a painful attack, you can resort to over-the-counter medications or folk remedies.

Depending on the manifestations of gastritis symptoms and the nature of the pain syndrome, appropriate medications should be used.

Antacids - drugs that neutralize acid in the stomach and relieve the feeling of heaviness and burning in the esophagus - will help cope with this rather unpleasant phenomenon.

Their choice is quite varied and the pharmacy will sell them without a doctor’s prescription.

  • Almagel - take 1-3 teaspoons, depending on the severity of the condition, 3-4 times a day
  • Maalox – 1 package (15 ml) - up to 6 r/day.
  • Phosphalugel – 1-2 packages 2-3 r/day
  • Gastal – 1-2 tablets (no more than 8 during the day)
  • Rennie – 1 tablet up to 16 times a day
  • Vikair – 1-2 tablets 3 times a day.
  • Vikalin - 1-2 crushed tablets with half a glass of warm water 3 times a day.

All antacids should be taken an hour to an hour and a half after meals and three hours before the next meal.

If the heartburn is very severe and cannot be tolerated, regular baking soda will help; you can use it, but often you should not do this, since soda will cause the condition to worsen in the future.

Let this be an emergency remedy in case of emergency when the necessary medicine is not at hand.

In case of severe heartburn that does not go away after using an antacid, it is better to take additional Rennie, this drug will work like soda and will quickly relieve heartburn without causing harm to the stomach lining.

For acute, cramping, cutting pain in the stomach, antispasmodics are used. The most common of them is No-shpa or Drotaverine (an analogue that costs less).

The product works well both when used intramuscularly and in tablet form. The dose of the drug is for adults 1-2 tablets 3 times, a maximum of 6 tablets per day.

In addition to No-shpa, other antispasmodics are used:

These medications help relax the muscles of the stomach, they will relieve spasms and relieve pain.

To relieve stomach pain due to gastritis, analgesics are also often used - Analgin, Acelizin, Ibuprofen.

This is a more powerful analgesic and may relieve pain faster than an antispasmodic, but such drugs have one significant drawback: analgesics damage the gastric mucosa, and with gastritis it is already quite irritated.

Therefore, in order not to aggravate the condition, pain relief using such methods should be done extremely rarely and in exceptional cases.

If the situation is critical, doctors use narcotic analgesics such as Morphine or Promedol to relieve a painful attack, but their treatment must be supervised by a doctor and cannot be purchased without a prescription.

Therefore, there can be no question of using narcotic analgesics to relieve stomach pain at home.

If gastritis pain appears regularly and is aching and dull, medications containing enzymes to normalize the digestive process in the stomach will be effective:

  • Festal
  • Enzistal
  • Mezim, Mezim - forte
  • Creon
  • Pancreatin

Such medications are usually taken during meals or immediately after them according to the instructions; a prescription is not required to purchase.

Enzyme products are intended for longer-term use; their one-time use will not solve the problem.

The course of treatment with such medications can last several days, or can last for weeks or even months. Long-term treatment should not take place without medical supervision.

If, along with stomach pain, a person suffers from nausea and vomiting, Cerucal, Motilium, Domperidone and other drugs that relieve an attack of nausea will come to the rescue.

But in addition to drug therapy, there are no less effective folk methods to cope with unpleasant symptoms and normalize the condition during exacerbation of stomach diseases.

Herbal teas, decoctions, and infusions will come to the rescue. In the summer, mint and currant leaves, plantain, wormwood, chamomile and St. John's wort are harvested for these purposes.

With the help of these herbs, you can not only relieve pain during an attack of gastritis, but also successfully treat the disease itself.

  1. Peppermint and currant leaves can be brewed separately, or added to weak green or black tea. Helps with mild stomach pain.
  2. Chamomile infusion - 1 tablespoon per glass of boiling water - can be drunk several times a day, half a glass.
  3. Dandelion syrup, which is good to make in the spring, during the season of mass flowering, has proven itself to be good for stomach pain. The flowers need to be collected, washed well and dried. Then grind them in a meat grinder, sprinkle with sugar and the juice that appears, take 1 teaspoon in 100 ml of warm water several times a day. This remedy can also be used to prevent stomach diseases.
  4. During severe pain, gooseberry compote helps. It should be prepared very concentrated and drink a glass 3 times a day. Gooseberries for compote can be taken fresh, dry or frozen.
  5. You can also relieve pain using this recipe: grind flax seeds, mix with chamomile and yarrow. For 1 tablespoon of flaxseed you need 2 tbsp. spoons of herbs. Pour this mixture into 300 ml of boiling water, leave and drink 100 ml every 2 hours.

Of course, the methods discussed in this article for eliminating stomach pain due to gastritis are not all that can be successfully used at home.

In the treatment and prevention of the disease, olive and sea buckthorn oil, bee products and various berries are used.

But gastritis requires serious attention; it must be treated, and not just relieve symptoms, otherwise the disease may become a harbinger of stomach ulcers and other problems with the digestive organs.

And, of course, the article’s recommendations cannot be used for self-medication; an accurate diagnosis and medications should be prescribed by a specialist.


The occurrence of gastritis of the stomach is characterized by the appearance of a number of unpleasant symptoms. The patient's condition with gastritis can be extremely serious, so it is important to prevent it. First aid for gastritis is aimed at eliminating pain: the patient is prescribed bed rest, an enema to cleanse the stomach, gastric lavage, administration of antispasmodic drugs, for example, noshpa, plenty of fluids to drink and a gentle diet. Sedatives for gastritis will be described in more detail in the following material.

Symptoms of increasing exacerbation indicate the formation of erosions on the surface of the stomach. The acute form of gastritis usually develops over several days, or even hours. An unhealthy diet, the use of chemicals that irritate the mucous surface, or the entry of pathogenic microbes into the stomach can serve as a starting mechanism for the occurrence of ulcers and perforation of the stomach.

Signs of the acute form are usually a response to damage to the mucous membrane. The body releases substances that call the immune system cells to the site of damage. The main purpose of these “helpers” is to remove pathogenic substances from the stomach, which causes the development of their vigorous activity, manifested in the form of inflammation. And the inflammatory process is not only damage to the mucous membrane, but also an attempt by the body to restore the integrity of its surface.

With exacerbation of chronic gastritis, the symptoms depend on the stage of the disease.

Main symptoms of the disease:

  • Periodic stomach pain that worsens after eating. They can result from long breaks between meals.
  • Heartburn, belching, and nausea that worsen after eating.
  • Vomiting is green and yellow in color and has a characteristic sour odor.
  • Increased salivation, which is characteristic of gastrointestinal disorders and is a protective reaction.
  • Dry mouth caused by frequent vomiting, which causes dehydration.
  • Abnormal stool.

Symptoms are accompanied by secondary signs: weakness, increased body temperature, headache, dizziness, rapid heartbeat.

Usually the acute form is replaced for some time by a period of remission, the time of which determines successful treatment. All symptoms that bothered the patient practically disappear or significantly weaken.

There are two types of this condition:

  • Full form. The treatment was successful, the disease virtually disappeared.
  • Incomplete form. Signs of the disease still persist for some time. And if the diet is violated, the acute form is reactivated.

With chronic gastritis, the period of remission can be several months and up to several years. The patient’s symptoms at this stage depend on the therapy performed: with minimal complaints, treatment is not required.

  • Rinse the stomach with boiled water, isotonic sodium chloride solution or 0.5-1% sodium bicarbonate solution.
  • Do a cleansing enema.
  • Prescribe bed rest, limit food intake for 6-8 hours.
  • For severe pain, only if there is no doubt about the diagnosis, prescribe dry heat to the abdominal area.
  • Administer antispasmodics: 2% solution of no-shpa 0.1 ml per 1 year of life, papaverine hydrochloride orally 0.01-0.05 g per dose, “becarbon”, besalol 1/3 - 1 tablet orally.
  • Drink plenty of fluids (Rehydron, Oralit, tsitroglukosolan), a gentle diet.

Most often, an attack of acute gastritis in a patient occurs unexpectedly. Treatment should primarily consist of pain relief. Acute pain is relieved with antispasmodics prescribed by the attending doctor. But what can you advise a patient if the necessary drugs are not available? How to treat an exacerbation that occurs?

Painful symptoms can be relieved as follows. Lie on either side, pull your knees towards your stomach. Try to relax as much as possible and lie in this position for 15 to 30 minutes. If the pain persists, then try placing a heating pad with cold water on your stomach, just below the solar plexus.

You can relieve spasms and feelings of nausea with a piece of ice or a slice of lemon.

Since disruption of nervous regulation processes plays an important role in the exacerbation phase, it is recommended to take drops of motherwort or valerian tincture. Next, calm down and analyze what could have triggered the attack of the disease.

Several decades ago, it was believed that the cause of gastritis was dietary errors. This is partly true. Long periods without food and snacks on the go contribute to the development or exacerbation of gastric diseases, but there are other reasons. It has now been scientifically proven that not only a violation of the diet causes the appearance of gastritis, but also severe stress can provoke its appearance, as well as a pathogenic bacterium - Helicobacter.

This insidious bacterium, once in the stomach, releases toxins that damage its mucous membrane. Since Helicobacter is transmitted through household contact, other family members can also become ill, becoming infected from each other. Therefore, if you are a carrier of the bacteria, you should have personal utensils so as not to infect others. And so, we’ve talked about the causes of gastritis, it’s time to move on to its treatment. But the treatment of gastritis itself varies, it depends on the acidity (high or low) in your stomach.

Symptoms: heaviness in the stomach after eating, a feeling of fullness in the stomach, a dull aching pain immediately after eating, which intensifies in an upright position and when walking, belching, nausea. It is very important to follow a diet. You can eat almost everything, excluding dairy, flour, fresh bread, fatty meat, hot sauces, beans, peas, canned food. But to cook mostly boiled, fried without a rough crust or stewed, mashed dishes.

First collection: take the herbs yellow sweet clover and horsetail (one part each); two parts each of grass and root of wormwood, knotweed grass; three parts of oregano herb; five parts of yarrow herb, mix.

Second collection: take leaves of coltsfoot, St. John's wort herb and cinquefoil (one part each); two each - knotweed herb, calendula flowers, rose hips; three parts each of crushed chamomile flowers (dry), plantain leaves, mix.

Prepare the preparations according to one scheme: pour two or three tablespoons of boiling water into a thermos overnight. spoons of the mixture, strain in the morning. Drink the resulting infusion half a glass fifteen minutes before meals and before bed. To prevent addiction from setting in, alternate the preparations. The course of treatment is three weeks, a five-day break and proceed to the second collection.

During an exacerbation with swelling of the gastric mucosa:

  • take one part each of heather grass and knotweed; two parts each of rose hips and dandelion root; three parts of knotweed herb, mix.
  • Pour a tablespoon of the mixture into a thermos, pour half a liter of boiling water for three hours, strain. Drink a quarter of a glass every hour for one or two days, then half a glass three times a day, half an hour before meals and before bed.

To prevent exacerbations in spring and autumn for 2 years, it is useful to take monthly courses: mix three parts of blue cornflower flowers, barberry leaves, dandelion root; four parts thyme herb, five parts Veronica officinalis herb. Art. Pour a spoonful of the mixture into a thermos and pour one and a half cups of boiling water for an hour, strain. Drink half a glass 10-15 minutes before taking the main mixture.

Chronic gastritis with high acidity is considered a pre-ulcerative condition. It must be treated immediately at the first symptoms: pain in the upper abdomen that occurs at night or on an empty stomach and goes away after eating, sour belching, heartburn, and a tendency to constipation. You need to start treatment with a gentle diet: pureed and steamed foods, slimy porridges, various purees.

First collection: mix one part of white willow bark, two parts each of leaves of black currant, birch, viburnum, large plantain, ivy grass; three each of mint leaves and centaury herb; four parts flax seeds; five parts each of motherwort and St. John's wort herb.

Second collection: one part of dill seeds; two parts each of three-leaved watch grass, ivy budra, wild strawberry (the whole plant with roots), calendula flowers; three each - flax seeds, smoke herb, speedwell, coltsfoot leaves, marshmallow root; four parts of St. John's wort herb.

Third collection: one part each of tansy flowers and shepherd's purse grass; two each - cumin seeds, flax seeds, chamomile flowers (pharmaceutical or tongueless), licorice root; three parts knotweed grass; four - motherwort herbs; five parts of St. John's wort herb. Prepare the infusions in the same way as for low acidity, but the infusion should be drunk during the day 20-30 minutes before meals in three to four doses. Course - 21−30 days.

You can alternate the doses: first you drink one, then take a five-six day break and start another. Or choose one of them, taking breaks between doses. An exacerbation of gastritis usually goes away in 3-4 weeks if you strictly follow the treatment regimen.

First of all, it is recommended to try herbal preparations. In pharmacies you will find many natural sedatives. They usually consist of several types of plants.

To prepare one of them, a composition of equal parts of calendula, oregano and tansy is used. A tablespoon of the mixture is poured into half a liter of boiling water, infused for 10-15 minutes and filtered. The decoction should be taken before meals in the amount of 100 g.

To improve sleep, use a soothing mixture of valerian root, peppermint and trefoil. After chopping and mixing the herbs, a tablespoon of the mixture is brewed with boiling water and infused in a thermos. After 30 minutes, filter the solution and consume 100 grams before bed. This drink for gastritis can be consumed up to three times a week, but only in the evening.

To calm the nerves, drinks made from cumin, chamomile, hawthorn and valerian are recommended. Herbal teas are taken in the morning, throughout the day and in the evening. The treatment course lasts a month and can be repeated periodically.

It is possible to use ready-made herbal sedatives for gastritis. These include: valerian tablets, Persen, Novopassit and motherwort tincture.

In special cases, for gastritis, stronger sedatives are prescribed, which can only be prescribed by the attending physician.

Treatment of gastritis depends on the cause that caused it. The general treatment regimen is as follows:

  • The first day after an attack of acute gastritis, it is better not to eat at all; you can only drink strong tea (in small quantities) and mineral water such as Borjomi. The goal is complete cleansing of the intestines and stomach;
  • On the 2-3rd day they switch to a gentle diet (warm, low-fat, pureed dishes); semolina and rice porridge, low-fat chicken broth, jelly.
  • Medicines: adsorbing toxins, coating the walls of the stomach, painkillers, improving digestion in a sore stomach, reducing acidity; Sometimes antibiotics are prescribed to get rid of the infection. If an attack of gastritis is accompanied by severe pain, you need to use drugs that relieve spasms;
  • A week after an attack of acute gastritis, you can eat as usual.

Treatment lasts 2-3 weeks at home.

Pharmacological treatment should be comprehensive, simultaneously eliminating the causes that provoked the exacerbation. If pathogenic bacteria are detected, the patient must be treated with antibiotics. The dose and regimen are determined only by the attending physician.

In therapy aimed at restoring the mucous membrane, drugs of the antacid group are usually used. They perfectly relieve pain symptoms, protect the mucous membrane from irritation, and normalize secretory function. The effect is achieved by enveloping the walls of the stomach, which leads to immediate relief from painful spasms. The most famous drugs are Gastal, Maalox, Almagel.

For both acute and chronic gastritis, it is better to constantly adhere to a diet. Limit spicy, hot foods, coffee, avoid carbonated drinks, alcohol, and smoking.

Gastritis is a disease in which the stomach lining becomes inflamed. It can develop both due to pathogenic microflora and under the influence of other factors.

This pathology can occur in an acute form or progress to a chronic stage. Most patients experience seasonal exacerbations, so they and their households should know how to provide first aid for acute gastritis.

With a definitive diagnosis of gastritis, we are talking about organic changes in the gastric mucosa. Each new exacerbation steadily depletes the regenerative (restorative) potential of the body. Therefore, it is important to complete the course of treatment the next time symptoms of the acute phase of the disease appear. And even after achieving stable remission, continue to follow lifestyle recommendations for patients with chronic gastritis.

It is necessary to pay special attention to the following points in the treatment of exacerbation:

  1. If the presence of Helicobacter pylori bacteria in the stomach is confirmed, which in most cases is the culprit in the development of gastritis, anti-Helicobacter therapy is carried out. Strict adherence to the treatment regimen is of paramount importance. Even with slight deviations from prescriptions, the microorganism can survive and continue to provoke exacerbations of gastritis. In this case, antibiotics will have to be started again.
  2. The most effective group of drugs for inflammation of the gastric mucosa with high acidity are proton pump inhibitors. The most common are Omeprazole, Rabeprazole, Esomeprazole, Pantoprazole and Lansoprazole. The choice of one of them is associated with a specific clinical case - depending on what drugs the patient is taking, the severity of the condition, and the presence of concomitant pathologies.
  3. You should not panic if the treatment prescribed by your doctor does not make you feel better enough. This, as a rule, is due to the fact that each patient has a strictly individual ratio of the components of gastric juice, the state of the mucous membrane and health in general. The desired result will definitely be achieved after several therapy adjustments, possibly with the addition of other groups of drugs, for example, H2-histamine receptor blockers or cytoprotectors.

Do not forget about the existence of such a disease as reflux gastritis. There is damage to the gastric mucosa, as in the case of autoimmune, bacterial gastritis. But the cause of the inflammatory process is the backflow of the contents of the duodenum: pancreatic juice, bile.

In addition to the listed drugs aimed at reducing acidity, a feature of the treatment of exacerbation of this gastritis is the prescription of prokinetics (Domperidone, Motilium). They normalize the physiological movement of the food bolus, improving muscle tone of the gastrointestinal tract.


Causes of the disease

Pain in this disease varies, but almost always it appears after eating and worsens the patient’s condition. The causes of severe pain in this disease can be different; they depend primarily on what caused the inflammation of the gastric mucosa. There are different manifestations of inflammation, each of which has its own frequency, intensity and character.

Autoimmune gastritis occurs when the gastric mucosa atrophies, which reduces acidity. In this case, the patient feels severe dull pain after eating. Sometimes this form is accompanied by diarrhea, poor appetite and flatulence. It is especially difficult for patients to tolerate due to severe symptoms.

Helicobacter pylori gastritis occurs due to Helicobacter pylori infection, which causes hypertrophy of the gastric mucosa. This leads to stabbing and cramping pain. In some cases, this form of the disease can cause heartburn, nausea and even vomiting.

Reflux gastritis occurs due to the repeated reflux of bile into the stomach from the duodenum. This leads to severe inflammation of the mucous membrane and is accompanied by pain, belching, vomiting and a metallic taste in the mouth. Symptoms appear an hour after eating.

In order to find out the true causes of pain, you should find out what exactly influences the development of the disease and worsens a person’s condition. When it comes to the acute form of gastritis, pain can be triggered by:

  • stress and severe depression;
  • addiction to alcohol and smoking;
  • the presence of Helicobacter pylori in the body;
  • autoimmune processes in the body;
  • improper nutrition.

With chronic gastritis, pain may occur:

  • with long-term use of medications;
  • with hereditary predisposition;
  • with poor nutrition;
  • in the absence of necessary vitamins and iron in the body.

To protect your body from this disease, you should be more attentive to the symptoms and pain in the stomach. After all, these pains and some symptoms are serious reasons to suspect gastritis. If they are detected, you should consult a doctor who will diagnose the gastric mucosa, on the basis of which a diagnosis will be made.

How to calm an irritated stomach at home with food and drinks?

Stomach problems are widespread and are mainly caused by stress, tension, bacteria, viruses.
How to calm an irritated stomach? Indeed, due to these factors, not just slight discomfort may occur, but also pain, cramps, and malaise in general. These conditions can be truly distressing because they interfere with daily activities and concentration. The good news is that you can always eat something that will “pacify” your digestive system. Some drinks also have surprisingly positive effects. So, how can you calm your stomach at home, relieve pain and cramps with natural products that can be found in almost any kitchen or in the nearest store?

Foods that soothe your stomach

What foods and drinks reduce abdominal pain and discomfort?


The easiest way is to eat a banana. It has a fleshy and dry structure, which has a positive effect on the gastrointestinal tract. This fruit is rich in fiber, which aids digestion and reduces diarrhea, pain and stomach cramps. Vitamin B6 present in bananas reduces bloating and gas and soothes the intestinal muscles.

White baked bread

If you have been on a diet until now and mainly relied on whole grain and black bread, then if you have stomach problems, it’s time to eat some white, well-baked bread.

Whole wheat flour contains large unrefined particles, which further irritate the stomach because they are difficult to digest.

White bread, in contrast, has a calming effect and is easier to process by the body.


Eggs are one of the best sources of high-quality proteins and fats that suppress acid reflux and reduce stomach pain.

They are an easy food choice when gastrointestinal problems arise. Eat them boiled.


What else can quickly calm an irritated stomach is oats. Oatmeal helps with irritation and soreness. The fiber in them stimulates digestion and reduces gastric acid. However, do not overdo it with the quantity, since oatmeal is also not a very easily digestible product. Use no more than one handful.


Tomatoes contain enzymes that stimulate the growth of beneficial bacteria in the digestive tract. It helps suppress inflammation, pain, cramping, diarrhea, constipation and all such symptoms associated with discomfort, ailments in the abdominal area.

Sweet potato

Products containing calcium, magnesium and potassium tend to balance sodium in the body and, accordingly, acids in the stomach. Sweet potatoes are rich in these minerals.

Moreover, the structure of the fruit is fleshy and easy to digest, which further soothes the stomach. Avocados, bananas, and pumpkins are similar to sweet potatoes in this sense.


Despite the rather spicy note in taste, ginger soothes an irritated stomach. In addition, it is also a suitable remedy for nausea and vomiting.

Warm water

If you have an irritated and painful stomach, it is not recommended to experiment with drinks, especially sweet, carbonated and alcoholic ones. Water is the most natural liquid that the body needs.


Although the effects of coffee on the stomach are controversial (especially on an empty stomach), some studies suggest that the antioxidants present in coffee help balance heartburn and reduce symptoms of nausea and pain.


A natural remedy that helps cope with the unpleasant effect of gas formation, even in very tiny children. It relaxes the muscles, helps the gas “dissolve” without creating discomfort. Fennel can be added to tea or salad, or it can be drunk as tea.


Lemon juice has a similar effect on the body to gastric juice. In addition, it replenishes the lack of fluid and helps the digestive tract process food faster.

What to do after you have managed to calm the pain, cramps, and irritation in the stomach?

As soon as the pain subsides, it is recommended to eat easily digestible foods for some time. Sugar, salt, tobacco and alcohol should be consumed in small quantities or avoided altogether. Fatty meat and white cabbage will also quickly cause irritation of the mucous membranes (you can eat cauliflower).

Source: https://assol-club.net/2019/06/kak-v-domashnix-usloviyax-uspokoit-razdrazhennyj-zheludok-s-pomoshhyu-edy-i-napitkov/

Diagnostic methods

An important step in eliminating severe pain due to gastritis is diagnosis. After all, before starting treatment, a diagnosis should be made that will show the form and degree of development of the disease. This procedure will help to accurately identify the presence of gastritis.

Today there is one most effective method for detecting gastritis. It is an examination of the gastric mucosa using a probe. A probe is used to take a piece of mucous membrane for analysis, which helps determine the level of danger. This is done to prevent the development of peptic ulcers and cancer.

After such an examination, the doctor can very accurately assess the course of the disease and what type it is. Most often, after diagnosis, non-erosive gastritis is determined, which is not accompanied by erosion of the mucous membrane. This type of gastritis is the initial form of the disease that is most often diagnosed. Unlike non-erosive, erosive is accompanied by areas covered with erosion. This is a fairly severe type of inflammation that occurs with frequent alcohol consumption or when treated with certain medications.

This diagnostic method is truly the most effective, because it does not take much time. After this diagnosis, the patient receives the most accurate result of the course of the disease. This allows the doctor to make the correct diagnosis and prescribe the necessary medications to relieve the patient from the pain of gastritis.

How to relieve pain when treating gastritis or ulcers

In case of gastritis in the acute stage or in the presence of a stomach ulcer, the use of medications is generally not recommended. What to do if you have a severe headache or any other pain? Can I take any painkiller? These questions are increasingly being asked to specialists. Before looking for an affordable painkiller, let's consider how you can avoid taking pills:

  • If the pain is not acute, massage, apply a cold or hot compress, move around or, conversely, relax (depending on the disease and location).
  • If possible, use local medications (ointment, gel, cream), in which case the stomach will not be damaged.
  • However, if you cannot do without taking the medicine orally, take the tablet in effervescent form or during meals. This will help minimize harm to the gastrointestinal tract.

It should be remembered that painkillers can only be used once. At the first opportunity, you must go to the hospital to make a diagnosis and receive adequate treatment. Neglecting this rule can lead to serious complications.

Relieving pain due to gastritis

When it comes to headaches, experts recommend using painkillers based on paracetamol or ibuprofen. It is best to give preference to children's medications in an increased dosage in the form of a suspension. Such drugs have a gentle effect on the gastric mucosa.

These include:

  • Efferalgan;
  • Nurofen;
  • Panadol.

If the pain is spastic in nature, then you can take Drotaverine or No-shpa once. These drugs eliminate spasms of smooth muscles, as a result of which they relieve pain.

For more serious pain (kidneys, liver, heart), it is necessary to call an ambulance so that the patient is taken to a medical facility. With the necessary diagnosis, the doctor will find out what analgesics can be used.

Before taking medications, you should play it safe and take an enveloping agent (Almagel, Maalox, etc.) half an hour before.

Treatment methods

You should first of all ask your doctor about how to relieve pain due to gastritis. Typically, various forms of gastritis are treated with stomach-coating medications. Depending on the acidity of the stomach, medications are prescribed that improve the digestion process and at the same time reduce pain. Sometimes antibiotics are added to treatment to fight the infection.

Many people know how much stomach pain they have, so they always try to carry painkillers with them in case gastritis occurs outside the home. Such remedies are a real salvation for people suffering from gastritis. Treatment of this disease does not involve taking medications alone. Doctors often recommend to their patients:

  • eliminate smoking;
  • give up spicy and fatty foods;
  • follow a diet;
  • do not drink alcohol;
  • eat at least 5 times a day in small portions;
  • Chew thoroughly when eating.

Unfortunately, this disease does not only occur in adults. A similar diagnosis can also be found in children. Typically, the diagnosis and treatment of gastritis are not much different from those in adults, but it is much more difficult for children to cope with the disease.

If a small child complains of abdominal pain, you should first find out where the pain is and how severe. This will help the doctor make an accurate diagnosis and prescribe treatment. Of course, it is much more difficult for children to endure this disease, especially if their stomach constantly hurts and they need to adhere to a strict diet. Therefore, whims often begin due to restrictions on sweets and other favorite dishes. This should be taken seriously. It is necessary to replace the child’s junk food with healthy food, which will help cope with the disease.

This disease should be treated very carefully by both adults and children, as it tends to transform into a stomach ulcer, which is a more serious chronic disease.

Therefore, if your stomach hurts too often, you should see a doctor who will help you get rid of all the symptoms and pain that are bothering the patient.

Gastritis and how to relieve pain

For starters, it’s a good idea to find out what causes gastritis and what the main types of this disease are. Depending on the cause of the disease, gastritis can be:

  1. Bacterial. Responsibility for it lies with a bacterium called Helicobacter pylori. The microorganism lives in the stomach of most people on the planet, but under certain conditions it begins to multiply rapidly and the toxic waste of its activity damages the mucous membrane, causing symptoms of gastritis.
  2. Nervous (stress) gastritis. Its exacerbations often occur on the eve of important meetings, events, during exams, under stress or depression.
  3. Catarrhal is the most common type of gastritis. Occurs with constant or periodic errors in nutrition. Fatty, fried, spicy foods can provoke attacks; excess spices, sauces, marinades; smoked foods, street fast food, carbonated drinks, as well as poor quality food and certain medications.
  4. In addition to the described types, which are considered uncomplicated, there are other, more severe forms of gastritis - fibrinous (requires emergency care, as death is possible), atrophic and hypertrophic (risk of developing a malignant tumor), phlegmous (treatable with antibiotics). Such complex cases are treated exclusively by specialists and there can be no talk of relieving stomach pain at home.

Despite the different types and causes of stomach disease, the symptoms characteristic of uncomplicated forms of gastritis appear almost identically in all cases:

  • sharp pain in the stomach area
  • heaviness in the upper abdomen
  • poor appetite
  • bloating
  • nausea and vomiting
  • bad taste in mouth
  • heartburn, belching

Preventive measures

If the stomach often hurts, then this has a bad effect on the person’s condition. He begins to think about how to relieve such pain and how to help himself. There are many ways to cope with this disease, the main one is going to the doctor. It is the doctor who can prescribe the correct treatment, and after it will offer prevention so that the disease does not worsen again. Prevention of gastritis is the rules of a healthy lifestyle:

  • eat healthy foods that contain essential vitamins;
  • follow a diet;
  • give up alcohol and smoking;
  • to live an active lifestyle;
  • avoid stress and negative emotions.

These rules will help not only to avoid repeated exacerbations, but also to protect yourself from the occurrence of the disease. Such rules are also suitable for children; moreover, they accustom the child to healthy and wholesome food, protecting him from harmful sweets and spicy foods. And an active lifestyle will help get rid of stress and depression, which often occur, especially among teenagers.

Prevention is the simplest and most effective way to avoid this stomach disease. Therefore, in order not to know what kind of pain people feel with this disease, it is necessary to take your health seriously and eliminate all negative factors from life that can affect the appearance of gastritis. At the same time, you need to actively spend your free time in the fresh air and, of course, exclude all harmful foods from your menu.

Diagnosis of pain

In order to be able to get rid of pain not temporarily, but completely, it is necessary to accurately identify the cause of its occurrence. That is, in order to diagnose or confirm gastritis, you should undergo a series of diagnostic procedures, on the basis of which it will become clear what to do next.

Consider the list of main diagnostic measures:

  1. When contacting a doctor, first of all, the gastroenterologist collects anamnesis and conducts an initial examination. To find out where and how it hurts, the doctor palpates the abdominal cavity.
  2. Comprehensive data is obtained through FGDS (fibrogastroduodenoscopy). This method allows you to examine the condition of the gastric mucosa, assess damage, and also take gastric juice and tissue biopsy for further study.
  3. In some cases, your doctor may also order stool tests and a complete blood count.
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