Diet Table No. 4 according to Pevzner and its variations: menu, therapeutic effect, recipes
Indications for the use of the “basic” dietary table No. 4 are diarrhea of ​​any nature, or more precisely
Absorbable ointments for lumps, nodes and blood clots in hemorrhoids
Despite technological progress in medicine and the achievements of modern science, the question of treatment for many
Abdominal pain
Fecal stone: causes of the disease, main symptoms, treatment and prevention
Nutrition is our life, so a person has control over everything in this life, but only
Diet for colitis: menu for various manifestations of inflammation of the large intestine
General rules Colitis is an inflammation of the colon mucosa. It can be an independent disease
What are the types of rectal injuries and how to treat them?
The intestine is an essential organ in the digestive system that originates from the stomach
Nutrition for intestinal diverticulosis: principles of diet, permitted and prohibited foods, sample menu
General rules Diverticular disease (or diverticulosis) is a pathological process affecting the intestines, a characteristic symptom
Metoclopramide for gastritis
Medicines and folk recipes for the treatment of gastritis of the stomach. How to use
Acute or chronic gastritis can quite significantly ruin the quality of your entire life, and not just
atrophic gastritis
How long do people live with gastric metaplasia? Gastric metaplasia, its causes and symptoms
Intestinal metaplasia of the stomach is the degeneration of the gastric glandular epithelium into the intestinal one. Parietal cells that produce
biochemical analysis of stool
Analysis of stool for dysbacteriosis. Reduced levels of enterococci
Biochemical analysis of stool for dysbacteriosis is a method for studying intestinal microflora, designed to establish the level
Levomekol ointment
Levomekol ointment for hemorrhoids: reviews, instructions for use
Ointment for hemorrhoids With hemorrhoids, the hemorrhoidal plexus increases in size, becomes vulnerable and weakened
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