Is it possible to have dumplings with potatoes for pancreatitis?

Dietary nutrition for pancreatitis December 02, 2020 65488

Is it possible to eat dumplings with pancreatitis?

It is known that cutlets, meatballs and meatballs are included in diet No. 5p for pancreatitis, but is it possible to eat dumplings for pancreatitis? And also manti and ravioli? Is it permissible to include these dishes on the menu in the absence of exacerbation of the disease?

I answer questions from readers - is it possible to eat dumplings with pancreatitis? Everyone suffering from pancreatic disease is forced to carefully consider their diet.

Let me remind you that with pancreatitis the pancreas is inflamed and the issue of organizing proper nutrition with pancreatitis is significant. Diet No. 5p plays a therapeutic role - it helps restore the pancreas.

Ignoring the principles of dietary nutrition leads to relapses of the disease, which can result in the development of pancreatic necrosis.

Acute period

An exacerbation of the disease is a time of strict restrictions. During this period, it is better to eat liquid broths, purees from one product, and steamed casseroles. Dough with a sweet or potato filling does not fit into this diet. Therefore, if you do not want to provoke an exacerbation again, say no to dumplings.

You can try dumplings for the first time 1-1.5 months after an exacerbation. Make sure that you don’t have nausea, bitterness or heaviness in your stomach after them.
The simplest recipe is lazy dumplings. You can start with them. To begin with, it is recommended to eat no more than 1-2 pieces per sample. Afterwards the dose is increased, but it is better to consume the treat once a week.

Exceptions to the rules

If the culinary temptation has overcome you, then you can try to prepare light dumplings, although this method just deprives them of that zest of taste:

  • the dish should only be home-cooked;
  • minced meat consists of beef or chicken breast, thoroughly cleaned of tendons and films;
  • do not add spices or dilute with broth;
  • When cooking, bring the dish until boiled;
  • eat warm without any dressing with oil or sauces;
  • don't overeat! Up to 10 pieces at a time and include in the diet 2-3 times a month.

Perhaps this way you will get pleasure with minimal consequences for the body.

Pancreatitis is an acute or chronic disease of the pancreas. The causes are different. Against the background of the inflammatory process, spasm and swelling of the smooth muscle elements of the excretory ducts develop. Due to the inflammatory process, the production and outflow of pancreatic enzymes is disrupted. Symptomatically manifested by severe pain and digestive disorders.

An acute illness requires immediate hospital treatment. First of all, a strict diet is prescribed. It is necessary to exclude fatty and excessively sweet foods from the diet. Patients often wonder whether it is allowed to eat dumplings for pancreatitis.

Pelmeni are considered a traditional dish in Russian cuisine and the national cuisines of a number of peoples around the world. Previously, the dish was prepared together by the family and served at the festive table. Today the product is manufactured using a production method and has partially lost its festive feature. The dish is firmly included in the daily diet, but has not become less loved.

The main value of dumplings is their high calorie content and nutritional value. The filling of traditional dumplings is made from meat or fish - the product becomes a healthy source of protein. For the pancreas to function properly, a sufficient amount of protein is a prerequisite. On the other hand, dumplings contain a high amount of animal fats and carbohydrates. In case of pathology of the digestive tract, such a product sharply worsens the condition.

Persistent remission

Without an exacerbation of chronic pancreatitis, a person feels practically healthy. But this well-being is imaginary. After all, some of the gland cells were destroyed during the attack, therefore, the function of the organ was reduced. This must be taken into account when introducing variety into the daily menu.

Dumplings are best steamed. Choose only homogeneous filling. For patients with pancreatitis, dishes with boiled potatoes, sweet jam or marmalade (apples, apricots), and cottage cheese dumplings are suitable.

Low acidity

The recipe for any dumplings can be called simple and as accessible as possible, so they are often prepared at home. If a person has gastritis with low acidity, then doctors allow this dish. The main thing when eating dumplings for gastritis is to follow these rules:

  • do not cook store-bought dumplings;
  • make the dumplings small enough;
  • do not eat the dish hot or too cold;
  • cook dumplings without spices and excess salt;
  • It’s better to make lazy dumplings rather than regular ones.

By following these rules, you can make a dish like dumplings safe for people who have gastritis.


The recipe for a dish ideal for pancreatitis is given below.

These are lazy dumplings that are very easy to prepare and even easier to eat. Take some sugar (about 1 tablespoon) and mix it with the egg. To reduce calories and fat content, you can replace eggs with banana and sugar with stevia extract. Next, add one pack of cottage cheese (250 grams) to the mixture. It should be uniform in consistency and have a low fat content. Flour is added one tablespoon at a time. This recipe allows the use of rye or whole grain mixtures rather than wheat. Buckwheat flour is also suitable. But if you don’t have one in your kitchen, take a product that is familiar to you (about 1-2 tablespoons) and gradually mix it into the dough.

The mass should be quite dense and homogeneous. You need to roll it into a sausage (2-3 centimeters in diameter), then it is cut into separate pieces. They are placed in boiling water and cooked until they float to the surface. Afterwards they are taken out with a slotted spoon and laid out on a plate. The sauce for dumplings should not be greasy. Sour yogurt and liquid sour cream are ideal. Say no to butter (it will make the dish too fatty), chocolate sauces, sour jam (it may aggravate gastritis).

Diet for pancreatitis for a week

Dietary recipes Diets

A nutrition program for patients diagnosed with pancreatitis was created by experts from the Institute of Dietetics and Medicine. Therefore, it can not only reduce weight, but also significantly improve your health.

In addition, it can be practiced even by absolutely healthy people. After all, the result of the program is cleansing the body of toxins and waste, preventing various diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, relieving inflammation in the pancreas and, of course, losing weight.

What does a strict diet do for pancreatitis?

First of all, it should be said that this disease cannot pass without various kinds of inflammation in the abdominal organs. Often patients require surgical intervention. And in order to avoid such consequences, you should change your eating habits.

If you have pain in the right upper abdomen, vomiting or nausea, be sure to start the suggested diet program. It will help improve your condition and get rid of the hated excess weight.

By the way, it is better not to switch to any other nutrition program. Indeed, in the presence of such inflammatory processes, you need to adhere to some special rules in the diet.

Features of a diet for weight loss with pancreatitis

  1. You should exclude culinary delights from your regular diet plan, which increase stomach acid. This list includes products made from rye flour, spicy dishes, marinades, fatty broths, and canned food.
  2. You should focus on ingredients in dishes that are high in protein.

Thanks to this rule, the diet for pancreatitis is somewhat similar to a standard low-carbohydrate nutrition program.

  1. It is necessary to exclude grilling and fried variations of dishes. Focus on steaming or pureeing fruits/vegetables.
  2. There is no need to feel hungry. Eat and do it often - up to 6-7 times a day.

Diet for exacerbation of pancreatitis: menu for the week

You can create a nutrition program yourself, based on your own preferences. But as an example, it’s worth studying this diet option, which is designed for a week.


1. We start the day with regular water. Next, you can have breakfast with two pieces of bread and mashed potatoes.

2. For lunch, a slice of bread, a cutlet and a steamed egg soufflé are offered.

3. The next culinary delights in the diet are boiled zucchini and fish. The first option is chicken soup. You can supplement your lunch with tomato juice and raisins (steamed).

4. The next snack is jelly, fruit jelly.

5. You can treat yourself to a slice of bread and oatmeal in the evening. Carrot puree and cutlet are also possible.


1. Again, the morning begins with plain water. After this, we treat ourselves to dried croutons, oatmeal and pieces of boiled beef.

2. Before lunch, eat a portion of curd pudding and apple puree.

3. Next - vegetable broth, cutlets (can be fish), cottage cheese and pumpkin porridge.

4. Snack consists of meatballs, carrot puree and yogurt.

5. For dinner - cottage cheese pudding, potatoes, fruit jelly.


1. The third day of the program begins, as before, with a glass of water. After this - oatmeal, some dried bread and grated vegetables.

2. You should complement your breakfast with cottage cheese soufflé.

3. For lunch, carrot puree, pieces of beef, and noodle soup are offered.

4. The next snack is fruit jelly and jelly.

5. You can cook potatoes, vegetables and cutlets (steamed).


1. An excellent choice would be steamed egg omelet, tomato juice, biscuits.

2. It is recommended to have a snack with cottage cheese soufflé and fruit juice.

3. The diet allows steamed vegetables, chicken soup and noodle pudding.

4. Before dinner, you should eat fish meatballs and drink tomato juice.

5. You can end the day with banana jelly and pumpkin puree.


1. For the first meal, carrot-curd mousse or pudding or jelly are suitable.

2. You can have a snack with a serving of avocado puree.

3. The next meal includes zucchini soup, a slice of toast, beef, steamed raisins.

4. As a snack, you can prefer fruit jelly or egg-curd pudding.

5. We end the day with fish cutlets, mashed potatoes and steamed vegetables.


1. We start the first day off with oatmeal and mashed banana.

2. For second breakfast, nutritionists offer bread and cottage cheese soufflé.

3. The next meal is chicken, pureed vegetable soup, steamed egg omelet.

4. Next, you should prepare lazy dumplings and drink some milk.

5. We end Saturday with eggless charlotte, vegetable stew, and pumpkin puree.


1. Nutritionists recommend some bread, oatmeal and grated vegetables.

2. Next, you can prepare unsweetened apple puree, curd pudding and eat a piece of bread.

3. The following culinary delights are boiled beef, zucchini soup. You can supplement your lunch with steamed raisins and a slice of bread.

4. Fruit jelly is offered for afternoon tea.

5. The last meal includes potatoes, curd pudding, and fruit jelly.

What recipes does medicine recommend: diet for pancreatitis

As part of this diet, you can eat your favorite culinary dishes. The only thing that is necessary is to slightly change their cooking method. In particular, instead of frying, practice steaming options.

Milk noodle soup

Great as a main at lunchtime.

To prepare, you will need 5 g of sugar, a piece of butter, an egg, a little flour and 1.5 cups of milk.

Knead the dough from eggs, water and flour. After this, dry it a little and roll it out thinly on the table. Cut out the noodles.

Pour the resulting products into boiling milk and cook for about 10 minutes. Add sugar to the soup and a piece of butter before serving.

Meat cutlets

You will need some bread, 150g beef, 30ml olive oil, salt and 50ml milk.

All components are mixed and divided into balls from which cutlets are formed. Subsequently, they should be placed on a dish with a double bottom, covered with a lid and poured water. You will cook it by steaming.

Lazy dumplings

Prepare 20 g flour, 100 g cottage cheese, eggs, 15 g sugar.

All ingredients are mixed to form a dough. Rings should be made from it.

Throw them into boiling salted water and cook for about 10 minutes. The dumplings are ready.

Rules for eating dumplings

Any recipe for this dish for pancreatitis carries a certain load on the gland. If you abuse any food, you can worsen the process. But in relation to dumplings, this is very relevant. Therefore, remember a few simple rules that will allow you to avoid a visit to the hospital:

  • Do not eat this dish if you have unstable digestion;
  • introduce it gradually, as complementary foods for babies, doubling the dose if tolerated well. If the food doesn't work, say no to the dumplings;
  • with pancreatitis, food can only be consumed warm. Therefore, wait 10 minutes after cooking. Let the dish cool, no matter how hungry you are;
  • prepare the product yourself. You must know what was included in the recipe. Store-bought products contain preservatives and dyes that have a bad effect on the gland during pancreatitis. And when visiting, you may find ingredients in this delicacy that are unacceptable to you (cabbage, mushrooms, fried onions, garlic);
  • do not eat low-quality foods: sour cottage cheese in dumplings and raw dough can negatively affect digestion;
  • The recipe for sauces for the dish can be varied with sweet jam, sour cream, sour yogurt or sweet milk mousse. However, avoid fatty and inflammatory additions. For pancreatitis, too many combinations are unacceptable.

Attempt to refuse food

In acute pancreatitis, hunger is indicated in the first 3 days. But what can you eat if you have a chronic form of the disease? Lovers of meat dishes are wondering whether it is possible to eat dumplings with such an illness and in what quantities.

The pancreas requires gentle food, especially if there are already disturbances in its functioning.

Dumplings are a fatty dish. But in addition to fatty meat, they add spices: salt, pepper, which is clearly contraindicated for the described disease.

Some housewives add sour cream and butter, but this does not correspond to dietary nutrition. The combination of dough and meat is considered a difficult to digest food, so some doctors categorically prohibit the use of dumplings.

It is not recommended to eat store-bought dumplings. If you really want to, you can cook them yourself from young veal, without adding any spices.

Forbidden dishes for diseases of the pancreas also include manti. Although they are steamed, they also have a negative effect on the digestive system. This Asian dish is usually made from:

  • lamb;
  • pork;
  • beef.

Manty differs little from dumplings: meat and dough combined with seasonings. Therefore, patients suffering from pancreatitis should also exclude this dish from their diet.

Let's look at the people around the table. Among them, there may be a person who suffers from pancreatitis. And there’s no way he’s drooling. Because delicious homemade creations are contraindicated for his pancreas. The combination of dough and filling creates a difficult-to-digest mixture for the stomach. Its breakdown requires additional time and enzymes.

At the same time, let’s remember those products whose consumption is allowed for pancreatitis. Meat, fish, cottage cheese - the whole set is made only from low-fat varieties. It is unlikely that pets will be lean, without the addition of onions and peppers, and other ingredients in the style of the genre.

In addition, the dough itself with minced meat does not comply with the principles of separate nutrition. And a sick person remembers that even in dietary nutrition, menu items should not be varied at one meal and should not be combined with each other. Therefore, you should not eat dumplings if you have pancreatitis.

In the stage of exacerbation of inflammation of the pancreas, a strict diet is followed. First, a general period of hunger, then small portions of pureed pureed food. Dumplings are completely different from such dishes. Nutritional advice promotes recovery. Ignoring these will lead to the progression of the disease, the worst manifestation of which may be pancreatic necrosis.

When the attack stops, the diet expands. But this is not the case that small culinary masterpieces will be allowed for consumption. Even during periods of stable long-term remission, it is preferable to say “no” to dumplings. Despite the fact that the dish is served boiled, this is not a criterion for its selection on the menu. When summarizing information about a treat, you need to indicate:

  • heavy food with enzymatic deficiency;
  • the filling is made from pork or lamb, is fatty and high in calories;
  • the filling contains a lot of spices, and the finished dish is seasoned with sauces that are not allowed for pancreatitis;
  • dumplings prepared outside the home are generally unacceptable due to flavor enhancers and minced meat of an unspecified variety.

Of course, it’s not necessary, if you taste a few pieces you can get an attack, but it’s still a risk. Typically, the scale is weighed on the satisfaction of food on one side, and on the other side pain and treatment that could have been avoided.

The modern realities of life are such that people have stopped preparing dumplings themselves, and are increasingly using semi-finished products. Such dumplings are even more forbidden to eat with pancreatitis, even in remission. The composition of purchased semi-finished products, as a rule, includes various additives - vegetable protein, chemical flavoring additives, spices. What kind of meat does store-bought dumplings contain? - It is clear that not the best varieties.

Despite the fact that the doctor has forbidden it, you want to eat dumplings if you have pancreatitis. All responsibility for your health rests solely with you.

In this case, use this advice:

  1. Only homemade dumplings. Use chicken breast, removing skin and bones. Twist through a meat grinder twice.
  2. Do not use any spices or seasonings other than salt.
  3. The serving size is the smallest - for the first time, eat no more than 3 dumplings. Monitor your condition carefully. Increase subsequent portions gradually. Monitor your condition.
  4. The temperature of the dish should be warm, but not hot. Firstly, inappropriate temperature will irritate the gastric mucosa and lead to inflammation. Secondly, in response to the arrival of hot food, the secretory activity of the inflamed pancreas will increase. Ultimately, this will lead to pain and digestive disorders.
  5. Don't include dumplings in your regular diet. Even occasional, rare consumption of this dish is contraindicated for pancreatitis.

Dumplings, manti, khinkali are not included in diet No. 5p and diet No. 5, therefore, they are not among the dishes allowed for pancreatitis, even in a state of stable remission.

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