What to do if you feel sick after cigarettes

Recently, the media often remind people about the consequences of the harmful effects and serious danger of tobacco smoke for human health. A healthy lifestyle is advertised, without harmful addictions.

People who smoke suffer from nausea after smoking cigarettes. If you feel faint while smoking, doctors recommend giving up the bad habit. Good instructions are not heard and not applied as intended.

The respiratory system of a smoker has been affected for several years by the dangerous effects of a complex of harmful substances. Men who smoke are more likely to suffer from impotence. Smoking has a detrimental effect on appearance, spoils complexion, skin condition, and causes unpleasant odor from the mouth. The heart and blood vessels are subjected to a severe test, the organs of the circulatory system receive the main, heavy blow. The body of a smoker is twice as likely to develop a cancerous tumor. This is a vague, distant prospect that rarely seriously frightens smokers.

When a number of obvious symptoms appear, it is necessary to take action at the time they appear at the initial stage. A clear sign of deterioration in the body's condition due to smoking is a state of faintness from tobacco consumption.

Causes of nausea from tobacco in smokers

Tobacco smoke is a strong poison. Carcinogens, hydrogen sulfide, dozens of toxic compounds have a detrimental effect on the activity of systems, organs, tissues, and biochemical processes of the body. During the first puff, the human body recognizes the danger, tries to prevent the toxic effects, and mobilizes protective forces at the moment the cigarette smoke enters the respiratory organs.

A lot of saliva begins to be released in the mouth of a smoker from the first puff. When swallowed, carcinogenic substances are sent to the stomach along with saliva. In the stomach, toxic properties affect the smooth muscles of the inner walls of the stomach cavity. The toxic effect of dangerous compounds causes sudden movements in the stomach, leading to a spasm that causes lightheadedness.

Nausea from smoking is a consequence of a number of factors. The reasons are different; they are united by the mobile resistance of protective mechanisms to the effects of toxic substances. The feeling of nausea after smoking is caused by the intense work of the adrenal glands, the release of increased concentrations of the hormones adrenaline and dopamine into the blood. An excess of biological catalysts is the cause of signs of poor health:

  • Dizziness.
  • Increased blood pressure, the cause is a sharp narrowing of cerebral vessels.
  • Headache.
  • A sharp deterioration in health.
  • Severe nausea after cigarettes.
  • Severe pain in the intestines caused by the effect of nicotine on peristaltic work, significantly increasing the amount and power of smooth muscle pulsation.

Heavy smokers periodically develop oral diseases, stomatitis, and increased caries. Microorganisms accumulate in large quantities on the gums and move with saliva into the digestive organs, causing diseases. Smokers suffer from gastritis and heartburn, which can lead to stomach ulcers. If left untreated, the disease becomes chronic and causes attacks of nausea and vomiting.

A prolonged headache that occurs in long-term smokers is sometimes a symptom of the onset of cancer. When nausea and vomiting are observed, this is a sign of weakening of the body from the effects of nicotine. If you have noticeable weakness, you should consult a doctor immediately.

The smoker does not understand what causes the nausea and continues to smoke more than twenty cigarettes per day. Without realizing that the body’s defenses are trying to protect it.

The body and tobacco smoke

Before you figure out why you feel sick after smoking cigarettes, you need to find out how tobacco smoke affects the human body. It is known that the effects of smoking can be of two types:

  1. Active.
  2. Passive.

All the negative manifestations of nicotine entering the body that occur are approximately the same, regardless of the type of smoking. The difference is the amount of harmful and toxic substances that penetrate into the internal organs . But it is a mistake to think that passive smoking is less harmful.

In heavy, long-term smokers, the body has developed a certain system for purifying tobacco smoke, while non-smokers are completely defenseless against toxic fumes.

Nausea from tobacco smoke

But not only direct smoking of cigarettes can provoke nausea. Dullness is recorded from passive smoking. A suspension of volatile toxic compounds that make up tobacco smoke is released into the air in high concentrations. Non-smoking people around the smoker receive a substantial portion of harmful substances by inhaling tobacco smoke.

Due to the increased concentration of carcinogens in tobacco smoke, when it enters the human body, it is subject to severe intoxication. At least four thousand dangerous compounds penetrate inside. There are people who cannot stand the smell of tobacco. When they smell tobacco smoke, they begin to feel faint. People's sensitivity varies, the strength of unpleasant sensations varies, but those who do not feel signs of nausea when breathing smoky air are no less at risk of poisoning than others.

Some people categorically cannot stand the proximity of tobacco smoke - they suffer from allergies and feel sick from the smell of tobacco. People develop a fever, cough, and severe headache. The immune system tries to prevent the body from being poisoned by incoming poisons.

How does the body react to cigarette smoke?

Everyone knows that the process of inhaling smoke can be active and passive. The phenomena that occur after it enters the lungs are approximately the same, with the exception of the amount of harmful components that penetrate. But it is a mistake to think that passive smoking is less harmful: due to the lack of smoke purification, which true smokers have, non-smokers suffer from unfiltered components with a full range of “harmful” components.

The immediate causes of the development of an attack of nausea are obvious. During puffing, when the temperature of tobacco and tissue paper increases, about 200 pathogenic substances are sent into the body - tar, soot, acids and many others. Also, several milligrams of nicotine enter the lungs and then into the blood. All these elements together change the process of hemoglobin binding, which ultimately disrupts tissue respiration. Oxygen starvation increases, vascular spasm occurs, and blood supply to all organs deteriorates. All this also applies to passive smoking, when a person begins to feel sick from just the smell.

Almost all processes occurring in the body can cause nausea from cigarettes:

  1. Irritation by carcinogens and other substances to the root of the tongue and oral mucosa.
  2. Part of the smoke enters the stomach, the walls of which try to get rid of harmful elements and therefore contract.
  3. Penetration of nicotine into internal organs, in particular into the adrenal glands. The latter begin to produce even more hormones, which increase blood pressure, disrupt the functioning of the heart, which leads to weakness and nausea.
  4. The introduction of nicotine and other harmful components of tobacco smoke into the blood, the walls of blood vessels, their spasm. The development of cerebral vascular spasm leads to an impact on the corresponding centers, which causes various unpleasant sensations, including nausea.
  5. Weakening of local immunity (with prolonged smoking), development of chronic infectious diseases of the oropharynx and nose. They lead to the entry of bacteria into the gastrointestinal tract, which provokes the development of superficial or atrophic gastritis with nausea and other symptoms. In addition, in an experienced smoker, the gastric vessels are always in a state of spasm, acid secretion is impaired, and significant discomfort with nausea occurs.

What will help relieve nausea suddenly caused by smoking?

If you experience nausea from cigarettes or passive smoking, you should immediately stop smoking and ventilate the room. A person who has a long-standing addiction to tobacco is often unable to do this due to strong addiction. Nicotine-dependent people experience nicotine syndrome, which is something similar to a hangover in alcoholics or withdrawal symptoms in drug addicts. In cases of poor health, certain measures should be taken to get rid of the serious condition.

  1. Hot, strong tea with a slice of lemon or squeezed lemon juice brings relief. Tea with lemon as a bite will help. This measure will reduce the impact of nicotine, which provokes the urge to vomit.
  2. Eating hearty foods reduces heavy feelings.
  3. Using sucking candy. A method that is good for relieving nausea caused by smoking or inhaling tobacco smoke. Sucking movements, being an unconditioned reflex, affect the central nervous system more strongly than the gag reflex. Therefore, such a reaction occurs in the body when sucking candy and nausea quickly goes away.
  4. A hot bath or warm shower will have a beneficial effect. After taking them, you should lie down.

We must not forget that after taking measures it is unacceptable to smoke for at least 2-3 hours. Otherwise, the symptoms, specifically nausea, may recur.

Occasionally, using lighter varieties of tobacco compared to the usual ones helps. But it's not worth it at all. The number of cigarettes smoked increases significantly, reaching four packs per day. The portion of nicotine obtained when smoking lighter varieties of tobacco does not decrease at all, and the body continues to receive toxic substances. And the nausea returns again after two or three days.

The reason for addiction to tobacco, despite serious harm, even with the manifestation of severe and painful unpleasant symptoms, is that nicotine has such an effect on the nervous system, specifically on the brain. This stimulates the arousal center, causing a false sense of euphoria. The immunity of all smokers, without exception, is reduced by half.

Nicotine in the body

Poisons and toxins from cigarette smoke accumulate not only in the respiratory system. They enter the mucous membrane of the pharynx through the oral cavity, and then are sent to the respiratory system, from where they are carried by the blood to all organs. As a rule, the body reacts negatively to harmful substances and attempts to get rid of toxins. Therefore, unpleasant sensations arise, such as coughing or nausea.

How does nausea occur?

It happens that instead of the expected pleasure from smoking a cigarette, a person experiences unpleasant symptoms:

  • feel dizzy
  • headache appears
  • feeling weak, drowsy, distracted,
  • starts to feel sick.

Such sensations can occur during and after smoking.

Cigarette lovers often think that this only happens to novice smokers. But they are very surprised when this discomfort does not leave them throughout their lives.

Sometimes nausea can occur if a person has not smoked for a long time. At the same time, he acutely feels the unpleasant symptoms that are associated with a lack of nicotine.

If a person has encountered such phenomena once, he should be prepared for the fact that they will also bother him during subsequent attempts to take a puff. This suggests that you need to seriously think about your health and quit smoking.

Gastritis and other gastrointestinal diseases

With prolonged smoking, microbes living in the mouth of a cigarette lover cause gastritis, which is manifested by pain, nausea and heartburn. At first, such symptoms occur rarely and pass quickly. But over time, the disease begins to bother you more and more often until it becomes chronic.

The process of gastritis occurs as follows:

  1. Saliva carries nicotine to the stomach
  2. As a result of stomach spasms when a toxic substance enters, damage to the mucous membrane occurs,
  3. Irritation of the nerve endings causes disruption of the organ.

If a person quits smoking, the stomach will gradually recover. But this may take years.

Liver disease

The main task of the liver is to rid the body of toxins and remove bile. Discomfort may occur due to the fact that the organ is not able to perform its function. Nicotine causes liver dysfunction. Metabolism slows down, and the person feels that he is getting sick.

When you quit smoking, the function of the organ is restored. However, this process occurs slowly. Liver disease can become chronic.

Important! If, in addition to nausea, a smoker feels pain in the abdomen, this may be the beginning of a stomach or duodenal ulcer. To prevent the pathological process from worsening, you need to urgently quit smoking.

Other causes of unpleasant symptoms

There are many other reasons why a smoker feels sick after cigarettes:

  • Oncological diseases of the lung or stomach, which often occur after many years of smoking. In this case, nausea is acutely felt when inhaling,
  • Increase or decrease in pressure. There may be a change in symptoms - from hypotension to hypertension, and vice versa. This is a manifestation of vegetative-vascular dystonia, which often affects smokers,
  • Hormonal disbalance. Women's passion for cigarettes leads to the fact that the hormones needed by the body begin to be produced incorrectly. One of the symptoms of such pathologies is discomfort in the stomach,
  • Pregnancy. A sudden attack of discomfort in the stomach while smoking may mean that a woman is pregnant. The ingestion of nicotine into the body during pregnancy causes and intensifies existing toxicosis,
  • A girl may experience nausea from cigarettes during her period,
  • Allergy to tobacco and other substances in cigarettes. Intolerance occurs already at the initial stage, when the human body is just getting used to nicotine. This is also why the gag reflex appears when smoking,

  • A person may experience nausea after switching from one type of cigarette to another. This is due to the fact that each manufacturer produces products with different nicotine content and tobacco smell.

Why does hookah make you sick?

Hookah is another way of smoking, as ordinary people think, causing less harm to health than traditional cigarette smoking. Hookah manufacturers are especially trying to convince consumers of this. When advertising a hookah, entrepreneurs often claim that the device is equipped with special devices. And thanks to the presence of winding tubes inside the vessel through which the smoke passes, it is eighty percent cleared of carcinogens, which then do not settle in the lungs. And provided that hygienic requirements are observed: change and disinfect the mouthpiece, periodically clean and treat the inner surface of the device with special substances for disinfection, using a hookah will not cause any harm to your health. But in reality - alas and ah!

Causes of nausea after smoking

The reasons why you feel sick after smoking cigarettes can be due to various factors. It is important to understand that the cigarette smoke that a person inhales contains a huge variety of toxic substances that are not naturally characteristic of humans. Once in the body, they are able to:

  • Impair the process of nutrition of blood vessels;
  • Constrict blood vessels, including those of the brain;
  • Irritate nerve receptors;
  • Cause an allergic reaction;
  • Strengthen the acidic environment;
  • Increase blood pressure;
  • Increase the production of saliva, which in turn enters the stomach, causing spasms;
  • Cause intestinal spasm;
  • Provoke the production of large doses of adrenaline, which results in increased heart rate and pain in the intestinal area.

High blood pressure can cause nausea after smoking.
All these phenomena can be direct causes of deterioration in well-being. A smoker may experience weakness, dizziness, nausea and even vomiting.

There is no need to think that toxins settle only in the mouth or lungs. In fact, they cover almost the entire body, including a very important area - the adrenal glands. This is why diseases of the cardiovascular system, such as stroke or heart attack, are often associated with long-term cigarette smoking.

There are other more serious causes of sudden nausea after smoking. These can be various internal diseases, which most often affect:

  • Lungs. This is the very first thing that comes to anyone’s mind when talking about smoking. Indeed, this is the case; it is they who receive a very high concentration of harmful substances. Also, if the mucous membrane of the lungs is irritated, the hot temperature of the smoke can further worsen its condition;
  • Endocrine system. In this case, they are associated with unstable hormonal levels;
  • Brain;
  • Gastrointestinal tract. If a smoker has gastritis, and this is a fairly common disease today, then he is likely to feel nausea and even pain in the abdominal area after smoking;
  • Liver. Many people mistakenly believe that only alcohol has a negative effect on it. It is the liver that is responsible for removing nicotine from the body, so in heavy smokers it may not fully perform its functions;
  • Cancerous tumors can also cause nausea.

Women should also not forget that nausea can be the first sign of pregnancy, so you shouldn’t put off going to the doctor for too long. It may be necessary to urgently quit smoking in the near future for the full development of the fetus.

Why does nausea occur?

Most people experience some discomfort after smoking, which is manifested by the following symptoms:

  • slight dizziness;
  • a sharp deterioration in health;
  • each subsequent cigarette brings more and more negativity, and this is associated with severe nausea;
  • Even after a while, the condition does not improve and vomiting may even occur.

For many, the appearance of these signs becomes incomprehensible. But in reality everything is quite understandable. Even changes are a kind of defense of the body, which seeks to neutralize the poison. When inhaling cigarette smoke, people have no idea how much stress their body is experiencing at this moment. While the smoker enjoys and relaxes, the blocking process starts inside him - a feeling of nausea arises.

Through the mouth opening, all poisons and harmful chemical compounds enter the internal organs, causing them serious injury. The process of smoking also causes the production of saliva, which, along with dangerous carcinogens, enters the intestinal tract. As a result, a stomach spasm develops, triggering an unpleasant feeling of lightheadedness. Nausea after smoking can also be caused by the action of nicotine, which has direct contact with the structure of the adrenal glands. This violation causes a sharp supply of adrenaline, and this can lead to the following unpleasant consequences:

  • the pulsation of the heart muscle rapidly increases;
  • blood pressure rises;
  • severe headaches occur;
  • Nausea and dizziness appear.

In special cases, pain in the intestines occurs and vomiting occurs.


Undoubtedly, the symptoms in each case have their own characteristics. It all depends on the cause of poor health and on the state of the smoker’s immune system.

Most often, nausea is accompanied by such phenomena as:

  • A feeling of fatigue, even a certain apathy;
  • Absent-mindedness. It becomes difficult to concentrate on anything;
  • Dizziness. This is the most common companion of nausea. During dizziness, blurry spots or black spots may appear before the eyes;
  • Headache. They do not always occur, but if they occur, they usually have a pulsating character;
  • Sleep disturbance. There are two options: either it is difficult for a smoker to fall asleep or, on the contrary, he begins to feel very sleepy.

Nausea after smoking is often accompanied by dizziness.
Nausea can be felt for quite a long time, and can cause vomiting, after which the person usually suddenly feels better.

In the modern world, especially in conditions of intensive work, such signs seem to be natural phenomena for many. But in fact, any given symptom, even simple fatigue, if it occurs on an ongoing basis, is a reason to consult a doctor. If you leave your condition to chance, it may worsen over time, and nausea will be accompanied by more serious phenomena, such as constant vomiting, diarrhea, and increased body temperature.

Other variants of nausea

Why you feel sick after smoking has already been clarified. But this phenomenon can occur not only among active cigarette smokers. Thus, passive smokers, people quitting smoking and hookah lovers may notice a periodic feeling of nausea.

Unfortunately, not only smokers themselves are harmed by cigarettes, but also people who hang around them. The fact is that when exhaling smoke, a smoker releases a huge amount of toxic substances into the air, which can remain there for some time. People who inhale this air receive their dose of negative effects from cigarettes.

Nausea when smoking in pregnant women

Unfortunately, even during the period of bearing a child, many women do not give up their bad habit. Tobacco smoke poisons not only the body of a pregnant woman, but also the baby. But expectant mothers remember this only when, instead of the expected pleasure from smoking a cigarette, they experience an attack of nausea.

This is due to the fact that a pregnant woman’s body is weakened as a result of hormonal changes, and is more susceptible to the negative effects of nicotine. It is known that expectant mothers who abuse cigarettes experience toxicosis much more often than those who do not have such a habit.

If a pregnant woman feels sick after or during smoking, this is a sign that she should immediately give up cigarettes. You need to make the only right decision - to quit smoking, so that the pregnancy is successful and ends in the birth of a healthy baby.

The appearance of nausea when smoking is a reason to think about giving up the habit. Listen to your body and prevent dangerous diseases from occurring.

Therapy methods

  • Minimize the number of cigarettes consumed as much as possible;
  • Choose the lightest types of cigarettes containing the minimum amount of nicotine;
  • Do not smoke on an empty stomach, especially immediately after sleep;
  • Do not smoke while intoxicated;
  • Do not smoke immediately after drinking coffee or energy drinks;
  • Monitor your daily nutrition. It should include healthy foods, and it is better to limit salty, spicy and fatty foods as much as possible;
  • Drink enough clean drinking water per day to cleanse the body of toxins. The required volume is calculated based on body weight. On average it is 2 liters. You should also drink fruit drinks, compotes, and green tea;
  • Maintain a normal daily routine. In order for the body to maintain its condition and resist the negative effects of toxins, it needs to receive sufficient daily rest.

A very correct decision would be to consult a doctor. Only diagnostic procedures will be able to accurately determine the true cause of nausea and, accordingly, make it possible to prescribe the correct treatment.

All this concerns the prevention of attacks, but if the feeling of nausea has already arisen, then the following can help get rid of it:

  • Strong tea, preferably with sugar;
  • Drinking water. You can add a few drops of lemon juice to it;
  • Peppermint candies. It's best to always have them on hand;
  • Various snacks. This could be, for example, crackers or dried fruits.

If the feeling of nausea is strong enough and does not go away after eating a snack or liquid, you should take a warm shower and lie down to rest. If this does not help solve the problem, you should seek help from a doctor.

Each cigarette smoked is a crushing blow to the body. In addition to well-known diseases, the habit of smoking can cause significant discomfort. Smokers often complain that cigarettes make them sick. The cause of the symptom may indicate the development of a dangerous disease. It often indicates intolerance to certain substances formed from the combustion of tobacco. An unpleasant feeling should not be ignored. The smoker has to figure out why cigarettes make him sick.

How to deal with this?

What to do if you feel sick from cigarettes? You already know the answer - quit smoking! A severe attack of nausea can be eliminated by drinking strong sweet tea or cool water with lemon juice. If nausea occurs regularly, have something on hand to eat it up. For example, a cracker or a lollipop.

Doctors also recommend drinking more fluids to cleanse the body, eating a balanced diet, normalizing your daily routine, and remembering to undergo regular examinations with a therapist and gastroenterologist.

Manifestation of nausea from cigarettes

Some smokers find that after a cigarette they feel dizzy and feel nauseous. Adherents of cigarettes who decide to sacrifice their health to the altar of addiction may feel an ever-increasing painful feeling, which is often accompanied by headaches and dizziness. For some, this goes away quite quickly, but there are also those lucky ones for whom the process of smoking begins to cause disgust over time.

Temporary or permanent cessation of a bad habit may also be accompanied by unpleasant sensations. If the intake of nicotine into the body is delayed for 2–5 hours, the smoker begins to experience unpleasant symptoms. This indicates that someone poisoned by nicotine poisons and other toxins requires a new portion of the drug.

Nausea after cigarettes, even in those who have been smoking for a long time, can gradually lead to vomiting.

In severe cases, it is accompanied by an increase in body temperature, as well as diarrhea, gradually increasing cough and other symptoms. This condition does not tolerate delay and independent investigation. Smokers should consult a doctor immediately.

Nausea after quitting smoking cigarettes

Individuals trying to get rid of an addiction often encounter unexpected health problems. This phenomenon is associated with a gradual decrease in nicotine levels in the blood. And at first the body will require a new dose of the substance.

Therefore, doctors warn that a person may have a stomach ache, attacks of depression or anxiety, vomiting, and increased appetite.

If you feel sick after quitting cigarettes, some people think that returning to their previous lifestyle will help solve the problem. However, if you start smoking again, you can cause serious harm to your body. And the consequences of addiction will manifest themselves even more over time.

Nausea after smoking: main reasons

Contacting your doctor is the smartest decision a smoker will make. The doctor, trying to find out why he feels sick after cigarettes, refers the patient for examination of the digestive tract. A common cause of discomfort is gastritis, a disease of the gastric mucosa. It can manifest itself not only with nausea, but also with burning, severe or nagging pain, and heartburn.

At the very beginning of the development of the disease, unpleasant sensations rarely appear, but disappear quickly enough. However, with the transition to the chronic stage or exacerbation, nausea from cigarettes appears more and more often. Provokes her:

  • Nicotine, which passes from the mouth along with saliva into the stomach.
  • Damage to the mucous membrane due to the constant negative effects of resins and poisons.
  • A constant irritant that affects nerve endings and leads to disruption of the digestive system.

If you feel sick from cigarettes, your doctor will tell you what to do for gastritis. But smokers should remember that it is very easy to disrupt the digestive system, and it can take years to recover.

You should not ignore the body’s signals, especially if nausea is accompanied by acute and prolonged pain. They may indicate the development of duodenal or gastric ulcers.

The liver is responsible for the timely removal of bile and ridding the body of nicotine. Constantly smoking 10–20 cigarettes a day leads to a partial blocking of the functioning of this organ, as well as a decrease in the speed of metabolic processes. Nausea after smoking cigarettes may be due to improper liver function. If you do not consult a doctor and begin adequate treatment, or give up cigarettes, over time the disease may become chronic.

Nausea often accompanies pregnancy, especially in the early stages. Not all women give up their addiction while carrying a child, even when they feel dizzy from cigarettes. This may be due to vasospasm caused by nicotine.

If you feel sick after smoking cigarettes, everyone knows what to do - find the strength within yourself and give up cigarettes. If the expectant mother is lucky and does not have such symptoms, she still needs to quit smoking. Otherwise, instead of happy motherhood, a woman may become unhappy by giving birth to a sick child.

Why do cigarettes make you dizzy and nauseous? The problem may lie in high or low blood pressure. Even for those who have not previously suffered from the disease, it can manifest itself after introducing tobacco. Nicotine and a number of products formed after burning tobacco provoke vasospasm. He comes back only after a two-hour break. During this period, a person may suffer from headaches, dizziness, and nausea.

Often in smokers, high blood pressure levels are replaced by low blood pressure.

What to do if you feel nauseous after smoking

The most common reason for feeling dizzy and nauseous after smoking is poisoning with nicotine and other combustion products of tobacco. It is necessary to cleanse the body of these substances as quickly as possible. There are several standard steps to cleanse the body of harmful substances that cause nausea.

  • To drink a lot of water. You can squeeze lemon juice into the water. Lemon juice will eliminate the unpleasant symptom, and water will dilute the poisons and promote their rapid removal from the body.
  • Drink activated carbon at the rate of 1 tablet per 10 kilograms of body weight.
  • Under no circumstances should you light another cigarette.

The only treatment for nausea and vomiting from cigarettes is complete abstinence from nicotine-containing products (cigarettes, cigars, e-cigarettes, NRT drugs). If nausea occurs very often, you should definitely consult a doctor. The condition may not be related to smoking or may be only partially related.

Cases of nicotine poisoning among adults and adolescents from electronic vaporizers using nicotine liquids have become more frequent. Although in most such liquids there is little nicotine, the vaping becomes much longer. As a result, the “vaper” and the people around him suffer (if we talk about vaping in enclosed spaces).

Even if you smoke and cannot get rid of this habit. You can smoke or vape wisely. Don't complicate your life with the unpleasant side effects of smoking.


Nausea in smokers: other causes

Can cigarettes make those who are just addicted or have been addicted to them for a long time feel sick? The doctors' answer is unequivocal - unpleasant sensations are quite possible. And if the above reasons are not confirmed, doctors will try to find out why cigarettes made you feel sick. Doctors will direct their attention to other possible options:

  • Hormonal imbalances – discomfort in the gastrointestinal tract can be a consequence of a disruption in the production of hormones.
  • The appearance of cancer – long-term smoking leads to the appearance of tumors.
  • Change of preferences – the cause of nausea from cigarettes can be replacing one type of tobacco with another. Choosing a new brand of cigarettes for a smoker is also often accompanied by unpleasant sensations.
  • Allergic manifestations. Tobacco is a fairly aggressive substance; its combustion produces over 4 thousand dangerous toxins and poisons. Each of them can cause allergic reactions. If you feel sick from the smell of cigarettes, you should think about the possibility of individual intolerance.

Nausea often becomes a factor that suggests giving up a bad habit. This is an alarming symptom, the cause of which should be taken into account.

What should a smoker do?

Having figured out why you feel dizzy and nauseous after cigarettes, you should find a way to get rid of the unpleasant symptom. The ideal solution is to completely give up the bad habit. However, this option is not realistic for everyone. It is for such cases that doctors give useful advice:

  • Select the filter option.
  • Avoid smoking on an empty stomach, at night, or immediately after waking up.
  • Minimize the number of cigarettes smoked per day.
  • Suck the candy, drink a glass of water or fruit drink, use chewing gum. These remedies will help freshen your breath and get rid of the unpleasant feeling.
  • Avoid the combination of cigarettes and coffee or alcohol.
  • Drink at least 2–2.5 liters of water daily.
  • Eliminate sour, salty, spicy or hot foods from your diet.
  • Go for a consultation with a doctor. If necessary, he prescribes gastroscopy, and if a disease is detected, he prescribes medications.

Nausea is a symptom that should never be ignored. Its appearance may indicate a problem in the body. A timely visit to a doctor will prevent the development of dangerous pathologies, and quitting smoking will help maintain health.

Interesting video

In the video you will see an educational video “What happens if you smoke 300 cigarettes?”

Nausea after smoking is a signal from the body about the beginning of destructive processes that affect internal organs. The best way to get rid of an unpleasant symptom is to completely give up the destructive habit, because only by overcoming the desire to smoke can a person expect to feel better and reduce the risk of various diseases, and will also be able to protect their loved ones from the influence of nicotine.

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