How to gain weight with pancreatitis of the pancreas?

What happens in the human body during illness?

Pancreatitis is a pathology that disrupts the correct functioning of the pancreas. This means that the body develops a deficiency of a number of substances, which, with stable functioning of the gland, are always contained in sufficient quantities.

But, with the development of the disease, their number is far from the figure that is necessary for normal digestion of food and absorption of nutrients from it. Undigested food particles gradually settle on the intestinal mucosa, irritating its walls. Thus, the gastrointestinal tract is subjected to severe stress. As a result, a person begins to suffer from diarrhea, vomiting and increased flatulence.

Due to a sharp change in the chemical composition, the gastrointestinal tract cannot normally produce the necessary enzymes for the full functioning of the digestive system. Incompletely processed chyme, that is, food porridge, has a bad effect on the functioning of the suction apparatus with a large presence of microscopic villi on the mucosa, which is located in the small intestine.

All these negative features are reflected in the body, which experiences a significant lack of vital substances (nutrients):

  • It needs protein to form new tissues and cells.
  • Fats take part in the metabolism of cholesterol and vitamins, contributing to the appearance of a subcutaneous fat layer, which is responsible for a stable process of thermoregulation and protection of internal organs.
  • Glucose is the main supplier of energy.

The body tries to acquire enzymes that are deficient in some other way. For example, it begins to waste subcutaneous fat, glycogen from the liver and muscle tissue. In the case of a zero protein level, a person develops signs of a dystrophic condition.

That is why patients suffering from pancreatitis instantly lose weight, and then cannot increase it to the initial levels. Many people wonder: how to gain weight with chronic pancreatitis or, at least to begin with, delay weight loss?

Recommendations for stopping weight loss

With chronic pancreatitis, weight loss can be slowed down if positive results are achieved in the fight against the disease, that is, it is cured or its remission is achieved.

If the disease is severely advanced, and the pancreatic tissues are severely damaged and their functioning is on the verge, the deficiency of digestive enzymes is compensated for by pancreatin, choosing the right dose.

For this purpose, two-shell drugs are prescribed, the medicinal effect of which is based on the fact that they help digest food in a way that is similar to the natural physiological effect.

To begin with, it is recommended to conduct a thorough examination by a doctor, passing all the necessary tests. This measure is necessary to identify the complete picture of the disease and detect associated anomalies.

Many patients with pancreatitis suffer from cholecystitis, diabetes, gastritis and other diseases. By ignoring them, it is impossible to solve the problem with the digestive system as much as possible, which means that weight gain with pancreatitis is unlikely to occur.

First of all, radically review your diet, adhere to the recommendations of your doctor, and strictly follow the prescribed diet. With such a serious disease as chronic pancreatitis, you need to take a balanced approach to food intake and never forget about it:

  1. You need to eat often, the ideal option is six meals a day. Also, do not forget that the portions should not be large, respect their size.
  2. Do not give in to temptation and include in your diet those foods that are strictly prohibited for pancreatitis. Such carelessness is fraught with a new exacerbation of the disease.
  3. Food should not be eaten hot or cold. This rule must be strictly followed. The ideal food temperature is 37 degrees, at which food is digested best and enzyme activity is maximum.
  4. Try to chew your food slowly to better saturate it with saliva. Amylose, which is found in saliva, breaks down starch directly in the oral cavity. Thorough chewing involves not only hard foods, this also applies to soft and pureed foods, which should also be saturated with saliva.
  5. When eating food, do not wash it down with drinks, which, falling on top of it, discharge the density of digestive enzymes, thereby losing their activity. Drinking liquid is allowed 30-60 minutes after eating (other sources recommend drinking liquid only 1.5-2 hours after eating).

How can a patient gain weight?

So, how to gain weight with pancreatitis of the pancreas? There are several secrets, knowing which you can try to increase body weight.

  • Baby food: porridge and various meat purees. This product category is designed taking into account small consumers who need proper development and timely growth. The composition of such products is rich in microelements and vitamins that promote weight gain. In addition, jars of baby puree are small in volume, just for one-time use, which is very important for pancreatitis.
  • Contact an experienced nutritionist with a request to develop a dietary nutrition card taking into account the characteristics of the disease. The specialist will calculate all the necessary indicators, the amount of carbohydrates, fats, proteins with your energy expenditure. A professional will tell you how to do the calculations and recommend the best options for dishes that will help you maintain your weight. Based on the compiled menu, the gastroenterologist will select an acceptable enzyme dosage option.
  • Use a kitchen scale. With their help, you can accurately determine the dose of products for preparing a dietary dish, according to which the amount of enzymes consumed is calculated so that they are sufficient to process the food taken.

In addition to the above options that answer the question - how to gain weight with pancreatitis, do not forget about the unique possibilities of protein shakes that can be prepared at home. They are prepared from cottage cheese, milk and eggs. To improve the taste of drinks, you can add bananas and ice cream. The main task of such cocktails is to maintain a high level of protein in the body.

We should not forget that all products used for preparing dietary food must be fresh and of high quality. A sustained increase in body weight in a patient with pancreatitis indicates a positive result of treatment.

Before you start using the above recommendations on how to gain weight with pancreatitis, be sure to consult your doctor. Clarify all the versatile nuances of this issue, thereby avoiding unpleasant surprises that could lead to an exacerbation of the disease.

  • Using the monastery collection to treat pancreatitis

You will be surprised how quickly the disease recedes. Take care of your pancreas! Over 10,000 people have noticed significant improvements in their health simply by drinking a morning drink...

Diet for exacerbation of chronic pancreatitis

The diet after an exacerbation of the disease allows the presence of stewed, boiled, baked, or steamed dishes, which are then pureed. Proper nutrition will help prevent relapse of the disease

Diet for removed gallbladder and pancreatitis

A healing diet promotes the gradual normalization of all vital processes responsible for the timely excretion of bile and the exchange of substances in the body

The effect of smoking on the pancreas in pancreatitis

Alcohol and smoking are two bad habits that contribute to the development of a chronic form of the disease. The body is also depleted of vitamins such as A and C, which damages the gland tissue

Why weight loss

One of the functions of the pancreas is the production of enzymes involved in the digestion of food. The synthesis of these enzymes occurs in the gland, after which they enter the duodenum through a special duct, where they take an active part in the digestion process.

But for some reasons (eating too fatty foods or drinking too much alcohol), the production of these enzymes in the gland increases, which is accompanied by a slowdown in their outflow from the pancreas.

As a result, enzymes begin their activity in the organ itself, leading to its inflammation. And in the duodenum, these enzymes become insufficient, as a result of which the digestion process is disrupted and the substances necessary for the body are not absorbed.

As a result, weight loss is observed.

The pancreas is located, as the name implies, in close proximity to the stomach - just below and to the left of the organ. Next to the gland is the spleen, gallbladder and duodenum.

The work of the pancreas is associated with the last two organs. It produces a secretion that flows through the ducts into the duodenum.

After combining with bile, the secretion of the pancreas enters an active form and participates in the processes of food digestion.

The secretion of the pancreas contains a number of enzymes important for digestion. If there is a shortage or absence of them, proteins, fats and carbohydrates supplied with food are not able to be absorbed by the body.

From the video you will learn about the causes and symptoms of pancreatitis.

The role of the pancreas in the functioning of the human body

To find out the cause of weight loss with pancreatitis, you need to understand the peculiarities of the functioning of this organ. The pancreas is an important organ of the human digestive and endocrine systems. This organ performs a dual function: it produces enzymes involved in the digestion of proteins, fats and carbohydrates and hormones.

The main targets for digestion by pancreatic enzymes are pepsin, amylase and lipase. Enzymes produced by the pancreas reduce the acidity of the chyme. The pancreas is connected to the small intestine through a duct. In this segment of the human intestine, in the duodenum, the enzymes produced in the pancreas influence the process of food digestion.

The pancreas also performs an endocrine function by synthesizing the hormones glucagon and insulin, which help metabolize glucose in the human body. Glucagon performs a regulatory function and increases the level of glucose in the blood, and lowers insulin. This must be taken into account if the goal is weight gain with pancreatitis.

Causes of weight loss

All kinds of inflammatory pathologies of the pancreas are the result of changes in the functioning of the entire digestive system. The reasons lie in the anatomical features of the organ; it is necessary for the natural production of enzymes that are directly involved in the digestion of food.

Why do people who complain of pancreatitis lose weight? One of the most important functions of the pancreas is the process of producing enzymes that take part in the digestive process. After digestion of these substances, they pass through the duct into the duodenum. It is there that enzymes are directly involved in the digestive process.

Causes of weight loss with pancreatitis

One of the main reasons for the onset of inflammatory processes in the pancreas is poor nutrition. The next factors that can affect the development of pancreatitis are smoking and alcohol abuse.

Many people are interested in the question of why a patient begins to lose weight rapidly with pancreatitis. The answer is quite simple - the main role of the pancreas is to produce enzymes that facilitate the absorption and digestion of food, but with gastritis and other inflammatory processes occurring in the digestive organs, malfunctions of the entire gastrointestinal tract occur. With pancreatitis, enzymes are produced properly, but due to inflammation they are not removed from the body, thereby irritating the mucous membrane.

Due to the onset of disturbances in the functioning of the digestive tract, the foods that the patient consumes are not completely digested, as a result of which the patient may experience vomiting and diarrhea. At the same time, all useful minerals and vitamins obtained with food are removed from the body, and, as a result, after a while people quickly lose weight and lose weight.

Weight loss as one of the signs of pancreatitis?

When a person suffers from pancreatitis, he begins to lose weight. This is a dangerous phenomenon, since sudden weight loss can be life-threatening. Loved ones begin to wonder: “Why are you losing so much weight?” The patient loses weight due to the large amount of pancreatic enzymes that remain in the gland and begin to digest themselves.

Often during pancreatitis, diarrhea begins or prolonged constipation occurs. Due to inflammation, the patient begins to feel sick, loses appetite, and may vomit. Components processed in the body may be excreted from the body in their original form or may not be absorbed correctly.

Drug treatment

Drug therapy is aimed at eliminating enzyme deficiency and normalizing digestion. The doctor prescribes the necessary tests to identify concomitant diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, since weight loss can be a consequence of these pathologies.

To gradually restore weight, the specialist conducts an explanatory conversation, informing the patient about the rules of eating. Recommended:

  • Chew food thoroughly, as saliva promotes the primary digestion of food;
  • Avoid taking liquids during meals;
  • Fractional meals in small portions at the same hours of the day to normalize the production of pancreatic secretions;
  • Eating food in a warm state;
  • A special menu made up of permitted products.

Speaking about how to gain weight with chronic pancreatitis, we must not forget about taking dietary supplements and medications that contribute to this process:

  • The lack of digestive enzymes can be neutralized by taking double-shelled pancreatin.
  • On the recommendation of a specialist, patients are often prescribed vitamin and mineral complexes (C, P, B and retinol), which help the body digest food more easily and restore metabolism faster.
  • Dietary supplements containing amino acids, which help both restore gastrointestinal functions and increase body weight, will also be useful.

The main advice to those trying to gain weight with pancreatitis is to strictly follow the diet agreed upon with a specialist. You must follow the rules for preparing and eating food and completely exclude prohibited foods from your diet. Restoring your previous body weight with this disease is not easy, but it is quite possible.

Video "Nutrition"

For pancreatitis, a diet is required that excludes the use of fatty foods and promotes weight restoration. According to the requirements of the diet, you need to eat often, in small portions 5 - 6 times a day.

It is not recommended to eat foods that are difficult to digest (mushrooms, nuts, beans, fatty and fried foods). It is not recommended to consume fresh fruits and berries, since the fiber they contain promotes pronounced gas formation and leads to bloating and increased flatulence.

Before eating (30 minutes before), you can drink a glass of mineral water without gas. It is necessary to limit the amount of salt and sugar.

To gain weight, it is recommended to create a special diet based on your initial weight, health status, and age. The menu can include dietary meat, low-fat fish, quail and chicken eggs, sugar-free cookies, crackers without adding seasonings.

Pasta made from durum flour, cereals, boiled, baked, stewed and steamed vegetables, fermented milk products, herbal teas, and compotes are useful.

Soups should be boiled in water or vegetable broth; it is recommended to consume all food in pureed form, since this way the food will be better absorbed.

Half an hour to an hour before meals, it will be useful to drink still water (Borjomi, Essentuki, Narzan).

Try to consume as little salt as possible - it is this that causes increased secretion of gastric juice and leads to swelling of the pancreas.

The most important thing is that your body receives the amount of fats, carbohydrates and proteins it needs - an experienced nutritionist can easily create such a balanced diet for you.

The most important thing for you is not to forget about the proper intake of proteins, the building blocks of our cells. These are crackers, buckwheat, oatmeal, rice, and cereals.

Pay attention to baby food and canned food - vegetables, meat, fruit. They already contain the necessary proportion of useful substances.

Include protein shakes in your diet, but during remission. Protein is a fairly quickly digestible protein that allows you to quickly gain muscle mass. However, before this you need to make sure that there are no contraindications to taking it.

From the video you will learn what nutrition should be like for pancreatitis.

Demonstrative video with recommendations on nutrition for people suffering from pancreatitis.

Dear readers, your opinion is very important to us - therefore, we will be glad to hear your feedback about weight gain with pancreatitis in the comments, this will also be useful to other users of the site.

I suffer from chronic pancreatitis. Weight decreased after the first attack of the disease. After relief, the doctor prescribed a special diet and recommended doing physical exercise.

Pancreatitis caused indigestion, which caused a sharp weight loss. After the disease went into stable remission, the nutritionist prescribed a diet, and the attending physician prescribed drug treatment, which involved the use of enzymatic drugs. I took Creon. Gradually, the weight began to be restored, at the same time I observed an improvement in digestion, even in appearance.

Based on patient reviews, it can be understood that weight loss with pancreatitis is normal. The body simply does not absorb food.

There are not enough enzymes to break down food. How to gain weight with pancreatitis of the pancreas? Before gaining weight, you need to solve the problem with the pancreas.

With the help of a coprogram you can understand what food is not digested. Experts say that it is possible to gain weight with pancreatitis and gastritis if you follow all the instructions of your doctor.

In order to answer this question, you need to understand why weight loss is observed with this disease.

Diet planning

How to gain weight after pancreatitis? Create a special menu for yourself or under the guidance of a nutritionist, based on these rules:

Half an hour to an hour before meals, it will be useful to drink still water (Borjomi, Essentuki, Narzan).

Try to consume as little salt as possible - it is this that causes increased secretion of gastric juice and leads to swelling of the pancreas.

The most important thing is that your body receives the amount of fats, carbohydrates and proteins it needs - an experienced nutritionist can easily create such a balanced diet for you.

The most important thing for you is not to forget about the proper intake of proteins, the building blocks of our cells. These are crackers, buckwheat, oatmeal, rice, and cereals.

Pay attention to baby food and canned food - vegetables, meat, fruit. They already contain the necessary proportion of useful substances.

Include protein shakes in your diet, but during remission. Protein is a fairly quickly digestible protein that allows you to quickly gain muscle mass. However, before this you need to make sure that there are no contraindications to taking it.

Don't forget about the natural source of amino acids - chicken eggs. But you shouldn’t abuse them either.

Give preference to vegetables containing soft fiber - cauliflower, zucchini, carrots.

Baked, stewed, boiled low-fat fish will help replenish potassium, phosphorus, and minerals.

Low-fat milk is a source of additional calories, fatty acids, and calcium.

Drinks: weak tea, jelly, rosehip decoction.

Why does weight loss happen?

One of the functions of the pancreas is the production of enzymes involved in the digestion of food. The synthesis of these enzymes occurs in the gland, after which they enter the duodenum through a special duct, where they take an active part in the digestion process.

But for some reasons (eating too fatty foods or drinking too much alcohol), the production of these enzymes in the gland increases, which is accompanied by a slowdown in their outflow from the pancreas. As a result, enzymes begin their activity in the organ itself, leading to its inflammation. And in the duodenum, these enzymes become insufficient, as a result of which the digestion process is disrupted and the substances necessary for the body are not absorbed. As a result, weight loss is observed.

How to gain weight

One of the main principles of treatment for pancreatitis is diet. Without it, it is almost impossible to normalize the functioning of the pancreas, since any failure in nutrition can provoke an exacerbation of the disease.

The first step should be to completely eliminate foods that can cause and maintain inflammation from your diet.

Such products include:

  • fatty foods;
  • spicy and smoked products;
  • alcoholic drinks;
  • broths;
  • baking;
  • raw vegetables;
  • coffee;
  • products containing coarse fiber;
  • Rye bread;
  • carbonated drinks;
  • juices

All of the above products are stimulants of increased secretory activity of the pancreas, so excluding them from the diet will help reduce the production of digestive enzymes and stop the process of inflammation.

It is also important to adhere to small and frequent meals. In case of acute pancreatitis, you should eat food at least 6 times during the day, and the portions themselves should be small. Maximum sparing of the digestive tract is also necessary; for this, all food should be consumed pureed. For example, you can prepare meat or fish soufflé, slimy soups, and thin porridges.

During the acute period, the amount of salt consumed should be reduced, this will help reduce the production of hydrochloric acid in the stomach, and also reduce swelling of the pancreas. Oil should be added to dishes after cooking, with preference given to butter. Healthy drinks include jelly, rosehip infusion, and tea.

Gradually, as the condition improves, the menu may change. In particular, a variety of vegetable purees are added (for example, potato and carrot). Among vegetables, it is better to give preference to those that have soft fiber, such as cauliflower and zucchini. Baked apples without peel, as well as steamed cutlets, will be useful.

It is after the end of the acute period of pancreatitis, when weight loss has stopped, that you can think about how to gain weight. Having lifted many strict dietary restrictions, during the remission stage the menu should be revised so that the foods consumed are well absorbed and weight can be gained.

  • increase the amount of protein products in your diet;
  • enrich food with a variety of vitamins and minerals;
  • leave meals in fractions;
  • use protein shakes.

Let us dwell on these points in more detail.

The main principle for weight gain with pancreatitis should be an increase in protein foods in the diet.

It is the main building material for cells and contributes to the desired weight gain. In this case, the emphasis should be on animal proteins. For example, ideal products would be lean meat and low-fat cottage cheese. It is also possible to include lean poultry in the diet. Regular presence of these products in the menu will provide the body with a sufficient amount of protein. At the same time, it is also important that this protein will be well absorbed, the digestion process will improve and weight gain will be noted.

Also, food should be as enriched as possible with vitamins and minerals. They are required to restore impaired metabolism during weight loss with pancreatitis, and if they are in sufficient quantity, metabolic processes will be restored, which will have a positive effect on weight.

Additionally, protein shakes can be used to gain weight. You can also prepare them at home. For this, milk, cottage cheese, eggs are often used, and ice cream and bananas are taken as an addition to the cocktail. The main task of protein shakes for pancreatitis is to maintain high levels of proteins in the body.

Following all of the above nutritional recommendations will help you gain weight with pancreatitis. But before using them, it is better to consult a doctor so that the weight restoration process goes smoothly.

Author : Marina Nagornaya, especially for the site

How to recover from pancreatitis and gain weight: recommendations from doctors

Weight loss with pancreatitis is one of the common signs of chronic inflammation of the pancreas. As the disease progresses, weight loss becomes more pronounced.

There are syndromes of malabsorption, a chronic disorder in the small intestine of the processes of digestion, transport and absorption of nutrients, and maldigestion, a pathology that is caused by insufficiency of digestion.

The latter leads to disruption of the processes of nutrient absorption in the gastrointestinal tract.

How to gain weight with pancreatitis?

Pancreatitis is treated with certain medications and diet. Nutrition for this disease has its own specifics. During acute attacks, you need to refuse food and water, which will reduce the load on the gland and suppress the production of enzymes. As the pain subsides and other symptoms weaken, foods rich in animal proteins, vitamins, and minerals are gradually introduced into the diet. During the remission stage, the doctor recommends:

  • eat small portions, 6 times a day;
  • give up fat;
  • eat food warm;
  • chew food thoroughly;
  • include complex carbohydrate foods in your diet.

In this case, fermentation in the body will be restored, and metabolic processes will improve. Nutrients will begin to be absorbed, and the body will not have to spend subcutaneous fat, muscle and liver glycogen. Weight loss will stop.

Useful video about diet for pancreatitis

Pancreatitis is inflammation of the pancreas. In most cases, the cause of the disease is abuse of alcoholic beverages and fatty foods. Other risk factors include gallstone disease, taking certain medications, genetic predisposition, abdominal trauma, and others.

The pancreas produces enzymes that promote the digestion and absorption of food entering the duodenum. With inflammation, the number of enzymes increases and the outflow slows down, leading to disturbances in the digestive process. Particles of food gruel settle on the intestinal walls, irritating and causing diarrhea. As a result, the body loses essential proteins, fats and carbohydrates. Replenishment of losses occurs initially due to the burning of subcutaneous fat and glycogen located in muscle tissue, then rapid weight loss begins.

Why does pancreatitis cause weight loss?

First, let's delve a little deeper into the principles of the digestive process. The pancreas in our body is responsible for producing enzymes that help the intestines absorb and digest food. When it becomes inflamed, the body intensifies production of these elements. However, at the same time, their entry into the duodenum, which is in dire need of enzymes, is slowed down due to blockage of the tubules and ducts of the gland due to the same inflammation.

The picture is this: the lion's share of enzymes accumulates in the pancreas, promoting the progression of inflammation and necrotic processes, and pieces of undigested food remain on the intestinal walls due to a lack of these food elements. The latter greatly irritates the walls of the intestinal tract, causing diarrhea, flatulence, and vomiting. The body does not receive enough nutrients remaining in these undigested accumulations:

  • proteins - for the construction of new cells;
  • fats that perform reserve, protective and thermoregulatory functions;
  • carbohydrates (in particular glucose), which are a source of energy for life.

To replenish the required number of the listed elements, the subcutaneous fat layer is first consumed, and then the glycogen contained in the liver and muscle tissue. Then the patient’s weight quickly decreases - the body does not have enough of its reserves. Therefore, the question “How to gain weight with pancreatitis of the pancreas?” quite complicated. Eating a lot is a fundamentally wrong and harmful decision. Let's understand everything in order.

Is it possible to stop weight loss?

Weight loss with pancreatitis is a serious complication. It can be dealt with by strictly following the recommendations of doctors. It is necessary to undergo a comprehensive medical examination and identify diseases that aggravate the course of pancreatitis. This includes gastritis, cholecystitis, diabetes and other diseases. Without getting rid of diseases, it will be difficult to gain weight.

In order to compensate for the lack of pancreatic enzymes, gastroenterologists prescribe medications containing pancreatin: Mezim, Creon, Panzinorm, Biozim and others. Take during meals with alkaline mineral water without gas.

To stop losing weight, you need to carefully review your diet.

What should be the diet for pancreatitis?

A strict diet becomes an indispensable attribute of patients diagnosed with pancreatitis. Recovery and restoration of normal body weight depends on the accuracy of following the recommendations. Deviations from the diet threaten to worsen the disease.

Basic principles

  • Food is taken six times a day in small portions;
  • Products, vegetables and fruits, are boiled or baked;
  • Avoid eating too hot or too cold food. The optimal temperature is 37 degrees;
  • Food must be chewed thoroughly to soak in saliva. Saliva contains amylase, a protein that helps break down carbohydrates;
  • Do not drink water or drinks during meals. The exception is mineral water to wash down your pills;
  • Half an hour to an hour before meals, it is useful to drink a glass of mineral water without carbon. Borjomi, Narzan, Essentuki are considered the best for pancreatitis;
  • It is recommended to minimize the consumption of salt, which provokes the secretion of gastric juice. Hydrochloric acid produced in the stomach causes swelling of the pancreas.

It is necessary to consume foods recommended by gastroenterologists and nutritionists. For pancreatitis, a diet that is gentle on the pancreas and other organs of the gastrointestinal tract is recommended. You should not eat foods that provoke fermentation and putrefactive processes in the intestines. When prescribing a diet, doctors take into account the stage of the patient’s disease - acute or remission, the presence of concomitant diseases.

A strict diet is the path to recovery

In the first days of acute inflammation, a regimen of complete abstinence from food is indicated. A small amount of still mineral water heated to 37 degrees or unsweetened warm tea is allowed. On the third or fourth day, when the patient feels normal, pureed soups and purees are gradually added. Then gradually move on to other products. The pancreas recovers slowly, the diet will last at least two months.

What is allowed for pancreatitis:

  • Lean meat (veal, chicken, rabbit, turkey are suitable) minced, steamed;
  • Boiled low-fat fish - pollock, hake, pike;
  • Eggs, soft-boiled or scrambled eggs, no more than once a week;
  • White bread, slightly stale, biscuits;
  • Pasta without dressing. You can add a little olive oil;
  • Porridge - buckwheat, oatmeal, semolina, rice, boiled in water;
  • Vegetables only boiled and pureed, in the form of casseroles, soufflés, pureed soups;
  • Fermented milk products – kefir, fermented baked milk, cottage cheese with minimal fat content;
  • Among the drinks, jelly and compotes, weak tea are preferable;
  • Baked fruits.

Products prohibited for pancreatitis

When the pancreas is inflamed, it is recommended to exclude from the diet foods that stimulate the activity of the organ. Reducing the production of enzymes helps relieve inflammation. Prohibited products include:

  • Fried and uncooked smoked products;
  • Meat and fish broths;
  • Animal fats;
  • Bakery products made from rye flour, baked goods;
  • Alcohol, sweet carbonated drinks, juices, coffee;
  • Raw vegetables;
  • Hot spices.

By strictly adhering to the recommendations of doctors, following a diet and taking medications, you can reduce or completely eliminate inflammation of the pancreas and stop weight loss.

Products allowed for pancreatitis

How to recover from pancreatitis? Don’t forget about the impressive list of allowed foods and dishes that definitely won’t harm the pancreas:

  • The use of protease inhibitors for the treatment of pancreas
  • chopped low-fat steamed turkey, veal, chicken, rabbit;
  • low-fat boiled fish - pike, hake, pollock;
  • eggs - both omelet and soft-boiled, but no more than once per week;
  • biscuits, day-old white bread;
  • assortment of pasta - a little olive oil is allowed;
  • porridge in water, cooked from cereals: oatmeal, semolina, rice, buckwheat;
  • mashed or baked vegetables: soufflé, puree, casserole;
  • fermented milk products with the lowest fat content: kefir, cottage cheese, fermented baked milk;
  • baked fruits;
  • weak tea;
  • fruit and berry jelly and compotes.

The goal is to gain weight

Patients face the challenge of gaining weight with pancreatitis after the end of the acute period of the disease. Your body weight is no longer decreasing; you have to try to regain the lost kilograms.

It is necessary to reconsider your diet. It is advisable to seek the help of an experienced nutritionist; he will calculate the amount of proteins, fats and carbohydrates to be consumed daily in order to gain weight. Based on the calculations, a menu is drawn up and suitable recipes are selected.

It is important to include more protein foods in your diet. It is protein that becomes the building material for new cells. It is better to eat animal proteins - lean chicken, beef, low-fat cottage cheese, eggs.

To recover from pancreatitis, you need to restore the metabolism that was disrupted during the acute period of the disease. The result is achieved by taking vitamin and mineral complexes. This technique adjusts the metabolism of the digestive system, food is better absorbed. It would be useful to remind you that vitamin preparations should be prescribed by the attending physician.

Some nutritionists recommend eating baby food - fruit, vegetable and meat purees - to gain weight. The unusual recommendations make sense, since canned food for children contains essential substances that promote growth and proper development. Purees packaged in small jars are ideal for fractional meals.

Additional Methods

There are several additional ways to gain weight with pancreatitis. The appropriateness of their use and safety for the body is determined individually by the attending physician:

  1. Drinking protein shakes. They contain a large amount of protein compounds and amino acids, which are building materials for muscle tissue. With their regular use, the volume and weight of the body muscles increases. Professional athletes and bodybuilders often resort to this. It is better not to drink store-bought drinks if you have gastrointestinal diseases, as they often contain various preservatives and flavorings that are harmful to the pancreas. At home, you can make your own healthy and tasty drinks from kefir, skim milk, cottage cheese and a variety of fruits or berries (strawberries, bananas, blueberries and others).
  2. Use of dietary supplements with amino acids. Sometimes (usually in severe cases of vitamin deficiencies, a pronounced decrease in immunity and metabolic disorders), the doctor recommends a course of taking tableted vitamin-mineral complexes.
  3. Sports activities. An individually selected complex of physical therapy will not only normalize general well-being and the condition of the pancreas, but will also help you gradually gain weight: regular loads on the trunk muscles lead to an increase in their volume and weight.
  4. Traditional methods that help improve immunity and cleanse the body, judging by patient reviews, will also help the patient solve the problem of severe weight loss and exhaustion.

Some “tricks” that contribute to weight gain during illness

The process of preparing meals for weight gain must be approached very responsibly, following all the recommendations of the attending physician.

In order to correctly calculate the amount of any product during cooking, you can use a kitchen scale. It is not advisable to add them “by eye”, since you need to know exactly how much each ingredient weighs.

A good option is to use “baby food” - fruit, meat, vegetable, fish purees, and curds. These products are recommended for a small child whose digestive system is not yet fully developed. That is, for a patient with gastrointestinal pathology, especially if he has lost a lot of weight, such food with a balanced composition is quite suitable. Moreover, food for babies is produced in small jars, which solves the issue of the need for a small portion of easily digestible food for a patient with pancreatitis.

The problem of weight gain with pancreatitis is quite acute for many patients. A chronic inflammatory process in the pancreas is accompanied by enzyme deficiency, in which most of the food eaten is not digested or absorbed by the body. In order to stop losing weight and gradually gain normal body weight, you need to consult with a competent nutritionist who will select a special diet, prescribe medications and give other recommendations on nutrition and lifestyle.

Pancreatitis is a specific disease, so patients experience a strong decrease in body weight in a relatively short time, and this is normal for the disease. With subsequent development, pancreatic insufficiency is recorded, the patient faces more serious problems of the gastrointestinal tract, and even eating well, does not return to the previous state. What happens in the human body during illness and how to gain weight with pancreatitis?

Protein shakes and amino acids

To increase body weight, drink protein shakes. Protein is an easily digestible protein used by athletes to quickly gain muscle mass. For chronic pancreatitis, take protein drinks in remission, under the supervision of a doctor. Before you start taking protein shakes, you need to make sure there are no contraindications. This includes abnormalities in the liver and kidneys, protein intolerance, in particular protein.

You can buy ready-made drinks or prepare cocktails at home. The recipe uses skim milk, cottage cheese, ice cream, and fruits - strawberries, raspberries, bananas. Beat the products in a blender, drink in the morning or at night slowly, in small sips.

To fully restore the body after illness, it is recommended to use biological supplements and products with a high content of amino acids, which help restore the digestive system and gradually increase body weight. Remember, amino acid supplements are prescribed by the attending physician after a detailed analysis of the patient’s condition. Chicken eggs are a natural source of amino acids; they are best consumed boiled.

It is possible to gain weight if you have a pancreatic disease without causing harm to the body if you eat right and do not overeat. There is no need to count on quick results. Patience, perseverance and daily work will ensure victory over the disease and return lost kilograms to the body.

Preparing products for consumption

If you are concerned about how to gain weight with pancreatitis, then you need not only to choose the food allowed for the disease, but also to prepare it correctly:

  • You will need scrupulous control over portion sizes - for this it is recommended to purchase accurate kitchen scales.
  • All products should be either boiled or baked before use. The meat is cooked only by steaming.
  • Food must be pureed - soufflé, puree, cream soup, gruel.
  • If you decide to restore weight with protein shakes, then you should use low-fat cottage cheese and milk, as well as fruits and berries - bananas, strawberries, raspberries, etc. If apples - then only baked and without peel. All ingredients are thoroughly beaten in a blender. The product is consumed in the morning or at night, in small sips, slowly.
  • Add butter to dishes only after they are cooked, often stopping at butter.
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