Life expectancy with pancreatitis (in chronic and acute stages)

When faced with a serious illness for the first time, many people want to have a clear idea of ​​what awaits them next.

The questions most often asked to doctors relate to both quality of life and life expectancy. Of course, doctors are not clairvoyants who can accurately predict how long a patient has left to live.

But there are statistics that were revealed during long studies. They help to roughly describe the patient's future fate.

The pancreas is small in size, similar in shape to a willow leaf. It is located behind the stomach, slightly below the chest.

It performs two important functions. Produces digestive juices that help the stomach digest food entering it. And it produces important substances called hormones, which affect all functions of the body. The most important hormone in the human body is insulin. It is responsible for sugar levels and is also produced by the pancreas.

Types of pancreatitis

The prognosis of the disease is directly affected by the type of the disease. Doctors distinguish two forms of pathology:

  • Acute pancreatitis. The organ becomes sharply inflamed, and the symptoms of the pathological process disappear after a few days.
  • Chronic pancreatitis. Damage to the organ has been present for many years, which causes serious damage. A chronic disease can result from frequent relapses of the acute form.

In general, chronic pancreatitis can be considered a rare disorder. According to statistics, it is diagnosed in 45 people per 100 thousand men. For women, this figure is even lower - it is 12 per 100 thousand.

Pathology can most often be diagnosed at 40-50 years of age. The main risk factor is long-term consumption of alcoholic beverages. Approximately 70% of the disease develops for this reason. In this case, alcoholic pancreatitis is diagnosed.

People who abuse alcohol are at risk for pancreatitis

Factors influencing the prognosis of the disease

The prognosis depends on many factors. The most significant criteria that influence the outcome of the disease include:

  • age at which the pathology was detected;
  • history of the disease and frequency of alcohol consumption - the patient may have alcoholic pancreatitis;
  • organ condition – the outcome is influenced by the severity of damage and the presence of signs of diabetes.

For example, a 20-year-old man who has chronic pancreatitis and does not drink much alcohol can live quite a long time. In this case, the pathology in no way affects normal life expectancy.

A 50-year-old man diagnosed with chronic pancreatitis and a long history of drinking alcohol has a much worse prognosis. How long do people with such a history live? Usually, drinking alcohol significantly reduces life expectancy. As a result, a person may die 10-20 years earlier. This mortality rate is due to the fact that constant alcohol consumption systematically disrupts the functioning of the pancreas, and this creates a high load on the body.

The main factor reducing the life expectancy of patients with pancreatitis is alcohol

The ten-year survival rate for people with the alcoholic form of the disease is 80% if the person gives up alcohol. If this is not done, this figure is reduced by half.

How long do people live with chronic pancreatitis?

The pancreas is located on the left side, slightly below the level of the ribs, behind the stomach. With an exacerbation of pancreatitis, the patient feels severe pain in the left hypochondrium, which radiates to the back or encircles the entire abdominal cavity. Problems in the gastrointestinal tract, increased body temperature and blood pressure, dry mouth, sweating are symptoms characteristic of pancreatitis. The clinical picture indicates the need for emergency medical attention. Negative symptoms not only interfere with life, but can also be a harbinger of serious complications.

The pancreas performs two vital functions:

  • production of digestive enzymes necessary for healthy digestion of food,
  • production of hormones - insulin, somatostatin, glucagon and many others, the level of which affects the functioning of the entire body.

Organ dysfunction raises a reasonable question: how long do people live with pancreatitis? If the enzymes produced by the gland do not enter the duodenum, the process of self-digestion begins. Biologically active substances are activated not in the intestines, but in the pancreas, which provokes its gradual destruction. Damaged tissues are not restored after this. Compliance with doctor's prescriptions, a strict diet, and abstinence from alcohol will help stop the destructive process, but it is completely impossible to restore the functionality of the organ.

The disease can develop in acute and chronic form. The acute type is characterized by a sudden onset of specific symptoms, which are quickly suppressed after the start of treatment. The chronic form describes a condition in which painful attacks occur on a regular basis. According to statistics, only 50-60 patients out of 100 thousand develop chronic pancreatitis.

The patient’s age, concomitant pathologies, the adequacy and timeliness of treatment, as well as many other factors influence how long one can live with chronic inflammation of the gland. When the disease is diagnosed in a young, non-drinking person, the prognosis is almost always favorable. The patient can live a long time if the doctor's instructions are followed. If the pathology is diagnosed in a drinker over 40 years old, he will live 10 years less than normal. When a patient with such a diagnosis ignores the need for therapy, his life expectancy is reduced by 20 years or more.

What affects life expectancy

With any disease, a person is concerned about his prospects. So how long do people suffering from pancreatitis live, and what exactly affects the prognosis? No specialist will be able to predict how long it will take for death to occur, because this is influenced by many factors. These usually include the following:

  • A form of pancreatitis. Acute attacks of the inflammatory process are much more likely to provoke death than a sluggish form of the disease. With complex types of pathology, the mortality rate can be 30%. If patients develop pancreatic necrosis, the risk of dying increases to 50%. The causes of death from pancreatitis can be different. Literally on the very first day, the inability of most organs to overcome acute inflammation appears. Patients develop heart or kidney failure.

Intoxication that develops with pancreatitis or pancreatic necrosis can cause acute heart failure and, as a consequence, the death of the patient

  • The age of the person. In older people, the risk of death from pancreatitis can reach 20%. If the disease is mild, this figure does not exceed 2%. If a person receives adequate treatment, the pathology does not affect life expectancy at all. At the remission stage, it is possible to significantly slow down the destructive processes in the organ.
  • The severity of the pathology. The outcome is influenced by the degree of organ damage. Overall health and the ability of the body's systems to cope with inflammation are of utmost importance.
  • Presence of complications. Already in the second week, dangerous conditions develop. These include infectious lesions, bleeding, and intestinal obstruction. The patient may rupture the pseudocyst.
  • Timeliness and adequacy of therapy.
  • Patient compliance with medical recommendations.
  • Quitting alcohol and smoking - if this is not done in time, dangerous alcoholic pancreatitis develops.
  • Compliance with nutrition rules.

Timely diagnosis and correctly prescribed treatment, carried out under the supervision of a physician, significantly reduce mortality from pancreatitis

Pancreatitis is considered a very serious disorder, but its course can be controlled. Thanks to this, it is possible to stop the development of the anomalous process. To solve this problem, the patient must strictly follow all medical instructions.

Deadly complications

The mortality rate is much higher in the acute form. Severe disease kills about 50% of patients, half of whom die in the first few days. The same applies to periods of complex exacerbations of chronic pancreatitis, which occur in the absence of necessary therapy. Rapid death is possible with the following complications:

  • heavy bleeding;
  • obstruction of the intestines or bile ducts;
  • rupture of a pseudocyst - a cavity formation with fluid inside;
  • renal failure;
  • cardiovascular diseases;
  • accession of an infectious process.

In the chronic type, a good sign is a stable, long-term remission. At the same time, an acute inflammatory reaction, as another exacerbation of pancreatitis, provokes inevitable death in only 1% of cases. For those who are really concerned about the question of how to live with acute or chronic pancreatitis, it is important to understand that treatment must continue throughout life.

In addition to the reasons that cause a sharp deterioration in the condition, it is worth highlighting those that develop gradually. They also pose a serious threat to those who want to live long:

  • Pancreatic necrosis. The complication is characterized by complete or partial death of pancreatic tissue. Provoking factors are cholecystitis of the calculous type, penetrating trauma to the abdominal cavity, and unsuccessful surgical interventions. Alcoholic pancreatitis more often than other types precedes the disease. How long people live with pancreatic necrosis depends on the timeliness of the assistance provided. On average, about 50-70% of patients die within a few weeks.
  • Pancreas cancer. One of the least common complications, which is characterized by rapid development and aggressive course. People usually live with this diagnosis for no more than a few years. If a tumor is detected at the initial stage, resection of the pancreas or removal of a separate part of it is performed. The development of cancer is caused not only by an unhealthy lifestyle, but also by genetic predisposition.

Removing the pancreas is somewhat difficult. The organ has a common blood flow with the duodenum and is located dangerously close to the kidneys and large vessels. It is very difficult to suture the gland tissue. The patient's life expectancy depends on how successful the operation is. The recovery period is of particular importance. To minimize the risk of complications, prolonged bed rest is recommended.

How to extend lifespan

In addition to drug therapy and proper nutrition, it is important to remember your overall health. Moreover, both physical condition and psychological health matter. Doctors advise patients to avoid stressful situations and undergo medical examinations in a timely manner.

Even if the pathology appeared in childhood, following certain rules will help you live a full life. To improve the prognosis of the disease, you should adhere to the following recommendations:

  • completely eliminate alcohol, cigarettes and drugs;
  • exercise moderately;
  • develop a positive attitude and resistance to stressful situations.

Constant nervous tension negatively affects the state of the digestive system, so it is important to avoid stress

The diet of people with this diagnosis should be selected by a doctor. However, there are certain recommendations that can be given to all patients. The main goal of nutritional correction is to reduce the load on the digestive organs. Thanks to this, you will be able to cope with pain and nausea.

General dietary recommendations

All recommendations are primarily aimed at changing your diet. It is important to eat food quite often, but portions should be small - no more than 250 grams. People with this diagnosis should eat up to 6 times. The intervals between meals are at least 2.5 hours, but no more than 3 hours.

Product processing plays an important role. To reduce the severity of inflammation, you should eat pureed food. It is also perfectly acceptable to eat foods that have been cut into pieces. However, in this case they must be chewed very carefully. You need to choose dishes that are boiled, stewed or baked.

Even for dessert, you should prefer fresh fruit baked in the oven.

For pancreatitis, it is best to stick to a protein diet. The amount of these substances in the diet should be up to 150 grams per day.

It is worth paying attention to the drinking regime. People with this disease need to consume 2 liters of water. In this case, it is best to take a few sips every half hour.

However, some products are prohibited. So, doctors advise avoiding fatty foods and foods with high levels of carbohydrates. Such dishes put a lot of stress on the pancreas. The daily amount of fat should be no more than 70 grams, and carbohydrates - a maximum of 300 grams.

List of foods that reduce life expectancy

Strict adherence to the diet guarantees the patient’s well-being and eliminates the development of inflammatory processes. In addition to fatty, spicy, pickled foods, you should also exclude dishes that have a juice effect. Foods that can negatively affect life expectancy include:

  • meat and fish of fatty varieties;
  • offal;
  • smoked meats;
  • canned foods;
  • fatty dairy products;
  • mayonnaise;
  • legumes;
  • millet;
  • spicy vegetables;
  • sour fruits;
  • baking;
  • confectionery with cream;
  • carbonated drinks, coffee.

Pancreatitis is a serious disease, however, the course of its development can be influenced by the patient himself by strictly following all the specialist’s recommendations.

When faced with a serious illness for the first time, many people want to have a clear idea of ​​what awaits them next.

The questions most often asked to doctors relate to both quality of life and life expectancy. Of course, doctors are not clairvoyants who can accurately predict how long a patient has left to live.

But there are statistics that were revealed during long studies. They help to roughly describe the patient's future fate.

The pancreas is small in size, similar in shape to a willow leaf. It is located behind the stomach, slightly below the chest.

It performs two important functions. Produces digestive juices that help the stomach digest food entering it. And it produces important substances called hormones, which affect all functions of the body. The most important hormone in the human body is insulin. It is responsible for sugar levels and is also produced by the pancreas.

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