How to give an enema for hemorrhoids

The positive effect of enemas against hemorrhoids

Enemas for hemorrhoids have very strong therapeutic properties:

  • Clears the intestines of feces;
  • Facilitates the process of defecation;
  • Has anti-inflammatory, antispasmodic, analgesic and antibacterial effects;
  • Tones blood vessels;
  • Prevents the formation of blood clots;
  • Relieves irritation localized in the anorectal area;
  • Normalize intestinal functions;
  • Suppress the inflammatory process.

Advice! To enhance the effect, enemas for hemorrhoids must be combined with taking medications or folk remedies.

Stages of development of hemorrhoids:

  1. In the first two stages, hemorrhoidal “bumps” are located inside the rectum and can be felt. If they are small, then medicinal enemas will help remove the growths.
  2. At the third stage, the nodes fall out during bowel movements, but this can be avoided with the help of cleansing enemas, which soften the stool and make going to the toilet easier.
  3. At the fourth stage, any local treatment will be useless, and the nodes can only be removed surgically.

The question often arises: is it possible to give enemas for hemorrhoids? Of course, it is possible and necessary if you do not want to associate the course of the disease with terrible discomfort.

Types of enemas for hemorrhoids?

Four types of enemas are used to treat hemorrhoids. Let's look at each of them.

  1. Cleansing - help remove gases and accumulated feces, which is why they are prescribed for chronic constipation, as well as in preparation for surgery and x-ray examinations.
  2. Medicinal - special medicinal infusions (about 100 ml) are used to prepare therapeutic enemas. Wormwood, chamomile, chestnut and oak bark have the greatest effect. These components have a hemostatic and astringent effect, and also help eliminate inflammatory processes. Before using therapeutic enemas, you should consult your doctor.
  3. Oily - soften stool, relax the intestinal walls and facilitate the process of defecation. For such procedures, Vaseline, olive and sunflower oil are most often used (approximately 100 ml per 1 cleaning session).
  4. Hypertensive - considered the best remedy for chronic constipation. They are prepared on the basis of 10% saline solution or 30% magnesia. Both drugs irritate the rectal receptors, enhance peristalsis and help quickly empty the intestines of accumulated feces. Hypertensive enemas relieve swelling of tissues, but most importantly, they can be used in cases of increased intracranial or blood pressure, when the use of a water enema is prohibited.

Enemas for chronic prostatitis

Treatment of prostatitis with microenemas using pharmaceutical drugs involves the use of the following drugs and agents:

  • hydrogen peroxide;
  • potassium permanganate;
  • furatsilin;
  • antibiotics, for example, Doxycycline, Ofloxacin, Levomycetin, etc.

Microenemas with antibiotics for prostatitis should be prescribed exclusively by a doctor. The fact is that such drugs must be used in the correct concentration, mixed with Dimexide. If you use enemas incorrectly, you can cause intestinal dysfunction and complicate your condition.

To prepare a solution with peroxide, add 20 drops of 3% hydrogen peroxide to 150 ml of warm boiled water. Such an enema will kill pathogenic flora, have a stimulating effect on the prostate and improve the erectile function of a man.

A solution with potassium permanganate disinfects. To prepare it, you need to dissolve several granules of potassium permanganate in 150 ml of water to obtain a weak yellowish-pinkish solution. It is very important to perfectly dissolve the granules. If a particle of the concentrate gets into the intestine, a burn will occur.

Furacilin is a well-known and effective antiseptic that is used for bacterial prostatitis. To prepare the solution, you need to dissolve a furatsilin tablet in 150 ml of water. If the tablet is effervescent, then no difficulties will arise, but a double tablet must be diluted in 300 ml of water.

Contraindications to the procedure

Using an enema for hemorrhoids at home requires great care and strict supervision by a specialist. First, you need to undergo a full medical examination, which will eliminate the presence of contraindications, and the enema has many of them:

  • Exacerbation of the inflammatory process;
  • Anal bleeding;
  • Erosions or ulcers of the sigmoid or rectum, especially if they are accompanied by the discharge of pus, blood or mucus;
  • Anal fissures;
  • Ulcerative colitis in the chronic stage;
  • Thrombosis of hemorrhoids;
  • Rectal prolapse;
  • Abdominal pain that appears for unknown reasons;
  • The first days after surgery or childbirth;
  • Critical days for women;
  • Malignant formations in the gastrointestinal tract.


An enema at home for hemorrhoids is given in the following cases:

  • to combat constipation, because hard feces passing through the intestines can damage hemorrhoids;
  • to reduce the severity of the inflammatory process in the nodes;
  • for anal fissures - to facilitate bowel cleansing and reduce pressure on the anus;
  • before rectoscopy;
  • when the intestinal mucosa is damaged due to difficult movement of feces;
  • before surgery;
  • after surgery - to facilitate the process of cleansing the intestines and reducing tension in the anus. This is necessary for the rapid healing of injured tissue.

Doctors do not prohibit enemas for hemorrhoids, but they focus on carefully inserting the tip of the syringe into the rectum. This will avoid damage to the nodes. When administering the first enema, the volume of water should not exceed half a liter. You can use a syringe for this.

How to do enemas correctly?

An enema for hemorrhoids at home can be performed using various methods - it all depends on its type.

Cleansing enemas

In this case, they use an Esmarch mug, which you can buy at the pharmacy. It is a reservoir with a capacity of about 2 liters, onto which a soft rubber tube with a removable plastic tip is placed. It should be removed after each procedure and thoroughly washed with hot soapy water or even boiled.

To carry out the procedure, Esmarch's mug is filled with clean drinking water. The temperature of the liquid used must be between 36 and 38 degrees. This is extremely important - hot can cause burns to the rectum, cold will lead to discomfort or pain.

A cleansing enema can be given in two ways.

Method 1. Lying on your side

  1. Place plastic film or a special oilcloth on the couch.
  2. Fill Esmarch's mug with warm water (up to 1.5 liters).
  3. Lower the tip down and release all the air from it (liquid should appear).
  4. Close the tap on the tube.
  5. Lubricate the tip with oil or Vaseline.
  6. Lie on your side on the couch, bend your knees and pull them towards your stomach.
  7. With your left hand, spread your buttocks, and with your right hand, insert the tip into the anus, making gentle rotational movements. The depth of entry ranges from 5 to 10 cm.
  8. Slowly open the tap - the liquid will flow through the tube into your intestines. At the same time, a feeling of fullness and the urge to defecate will appear - you need to endure them.
  9. When all the water has come in, turn off the tap again.
  10. Remove the tip and try to hold the liquid in the intestines for a while (about 20 minutes). This will soften the stool.

Method 2. In the knee-elbow position

This method is more convenient for independent use. In this case, you need to take a knee-elbow position and carefully insert the tip into the anus. All actions must be careful and leisurely. Then stand up a little and open the tap on the tube. Then everything proceeds as in the previous part.

Oil microenemas

Oils have a powerful therapeutic effect, nourish the intestinal walls and strengthen blood vessels.

  1. Heat 100 ml of olive, hemp, sea buckthorn, vaseline or sunflower oil over steamed water. Its temperature should be 37-38 degrees.
  2. Fill a regular rubber bulb designed for douching with it.
  3. Lubricate the tip with Vaseline.
  4. With your left hand, spread your buttocks, and with your right hand, carefully insert the tip of the bulb into the rectum.
  5. Squeeze the syringe with your hand and release its contents into the rectum. When ingested, the oil will begin to spread over the walls of the intestine, relaxing its muscles, enveloping feces and facilitating their rapid elimination.

Enemas at home

You can give an enema in a hospital setting, as well as at home yourself, following all the rules prescribed by your doctor. It is imperative to monitor the temperature of the injected fluid - too cold or too hot it can cause painful spasms. It is better to boil the water you use, as it may contain harmful substances or disease-causing organisms.

For all patients interested in how to do an enema correctly, there is a fairly simple algorithm. During the procedure, you should take a position lying on your left side or supported by your elbows and knees to create suitable conditions for painless injection of fluid into the rectum. The tip of a pear or the tube of an Esmarch mug, lubricated with oil or Vaseline, is inserted into the anus, the substance is slowly poured in with control of sensations. Afterwards, the liquid must be kept inside for some time.

ENEMA how to do the procedure. Colon cleansing with enema.

Before performing the procedure yourself at home, you should consult your doctor.

Popular recipes

Medicine offers many different recipes that can help you get rid of constipation and alleviate hemorrhoids. Let's list the most effective ones.

Recipe No. 1. With pharmaceutical chamomile

Chamomile enema for hemorrhoids has a powerful anti-inflammatory and bactericidal effect, and also relieves spasms and relaxes the intestinal muscles. The course of treatment is 1 week (one enema per day).

  1. Pour 2 tbsp of boiled water into a glass. l. dried chamomile flowers.
  2. Warm the mixture over steam for at least a quarter of an hour.
  3. Cool the prepared broth to room temperature.
  4. Filter through a sieve.
  5. Bring boiled water to the original volume.

Advice! Chamomile is a fairly strong antiseptic plant, so 50 ml of decoction is enough for one enema.

Recipe No. 2. With black wormwood

Therapeutic enema with wormwood infusion helps reduce internal hemorrhoids.

  1. Pour 4 tbsp of boiled water into a glass. l. dry twigs of wormwood.
  2. Place the container on low heat and cook for 10 minutes.
  3. Leave the mixture for about 6 hours.
  4. Strain through a sieve.

Recipe No. 3. With medicinal collection

This enema has a strong anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect.

  1. Mix 1 tbsp. l. chamomile, chestnut seeds, sage and oak bark.
  2. Fill the collection with 2 liters of boiled water.
  3. Leave for 3 hours.
  4. Strain through a sieve.

Recipe No. 4. With propolis or honey

Bee products are known for their unique wound-healing properties, which is why they are used in the treatment of hemorrhoids. An enema with honey or propolis will eliminate skin itching, restore mucous membranes, dry wounds, relieve pain and irritation, and stop bleeding. Due to their natural composition, they can be used during pregnancy or after childbirth. The only contraindication is increased sensitivity and individual intolerance to these products.

When using honey, it is dissolved in water (1 tablespoon per glass of water) and injected into the rectum using a microenema. If you take propolis, you need to prepare the extract by diluting 10 grams. means 100 ml of water. Then 1 tsp. The finished product is added to a herbal decoction or plain water and used according to the scheme.

Recipe No. 5. With hydrogen peroxide

An enema with hydrogen peroxide for hemorrhoids is an excellent disinfectant and helps stop anal bleeding, so it can be given at the first problems.

  1. Add 1 tsp. 3% hydrogen peroxide in a glass of warm boiled water.
  2. For one enema, take a quarter of a glass.
  3. Placed 3 days in a row.

Recipe No. 6. With strawberry leaves

If strawberry bushes grow on your site, use this simple but very effective remedy.

  1. Pour 1 tbsp. l. dry leaves 200 ml boiled water.
  2. Warm up on steam for about 15 minutes.
  3. Cool to room temperature.
  4. Strain through a sieve.

Recipe No. 7. With potato juice

Potato juice is another popular remedy that alleviates the patient’s condition.

  1. Wash 1 medium potato.
  2. Grate it along with the peel.
  3. Squeeze out the juice using a piece of clean gauze.
  4. Use before bed.

Recipe No. 8. With potassium permanganate

An enema with potassium permanganate for hemorrhoids can be performed at all stages of the disease, except for the acute stage.

  1. Pour a pinch of potassium permanganate into 1 glass of water.
  2. Use before bed.

Recipe No. 9. With soda

Baking soda has a mild effect and allows you to quickly cope with the disease.

  1. Pour 1 tbsp into a glass of warm water. l. soda
  2. Shake the mixture well.
  3. Use before bed.

Recipe No. 10. With red beets

Red beet juice is a universal remedy with an excellent healing effect. In addition, it constricts blood vessels and stops bleeding.

  1. Grate the beets.
  2. Squeeze the resulting mass thoroughly.
  3. Use in its pure form.

Recipe No. 11. With lemon balm juice

This recipe will require quite a lot of raw materials.

  1. Rinse the leaves with water.
  2. Grind them in a meat grinder or put them through a blender.
  3. Filter through cheesecloth.
  4. Mix the prepared juice with a glass of warm water.

Important! To enhance the therapeutic effect of enemas for hemorrhoids, they must be combined with a strict diet. During treatment, the diet should consist only of boiled pureed vegetables, fermented milk products or slimy soups.

The question of an enema is especially popular among those who suffer from such a delicate illness. The use of cleansing procedures is widespread in alternative medicine and is often recommended by proctologists.

On the one hand, various medicinal solutions can be administered using enemas, but on the other hand, if the procedure is performed incorrectly, the mucous surface can be damaged. Then the treatment will have a negative effect.

Medicinal chamomile enema for hemorrhoids

Like a microenema, it should be given only after a cleansing enema: hemorrhoids are often associated with constipation, but if this problem has passed you by, you should still make sure that the rectum is clean before the procedure.

Chamomile has an astringent effect, is able to disinfect open bleeding in complicated hemorrhoids and has an anti-inflammatory effect:

  • Pour 2 tablespoons of chamomile into 200 ml of hot water and steam for 10 minutes;
  • the resulting solution must be filtered and mixed with warm water to room temperature.

What is an enema for hemorrhoids?

Enema is rightfully one of the most common methods of treating hemorrhoids. Thanks to it, pharmaceutical drugs and simple herbal decoctions can be administered into the rectal cavity.

The positive effect is:

  • Relieving irritation and swelling;
  • Normalization of bowel movements;
  • Eliminate inflammation;
  • Improving disinfection of mucous membranes.

Cleaning procedures are also always necessary before routine diagnostic examinations. This is done in order to qualitatively enlighten the intestines and identify possible pathologies.

  1. Medicinal – intended for the administration of various medications;
  2. Cleansing – indicated for prolonged constipation;
  3. Laxatives - necessary for the introduction of auxiliary agents and promote the release of dense feces;
  4. Nutrients – used for the administration of hypertonic and aqueous solutions, as well as glucose;
  5. Diagnostic - intended for the introduction of contrast agents (such as barium sulfate) into the intestinal cavity.

Enemas also differ in the method of administration. Hydraulic is used for cleansing activities, pressure is used for the purpose of performing oil enemas.

Microenema for hemorrhoids based on herbs

To reduce the manifestation of the inflammatory process and significantly reduce the symptoms of the disease, herbs such as sage, calendula, St. John's wort and chamomile are used. Preparing a decoction for microenemas for hemorrhoids at home is quite simple. To do this, take 10 grams of the crushed mixture and pour 300 ml of boiling water. Let it sit for half an hour, then strain.

Also, as many years of experience have shown, the bear's ears plant has a good effect on inflammation of hemorrhoids. It is usually used to treat cystitis, but in the fight against hemorrhoids it is also effective and gives good results.

Herbal enemas help cope with symptoms such as:

  • Burning and severe itching;
  • Feeling of fullness in the anal area;
  • Painful sensations.

Quite often, a decoction of strawberry leaves is used to prepare enemas. It is especially effective for bleeding. You can also add a decoction of wormwood to it.

Enemas for internal hemorrhoids

Bee products have a pronounced therapeutic effect in enemas. This is due to their rich nutritional composition. Fat-soluble vitamins and folic acid are most valuable in the treatment of hemorrhoids. Due to increased metabolism in tissues, the mucous surface heals much faster.

To prepare a solution from propolis, you need to take 10 grams of the product and dilute it in 100 ml of water. The resulting extract should be stored in the refrigerator. For enemas, take a teaspoon of extract per liter of water. You can also use it to prepare microenemas.

Positive effects of propolis:

  1. Elimination of itching;
  2. Drying fabrics;
  3. Wound healing;
  4. Prevention of bleeding;
  5. Elimination of infection.

The only negative when performing this procedure is the possible occurrence of a burning sensation. This is due to the fact that there may be cracks in the mucous membrane.

If the discomfort is severe, then a smaller amount of extract will be needed to prepare enemas.

Olive and sea buckthorn oils are most often used to prepare oil enemas. They have a rich vitamin composition and provide a pronounced anti-inflammatory effect. Sea buckthorn oil helps strengthen blood vessels and promote faster tissue healing.

Sometimes aqueous extract of mumiyo is used for therapeutic purposes. When it is administered orally, the itching goes away and the mucous membranes heal faster. This procedure is especially effective for internal hemorrhoids.

Herbal enemas for prostatitis

Judging by the reviews of patients and doctors, enemas for prostatitis based on herbs are no less effective than microenemas with pharmaceutical products. And this is not surprising, because herbs contain a huge amount of biologically active substances that have the following effects:

  • relieve inflammation;
  • reduce pain;
  • reduce tissue swelling;
  • have a beneficial effect on potency.

At the pharmacy you can buy alcoholic tinctures of various herbs. They are much more convenient to use; there is no need to constantly prepare decoctions. The tincture is stored for a long time and is inexpensive. But ethyl alcohol, which is contained in tinctures, has an irritating effect on the rectum.

After one or two uses, problems most likely will not arise, but the course of treatment may provoke intestinal dysfunction. Therefore, alcohol tinctures are not recommended for use in preparing microenemas for prostatitis.

Microenemas with chamomile for prostatitis

The simplest and most common, yet effective remedy is chamomile decoction. Microenemas with chamomile for prostatitis can be carried out using exclusively pharmaceutical chamomile flowers, or in a herbal collection.

To prepare the decoction, pour a tablespoon of chopped chamomile into a glass of boiling water. Cover the liquid with a lid, wrap it with a towel and leave for 1.5 hours. When the broth is ready, you need to strain it and add water to a full glass. The resulting product can be used for microenemas in a heated form.

To prepare the mixture you will need 15 grams of chamomile and 5 grams of calendula, celandine and plantain. All these herbs have a pronounced anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial effect. The collection needs to be crushed until smooth and pour 500 ml of boiling water, let it brew. The resulting solution should be stored in the refrigerator.

To prepare an enema, 100 ml of decoction is diluted with 50 ml of hot water to obtain a warm decoction that can be used as an enema to treat prostatitis. Also, this decoction can be used in full. In this case, 500 ml of warm product is injected into the rectum for 15-30 minutes. The longer the better.

To increase efficiency, a decoction of herbs is mixed with Dimexide. This pharmaceutical product improves the absorption of nutrients. When preparing the solution, you need to take into account that Dimexide should not be more than 10%, the rest of the volume is a decoction of herbs.

Microclysters with oak bark

Oak bark has a pronounced anti-inflammatory effect. It is used for a variety of pathologies, for example, bleeding gums and inflammatory processes in any part of the body.

Oak bark for prostatitis is used in the form of microenemas; for this, a decoction is prepared in the following order:

  • Oak bark should be mixed with St. John's wort in equal proportions and crushed.
  • A tablespoon of herbs is poured into 200 ml of boiling water and left for an hour.
  • The finished product is filtered and slightly diluted with boiled water.

You can make a decoction without adding St. John's wort, but the collection is still more effective.

Cleansing enema for hemorrhoids

This popular type of enema is intended for bowel movements or to prepare for further diagnostic procedures. This classic procedure is performed in two ways.

First way. Almost every one of us has encountered such a delicate procedure at least once in our lives. In this case, the patient is placed on a hospital couch or bed on his left side. The position of the knees should be bent and slightly tucked towards the stomach. In order not to contaminate the couch, it must be covered in advance with plastic or oilcloth film.

The next step will be filling Esmarch's mug: you need to pour one and a half liters of warm water or a medicinal solution into it. The mug then needs to be raised to a height of more than a meter, and the tip lowered down so that a little water flows out of the container. This will cause excess air to escape from the tube.

There is a tap on the top of the hose; it must be turned off. Before inserting the tip into the anus, it is well lubricated with vegetable oil or Vaseline. The introduction is performed with light rotational movements so as not to damage the skin and mucous membranes.

There should be no physical restrictions, since this would mean that the tip rested on hardened feces or hit the wall of the rectum at an angle. In such a situation, the tube must be pulled back 1 cm.

After the tip is inserted, the medicinal liquid under pressure begins to flow into the intestinal lumen. During this manipulation, the patient immediately begins to feel the urge to defecate. When the desire is already very expressed, the introduction of water is stopped; to do this, the tube is clamped or the tap is closed. The base of the tip is carefully removed from the rectum.

Second way. The Hegar method involves injecting a medicinal liquid into the anus without any outside help. To perform the procedure, the patient must take a knee-elbow position. The base of the tip is inserted with the right hand, and the left hand rests on the elbow joint. The introduction is carried out slowly, extremely carefully, especially with a strong increase in the nodes.

Next, you need to open the tap slightly so that water begins to flow into the rectal cavity. The head and shoulders are lowered slightly, and the process of introducing fluid continues until a slight pain in the intestines is observed, and a strong urge to evacuate should be felt.

How to perform a cleansing enema

Colon cleansing involves the use of an Esmarch mug with a volume of about two liters. Water poured into the tank must be filtered or boiled. The temperature of the liquid corresponds to the temperature of the human body. It is forbidden to introduce cold water into the intestines; this can provoke an increase in its work, which will manifest itself as a severe pain symptom.

As soon as the syringe is prepared, the patient is placed on his side, with his knees pulled up to his stomach. The device is fixed at a height of one and a half meters, the hose is lowered down until water flows. Next, use a special tap on the tube to turn off the liquid, insert the tip (previously lubricated with oil for easier insertion) into the anus and open the tap again.

Liquid entering the intestines will cause the urge to defecate: they should be restrained until all the water is in the intestines. After removing the tip, the patient squeezes the anus tightly to prevent fluid from flowing out. You should keep it inside yourself for as long as possible; when this becomes impossible, you can send it to the restroom.

How to give a microenema for hemorrhoids

All treatment procedures, regardless of the purpose, must be carried out correctly, otherwise the desired result will not be achieved. There are also recommendations for performing microenemas.

How to give a microenema:

  1. No more than 50 ml of medicinal solution or water should be administered at a time. Less liquid simply will not have the desired effect. If the volume is exceeded, the patient will not be able to hold the solution for the required time.
  2. The administered medicinal solutions must be warm. Extremely low or high temperatures will cause discomfort.
  3. One procedure should take about half an hour. During this period, it is advisable to be in a supine position to avoid leakage of the medicine. The average course of treatment is 2 weeks.
  4. The enema bulb must be of the appropriate size to administer the required amount of substance. The greater the amount of medicine used, the larger the capacity of the bulb.

You cannot perform an enema procedure if hemorrhoids have reached the 3rd stage. An absolute contraindication is thrombosis of nodes or their infringement.

Oil enema for hemorrhoids

The use of oil enemas is recommended for severe constipation. Due to the large amount of fatty acids in their composition, feces soften faster and then pass out painlessly.

Oils used for enemas:

  • Sunflower;
  • Rosehip;
  • Olive;
  • Black class=”aligncenter” width=”700″ height=”450″[/img]

The temperature of the oil should correspond to body temperature. For the manipulation, a standard bulb, which is used in gynecology for douching, is suitable.

Getting oil inside allows the intestinal muscles to relax better, but still, oil enemas, unlike cleansing ones, do not give quick results; they need to be done only at night. During this time, the enveloping effect will fully manifest itself, and in the morning the act of defecation will be light and atraumatic.

Features of performing an oil enema:

  1. It takes about eight hours to completely eliminate constipation;
  2. After the procedure, the patient must remain in bed until the morning;
  3. To introduce the solution, use a pear equal in volume to one glass.

Therapeutic effects

An enema is the injection of liquid (water, oils, herbal solutions) into the intestines. This method of treating hemorrhoids reduces irritation and itching, relieves swelling and stops the inflammation process, normalizes digestion, and eliminates constipation.

The procedure improves the absorption of the drug into the hemorrhoidal veins and is effective in disinfecting the rectal mucosa.

The advisability of performing an enema for internal hemorrhoids at home must be agreed with your doctor.

Indications and contraindications

Doctors allow the possibility of performing enemas on their own, but only if there are indications and prescriptions from a specialist. The procedure is used for:

  • eliminating constipation;
  • preparation for the upcoming operation;
  • eliminating the consequences of poisoning;
  • diagnostic examination and x-ray of the abdominal organs;
  • improving labor and assisting in the removal of feces after childbirth;
  • preparing the body for therapeutic microenemas.

An enema is used to relieve constipation.

If an enema is necessary for the patient to improve his condition, the doctor must exclude the presence of possible problems and diseases that would prevent the procedure. Colon cleansing without a preliminary examination by a proctologist is strictly not recommended.

An enema is prohibited when:

  • the exit of the rectum from the anus;
  • heavy bleeding;
  • inflammation in the colon and rectum;
  • presence of erosion;
  • cracks in the intestinal mucosa;
  • ulcerative colitis;
  • formation of blood clots in hemorrhoids.

Proctologists do not recommend using the procedure for exacerbation of hemorrhoids, since the process will cause pain and the enema tip will damage the irritated tissue.

Limitations are also noted for other progressive rectal diseases.


Contraindications to the use of microenemas for prostatitis include:

  • acute phase of the inflammatory process with severe pain in the perineum and lower abdomen;
  • malignant neoplasms in the rectum and prostate gland;
  • inflammatory processes occurring in the rectum, the presence of cracks and other damage;
  • imbalance of intestinal microflora;
  • hemorrhoids or bleeding in the rectum.

Microenemas can be done for both therapeutic and preventive purposes. The amount of liquid administered during this procedure ranges from 30 to 60 ml, which is why it is called a microenema. The exposure time for all drugs is different; on average, the effect of the drug should last from half an hour to an hour. At this time, you need to lie down; bowel movements will lead to the evacuation of most of the medicinal composition.

Types of enemas

Depending on the patient’s condition, the doctor prescribes a suitable method of cleansing the body.

Cleansing enema

Eliminates constipation in a short time, suitable for preparing a patient for surgery, x-ray or diagnostic examination.

An enema is suitable for preparing a patient for surgery.

Oil enema

For persistent and prolonged constipation, the patient is prescribed a procedure that has a gentle effect on feces and helps relax the intestinal muscles.

Medicinal enema

For hemorrhoids, medicinal enema preparations are used in the form of herbal solutions and oil infusions. Unlike tablets, they have a local effect on the body and are absorbed into the blood without harm to the liver, kidneys and gastrointestinal tract.

Hypertensive enema

Hypertonic solutions based on sodium sulfate, table salt and magnesium sulfate alleviate the patient's condition in a short time. These drugs help strengthen intestinal motility and reduce intracranial and blood pressure.

Hypertonic solutions based on sodium sulfate help reduce intracranial pressure.

How to make microenemas for hemorrhoids

The method of performing microenemas for hemorrhoids at home depends on the type of procedure, condition and the patient’s ability to seek outside help.

Cleansing enema

To give an enema, you need clean drinking water at a temperature of +36... +37°C. The introduction of cold liquid will cause pain and increased intestinal motility, and dirty water can result in complications.

The procedure can be performed in a medical facility with the help of a specialist or independently at home.

In the first case, Esmarch's mug is filled with liquid, the patient takes a lying position, and his legs are pulled towards his stomach. Before inserting the tip into the anal canal, the healthcare worker releases the air and turns off the valve on the tube. After injecting liquid into the intestines with an enema, a person will have a desire to empty the intestines, which must be waited out. When the water in the tank runs out, the specialist turns off the tap and removes the device. A rubber bulb can also be used for an enema.

To carry out the procedure without assistance, it is recommended to use the Hegar method: lie on your side and take a knee-elbow position, then slowly insert the tip of the bulb into the anus. The head and shoulders should be lowered at this moment. After emptying the container, the patient needs to remain in this position for 15-20 minutes.

To carry out the procedure without assistance, it is recommended to use the Hegar method.

How to use an oil enema

Vaseline, sunflower, hemp, olive or sea buckthorn oil are brought to 37-38°C. To inject liquid, use a rubber bulb or a Janet syringe.

The last method is applied according to the following algorithm:

  1. The oil is heated to 38°C and drawn into a Janet syringe.
  2. The patient lies on his right side, bends and pulls his legs towards his stomach.
  3. The gas outlet tube is lubricated with Vaseline and inserted into the rectum.
  4. After releasing the air, the syringe is connected to the tube.
  5. Oil is injected into the intestines.
  6. The tube is clamped and removed.
  7. After 10-15 minutes the patient can lie down comfortably in bed. It is not recommended to move or go to the toilet until the morning.

Rules for the use of liquids

Preparation of medicinal solutions precedes a therapeutic enema. Two types of medicinal liquids are prepared.

Enema with oils

An oil enema for hemorrhoids is made based on the oils of olive tree, rose hips, sunflower seeds, and sea buckthorn berries. You can mix cheap sunflower oil with more expensive one. The oil temperature corresponds to body heat. Scoop up a glass of oil extract with a rubber bulb and lie on your side. Insert the nose of a rubber bulb into the anus and squeeze out the oil. Continuing to squeeze, they take out the pear and roll onto their back. To enhance the effect, spend 20 minutes on your back. Then the intestines are emptied. After defecation, wash the perineum with cool water.

Herbal infusions

Enemas with medicinal solutions help cleanse and restore the rectal mucosa. Decoctions are prepared from chamomile flowers, calendula, oak bark, hop cones, nettle leaves, and burdock roots. Chamomile is most popular for hemorrhoids as a healing, antiseptic, and disinfectant. Place a tablespoon of dry chamomile in a glass of boiling water, leave for half an hour and filter.

A properly prepared decoction gives off a pleasant chamomile scent. A chamomile decoction with a volume of 150-200 ml, cooled to 37°C, is taken with a rubber bulb, the tip of which is lubricated with petroleum jelly. Then you need to lie down on your side, insert the tip of the bulb into the anus and press on it, releasing the chamomile infusion. Continuing to squeeze the pear, remove its tip and lie down, keeping the broth inside the body. Empty your bowels after 15 minutes.

An enema for hemorrhoids helps relieve chronic constipation, relieves inflammation, and heals the anal mucosa. You cannot do an enema at the acute stage of hemorrhoids with bleeding, thrombosis, strangulation and inflammation.

Pregnant women, allergy sufferers, people with heart disease and blood vessels require medical consultation before colon lavage. You should not get carried away with enemas for hemorrhoids. With prolonged, uncontrolled use, they will aggravate the symptoms of the disease.

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