What are metastases and at what stage of cancer do they appear?

Colon cancer is one of the most common cancer diseases. In modern Russia, colorectal cancer has taken second place in the number of fatal cases, but when diagnosed in the early stages, 9 out of 10 patients can be successfully cured. The disease is localized in part of the gastrointestinal tract, which includes the colon, sigmoid and rectum. The tumor, as a rule, degenerates from benign neoplasms called polyps or adenomas. The symptoms of polyps are subtle or do not appear at all, so doctors recommend regular examinations for timely detection of formations and their timely removal. The disease occurs in several stages. The earlier the diagnosis is made, the higher the patient's chances of a positive outcome. With metastasis, the patient's prognosis sharply worsens.

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Scientists have been trying for several decades to answer the question: what could be the cause of this terrible disease? But we still haven’t been able to get an answer. Only a few reasons have been identified that can provoke a tumor or aggravate it:

  • the patient has bad habits: smoking, alcoholism;
  • sedentary lifestyle and excess weight;
  • a large amount of fatty and protein foods in the diet, a small amount or complete absence of fiber;
  • chronic gastrointestinal diseases: ulcerative colitis, Crohn's disease;
  • the presence of polyps or adenomas in the intestines;
  • heredity;
  • concomitant cancer diseases.

To prevent intestinal cancer, doctors recommend leading a healthy lifestyle and listening to your body. If you have chronic gastrointestinal diseases, you must be constantly monitored by a doctor. If polyps are detected, it is recommended to undergo a colonoscopy at least once a year.

How do metastases appear?

The clinical picture of metastatic cancer is determined by the location of the metastases:

  • Damage to the peritoneum (peritoneal carcinomatosis) leads to ascites, which requires laparocentesis;
  • Damage to the pleura (pleural carcinomatosis) causes the development of exudative pleurisy, which requires thoracentesis;
  • Damage to the bones and spine leads to pain in different parts of the body, fractures;
  • Lung damage manifests itself as shortness of breath;
  • Brain metastases lead to headaches, dizziness, convulsions, and impaired consciousness;
  • Liver damage leads to obstructive jaundice.

In addition, toxins released during the constant death of tumor cells cause cancer intoxication of the body.

Stages with metastases

Colon cancer occurs in four stages. The first is characterized by the appearance of a tumor within the intestinal wall without spreading beyond it or into the small intestine. At the second stage, the cancer grows through the entire thickness of the organ with possible spread to neighboring tissues. At the third stage, metastasis to adjacent lymph nodes appears. The fourth stage is the most dangerous. It already shows the spread of distant metastases not only to nearby tissues, but also to other internal organs, such as lungs, liver and others. It is impossible to cure metastasis 100%, but there are ways to slow down the progression of the disease, prolong the patient’s life and reduce or completely eliminate pain.

How long does it take for bowel cancer to develop?

Colon cancer develops quickly. The clinical course and rate of progression depend on many factors:

  • Histological tumor type
  • Growth pattern – determines when bowel cancer will metastasize
  • Degrees of tumor differentiation

To the greatest extent, it is the degree of differentiation of the tissues from which the tumor grows that determines how long intestinal cancer develops. Poorly differentiated tumors grow faster than moderately differentiated ones. Highly differentiated neoplasms have the best prognosis.

How do metastases occur?

The appearance of metastases in the body from intestinal cancer is a complex and multi-stage process that has not been fully studied. The difficulty in diagnosing this phenomenon lies in the fact that, as a rule, metastases are microscopic in size. They cannot be detected on photographs or completely removed through surgery. The following stages of metastasis are distinguished:

  1. The malignant cell separates from the site of the lesion and penetrates the wall of the blood or lymph vessel.
  2. When a cell migrates through the vascular system, it gets stuck in the thinnest place. Here, not only its size plays a big role, but also the speed of fluid flow.
  3. The cancer cell penetrates the vessel wall into nearby tissue.
  4. The last stage in which the metastasis begins to develop and creates a new focal site.

Classification of colon cancer

There are a large number of classifications of malignant intestinal tumors. Most often used in clinical practice:

  • TNM classification (determines the stage of the disease)
  • Histological classification
  • Types of cancer by location
  • Types of cancer according to the degree of tissue differentiation

The growth pattern of intestinal cancer is also determined. It can be endophytic, exophytic or mixed. Endophytic growth is when a tumor grows inside the wall of an organ. It is characterized by a more unfavorable course because it grows faster into neighboring organs and metastasizes earlier. Exophytic growth is when the neoplasm grows towards the intestinal cavity.

According to histological classification, intestinal cancer is of the following types:

  • Adenocarcinoma (95% of all neoplasms)
  • Carcinoid tumors
  • Stromal tumors
  • Lymphomas

How long colon cancer lasts largely depends on the histotype of the tumor. Adenocarcinoma may be mucoid. Then it has a worse prognosis, since intestinal cancer develops quickly, and in this case it is less treatable. These types of tumors are divided into mucoid, mucoid and colloid. There are also signet ring cell and mucocellular cancers.

The histological type is determined by biopsy. It influences the choice of treatment tactics for the disease.

Cancer is classified according to location:

  • Sigmoid colon - in half of all cases
  • Cecum – 20% of cases
  • Appendix
  • Ascending, descending or transverse colon
  • Hepatic or splenic flexure

The TNM classification remains the most important from a clinical point of view. Before we discuss it, let’s figure out how and where intestinal cancer metastasizes.

Symptoms of intestinal cancer with metastases

In addition to the difficulty of diagnosis, metastases tend to “fall asleep” for an indefinite period. Thus, an undetected cancer cell can appear several years after the patient has been cured. Often metastasis can be asymptomatic and detected only during examination. The spread of the disease can be suspected if the following symptoms occur:

  • rapid unexplained weight loss;
  • weakness, lack of performance;
  • aversion to food and food smells;
  • constant severe pain in the abdomen, radiating to the lower back and groin area;
  • acute appendicitis;
  • inconsistent stool: diarrhea alternating with constipation;
  • blood, mucus in the stool (in some cases even pus may appear);
  • heaviness in the navel area, vomiting and belching;
  • development of anemia.

These symptoms can be a consequence of a number of other diseases, so if they appear, you should consult your doctor.

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Early signs of stage 4 colon cancer

The initial symptoms of colon cancer are the same as those of other cancers:

  • rapid weight loss;
  • temperature increased to 37 degrees;
  • loss of performance;
  • general weakness;
  • decreased or complete lack of appetite;
  • distortion of the functioning of taste buds.

At the same time, the last stage is characterized by some specific signs:

  • the appearance of mucous, bloody, purulent or other discharge during defecation;
  • sensation of a foreign object in the rectal area;
  • change in the shape and consistency of stool;
  • prolonged constipation, which alternates with diarrhea (if the upper rectum is affected);
  • painful sensations in the perineum, lower back, sacrum.

Important to know: How to recognize an intestinal tumor?

Diagnostic methods

The tumor is usually detected during colonoscopy. In the presence of neoplasms, a biopsy is required to identify the nature of the pathology. If bowel cancer is confirmed, imaging tests such as CT scans of the abdomen and chest are used to detect metastases. MRI of the pelvic organs is also used. In some cases, the doctor may prescribe a clinical blood test, which, of course, will not show a diagnosis, but will be able to assess the general condition of the body. In addition, a blood test is prescribed to identify tumor markers. In some cases, the extent of cancer can only be assessed through surgery. The following methods are also used in diagnosis: PET scan, chest x-ray, bronchoscopy, bone x-ray, liver angiography, diagnostic laparoscopy (if necessary).


To make a final diagnosis, when a patient consults a doctor, the specialist begins to collect all the necessary information regarding the patient’s life history and his characteristic clinical picture. After this, the abdominal area is palpated and percussed.

At this stage, it is necessary to pay attention to the asymmetry of this zone and the increased dimensions. There is also a violation of peristalsis and a level of pain severity.

Next, a diagnostic examination is carried out, which includes a number of instrumental and laboratory studies.


Allows you to examine the rectum and sigmoid colon.


Makes it possible to assess the condition of the entire intestinal section. Currently, virtual radiography is more popular in this procedure, as a result of which the specialist receives high-quality three-dimensional images of the pathological organ.


Necessary to confirm the presence of a malignant neoplasm. It involves taking a sample of the affected intestinal tissue followed by histological examination.


Peritoneal organs are examined.

Magnetic resonance imaging

Aimed at diagnosing the entire human body. It is prescribed for the purpose of identifying metastases that could affect other anatomical structures.

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An equally important role in making a diagnosis is played by laboratory testing, which includes:

  • biochemical analysis of blood fluid - with the development of cancer, the titers of protein fractions sharply decrease;
  • test to determine tumor markers - designed to identify a tumor and its level of malignancy.

An analysis of hidden bleeding is also prescribed, which can be performed several times.

Distribution order

As the disease progresses, the closest lymph nodes are the first to be affected. The system becomes inflamed, its ability to perform its functions fully decreases, and there is a risk of cancer spreading throughout the body. The liver, which performs not only the protective function of the body, but also lymph-forming, is the next to be affected. When malignant cells enter the liver, the disease develops very quickly and severe and persistent pain occurs. Also, when the disease spreads throughout the body, the lungs suffer greatly, since this organ is penetrated by small blood vessels and lymph nodes. The lesion resolves quickly, is asymptomatic and has a high mortality rate within 2–3 years. Then metastases penetrate into the pelvic bones. This is already the last stage of cancer with a very low five-year survival rate. Metastases can also penetrate into the retroperitoneum, genitals, bladder, small intestine and brain.

Process description

In oncological processes, metastases in the intestine develop if the disease is not detected at its first stage and the necessary therapy is not promptly applied. Secondary cancer foci spread to organs located near the affected area using lymph and blood. The process of metastasis formation begins with the appearance of cancer cells in the intestine and goes through several stages, which depend on the degree of the disease:

  • Stage 1 - absence of malignant processes, a small tumor penetrates the intestinal mucosa.
  • Stage 2 - the cancer grows, but does not extend beyond the intestinal cavity; a single appearance of metastasis in the nearest lymph nodes is possible.
  • Stage 3 - the number of cancer cells outside the intestine and secondary foci in the lymph nodes increases.
  • Stage 4 - oncological processes spread to tissues, pelvic and other organs, metastases are characterized by widespread distribution in the body.

Metastases in the liver

Recently, methods of treating cancer cells common in the liver have advanced greatly.

Surgery. The most common type of treatment is resection of part of the organ. If the affected area does not exceed 70%, and the tumor has not grown into the tissue, it can be removed surgically.

RFA, or radiofrequency ablation. This is a therapy that is used when surgical intervention is not possible. Its essence is as follows: under the control of ultrasound or computed tomography, a needle is inserted into the focal area, through which a series of high-frequency current shocks are applied. The procedure is carried out in cases of a small focal manifestation, which is clearly visible on the photographs. It is also necessary that there is no risk of touching blood vessels.

Other methods. To combat metastases, chemotherapy is used both in addition to resection and as an independent treatment method. CyberKnife is a modern procedure that destroys a tumor using X-ray waves. For liver metastases, targeted drugs can also be used to block the development of growth molecules in cancer cells.

Radiation therapy

An immunotherapy drug called pembrolizumab (Keytruda) is effective for some patients with metastatic colon cancer. It belongs to the group of checkpoint blockers and inhibits a molecule that suppresses the functioning of immune cells. As a result, the latter are activated and attack the tumor tissue.

Radiation therapy is sometimes used for sigmoid colon cancer with liver metastases as a palliative treatment to improve the patient's condition. But it is rarely used because the radiation can damage liver tissue.

Some patients are candidates for radioembolization, a procedure that works in a similar way to chemoembolization. An embolic drug in the form of radioactive microspheres is used. They clog the lumen of the vessels feeding the tumor and irradiate cancer cells, practically without affecting healthy tissue.

Targeted drugs target molecules that play an important role in the proliferation and survival of tumor cells. For sigmoid colon cancer with liver metastases, two targeted drugs are used:

  • Bevacizumab (Avastin) blocks VEGF - this substance stimulates the growth of new blood vessels, which are needed to nourish tumor cells.
  • Cetuximab (Erbitux) blocks EGFR, a receptor protein on the surface of tumor cells that stimulates their proliferation.

Most often, targeted therapy with these drugs is prescribed in combination with classical chemotherapy.

Abdominal carcinomatosis

This serious condition occurs in the last stage of intestinal cancer and is characterized by damage to the organs of the inner lining of the abdomen by cancer cells, and many small focal areas appear. The prognosis for the patient in this case is disappointing, since surgical removal of the tumors in this case is not possible. Symptoms of carcinomatosis are:

  • accumulation of fluid in the abdominal cavity (ascites), which compresses organs and causes pain;
  • exhaustion;
  • constant nausea, vomiting, complete or partial lack of appetite.

Three stages of development of metastases in the abdominal cavity are identified: manifestation in a limited area, development of several tumor foci, total carcinomatosis. This disease is treated with a complex of procedures, including surgery, chemotherapy, hyperthermia, photodynamic therapy, and immunotherapy. However, it is impossible to completely get rid of metastases in the abdominal cavity. The prognosis for patients is extremely disappointing.


Inserting a flexible camera through the anus allows for viewing of the colon from the inside.
If at least one of these symptoms occurs, consultation with a specialist is recommended. Prompt diagnosis will help determine the degree of cancer and take measures to treat it. Timely tests will make it possible to make a favorable prognosis for the survival of a cancer patient. In the examination course, a special place is occupied by primary diagnostics, with the help of which malignant cells are identified in the damaged organ through colonoscopy. The method used to check for the presence of blood in the stool makes it possible to detect cancer in the first stage of development. Determining the location of metastases will allow you to avoid surgery, as well as reduce the risk of their further penetration into organs.

Subsequent stages of the examination may include the following methods:

  • digital examination of the lower parts of the intestinal tract, as a result of which it is possible to determine tumor formation near the anus;
  • sigmoidoscopy - makes it possible to check the internal surfaces of the intestinal mucosa for the development of secondary lesions;
  • colonoscopy - aimed at examining all intestinal sections;
  • sigmoidoscopy - allows you to examine up to 30 cm of the intestine;
  • biopsy - study of organ tissue for the presence/absence of cancer cells.

When confirming symptoms and establishing a diagnosis, the following additional examination methods are used:

  • computed or magnetic resonance imaging;
  • ultrasound examination of the abdominal organs;
  • X-ray or fluorography of the chest;
  • laboratory tests for tumor markers of the digestive system.

Following a healthy lifestyle and proper nutrition have a positive effect on a cancer patient.
Diagnosis of metastatic lesions is associated with their prevention. Oncopathology can be prevented, first of all, by maintaining a healthy lifestyle and proper nutrition. During medical examinations, it will be possible to determine the duration and stage of the disease, predict intestinal metastases and prevent their spread in the body.

Types of chemotherapy for colon cancer with metastases

This treatment method is used in the vast majority of cancers. More often it is used in conjunction with other treatment methods. If it is impossible to remove metastases surgically, one of three chemotherapy treatment options is used. The first option is used in accordance with the FOLFOX regimen and includes leucovorin (calcium folinate) - FOL, fluorouracil - F, oxaliplatin - OX. The second FOLFIRI regimen: also leucovorin - FOL, fluorouracil, but using irinotecan. The third CAPOX regimen (XELOX) uses capecitabine and oxaliplatin. Treatment is carried out until the tumor begins to progress with renewed vigor. Chemotherapy is also stopped or changed if side effects become severe. Often this method is prescribed in conjunction with the use of targeted drugs.

How do different types of cancer metastasize?

Most often, metastases are found in the lymph nodes, liver, lungs, and much less often in the heart muscle, skeletal muscles, skin, spleen, and pancreas. The central nervous system, skeletal system, kidneys, and adrenal glands occupy an intermediate place in the frequency of detection of metastases in various types of cancer.

Some tumors have favorite sites for metastasis. Such metastases have their own “names” - special terms:

  • Krukenberg metastasis - to the ovaries;
  • Metastasis of Sister Mary Joseph - to the navel;
  • Virchow's metastasis - to the lymph nodes above the left collarbone.
  • Breast cancer: lungs, liver, bones.
  • Ovarian cancer: peritoneum, liver, lungs.
  • Stomach cancer: liver, peritoneum, lungs.
  • Intestinal (colon) cancer: liver, peritoneum, lungs.
  • Rectal cancer: liver, lungs, adrenal glands.
  • Prostate cancer: bones, lungs, liver.
  • Uterine cancer: liver, lungs, peritoneum.
  • Kidney cancer: lungs, liver, bones.
  • Lung cancer: adrenal glands, liver, second lung.
  • Melanoma: lungs, skin/muscle tissue, liver.
  • Pancreatic cancer: liver, lungs, peritoneum.
  • Thyroid cancer: lungs, liver, bones.

Metastases are always named after the primary tumor. For example, if lung cancer has spread to the adrenal glands, the tumor in the adrenal glands is called “metastatic lung cancer.” However, at the molecular genetic level, metastases may differ from the maternal tumor. This phenomenon is called heterogeneity.

Metastasis, as a rule, occurs in cases when the body's reserves in the fight against the tumor are exhausted. Metastases significantly disrupt the functioning of all vital organs and systems. The vast majority of deaths in cancer patients are caused by metastases.

In addition, metastases significantly worsen the general condition, often accompanied by unbearable pain requiring constant pain relief.

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Treatment of pathology

Stage 4 cancer is practically untreatable, so all doctors’ actions are aimed only at improving the patient’s well-being. In the presence of the last stage, surgical intervention is not performed, since the tumor has by this time reached a significant size and has begun to metastasize.

The most effective treatment is a combination of radiation and chemotherapy. During these procedures, active drugs are exposed to slow the progression of the disease. Such treatment must be carried out individually and in certain courses so that the body has time to recover.

It is important to consider that for an organism weakened by illness, chemotherapy can be a real stress. Therefore, it often causes various adverse reactions, including stool disorders, vomiting, nausea, skin rashes and ulcers in the mouth, and numbness of the extremities.

You also need to understand that during the last stage of the disease, chemotherapy cannot guarantee a complete recovery, since the internal organs have long been deeply affected.

Medicinal preparations and folk remedies

Further growth of the tumor can be avoided with the help of medications such as Capecitabine, Irinotecan. Most often, a combination of three drugs is prescribed: 5-fluorouracil, Oxaliplatin and Leukoverin.

Traditional methods of treatment can also be used in combination with standard therapy. They usually involve the use of poisonous plants: fly agaric, hemlock, celandine, cocklebur, calamus, burdock root, yarrow grass, snake knotweed. Depending on the selected component, the method of preparing the medicine and the rules for its use will change. But all of them are aimed at removing toxins from the body and inhibiting the growth of tumors.

Before using any of the folk remedies, you must obtain permission from your doctor!

Today, the most common way to treat them is surgery. In this case, the tumor itself and the tissues located near it are removed. The ends of the operated intestine are then connected. If the doctor is unable to do this, then a colostomy is performed. Surgery is often combined with chemotherapy and radiation therapy.

Treatment with aggressive chemicals is a common method of treating malignant neoplasms. In this case, it is possible to achieve the destruction of malignant cells. This method of therapy is always carried out in courses.

Postoperative chemotherapy treatment is also required to reduce the possibility of recurrence of the malignant neoplasm.

Radiation therapy is carried out using high-frequency ionizing radiation. As a rule, during chemotherapy and surgical treatment it is used as an additional method.

Recently, you can find information on the Internet that metastases can be cured using folk remedies. However, they are unlikely to help with advanced cancer. In these cases, only surgical treatment, chemotherapy or radiation therapy are the most effective. Moreover, the use of unofficial medicine in such cases can cause enormous harm to a person!

Colon cancer with metastases is treated using the following procedures.

Chemotherapy. There are situations when surgical treatment cannot bring the desired results. In this case, treatment is carried out with chemotherapy and biological drugs. This treatment is aimed at relieving pain, reducing symptoms, improving the patient’s quality of life and prolonging it.

Treatment should be carried out individually based on the stage of the disease, the metastatic nature of the tumor and other factors. The treatment is long-term and continues until it gives a positive result. Since the drugs are highly toxic, the patient may experience side effects, in which case these drugs are excluded for a certain period of time, but are subsequently prescribed again.

The operation is prescribed based on the following factors:

  1. Presence of metastases in the liver.
  2. Tumor processes in other organs.
  3. If metastases have approached large vessels, such as the portal vein, hepatic vein. These vessels are responsible for the functioning of the liver; if they are affected, the entire functioning of the liver will be disrupted.
  4. Cirrhosis of the liver.

Heart disease may be a contraindication to surgery.

The operation is performed under general anesthesia for 3 to 6 hours. An incision is made in the right hypochondrium, the liver is divided into 8 segments, the tumor is identified and, together with the segment, is removed. After the operation, the patient is in the hospital from 4 days to 1 week. The risk of death with a single liver metastasis is minimal.

This treatment method involves “local heating” of the tumor in order to destroy cancer cells. Under ultrasound guidance, a thin electrode is inserted into the tumor. There is a special current at the end of the electrode, which uses radio waves to heat the tumor to 100 degrees Celsius. At this temperature, cancer cells die.

The electrode is inserted under the skin either during laparoscopy or during surgery. Often during surgery, after removing the main tumor and large metastases, the remaining lesions are destroyed using the RFA method. RFA, which is injected through the skin, cauterizes a tumor measuring 3-4 cm. The procedure takes 15-20 minutes. The procedure is performed on an outpatient basis and does not require anesthesia.

Treatment after surgery is prescribed by the attending physician based on an individual approach to the disease. If the patient is over 60 years of age, but the operation was satisfactory, then age will not be an obstacle to subsequent chemotherapy and radiation therapy. If the operation was performed at the first and second stages of the disease, then subsequent treatment may not be required. Just regular monitoring by an oncologist will be enough.

But at the second stage of the disease, sometimes there may be single metastases, and subsequent surgical treatment may require chemotherapy. It can be prescribed in tablets.

At the third stage of cancer after surgery, chemotherapy is indicated, which is prescribed in 8 courses and lasts on average 6 months. At all stages of the disease, constant monitoring by an oncologist is recommended, as the disease may recur. And the sooner relapses are detected, the more successful subsequent treatment will be.

Observation by an oncologist includes the following activities:

  • constant surveillance;
  • regular blood donation for CEA and carcinoembryonic antigen;
  • regular colonoscopy to detect relapses;
  • periodic CT scans.

Nutrition during illness and preventive measures

The body becomes very weak during cancer treatment. Therefore, he needs a special diet that will not only restore strength, but also help inhibit the development of cancer cells.

With this diet, it is recommended to exclude from the diet high-fat dairy products, all types of preserves, fatty meats, as well as alcoholic and carbonated drinks.

To restore liver and intestinal function, it is recommended to consume only high-quality foods. All types of legumes and cereals, low-fat sea fish, whole grain bread, bran, fruits and vegetables, as well as natural vegetable oils are suitable for this.

It is also possible to eat table red beets, which help cope with digestive problems and improve blood composition.

To prevent intestinal cancer, it is necessary to monitor your diet, which should be natural and complete. Avoid fatty and canned foods, alcohol, smoking. Do not forget that smoked foods, sausages, salted lard and fatty meat are harmful to the body. Eating foods rich in fiber helps combat constipation, which can trigger the development of cancer of the digestive system.

To live an active lifestyle. Do moderate physical activity and spend more time outdoors. Morning exercises, jogging or swimming are suitable for maintaining muscle tone. And, as you know, a healthy mind in a healthy body. Undergo medical examinations in a timely manner and do not be influenced by stress. It is also necessary to periodically take blood tests and in case of any abnormalities, be sure to seek medical help and treat all diseases in order to prevent the chronic course of the disease.

As you know, all diseases are caused by nerves. Therefore, you need to monitor your mental health. Avoiding stressful situations, getting proper rest and having a positive outlook on life works wonders.

Periodic courses of vitamin therapy, based on taking calcium with vitamin D, help reduce the risk of developing intestinal cancer.

How long do you have to live?

In the presence of metastases in the intestine, many patients are interested in life expectancy. It should be noted that this depends on the severity of the disease. If treatment is started promptly, approximately half of patients are successfully cured. But the highest level of survival can be achieved only if such a disease is diagnosed early.

In patients with more complex cases of pathology, the five-year survival rate ranges from 20 to 40 percent. Unfortunately, patients who present to the doctor in the last stage are recommended treatment to relieve symptoms. High-quality treatment can extend life by several years.

Thus, metastases in the intestines are dangerous to health, provided that the patient seeks medical help late. With early diagnosis and treatment, the percentage of successful recovery is usually quite high. If you consult a doctor in a timely manner, as practice shows, the disease can have a favorable outcome.

Unfortunately, it is difficult to give favorable prognoses to patients with advanced bowel cancer. Statistics show that only 6% of people suffering from this disease live 5 years or more. The rest die after a period of several months to 3 years. At the same time, several factors significantly influence the degree of survival:

  • patient's age;
  • tumor size;
  • degree of spread of metastases;
  • the state of the patient's immunity;
  • the presence or absence of chronic diseases.

Where is it better to treat cancer with metastases - in Moscow, Israel or Germany?

In order to receive the most modern and effective treatment for cancer with metastases, a Russian patient does not have to go abroad. The European clinic uses the same drugs and technologies as the leading cancer centers in the world.

Even if the likelihood of remission is low, treatment should be continued. Oncologists at the European Clinic know how to alleviate the patient’s suffering and prolong life. To do this, we use the most modern techniques and drugs. If you are undergoing treatment at another clinic, you can always get a second medical opinion from us: sometimes the approaches of different doctors to the treatment of metastatic cancer differ greatly. Call to make an appointment with an oncologist.

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