Therapeutic fasting for chronic pancreatitis: reviews

Hunger treatment

Fasting during pancreatitis, according to doctors, very effectively helps to subside the inflammatory process, because makes it possible to stop the participation of the pancreas in the act of digestion and ensures the rest of the affected organ.

A complete refusal of food for 2-3 days allows you to relieve the pancreas as much as possible and start the processes of its natural restoration

Pancreatitis can occur in acute and chronic forms; in any case, the disease can cause complications and even necrosis of pancreatic tissue.

Note! Deterioration of the condition in chronic pancreatitis can be triggered by a stressful situation, alcohol consumption, or self-medication.

Hunger during pancreatitis is the main component of quickly stabilizing the patient's condition. Complete refusal of food takes place under the supervision of the attending physician. During this period, the patient is prescribed bed rest, and a heating pad with ice is placed on the pancreas area.

During the period of fasting for pancreatitis, a person must adhere to strict bed rest for 2-3 days

General recommendations

Despite the differences between fasting and diet in chronic and acute forms, there are still a number of rules that can be applied for any type of pancreatitis:

  1. It is necessary to strictly limit the amount of food used. You can eat small portions 5-6 times a day.
  2. All products are well ground (for example, in a blender) or rubbed through a sieve.
  3. Fats and carbohydrates are excluded, emphasis is placed on proteins.
  4. Fried, fatty and spicy foods are also excluded.
  5. Therapeutic diet, which is used for pancreatitis - table No. 5.

Soon hunger, cold and peace will lead to an improvement in well-being. Regarding drinking, the issue is resolved on an individual basis.

Fasting technique

Therapeutic fasting for pancreatitis can be dry or with the use of liquid (water, rosehip decoction). Here the opinions of doctors are divided.

Some consider the most effective use of dry fasting with complete abstinence from food and water. But this regime can last no more than a day, then the patient is allowed to drink clean non-carbonated water, starting from 100-150 ml, with a gradual increase in portions. After another 2 days, the patient is allowed to consume a small amount of vegetable broth; Then the menu gradually expands.

Complete abstinence from food for 2-3 days will help stabilize the condition and relieve the pancreas

Note! Hunger with pancreatitis of the pancreas requires adherence to strict rules and bed rest.

Other doctors consider it more expedient and gentler to fast for 3 days with drinking an unlimited amount of drink from the first days. Pure boiled water or mineral water without gas is allowed as a drink, as well as weak decoctions of rose hips and chamomile.

Dry fasting is prescribed more often for exacerbation of chronic pancreatitis, and fasting with liquid intake is prescribed for acute inflammation of the pancreas. Treatment of pancreatitis by fasting helps the organ stop secreting pancreatic juice, which greatly facilitates the treatment of the disease.

Duration of fasting

When considering the question “is it possible to fast with pancreatitis?”, first you should study the advantages and disadvantages of this method. By resorting to fasting, a person will slow down the development of the inflammatory process of the pancreas and reduce the risk of developing a chronic form of the disease. Hunger not only helps to effectively eliminate the symptoms of the disease, but also restores all functions of the pancreas.

Following a diet during remission of chronic pancreatitis is the best way to reduce the risk of exacerbation of the disease

Fasting is a way not only to treat, but also to prevent exacerbations of chronic pancreatitis. Dry preventive fasting should be carried out only once a week and last 24 hours so that the body is not subjected to severe stress.

Refusal of food in the treatment of acute pancreatic inflammation is prescribed for 2-3 days; however, unlimited drinking is allowed.

Note! If you refuse food for a period of more than three days, pancreatic enzymes will begin to aggressively affect the organ, which will lead to aggravation of the inflammatory process.


Hunger strikes during pancreatitis have been prescribed for many decades. She has earned a huge amount of positive reviews. The effectiveness of the technique is clear - for rapid recovery, damaged tissue must be temporarily left alone. The easiest way to do this is during a hunger strike.

Many patients report complete healing as a result of a short-term “diet” and subsequent transition to proper nutrition. In this case, it is not at all necessary to resort to drug therapy.

Interesting fact. In the initial stages of pancreatitis, most doctors recommend fasting. Treatment with tablets is prescribed for advanced pathology. But even in this case, it is possible to cope with minimal use of drugs.

Fasting for chronic and acute pancreatitis

Fasting for acute pancreatitis of the pancreas is best done in a hospital setting. If necessary, a person undergoes examination by a gastroenterologist during this period. For 2-3 days, the patient is allowed to drink only rosehip decoction or non-carbonated mineral water containing beneficial alkali. Drinks must be heated to 36 degrees; drinking cold or too hot liquid is strictly prohibited.

Alkaline still water and rosehip decoction unload the pancreas and launch recovery processes

How to fast with pancreatitis that has become chronic? During the period of remission, it will be enough for the patient to refuse food for one day a week, strictly observing bed rest. In case of exacerbation of the disease, the same 3-day fasting is carried out as in the acute form.

Hunger, cold and peace

The basis of treatment for pancreatitis should be temporary fasting, rest and cold. Cold is applied as follows: a cold heating pad is applied to the area above the navel. This method relieves pain in a short time.

It is also worth remembering that in acute pancreatitis, the period of fasting is subsequently replaced by following a strict diet. Coming out of a hunger strike should be done gradually. Your doctor should advise how long and how to fast.

There were cases when healing fasting was enough, and drug treatment was not required at all. But in general, the treatment of pancreatitis needs to be approached comprehensively, that is, to combine dietary nutrition, cold and rest with drug therapy.

How to get out of hunger?

For therapy to be effective, you need to know how to get out of fasting with pancreatitis. After 2-3 days of complete abstinence from food, a person is allowed to eat a small portion of vegetable soup without salt or other additives. Then during the day there should be 7-8 meals, divided into small portions. It is best to steam vegetables on this day, grinding them into a homogeneous puree.

The next day, the patient is usually transferred to diet No. 5 according to Pevzner. The duration of this diet is 1 week, then an extended version of the same diet is prescribed for 3 months.

The way out of fasting should include eating easily digestible, healthy foods that will not overload the pancreas

Note! Fasting for pancreatitis should not exceed 2-3 days, otherwise all the positive effect of it will be lost, and prolonged refusal of food will cause a sharp deterioration in the condition.

How to fast during acute illness

If a patient experiences an acute phase of pancreatitis, this indicates not only a serious inflammatory process in the pancreas, but also the beginning of the death of cells in this organ. This process can affect a person’s health and well-being; patients often experience an increase in body temperature, attacks of vomiting and constant nausea, a disturbance in normal bowel movements and pain may occur.

In this case, the doctor has the right to prescribe complete fasting to his patient, and even in the first days of the acute course of the disease, the person is unlikely to want to eat anything. A diet with abstinence from food lasts from two days to twenty days, here the duration of fasting can only be determined by a gastroenterologist. During the diet, the patient is given heated alkaline mineral water, as well as plain drinking water.

In some cases, the doctor may allow the patient to take rosehip-based decoctions orally, but they must be diluted with water to reduce the concentration. This drink helps to alleviate the patient’s condition, as well as heal damage to the mucous membrane. If you follow the diet correctly, sometimes taking medications is not required at all; in more complex cases, additional treatment is prescribed.

As already mentioned, it is allowed to fast for up to twenty days, but usually patients adhere to complete fasting for about one day, and then the doctor introduces a gentle diet, which must be followed in strict order. After a one-day abstinence from food, the patient should eat no more than 1800 calories per day, and it is also very important to eat light meals.

For patients, food is prepared by boiling, stewing, steaming and baking; in addition, a person should chew food as thoroughly as possible to facilitate the work of the pancreas.

All types of fats are excluded from the menu, and the consumption of carbohydrates is also significantly limited, but food with proteins must be constantly supplied to the body. It is best to replace animal proteins with plant proteins; only a small percentage of proteins have the right to be of animal origin.

So, per day a person eats about two hundred grams of carbohydrates, about fifty-five grams of fats, eighty grams of proteins and two liters of purified water. It is very important to adhere to just such a diet after strict fasting; the process of a person’s recovery fundamentally depends on this. In addition, there are several rules that apply to longer fasting, since after it it is important to eat more protein foods.

The first day you should prepare a slimy porridge of rice in water, some crackers and weak tea are allowed. Already from the second day, proteins of plant origin are gradually introduced into the diet, and a small amount of butter is also allowed.

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