How to give a Microlax microenema at home

Microlax is an effective laxative. It looks like a small enema, which is very convenient and comfortable during its administration. The drug contains natural ingredients, which ensures a high level of safety. This product can be used at any age and even newborn babies. Only a doctor prescribes the drug, and he also indicates the duration of administration and dose.

Manufacturer of microenemas Microlax Swedish.

Indications for use

Microlax microclysters are used by children and adults if they have constipation. If patients are prescribed certain examinations, such as X-ray or endoscopic examinations, the drug is taken in advance.

Also, this enema can be prescribed before any operation, as it is a safe medicine.

All medications have both positive and negative effects on the human body. Microclyster Microlax is no exception. It is important to follow the instructions when using this product, and also consult a doctor before using this product.

Reasons for using microenemas may include:

  • Constipation of various origins, both in adults and children;
  • Preparation for operations, gastrointestinal examinations;
  • Medical comprehensive examinations of the necessary nature.



Valentina, 25 years old, Omsk

Before giving birth, instead of an enema, the nurse suggested the laxative drug Microlax. She explained that instead of 1.5 liters of liquid, 5 ml of solution would be administered. Also, the drug does not have a negative effect on the fetus. Having assessed all the benefits of the laxative, I immediately agreed to the proposed alternative.

When it was time to administer the enema, I felt bad because... The first contractions began. The nurse brought a tube of the drug and offered 2 options for further action. You could inject the solution yourself or agree to have the medical staff perform this procedure. I liked the first option more, so I took a microenema and went to the toilet. She inserted the spout into the anus and let the medicine in.

Compared to an enema, this remedy has many advantages. It is easy to administer and there is no discomfort and distension when more than a liter of liquid is poured in. After 10-12 minutes the drug took effect.

Matvey, 46 years old, Volgograd

Constipation often occurs on business trips. This is how the body reacts to changes in terrain. Doing an enema yourself is inconvenient, and I don’t like taking laxatives, because... they begin to act only after a few hours (in the morning and afternoon at work, and when you arrive at the hotel, it’s time to sleep, and not wait for the medicine to take effect).

The pharmacy recommended purchasing Microlax microenema. It could be administered independently and not have to wait long for the effect of the drug to appear. The cost of the medicine is small compared to other laxatives, so I decided to try it.

I put on a microenema, washed my hands and lay down on the bed without hope that the solution would act as quickly as it was written in the instructions. Not even 10 minutes had passed when I felt the need to visit the toilet.

The intestines were cleansed gently. There was no pain in the abdomen or anal area. Compared to other laxatives, the advantage of Microlax is that after administering the solution I only visit the toilet once and then go to bed. The urge to urinate again does not wake you up in the middle of the night.

Microenema is a necessary and quick aid for those whose body cannot cope with certain painful conditions. It is carried out for therapeutic or diagnostic purposes. Unlike cleansing enemas, which are done with a large amount of water - 1.5 - 2 liters in one go, the volume of microenemas is much smaller (from 50 to 200 grams).

Types of microenemas

  • laxative (oil, glycerin, hypertonic);
  • cleansing (honey, coffee, starch);
  • softening (milk);
  • with chamomile;
  • with evaporated urine;
  • emulsion;
  • microenema Microlax.

Anyone who has decided to improve their health with the help of microenemas can choose the one that is right for them. Every external intervention in the body is a little stress for it, because it irritates the intestinal mucosa. Therefore, in order to take into account the needs of your body and take care of its health, you need to familiarize yourself with information about indications for use and contraindications.

how to do a microenema by reading all the material below.

If even some of them are present, you already need to think about restoring the normal state of the body.

They are also used before childbirth and operations, X-ray examinations of the abdominal cavity, digestive tract and colon, if the intestines are heavily clogged with fecal debris and a cleansing enema is needed at home.

If there is at least one contraindication, do not try to do a microenema at home on your own, but only when indicated (if necessary) and under the supervision of a doctor!

Preparing for microenemas

You will need a Janet syringe with a volume of 150-200 grams with a tip or, already known to you, a syringe (rubber pear-shaped balloon) also with a tip. Heated liquid to 37 degrees. Vaseline or greasy cream to lubricate the tip.

Execution technique

How to do a microenema correctly? Lie on your left side, pull your legs towards your stomach, bending at the knees. Spread the buttocks with your left hand, and with your right, insert the lubricated catheter with rotational movements 5-10 centimeters into the anus. Then attach the Janet syringe to the catheter, and then inject the substance contained in it in small portions.

The pressure should not be strong. To prevent accidental release of fluid, it is necessary to hold the end of the catheter. After the drug has been administered, you should carefully disconnect the syringe from the catheter, and then draw air into it. Next, reattach the syringe to the catheter and deflate it to inject the remaining fluid in the catheter into the intestines.

You can do the same with a rubber bulb if you don’t have a Janet syringe. Only the tip does not need to be removed when removing it.

Laxative microenemas

Oily. It should be used for chronic constipation. For this procedure, vegetable oils are used: hemp, olive, sunflower, vaseline. For one application, take 50-100 ml. oil, which is heated to a temperature of 37 degrees. Insert the heated oil into the anus using a “pear” or a Janet syringe. The oil spreads, enveloping the walls of the intestines, thereby relaxing its muscles. A microenema with oil will take effect in 10-15 minutes.

Mode of application

This drug is used rectally. Before using the enema, you should thoroughly wash your hands and completely clean the skin in the anus.

It is recommended to break the seal on the tip of the package only immediately before using the drug.

When the seal has been removed, you should press slightly on the tube and wait until a liquid solution appears.

Then the tip is inserted into the rectum and all the contents are squeezed out.

  • It is worth removing the enema with the walls of the tube compressed.
  • For adults and children over 3 years of age, the enema can be administered completely.
  • For children under 3 years of age, the enema is administered halfway - up to the specially indicated mark.
  • The frequency of use and dosage is indicated by the doctor.

Most often, adults are allowed to administer an enema once, 5 ml of solution. Children in individual dosage.

Microenema is not addictive, but it is not recommended to use it often and for a long time.

For newborns

The Microlax microenema is also used by newborns without any concerns about the child’s health. The dosage and duration of treatment is indicated by the doctor. It is worth giving an enema in the same way as for an adult child, but with extreme caution.
After the procedure, you should give your baby a tummy massage. Move in a clockwise direction over the tummy in a circular motion.

Within 10-15 minutes the drug will begin to act and the child will feel relief. Before using the drug, be sure to contact a specialist and consult.

For constipation

The group of laxatives also includes Microlax microenemas. This remedy helps soften stool and is used for constipation. Since the enema contains sodium citrate and sorbitol, they squeeze water molecules out of the stool, and loose stools appear. The drug begins to act within an hour after use. The product is used at any age when prescribed by a doctor.

For cats

If a cat becomes constipated, it must be taken to a veterinary hospital. Perhaps the doctor will prescribe a drug such as Microlax microenema. It is used by both adults and children, and is also prescribed for constipation in dogs and cats. The dose and duration of treatment is determined by the doctor.

How to use it correctly

Microlax microenemas have simple instructions for use.

Manipulation algorithm:

  1. Wash the hands.
  2. Break the seal on the neck.
  3. Squeeze a drop of medication to wet the top of the tube.
  4. Insert the entire tip (about 6 cm) into the rectum (in a child under three years old - half).
  5. Release the entire volume.
  6. Remove while continuing to squeeze the bottle.
  7. Throw away the empty tube and place it in a bag.

During pregnancy

According to statistics, 75 percent of pregnant women face a similar problem. A bowel movement may occur once a week. Stagnant feces worsen your health, causing serious consequences.

In the absence of defecation, the process of absorption of toxic metabolic products begins in the woman’s colon, which threatens intoxication of the mother and fetus. A crowded rectum can put pressure on the uterus, increasing its tone. Long-term constipation increases the likelihood of hemorrhoids, a common companion of pregnancy.

Additional symptoms in pregnant women:

  • flatulence;
  • feeling of insufficient emptying;
  • absence of stool for more than 3 days;
  • the need to push;
  • pain in the intestines;
  • hard, dry, “sheep stool.”

These problems require prompt resolution using gentle methods. Microlax micro enema for constipation has not been studied or tested in pregnant women. According to the instructions for the product, the manufacturer indicates the possible minimal absorption of liquid into the general bloodstream. Use during pregnancy is not harmful to the fetus.

Can be used in the last trimester before childbirth as an alternative to the cleansing procedure of douching with water, which causes a number of psychological difficulties and even pain. Features of the regular use of Microlax microenemas in this group of patients should be discussed with obstetricians and gynecologists. The installation technique does not differ from that indicated in the instructions.


Signs of constipation in a child in the first month of life:

  • dense, dry feces (normally watery, unformed);
  • hyperemia, irritation around the anus, as an inflammatory reaction to stool retention;
  • hysterical crying;
  • pulling the legs towards the chest when trying to defecate.

Such methods of provoking bowel movements as placing a bar of soap into the child’s rectum are recognized as outdated and dangerous, due to the possible chemical burn of the mucous membrane, the tip of the thermometer, and the gas outlet tube. Such objects are dangerous for babies. Instead, Microlax microenema is used.

Installation method:

  1. Place the baby on a changing table, any hard surface, covered with oilcloth or a disposable diaper.
  2. Treat your hands with antiseptic or wash with antibacterial soap.
  3. Treat the anus with baby oil or cream.
  4. Break off the tip of the tube and squeeze out a drop of product.
  5. Fix the baby's legs to his chest, with the other hand insert the tip to the mark or completely if using a child dosage.
  6. Inject the entire volume of microenema.
  7. Continuing to squeeze the tube, remove it from the intestine.
  8. Wash the hands.
  9. Massage the baby's abdomen in a clockwise direction.

To myself

Constipation in an adult is due to various reasons. Some of them are short-term in nature: a change of environment, a long trip, exotic dishes in the diet, lack of fiber, water, nervous overload, taking certain medications. The problem of fecal retention caused by these reasons can be solved independently at home.

To administer the Microlax microenema yourself:

  1. Wash the hands.
  2. Take a lying position on your left side.
  3. Pull your legs towards your chest.
  4. Break off the tip of the bottle.
  5. Squeeze out a small amount of product.
  6. Spread the buttocks, carefully insert the tip into the anus to its full length.
  7. Pour in the contents of the bottle.
  8. Remove the tip.

If unsatisfactory bowel movements are present continuously for several weeks or more, and are not associated with the reasons described above, you need to consult a gastroenterologist for diagnosis.

During pregnancy

The drug Microlax can be taken not only by adults and children, but also by women during pregnancy and newborn babies. More often, pregnant women are prescribed this drug before undergoing an ultrasound examination of the pelvis. If constipation is not uncommon in women, then the use of this laxative has a very good effect.

Video: If older women pass feces involuntarily, they are also prescribed such an enema. The Microlax enema is used immediately before childbirth at the preparation stage.

Laxative MICROLAX - instructions for use

Before using MICROLAX, we recommend that you read the instructions for use of the drug for medical use presented on this page.

The mechanism of action of the laxative MICROLAX ® is the peptization of feces, that is, their splitting into primary particles under the influence of special substances - peptizers. Such a component of the drug MICROLAX ® is sodium citrate. It displaces bound water contained in stool, which facilitates its removal from the intestines. Sodium lauryl sulfoacetate thins the intestinal contents, and sorbitol enhances the laxative effect by stimulating the flow of water into the intestines. You can find out the percentage of active and auxiliary components in the drug from the instructions for the MICROLAX ® laxative. Information also important for the correct use of the product is indications and contraindications for use, pharmacological properties, route of administration and dosage, storage conditions of the drug. In addition, from the instructions you can find out about the manufacturer of the drug.

INSTRUCTIONS for the use of the medicinal product for medical use MICROLAX ®

Registration number: P N011146/01.

Trade name of the drug: MICROLAX ®

International nonproprietary name:

Dosage form: solution for rectal administration.

One ml of solution contains:

Active ingredients: sodium citrate – 90 mg, sodium lauryl sulfoacetate 70% – 12.9 mg (corresponding to 9 mg sodium lauryl sulfoacetate), sorbitol solution 70% – 893 mg (corresponding to 625 mg sorbitol);

Excipients: sorbic acid – 1 mg, glycerol – 125 mg, purified water up to 1 ml.

Microlax or glycerin suppositories

Both Microlax microenemas and glycerin suppositories have a laxative effect for constipation in patients. They are a safe remedy, so they can also be used during pregnancy, breastfeeding and early childhood.

The disadvantage of glycerin suppositories is that they can cause irritation to the mucous membranes. They soften feces relatively well.

It is impossible to use suppositories and microenemas for a long period and without consulting a doctor, as well as one large suppository or one tube of the drug.

You can read a review of other microenemas here.

Patients claim that after using an enema, the stool softens and a single bowel movement occurs, unlike suppositories, which cause frequent, large stools.

The two drugs are very effective and safe for any organism, and have no contraindications. Therefore, the choice is only yours.

Contraindications and side effects from Microlax and regular enema

Regardless of the method of bowel cleansing, frequent enemas are prohibited. If this rule is neglected, a complication may be the development of lazy bowel syndrome.

It is forbidden to give a regular enema frequently, because... There is a constant leaching of microflora.

It is forbidden to give a regular enema frequently, because... There is a constant leaching of microflora. Not only feces leave the body, but also bacteria necessary for normal functioning. The result of such actions may be increased gas formation and inflammation of the mucous membrane.

A contraindication to the use of Microlax is individual intolerance to the components of the drug.

When using a mini-enema, the patient may experience a burning sensation in the rectal area. The side effect is mild.

General contraindications to performing bowel cleansing using a regular enema and Microlax include:

  • gastrointestinal bleeding;
  • rectal tumors;
  • abdominal pain of unknown etiology;
  • acute form of hemorrhoids;
  • rectal prolapse;
  • erosive and ulcerative lesions of the mucous membrane of the large intestine.

General rules for using microenemas for constipation

During the procedure of cleansing the body of harmful toxins and waste, the following recommendations should be followed:

  1. Lie on your right side and bend your legs, pulling them towards your stomach.
  2. Using rotational movements, insert the micro-enema tip lubricated with cream into the anus.
  3. Apply light pressure to the enema device to allow fluid to flow into the intestines. There is no need to use force, otherwise the solution will flow out.
  4. Wait at least a quarter of an hour before bowel movements so that the medicine has time to take effect.

The use of microenemas provides quick relief from constipation, but in order to avoid severe weakening of the intestines, you should not get carried away with them without the appropriate indications and a doctor’s prescription.


Cleansing microenema Norgalax also refers to laxatives that act by softening stool. Used for symptomatic therapy for functional constipation that is not associated with diseases.

The product in the form of a gel is used like other microenemas. Apply once a day. The effect occurs within 15-20 minutes. Increasing the dosage may cause diarrhea.

The drug Norgalax can lead to side effects:

  • burning sensation in the anal area;
  • rectal bleeding, proctitis;
  • allergic manifestations.

Norgalax is contraindicated for hemorrhoids, anal fissures, inflammatory diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, and intestinal obstruction. The drug enhances the effect of other drugs, which increases hepatotoxicity. Microenemas must be used with the permission of a doctor.

Microenemas Norgalax and others that contain docusate sodium are not used to treat pregnant women and people with kidney and liver diseases. The drug cannot be combined with other laxatives.

It is not recommended to use such microenemas on your own without a doctor’s permission. The risk of adverse reactions is much higher than with other drugs in this group.


Microenemas also include Proctum, which is available in 8 ml bottles. Gentle cleansing of the intestines with this drug occurs quickly and painlessly. The product is suitable for small children and adults. The effect develops within 10 minutes.

Microenemas with herbal components contain:

  • Eperua bark extract – helps get rid of inflammatory processes, increases local immunity of the mucous membranes and skin;
  • sodium citrate – laxative food additive;
  • polysaccharides – substances that stimulate peristalsis;
  • sorbitol is a laxative that increases the amount of fluid;
  • inulin is a prebiotic to normalize microflora.

The product quickly and effectively eliminates constipation of various origins. At the same time, the medicinal substances in the composition help relieve inflammation. The medicine will be useful in the complex treatment of hemorrhoids and anal fissures.

Proctum is effectively used during the postpartum period, when a woman is susceptible to intestinal problems. The medicine is also suitable for children with unclear constipation. For elderly people, the drug will be useful in the postoperative period and during forced bed rest.

Microenema has the following contraindications:

  • exacerbation of hemorrhoids;
  • dehydration;
  • heart and kidney failure;
  • intolerance to substances in the composition;
  • severe intestinal diseases, including obstruction.

The drug is well tolerated by children and adults; adverse reactions occur extremely rarely. Among them are burning, itching, and a feeling of discomfort in the injection area.

Folk recipes

In addition to pharmaceutical products, home microenemas can also be used for constipation. The procedures will require a small rubber bulb and a medicinal substance - it is chosen depending on the type of mini-enema.


These include chamomile decoction, starch and honey compositions. An enema with chamomile additionally relieves inflammation and heals intestinal cracks.

Take 2 tablespoons of raw materials per 200 ml of boiling water, and heat the mixture in a water bath for 15 minutes. The finished composition is cooled, filtered, and the quantity is adjusted to 200 ml. For one enema, take 50 ml of decoction.

An enema with starch accelerates the healing of the intestinal mucosa due to its enveloping properties.

Starch also softens stagnant feces - it does not injure the intestinal walls during defecation.

To prepare the composition, take 5 g of starch and 100 ml of cool water. The powder and water need to be mixed, then add 100 ml of boiling water. Cool the finished solution and use 50 ml at a time.

A honey enema also cleanses the intestines well. To prepare it, dissolve honey and lemon juice, 1 tablespoon each, in 200 ml of water. The composition is administered in 50 ml doses. The volume is small, but it is necessary to keep the liquid in the intestines for at least 15 minutes.


An oil enema will help relieve constipation. You can use olive, sunflower or other vegetable oil for it. Vaseline is also used.

Before use, the product must be warmed to body temperature, oil is injected 50-100 ml at a time. At home, such remedies help well even with chronic constipation.

You can also give yourself a glycerin enema. 10 ml of the product is enough, since glycerin has strong laxative properties. It will not only soften the stool, but also lubricate the intestinal walls, so defecation will be easy and the mucous membrane will not be damaged.

In addition to the oil solution, a hypertonic solution is also used. It is prepared from table or sea salt, sodium sulfate or magnesium sulfate. Any of these substances are dissolved in water to obtain a 5% or 10% concentration. Liquid is injected in 100-200 ml doses and held for 20 minutes.


They are used for “sheep feces”, increased gas formation or chronic constipation. How to prepare the composition correctly? Take 20 g of butter and 100 ml of milk. Both components are heated until a homogeneous mixture is formed and cooled to body temperature. The resulting liquid is injected into the intestine, after which it lies for several minutes.


To ensure that the procedure for facilitating defecation does not have unpleasant consequences, it is necessary to take into account contraindications for use. It is better to discuss this issue with a doctor who knows the characteristics of the patient’s body. It is prohibited to perform microenemas in the following cases:

  • exacerbation of inflammatory processes in the gastrointestinal tract;
  • general weakness;
  • increased body temperature;
  • recent operations on the digestive organs;
  • cardiovascular diseases;
  • ulcers in the rectum.

When treating constipation, contraindications for the use of microenemas are:

  • intestinal, stomach bleeding;
  • pregnancy;
  • tumors in the rectal area;
  • general poor health;
  • swelling in a child;
  • hypersensitivity to components;
  • hemorrhoids during exacerbation;
  • abdominal pain of unknown etiology;
  • suspicion of appendicitis;
  • anal fissures;
  • ulcerative colitis.
  • intestinal obstruction;
  • penetrating damage to the intestines when feces enter the abdominal cavity;
  • asymmetrical bloating;
  • acute hemorrhoids;
  • anal fissures.
  • allergy to the constituent components;
  • abdominal pain of unknown origin.

Like any type of therapy, microenemas have a number of contraindications:

  • allergic reactions to the components of the product;
  • oncological diseases in the area of ​​influence;
  • hemorrhoids of any stage and fissures in the anus;
  • bleeding from the rectum;
  • acute prostatitis with severe pain.

Separately, acute prostatitis should be noted. Unfortunately, in case of severe pain and exacerbation of the disease, microenemas and other local procedures, for example, prostate massage, are strictly prohibited.

Stimulating the prostate by one method or another will significantly increase pain and tissue swelling. Enemas are used in the treatment of chronic prostatitis, as well as to prevent exacerbations.

The laxative enema "Microlax" is absolutely safe. It can even be used to alleviate the suffering of newborn children, nursing mothers and pregnant women.

Contraindications to the use of the drug are individual sensitivity and intolerance to some components of the drug.

Medication methods, enema

Despite all the above methods of stimulating peristalsis, they usually do not immediately achieve the desired result. That is why the most common way to normalize the bowel movement process remains the use of laxatives.

Popular medications used in elderly bedridden patients are:

A group of drugs that stimulate intestinal motility (Bisacodyl, Regulax). Drugs that increase osmotic pressure in the intestinal lumen (Magnesium sulfate, Forlax, Endofalk, Duphalac and others). Products based on dietary fiber (Mukofalk, Agar-agar).

Separately, it is worth mentioning about a variety of rectal suppositories. Both synthetic products and candles based on natural ingredients (sea buckthorn) can be used. One way or another, the dosage of each drug is determined by the doctor.

If constipation cannot be eliminated with medication within a week, it is necessary to perform a cleansing enema to eliminate stagnation of feces in the intestines. Otherwise, there is a risk of serious poisoning of the body.


Now you know what the instructions for using the drug Microlax say. You have found out how to use the solution correctly and what indications there are for this. Make sure you cleanse your colon regularly. If constipation occurs, it is worth starting correction as soon as possible. Otherwise, complications may arise.

Cleanse your colon naturally and comfortably without worrying about the medication harming you. Use Microlax enemas. Good health to you!

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  2. Microclysters for hemorrhoids are an excellent way to treat at home
  3. Intestinal adhesions symptoms treatment in adults
  4. What do worms do?

Using microenemas at home

Before using a homemade enema, you need to make sure that it is done correctly and that its use is really necessary.

It is prohibited to do this in the following situations:

  • acute pain in the abdomen, appearing for no reason and at approximately equal time intervals;
  • prolonged retention of stool and gases;
  • vomit;
  • bloating, especially when it becomes asymmetrical;
  • bleeding from the anus.

It is forbidden to do independent microenemas daily - this disrupts the natural functioning of the intestines.

Composition and preparation of solutions

If desired, you can make a microenema at home. The most important thing is to prepare the solution correctly.

  • Water. The simplest option is regular warm boiled water. Temperature plays a big role: too hot water can cause burns of the mucous membranes, and cold water does not liquefy the stool and sharply increases intestinal motility, which causes painful spasms.
  • Drug. May contain decoctions or infusions of medicinal herbs, chamomile is usually used. Add 100 g of chamomile flowers per liter of boiling water, leave for 15 minutes, filter and cool.
  • Glycerin. Liquid glycerin is sold at any pharmacy. 1 tsp. funds for 1 glass of water.
  • Saline. Made using ampoules of magnesium sulfate. 1 ampoule dissolves in 200 ml of warm water.
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