Advantages and disadvantages of liver cleansing with lemon juice and oil (olive, vegetable)
Olive oil is a source of good health and longevity. Olives and olive oil are rich in mono-unsaturated
Nonspecific symptoms of liver and gallbladder disease
Symptoms and treatment of gallbladder and liver disease
Causes of liver inflammation Inflammatory liver diseases have different causes. The best known viral hepatitis is caused by
Medicines for hepatitis C
How much rubles can a course of treatment for hepatitis C cost?
Hepatitis C is an infectious disease that occurs as a result of infection with the hepatitis virus and
The main medications are saline and enema?
Cleansing solution This option is most often used at home for problems with bowel movements.
Is activated charcoal effective for constipation?
Information about the drug Activated carbon (sorbent) is a practical, universal and practically safe medicine.
Gallbladder cleansing methods
How to clean the gallbladder at home: folk remedies and preparations
A problem with the outflow of bile provokes disruptions in the digestive tract, negatively affecting the condition
How are nutrients absorbed?
Pancreas The pancreas is a mixed secretion gland (see Fig. 2). Part of her cells
Chamomile enema
How to do a cleansing enema with chamomile?
Benefits of a chamomile enema This type of effect on the body can be an excellent solution if
A healthy intestine is the key to human health and longevity
Russian biologist and Nobel Prize winner Ilya Mechnikov once said: “Death begins in the intestines.” AND
How to properly use cleansing enemas for weight loss
There are many ways to combat excess kilograms. These include diets, sports training, and
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