What can you eat and drink after food poisoning?

Causes of poisoning

The causes of poisoning are divided into two large groups:

  • toxic inedible substances (berries, mushrooms, etc.);
  • edible foods containing many toxic bacteria.

Most often, food poisoning occurs for the second reason. It is possible to become infected through food or water that contains harmful bacteria. Often the cause of poisoning is spoiled food, dirty vegetables and fruits.

On a note! In childhood, food poisoning occurs more often than in adults, due to non-compliance with personal hygiene rules and an incompletely formed immune system.

Products to avoid

In the food poisoning form, the mucous membrane of the stomach and esophagus is affected, they are inflamed and irritated. The intestinal flora is also disrupted. Errors in nutrition in such cases can cause a number of diseases, for example, gastritis, cholecystitis or duodenitis. To avoid complications, it is necessary to follow the recommended diet in case of poisoning, avoiding harmful foods.

Both immediately after the onset of poisoning and during the week after it, the following products are strictly prohibited:

  • tobacco. Tobacco smoke greatly irritates the mucous surface of the esophagus and stomach. In some cases, it can even provoke peptic ulcers and the development of other diseases;
  • alcoholic beverages, including alcohol-based medicines;
  • all carbonated and sweet drinks, store-bought and freshly squeezed homemade juices;
  • fatty, fried and final varieties of dishes, offal;
  • chips, nuts, chocolate, candies;
  • milk in any form;
  • sausage and preserves;
  • corn, caviar, cutlets, grill;
  • fresh fruits and vegetables. They can enhance fermentation processes in the intestinal cavity and cause flatulence or bloating. Vegetables and fruits can only be eaten baked or boiled;
  • legumes, including chickpeas, beans and peas;
  • black breads and pastries;
  • lard and butter;
  • all types of cabbage;
  • garlic, onions, spices and seasonings.

It is important to remember that food in case of poisoning must be easily digestible, because it is unacceptable to overload the stomach!

A balanced diet during toxic infection is the key to quick recovery. The diet will help avoid complications and protect the digestive system. Be sure to check with your doctor about what to eat after poisoning and what should be completely avoided during treatment. Strict adherence to the recommendations will help you quickly get rid of all the symptoms of the disease!

Proper diet for food poisoning

The purpose of the diet is to provide maximum comfort to the stomach and other gastrointestinal organs. Therefore, it is necessary to eat foods that will not overload the stomach and digestive system as a whole. After removing harmful substances from the human body, you need to achieve the following results:

  • restore electrolyte balance;
  • reduce dehydration and inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • speed up the healing process of mucous membranes.

You also need to compensate for the lack of vitamins in the body.

On a note! After food poisoning, you should adhere to the diet of treatment table No. 1, in accordance with the Pevzner classification.

It is important to provide the patient with fractional meals 6-7 times a day. At first, as doctors recommend, the volume of food should not be more than 200 ml at a time, then it gradually increases. A proper diet will allow foods to be absorbed by the body faster and easier.

Menu for poisoning on the first day

The list of permitted products is initially limited. On the first day of illness, it is necessary to eat in such a way as to help the body cope with intoxication, restore the balance of electrolytes, and protect the walls of the stomach from acid. The list of what you can eat after food poisoning includes cereals with a slimy consistency, as well as several other foods. It is recommended to drink a glass of alkaline drink every hour. The daily volume of fluid should be at least 2 liters. Nutrition for poisoning and diarrhea involves consuming the following foods:

  • homemade white bread croutons;
  • rice or oatmeal;
  • biscuits;
  • bananas

What can you eat after poisoning?

The products included in the patient’s diet after poisoning must contain the required amount of protein, and of animal origin. Complex carbohydrates are also important, but only in processed form (fruit jelly, compotes).

What can you eat after poisoning? After poisoning, you are allowed to consume the following foods that are good for the stomach:

  • meat or fish broth (secondary);
  • cereal soups from oatmeal, rice, semolina;
  • boiled lean meat (preferably chopped);
  • lean fish;
  • low fat milk;
  • steamed omelette or soft-boiled eggs;
  • porridge made from oatmeal, rice or buckwheat (preferably pureed);
  • vegetable oil;
  • crackers, biscuits.


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A gentle diet in the first week after poisoning

A strict restrictive diet should be followed for 7 days. In the first two days, it is recommended to follow a strict diet, which includes eating several foods - buckwheat porridge, boiled potatoes, white bread crackers and drinking regimen. Remember, you cannot eat millet cereal if you are poisoned. In the next 4-5 days, it is allowed to expand the diet. During this period, the list of what you can eat after food poisoning is supplemented with the following products:

  • chicken broth;
  • fermented milk products: cottage cheese, fermented baked milk, yogurt;
  • boiled sea fish of low-fat varieties;
  • durum pasta;
  • baked or boiled vegetables that do not contribute to gas formation.

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First day after poisoning

What can you eat on the first day after poisoning? Don't force yourself if you have no appetite. Doctors say that the main thing is to maintain a drinking regime. It is necessary to drink large volumes of water to replenish its deficiency in the body and prevent dehydration. When you have an appetite, you can drink low-fat chicken broth or tea with biscuits. It is allowed to eat boiled vegetables and cereal porridges without oil.

On a note! In case of food poisoning, it is recommended to consume rice porridge as it helps to cope with diarrhea.

The main thing is to eat in small portions so as not to burden your stomach.

Prevention of poisoning

You can prevent food poisoning by following simple rules:

  1. Storing raw foods separately from prepared foods.
  2. Drink exclusively high-quality water.
  3. Carefully maintain cleanliness during the preparation and consumption of food.
  4. Using different cutting boards and knives when slicing vegetables and fruits, meat and fish.
  5. Before you start cooking, wash your hands thoroughly, remembering to use soap.
  6. Store foods that spoil quickly at low temperatures.

Food poisoning can be extremely dangerous. In such cases, it is important not to neglect treatment and be sure to adhere to the correct nutritional system, which will contribute to the rapid recovery of the body.

Second day after poisoning

On the second day after poisoning, it is allowed to diversify the diet with dietary meat, boiled eggs, jelly, and bananas. Food should still be light, if possible crushed or mashed into purees, then it is easier for the stomach to digest. Fatty and fried foods are not yet suitable for the digestive system, so you should avoid them. Drinking plenty of water remains the main condition during the diet. It is also important to monitor the temperature of the food - it should be warm, but not too hot or cold.

Food poisoning and possible risks

In case of intoxication, the digestive system takes the main blow; nutrition in such cases plays no less important role than drug treatment. After performing detoxification procedures and eliminating the main symptoms, you need to carefully consider your diet.

Causes of poisoning

Food poisoning can be caused by stale foods. A negative reaction from the body can be caused by:

  1. Unwashed fruits.
  2. Poorly cooked meat or fish.
  3. Fermented milk products with expired shelf life.
  4. Toxic mushrooms and berries.
  5. Confectionery with spoiled cream.
  6. Products containing chemicals.
  7. Salads stored for a long time with mayonnaise or sour cream dressing.
  8. Homemade canned food.

Attention! Intoxication causes the greatest damage to the mucous membranes and causes disturbances in the functioning of the liver and pancreas. Nutrition in such cases should help restore optimal microflora and functions of the digestive system.

Symptoms of poisoning

In case of intoxication, symptoms begin to appear after 30 minutes. Over time, it intensifies and remains pronounced for two days. Food poisoning can be widespread, which makes it even more dangerous.

The following symptoms are observed during food intoxication:

  • a sharp increase in temperature;
  • lack of appetite;
  • urge to vomit;
  • pain in the abdominal area;
  • dizziness;
  • diarrhea;
  • lowering blood pressure.

With severe intoxication, a person may fall into a coma.

In case of serious poisoning, the body becomes dehydrated and the person feels lethargic and weak. The disease cannot be left to chance, because such conditions are fraught with complications that arise as a result of the lack of timely assistance. Correct therapy allows you to achieve improvement on the second day.

Intoxication significantly weakens a person, after which recovery is required, which helps to ensure proper nutrition.

What to drink after poisoning?

In case of food poisoning, you need to drink 2 liters or more of liquid per day. It will help get rid of harmful substances, remove them from the body, and prevent dehydration. The liquid should be drunk in portions (50-100 ml), but often (every half hour).

What to drink after poisoning? Allowed to use:

  • mineral water, but without gas;
  • compotes made from fresh berries and fruits or dried fruits, jelly;
  • natural juices (should be diluted with water in a 1:1 ratio);
  • weak tea, rosehip infusions, water with dill.

Doctors also recommend drinking solutions of powders such as Regidron, Hydrolyte and others.

Why is it necessary to follow a diet after poisoning?

Most often, food poisoning affects the mucous membranes of the stomach (gastritis worsens) and intestines (diarrhea), and disruptions in the functioning of the liver or pancreas are observed. Therefore, nutrition during the development of poisoning should be aimed at restoring favorable microflora and normalizing the digestive organs.

Poisoning causes severe weakening of the body. The entire digestive tract needs thorough cleansing and restoration, and this can only be achieved through proper nutrition. All foods included in the diet of a poisoned person should have a calming effect and also coat the irritated walls of the intestines and stomach.

During the first time after intoxication, food cannot be digested and absorbed properly, so you should adhere to specific food restrictions. This will help speed up your recovery and help avoid overloading your digestive tract.

Summarizing the above, we can conclude that a diet after food poisoning is prescribed for the purpose of:

  • restoration of the gastric mucosa through the gentle thermal, chemical and mechanical effects of food on it;
  • normalization of intestinal microflora and rapid elimination of diarrhea;
  • restoring the disturbed water-salt balance and replenishing losses of nutrients, fluids and minerals.
  • improving the functioning of the digestive system and the body as a whole.

What should you not eat if you have food poisoning?

Many foods are excluded from the menu. First of all, it is necessary to remove from the diet foods that increase the secretion of gastric juice and irritate the mucous membrane. It is important to give up not only synthetic, but also natural irritants. In this regard, it is prohibited to use large amounts of salt and pepper during cooking. Fresh fruits and vegetables are prohibited, especially on the first day after the onset of the main symptoms. The fiber contained in them leads to bloating and causes fermentation in the intestines.

What else should you not eat if you have food poisoning? List of prohibited products:

  • bread and any other fresh baked goods;
  • rich broths;
  • sausages;
  • mushrooms;
  • fatty meat and fish products;
  • canned food;
  • semi-finished products;
  • dairy products;
  • herbs and spices;
  • marinades, smoked meats, pickles, sauces and ketchup;
  • legumes;
  • barley, pearl barley, corn and other coarse cereals;
  • fruits and vegetables with a high acid content.

If you stick to proper nutrition, you can quickly recover from food poisoning.

Have you often experienced food poisoning?

List of healthy and low-calorie foods

You can eat only a limited amount of foods without harming your figure. Moreover, the main principle of their preparation is steaming, baking or boiling. Stewing and eating raw are also allowed. Please take a look at the products below.


If you've been rubbing your palms together in anticipation of a fatty pork chop or duck in berry sauce, we're in a hurry to disappoint you. You can't eat them at night. Dietary types of meat are allowed. These include:

  • chicken breast;
  • the rest of the chicken, but without the skin;
  • turkey;
  • rabbit;
  • lean veal;
  • lean lamb;
  • beef or chicken liver.

All these products are pure protein, which forces the body to work to digest it. This means it speeds up metabolism and burns fat. In addition, protein is an excellent builder of sculpted muscle mass.


Extremely important when losing weight. Marine varieties are especially valued - pike perch, pelengas, mackerel, salmon, salmon, trout. But you can also eat river fish. Marine is rich in polyunsaturated fatty acids Omega-6, 9. And they have a beneficial effect on the female body. They nourish the skin, make it young and beautiful, smooth out wrinkles.


These include shrimp, mussels, squid, oysters, and eel. All of them are also rich in protein, are easily digested and have a beneficial effect on a losing weight. In addition, seafood is rich in yoga and valuable amino acids. All of them eliminate the effect of free radicals and rejuvenate the body.

Cottage cheese

But only low-fat and preferably homemade. No additives or flavor enhancers. It consists of 18% pure protein and is a source of calcium, which is essential for the body. Cottage cheese eaten for dinner is very easy to digest. In addition, it does not provoke a feeling of heaviness in the stomach. You can make cheesecakes, casseroles, and dumplings from cottage cheese. Or eat it pure with berries. You can also add a little honey to it to enhance the taste.

Chicken egg

A source of healthy amino acids and protein. Eggs are good simply boiled or in omelet format. The dish can be seasoned with low-fat cheese or fresh vegetables and herbs. A person is recommended to eat one chicken egg per day (provided there are no problems with the gallbladder).

Tip: chicken eggs can be replaced with quail eggs. They are less heavy on the body. And in terms of amino acid composition they are even superior to chicken eggs.

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You are allowed to eat everything except potatoes. It is better to leave it for the first half of the day, since the tuber is rich in starch and carbohydrates. Vegetables can serve as a side dish for meat and fish. It is allowed to stew, boil or bake them so as not to gain weight. But under no circumstances fry it. Oil adds calories to the finished dish. Or eat vegetables raw. In any case, they are a source of fiber necessary for the body to cleanse itself.

Tip: season fresh vegetable salads with olive oil, lemon juice, and yogurt. But no mayonnaise or sour cream.


Seasonal ones are especially good. But don't go too heavy on fruit during dinner. They can provoke fermentation in the intestines. The ideal evening norm is 100-150 g. Grapefruit gives a particularly good effect. It is useful for the breakdown of fats and breast health. Therefore, it is worth including grapefruit in your daily diet. Berries, apples, oranges, and persimmons are also good. But it is better to leave sugary and starchy fruits and berries for the first half of the day. These are grapes, bananas, dried fruits.


With a high protein concentration, mushrooms have a low calorie content. They can be eaten both in pure form and as additives to salads and omelettes. But it is advisable not to fry the mushrooms, but to boil them.

Fermented milk drinks

You can especially eat kefir, ayran, fermented baked milk, low-fat yogurt, and tan after 6 pm and lose weight. Just make sure they are free of dyes and additives. It’s good if you add a tablespoon of wheat or oat bran to your drinks. It will be both satisfying and good for the intestines. Fiber is known to promote weight loss. Also add fresh berries or fruits to fermented milk drinks. This way you will enrich your body with seasonal vitamins.

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What foods can slow down recovery (what not to eat)

There is a certain list of foods and dishes that can interfere with the recovery and recovery of a patient in case of poisoning. These include:

  • cabbage;
  • mushrooms;
  • eggplant;
  • canned food;
  • marinades;
  • pickles;
  • spices;
  • everything is spicy;
  • turkey, goose, pork, duck;
  • citrus;
  • smoked meats;
  • sausages;
  • fried foods;
  • radishes, fresh onions and garlic;
  • baked goods, sweets, chocolate;
  • raw vegetables and fruits (difficult to digest if you have a sore intestine);
  • carbonated drinks;
  • all fast food food;
  • alcoholic drinks, coffee.

In addition, it is not advisable to smoke after poisoning, as this is an additional test for a weakened body. Abstaining from cigarettes will allow him to recover.

What can you drink if you have alcohol intoxication?

Ethyl alcohol poisoning leads to loss of vitamins, minerals and severe dehydration.

The main thing you need to do the next morning is to drink a lot of water, but in fractional doses of half a glass.

Drinking a large amount of water at once will cause vomiting.

After gastric lavage in case of alcohol poisoning, it is useful to take liquids:

  • Mineral waters effectively restore the water-electrolyte balance: Smirnovskaya, Narzan. They not only quench thirst, but also supply lost microelements to the body.
  • In case of poisoning, you should take enterosorbents that absorb alcohol - Enterosgel, Smecta, Filtrum or a suspension in water of 6-8 crushed tablets of activated carbon. Polysorb MP relieves intoxication well. Take sorbents for a week or until signs of poisoning completely disappear.
  • Mint tea and a strong rosehip decoction relieve nausea.
  • To speed up the restoration of water and electrolyte balance, in addition to food liquids, you need to take pharmaceutical powders: Regidron, Oralit, Glucosolan. They dissolve in cooled boiled water and are taken by adults 50 ml after each episode of vomiting or diarrhea.
  • A lemon drink with natural juice will restore immunity. Ascorbic acid is a strong antioxidant. As an alternative to lemon, take 200 mg of vitamin C (tablets or tablets).
  • Homemade bread kvass quenches your thirst.
  • Freshly squeezed citrus juices diluted with half and half water are useful.
  • It is very useful to drink dried fruit compote. It contains electrolytes (magnesium, potassium) and vitamin C. Compote helps normalize the ionic composition of the blood.
  • It is beneficial to consume green tea, known for its antioxidant and bactericidal properties. For diarrhea, it will have an astringent effect.
  • Infusions of medicinal herbs are recommended - St. John's wort, rose hips.
  • Indigestion is eliminated by decoctions of bird cherry and blueberry; dogwood and currant jelly.
  • Fermented milk products - kefir, unsweetened yogurts - perfectly restore the intestinal microflora.

The speed of recovery of the body depends on the degree of intoxication. The rehabilitation period can last up to 2 weeks. All this time it is necessary to follow the drinking regime and diet. You need to drink 2.5 liters of water every day. Only after the condition has normalized can you gradually switch to your usual diet.

What can a child eat after food poisoning?

The child’s nutrition after he has suffered poisoning depends on his age and the severity of the process itself. The smaller the baby, the more severe his condition, the more gentle the nutrition will be to relieve the gastrointestinal tract.

First of all, it is important to restore lost energy costs and normalize the water-salt balance.

To ensure that the child does not lose strength, it is necessary to ensure that his diet includes foods that replenish the loss of vitamins, protein and microelements.

On the first day after poisoning, it is recommended that children be given the following foods:

  • pureed soups (water, oatmeal, rice, buckwheat);
  • mashed soups from cereals and potatoes;
  • berries crushed to a puree;
  • rosehip decoction;
  • give as much clean water as possible (the child should drink in small sips, but constantly);
  • after the baby begins to feel better, you can give chicken meat (boiled), pureed carrots, boiled broccoli or cauliflower (mashed);
  • cottage cheese;
  • kefir.

Under no circumstances should children who have suffered poisoning be given heavy food: pork, canned food, fried, smoked, spicy, salty, marinades. It is also undesirable to feed them chicken eggs and buns. Chips and fast food are excluded.

Is it possible to drink alcohol and smoke if poisoned?

For some reason, there is a misconception among people that poisoning and its symptoms can be easily relieved with alcoholic beverages, and that drinking beer after poisoning will not cause much harm. This opinion is fundamentally wrong because:

  • Even drinks with a low alcohol content, if they enter the stomach, cause irritation of the mucous layer.
  • Inflammatory processes occurring in the digestive system are noticeably worsened.
  • When drinking alcohol during a period of intoxication, the pancreas can be damaged - weakened, it is not able to break down ethyl alcohol.
  • When intoxicated, the liver also suffers, and alcohol complicates its work, ultimately slowing down the digestive processes and the breakdown of toxins.

All these negative phenomena can also occur when nicotine enters the body. It penetrates the stomach along with saliva, causing severe pain. For a weakened person, smoking is a real poison.

How to protect yourself from food poisoning

There are a number of rules for safe nutrition, subject to which it is easy to avoid intoxication of the body or reduce the danger to a minimum:

  • Increased cleanliness should be observed during the preparation and consumption of food. It is necessary to wash your hands thoroughly, wash dishes using hot water and detergents, and dispose of leftover food in the trash container.
  • The presence of even pets in the cooking area is unacceptable.
  • Food should be stored in tightly sealed containers, and prepared foods should be stored separately from raw ingredients.
  • Raw fish or meat may contain pathogenic microorganisms that can spread to other products, therefore, when preparing these elements, it is necessary to use prolonged heat treatment.
  • Food products should be stored at low temperatures, since pathogenic microorganisms multiply rapidly in warm conditions.

When purchasing food and drinks, you should give preference to quality. If the expiration date has expired, they should not be eaten.

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