Regidron Optim powder d/or. solution 10.7 g No. 20 per pack.

Regidron refers to drugs that restore acid-base and water-electrolyte balance in the patient's body.

It actively promotes the correction of acidosis and neutralizes the negative consequences caused by severe dehydration of the body. Restores optimal balance of fluid and electrolytes. The drug is recommended for use for diarrhea, as well as for heat or sunstroke with accompanying increased sweating.

Available in the form of a powder intended for the preparation of solutions taken orally.

Composition and release form

The drug "Regidron" is produced by "Orion Corporation" (Finland). It is sold in sachets of 18.9 g. Each of them contains powder that must be diluted in a liter of water.

Regidron contains:

  1. Sodium chloride. An essential component for detoxification, replenishes sodium deficiency.
  2. Potassium chloride. Restores the acid-base balance, regulates osmotic pressure in the blood plasma and restores potassium levels.
  3. Dextrose. A monosaccharide that provides the necessary energy for metabolism and has an antitoxic effect.
  4. Sodium citrate. Regulates osmotic reactions, reduces acidity.

The drug can be purchased individually or as a whole package. Your home medicine cabinet should have several sachets of the product on duty.

Regidron is an effective remedy for preventing dehydration and neutralizing toxins!

  • weight loss;
  • fatigue, weakness;
  • decreased appetite;
  • bruises under the eyes;
  • dry mouth;
  • thirst;
  • frequent diarrhea;
  • vomit;
  • weak pulse;
  • dry skin and mucous membranes;
  • lack of urination;
  • cold extremities;
  • convulsive syndrome;
  • loss of consciousness.

When nausea and diarrhea occur, it is necessary to begin replenishing the norm of electrolytes and fluids in the children’s body. In this case, the remedy used is Regidron, which is used to correct electrolyte and water balance.

When dehydration occurs, the blood becomes acidic, which is called acidosis. Regidron fills the blood with alkali and normalizes its composition. It is a white, free-flowing powder in individual bags. It is dissolved in water at room temperature and taken according to the instructions.

The constituent components are potassium and sodium salts, as well as glucose. The salts play an important role as they exhibit an antitoxic effect. Glucose acts as an energy component that is indispensable for the normal functioning of the cell.

It is safe, so it can be safely used even in infants. No negative effects were identified.

Oral rehydration therapy using the drug Regidron for children, which comes with detailed instructions for use, is an effective method for restoring water-salt balance and adjusting acid-base levels.

With vomiting and diarrhea, the child’s body rapidly loses electrolytes necessary for the normal functioning of organs and systems. To regain lost balance, it is recommended to drink Regidron, which acts as rehydration and effectively fights toxins.

Regidron for children does not contain substances that irritate the mucous membranes of the gastrointestinal tract, so it is often prescribed to children and pregnant women. The composition of the prophylactic drug includes:

  • Sodium chloride.
  • Sodium citrate.
  • Potassium chloride.
  • Dextrose.

Release form

White crystalline powder is packaged in 18.9 gram bags. To find out how much 1 sachet costs, just divide the average price for a cardboard pack (350-400 rubles) by the number of bags (20 pieces). In most pharmacies, the drug is sold in 1 sachet, the cost of which ranges from 15-25 rubles.

If you bought Regidron for your children in a cardboard box, but did not use all the sachets with the drug, they can be stored for up to 3 years (the expiration date is indicated on the package). It is important to place the sachets with the drug out of the reach of children, where the air temperature does not exceed 25°C.

pharmachologic effect

Regidron powder is classified as a rehydrating agent for oral administration, the action of which is aimed at restoring the acid-base balance of the blood. The drug is prescribed as part of rehydration therapy when dehydration occurs.

The content of sodium chlorides in the finished solution is slightly lower than that of similar products, which helps reduce the osmolarity of the drug and better absorption of salts, and the concentration of potassium chlorides is higher, which helps relieve the symptoms of hypernatremia.

Glucose in the form of dextrose promotes better absorption of electrolyte salts.

What is Regidron

Teething, problems with the gastrointestinal tract, and heat stroke can cause vomiting in a child.
And this leads to severe dehydration. Regidron, a drug designed to restore water and electrolyte balance. The drug is widely used for metabolic disorders, high content of products that appear during the breakdown of protein foods. Also, experts recommend rehydron when the accumulation of ketone bodies exceeds the norm.

Name includedDescription and purpose
Sodium citrateA drug that reduces acidity, aimed at regulating the osmosis reaction
Potassium chlorideA chemical compound that helps regulate alkaline and acid balance
Sodium chlorideA substance that normalizes electrolyte balance. In everyday life, the drug is known as table salt
DextroseA variety of carbohydrate compounds that enhance metabolic processes

Indications for use

What does it help with? Rehydron powder is used in cases where it is necessary:

  • restore the balance of water and electrolytes and correct acidosis in case of acute diarrhea, for example, with the development of cholera;
  • with heat stroke;
  • for preventive purposes in the presence of high physical or thermal stress leading to excessively increased sweat production;
  • carrying out rehydration therapy in a state of mild or moderate weight loss due to acute diarrhea.

Like adults, children are prescribed Regidron when there is a threat of dehydration, including vomiting and diarrhea, which are the result of gastrointestinal infections, as well as in situations where dehydration develops against the background of heat stroke.

However, if the child's stool is watery and contains bloody impurities, the body temperature has risen above 39°C, the child looks sleepy, lethargic and exhausted, he has stopped urinating, there is severe pain in the abdominal cavity, and diarrhea and vomiting occur more than five times per day, you need to urgently consult a doctor.

Should infants under one year old drink it?

The instructions for use of Regidron solution for children with diarrhea up to one year allow it, but today there are substitutes on sale that are more suitable for infants. This is Gastrolite or Humana electrolyte mixture.

If during the period of the baby’s illness the above-mentioned remedies are not at hand, then Regidron will also do. But the solution from this medication contains a high concentration of sodium, which can be harmful to it.

  1. How rehydron helps with a hangover
  2. Rehydron powder indications
  3. What does Regidron help with, how to take it for children
  4. What does Regidron help with: vomiting, diarrhea, hangover


There are several absolute medical contraindications to the use of Regidron powder, which include:

  1. Impaired intestinal patency in any part.
  2. Diabetes mellitus (insulin-dependent and non-insulin-dependent).
  3. Violation of the functional state of the kidneys with the development of their failure.
  4. Unconscious state of a person (impossibility of taking the drug orally).
  5. Hypersensitivity to any of the components of the drug.

Before you start taking the solution from Regidron powder, it is important to make sure that there are no contraindications.

Dosage and method of administration

As stated in the instructions for use, the patient should be weighed before starting treatment to assess weight loss and degree of dehydration. The patient's nutrition or breastfeeding should not be interrupted during oral rehydration therapy or should be continued immediately after rehydration. It is recommended to avoid foods rich in fats and simple carbohydrates.

To prevent dehydration, Regidron should be taken as soon as diarrhea begins. Usually the drug is used for no more than 3-4 days, treatment is stopped with the end of diarrhea. In case of nausea or vomiting, it is advisable to give the solution chilled in small repeated doses. A nasogastric tube may also be used under medical supervision.

For rehydration, Regidron is taken during the first 6-10 hours in an amount that is twice the loss of body weight caused by diarrhea. For example, if the body weight loss is 400 g, the amount of Regidron is 800 g or 8.0 dl. During this phase of treatment, the use of other fluids is not required.

If diarrhea continues, after correcting dehydration, it is advisable to administer Regidron or water for 24 hours according to the following scheme:

Body weight (kg)Total amount of liquid required (l)Regidron® (ml)Water(ml)Other liquids (ml)
100 or more4,00170010001300

How to take Regidron for children?

Before starting treatment, the child should be weighed to assess the degree of dehydration and weight loss.

Nutrition or breastfeeding during the period of use of the drug is not interrupted or resumed immediately after rehydration. During treatment, the diet should not contain foods rich in simple carbohydrates and fats.

The use of the drug begins as soon as the child begins to have diarrhea. Treatment, as in adults, lasts 3-4 days until stool normalizes.

In the first ten hours, Regidron for children should be used at a dose of 30-60 ml/kg (taking into account the degree of dehydration). The average dose for a child is 2-3 tbsp. spoons per kilogram of body weight. If symptoms of dehydration decrease, the dose can be reduced to 10 ml/kg.

For newborn infants and young children, the medicine is given 5-10 ml every five to ten minutes during the first four to six hours.

When vomiting, it is better to give the solution to the child chilled.

An important rule for rehydration therapy for gastrointestinal infections is the absence of abundant drinking and food. If a child asks for food, preference should be given to low-fat, light foods.

Regidron instructions for use for children

Rehydron is used to replenish electrolyte balance. A decrease in balance is associated with the prevalence of conditions such as vomiting and diarrhea. This is why there is a change in the constancy of the internal environment. Causes of vomiting and diarrhea:

  • food intoxication;
  • pathogenic infection (for example, rotavirus);
  • changing intestinal flora with antibiotics.
  • teething;
  • allergic reaction;
  • infectious diseases: sore throat, otitis media, pneumonia;
  • heat, overheating in the sun;
  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract
  • psychological disorders.

If nausea and diarrhea occur simultaneously, rehydration occurs faster.

The composition is completely safe for children if the dosage regimen is followed. For young patients, it is traditionally prescribed to restore electrolyte balance. It helps to correct acidosis in some conditions of diarrhea and can also be used as a preventive measure.

It is often prescribed to children for vomiting, cholera, and diarrhea. It is also used in cases of intoxication, with acetone, in conditions caused by excessive physical exertion, involving an increased level of sweating. It is important to answer the question of how to take the drug.

The medicine is used at home and requires preliminary study of the instructions. To prepare, take 1 liter of cold boiled water and cool. Instructions for children imply that the solution will be used with plenty of water. The liquid is taken extremely slowly in small sips.

Each time you need to prepare a fresh potion after each diarrhea occurs. The average dosage for children is about 30-60 ml, which is equal to about 2-3 tablespoons per kilogram of weight. If the baby feels sick or vomits, he needs to take the drug in refrigerated form. The proportions should be small and not concentrated. Instructions for 1 year, 2 years and 4 years are identical.

Information about the drug Regidron, instructions for use, price, reviews, analogues are provided for informational purposes.

Regidron bio for children does not act as a medicine, but belongs to the category of dietary supplements. Unlike the main substance, it contains a large number of useful additives that promote rapid recovery. The main differences between the drugs are in the following aspects:

  • medicine with the prefix “BIO” helps not only to instantly replenish lost fluid, but also to restore the balance of microflora;
  • The modern type of medicine is safer: if you follow all the rules, the likelihood of side effects is zero.

The product is also used for vomiting, diarrhea in adults and children, nausea and increased sweating. The product is not used for children under one year of age, due to the presence of weaknesses in the gastrointestinal tract. However, for other categories of patients, the use of the composition depends on the overall need and weight.

  1. For people weighing around 12 kg, the prepared solution is consumed in an amount of 550 ml daily, and an additional 750 ml of liquid is drunk. The total requirement at this age is 1.3 liters.
  2. At 14 kg, the volumes of solution and additional water are respectively 600 and 800 ml per day, while the requirement is 4 liters.
  3. To replenish the need for a volume of 1.6 liters with 18 kg of liquid weight, respectively, they are taken in quantities of 650 and 950 ml.
  4. With a weight of 25 kg, the solution is drunk in a 750 ml container, and additionally water - 1050 ml.
  5. If it is necessary to replenish the supply to 1.9 liters per day, then the product is used in the amount of 800 milliliters, and additional. liquid – 1100 ml. We are talking about 30 kg of weight.
  6. At 40 and 50 kg of weight, the amount of medication is 900 and 1000 ml, and additional liquid is consumed in the amount of 1000, 1300 milliliters, respectively.

In order for the properties of the solution to be seen and appreciated fully, the prepared composition should be consumed within 24 hours.


If you take an excessively large amount of solution or use an overly concentrated solution, the likelihood of developing hypernatremia increases, the manifestations of which are drowsiness, weakness, neuromuscular excitation, confusion, coma, and respiratory arrest.

Patients with reduced renal function are at risk of developing metabolic alkalosis (neuromuscular excitation, tetanic convulsions, decreased ventilation) and hyperkalemia.

In case of severe overdose with severe signs of metabolic alkalosis or hypernatremia, the drug should be discontinued. Further treatment is prescribed based on the results of laboratory tests.

special instructions

In children, other solutions with lower sodium content and osmolarity should be used.

Given the composition of the drug, caution should be exercised in patients with diabetes mellitus, impaired liver or kidney function, as well as in patients on a low-salt (sodium and/or potassium) diet.

In patients with diabetes mellitus, kidney failure, and some other chronic diseases, diarrhea can cause significant fluid or glucose imbalance. Therefore, treatment of diarrhea in such patients may require laboratory monitoring and hospitalization. If the patient's need for additional administration of electrolytes is not confirmed by laboratory tests, the recommended doses of the drug should not be exceeded.

Severe dehydration (weight loss >10%, cessation of urine output) should be treated with intravenous rehydration drugs, after which the use of Regidron solution can be started.

If intravenous administration of drugs is necessary, or in case of severe dehydration or severe vomiting, or if urine output decreases or stops, Regidron should be used with caution.

In case of vomiting, you should wait 10 minutes after the vomiting attack ends and let the solution be drunk slowly, in small sips.

The patient should consult a doctor if the following situations occur while using the drug Regidron:

  • slow speech, irritability, fatigue, drowsiness, stupor;
  • temperature rises above 39°C;
  • bloody stools;
  • incessant vomiting;
  • diarrhea lasts more than 2 days;
  • severe abdominal pain.

For diarrhea that develops with cholera and a number of other severe intestinal infections, the use of Regidron solution to replenish the loss of electrolytes may not be enough.

Persons with renal failure or on a diet low in potassium should be aware that the drug contains potassium.

Use of medication for alcohol intoxication

Regidron is very effective for alcohol intoxication.
Drinking alcoholic beverages disrupts brain function, leads to the accumulation of harmful substances in the liver, and washes out beneficial elements from the blood. The digestive system is especially affected, which is accompanied by vomiting and diarrhea.

The active components of Regidron replenish reserves of useful substances, normalize the functioning of the brain and nervous system, and remove accumulated toxins. Glucose is a source of energy; taking the medication as soon as possible improves the patient’s condition.


We invite you to read the reviews of people who have used the drug Regidron:

  1. Svetlana. My son had acute diarrhea due to food poisoning and became dehydrated, which made his condition very serious. The doctor prescribed rehydron and I must note that the situation returned to normal quite quickly, so the drug is effective and fully justifies itself...). It was easily tolerated and no side effects were observed.
  2. Rose. One day my cat got sick. He didn’t eat or drink anything, he sat so sad and I realized that I had to go to the veterinarian. There they told me that he allegedly had poisoning and his stomach was clogged. They prescribed him injections and to take rehydron. I was actually surprised when my cat started drinking it on his own, I didn’t even have to force him (the doctor told me about this, but somehow I didn’t believe it). All this helped us and I cured my cat, but he could have died.
  3. Marina. The use of Regidron helped me cope with acute poisoning from canned food. I went to the doctor after vomiting did not stop for 10 hours. After two days, we managed to achieve complete cessation of diarrhea. The drug was taken according to the regimen described in the instructions for use. There were no side effects or negative reactions.

Regidron price of 1 sachet

Price from 21 rub. To the pharmacy

Price from 375 rub. To the pharmacy

Price from 397 rub. To the pharmacy

Price from 432 rub. To the pharmacy

At what age to take Regidron and whether to take it at all should be decided by the attending physician. In emergency situations, the choice remains with the parents. Be that as it may, the high effectiveness of the drug and the minimum of contraindications make it extremely important to include it in your home medicine cabinet!

In Moscow, you can buy Regidron powder for 408 rubles. Its price in Minsk reaches 17-20 bel. rubles In Kyiv and cities of Ukraine, the medicine costs 207 hryvnia. In Kazakhstan, its price is 5,000 tenge (Regidron Optim 10.7g No. 20 lemon - ORION CORPORATION, (Finland)).

When considering Regidron, the price of 1 sachet is a point worth attention. After all, the benefits of the treatment process and its high cost depend on this. The cost of 20 sachets of the drug is about 400 rubles, respectively, one element costs 20 rubles. So, we looked at what Regidron is, instructions for use, price, reviews, analogues.


Structural analogues of the active substance:

  • Hydrovit;
  • Hydrovit forte.

Analogues in terms of effect (regulators of water and electrolyte balance):

  • Acesol;
  • Disol;
  • Yonosteril;
  • Quintasol;
  • Methuselum;
  • Neohemodesis;
  • Hartmann's solution;
  • Rheosorbilact;
  • Ringer;
  • Ringer's solution;
  • Bieffe sodium lactate complex solution;
  • Sorbilact;
  • Trisol;
  • Hlosol.

Before purchasing an analogue, consult your doctor.

How to make an analogue of "Regidron" yourself?

Oral rehydration salt solutions are a mixture of water, sugar and salt. Therefore, you can breed them with your own hands. When the drug unexpectedly runs out, you can make its equivalent at home and then buy more powder at the pharmacy. The classic composition of the “homemade” mixture is as follows: a liter of boiled water cooled to room temperature, 20-30 g. sugar, 3 gr. table salt, 2 gr. soda After three years, half the water is replaced with a decoction of carrots and raisins (it will replenish the potassium balance).

Almost the same recipe is given by Dr. Komarovsky in his reference book “Emergency Care”:

  • boiled water – liter;
  • baking soda – 1 tsp;
  • table salt – 1 tsp;
  • granulated sugar – 2 tsp.

The first day after poisoning, you should only give your baby Regidron and give him another liquid. When the vomiting stops, the child can be offered to eat crackers, drink diluted apple juice or dried fruit compote. Later, you should prepare rice water, thin porridge with water, and offer half a banana. There is no need to give spicy, fatty, smoked foods, or dairy products for the first 5-7 days after illness. If you feel better, a doctor’s check-up is necessary after two days.

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