Chronic enteritis: how to treat inflammation of the small intestine?
Main symptoms: White coating on the tongue Pain in the lower abdomen Headache Trembling of the limbs Fluid
Pain in the navel area can indicate a huge number of different problems, so the main thing is to correctly determine the type of pain and start treatment in time
Treatment of pain in the navel, how to treat pain near, to the left or to the right of the navel, tablets and drugs
If we analyze the complaints of patients turning to doctors about abdominal pathology, we can
Prevention of hemorrhoids in women during sedentary work
Prevention of hemorrhoids during sedentary work of manicurists
Prevention of hemorrhoids Prevention of hemorrhoids is of great importance. People who are constantly sedentary are susceptible to serious illness.
Opisthorchiasis: photo and what the parasite looks like and its manifestation in humans
What is opisthorchiasis Infection with opisthorchiasis Symptoms of opisthorchiasis the usual course of the disease acute opisthorchiasis of moderate and
Pills lie in a spoon
Enzyme agents that improve digestion processes
For constipation, it is necessary to carefully select a remedy so as not to aggravate the symptoms. To resume
Intestinal adhesions treatment without surgery
Causes of intestinal adhesions The main reasons for the formation of intestinal adhesions are: closed and open injuries in
Enzyme preparations
Remedies for increased gas formation. Pharmaceutical preparations and adsorbents
What is flatulence, why and how does the process of gas formation occur? What medications exist in
Bacteriological examination of stool. Bacteriological examination of stool Microbiological examination of stool
Have you been struggling with GASTRITIS and ULCERS for many years without success? "You'll be amazed how easy it is to
microlax instructions for use
How to give a Microlax microenema at home
Microlax is an effective laxative. It looks like a small enema, which is very
Diagnosis and treatment of Helicobacter pylori infection - eradication therapy regimens
Colonization of Helicobacter pylori on the surface and folds of the gastric mucosa significantly complicates antibacterial therapy. Successful
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