Heaviness and bloating in the abdomen in women: causes, alarming symptoms, diagnosis and prevention
Heaviness and bloating in the abdomen in women: causes, alarming symptoms, diagnosis and prevention
Bloating indicates increased gas formation in the intestines. Normal daily gas volume is
Gaviscon is a drug from the alginate group. The active components enter into physical interaction with gastric juice and form a dense gel-like barrier that is not absorbed and remains on the surface of the gastric contents
Gaviscon indications for use - who will benefit
To reduce the unpleasant conditions of the stomach and digestive system that arise as a result of increased acidity,
Vegetables for gastritis with high acidity
Benefits of vegetables for gastritis Although beets are considered a simple and affordable vegetable, there are benefits to them
How to go to the toilet with hemorrhoids painlessly
Constipation with hemorrhoids is a problematic bowel movement, due to which the nodes grow and new lumps grow.
Symptoms of gastritis and stomach ulcers: signs of pathology
December 11, 2019 Gastroenterology Konstantin Kim Ulcer or gastric ulcer (GUD) - chronic
what can you eat before surgery
Diet after stomach removal for cancer: what is prohibited and allowed to eat
About the operation Removal of the stomach is a difficult surgical operation, which is prescribed when there is no
Is it possible to eat iceberg lettuce if you have pancreatitis?
Pancreatitis is a pathology of the gastrointestinal tract, for the elimination of which the most important point is compliance with strict
Why does the intestine hurt on the right side, causes, symptoms of what diseases, what to do if there is pain in the intestine on the right side?
Pain in the bowels Pain in the bowels is the most common complaint in bowel diseases. She
Symptoms and treatment of gastric obstruction
Children's susceptibility to disease Clogging in a child under 2 years of age is most often a consequence of infectious diseases.
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How to get rid of stomach pain in the morning?
Any unpleasant sensations arising in the abdominal cavity cause poor health. For various reasons it occurs
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