Health and healthy lifestyle Why do you feel sick in the evenings?
It is probably difficult to meet a patient who does not know such a condition as nausea. Straightaway
How does tubular adenoma develop with grade 1 (2, 3) dysplasia of the colon and what is its danger?
Dysplasia of the epithelium of the colon glands - Pain in the legs
Characteristics of colon adenomas A polyp is a fleshy formation on a thin or thick stalk.
"Male hemorrhoids"
What are the main contraindications for hemorrhoids?
Characteristics of hemorrhoids Pathology develops due to varicose veins of the rectum. Blood stagnation occurs in
You can eat walnuts for gastritis with high acidity
Benefits and harms Nuts are considered one of the most delicious foods, which has been around for quite a long time.
Diet for constipation in children
Fiber for the intestines against constipation
Diet for constipation in children The functioning of the digestive system in children is still imperfect, so many
If you are experiencing these symptoms, you may have poor digestion!
Types and forms of the disease This disorder is conventionally divided into organic and functional. Organic evidence
photo 6
The best aloe and honey recipes for the stomach and intestines
Composition of the plant The benefits of aloe for the stomach lie in the unique composition of the flower. It is the components included
Proctological disease hemorrhoids
Features, causes, symptoms and treatment of hemorrhoids at stage 2
Hemorrhoids Hemorrhoids are a fairly common disease among residents of large cities who have crossed the thirty-year mark.
Vomiting in the morning: possible causes, diagnosis and treatment
A child is vomiting without fever or diarrhea, what to do?
The main manifestations and causes of nausea in children. What do the conditions that accompany nausea indicate? What
shell structure
Trouble with hardening of the gallbladder walls
Hardening of the gallbladder walls can be detected on an abdominal ultrasound. Don't worry too much
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