Health and healthy lifestyle Why do you feel sick in the evenings?

It is probably difficult to meet a patient who does not know such a condition as nausea. It should be said right away that it is not a disease, but in some cases this very condition may indicate the presence of a particular disease. However, the cause of nausea is not necessarily some obvious factor. Often the condition can go away on its own, but it also happens that it haunts the patient for a long time, or even constantly. Sometimes this happens in the evening. This is what the conversation will go on. In the meantime, a few words about what is meant by the concept of “nausea.”

As a rule, these are spasm-like, not very pleasant sensations in the upper abdomen. They are formed as a result of slower peristalsis and decreased tone of the gastric wall. The patient has a natural desire to get rid of this condition, without fully understanding the cause of its occurrence. This is, of course, not the best treatment option. As mentioned above, the feeling of nausea can be caused by various diseases or infections in the body. Therefore, self-medication is not only a cure for the real problem, but also the risk of missing a serious illness in time. Therefore, when you feel sick especially often in the evenings, you need to consult a specialist.


As a rule, a feeling of nausea appears in the throat area, and there is a feeling that everything in the stomach will suddenly jump out. And this is no coincidence, because quite often nausea ends this way, and often in paroxysms and repeatedly. At this moment, the tone of the muscle tissue of the stomach decreases, and a noticeable slowdown in the digestive process occurs. This is often accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • sweating;
  • increased secretion of saliva;
  • there are heart rhythm disturbances.


The clinical picture will depend on the underlying factor. If the cause of nausea in the evening is simple overeating, as a rule, there are no additional symptoms.

In some cases, the following may occur:

  • heaviness in the stomach;
  • bloating, increased flatulence;
  • one-time vomiting.

In case of food poisoning, the clinical picture may be of the following nature:

  • nausea accompanied by repeated vomiting;
  • diarrhea;
  • abdominal pain;
  • rumbling, increased flatulence;
  • weakness;
  • low-grade body temperature;
  • malaise;
  • increased sweating;
  • complete lack of appetite;
  • pallor of the skin.

If the cause of nausea in the evening is a gastroenterological disease, the following clinical picture is possible:

  • heartburn, belching;
  • a feeling of fullness in the stomach even with a minimal amount of food consumed;
  • abdominal pain - the nature and location will depend on the underlying factor;
  • violation of the frequency of bowel movements;
  • change in the consistency of stool;
  • deterioration of appetite, against the background of which body weight decreases;
  • abdominal pain can radiate to the right hypochondrium, to the lower back;
  • weakness, feeling of discomfort;
  • elevated body temperature.

It should be noted that this clinical picture is typical for all gastroenterological diseases, so it is impossible to independently determine the cause of the problem. Evening nausea should be treated with competent medical attention.


It’s worth figuring out what factors can influence why you feel sick in the evening? When nausea is present regularly, the causes in most cases may be hidden in diseases of the digestive system; however, there are also neurological disorders, endocrine disorders and disruptions in the normal functioning of the heart, when, along with other symptoms, nausea also manifests itself. As you know, any symptom can be successfully treated by addressing the cause that contributes to its appearance. Therefore, you should consider the most common symptoms of nausea in the evening:

  • Ulcer and gastritis. When experiencing nausea after eating, the cause may be gastritis or ulcers, which are characterized, along with this symptom, by other inflammatory processes in the stomach, for example, heaviness, a feeling of bloating after eating. In this case, the patient often feels a burning sensation in the stomach area. An accurate diagnosis, of course, can only be determined by a specialist after conducting a comprehensive study. If these diseases are present, the patient must give up fatty, spicy and smoked foods, and generally follow a dietary regimen.
  • Gallbladder pathologies. If the patient has disorders of this organ, then he begins to experience a feeling of nausea already at the moment of eating, and at the same time bloating appears. Other accompanying symptoms may include a metallic taste in the mouth or bitterness, gas formation, heartburn, and pain in the right hypochondrium.
  • Intestinal infection. If, after eating food, after a certain time the patient experiences nausea, subsequently leading to vomiting, this may indicate the development of an intestinal infection. In this case, pain is usually felt in the navel area, there is dizziness, a feeling of weakness, an increase in body temperature is not excluded, as a rule, up to 37, but it can rise even higher. In this case, care must be taken to avoid undesirable consequences such as diarrhea and dehydration. It is necessary to induce vomiting, to do this, drink one or two glasses of slightly warmed water in small sips. Then direct efforts to replenish the missing fluid. And this means drinking more water, drinking fruit drinks, and weak tea. It would be a good idea to drink up to four tablets of activated carbon. If, after taking measures, you cannot avoid vomiting, and even more so when there is bile in it, you feel dizzy, all this may indicate a serious illness, for example, salmonellosis. You should not hesitate and self-medicate, but call an ambulance.
  • Kidney diseases. In this case, the cause of nausea is not associated with food. Sometimes it ends in vomiting. A distinctive sign indicating that the cause is inflammatory processes in the kidneys is a feeling of pain in the lumbar region, as well as problems with urination.
  • Pancreatitis. In patients who suffer from inflammation of the pancreas, bloating and nausea occur after eating. Often all this is accompanied by bitterness in the mouth and pain in the area of ​​the right hypochondrium.
  • Hypertension. Those who suffer from high blood pressure may experience constant nausea, but it rarely appears in the evening, in most cases in the morning. During these hours, the patient's face usually becomes swollen and red. He may experience dizziness and fatigue.
  • Taking medications. In many annotations for purchased medications, you can read that they have side effects that can cause nausea. This list of medicines can include anti-inflammatory drugs, antibiotics, iron-containing drugs, anti-influenza drugs, vitamin complexes and others.
  • Concussion. Such a phenomenon as constant nausea in the evenings and dizziness may occur in a patient with a severe head injury. In such a situation, you should not wait for it to “go away on its own,” but be sure to seek medical help.
  • Symptom of appendicitis. Often this disease is accompanied, regardless of the food taken, by a feeling of nausea, and in some cases vomiting is observed. As a rule, pain first appears in the upper abdomen, after which it gradually moves lower - to the right side. An increase in temperature to 37-38° can also indicate the presence of appendicitis.
  • Disorders of the vestibular apparatus. Also, the cause of nausea in the evenings with accompanying dizziness can be a sharp change in body position, when the patient quickly gets up from the sofa while lying down, or suddenly turns over on the other side. There may also be signs of vestibular disorders such as tinnitus and loss of balance. Often the patient sees “spots” in front of his eyes and loses the ability to keep focus on an object in motion for a long time.
  • Heart attack symptom. When a patient has this problem, even after he vomits, he will still have a feeling of nausea. In this case, there will be pain in the upper abdomen. Other symptoms, such as pale skin, shortness of breath, and hiccups, may also indicate heart failure.
  • Migraine. In this situation, in addition to nausea in the evenings, there is often mild dizziness. If nausea is associated with headaches, the patient can “escape” in a quiet, dark room; of course, he must use medications prescribed by a neurologist.
  • Stress. It will not be a discovery for anyone that strong excitement and emotional stress can cause a feeling of mild nausea. Therefore, you should not expose yourself to such stressful situations, especially in the evenings. If you cannot avoid anxiety, try to calm down and breathe deeper. After such simple techniques, there will be a decrease in adrenaline in the body and nausea will gradually subside.
  • Meningitis. Nausea may be one of the symptoms of this serious disease. Associated symptoms may include high temperature, photophobia, and pressure in the back of the head.
  • Hypothyroidism. This problem is expressed in disorders associated with the thyroid gland. In this case, the state of nausea, although not very pronounced, may be present not only in the evening, but constantly. It is also characterized by a lack of appetite without noticeable weight loss. In addition, the patient suffers from drowsiness, a feeling of constant fatigue, he shudders even in the warmth, and in some cases there is anemia.
  • Pregnancy. Despite the fact that there is an opinion that the state of nausea is typical for the vast majority of pregnant women, which is especially true for the first trimester, it cannot be said that everyone suffers. However, those women who could not avoid such unpleasant sensations can be consoled by the fact that this phenomenon will go away on its own after approximately twelve weeks. We’ll talk about nausea in the evenings during pregnancy in more detail below.
  • Neoplasms. If nausea and vomiting last too long in a patient, this may be one of the characteristic symptoms of a malignant formation.
  • Sweet. Eating sweets on an empty stomach, especially in the evening, can cause nausea. To smooth the situation, it is recommended to eat a little something unsweetened, preferably a fruit or vegetable.
  • Hunger. In most cases, with nausea, there is a lack of appetite, while at the same time, a condition when an empty stomach requires food can cause nausea, as a sharp drop in blood glucose occurs.
  • Parasitic infestations. Worms can cause nausea.

Pregnancy as a cause of nausea

Pregnancy is the most common cause of this symptom. The patient is either plagued by morning discomfort or is haunted by persistent nausea before bedtime, namely in the very early stages of pregnancy. This is due both to endocrine and immunological changes in the female body, as well as to increasing physical and moral stress. Evening nausea or nausea at night is not an independent disease in itself, but measures must be taken to prevent it. A pregnant woman should not have a heavy dinner; meals should be evenly distributed throughout the day and be high in calories, but not too large in volume.

Quite often, this uncomfortable condition does not leave a woman at other times of the day. Nausea at night without vomiting does not allow the pregnant woman to get a full night's sleep; rest time turns into a period of additional stress. It is recommended to breathe deeply through your nose, psychologically tune in to something positive, and drink a small amount of drinking water in small sips. If the desired relief does not occur for a long time or recurs periodically, you should consult a doctor.

Types of Nausea

In addition to the reasons described above, there is also a classification of nausea. It is divided into the following types:

  • Brain. Occurs due to various brain disorders. These may be diseases of atherosclerosis, hypertension, and malignant formations in the brain. In most cases, this is accompanied by manifestations such as increased intracranial and blood pressure.
  • Toxic. This nausea occurs as a result of patient poisoning with various poor-quality food products or as a result of the penetration of endogenous poisons into the body.
  • Exchange. In most cases, it is caused by an unbalanced diet, the patient’s use of starvation diets, as well as due to hypovitaminosis and diabetes and other metabolic disorders.
  • Vestibular. It is characterized as a consequence of the manifestation of various neuroses. This type of nausea is usually characteristic of pregnant women, as well as during menopause.
  • Reflex. Appears due to the development of inflammatory processes in the gastrointestinal tract, as well as as a consequence of active receptor irritation. It is characterized by regular appearance after eating, as well as the patient’s consumption of certain foods.

Why does one feel sick in the evening: causes, treatment, prevention

Nausea in the evening is a common unpleasant symptom. People, not fully understanding the etiology, try to eliminate it with medications. But this is not always correct and without consulting a doctor, it can harm your health. A symptom is not an independent disease. This symptom usually accompanies more serious problems.

Types of nausea

There is a special classification, the symptom is divided into types:

  1. Brain. It develops under the influence of brain dysfunctions - atherosclerosis, hypertension, malignant neoplasms. Typically, in such a situation, nausea is always accompanied by an increase in intracranial pressure and blood pressure.
  2. Toxic. Develops due to food poisoning due to the entry of poisons into the body.
  3. Exchange. It occurs as a result of an unbalanced diet, following starvation diets, also due to hypovitaminosis, diabetes mellitus and other problems with metabolic processes in the body.
  4. Vestibular. It accompanies neuroses and also always occurs during pregnancy and menopausal syndrome.
  5. Reflex. Develops as a result of inflammation in the gastrointestinal tract or under the influence of receptor irritation.

Main reasons

If discomfort develops in the evening or before bedtime, then this condition often indicates damage to the digestive organs. Less commonly, discomfort requires the help of an endocrinologist, neurologist, or cardiologist. So, the main reasons:

  1. Disease of the digestive system. Nausea is provoked by an ulcer, gastroenteritis, stomach spasm, gastritis, chronic dyspepsia, cholelithiasis, pancreatitis, cholecystitis or intestinal obstruction. In this case, the condition is almost always accompanied by heaviness and pain in the stomach, belching.
  2. Food or infectious poisoning. When nausea is caused by stale food, it is food poisoning. In such a situation, it is complemented by weakness, high fever and abdominal pain. The simultaneous manifestation of diarrhea and vomiting is infectious poisoning. The patient will require gastric lavage and urgent treatment in a hospital.
  3. A common cause is side effects of medications. Usually, discomfort worries people who take anticancer medications. They have a negative effect on the chemoreceptor zone, causing nausea in the first 2-5 hours after administration.
  4. Appendicitis. Appendicitis is also almost always accompanied by nausea and vague pain in the upper abdomen, which gradually radiates and concentrates on the right. The patient requires emergency medical care.

Reasons include jet lag and heart problems. In the evening, blood flow slows down and with weakened myocardium, stagnation and nausea occur. With hypertension, discomfort is accompanied by headaches and spots before the eyes.

In addition, the problem is provoked by an increase in glucose levels, which also occurs more often in the evening. An unpleasant symptom may be psychogenic in nature.

Among women

Evening nausea in females is specific to certain diseases and conditions in their body. They appear from time to time, can be chronic, turning into exacerbations.


Impairment of the motor activity of the digestive system, which leads to difficulty moving food through the gastrointestinal tract. With this disease, people complain of nausea in the evening.

To normalize your health, consult a doctor and follow all instructions. Dyskinesia is accompanied by acute abdominal pain.

In this regard, it is not recommended to eat heavy, spicy or fried foods in the afternoon.


A disorder that is associated with a lack of thyroid hormones. The symptoms of the pathology are varied, nausea is one of the main manifestations. Weakness, loss of strength, and lethargy also develop. You should contact an endocrinologist.


One of the signs of aging is menopause.

During menopause, the production of the main hormone in the female body, estrogen, decreases. Thus, general changes occur and separately at the level of each system, the hormonal background also changes.

During pregnancy

Evening nausea is one of the first signs of pregnancy. Pregnancy is the most common cause of this unpleasant condition.

A strong manifestation is typical for the early period. In pregnant women, attacks in the evening are associated with worries, anxiety, internal tension, as well as overwork throughout the day.

This condition is not pathological, but it is important to take measures to reduce discomfort. You can normalize your well-being with the help of sour fruit drink, and also reduce the volume of portions during the day. Nausea indicates various changes that are actively occurring in the body of the expectant mother.

If the attacks are very severe and develop too often, then you need to consult a doctor to get recommendations for normalizing your well-being.

How to quickly relieve an attack

Quick relief methods to help relieve nausea include:

  • Deep breathing. Inhale through your nose, expanding your belly, then exhale evenly. Repeat the steps until it becomes easier.
  • Eat some dry crackers, regular crackers - they absorb acid in the stomach.
  • Drink liquids - better than ginger or mint tea, water, or suck on a piece of ice.

Treatment rules

Nausea brings a lot of discomfort. Consult a specialist to help identify and eliminate the cause. After diagnosis, the doctor will prescribe treatment - this could be medications, diet, or sometimes surgery.

Drug therapy

The treatment process should begin with medications that will help reduce the severity of the symptom. These include:

  • Cholenzym - restores the functions of the digestive tract thanks to enzymes.
  • Allohol – removes toxins from the body, normalizes the secretion of bile.
  • Polysorb is a sorbent that helps relieve symptoms of intoxication due to food poisoning, and also fights intestinal infections.
  • Cerucal - stops vomiting, restores the tone of the gastrointestinal tract, reduces the symptoms of dyskinesia.

A specialist selects a specific remedy in accordance with the reasons.


To eliminate nausea, and in some cases prevent its development, you need to reconsider your diet and organization of your diet. It is important to reduce portion sizes, give up too spicy and fatty foods, and a lot of sweets.

Completely exclude from the diet:

  • fatty meat, fast food;
  • fermented milk products with a high percentage of fat content;
  • canned food;
  • products with unusual aroma and taste.

It is recommended to include more of the following foods in your diet:

  • crackers;
  • lean fish and meat;
  • soups with lean broth;
  • corn, millet porridge;
  • potatoes, rice, durum pasta;
  • lemon and ginger.

Traditional medicine methods

Nausea that develops before bedtime can be easily eliminated using folk methods. But their implementation should be agreed with your doctor. The most effective:

  1. Tea with ginger.
  2. Chamomile tea – relieves stress and anxiety, improves digestion and reduces stomach cramps. Art. l. Brew dried herbs with 250 ml of boiling water.
  3. Squeezed raw potato juice relieves nausea, prevents vomiting and increases appetite. Take half a tbsp before meals. l.
  4. Collection of medicinal herbs. It includes valerian root, rose hips, calamus, caraway flowers, oregano and coriander. Brew a tablespoon of the mixture in 500 ml of boiling water and leave for half an hour. Drink 100 ml 3 times a day before meals.
  5. Menthol diluted with alcohol. The proportion of the product is 1 to 5, respectively, it has an antiemetic effect. A few drops per glass of water.

Prevention measures

If pathologies are diagnosed and treated in time, then the unpleasant symptom can be prevented. Preventive measures also include:

  • Preventing poisoning, monitoring food freshness, checking expiration dates.
  • An active lifestyle will help maintain normal functioning of the heart and blood vessels.
  • Quitting bad habits: smoking, drugs, alcohol abuse.
  • Developing the ability to avoid or not react to stressful situations, become familiar with relaxation techniques.
  • Eat a balanced diet and, if possible, do not go to bed with a full stomach.

So, nausea in the evenings are symptoms that accompany a large number of dysfunctions in the human body. To get rid of it, you will need to identify the exact cause. You should visit a doctor who will diagnose and prescribe treatment.


Nausea during pregnancy

When a woman experiences nausea during pregnancy, it mostly occurs in the morning, although it can be constant, including in the evening. For some pregnant women, nausea is a kind of reaction to the presence of strong odors.

The most common reasons that can cause a woman to feel sick in the evening during pregnancy are:

  • Poor nutrition. This implies the habit of consuming foods that are undesirable for a pregnant woman, both before pregnancy and during it.
  • The presence of inflammatory processes in the genital organs.
  • As a result of stress, regular lack of sleep and severe overwork.
  • Disturbances in the normal functioning of the endocrine system.
  • Common colds.

When a pregnant woman experiences an attack of nausea caused by a response to strong or pungent odors, this is considered a common symptom. In this position, women's sense of smell is often heightened, and in this situation it is difficult to change anything.

Toxicosis and nausea are, of course, not a disease in pregnant women. However, the situation cannot be left to chance; these phenomena must be combated. Otherwise, they can negatively affect the normal course of pregnancy, and therefore harm the unborn newborn. This harm is caused in most cases not by nausea itself, but by the vomiting that follows it, when, along with the vomit, the body is deprived of useful substances.

The first thing that a woman is recommended to do in this situation is to start eating right. This means that nutrition must be of high quality and balanced in terms of essential microelements. Try not to give in to the temptation to eat, for example, a chocolate bar, which is not very healthy; in extreme cases, you can only allow yourself a little of this delicacy, but not a whole bar.

Secondly, loved ones who surround a pregnant woman should take care of her well-being, avoid exciting situations and other provoking factors of nausea.

In most cases, nausea occurs on an empty stomach due to low blood glucose levels. It is often enough to skip something to fill the stomach, and the nausea subsides. However, unfortunately, this can not help in all situations; there are some other methods to get rid of nausea:

  • Try to eat more often, preferably at least every two to three hours, and in small portions – the size of your palm. Even when a product is very beneficial for your body, but causes nausea, you should not consume it.
  • Do not drink while eating. It is advisable to drink either before or after meals. In the first case - in half an hour, in the second - in an hour.
  • You should try to make movements at a slow pace, they should be smooth, since a sudden change in body position can cause an undesirable symptom.
  • Try to move more, especially outdoors, and allow yourself more time to rest.
  • Avoid crowded areas and areas that may contain offensive odors.

You should make sure that your life contains more positive emotions and as little stressful situations and contact with negative people as possible. Don't let problems take over you. No one and nothing should disturb your wonderful condition.

When you feel nauseous in the evening, try a cracker or a small piece of dried bread; a handful of nuts will help; it’s good to enjoy fresh fruit. It happens that tea with mint helps eliminate discomfort.

If you have severe heartburn, dizziness, or increased dry skin, you need to go to the doctor.

Treatment of night nausea

To prevent night sickness, the first thing you should do is adjust your diet, eat foods that are well digestible, eat small portions and don’t overeat before bed. It is better to eat more protein and fresh foods, it prevents nausea.

You must remember to drink, drink at least 2 liters. per day, preferably water or herbal tea without sugar. Mint or ginger tea has a good effect.

An active lifestyle and walks in the fresh air before bedtime strengthen the body well.

If you take a warm bath in the evening, your body will relax and this will help relieve nausea.

Some people find that aromatherapy with mint or lavender essential oil, which is best applied to the wrist, helps.

Why do you feel sick before bed or at night? The causes of the symptom are different and involve an effect either on the nerves transmitting signals to the brain, or on the chemoreceptor zone, or on the vomiting center itself. Negative factors that provoke nausea are discussed in detail below.

Folk remedies for nausea in the evenings

Many people are familiar with ammonia; in order to feel its effect, you need to inhale harder through your nose. You can also use validol - it is placed under the tongue - or regular mint candy.

A decoction of nettle (1 tsp) and milk (250 g) helps well. Boil the milk, add the herb to it, then simmer over low heat for five minutes. The third part of the decoction is drunk immediately, the rest - after two to three hours, a tablespoon is drunk until the nausea passes.

For many, ginger infusion is excellent. The root of the plant is crushed and poured with three hundred grams of boiled water. Let it sit for a while, and when it reaches room temperature, you can drink the broth in small sips.

Collecting herbs also helps. To do this, you will need two teaspoons of chamomile, a teaspoon of rosemary and sage, all of which is poured with half a liter of boiling water. Then leave for a third of an hour and use in small doses every fifteen minutes.

Lemon juice helps a lot if the patient has the first signs of nausea in the evening. You need to mix the juice of half a lemon with half a teaspoon of soda.

Mechanisms of appearance

Nausea is manifested by an unpleasant sensation in the throat or epigastric region, preceding vomiting. At the same time, the tone of the stomach decreases, intestinal motility slows down significantly or completely stops. But in the proximal parts of the jejunum and duodenum, the tone increases, throwing their contents into the stomach.

During inhalation with the mouth closed, the respiratory muscles of the diaphragm contract convulsively, and during exhalation, the anterior abdominal wall contracts.

At the same time, the tone increases in the antrum of the stomach, but decreases in the cardiac section.

A common symptom of nausea is symptoms of disturbances in autonomic activity - pale skin, disturbed sleep, increased sweating and salivation, and in some cases tachycardia appears.


Getting rid of nausea attacks in the evenings is not a big problem. However, in the event that such a condition begins to haunt you constantly, you need to go to a doctor who will tell you the best treatment option. There is no need to endure and press when it goes away on its own. Although this is a “mild” symptom, it can nevertheless develop into a more serious problem. In the end, I would like to talk about some remedies that can help the body get rid of unpleasant sensations. Currently, there are a large number of medications that are prepared from natural raw materials and help increase the secretion of bile. Below are the most popular ones:

  • Allohol. This remedy, in addition to improving bile secretion, helps remove toxins from the body. It contains condensed bile, nettle and garlic extracts, and activated carbon.
  • Holenzim. This drug helps normalize digestive processes. Contains bile and pancreatic enzymes.
  • Silimar. In this preparation, milk thistle extract is the main active ingredient.
  • Tanahesol. Its action is similar to allochol, but it contains a flower extract of tansy, not bile.

If the patient does not have the opportunity or time to make decoctions, then he can use holosas - this is the name of syrup made from rose hips. In addition to getting rid of nausea in the evening, this remedy helps improve immunity. However, the drug is contraindicated in patients with diabetes.

If the patient has endocrine system disorders, then the best help is hormonal medications, which should be prescribed by a doctor.

In order to normalize the condition, it is necessary to ensure that the diet, especially in the evening, does not contain fatty and spicy dishes or smoked foods. It is better to replace meat broths with soups made from weak vegetable broths. Experts also recommend eating crushed food so that large pieces cannot provoke unwanted symptoms.

Other reasons why you feel sick in the evening

The most likely trigger for nausea in the evening is considered to be overeating, in particular if the food was too fatty and heavy.

The body cannot process it, and therefore the patient experiences a feeling of nausea, ending with a gag reflex when the stomach is not able to digest this food.

At this time, it is optimal to take a horizontal position and not do any active physical actions, in order to avoid aggravating the situation. In this state, he will have more opportunities to eliminate the pathology.

Effect of medications

The feeling of nausea during sleep can occur after an overdose of medications, and can be triggered by the specific composition of the drug.

Nausea occurs even from throat syrup aimed at expectoration. If you do not drink it with the required amount of water, after an intense dry cough, nausea will form.

Abnormalities in the endocrine system

Vomiting at night is a symptom of hypothyroidism, anemia, fatigue, memory impairment and chronic lack of sleep.

In certain situations, it is optimal to consult with a specialized specialist and make sure that there are no pathologies, or when the cause of nausea is a disease, start timely therapy.


The feeling of nausea in women develops at different times of the day and can intensify in particular in the evening. At this stage, it is associated with severe pain in the right lower abdominal cavity, increased temperature and a gag reflex.

When there is speculation that such a condition may be an attack of appendicitis, it is best to immediately call a doctor.

Only a specialist can prescribe appropriate therapy to eliminate severe nausea, after diagnosis and testing.

It is possible to eliminate the occurrence of nausea by identifying provoking factors.

Basically, its appearance is associated with difficulties in digestion, so you should not immediately panic and call a doctor.

However, when difficulties become chronic, you should first consult a gastroenterologist.

To eliminate the phenomenon, you should adhere to a diet without heavy food products.


After diagnosis, the specialist prescribes a set of treatment measures, which include conservative methods using pharmaceuticals, nutritional correction, and even surgery.


Nausea in the evening can be eliminated with the following medications prescribed by your doctor:


A choleretic agent consisting of natural ingredients. It is used for biliary dyskinesia, cholecystitis, intestinal inflammation, toxic liver damage.

Contraindicated in case of intolerance to the drug, subacute liver dystrophy, ulcers in the gastrointestinal tract, sudden acute hepatitis, pancreatitis.

Price 15-73 rub.


A multicomponent drug that stimulates the production of bile, stimulates the excretory and motor functions of the gastrointestinal tract, and reduces cholesterol levels. It is used for colitis, gastritis, non-infectious diarrhea, chronic hepatitis, and nutritional disorders.

Contraindicated in case of allergies to the drug, pancreatitis, exacerbations of ulcers and hepatitis, obstructive jaundice, under the age of 12 years.

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