How to treat a shriveled gallbladder?
Causes A non-functioning gallbladder means that it has completely lost its functionality. The causes of the pathology may be
Location of the pancreas
All about magnetic resonance imaging of the pancreas
MRI of the pancreas allows you to obtain a layer-by-layer image of the organ and surrounding tissues, and is used as
Woman coughing
Symptoms and treatment of stomach cough in adults and children
Causes and characteristics of the pathology To find out whether there can be a cough due to pathologies of the stomach, you should
Mixed gastritis of the stomach
Classification of mixed gastritis and its therapy
Mixed gastritis is an ambiguous form of the disease, in which symptoms and processes of different types are combined
Scheme of gastroscopy
Alternative to gastroscopy of the stomach: description of the procedure, review of similar studies
Esophagogastroduadenoscopy (EFGDS) is one of the most effective ways to diagnose diseases of the stomach, esophagus and duodenum
Ultrasound of the pancreas from preparation to decoding in simple words
Home Diseases and treatment Gastroenterology March 2, 2020, 20:05 Anna 3,474 No Pancreas
Potato juice
Chronic erosive antral gastritis treatment
September 15, 2018 Gastroenterology Ekaterina Ryzhkova Many people ask: “Antrum gastritis - what is it?
Anestezol suppositories photo
What suppositories for hemorrhoids can be used by a nursing mother without harm?
Hemorrhoids are a common problem among breastfeeding women. It may appear during pregnancy
Performing an oil enema: preparation algorithm, indications, contraindications
Implementation at home You can perform a cleansing enema both at home and in a medical clinic.
How to take the drug
How to drink Pirantel for adults for prevention
In what dosage and how many days should Pirantel syrup be given for worms and as a
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