When does colic go away in newborns? How to eliminate them?

Causes of intestinal colic

  1. Dietary disorders in a nursing mother. The baby experiences colic if the mother eats cabbage or other vegetables or abuses flour products and coffee.
  2. Overfeeding.
  3. Violation of feeding technique.

After feeding, hold your baby upright. The baby will regurgitate the excess air that it swallowed during sucking.

Inappropriate mixture. Children's intestines cannot process some components of the formula, so it is necessary to change it.

You also need to choose the right nipple for your bottle. produces nipples with bottles that specifically remove excess air.

  • During the first month of life, the baby’s digestive system is not yet adapted to the environment. It begins to become populated with many bacteria that are beneficial for digestion. The motility of the large and small intestines is not yet fully formed. Therefore, colic in newborn babies is an integral part of their life.
  • Spasms of intestinal smooth muscles.
  • There is a stereotype that colic occurs more often in boys. This is wrong. Colic in girls, just like in boys, occurs with the same frequency and does not depend on the nation and the nature of feeding.
  • For more information on what normal stool should be like for a baby, see the article by a pediatric surgeon.

How to help a child with colic?

Gas and colic in newborns can be alleviated by certain measures.

  1. Give your baby some dill water.
  2. Place your baby on his stomach more often. This will help form proper bowel function. It is better to do this 30 minutes before feeding.
  3. Colic in a baby can be relieved by placing a warm towel or a heating pad with warm water on his stomach.
  4. Tummy massage for a newborn. With a warm hand, lightly stroke clockwise, preferably before and after your next meal.
  5. Every mother should understand how to breastfeed correctly. Indeed, when the baby’s lips do not close completely around the areola, the child swallows excess air, which leads to the accumulation of gases.
  6. The manifestations of colic in infants can be reduced by walking in the fresh air or rocking.
  7. Gas outlet pipe. Place the child on his side, pressing his legs to his stomach. Be sure to lubricate the tip of the tube with baby cream and carefully insert it into the anus.

If there is an accumulation of gases in the intestine itself, this method will not help, unless the gases have accumulated at the base of the anus.

  • Medicines to help with colic.
  • can relieve the symptoms of gas formation :

  • reducing the level of gas formation (Espumizan baby, Bobotik, Sub Simplex);
  • agents that remove gases from the intestines (activated carbon, Smecta);
  • restoring intestinal microflora (Linex, Bifiform).
  • Review of drugs for intestinal colic


    Simethicone solution. Given before or after breastfeeding.

    When artificial feeding is added to the bottle. Dosage for children under one year of age: 25 drops (per day). Shake before use.

    Bobotik - simethicone emulsion

    It is a suspension with a fairly pleasant taste. Reduces the surface tension of gas bubbles. Taken according to the instructions in the age-specific dosage. Drops can be diluted with water. After the symptoms disappear, the medicine is discontinued.

    Plantex - a magical remedy for colic

    The basis of the medicine is fennel. Its action is similar to dill. The contents of the sachet are dissolved in 100 ml of water. You can give it to your baby from the first days of life.

    When does colic go away in newborns? Infant colic is not a disease. Their best healers are time, patience and the above tips, thanks to which it will be easier for the child to endure this condition.

    Many young and even experienced parents, when a baby is born, are tormented by questions about up to what age colic in newborns persists and how to avoid it. It should be noted that every child is special, and there is no clear boundary for the period of this unpleasant illness. In most cases, colic stops by three to four months of the baby's life.


    It is possible to help your child and alleviate his condition at home:

    1. Dill water. The first method of any mother and grandmother. It will help relieve spasms in the intestines, remove internal inflammatory processes, have an antimicrobial effect, restore appetite, prevent constipation, and normalize sleep in infants.
    2. Before eating, place the baby on his stomach. Do this in 30 minutes. The action will help remove gases and bring the intestinal tract into working condition.
    3. If colic has already begun, a warm towel will help reduce the pain. You need to put the baby on the stomach and massage it lightly, allowing the gases to escape.
    4. Abdominal massage is done daily. Hands should be warm. Movements are made clockwise. The procedure is carried out before and after feeding.
    1. If the baby takes the breast correctly, much less air will get in.
    2. Fresh air helps the colic disappear quickly. You need to walk your child outside more often.
    3. Pharmacies sell a gas outlet pipe. It must be used carefully so as not to damage the child’s rectum. The baby is laid on his side, his legs are bent at the knees, and a tube pre-lubricated with Vaseline is inserted into the anus. This procedure is done until the baby’s age allows him to cope with the illness on his own.
    4. Use medications prescribed by a doctor.

    The use of medications is sometimes a necessary necessity when other methods do not help. Prescribed only by a doctor. Application is carried out according to medical recommendations.

    • Espumisan. Available in the form of a suspension. To alleviate the baby's condition, give 25 drops per day. The dose is spread throughout the day, given before and after meals. For artificial users, the drug is added to the bottle.
    • Bobotik. Available in the form of an emulsion. Helps reduce the density of gas bubbles and has a pleasant taste. Take according to instructions, diluted with water. When the colic stops, the medication is discontinued.

    Remedies from a folk pharmacy will also be of great help. Unlike medications, medicinal herbs have no contraindications or side effects. But consultation with a doctor is necessary to understand which folk remedies are acceptable to use.

    1. Chamomile tea will calm the baby and help him relax, which will make the process of gases leaving the intestines easy and painless. It is enough to take 1 tsp. herbs and pour a glass of boiling water. The mixture is infused for 30 minutes. The tea is cooled and 20 g is given.
    2. Herbal baths. Taking water procedures using medicinal herbs helps calm and alleviate the baby’s condition and prevents excessive gas production.

    Colic in a newborn causes prolonged and intense bouts of crying. This state of the baby is especially unpleasant for parents, because the child’s suffering occurs for no apparent reason, and no way to calm the baby helps or brings peace. These episodes often occur in the evening, when the parents themselves are tired.

    A baby's colic usually peaks when he is about 6 weeks old and decreases significantly after 3-4 months.

    Although excessive crying will subside over time, treating colic adds significant stress to caring for a newborn baby.

    Parents can take steps that can reduce the severity and duration of colic episodes and reduce stress levels.

    Confidence in the bond between parents and children will also be strengthened.

    Fussiness and crying are normal for babies, especially during the first three months.

    It is difficult to determine when a newborn’s crying is a physiological norm or becomes pathological.

    You should suspect colic if your baby cries for three or more hours a day, three or more days a week, for three or more weeks.

    Parents should be aware of the characteristics of colic, which may include the following:

    • Strong crying that may sound more like a scream or an expression of pain.

    • Crying for no apparent reason, as opposed to expressing hunger or the need to change a diaper.

    • Extreme fussiness did not improve even after crying.

    • Episodes often occur in the evening.

    • Changes in complexion, such as redness or paleness of the skin around the mouth.

    • Body tension. These include tight or tense legs, arms, clenched fists, an arched back, or a hard belly.

    Sometimes the signs of colic improve after the baby passes gas or starts having bowel movements.

    This probably occurs as a result of air being swallowed during prolonged crying.

    The causes of colic are not fully known. Possible factors that can lead to colic are:

    Causes of colic

    The term “colic” in pediatrics refers to intestinal spasms that are caused by increased gas formation and changes in the function of the intestinal tract.

    At the moment there is no single reason to explain this phenomenon.

    Scientists only make assumptions about what may be the cause of abdominal pain in infants.

    One of the reasons is considered to be imperfect functioning of the digestive organs in children. Since, while still in the womb, the fetus was fed directly through the umbilical cord, and immediately after birth the method of eating changed, the child’s body does not have time to rebuild and therefore experiences some changes. This is where these unpleasant spasms appear, which cause discomfort to the baby and cause confusion and fear in parents.

    Symptoms of colic

    Usually, it is not difficult for parents to understand that the baby has developed colic. Here are the signs and symptoms that indicate that this “big little” problem has not bypassed you.

      The baby's worries began two weeks after birth. As a rule, it is at this time that colic makes itself felt.

    Pain in a newborn during colic is usually paroxysmal. Mostly colic makes itself felt in the evening and can last for several hours.

    The child draws his legs in, moves them, and cries a lot, often so much that nothing can calm him down, not even his mother’s breast.

    If you touch a newborn’s tummy during periods of attacks, you will see that it is enlarged and swollen, quite hard.

    • In this case, immediately after stool or passing gas, the baby feels relief and calms down.

    Symptoms of intestinal colic in a child

    Colic in newborns does not go away without leaving a trace; it is usually accompanied by several symptoms. Colic can be compared to abdominal pain, which an adult can endure, but for a baby they are very unpleasant and unusual. This is why babies cry a lot when they experience this pain. In addition to heartbreaking crying, the child’s face turns red from overexertion. When colic occurs, the tummy often swells and becomes hard. The baby can jerk his arms and legs and press them to his tummy. Some children close their eyes in pain, while others, on the contrary, leave them wide open.

    Such sharp pain provokes anxiety in the child and long, tearful crying. It is very different from crying, which communicates the need to eat. After sudden movements, the child may pass gas, which can completely relieve this pain. Often after this phenomenon, colic goes away completely. This way the baby is freed from excess air in the intestines, which could cause the disease.

    How to relieve your baby from pain

    The fight against intestinal colic usually consists of finding an individual approach. Although there is not yet a single cure for the disease, some parents use modern medicines or resort to traditional medicine. In order not to force your child to endure pain, it is worth trying several methods and finding the most suitable treatment method for him.

    When a little person develops colic and starts crying loudly and violently, parents need to pull themselves together and calm down. If mom or dad are nervous, their condition will certainly be passed on to the baby, which will further aggravate the situation. Therefore, restrain your emotions and experiences and be extremely calm. Then you need to begin to directly get rid of the disease.

    Many mothers simply heat the diaper a little with an iron and then place it on the baby’s tummy. After this, the symptoms may go away, and the child will begin to rejoice and smile again. Also, stroking the tummy clockwise can sometimes help relieve pain. In this case, circular movements on the abdomen and heat from the hand are effective.

    In some cases, breastfeeding helps. So the baby forgets himself a little and calms down over time. After eating, he may even fall asleep. But it also happens that a child cannot eat because of pain and refuses to breastfeed with loud crying. Don’t be alarmed, he’s just getting in the way of air, which you can get rid of with another stroke or by holding the baby upright.

    When no remedy works, some modern parents turn to medications. Now there are many different drugs on the market that do not harm the baby’s health and help him avoid colic. Such medications are suitable even for very young children. However, you should never self-medicate. To start taking this or that drug, you need to consult with your children's doctor. He can prescribe medications according to the symptoms and health of the baby.

    When does colic go away in newborns: when does it start and end?

    The content of the article:

    Colic, what is this phenomenon

    The body of a person who has just given birth is not perfect, especially with regard to the digestive and nervous systems. Cramps in the baby’s abdomen, accompanied by pain, in simple words colic, occur due to frequent stretching of the intestinal walls by gases, and they can form due to various kinds of reasons.

    It is not at all difficult to determine when children begin to experience colic and when their anxiety is associated with illness. During intestinal spasms, the baby begins to cry a lot and pull his legs towards his stomach. If changing position, rocking, or stroking the tummy did not help, then the answer is very simple, he is tormented by colic.

    Recently, doctors answer the question of when colic goes away, when it starts and how long it lasts, with a very simple answer. Parents of infants need to be prepared for such a simple and well-known rule: spasms most often begin to bother them from three weeks of age, last no more than 3 hours a day and can be forgotten about three months after birth.

    What causes colic

    There are many reasons that lead to spasms in the intestines of a newborn; the doctor can determine what causes this in a particular child, but the baby’s parents should also be aware of them in order to prevent their occurrence if possible. To say exactly how long colic lasts in newborns, you need to know what it’s connected with:

    • • poor functioning of the digestive system;
    • • not yet matured neuromuscular system;
    • • immature intestines;
    • • constipation;
    • • non-compliance with the diet by a nursing mother;
    • • swallowing air during feeding;
    • • violation of the technological process when preparing infant formula;
    • • weak muscles in the abdominal area.

    To say exactly how long colic lasts in newborns, you need to know what causes it.

    How to help a child with cramps?

    If the baby has all the symptoms described above, then there is no need to wait until the spasms end and he stops being capricious. In this case, you can help him get rid of them faster using traditional or folk methods. When colic in newborns ends, not only the child, but also his parents feel relief, so you should not wait for this moment, but you can do everything possible to speed it up.

    1. Traditional methods. Massage the tummy, hold it close to you, place the baby with his stomach on your chest. By contacting one of the parents, the child calms down, feeling warmth and a familiar smell. It is very useful to massage your stomach every day. It is very useful to take warm baths, walk more often in the fresh air and do exercises every morning.
    2. Medications. Currently, the pharmacy sells a huge number of drugs that will help your baby cope with colic. One of the popular remedies is fennel tea. It tastes good and is healthy.
    3. Traditional methods. A good and proven method is to take a decoction of dill seeds. You can also give water with chamomile. The concentration of herbal tea should be minimal.

    When babies' colic goes away, a smile appears on their face, they play and fall asleep very quickly.

    How can you tell if the spasms have stopped?

    It is very difficult to determine exactly at what age a baby’s abdominal cramps end, because they are replaced by anxiety due to the appearance of teeth. You can tell when colic in newborns goes away by their good mood, which lasts quite a long time. If earlier in the evening he cried, now he smiles and plays more.

    Parents of a newborn child must remember that colic in the stomach does not in any way affect the baby’s health. Just a few months will pass and you can forget about them. It is impossible to say exactly until what age colic in newborns will bother not only them, but also their parents. This is due to the reasons for their appearance, the state of the child’s health and other factors. But in most cases they go away after 3 months from the day of birth, in extreme cases they can last up to 6 months of life, but this happens very rarely. To make this time less tragic, you need to help the baby in every possible way, and then they will not cause serious problems to either the parents or the baby.


    Prevention of colic

    The most important measure to prevent colic in children who are breastfed is the mother's menu. If she eats cabbage, legumes, seasonings, sauces, and even in some cases plain milk, then the baby’s tummy pain cannot be avoided. This applies to those parents whose infants are under six months of age. Therefore, in order to prevent colic in your baby, you need to worry about your diet in advance.

    As modern pediatricians advise, after each feeding the baby should be held in an upright position for 5-15 minutes. In this case, if there was air in his stomach, it can come out after a while, which will help avoid colic. Another preventative measure is to place the baby on his tummy before starting feeding. An important point is the nutritional norm. There is no need to overfeed the baby, as this can also cause abdominal pain in the newborn. Try not to keep your baby hungry, because this will cause him to eat faster and more than his norm, while swallowing air.


    The occurrence of colic is provoked by a variety of factors. The child's body is individual, only a doctor can correctly determine the source. But parents should also know what causes increased gas formation.

    Cause of colic in newborns:

    • Digestive system, intestines. After birth, the baby's digestion process is not established.
    • Nervous system. After birth, the neuromuscular system is not ready for stress.
    • Constipation. Often due to an incompletely formed intestinal tract, food stagnation occurs.
    • Mom's nutrition. The baby's life depends on the mother. Failure to follow the diet leads to excessive production of gases in the baby’s intestines.
    • Swallowing air.
    • Incorrect process for preparing artificial formula.
    • The muscles of the abdominal region are weakened.

    During feeding, the baby is able to grasp the nipple incorrectly, which leads to swallowing a large amount of air along with the milk. Or, when crying, air enters the stomach.

    After feeding, gases collect in the stomach and then pass into the intestines. To prevent this situation, you need to hold the baby in an upright position for a little while. When the belching goes away, you should put the baby down.

    If excess air enters the baby’s stomach during meals, it is worth taking short breaks and allowing excess gases to escape.

    If there is a lack of breast milk in the mother or if it is not nutritious enough for the baby, feeding is done with infant formula or cow's milk.

    Allergies to these products may occur, diarrhea and excess gas may appear. To prevent the situation from worsening, you need to change the mixture.

    If the mother produces more milk than necessary, the baby is able to overeat, which will contribute to the accumulation of gases as a result of the inability to digest food. The difficulty lies in the digestive system, which is not ready to accept large volumes. It is worth reducing the portion size and increasing the number of feedings.

    A similar situation can arise in a baby who is on artificial feeding. In this case, you can control the amount of baby formula eaten. Limit the volume to 100 ml, but offer to eat more often.

    Premature babies often suffer from lactose intolerance. Their intestines produce insufficient quantities of the enzyme responsible for the breakdown of milk sugar. As a result, processes of fermentation, rotting, and increased production of gases begin in the organ. As the baby grows, the body becomes stronger and the normal amount of enzyme production is restored. Lactose is digestible.

    Natural breast milk supplies the child's body with the necessary bifidobacteria. When a baby's diet consists of formula milk, his intestines become deficient in the microorganisms necessary for digestion. The body of such infants contains other bacteria: lactoorganisms and microbes. With a decrease in immune defense, microbes begin to multiply rapidly, which leads to negative consequences. In food located in the intestinal tract, putrefactive processes develop, this provokes the production of more gases, resulting in colic and constipation. Premature babies suffer from colic much longer than those born at term and fed breast milk. For such children, the unpleasant sensations will end in about six months.

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    — 16.10.2017 16.10.2017 2 27710

    Quite recently, the meaning of your life was born - a baby to whom you are ready to give all of yourself without a trace. For two weeks he regularly sucks the breast with appetite every two and a half, three hours, then sleeps. You devote all your time only to him - there is not a minute left for yourself. You admire every moment spent together, enjoy every little thing. Now he looked at you, now he smiled in his sleep, now he raised his legs and arms... Joy is darkened only when the child begins to cry.

    The cause of crying may be colic in the baby.

    At what age does colic begin?

    Two to three weeks after birth, for two to three months, babies are tormented by spasms and gas formation, which they are unable to cope with on their own. Newborns try to pull their legs towards their tummy, which after feeding becomes hard and very tense. Babies often lose gas, they often spit up, their daily routine is disrupted, their sleep and appetite are spoiled. These are the main symptoms of colic in newborns.

    If your child suddenly develops a fever, colic has absolutely nothing to do with it - take him to the doctor immediately, the matter is much more serious.

    Why does infant colic occur?

    There are quite a few reasons. The baby’s gastrointestinal tract has just begun to adapt to human food and reacts instantly not only to any changes in the composition of mother’s milk.

    – If the baby does not sufficiently grasp the mother’s breast during feeding, air enters the tummy along with the milk and begins to “walk” there, causing infant colic. Pay attention to whether the baby is sucking correctly - he should grasp the areola of the breast along with the nipple. Some babies suck too greedily, avidly, in which case air also gets into the intestines.

    – When bottle-feeding, pay attention to the size of the hole in the nipple on the bottle. If it is too big, replace it, otherwise air will also enter the baby's tummy, causing colic.

    – When overfeeding, the baby’s milk does not have time to digest and begins to ferment. Gases in the intestines cause colic in a newborn. This happens more often with artificial nutrition.

    – What if the formula for a newborn was chosen incorrectly or had to be replaced urgently, or perhaps was not prepared according to the instructions? Or have you decided to switch to cow's milk? Then get ready for colic in a newborn.

    – If the baby constantly lies on his back or tummy, colic also begins to bother him. After all, our body is adapted to walking upright. Hold your baby upright for a while after feeding. You will feel when the excess air comes out and the baby will feel better.

    – Oddly enough, frequent crying can also cause colic. Because when crying a lot, the child also swallows a lot of air. Don't let the kids cry.

    – The diet of a nursing mother is practically the main cause of infant colic. What a nursing mother eats must pass to the baby through breast milk. Take a close look at your menu.

    Time to stop colic

    As a rule, doctors focus on the third month. The child's body is individual, the timing may vary. Pay attention to the baby's nutrition, trying to cure the ailment.

    Feeding with breast milk restores the intestinal microflora much faster than formula milk. This happens due to the presence of beneficial bacteria, substances that are not found in artificial porridge. In a breastfed baby, the period of anxiety will last up to 3-4 months. Then the baby will become calm.

    An incorrectly selected formula will cause the child and parents to suffer for 4 to 6 months. The choice is made together with the doctor. He will tell you the composition necessary for the baby. A correctly selected and prepared mixture will help restore microflora in the intestinal tract.

    Mother's menu against colic in a child

    What foods that cause colic in a newborn should a nursing mother avoid?

    These are carbonated drinks, including kvass, raw vegetables - peas, beans, corn, white cabbage, broccoli, grapes, plums, mayonnaise, ketchup, cucumbers, all smoked meats and pickles. Bread, buns, cakes and pastries also contribute to the appearance of colic in infants.

    What is best for a nursing mother to eat so that the baby does not have colic?

    Foods that cause colic - mom's menu Any cereals, boiled soups, broths, lean boiled meat, boiled vegetables (potatoes, carrots, beets, tomatoes, sweet peppers, pumpkin), natural fermented milk products (sour cream, kefir, natural yogurt).

    Young mothers, after reading this list, will most likely be indignant and will not want to go on such a diet. Everyone has their own choice - what is more important to you: the well-being of your baby, your restful sleep or a piece of cake?

    How to help a child with colic?

    Usually, colic goes away when the baby reaches three months of age, and the whole family breathes a sigh of relief. But for more than two months something needs to be done!

    How can you relieve your baby’s suffering on your own?

    First, watch your baby while feeding to see if he is fully grasping the areola and not swallowing air. Help him with your hands.

    Secondly, after feeding, hold him upright for a few minutes. And as soon as the air comes out, the baby will feel better, and colic will not bother him much.

    Thirdly, if a newborn has an attack of colic, apply a warm diaper to the tummy. She will help the gas trucks move away and calm him down.

    Fourth, do special gymnastics with your baby to stimulate intestinal function. Alternately press his legs to his tummy for several minutes. Just not immediately after feeding, otherwise he will start burping heavily.

    Fifth, massage your tummy: rub it in a gentle, circular motion clockwise for a few minutes over your tummy. Then press your baby's legs to your tummy. You will feel the gas coming out. You can sing a song or talk gently to the baby - this will calm him down. Start the massage about half an hour after feeding and repeat it after each feeding.

    What to do for colic at home?

    Colic is, indeed, a problem that can be treated at home and does not require medication or constant medical supervision.

    — It is important to understand that there is no magic remedy that will relieve a baby of colic. You all just need to get through this period. However, parents have quite a lot of ways to help a newborn, namely to reduce pain and minimize colic, says Anna Levadnaya. - They are simple and effective.

    What to do during an attack of colic.

    1. Give your baby a tummy massage, movements should go clockwise.
    2. Place the baby on his stomach.
    3. Place a warm diaper or heating pad on the abdominal area.
    4. Press the newborn's legs towards the tummy, hold in this position, repeat this action several times.
    5. Place your baby on your stomach; skin-to-skin contact helps your newborn calm down.
    6. Carry your baby in your arms, including in a sling, in the “Buddha” position.
    7. To comfort your baby, use sounds, for example, “white noise”, or you can sing him a song.
    8. Give your baby a bath - this will help the newborn relax and unwind.
    9. If you are nervous at this moment, give the child to dad or grandma, and go for a walk yourself, take a breath.
    10. Try different feeding positions, feed while rocking.

    As a last resort, if none of what we have listed helped, you can use a gas outlet tube. A special one for newborns can be purchased at the pharmacy; carefully read the instructions. The catheter should be inserted to a depth of no more than 2 cm, the tip should be pre-lubricated with oil or Vaseline.

    Using a heating pad

    A heating pad can indeed relieve an attack of colic in a newborn. Under the influence of heat, the muscles relax, this can facilitate better removal of gases, and the baby calms down. It is important for parents to know that they should not use a heating pad if there is a suspicion of inflammatory processes in the abdominal organs or if the baby is feeling generally unwell (fever, vomiting). Therefore, before using a heating pad, it would be a good idea to consult with your pediatrician.

    There are several types of heating pads. The most convenient and effective for use in newborns are considered to be heating pads with salt or gel filling, as well as fillings made from cherry pits or barley husks. These heating pads are simple and easy to use, retain heat for quite a long time, and are hypoallergenic.

    It is important to carefully read the instructions before use and follow all operating rules. For example, before placing a gel heating pad on a newborn’s tummy, it must be wrapped in a diaper so as not to burn the baby. In general, it is very important to control the degree of heating: the heating pad you will use should be warm, but not hot.

    An alternative to a heating pad can also be a warm diaper heated with an iron, however, it loses heat quite quickly.

    Folk remedies

    Among the so-called folk remedies that are believed to help with colic are mainly decoctions or infusions of various herbs. For example, solutions with fennel, anise, lemon balm, chamomile. Grandmothers will certainly advise you to give your baby dill water or drink it yourself. Moreover, today it is not necessary to prepare such a decoction yourself; dill water can be bought at the pharmacy.

    “There have been no large-scale studies of natural herbal and homeopathic preparations; their effectiveness has not been proven,” says Anna Levadnaya. – Therefore, they are not recommended for use in children to treat colic. In addition, they can reduce the amount of breast milk consumed and cause allergic and other adverse reactions.


    Tummy massage is a good way to relieve a colicky newborn. It is recommended to do it not only during attacks, but to repeat it regularly. It helps relieve spasms, facilitate the passage of gas, distract and calm the baby.

    Massage should be done no earlier than 30-40 minutes after feeding. The temperature in the room should be comfortable - 22-24 degrees, your hands should be warm, there should be no rings or other objects on them that could injure the baby. It is good to bathe the newborn before the massage, and also to put a warm diaper on the tummy, this will enhance the effect of the procedure.

    How to do a massage. The technique is not complicated. Remember that your movements should be slow, soft, smooth. The main ones are circular movements with the inside of the palm over the tummy, clockwise. Also make stroking movements from top to bottom, moving from left to right and in the opposite direction. The duration of the massage can be about 10 minutes. At the end of the procedure, bend the baby’s legs at the knees and press them to the tummy, fix this position for a minute or two. Repeat several times.

    Drugs against infant colic

    Some medications help in the fight against colic. There are three types of such drugs.

    These are drugs based on simethicone, probiotics, enzyme and herbal preparations.

    Simethicone is a substance that fights the formation of gas in the intestines of newborns, providing pain relief and eliminating the symptoms of colic in infants. This product is not absorbed into the blood, it has no contraindications or side effects, so it is completely harmless even for infants.

    Simethicone is part of Espumisan. Where, besides it, only natural components are present. "Espumizan" is used from the birth of the baby.

    Along with it, Sub-Simplex is good, which also includes simethicone and natural herbs against colic in infants.

    Bobotik drops also contain simethicone, but they are taken from the age of 28 days.

    Bobotik for colic in newborns Probiotics are based on lacto- and bifidobacteria. They help the intestines of a newborn, who does not yet have enough bacteria to process food.

    Products with probiotics: “Bifiform”, “Bifidumbacterin”, “Acepol”. They are completely harmless to the baby, but still, let the doctor prescribe them for you, he will find a more suitable probiotic for the baby.

    Enzyme products

    Their action is based on the fact that they help to absorb breast milk or formula, that is, break them down. These products include: “Creon”, “Mezim”, “Lactazar”. The components of the latter break down milk sugar and are indicated for babies with lactase deficiency.

    Herbal medicines are based on traditional medicine

    An infusion of ordinary dill or chamomile seeds, as well as cumin and anise, helps against infant colic. You can prepare this infusion yourself.

    Pharmacies also have ready-made herbal medicines. For example "Bebinos". It contains completely safe chamomile, coriander and fennel, which relieve the symptoms of colic.

    Baby Calm drops contain mint, anise and fennel. They relieve spasms in babies very well, soothe the tummy, and relieve gas.

    Treatment methods

    If your baby is experiencing the symptoms described above, don't just sit and wait for him to calm down and stop crying. When colic in newborns goes away, it becomes easier not only for them, but also for their parents. In order to speed up the process of getting rid of this unpleasant and painful illness, you can use traditional and folk methods of treatment. As soon as the child’s torment ends, life in the family improves.


    To save a newborn from such an unpleasant illness as intestinal colic, you can use simple tricks. For example, try to calm your child down. The more nervous and capricious he is, the longer he will be bothered by abdominal pain. Massage his belly, hug him, put his tummy on your chest. Contact with the body of the mother or father always has a calming effect. Another useful technique is daily abdominal massage.

    The more active the baby, the easier it is to cope with gastrointestinal problems. It’s a good idea to give him swims in the bathroom, walks in the fresh air, and exercise daily. Since such problems are most often associated with the child being in a horizontal position for a long time, it is necessary to hold him “in a column” more often, that is, vertically, especially after feeding, so that the baby has the opportunity to burp the air accumulated in the stomach. To prevent excessive swallowing of milk along with milk, you need to ensure that the baby's lips are tightly pressed around the mother's nipple or pacifier. If you are feeding your baby from a bottle, you can use special attachments. These nipples have a special structure. The valve prevents air from being swallowed.

    Particular attention also applies to food products for newborns. Some nutritious infant formulas are additionally fortified with prebiotics and probiotics, which reduce the risk of colic. In addition to using only age-appropriate ingredients, the mother herself also needs to follow a diet. This is done to avoid problems associated with food allergies. A nursing mother must monitor her diet.

    Often, babies are relieved of accumulated air in the tummy using a simple device called a gas tube. It can be bought at any pharmacy or made from a small rubber bulb for enemas. Lubricate one end with cream or Vaseline and insert into the anus. Apply gentle pressure to your baby's tummy.

    If your baby cannot calm down for a long time, try giving him a drug based on simethicone. This substance affects accumulated gases and effectively fights colic and flatulence. However, first you should definitely consult your pediatrician.


    If a newborn begins to experience colic, and there are no suitable medications at hand, you can try to eliminate the disease using traditional medicine. These are, of course, various useful decoctions. Some of them are generally recommended to be given periodically to babies up to 4 months of age to prevent not only colic, but also the development of certain types of intestinal infections. Drinking this way also makes it easier to digest dairy products.

    Decoctions based on dill and fennel seeds are recognized as the most effective remedies against intestinal diseases. You can also use water with chamomile infusion. Children's medicinal herbal teas cope well with this task. Add them to your drinking water bottle. The concentration of the medicinal decoction should be small, since the child’s body is not yet able to quickly cope with new products. Start feeding your baby with them around the 10th day of life.

    The duration of the course depends on the frequency of colic. For some children, it is enough to give 1 tbsp. l. decoction once a day, while others need to drink 3 spoons of infusion daily.

    As soon as your newborn starts having colic, you should not ignore this problem. Indeed, in rare cases, they can be a signal of a serious health problem. However, knowing the approximate age of the child when he is susceptible to colic, you can predict the development of events in advance. There is no need to panic if your baby cries and is fussy due to bloating. However, you shouldn’t just wait until they go away on their own. Help your child cope with this torment and ease his suffering. Moreover, it is quite easy to do this even without the help of a doctor. Mother's care is the best medicine for a child.

    Do you have any questions? Ask them in the comments and our consultants will definitely try to answer them.

    What to do if colic lasts too long?

    Observe your baby after three months of age. If he continues to scream after feeding, press his legs to his tummy and nothing helps him, be sure to call the pediatrician. Let him order a detailed examination. When the cause of colic is found, the doctor will select the appropriate treatment. Maybe it will be special gymnastics or massage, or maybe drug treatment. Also, most likely, you will have to reconsider the nutrition of the nursing mother or the quality of the formula if the baby is bottle-fed.

    Together with your pediatrician, you need to step by step consider the lifestyle of both you and your baby. And find a joint solution to this problem.

    Be sure to call a doctor if your baby cries continuously for several hours in a row, and you cannot calm him down, and no remedy helps.

    Loss of appetite, high fever, and abdominal pain are more serious symptoms. The cause may be some kind of infection. In this case, also call a doctor immediately.

    Tummy problems can arise at any age - first due to colic, then when teeth are cut, then when switching to complementary foods. Do not hesitate to consult a doctor in every case - it will be better for your baby, and therefore peace of mind for you.

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