How to take Ranitidine for gastritis

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05/30/2016 Category: MedicinesAuthor: Sergey Izmailov

Ranitidine is one of the most effective drugs for the treatment of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. This remedy has proven its effectiveness with positive results even in the most severe cases, including improving the well-being of patients in intensive care.

Medicinal properties

  • 1 Medicinal properties 1.1 Dosage
  • 1.2 Release form
  • 2 Medical indications for use
      2.1 Complex therapy
  • 2.2 What diseases does Ranitidine treat?
  • 3 Contraindications
      3.1 Side effects
  • 3.2 Symptoms of side effects
  • 4 Compatibility with other drugs
      4.1 Effect on certain groups of drugs
  • Ranitidine has a wide spectrum of action. First of all, it has the following therapeutic effect:

    • regulates the amount of digestive juice produced by the stomach, which significantly reduces the likelihood of increased acidity;
    • reduces the concentration of hydrochloric acid in the stomach cavity;
    • significantly reduces the level of pepsin production.


    The drug should be prescribed exclusively by the attending physician. He also chooses the appropriate form of this drug and its dosage. A specialist must also monitor its use, which cannot be said about independent use.

    Release form

    Ranitidine is available in both tablet and solution forms. This explains its versatility, since this medicine can be used either orally or in people who, for some physiological reason, cannot absorb drugs in solid form.

    Side effects

    When taking Ranitidine, the occurrence of negative side effects cannot be ruled out, from various systems and organs:

    • Gastrointestinal organs - stool disorders (diarrhea or constipation), extremely rarely - the development of drug-induced hepatitis;
    • Central nervous system – rarely, patients report headache and dizziness. In isolated cases, seizures may occur;
    • hematopoietic system – decreased platelet count (rare); with long-term treatment with large doses, leukopenia may develop;
    • hormonal system: with long-term use, it is possible to increase the level of prolactin, which leads to tension in the mammary glands. Women may miss menstruation, men may develop sexual weakness;
    • individual reactions - rarely urticaria, bronchospasms, decreased blood pressure, and in isolated cases - anaphylactic shock.

    The likelihood of developing negative side effects increases with an overdose. Therefore, it is necessary to strictly adhere to the recommendations of the gastroenterologist.

    Medical indications for use

    Ranitidine is considered a drug that helps get rid of heartburn. Indeed, this remedy relieves the unpleasant symptoms of this disease. However, the nature of heartburn is more complex. As a rule, it occurs due to the return of stomach contents, including gastric juices, to the lower parts of the esophagus. The reason for this may be increased stomach acidity, as well as the presence of other chronic diseases of the digestive tract, such as gastritis, ulcers and others. The mechanism of action of this drug is that it is precisely due to its direct effect on gastric secretion that it can be used to eliminate the burning sensation.

    Complex therapy

    Most often, Ranitidine is prescribed in combination with other medications, as a result of which its effectiveness increases and this helps to cope with the disease much faster and practically eliminate the likelihood of relapses. This is due to its wide spectrum of action. Moreover, thanks to the convenient liquid form in which this drug is produced, it can be used as an additional adjuvant even in the presence of complications.

    What diseases does Ranitidine treat?

    This drug helps with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract such as:

    • dyspepsia of all forms and varieties;
    • gastritis;
    • peptic ulcers of both the stomach and nearby organs;
    • hemorrhages in the digestive tract, especially in its upper parts;
    • gastroesophageal disease, in which the stomach contracts and the contents return to the lower esophagus;
    • irritation of the mucous membrane of the digestive tract due to the use of aggressive medications or substances;
    • for burns from chemotherapy;
    • acute colitis, enterocolitis and other inflammatory diseases, including those of a chronic nature.


    The duration of treatment and dosage of Ranitidine depends on the patient’s diagnosis and, as a rule, is determined by the doctor. Before taking, be sure to read the instructions for use. In case of exacerbation of peptic ulcer in the gastrointestinal tract, accompanied by heartburn, oral administration of Ranitidine is prescribed, 1 tablet (150 mg) twice a day - morning and evening, or 300 mg once before bedtime. In some cases, the doctor may briefly increase the dosage to 450 mg per day.

    For the prevention of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, to prevent the development of ulcers, 1 dose of 150 mg per day is prescribed. As a rule, the medication is taken before bedtime.

    To eliminate the negative symptoms of pancreatic adenoma (the disease is also called Zollinger-Ellison syndrome), Ranitidine is prescribed, 2 tablets (300 mg) 3 times a day. In especially severe cases, the dosage is increased as prescribed by the doctor.

    If complications arise after surgery in the form of ulcerations of the mucous membrane of the gastrointestinal tract, 150 mg of the drug is prescribed twice a day. The course of treatment lasts approximately 30 days.

    To prevent exacerbation of the ulcer and to prevent bleeding, intramuscular or intravenous infusion of 50-100 mg of the drug is prescribed every 8 hours.

    To get rid of severe attacks of heartburn, drink 1 tablet (150 mg) of Ranitidine in the morning and evening.


    If you take Ranitidine for a long period or if the recommended dose is exceeded, the patient may develop an acute negative reaction of the body to the effects of the drug. The main symptoms of an adverse reaction and overdose include the following:

    • headache;
    • dizziness;
    • decrease in heart rate to 40 beats/min (bradycardia);
    • heart rhythm disturbance;
    • confusion;
    • hallucinations.

    If such negative symptoms occur while taking this drug, you should immediately stop taking the drug and consult a doctor for help. If you need to provide first aid in emergency cases, it is recommended to drink about a liter of warm boiled water, to which you need to add a few teaspoons of soda and a couple of potassium permanganate crystals. Then you need to take a drug that has adsorbing properties, for example, activated carbon.


    Like any other drug, Ranitidine cannot be prescribed for certain diseases.

    Contraindications to the use of Ranitidine are:

    • pregnancy, as well as lactation period;
    • increased sensitivity to blockers;
    • children's age, including up to 12 years of age;
    • kidney and liver diseases.

    Prescribing this drug to pregnant women is possible only if the effectiveness of its effects exceeds all possible risks from use both for the health and vital activity of the fetus and for the well-being of the mother.

    Side effects

    You should be especially careful when self-prescribing this medication. Unfortunately, patients do not always correctly calculate the dosage of this drug or take it without any reason. That is why before taking Ranitidine you should consult with your doctor. Moreover, this remedy can only be used for a certain time, after which the drug is replaced with analogues or discontinued, otherwise it will cause a reaction in the body.

    Symptoms of side effects

    Despite the harmless pharmacology and the almost completely studied mechanism of influence on the patient’s body, the effect of this drug can significantly affect well-being.

    Side effects may include the following symptoms:

    • loss of appetite, nausea, vomiting, as well as other digestive disorders;
    • changes in the quality of stool in different directions - both strengthening and weakening;
    • increased pressure, as well as ringing, noise or other extraneous sounds in the ears;
    • severe periodic headaches;
    • weakness, significant decline in performance;
    • the occurrence of pain in muscles and joints;
    • tachycardia, drop in pressure, pain and other disturbances in the activity of the heart;
    • sometimes – problems with potency;
    • decrease in the level of leukocytes, platelets;
    • allergic reactions such as swelling, urticaria and other manifestations are possible;
    • development of hepatitis, kidney and liver failure;
    • Even death cannot be ruled out.

    Taking the drug Ranitidine for gastritis

    A medication such as Ranitidine has a wide range of capabilities, in particular, its use allows you to normalize the amount of hydrochloric acid in the gastrointestinal tract. The drug reduces the level of elevated levels.

    If a doctor prescribes Ranitidine for gastritis, most likely the patient suffers from an acidic pH, which manifests itself in a number of diseases. If the patient purchases tablets, they must be taken only strictly according to the instructions of the attending physician in systematic courses.

    In fact, Ranitidine is a histamine blocker, its function is to reduce the volume of synthesized acid and exhibit an anti-ulcer effect, which is achieved due to an increase in the concentration of protective mucus.

    The drug "Ranitidine" helps patients who have a hypoacid type of inflammation of the mucous membrane, and at the same time there is a lack of digestive enzymes.

    Description of the drug

    "Ranitidine" for gastritis, as has been said, helps normalize acid levels. In pharmacies, this medication can be purchased in orange tablets. If necessary, you can buy medicine that will be in the form of injections. Another good option is effervescent tablets that can dissolve in lukewarm water.

    True, no matter what form Ranitidine is used, it will have the same effect on the patient’s body. First of all, the medication will reduce the production of gastric juice and help get rid of irritation on the walls of the stomach. At the same time, the drug will help relieve heartburn and activate local immunity.

    Analysis of urine

    Ranitidine should be excreted naturally through urine, one day after use. This drug is considered the latest generation drug, which has a lot of useful effects. Of course, the primary task of this medicine is to normalize the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, to make the conditions in it so favorable that it will help erosions and ulcers heal.

    The drug helps to instantly relieve the symptoms of gastritis, having an immunomodulatory effect on the body. In addition, regular use of the product as prescribed by your doctor will help cure rheumatoid arthritis and aspiration pneumonia.

    Despite the effect, which is aimed primarily at the gastrointestinal tract, the drug has virtually no effect on the thyroid gland and genitourinary system.

    Ranitidine is usually taken by people who have gastritis or stomach ulcers. The drug will be no less effective for heartburn, which provokes belching, for inflammation of the esophagus, which is caused by the return of acid, as well as for any stomach and intestinal disorders.

    Composition of the drug

    "Ranitidine" for gastritis helps to quickly get rid of the disease due to its composition, which contains ranitidine hypochloride. The powdered medicine has a pungent odor and bitter taste.

    Due to the fact that the medicine is a histamine blocker, it helps to reduce the efficiency of receptors that appear in the gastrointestinal tract. Patients who take this drug note its ability to quickly relieve pain.

    At the same time, the secretion of digestive juice decreases, the action of enzymes slows down, and a protective barrier is created for the cellular layer of the mucosa.

    If the tablets prescribed by your doctor are taken according to indications, Ranitidine will help minimize the work of the secretors that produce hydrogen chloride.

    They influence the development of Helicobacter bacteria in the body, being their main source of nutrition. The important fact is that pathogens help develop hyperacid gastritis and stomach ulcers.

    With regular consumption of Ranitidine in the indicated doses, you can quickly normalize acidity, achieving the death of bacteria without an antibiotic.

    Taking Ranitidine for the treatment of gastritis

    As a rule, doctors prescribe Ranitidine in the presence of gastritis, which has become chronic and has high acidity. The use of the drug is regulated by the attending physician; the dosage and frequency are adjusted depending on the individual.

    If we take the data from the instructions, adults should take 150 mg tablets 2 times. every day. Depending on the symptoms and picture of the disease, the medicine is sometimes taken only in the evening (once a day) in a double dose (300 mg each). As a rule, the achieved effect will last for at least 12 hours.

    It is worth considering that the drug should be taken regardless of food intake. You should not chew the tablets; it will be better if the patient drinks a glass of water after swallowing them. You can take the medication for 2 months. Most often, the drug in the form of injections is prescribed to prevent bleeding. Of course, alcohol and antacids should not be taken at the same time as the medicine.


    "Ranitidine" for gastritis helps to quickly and effectively relieve pain, improve the patient's condition, and normalize the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. However, before using it, you must consult a doctor who can prescribe the correct treatment, determine the optimal dosage, and frequency of administration.


    Compatibility with other drugs

    Like any other medicine, Ranitidine tends to react directly with other drugs. In order to adjust the strength of this blocker, its use should take into account its compatibility with other agents. It should be noted that this is a fairly impressive list of medications with a wide variety of effects. That is why, in order to avoid causing irreparable harm to health, the use of Ranitidine should be discussed with your doctor in advance.

    Effect on certain groups of drugs

    Ranitidine significantly weakens the effect of antifungal drugs. This fact must be taken into account when drawing up a treatment plan for this remedy.

    Conversely, there are drugs that weaken the effect of Ranitidine. These include antacids and sucralfates.

    In addition to the above remedies, the drug helps to significantly enhance the effect of Metoprolol, which should be taken into account for long-term use.

    Moreover, there is another group of drugs that can react with Ranitidine. This is a group of medications that target bone marrow suppression. The pharmacological properties of Ranitidine, in the case of parallel use, can lead to a decrease in a special number of leukocytes in the blood, namely neutrophils.

    It is worth remembering that during the course of treatment you should avoid eating foods such as fatty foods, alcohol, carbonated drinks and other stomach irritants.

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