Almagel or phosphalugel which is better for heartburn

"PHOSPHALUGEL": composition

The drug is produced in small sachets designed for one dose; the number of components depends on the weight of the drug in the bag: 16 or 20 grams. Both options are suitable for an adult. The gel is made from:

  • Aluminum phosphate: the active ingredient that provides the effect of taking the medicine. These are compounds of aluminum with orthophosphoric acid, as a result of which the PO group is attached to it. It occurs in nature in the form of minerals, is harmless to humans, and does not dissolve in water. In a sachet 16 g of aluminum phosphate is 10.4 g, 20 g is 12.38 grams.
  • 70 percent sorbitol: a hexahydric alcohol synthesized from glucose. It is usually added to cosmetics and medicines; a small amount of the substance is synthesized by the human body. In addition to the sweetish taste that it gives to the drug, sorbitol has a slight choleretic effect. Each package contains about 4 grams.
  • Ultra-small amounts of pectin and agar-agar: natural thickeners well known to culinary experts. Jams, jellies, and marmalades are made from them. Pectin is made from apples, agar-agar is made from seaweed.
  • Calcium phosphate: a chemical compound that is insoluble in water. In nature it is found in gypsum and chalk.
  • Calcium sorbate: a common food preservative.
  • A small amount of orange flavoring.
  • Distilled water: it is used as a solvent for the components and gives the medicine the desired consistency.

The additives used in the preparation of the drug are contained in very small dosages (hundredths of a gram). They give the desired consistency, sweetish taste, and pleasant smell. They do not react with each other and are safe for health.

Composition, release form

Clinical and pharmacological group: antacid drug. Phosphalugel is produced in the form of a white gel with an orange aroma. The product is stored in sachets of 16/20 g, 20 pcs. in cardboard packaging.

The main active ingredient is aluminum phosphate gel. Leads to a decrease in pepsin levels, normalizes pH, acidity, eliminates pain, and promotes normal functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.

In addition to the main component, the drug includes auxiliary ingredients: sorbitol, pectin, potassium sorbate, calcium sulfate dihydrate, agar-agar, orange flavor.

How does it affect the body? (Pharmacodynamics)

At the same time, phosphalugel has an anticidal, enveloping effect on the mucous membrane of the stomach and esophagus, and works as a sorbent:

  • aluminum salt neutralizes hydrochloric acid in gastric juice, calcium phosphate has the same effect;
  • a decrease in the concentration of hydrochloric acid leads to a decrease in the activity of pepsin, a digestive enzyme that begins to digest proteins in the stomach;
  • evenly distributed throughout the mucous membrane of the stomach and esophagus, forming a protective film, reducing irritation, pain, heartburn;
  • collects waste products of bacteria living in the gastrointestinal tract and other toxins;
  • stimulates intestinal motility, due to increased secretion of bile into the intestinal lumen.

Phosphalugel works in the lumen of the gastrointestinal tract, it is not absorbed into the blood, and maintains the physiological pH of gastric juice. Thanks to these features, it can be used during pregnancy (2nd - 3rd trimester - the time when the stomach is pressed by the enlarged uterus, part of its contents can enter the esophagus, causing heartburn). There is no reliable information about cases of overdose of this medicine, but with prolonged, constant use, calcium and aluminum salts can act as fixatives and cause constipation. The only treatment for such an overdose is to reduce the amount of phosphalugel (similar medications) taken per day and use a laxative.

Characteristics of active ingredients

In fact, these drugs are not considered complete analogues, since they contain different active ingredients. Phosphalugel is aluminum phosphate in gel form. Almagel contains aluminum hydroxide and magnesium hydroxide. But the effects on the body of different aluminum salts and magnesium salts are similar.

First of all, they all have an antacid effect, that is, they neutralize hydrochloric acid, which is part of the gastric juice.

Both drugs envelop the walls of the stomach, protecting against the destructive effects of aggressive substances (aspirin, diclofenac, alcohol, food alkalis and acids, etc.)

The adsorbent properties allow these products to absorb harmful microorganisms and toxins and remove them naturally, thus cleansing the stomach and intestines.

The drugs have varied effects.

Maalox or Phosphalugel are aimed at neutralizing hydrochloric acid.

Antacids do not play an independent role in the treatment of diseases of the digestive system and are used as part of complex therapy to eliminate the symptoms of many pathologies of the digestive system or for the purpose of short-term relief of signs of dyspepsia, including heartburn and acid-related pain.

The drugs help restore the gastric mucosa and protect the surface of the organ from damaging factors.

What is this drug used for?

Phosphalugel is taken when you need to get rid of heartburn and reduce stomach pain.

What do adults take phosphalugel for according to the instructions for use? It is recommended for:

  • peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum;
  • inflammation of the gastric mucosa (gastritis) with high or normal acidity;
  • diaphragm hernia;
  • inflammation of the mucous membrane of the lower parts of the esophagus caused by the reflux of stomach contents into it;
  • disorders of food digestion not associated with peptic ulcer;
  • functional diarrhea;
  • working with radioactive substances to reduce the risk of their absorption;
  • disorders of the stomach or intestines caused by poisoning (including alcohol), drug overdose.

Phosphalugel has a special feature: it creates a strong protective film on the gastric mucosa. Because of this, the rate of absorption of drugs decreases. Therefore, at least a couple of hours after phosphalugel, you can take drugs such as:

  • cardiac glycosides;
  • antibiotics of the tetracycline group;
  • iron supplements.

Although there are few main contraindications to taking the medicine, doctors recommend using it carefully in patients with:

  • liver cirrhosis;
  • impaired renal function;
  • circulatory failure.

It can be used by people with diabetes, pregnant and lactating women.

What is Phosphalugel and how to take it

Phosphalugel - this gel is good for those who often suffer from heartburn or other similar discomforts. Such unpleasant sensations can arise as a result of a person overeating at the holiday table.

Gastroenterologists prescribe this drug for exacerbation of gastritis, as well as in the presence of a chronic form of the disease.

For peptic ulcers of the intestines and stomach, for symptoms that are characteristic of poisoning (food poisoning can be different: after drinking low-quality alcohol or excessive amounts, after eating low-quality food), severe pain in the abdomen, with nausea (especially that which occurs after how stale food gets into the body), with heartburn.

Indications for starting a course of Phosphalugel also include the following diseases:

  1. peptic ulcer of the stomach or duodenum;
  2. reflux esophagitis;
  3. gastroesophageal reflux (and other unpleasant sensations that are accompanied by sour belching);
  4. non-ulcerative dispensation syndrome;
  5. colon diseases
  6. in case of poisoning with low-quality products.

Despite the fact that at first glance this drug seems harmless, it should not be taken by people suffering from Alzheimer's disease, those with poor kidney function, heart and vascular diseases, or a diseased liver.

Before taking the drug, you should clarify all the components of the composition so as not to get an allergy.

Phosphalugel is available without a doctor's prescription, but you should not self-medicate. Consult a gastroenterologist first.

The medicine must be taken before meals, about thirty minutes. An important difference between this medicine is the way it is taken - the drug is not taken with food or after a meal. A gastroenterologist should warn you about special conditions for taking the medicine.

For duodenal ulcers, the medicine should be taken only a few hours after the last meal. For gastritis, take the medicine before meals. If severe pain occurs, take Phosphalugel immediately.

Duration of treatment is up to one week.

Before taking the gel, it must be kneaded in a bag until the contents are homogeneous. Tear the sachet and squeeze the gel through the resulting hole into a spoon or directly onto the tongue.

"PHOSPHALUGEL": instructions for use for children and adults

To relieve heartburn and stomach pain, the instructions provide a recommendation on how to drink phosphalugel for adults:

  1. Drink the concentrated solution or dilute it with a small amount of water.
  2. Take when symptoms appear 2-3 times a day, 1-2 packets. To prevent pain or heartburn, drink the drug a couple of hours after meals and at night.
  3. If constant use of phosphalugel does not bring relief, you should consult a doctor.

There are few contraindications to treatment with the drug: intolerance to one or more components, severe renal failure. An overdose is unlikely: phosphalugel is not absorbed and does not enter the blood. The only reaction of the body to large doses (more than 6 packets per day) is constipation, which more often occurs in bedridden patients. In this case, you need to increase the amount of water you drink per day by at least a third.

How to use for children?

According to the instructions for use of phosphalugel for children, it is recommended in the same cases as for adults. The only exception is poisoning: children require more serious therapy than taking an antacid.

Children are recommended:

  1. At the age of six months, 1 teaspoon is diluted in a small amount of water and given in a bottle after each feeding.
  2. After six months, dilute 2 teaspoons.
  3. Children over 6 years old are given the same amount. How much for adults: 1 – 2 sachets per dose, 2 – 3 times a day. It can be diluted in water, or the drug can be given undiluted.

You cannot give medicine to a child, especially in the first year of life, on your own. Only as prescribed by a doctor.

What to choose: Almagel or Phosphalugel

When attacks of heartburn and stomach pain occur, the question arises of what is better to purchase: Almagel or Phosphalugel. Both medications are similar in their action and are used for inflammatory diseases.

When attacks of heartburn and stomach pain occur, the question arises of what is better to purchase: Almagel or Phosphalugel.

How are the drugs different?

The difference between the two drugs is that they have different active ingredients. At the same time, Almagel has a wider scope of application than Phosphalugel.

The active ingredients of Almagel eliminate pain within 5 minutes after administration.

Which is better: Almagel or Phosphalugel?

Both drugs are effective, but thanks to the additional component in the composition, Almagel can be considered more effective.

Compatibility of Almagel and Phosphalugel

It is not advisable to be treated with both medications at the same time. Experts recommend giving preference to one of these medications.

Pregnancy and lactation

Both drugs can be used by pregnant and breastfeeding women after consulting a doctor.


Phosphalugel can be given to children from 6 months after feeding. Almagel is allowed only from 10 years of age.

Elderly age

Both medications should be used with caution in old age.

Side effects of Almagel and Phosphalugel

When treated with these medications, symptoms such as:

  • constipation;
  • stomach ache;
  • change in taste;
  • nausea and vomiting;
  • allergy;
  • deterioration of bone tissue;
  • renal dysfunction.

The drugs can be taken for hypertension, because they do not increase blood pressure.

Contraindications for use

These medications should not be taken if there is an increased level of phosphates in the blood.

Effect on driving

The drugs do not affect driving.

Interaction with other drugs

Almagel is not recommended to be combined with the following groups of drugs:

  • blockers of histamine H2 receptors;
  • cardiac glycosides;
  • psychotropic medications;
  • antibiotics.

Both drugs should not be taken together with other medications, as they affect the rate of absorption of the latter.

Alcohol compatibility

During treatment with antacids, alcohol-containing drinks are not contraindicated. If you take these drugs before a feast, the risk of the aggressive effects of alcohol on the gastric mucosa is reduced.

Conditions for dispensing from pharmacies

Medicines can be purchased without a prescription.

Storage conditions

Both medications should be stored at a temperature not exceeding +25°C.

Best before date

Almagel is good for 2 years, and Phosphalugel can be used for 3 years.

Drug price

The price for Almagel starts from 215 rubles, and for Phosphalugel - from 250 rubles.


Evgeniy, 45 years old, Norilsk

I took both drugs, but at different times. As practice has shown, Almagel is more effective. It relieves burning sensation in the stomach faster and lasts longer. Now I always keep it with me. However, before using the medicine, you need to read the instructions for use, since the suspension has contraindications.

Marta, 32 years old, Penza

With chronic gastritis, heartburn is an eternal companion. I take Phosphalugel periodically. An inexpensive and effective medicine that can quickly relieve unpleasant symptoms. I recommend to everyone.

Igor, 56 years old, Suzdal

In the recent past I was faced with a stomach ulcer. In this case, pain occurred frequently and was accompanied by a burning sensation. Almagel came to the rescue, thanks to whom he forgot about the disease. I took it in combination with other drugs, and as a result I forgot about the ulcer.


"PHOSPHALUGEL": price in the pharmacy

The cost of the medicine depends on the dosage, package size, region of Russia, and pharmacy markup. It is sold both in large packs (20 bags each) and in individual bags. On average, prices in pharmacies for phosphalugel are as follows:

  1. WER.RU – 175 rubles for 6 bags of 16 grams, 369 rubles for 20 pcs.
  2. Europharm – 199 rubles for 6 packages, 440 rubles for 20.
  3. Dialog – 174 rubles for 6 bags of 16 grams, 383 rubles for 20 pcs.
  4. IFC Pharmacy – 267 rubles for 6 packs, 526 rubles for 20 large packs.
  5. Maxavit - from 169 rubles for 6 pcs, from 400 rubles for 20 bags of 16 grams.
  6. Pharmacy - 6 packages will cost about 163 rubles, 354 rubles - 20 grams.


Phosphalugel, like Almagel, belongs to the group of antacids. Produced by the French pharmaceutical company Astellas.

Composition and release form

The first difference between Phosphalugel and Almagel is its composition. The active ingredient here is aluminum phosphate gel - 12.38 g. Auxiliary ingredients: sorbitol, potassium sorbate, flavoring, water, calcium sulfate, pectin.

Available in the form of a gel for oral use. The gel is creamy white with an orange aroma.

pharmachologic effect

There is some difference between Phosphalugel and Almagel in action. Aluminum phosphate also neutralizes excess acidity, coats and protects mucous membranes. But at the same time, as the manufacturer claims, there is no rebound effect. This effect is known because after the use of antacids, excessive secretion of gastric juice occurs again.

"PHOSPHALUGEL": analogues are cheaper

There are no direct analogues of the drug that act due to aluminum phosphate. But there are medicines that have a therapeutic effect thanks to another insoluble aluminum compound - hydroxide. There are also cheaper analogues of phosphalugel that work on the basis of insoluble salts of calcium, magnesium and others. These include:

Almagel is a Bulgarian drug produced for more than 40 years. It works due to the content of aluminum hydroxide. Prescribed for gastritis, enteritis, duodenitis and intestinal disorders. Price – for 170 ml in a bottle 218 rubles, 10 bags of 10 ml will cost 283 rubles.
Simalgel is an Egyptian antacid drug. Active ingredient – ​​aluminum hydroxide, Price – from 100 rubles per 300 ml.
Maalox is an antacid based on magnesium hydroxide and algedrate. It is available in tablet form or as a suspension and helps in the treatment of gastroduodenitis, dyspepsia, and peptic ulcers. Price – 290 rubles for 20 tablets and 430 rubles – 25 ml suspension.
Gaviscon is a British drug available in the form of chewable tablets or suspension. As an antacid, it helps with increased stomach acidity and digestive problems. Price – from 150 rubles.
Izzhogoff is a domestic food supplement produced by the Evalar concern, produced in tablet form. Price – 192 rubles.

Almagel or Phosphalugel – which is better?

Regarding whether almagel or phosphalugel is better, we can say that both drugs act in the lumen of the gastrointestinal tract and are not absorbed into the blood. They have a similar composition: they are based on a water-insoluble aluminum salt, from which an aqueous suspension is prepared. They are prescribed for the same diseases and can be used during pregnancy and breastfeeding. The only major difference is the taste. Orange flavor is added to phosphalugel; almagel contains a small amount of lemon oil. The choice between them is determined by financial capabilities and personal preferences.

Almagel during pregnancy instructions, analogues, types

Almagel (mnn “Antacid”, in Latin “Antacids, other combinations”) is an antacid that neutralizes gastric juice and can reduce acidity. Pharmacodynamics: reduces the amount of hydrochloric acid in the stomach. It also acts as a pain reliever. The method of application is always included in the instructions. It should be noted that this is not a children's drug.

Take the drug for diseases and disorders of the gastrointestinal tract: for gastritis, for heartburn, for pancreatitis, for pain in the stomach after excessive consumption of alcohol, coffee and nicotine, for poisoning, for ulcers and its exacerbation, for flatulence, for low acidity of the stomach, duodenal diseases intestines (acute phase). This drug comes with a quick-acting analgesic effect.

It is often used together with other medications. When used with some tablets, it helps reduce the negative effects on the stomach. The mechanism is as follows: the suspension envelops the stomach, after a while the necessary tablet is taken, which cures (if the tablet is compatible with almagel). In this combination, it reduces the harmful effects on the mucous membrane.

Composition, types, how much does it cost?

Release form: suspension.

Active ingredients: alhydrate and magnesium dioxide. In Latin: algedrate and magnesium hydroxide.

5 ml of suspension contains 300 mg of aluminum hydroxide and 100 mg of magnesium hydroxide.

The drug is packaged in plastic bottles of 170 ml. And the kit includes a dosing spoon.

Types of Almagel: green (Almagel) is intended for heartburn, yellow (A) additionally comes with an anesthetic, and orange (Neo) contains simethicone, which helps cope with bloating and flatulence. Your doctor will tell you which type of medication to choose.

Pharmacological group: antacids in combinations.

The average cost in a pharmacy is 225 rubles.

There are analogues of this drug, both cheap and expensive. The most common: Maalox, Gaviscon, de Nol, omesoprazole, omez, palmagel, phosphalugel, gastal, gastrocid and others.

Gastrocid is sold in tablets. Its average cost is 150 rubles. This is one of the cheapest analogues. There is also Maalox, in 15 ml sachets. One sachet costs about 25 rubles. If you compare them, there are almost no differences.

Almagel substitutes can only be purchased with a doctor's prescription.

Almagel or Phosphalugel, which is better?

It’s difficult to say which is better, they are not much different, they are similar. Their active ingredients are the same. But there is only one phosphalugel, and almagel is divided into three different ones. Therefore, everyone can choose the one that suits them best. For example, if a person often suffers from bloating, then it is better to take Almagel Neo.

Their only difference #8212; This is the release form. Phosphalugel is a gel, and almagel is a suspension.

Almagel instructions for use

Before taking the medicine, it must be shaken. Take before meals. It is important to drink on time.

  • For adults, drink 1-3 tsp. half an hour before meals and before going to bed. Maximum – 16 spoons. With the maximum dose of medication, the treatment period should be no more than 14 days.
  • Up to 10 years old take 1 spoon, and from 10 to 15 years old 1.5 spoons.

Almagel neo instructions

Almagel neo is available in sachets and in the form of a suspension. It is used after meals.

  • Adults take 1 sachet or 2 dosage spoons 4 times a day. During maintenance therapy, drink the same dose 2 times a day.
  • For children under 10 years of age, give half the adult dose.

How to take during pregnancy?

Pregnant women, especially in the early stages, are prescribed the drug in the usual dosage, but for no more than 3 days.

If you are breastfeeding (lactation), you should not take the drug, as it passes into the milk and negatively affects the baby.

Almagel and Almagel A are taken before meals, and Almagel Neo - after. But all medications still need to be taken before bed.

These types of the drug differ in their components. Yellow is Almagel A, containing anesthetic, green is the usual classic one. The colors were made for the convenience of people.

How to drink for heartburn, gastritis, pancreatitis, stomach pain?

for heartburn . It is indicated for gastritis, diseases of the duodenum and peptic ulcer. It neutralizes acid, thereby having an antacid effect on the stomach. Drink 1-2 scoops an hour before meals and at night.

For pancreatitis, take Almagel A, which contains an anesthetic (local anesthetic that quickly becomes active). The drug helps relieve pain within 5 minutes. Take 1-2 scoops an hour after meals and at night.

If you have stomach pain, you should drink Almagel Neo. Additionally contains a medicine against flatulence. Acute gastritis is also included in the indications. It is also taken an hour after meals and before bedtime, 1-2 scoops. Pharmacological effect within 3-5 minutes.

Reviews about the medicine are positive. Most often it is used for heartburn. There are almost no side effects. Sometimes doctors practice giving medicine to children under 10 years of age.

Photos and videos advertising the drug with actors can be found on the Internet. This drug is also prescribed for cats and dogs. Only the dosage should be adjusted by a veterinarian.


Contraindications include age under 1 month, hypersensitivity to components, Alzheimer's disease and kidney problems.

Side effects, overdose

Very rarely, side effects such as nausea and vomiting, dizziness may occur. Occasionally constipation. No allergies were observed.

To date, no overdose of the drug has been observed.

You need to be careful when taking other medications, especially tetracyclines, antibiotics, and heart medications, as they simply will not be absorbed.

Alcohol compatibility

This drug and alcohol have a bad effect on each other. Since alcohol neutralizes the analgesic effect.

Doctors often prescribe Almagel for gastritis. The most unpleasant and common are diseases of the stomach and digestive tract. But today there is a huge selection of drugs used for such pathologies. One of the remedies is Almagel.


During pregnancy, at about 12 weeks, severe heartburn appeared. It was some kind of nightmare: she appeared unexpectedly, there was a constant sour taste in her mouth. A friend recommended phosphalugel: it’s very convenient that it’s liquid and comes in small bags. I put them in all my bags and pockets, my child is 3 years old, and I still find them. After phosphalugel, the heartburn went away immediately, and a pleasant orange taste remained in the mouth. I mentally wished all the best to those who made it a thousand times.

Over the past year, I started eating in the canteen near work, and heartburn appeared from time to time. My wife bought me sachets of phosphalugel: they are very convenient to carry in your pocket, along with a handkerchief. There is no need to drink it: heartburn appeared - I squeezed the contents into my mouth, after 5 - 10 minutes everything went away.

At work I drink a lot of coffee and eat some food. I jumped to the point of monstrous heartburn, because of which I simply climbed the walls. I was advised phosphalugel. Miracle remedy! Of course, I stopped abusing it, started treatment, went on a diet... but from time to time I still use a magic bag.

Which Almagel is better?

One of the areas of treatment for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, especially those accompanied by increased secretory function, is the use of antacids.
These drugs bind excess hydrochloric acid, providing an acid-neutralizing effect. In addition, they have a cytoprotective and enveloping effect.

Let's consider the most accessible remedy from representatives of this group in our country.

The drug has been known for quite a long time to almost everyone who has encountered problems with the stomach and intestines. The packaging is green, the medicine itself is a white suspension with a sweetish taste and lemon aroma. For a long time, Almagel was practically the only prescribed antacid for gastritis, duodenitis, peptic ulcers and other gastrointestinal diseases.

Over time, the line was replenished with drugs of a slightly different composition, with various additional properties. The trademark of all drugs in the line belongs to the international pharmaceutical holding Actavis; countries of origin may differ. The following varieties of Almagel are available on the Russian pharmaceutical market:

  1. The previously mentioned “simple” Almagel.
    A white suspension with a sweet taste and lemon aroma. The drug presented on the Russian market is produced in Russia. Available in 170 ml dark glass bottles. Packaged in a green cardboard box, which comes with a 5 ml measuring spoon. "Regular" 170 ml
  2. Almagel A is also a suspension, it tastes and smells like regular, but differs in composition (it contains Anestezin). Produced by the Bulgarian company Balkanpharma-Troyan. Also available in dark glass bottles of 170 ml. Packaged in a yellow cardboard box with a measuring spoon. "A" 170 ml
  3. Almagel NEO.
    This medicine has an updated composition that improves its tolerability. It is also a suspension of sweet taste and white color. Orange aroma. Also produced in Bulgaria. Available in two dosage forms: a dark glass bottle of 170 ml in a box with a measuring spoon and disposable sachets of 10 ml in a pack of 10 pieces.

    Packaging color is orange.

The variety of forms of this medicine is dictated by the existence of various clinical situations in which it is prescribed. Each drug has its own niche where its use is most justified.

There is information on the Internet about the tablet form of Almagel and that all types of the drug are available in sachets. They are registered and approved for sale in other countries (Ukraine, Kazakhstan), since they are produced by an international holding company. They do not yet have registration in Russia.

Difference in composition

Features of the use of Almagels are associated with their composition. Despite the fact that they all belong to the same group, the indications and contraindications for their use are somewhat different.

This is due to the difference in the ratio of magnesium and aluminum hydroxides in their composition, as well as the presence of additional components.

The table shows the comparative composition of a single dose (5 ml) of Almagel and its varieties.

Comparative table of ingredients in 1 scoop (5 ml) Regular “A” “Neo”

Aluminum hydroxide (mg)
Aluminum hydroxide (mg)
Benzocaine (pain reliever)
109 mg
Simethicone (for bloating)
36 mg
Aluminum to Magnesium Ratio
~ 1.5:1~ 1.5:1~ 1:1

As can be seen from the table, Anestezin, a drug with a local anesthetic effect, has been added to Almagel A. Otherwise their composition is identical.

In Almagel NEO, due to an almost fourfold increase in the amount of magnesium hydroxide, the ratio of magnesium and aluminum ions has been changed in favor of magnesium. This quite significantly changes the properties of the drug. In addition, it contains simethicone. It reduces the amount of gas in the intestines.

Which to choose?

Indications for the use of regular and Almagel A are not fundamentally different. The clinical feature of the latter is that it is more indicated for stomach pain and heartburn. Due to its local anesthetic effect, an analgesic effect is manifested. If the pain is spastic in nature or caused by a purulent process, there will be no analgesic effect.

The difference in the use of “old” Almagels and the new form of the medicine - Almagel NEO is due to the difference in the action of magnesium and aluminum. The differences in biological effects are presented in the table.

Action of the main components Effect Magnesium Aluminum

Acid neutralizing3+2+/3+

The table shows that the adsorbing, enveloping and cytoprotective effect of aluminum exceeds those of magnesium. Acid neutralizing - comparable. This makes the use of aluminum hydroxide (at first glance) preferable. But there are other points:

  • aluminum has an astringent effect, which can cause constipation when used, while magnesium, on the contrary, has a laxative effect;
  • The indications for NEO do not include enteritis, since this disease is usually accompanied by loose stools.

The use of Almagel NEO is more appropriate for those patients who are prone to constipation, or if constipation appeared as a side effect of “simple” Almagel. In addition, the use of this type of drug is more justified in conditions accompanied by bloating.

Other differences include that it is contraindicated for pregnant women, breastfeeding women and children under 10 years of age.

This is not due to the toxic effect of the drug (it showed no negative effects in animal experiments), but to the lack of sufficient data on use by women during pregnancy.

Other forms of the drug are allowed for children over 1 month old in an appropriate dose (under strict medical supervision) and for pregnant women (for a course of up to 3 days).


In conclusion, it should be said about the cost of drugs. The price of Almagel A and NEO is comparable. “Simple” Almagel costs about 10% less. “NEO” in sachets is approximately 50% more expensive (in terms of the cost of 1 dose) than the drug in a bottle.

Show payment for the drug


special instructions

Phosphalugel is recommended to be taken with caution in diseases such as cirrhosis of the liver and kidney disease , heart failure .

It is possible to increase the concentration of aluminum in the blood in elderly patients and patients with impaired renal function.

If constipation occurs as a result of using Phosphalugel, it is recommended to drink more water.

Phosphalugel can be used as a prophylactic agent to reduce the absorption of radioactive elements.

Since the drug does not contain sugar, it can be prescribed to patients with diabetes .

The use of Phosphalyulgel does not affect the results of X-ray studies.

The drug does not affect the ability to drive vehicles or perform other work that requires concentration.

Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics

Phosphalugel is an antacid drug that has an adsorbing, acid-neutralizing and enveloping effect. It reduces the activity of pepsin. Aluminum phosphate neutralizes excess hydrochloric acid, while maintaining physiological conditions of digestion, and prevents secondary hypersecretion of gastric juice.

Envelops the mucous membrane of the gastrointestinal tract, thus forming a protective layer on it that protects against aggressive factors and promotes its regeneration.

The drug helps eliminate gases, toxins and harmful microelements in the digestive tract, normalizes intestinal passage.

The electrolyte balance is not disturbed when using Phosphalugel. It also does not cause alkalosis and the formation of urinary tract stones.

The manufacturer has not provided data on the pharmacokinetics of Phosphalugel.

Phosphalugel price

In Russia, the price for a package with 16 sachets is 250-330 rubles, with 20 sachets – 300-440 rubles. In Ukraine, respectively, 16 bags cost 60-80 UAH, 20 bags – 60-90 UAH.

  • Online pharmacies in RussiaRussia
  • Online pharmacies in UkraineUkraine
  • Online pharmacies in KazakhstanKazakhstan


  • Phosphalugel gel 20% 16 g 20 pcs. Pharmatis
  • Phosphalugel gel 20% 16 g 6 pcs. Pharmatis
  • Phosphalugel gel 20% 16 gAstellas Pharma Europe BV

Pharmacy 36.6

  • Phosphalugel suspension package 16g N6ASTELLAS PHARMA
  • Phosphalugel suspension package 16g N20ASTELLAS PHARMA


Pharmacy IFC

  • PhosphalugelAstellas Pharma Europe BV/Yamonouchi, Netherlands
  • PhosphalugelAstellas Pharma Europe BV/Yamonouchi, Netherlands

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Efficiency comparison

When choosing which will work better: Phosphalugel or Almagel, you should compare several characteristics:

  • efficiency;
  • price;
  • side effects;
  • contraindications;
  • restrictions on use;
  • release forms.

It cannot be said that Phosphalugel differs from Almagel in increased efficiency. Their ability to act is almost identical, however, Phosphalugel does not cause a rebound effect, unlike Almagel. The latter can provoke a repeated release of hydrochloric acid after use if the dosage is not selected accurately.

Otherwise, the attending physician must choose what to prescribe: Almagel or Phosphalugel, taking an individual approach to the choice of dosage.

Side effects

The difference between Almagel and Phosphalugel is also that the latter has fewer adverse reactions. Most of them are associated with intolerance. If a person is not allergic to any of the components in the drug, then often no unwanted reactions are observed.


Both drugs are contraindicated during pregnancy and lactation, however, Phosphalugel can be used in the third trimester for a short time, and Almagel can be used in any trimester under medical supervision and only for a few days.

On the other hand, Almagel is contraindicated for children under ten years of age. Phosphalugel is used even in the treatment of infants up to six months, which indicates its better absorption and greater safety.

Price category

In most cases, in the absence of contraindications, people are increasingly choosing Almagel, a generic version of Phosphalugel. This happens for the reason that Phosphalugel is almost twice as expensive as Almagel.

A package of Almagel costs from 178 to 229 rubles, and a package of Phosphalugel costs from 141 to 458 rubles, depending on the number of sachets.

It is also believed that Phosphalugel is more convenient to use for adults, while Almagel with a pleasant orange flavor is more suitable for children over ten years of age. But this depends only on personal preferences.

Do not choose between the two drugs on your own. Contact a gastroenterologist to determine the drug that will be more effective and safer in your case.

What is better Maalox or Almagel - comparison of drugs

This fairly inexpensive drug has a similar effect to Almagel, neutralizes stomach acid, coats the walls of the stomach and has a choleretic effect. One of the advantages of Ajiflux is that it is not contraindicated for children, although it must be used carefully and with strict adherence to the dosage specified in the instructions.


It is an analogue cheaper than Maalox - the price of Gastracid starts from 60 and does not exceed 120 rubles. The drug is famous for its effectiveness, but, unfortunately, it is also known for its short-term effect on heartburn. Has the same contraindications as Almagel.


Just like Adzhiflux, it can be used with caution in children. In addition, Maalukol significantly beats Almagel in price. However, this drug is not recommended for long-term use - vomiting and constipation are possible.

To compare which is better - Maalox or Almagel, you first need to understand the pharmacological properties of both drugs.

What is better Maalox or Almagel - comparison

The action of gastroprotectors is aimed at restoring digestive functions, neutralizing harmful toxins in case of poisoning, constipation, and diarrhea.

The drugs restore the functioning of the stomach and intestines, regulate stomach acidity, and eliminate flatulence. Almagel contains benzocaine, which has an analgesic effect.

Both drugs are effective in the treatment of diseases of the digestive tract and poisoning.

Difference between the two drugs

There are small differences between drugs that seem similar at first glance:

  1. The difference is in contraindications. Maalox is not used in the treatment of kidney problems. Almagel is not used for liver failure.
  2. Maalox is allowed to be used from the age of 10, and Almagel can only be used from the age of 15.
  3. The most significant differences are in the composition of both drugs. Almagel suspension contains sorbitol, sodium saccharinate, hyaetellose, lemon oil. Excipients in Maalox are hydrochloric acid, mannitol, hydrogen peroxide, mint oil.

The main difference between the two drugs is the different proportions of the active ingredients. The drug Almagel contains a ratio of aluminum and magnesium of 3:1.

Maalox contains equal amounts of aluminum and sodium hydroxide. Important! Maalox acts 2 times faster and has a longer effect than Almagel.

The drug Almagel slows down intestinal motility. These features of the drugs must be taken into account in treatment.

General characteristics

The products Maalox and Almagel have similar therapeutic effects and are used in the treatment of various diseases of the epigastric region. The drugs quickly eliminate heartburn, indigestion, and remove harmful toxins from the gastrointestinal tract. Both drugs have an antacid effect and neutralize hydrochloric acid, which contains gastric juice.

Medicines include the same active substances - aluminum and magnesium hydroxides. These components stabilize stomach acidity and improve the functions of the digestive system. Gastroprotective drugs reduce the secretion of pepsin and reduce the aggressiveness of gastric juice. Both suspensions envelop and protect the gastric mucosa from negative influences.

About the drug

Almagel is a non-absorbable antacid drug that is indicated for diseases of the stomach and duodenum, such as colitis, peptic ulcer, hiatal hernia, acute and chronic gastritis and pancreatitis, heartburn.

The main active ingredient is Algeldrate + Magnesium hydroxide.

Almagel is available in the following variants (types):

  • Almagel - contains only the main components;
  • Almagel A is a type of drug that, in addition to the main components, contains benzocaine (relieves stomach pain);
  • Almagel Neo - contains the substance simethicone (has a carminative effect), in addition to the main composition of the components, which is a significant difference between Almagel Neo and other types of this drug and some of its analogues and synonyms.

Average cost ~ 197 rub.

Shelf life – 2 years.

The drug Almagel has analogs and synonyms. Some of them are much cheaper, but are not inferior in quality: Phosphalugel, Maalox, Adzhiflux, Gastratsid, Maalukol.

When selecting substitutes, the attending physician takes into account many factors:

  • active ingredient (some components can cause intolerance in some cases);
  • indications and contraindications (one single contraindication may be a reason to discontinue the drug or select a more suitable substitute).
  • availability of the drug in pharmacies (sometimes the patient’s choice is limited and he has to choose from what is available);
  • price (cheap substitutes are most often prescribed as a budget option).

Comparison of drugs

Both drugs represent a group of antacids and a group of drugs based on a combination of simple salts. Maalox was developed by a French pharmaceutical company, and Almagel by a Bulgarian one.

Maalox differs from Almagel in the list of indications. The instructions for the first drug indicate that it is used to eliminate heartburn, and in the Almagel instructions the list of indications includes stomach and duodenal ulcers, gastritis, gastroduodenitis and other gastrointestinal pathologies.

The differences between the drugs are also in the form of release: Almagel is available only in the form of an oral gel, and Maalox is available in the form of an oral suspension and chewable tablets. This form may be more suitable if you have difficulty swallowing.

Difference between medications

When choosing which is better: Maalox or Almagel, you should compare their composition. The active ingredients in Almagel - alhydrate and magnesium hydroxide - are contained in a ratio of three to one, and in Maalox the same substances are contained in a ratio of one to one.

This difference is important because algedrate can reduce intestinal motility, and magnesium hydroxide can increase it.

Based on this, Maalox has no effect on the level of intestinal motility, and Almagel can cause constipation and intestinal obstruction. This side effect is especially observed with long-term use, as well as in the elderly and those prone to constipation.

According to reviews, the taste of Almagel is somewhat sweeter than that of Maalox. Comparing the price of drugs is complicated by the fact that they are available in different dosage forms and volumes. An approximate comparison of the same number of drugs shows only a slight difference in cost.


Suspensions based on algedrate and magnesium hydroxide paste in a ratio of 3:1, respectively. Sold in 10 ml sachets or 170 ml bottles with a dosing spoon. The effect of the drug develops quite quickly - within fifteen minutes after use.

Phosphalugel analogues

Level 4 ATC code matches:
Almagel and Maalox can be considered analogues of this drug .

Which is better: Almagel and Phosphalugel?

Almagel is a suspension, which is more effective, since liquid preparations are better for esophageal disease. Both medicines have the same properties. Almagel is best taken if a short-term course of treatment is needed to eliminate the symptoms of the disease, while Phosphalugel is intended for a long course as an antacid.

Which is better: Maalox or Phosphalugel?

Maalox has a liquid form, which is preferable in the treatment of diseases of the esophagus. At the same time, Maalox promotes the leaching of phosphorus and calcium from bones and blood, so Falmagel is best prescribed to children, pregnant women and the elderly.

Price for analogues: Almagel costs on average 34 UAH, Maalox – 58 UAH.

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