Effective ways to treat diarrhea

Professional skills: Colon hydrotherapy, treatment of gastrointestinal diseases

Digestive disorders that accompany loose stools can often be treated at home. But diarrhea with water, even in an adult patient, requires urgent treatment, since such ailment can provoke complications that lead to disruption of the functioning of the entire body. Having established the cause of the gastrointestinal tract disorder and identified the most striking symptoms, drug therapy should be started, supporting it with home treatment methods.


If stool appears like water in an adult, the causes of the malaise are first determined and only after that treatment is prescribed. Gastroenterologists identify several factors that provoke intestinal ailments, in which water diarrhea occurs.

The most common causes of watery diarrhea are:

  • Consumption of expired or low-quality products, leading to acute poisoning.
  • Functional diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, in which food is not absorbed in the required volume.
  • The cause of acute watery diarrhea is cholera and other infectious diseases (dysentery, salmonellosis).
  • Taking large amounts of fast-acting laxatives for constipation.
  • Tumors, polyps, which cause inflammation of the mucous membrane. They provoke diarrhea in the morning, often of a chronic nature.
  • Allergy and intolerance to a certain product (for example, lactase deficiency, which can lead to increased gas formation, nausea, diarrhea).
  • Toxic damage to the body from medications, volatile substances, and poisons can also cause severe water diarrhea in an adult.
  • Violation of diet, consumption of monotonous foods. The illness may be painless, but cause inconvenience due to the need for frequent visits to the toilet.
  • Helminthiasis. With large-scale infection, the patient may experience water diarrhea and nausea.

In older people, the main cause of diarrhea is often a deterioration in the absorption of nutrients in the gastrointestinal tract. Therefore, patients develop chronic loose, watery stools, which requires strict nutritional correction.

If you are sure that you only ate fresh food, most likely the causes of diarrhea lie in nervous overload. Stress can provoke watery diarrhea, which goes away only after the source of nervous shock is eliminated.


If bowel dysfunction occurs, symptoms that accompany diarrhea should be carefully noted. This allows you to quickly make a diagnosis and choose the right treatment. Possible signs of indigestion:

  • The consistency of the stool may be completely liquid in case of poisoning. Additional symptoms: headache, weakness. Stomach pain is common. The patient is concerned about nausea, vomiting, and sweating.
  • Food poisoning and dysbacteriosis usually occur without fever. But instead of feces, patients secrete liquid mixed with pieces of undigested food.
  • If loose stool in an adult is caused by an infection or bacterial infection, the body temperature may rise to 37.5-38°C.
  • With rotavirus, the patient’s stool changes not only the consistency, but also the color of the stool – to green. The stool becomes like water, the urge to defecate becomes more frequent.
  • Diarrhea in the form of water can be foamy, interspersed with fat in functional intestinal disorders.
  • With allergies and food intolerances, patients' stomachs rage and diarrhea becomes very runny.
  • If there is blood in the stool or tar-colored stool in an adult, this may indicate internal bleeding.

The main danger posed by watery diarrhea is the loss of a significant amount of fluid. Since water in the intestines is not absorbed, dehydration of the body rapidly increases, the cells of the brain and heart muscle do not receive the necessary nutrition.

The following are signs of dehydration:

  • Drying of the mucous membranes: dullness of the whites, feeling of dryness on the lips.
  • Constant feeling of thirst.
  • Headache, fatigue.
  • Increased heart rate, cardiac arrhythmia.
  • Reducing the volume of urine excreted, up to complete cessation of urination.

When a person has a stomach ache and water diarrhea is repeated frequently over a short period of time, a diagnosis should be made as quickly as possible and rehydration of the body should begin.


If the patient complains that he is suffering from liquid diarrhea like water, and does not know what to do, he should undergo an in-depth examination. To identify intestinal pathologies it is necessary:

  • Take a blood test.
  • Make a coprogram.
  • Test feces for worm eggs or scrape for enterobiasis.
  • Submit the material for bacterial sowing.
  • Perform an ultrasound of the abdominal cavity.

Since abdominal pain and loose stools can be a sign of cancer, it is better not to put off visiting a doctor until too late. In the presence of watery diarrhea caused by food poisoning, rotavirus infection, or poor diet, patients are prescribed treatment at home, but under the supervision of a physician.

Diarrhea with water. What happens during a doctor's examination

The outcome of treatment for secretory diarrhea depends on the correct diagnosis. Diagnostics is as follows:

  • Questioning the patient - the presence and nature of complaints, duration of diarrhea
  • Examination of the patient - special attention should be paid to the degree of dehydration and symptoms of hypokalemia - convulsions, muscle roll syndrome
  • Proctological examination - this will reveal tumor processes, fissures or fistulas of the anus
  • Study of stool tests - coprogram, parasite eggs, stool occult blood test, bacterial culture

After the research and diagnosis, the doctor decides whether to hospitalize the patient. With secretory diarrhea, no signs of severe intestinal infection, or mild dehydration, adult patients can be treated at home. In all other cases, including pregnant women, treatment in a hospital setting is indicated.

Diagnosis of diarrhea in children is difficult. It is necessary to take into account the age characteristics of the child. Treatment is only inpatient, since dehydration and prolonged diarrhea for a baby can be fatal.

Treatment with medications

Treatment of diarrhea is carried out comprehensively. If you have an intestinal disorder, you will need to restore the water-salt balance, absorb toxins and waste products of bacteria, and you may need antibacterial therapy.


Absorption of toxins and pathogenic bacteria

It should be taken into account that watery diarrhea can be accompanied by severe toxic damage to the body. Since decomposition products are retained in the intestinal mucosa, it is necessary to remove them with the help of enterosorbents.

The following drugs effectively help treat watery diarrhea in adults:

  • Smecta. Powder for preparing a suspension, effectively eliminates toxins and pathogenic bacteria from the intestinal mucosa.
  • Activated carbon. One of the most inexpensive sorbents with high efficiency. It is used for poisoning, eating disorders, and infectious diseases.
  • Polysorb. It helps well with very loose stools in adults caused by dysbacteriosis or allergic reactions.
  • Enterosgel. The drug is in the form of a gel with a convenient dosing method. Suitable for treating diarrhea caused by allergies, toxic damage to the body, infections and other diseases.

Absorbent medications not only eliminate toxins, pathogenic bacteria and viruses, but can also reduce the absorption of other medications. Therefore, in case of diarrhea in an adult, it is necessary to correctly plan the intake of medications - no earlier than 2 hours after absorbents (except for rehydration solutions).

Correction of bacterial balance using eubiotics

To restore intestinal microflora, probiotic preparations are used. Their task is to stabilize the volume of saprophytic intestinal flora and suppress the growth of pathogenic microorganisms.

Most often, the help of eubiotics is needed for dysbiosis and poisoning. It is recommended to take the following effective medications:

  • Enterol.
  • Bactistatin.
  • Baktisubtil.
  • Bifidumbacterin

To find out which probiotic will best help with watery diarrhea, you need to consult a gastroenterologist for advice.

Antibacterial and antimicrobial therapy

Securing the chair

Traditional methods of treatment

If loose stools like water develop due to poisoning in an adult, traditional methods of treatment are used to improve the condition. For watery diarrhea, you can use the following recipes:

  • Drink not only pharmacy rehydration liquid, but also a solution of lemon juice (1 lemon per glass of water).
  • Rosehip decoction helps to restore the water-electrolyte balance, which also helps improve immunity.
  • If you have diarrhea, you can drink strengthening infusions of oak bark, pomegranate peels, and walnut rinds.
  • Decoctions of medicinal herbs help restore intestinal function: chamomile, burnet, wormwood, St. John's wort.

It is impossible to completely replace traditional treatment with decoctions at home. Traditional recipes can only complement drug therapy.

Water diarrhea in an adult

Watery diarrhea (or diarrhea) can signal serious problems in the body in an adult, so it is important to know the causes of this symptom. Let's figure out what actions need to be taken in such a situation.

What causes water diarrhea?

  • poor quality water;
  • unwashed fruits, vegetables;
  • consumption of incompatible products;
  • poisoning;
  • food allergies;
  • reaction to taking medications;
  • pregnancy in women;
  • poisoning from poor quality food.

Separately, it should be said about diarrhea with water caused by diseases. The situation requires contacting a doctor. The reasons in such cases are:

  • rotavirus infections;
  • dysbacteriosis;
  • bacterial infections;
  • improper digestion of food;
  • intestinal bleeding;
  • obstruction of the gallbladder;
  • chronic diseases – colitis, enteritis;
  • viral infections;
  • intestinal diseases;
  • food intoxication;
  • infectious diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

Why is watery stool dangerous in an adult?

Severe water diarrhea in an adult can have very serious consequences. Since in this situation there is a huge loss of fluid in the tissues and organs, it can cause dehydration of the entire body. As a result of this process:

  • blood thickens;
  • blood clots form;
  • metabolic processes are disrupted;
  • water-salt imbalance occurs;
  • Possible stroke and death.

If loose stools in an adult are accompanied by abdominal pain, this may indicate diseases of the liver and pancreas. Serious problems are indicated by a change in the color of the patient’s stool:

  • Black is a signal of intestinal bleeding. Emergency assistance must be called.
  • White may be a sign of gallbladder obstruction due to a stone or tumor.

What to do with diarrhea - how to treat diarrhea in adults

When diarrhea with water appears in an adult, you need to pay attention to the duration of the process and additional symptoms. Visit your doctor to get a diagnosis and treatment recommendations if you have:

  • there is a suspicion of food poisoning;
  • temperature rises;
  • there are frequent (more than 6 times during the day) urge to go to the toilet;
  • there were sharp pains in the abdomen;
  • diarrhea continues for more than a day.

How to treat diarrhea in an adult? First, stop dehydration of the body, for which you should arrange for the patient to drink plenty of fluids. Effective in this situation will be:

  • following a diet - eliminating harmful foods, changing cooking technology;
  • taking medications as prescribed by a doctor;
  • use of traditional medicine recipes.

Drink plenty of fluids

  • mineral water without gas;
  • Regidron, Oralit, diluted in water;
  • rosehip decoction;
  • Tea with lemon;
  • two-day kefir;
  • weak broths.


To recover faster, you need to include dishes in your menu that help get rid of diarrhea. Follow the diet constantly until you achieve complete recovery. Watery diarrhea in an adult can be stopped if you give preference to the following products:

  • baked vegetables;
  • porridge on water;
  • dried fruits;
  • lean meat;
  • boiled fish;
  • crackers;
  • jelly;
  • fermented milk drinks.


How to cure diarrhea in adults if you don’t trust traditional recipes? The use of medications is effective, but it is important to know the cause of diarrhea. Only the doctor after the examination will prescribe the necessary pills for you. The following are used in treatment:

For diarrhea with water, the following drugs help:

Find out in more detail which anti-diarrhea tablets can be purchased at the pharmacy if necessary.

Folk remedies

  • Grind the peel of one fruit.
  • Add a glass of water.
  • Leave in a water bath for 15 minutes.

Video: symptoms and treatment for diarrhea in adults



It is imperative to treat pathologies that cause watery stools under the supervision of a doctor. Incorrectly constructed treatment can lead to complications such as dehydration, loss of consciousness, abnormal heart rhythm and other problems, including death.

It is urgently recommended to call a doctor if:

  • There is a lot of mucus in the stool, and there is even a small amount of blood.
  • The patient's condition is rapidly deteriorating; he complains of severe pain and dizziness.
  • An adult has had diarrhea with water for 3 days.
  • The patient's temperature rises to 38ºC or higher.

Not everyone knows how dangerous diarrhea is. The most severe complications are dehydration, septic shock, hypovolemic shock, acidosis.


The basis for preventing diarrhea is proper nutrition. To prevent intestinal discomfort from developing into watery diarrhea, you should eat the following dishes:

  • Low-fat chicken broth.
  • Rice porridge.
  • Baked carrots, apples, pears.
  • Dry bread, dried out white bread.

A low-carb diet is extremely important for people suffering from chronic diarrhea. Such patients should avoid fatty and heavy foods. You should also drink large amounts of water during diarrhea, dividing your fluid intake into small portions.

For prevention, not only nutrition is important for diarrhea. To prevent water diarrhea from bothering you, you need to carefully monitor your personal hygiene, eat fresh food and remember to undergo regular medical examinations to identify hidden diseases.

Water diarrhea in an adult is a symptom of intestinal dysfunction caused by a certain disease. Diarrhea left untreated for a long time can lead to serious consequences.

What are the dangers of water diarrhea?

Very loose stools like water in adults are not just a pathological condition, it causes serious disruption to the functioning of many organs and systems of the body. If diarrhea torments a person for a long time, weakness appears and general health worsens.

But the most important danger diarrhea poses to the water balance of an adult’s body:

  • The cells of the human body begin to lose water , work less actively and age faster. It is difficult for an adult to lose more than 5 liters of fluid with diarrhea; if this happens, the outcome will be fatal.
  • Along with water, micronutrients and vitamins are washed ; without them, the body quickly weakens and cannot independently resist the disease that caused diarrhea.
  • Loss of fluid due to diarrhea leads to the washout of intestinal microflora, which protects the body and fights pathogenic bacteria and viruses.
  • Stool with water causes undigested food , and the body does not have time to get energy from it and now quickly weakens.
  • Severe diarrhea with water also affects the intestinal muscles . Under pressure, they can tear or stretch; the sphincter of the anus also suffers; due to prolonged diarrhea, it can weaken and then not hold feces at all.

When diarrhea is tormented, you should not endure it; measures must be taken immediately, otherwise the consequences of diarrhea can become fatal for a person.

Don’t forget how dangerous diarrhea is, so that you don’t experience all the “delights” of diarrhea later.

One of the main causes of constipation and diarrhea is the use of various medications.

To improve bowel function after taking medications, you need to drink a simple remedy

How to cure diarrhea in an adult using folk methods

To normalize the processes of defecation, people can use “old-fashioned methods”:

  1. A decoction made from rice. This remedy is considered universal, as it helps to quickly and effectively consolidate stool, regardless of the cause of diarrhea. To prepare it, a person must boil water (0.5 l) in a saucepan with a thick bottom and then pour rice (1 tbsp), previously washed, into it. Boil the contents of the container for 30 minutes, until the water becomes cloudy. After this, the broth is cooled and filtered. You need to use this drug 2-3 times a day, 100 ml.
  2. Pomegranate peels. You should first wash and dry the peel of one pomegranate. After this, it must be crushed and placed in a deep bowl. Next, the powder is poured with boiling water (2 tbsp.). The contents of the container should be infused for 60 minutes. After filtration, the liquid should be consumed up to 4 times a day, 1 tbsp. l. You need to take the drug until bowel movements normalize.
  3. Bird cherry fruits. Place a handful of berries in an enamel saucepan and pour boiling water over them (2 tbsp.). The container is moved to the stove so that its contents simmer over low heat for 30 minutes. After cooling, the broth is filtered and consumed up to 3 times a day, 0.5 tbsp.
  4. Oak peels, which contain substances that can destroy pathogenic microflora. The raw materials should first be crushed, after which the powder substance should be placed in a deep bowl (5 tbsp.) and pour boiling water (3 tbsp.). The container is placed on the stove and its contents should be boiled over low heat for 15 minutes. After filtration, the decoction must be consumed before each meal, 2 tbsp. l.
  5. You can drink a cup of strong black tea and eat a few rusks or crackers.
  6. Pour warm boiled water into a half-liter glass jar and add a small amount of potassium permanganate. The light pink solution will help eliminate diarrhea and at the same time disinfect the intestines.
  7. A person can eat an apple every day that has been previously peeled. The fruit should be eaten every hour, and apart from it you should not eat or drink. This method of getting rid of diarrhea can be used by those people whose pathological condition is not accompanied by either dizziness or high fever.
  8. A person can drink a laxative and wash it down with freshly squeezed lemon juice (1 tbsp.). He will have a complete cleansing of the intestines, after which the diarrhea will stop.
  9. To normalize bowel movements, people can drink water to which a small amount of iodine has been added. This “old-fashioned” method will eliminate diarrhea in just a few hours. You need to add the following components to a glass of water: iodine (5 drops), salt (1 tsp), sugar (1 tbsp). After thorough dissolution, the solution should be drunk every 20 minutes, 3 tbsp. l. This recipe cannot be used by people who have pathologies with the thyroid gland.
  10. You can swallow a few black peppercorns. For adult patients, it will be enough to consume 10 peas. Children starting from 5 years old should be given no more than 3 pieces. It is recommended to carry out this procedure before a night's rest.
  11. In cases where diarrhea is a consequence of poisoning with toxic substances, patients should be given an enema. As a solution, you can use salted water, or “Regidron” prepared immediately before the manipulation. The procedure should be repeated several times in a row until clear liquid comes out of the intestines.

Causes of diarrhea

It is impossible to decide what to do about diarrhea until it is established why it occurred. The appearance of diarrhea is always caused by either external or internal factors.

Diarrhea can develop for the following reasons:

  1. Entry into the intestines of pathogenic protozoa, microorganisms of an infectious or viral nature (enteroviruses) that release toxins that enter the blood and disrupt the entire functioning of the small and large intestines. If watery fluid comes out of the intestines, then the small intestine is most likely affected, and if diarrhea is frequent, but not particularly liquid, then the problem is most likely in the peristalsis of the large intestine.
  2. Improper functioning of the secretory glands - severe upset of the stomach and intestines, caused by excess digestive enzymes, can lead to a change in the consistency of the stool, its smell, and the frequency of trips to the toilet also increases.
  3. Acute diarrhea can be caused by the ingestion of toxins and poisons, industrial or plant origin, into the human body. The frequency of bowel movements usually increases and the stool becomes watery.
  4. Food poisoning or simply changes in diet can lead to short-term diarrhea. The quantity and frequency of loose stools is usually limited and intestinal upset does not linger for a long time, but disappears within a day.
  5. Stool in the form of water, rather than formed masses, can become a symptom of taking medications. Severe diarrhea is usually not observed, but still such a reaction of the body should not be ignored, since diarrhea is a protective reaction to an irritant, and the body itself understands when something does not suit it. But sometimes you can endure mild diarrhea for 5 days - one week, if the benefits of the medicine are greater. If diarrhea continues for more than a week, you may need to change your medication.
  6. Diarrhea in an adult can be caused by dysbiosis - a lack of beneficial bacteria in the intestines. If diarrhea began in the evening, but did not torment you all night, and went away by the morning, then do not worry, but if loose stools continue all day and continue at night, then treatment should be started.
  7. Diarrhea can occur in an adult due to nervousness. “Bear disease,” as this condition is called, is more typical for adults, since they have more reasons for worry in life than children.

Without this, doctors cannot treat a person, since in this case they are treating only the symptom, not the disease.

Associated symptoms of diarrhea

Diarrhea is accompanied not only by loose stools. Any disease has several symptoms, which help establish a diagnosis and begin treatment.

Diarrhea is accompanied by chronic fatigue.

Diarrhea may be accompanied by:

  • A rise in temperature, which indicates the course of an inflammatory process, often infectious or viral. If an adult's temperature remains normal, then less serious causes of diarrhea can be assumed. Without fever, diseases develop with low immune defense and it is important to establish this in time.
  • Nausea often occurs in the fourth to fifth hour after the first loose stool. This indicates that intoxication has begun and is increasing due to loss of fluid.
  • If a person feels nauseous, vomiting may soon appear. If the vomiting is severe, repeated, and even a fountain, then you should immediately seek help.
  • An adult with diarrhea almost always has a stomach ache. Pain can vary in nature and strength. A long painful spasm often indicates increased work of the intestines or the appearance of a neoplasm in the intestinal lumen.

The doctor always takes these signs into account when making a diagnosis.

One of the main causes of constipation or diarrhea is poor diet.

Therefore, to improve bowel function, you need to drink a simple drink

Why does it appear

Diarrhea can be either an independent disease or a serious symptom of a serious illness. To deal with this without the help of a doctor, you need to understand what can cause diarrhea in an adult. Its reasons may be:

  • Poisoning from stale or low-quality products.
  • Rotavirus infection.
  • Taking antibiotics that cause disruption of intestinal microflora
  • Incorrect dosage of laxative.

It is also impossible to exclude concomitant gastrointestinal diseases, food allergies or systematic stress. Remember, you can stop diarrhea in an adult quite quickly, but without knowing its true cause, there is a risk of harming yourself. Do not experiment with medications and folk remedies. Seek qualified medical help as soon as possible!

Should you see a doctor?

Diarrhea is a protective reaction of the body to certain factors of the external and internal environment, as well as an indicator that something is wrong inside. Diarrhea occurs quite often in adults, but is not always a cause for concern.

You should consult a doctor or call an ambulance if:

  • Liquid stool flows the first, second, third day and does not acquire a normal consistency.
  • Abdominal pain and other symptoms are getting worse every hour.
  • Diarrhea is accompanied by pus or blood in the stool.
  • The stomach refuses to accept any food and vomiting occurs immediately after eating.
  • The stool has a terrible smell and is foul - this is a common sign of infectious diarrhea.
  • Dehydration, weakness, pallor and dry skin appear.
  • On the first day after the onset of diarrhea, a person loses more than two liters of fluid and does not replenish them.
  • An adult diarrhea is no longer liquid, but only mucus with impurities, the urge to defecate more than 10 times a day.
  • The patient's temperature has risen above 39 and is not falling.

What is diarrhea?

In most cases, diarrhea occurs as a symptomatic manifestation of a disturbance in the gastrointestinal tract. At the same time, the patient’s body temperature rises sharply, abdominal pain, nausea and vomiting begin.

Diarrhea is an act of defecation, which is characterized by a liquid consistency and can be repeated more than twice a day. Diarrhea can be considered the first definitive sign of indigestion. However, before taking any measures to treat such an unpleasant condition of the body, it is necessary to find out the exact cause of the appearance of loose stools. Bowel movements can be so copious and frequent that general weakness and dehydration of the body sets in almost immediately. In such cases, it is imperative to seek qualified medical help, where adequate treatment will be prescribed, depending on the general condition of the patient.

Features of digestion of food bolus

For a bolus of food to be completely digested, it takes at least 48 hours after eating. It is during this period that almost all the water is absorbed into the walls of the colon. If the integrity of the mucous membrane is even slightly compromised, then the process of water absorption slows down. Thus, more of it begins to be excreted along with feces. The process of defecation occurs several times more often than usual, and the stool is liquid. Diarrhea can occur due to an inflammatory process, an allergic reaction, or as a result of severe food poisoning.

There are many reasons that contribute to the formation of watery stools. If the disease is infectious, the patient’s temperature rises sharply. All this is accompanied by antispasmodic pain in the abdominal area and severe vomiting. In case of disruption of the pancreas or failure to digest certain high-calorie foods, the patient may complain of severe pain under the ribs on the left.

Diagnostic signs of diarrhea

The course and nature of the disease is determined by the type of stool of an adult.

Depending on its consistency and color, a presumptive diagnosis can be made:

  • Colorless, transparent stool is a sign of an infectious disease, one could assume cholera. Colorless diarrhea can also occur with prolonged loose stools, when the body simply has nothing to digest and eliminate, and only mucus comes out.
  • Green stool is a symptom of damage to the adult intestines by bacteria or viruses.
  • Diarrhea with black water indicates intestinal bleeding; the darker the color of the stool, the farther along the intestines from the anus the crack is located. Action should be taken here immediately.
  • If yellow liquid comes out of the intestines, then this is not the worst thing - peristalsis is simply increased and the matter can be corrected. Yellow-colored feces are often just a temporary glitch, but yellow liquid with prolonged diarrhea is already a pathology.
  • White, watery stools develop due to intestinal tumor damage.

The doctor establishes the diagnosis at the stage of examining and interviewing the patient, but for accurate confirmation it may be necessary to conduct certain instrumental studies or tests. Severe diarrhea is treated without waiting for results, using general rules, and only after that specific therapy is introduced.

Principles of treatment of diarrhea

Treatment of diarrhea should be comprehensive, regardless of the cause of its occurrence, only some aspects are selected separately (type of tablets, need for antibiotics or refusal of them, etc.).


Basic measures aimed at eliminating constipation:

  1. Maintaining water balance.
  2. Diet food.
  3. Drug treatment of diarrhea.
  4. Ethnoscience.

Maintaining water balance

With diarrhea, patients often refuse water and food, which is not correct. Eating and drinking is very important to keep your body strong. Even in three days with liquid diarrhea, a person can lose a lot of weight and lose many important microelements. This is precisely why diarrhea is dangerous; people don’t die from dysentery, they die from dehydration.

Mineral water purchased at a pharmacy or in a supermarket in a special section will help to avoid dehydration. You can buy Regidron and its other analogues. You can also prepare a saline solution at home (for 2 liters of water, 2 g of soda, 15 g of sugar and 5 g of salt). Drinking helps the body function at a sufficient level and maintain internal balance.

Liquid diarrhea will not stop, or even get worse, but this is only for the benefit of the body. Adults should be given water gradually throughout the day so as not to strain the kidneys.

Diet food

In case of intestinal disorder, expressed by diarrhea, food will help to consolidate the stool. The body must digest something and excrete and obtain energy from food, otherwise an adult will quickly weaken.

Dietary nutrition includes foods that promote fecal consolidation.

These include:

  • Homemade crackers.
  • Not fatty meat, fish, poultry, etc.
  • Rice porridge and rice water.
  • Low-fat fermented milk products.
  • Scrambled eggs.
  • Cereals (barley is not allowed).
  • Strong teas, decoctions and jelly.
  • Potatoes, carrots, eggplants.

All cooked food should not be spicy or peppery, there should be a little salt. The products are not consumed raw - only boiled and parboiled, you can also bake them. At first, it is better to drink tea with crackers, and introduce everything else into the menu gradually.

Prolonged diarrhea will take a long time to recover, since even after the diarrhea stops, the intestines of an adult are very weak and a sudden transition to normal food can provoke a new outbreak of the disease. When the diarrhea has been completely cured, you will have to continue on this diet for at least two more weeks, or preferably a month, so as not to expose the body to stress.

Drug treatment for diarrhea

The drugs help stop diarrhea temporarily or eliminate its cause, and thereby cure an adult. The selection of a medicine should be carried out by a doctor according to the diagnosis. There are different tablets, capsules, injections that can help the patient, they all belong to different groups of drugs and can be used in combination or separately.

Group of drugsExamplesScope of application
AntibioticsFtalazol, EnterofurilThe presence of pathogenic microflora in the intestines of an adult (viral, bacterial infections)
AdsorbentsActivated carbon, Kaopectate, Smecta,All kinds of diarrhea, but most often food poisoning
Drugs that reduce intestinal motilityLoperamide, Imodium, Simethicone, Loperamide-acriAny type of diarrhea, as initial symptomatic treatment
Agents that restore intestinal microfloraLinex, Bifidumbacterin, Acipol, Probifor, BaktisubtilFor a recovery course after therapy for diarrhea; in the treatment of diarrhea caused by taking antibacterial drugs

Any remedy or medicine must be prescribed by a doctor. If you use antibiotics on your own, and an adult has dysbiosis, the situation will only worsen. Therefore, it is worth taking a responsible approach to the treatment of diarrhea.

How to properly treat diarrhea (diarrhea) in an adult, what should be done?

With liquid feces, a large volume of fluid leaves the body, so the main rule for treating diarrhea is the timely replenishment of lost moisture and the salts and minerals necessary for the body. How to choose the right quick remedy for diarrhea? Which principle of therapy should be chosen to quickly stop diarrhea depends on the cause that provoked it. If the patient is sure that the diarrhea that appears is a consequence of stale food consumed the day before, it means that the body is trying to cope with the consequences of ordinary food poisoning in this way. He can be helped with this by taking one of the sorbent drugs, for example, regular activated carbon, Atoxil, Polysorb, which will bind poisonous toxins and quickly remove them out with liquid feces. After the body is cleansed of harmful substances, stool returns to normal.

How to treat diarrhea if it is not clear why the diarrhea appeared and what could have caused it? If the cause of diarrhea remains unclear, it is advisable to consult a gastroenterologist, especially if we are not talking about a short-term disorder, but about long-term diarrhea that lasts from a week or longer. What helps with diarrhea, what tablets or drugs quickly treat diarrhea? In general, when treating a condition associated with diarrhea syndrome, the following principles should be adhered to:

1 Be sure to follow a drinking regimen that is sufficiently capable of replenishing lost fluid during diarrhea (up to 1.5-2 liters per day).

2 What should you do if your stomach hurts, aches, and stretches along with diarrhea? Use adsorbent preparations to quickly bind toxic substances that need to be removed from the intestines in order to interrupt the further development of the pathological process. List of tablets for diarrhea: Atoxil, Smecta, Polysorb, Sorbex, Enterosgel.

3 How to quickly and effectively stop a slight loosening of the stool when the stool becomes liquid? Use antidiarrheal medications that help reduce excessive activity of intestinal motility, for example, Loperamide, Imodium, Lopedium.

4 Correct the composition of intestinal microflora, disturbed for various reasons. The lack of beneficial lacto- and bifidobacteria can be compensated for by taking pro-, prebiotics, and synbiotics. They inhibit the growth of pathogenic microflora and populate the intestinal lumen with beneficial acidophilic bacteria, which have a positive effect on the consistency of intestinal contents, eliminating diarrhea. They use Hilak forte, Linex, Bifidumbacterin, Acipol, Normobakt, Bifikol.

5 When pathogens of intestinal infections are detected, it is necessary to use targeted medications that help destroy specific pathogens identified, so you can very quickly stop diarrhea in an adult. They can only be prescribed by a doctor based on the results of the patient’s tests.

6 Correct the electrolyte composition of the blood, disturbed due to leaching of basic salts and minerals from the body with liquid feces. Special solutions Regidrog, Gastrolit or self-prepared mixtures consisting of water, sugar, salt and soda in certain proportions will help with this. Herbal teas are a good way to saturate the body with vitamins.

How else can you treat diarrhea at home, if not with pills or medications. What foods strengthen the stool, what can you eat to make the stool more viscous? Signs of diarrhea, which is caused by errors in diet, can be dealt with with homemade recipes. In such cases, it helps to stop diarrhea:

1 rice broth;

2 strong brewed tea without sugar;

3 a mixture prepared on the basis of potato starch;

4 decoctions from pomegranate peel, oak bark, alder fruits.

Antimicrobial drugs with nifuroxazide as the main active ingredient can quickly stop diarrhea if its cause lies in the development of an intestinal infection. However, it is not advisable to take such medications on your own without consulting a doctor, since diarrhea can be caused by the activity of pathogenic microorganisms that are resistant to a particular antimicrobial drug. The choice of appropriate medications should be entrusted to the treating infectious disease specialist, who observes the clinical picture in its entirety and has the patient’s test results.

What else needs to be done to quickly stop diarrhea in an adult? To prevent the appearance of loose stools, you must:

1 strictly observe the rules of hygiene, wash your hands more often to protect yourself from the possible penetration of pathogenic agents;

2 exclude the consumption of low-quality water and unwashed vegetables and fruits, subject the products to proper heat treatment;

3 do not eat incompatible foods in one meal, for example, milk and salted fish, meat products and melon;

4 at the first sign of diarrhea, take an adsorbent drug.

Sometimes there is a situation when a person takes pills or medications for constipation and he has a question about how to stop diarrhea after a laxative. In this case, there is no point in taking stool-fixing drugs; you should wait until the stool returns to normal and take all necessary actions to prevent dehydration and other possible consequences of diarrhea. Remember that diarrhea that continues for 3 days and the intensity of which does not decrease, despite the use of improvised remedies from the home medicine cabinet and traditional medicine recipes, is a reason to visit a doctor.

Source: neolines.ru


If prolonged diarrhea is not caused by a bacterial or viral infection, then in most cases you can get by with traditional medicine. The body of any adult is susceptible to one or another remedy, and therefore a folk medicine should be selected taking into account the person’s condition.

For severe and mild diarrhea the following will help:

  • Infusion of onion peels - pour a liter of boiling water over the peels and boil for 10 minutes, strain and take throughout the day.
  • Blueberry infusion is also prepared - 4 tablespoons of blueberry leaves per liter of water.
  • Vodka with salt – dilute half a teaspoon of salt per 100 ml of liquid. The mixture should be drunk immediately; you can take the second portion no earlier than 4 hours later.
  • Vodka with pepper and salt is prepared in the same way, plus half a teaspoon of ground red pepper is added.
  • Rice water - drink every three hours for an adult.
  • A decoction of pomegranate peels - the peel of one fruit should be poured with cold water (200 ml) and brought to a boil, turn on low heat and hold for another 10 minutes. Every couple of hours, take 2 tablespoons of the decoction.
  • Carrot puree from 4 carrots - boiled in water and taken in small portions (3 tablespoons) 4 times a day.

A whole list of these remedies should not be used together; it can only make things worse for an adult, even though the diarrhea will subside. An adult body weakened by diarrhea may respond inadequately to any treatment, so medications should be selected with great care. It is better to discuss the choice of a folk remedy for diarrhea with your doctor, since some remedies for diarrhea are poorly compatible with each other.

If diarrhea has already tormented an adult, but the person continues to feel quite acceptable, this is not a reason not to see a doctor. Water diarrhea is a symptom of intestinal pathology. The adult body always tries to cope with the problem itself, but in some cases outside help is needed. Otherwise, diarrhea can become a greater danger than what it is trying to rid the person's intestines of.

Lack of fluid in the diet is one of the main causes of constipation. To get rid of it in 3 days, you need to drink a simple remedy every day.

Video: why diarrhea starts

Every person experiences diarrhea throughout their life, often it is not limited to just one time. There are many reasons for its occurrence: from food to infections living in the body. If the pathology manifests itself due to problems with the small intestine, watery diarrhea occurs. We will consider further what factors influence the occurrence of water diarrhea in an adult, and the treatment of this disease.

  • Treatment of diarrhea during late pregnancy
  • Proper nutrition for diarrhea
  • Causes and treatment of bloody diarrhea in adults
  • Vomiting and diarrhea in children without fever
  • Tablets for diarrhea in adults: the most effective

How to stop diarrhea in an adult at home

Diarrhea is a rather unpleasant condition that causes discomfort to everyone who has it. Elimination of the causes that caused it and consistent treatment is mandatory and urgent. However, everyone wants to instantly get rid of annoying trips to the toilet.

Medicines such as Lopedium and Loperamide will help stop acute intestinal disorders within half an hour.

You can quickly stop diarrhea in an adult with the help of decoctions of medicinal herbs that have astringent properties (painting oak) and relieve pain and cramps in the abdomen (barberry spinosa).

Self-treatment of diarrhea is quite possible. But with prolonged duration of diarrhea, high temperature, the appearance of mucus and bloody streaks in the stool, dark tarry stools, severe abdominal pain, it is simply necessary to seek medical help.


Knowing the reason for water diarrhea is quite important. First of all, this will help to take correct measures in an emergency situation. As you know, diarrhea can occur at any time, putting a person in an awkward position.

Important! If diarrhea does not go away within three days, all medications are ineffective, you should immediately consult a doctor.

The digestive system is directly related to the work of internal organs and the external environment, which is why it is most susceptible to disease. Any irritation or disruption of body functions leads to increased motor activity, then the release of mucus, and then to diarrhea.

  • Dyspeptic. The most common cause of diarrhea is water. It occurs due to a disrupted regulatory system of the gastric glands, the lack of the body’s ability to absorb and digest food.
  • Infectious. This factor is characterized by the presence of intestinal viruses, food toxins and dysentery.
  • Nutritional. The body's reaction to the allergen content in the food consumed.
  • Toxic. Poisoning with poisons and toxins (arsenic, mercury).
  • Medication. Negative effects of medications. For example, antibiotics, along with harmful bacteria, also kill vital bacteria for the human body.
  • Neurogenic. “Bear disease” is the second name for the disease and also the cause of watery diarrhea. It is caused by fears, stress, anxiety and emotional distress.
  • Causes and classification of diarrhea in adult patients

    Diarrhea is a natural protective reaction of the body to the penetration of a toxin or irritation of the mucous membrane : harmful substances are also removed with feces. severe dehydration occurs with the loss of a large number of valuable nutrients and microelements. Diarrhea that lasts no more than 2 weeks is called acute . If the intestinal disorder is observed longer, it receives the status of chronic.

    Depending on the cause that caused it, diarrhea occurs:

    • Alimentary (food) - usually develops as a result of individual intolerance to a certain type of food.
    • Infectiousness is a consequence of the pathogen entering the body (dysentery, viral diarrhea).
    • Drug-induced – occurs against the background of an overdose of certain medications.
    • Dyspeptic disease is the result of dysfunction of the digestive system (impaired secretion or chemical composition of gastric juice, liver and intestinal diseases that prevent proper digestion of food).
    • Neurogenic is the intestinal response to strong emotions, fears and experiences. It is popularly called “bear disease” and is often observed before any important and responsible events.
    • Toxic – these are the consequences of poisoning with mercury or arsenic compounds.

    Most often, an adult can easily tolerate temporary indigestion without the use of medications. , a dangerous deficiency of fluid and valuable micronutrients occurs in the body , so it is necessary to treat chronic diarrhea.


    To determine a specific problem, it is necessary to take into account the signs and characteristics of the disease. In the case of watery diarrhea, the distinctive features are expressed in the nature of the flow and color of liquid feces.

    Diarrhea can be accompanied by a temperature from 37 to 39°. What is considered normal in principle, its absence is worse; this indicates immunodeficiency. Nausea is the most common symptom of the disease, which subsequently causes vomiting. A feeling of heaviness and pain in the abdomen are also characteristic. Against the background of diarrhea, one almost always notices the belching of rotten eggs, which is present due to the release of gases from the gastrointestinal tract.

    A specialist can easily determine the cause by the color of the stool.

    1. Green stool indicates the presence of bacteria and viruses in the intestines.
    2. Diarrhea with yellow water occurs due to increased peristalsis (the most favorable sign and cause for the patient).
    3. Black feces can be caused by eating beets, blueberries and activated carbon - in the best case. If none of the above was taken in food, then this is a serious “bell” of the body, which is a symptom of bleeding from the stomach.
    4. White diarrhea means there is a tumor or stone in the bile duct.
    5. With watery transparent diarrhea, one can assume cholera, which, when entering the body, provokes all the mechanisms of diarrhea.


    What to do if you suddenly catch water diarrhea in an adult? Treatment must be urgent. Especially if the patient has vomiting and diarrhea with water. Such manifestations can lead to dehydration.

    The human skeleton is made up of 15–20% water, while the heart and brain are 76%. From this we can conclude: how important water is to the human body. All organs can be affected by deficiency.

    In addition, minerals are also lost with diarrhea. With loose stools more than 3 times a day, the water-salt balance is disturbed. If treatment is not started in a timely manner, recovery will require significantly more time, especially for older people.

    When you can't stop severe diarrhea at home

    Experts do not recommend stopping diarrhea on your own in the following cases:

    1. Liquid stools are black or dark brown in color. A change in color may indicate internal bleeding.
    2. Diarrhea continues for several days, but its intensity does not decrease, which can lead to dehydration.
    3. The man's skin began to turn pale and he became very weak.
    4. Diarrhea is accompanied by severe pain. This condition may indicate the development of an acute form of pancreatitis.

    If a person’s diarrhea does not stop within several days, then in this situation the only right decision is to visit a medical facility. Specialists will carry out a number of diagnostic measures and determine the cause of the violation of defecation. After this, they will develop an individual drug therapy regimen for the patient.

    How to make a proper diet

    Severe diarrhea with water, what to do first? If you have diarrhea with water, you must follow a diet. First of all, exclude baked goods and pasta, sweets, carbonated drinks, fatty meats and fish. You should also avoid canned and pickled foods. Food should be steamed, boiled or baked.

    Important! Do not break your diet under any circumstances! Its goal is not only prevention, but also treatment of the disease.

    Sample menu for water diarrhea in adults:

  • breakfast (steamed omelette, tea with crackers);
  • snack (biscuits, apple juice diluted with water 1:1);
  • lunch (soup with vegetables in light meat broth, steamed chicken meatballs, jelly);
  • afternoon snack (baked apple and biscuits);
  • dinner (buckwheat porridge, boiled chicken breast, rosehip infusion);
  • second dinner (chamomile infusion and crackers).
  • Conservative treatment

    Having established the cause, studied all the signs, and switched to a diet, the question of direct treatment remains. Liquid diarrhea like water, what should I do?

    Answer: If you have watery stools, it is important to stay hydrated. Therefore, the first step is to restore the water-salt balance, for this reason Regidron is used. The powder must first be diluted with water. It is important to start using the drug in the first 6-10 hours, the dosage varies depending on weight loss. If a person has lost 500 g, he needs to drink 1 liter of Regidron. During this period, no more fluid is required. After passing this stage, you can introduce other liquids. In addition, you can use still mineral water. For these purposes, a good option is Essentuki “4”.

    Some people have a tendency to be treated with antibacterial drugs. They are guided by the fact that they can cure all ailments. Alas, not in this case. For water diarrhea, an antibiotic is prescribed if the causative agent is cholera or salmonellosis.

    Important! Treatment of diarrhea with water should be comprehensive. It is necessary to correctly combine drugs from different groups.

    Often, sulfonamide drugs, antibacterials, nitrofurans, antifungals, enterosorbents and antiviral agents are used in conservative treatment.

    Treatment with folk remedies

    Traditional medicine knows many recipes for diarrhea, which have been tested over the years. They are quite effective and can be used together with medications. Treatment at home with folk remedies will make it easier to endure this unpleasant period and speed up the recovery process.

    Nausea and diarrhea with water

    You will need a handful of onion peels. Pour the raw materials into 1 liter of water and place on the stove. Bring the infusion to a boil and let simmer over medium heat for 10 minutes. Strain the finished broth and take 0.5 liters throughout the day in small sips.


    An infusion is prepared from blueberries. For which you need 4 tbsp. l. Pour 1 liter of boiling water over the crushed leaves of the plant and let it brew for 30 minutes. Take ½ glass of infusion before meals. The course of treatment is 2 days.

    Treat with pomegranate peels

    After separating the peel from the grains, it is crushed and dried. Then 1 dec. l. pomegranate peels pour 1 tbsp. boiling water, put on fire and bring to a boil. Pomegranate broth must be boiled for 5 minutes. Take 100 ml a quarter of an hour before meals.

    Vodka with salt

    In 100 ml of vodka you need to dilute ½ tsp. table salt and drink immediately. If you feel the effect after an hour, you can eat a little. If not, then the procedure can be repeated. The main thing is to do it no more than once every 4 hours. Often one dose is enough.

    Vodka with pepper

    This remedy is most often used for colds. But not everyone knows that it can also cure diarrhea. Add ½ tsp to 200 ml of vodka. ground red pepper and 1 tsp. salt, mix everything thoroughly, and then drink in one gulp. The effect can be felt an hour after administration. During this period, it is advisable to adhere to bed rest.


    You will need 4 medium carrots. They must be thoroughly washed and boiled with their skins on. When they are cooked, prepare thick carrot puree in water. Take 4 times a day, 3 tbsp. l.

    Treating diarrhea with walnuts

    It is necessary to prepare a tincture, not from the nut kernel itself, but from the partitions. To do this, you need to take 1/3 cup of partitions and pour in 500 ml of vodka. The tincture is infused in the sun for 2 weeks. Take 50 ml twice a day.

    Ginger tea

    You need 1 tsp. ground ginger, pour 200 ml of boiling water, let it brew for half an hour. Take 1 tbsp infusion. l. at intervals of 30 minutes.

    Oak bark tincture

    One teaspoon of oak bark is poured with 400 ml of vodka. Shake the bottle and put it in a dark place for 7 days. The medicine is taken twice a day, 20 drops.

    Important! Before using this or that recipe, first make sure that you do not have hypersensitivity to the components included.

    Therapy methods

    So, it is necessary to stop diarrhea, but how? If this happens at home or in the country, then we begin to use various methods that help quickly stop diarrhea at home. If diarrhea is of non-viral origin, then it can be combated with the help of pharmaceuticals and folk remedies. In your home medicine cabinet you should have one or two drugs from the following list (fixing/cleansing plus replenishing electrolyte balance): with loperamide as the main active ingredient - Loperamide, Lopedium, Immodium tablets; collecting and removing waste/toxins – Smecta, Activated carbon, Enterosgel; normalizing the level of electrolytes in the body during large fluid loss - Regidron.


    Dangerous microorganisms are especially active during the warm period. Before eating, wash fresh fruits, berries and vegetables thoroughly and then pour boiling water over them.

    1. Maintain good hand hygiene: wash with soap before eating, after going outside, shopping and using the toilet.
    2. Even after you decide to count your cash savings, don’t forget to wash your hands.
    3. Make sure that all products undergo thorough heat treatment and are well fried, stewed and finished cooking. Do not eat expired products.
    4. Raw food should never be stored together with cooked food. You should not eat in dubious establishments (cafes, snack bars and restaurants).

    Drink high-quality water or boil it for more time. This kind of trouble often catches people who love to travel. When traveling abroad, also do not forget about hygiene rules.


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