Treatment of food poisoning in children and adults

Is it possible to do without saline solution?

Dehydration should not be underestimated. With a lack of moisture and minerals (especially the sodium and potassium group), the stomach cavity does not produce a sufficient amount of mucus, so the process of digesting food occurs with malfunctions. Liquid is also needed to protect the skin and internal organs from mechanical stress. The human body is 70% water. In case of severe dehydration, there is a high probability of death.

With food poisoning, a person loses up to 3 liters of fluid per hour. If a large concentration of toxins accumulates in the stomach cavity, vomiting occurs. With it alone, the victim loses up to 1.5 liters of water. And if you do not replenish the supply, the body will simply stop “protecting itself” from toxins and they will enter the blood, and from there to the liver, kidneys, brain and other vital organs. The saline solution prevents dehydration, quickly restores the concentration of mineral trace elements and stimulates the neutralization of toxins. It can also be used to lavage the stomach in case of poisoning from spoiled foods, household chemicals, acid, and alcohol.

Sodium salt sharply inhibits the process of absorption of toxins by the walls of the stomach, so the negative effects of poisoning are reduced.

Effect of saline solution

Such a simple remedy as water with salt in case of poisoning with chemicals, alcohol or toxins very often helps save a person’s life. A person can lose a large volume of water, up to one and a half liters, as a result of various intoxications. Thickening of the blood prevents the body and immune cells from effectively defending themselves. As a result, toxins affect brain tissue and various organs.

In case of poisoning, a certain amount of water with salt improves the performance of glands and internal secretion organs, such as the gallbladder and pancreas. Salt water during vomiting helps:

  • replenishment of H2O balance;
  • renewing the reserves of certain minerals in the body.

Saline solution for vomiting is taken during food, chemical, acid or alcohol poisoning.

Saline solution for diarrhea helps:

  • reduce water loss, normalizing stool;
  • stops the development of fermentation and putrefaction in the intestinal system;
  • normalizes digestive processes;
  • inhibits the expansion of inflammatory locations in the digestive and excretory systems of the body;
  • destroys pathogenic microorganisms;
  • prevents further toxic damage.

For diarrhea, saline solution is taken until symptoms are completely relieved.

If taking a saline solution five times a day for diarrhea does not help, you should urgently consult a doctor.

If a person, as a result of intoxication, loses only one tenth of the total volume of water in his body, then the results in the form of damage to internal organs and failures in the functioning of all excretory systems of the body will not take long to arrive. If there is a loss of a quarter (of the volume of the entire body fluid), then within a short time the person dies.

The main effect of this drug is to replenish fluid reserves and microelements in the body. Saline solution is used for poisoning because it relieves symptoms of intoxication and also restores the functioning of internal organs. Vomiting and diarrhea occur due to toxins entering the body. At the same time, when a huge amount of water leaves a person, his body stops fighting the poisons that caused the poisoning.

Saline solution should not be used for gastric lavage in case of poisoning. They only need to replenish their water supplies, and not vice versa - deliberately induce vomiting. To flush your stomach from toxic substances and food debris, you should simply drink a few glasses of clean water and induce vomiting using your fingers. Next, you need to immediately drink a saline solution to replenish fluid loss.

If measures are not taken and the body’s water balance is not normalized, the patient’s vital organs may fail. That is why it is necessary to always keep preparations for mixing saline solution in your home medicine cabinet. If poisoning suddenly strikes one of your family members, you can always relieve the unpleasant symptoms without leaving home.

  • replenishment of H2O balance,
  • renewing the reserves of certain minerals in the body.
  • reduce water loss, normalizing stool,
  • stops the development of fermentation and putrefaction in the intestinal system,
  • normalizes digestive processes,
  • inhibits the expansion of inflammatory locations in the digestive and excretory systems of the body,
  • destroys pathogenic microorganisms,
  • prevents further toxic damage.

Preparation and use

Saline solution can be prepared in several ways. The simplest among them is prepared as follows:

prepare 3-5 liters of boiled water, cooled to room temperature (20-24 degrees); the temperature regime must be observed, since if the solution is too cold, it will cause stomach spasms; add sugar (1 tablespoon per liter), kitchen salt (1 teaspoon per liter), soda (0.5 teaspoon per liter) to the water; All components are thoroughly mixed until completely dissolved.

Drink the prepared solution in small sips. After each liter there is a break of 5-10 minutes.

If necessary, you can provoke a stomach spasm and subsequent gag reflex. This should only be done if there is a urge to feel sick.

To quickly prepare a solution, you can use pharmaceutical preparations such as Regidron. It is an easily soluble powder, and it also contains potassium.

Nuances and contraindications

Saline solution should not be used if there are open ulcers in the stomach and duodenum. And the optimal dosage for a single dose is 5-7 milliliters per 1 kilogram of the patient’s live weight. If vomiting was provoked after consumption, you should clear your mouth of any remaining vomit (rinse with plain water) and then drink the solution again. And so on until the stomach cramps pass or the nausea disappears.

After eliminating signs of dehydration and reducing the urge to defecate (diarrhea), the solution is taken in a reduced dosage at the rate of 200 milliliters after each loose stool. And so on until complete recovery.

At the discretion of the doctor, use for preventive purposes can continue for the next 3-4 days, the daily norm is no more than 1.5 liters of solution.

Food poisoning - treatment at home

In most cases, food poisoning goes away on its own within 48 hours, but sometimes the illness takes a serious form, which requires urgent help, which you can read here - First aid for food poisoning - what is possible and what is not. However, using the remedies below, you can significantly improve your condition and speed up your recovery. Treating food poisoning at home can be very effective in most cases, but if your condition does not improve within 24 hours or you experience severe and frightening symptoms, call an ambulance immediately.


Lemons contain anti-inflammatory, antiviral and antibacterial compounds that inhibit bacteria that cause food poisoning. Just squeeze out the lemon juice and mix it with a little sugar (you can do it without sugar). Take one teaspoon 2-3 times a day. To cleanse your body, you can use a mixture of warm water and lemon - simply mix 1 tablespoon of lemon juice with a glass of warm water and drink several times a day. Read in detail about the beneficial properties of lemon water.


Ginger root is also an excellent folk remedy for treating food poisoning. Drinking tea with lemon and ginger after lunch and dinner eliminates heartburn and nausea. Even a few drops of ginger juice in honey can reduce inflammation. Eating raw ginger can significantly improve digestion by increasing the production of gastric juice.


Thanks to its powerful antiviral, antibacterial and antifungal properties, garlic is an effective remedy for food poisoning (see Benefits of Garlic). If you are poisoned, simply chewing fresh garlic cloves or drinking garlic juice will help eliminate the pathogens that caused the poisoning. You can also start taking specially formulated garlic oil capsules.

You can also help your body cope with food poisoning in the following way - mix garlic oil with soybean oil, and then simply rub it into the skin of your stomach after eating.

Mint tea

Drink 3-4 cups of peppermint tea or eat something that contains mint or menthol, such as chewing gum or candy. Mint soothes contractions in the stomach, helps digest food and eliminate gas. Even a little peppermint toothpaste can help improve food poisoning. Learn more about the benefits of peppermint.

Fenugreek seeds and yogurt

Consuming a mixture of fenugreek seeds and yogurt helps speed up recovery from food poisoning. Mix 1 teaspoon of fenugreek seeds with a tablespoon of yogurt and simply swallow the mixture without chewing. This home remedy provides quick relief from stomach pain and vomiting caused by food poisoning.

On the topic: Food poisoning in a child - causes, symptoms, treatment.

Apple vinegar

To get instant relief from food poisoning, natural apple cider vinegar is the best remedy. Since drinking apple cider vinegar alkalizes the body, it can help relieve various symptoms of food poisoning. Dissolve 2 tablespoons of natural apple cider vinegar in a large glass of warm water and drink before meals. This remedy suppresses bacterial infection and prevents indigestion, which helps get rid of unpleasant symptoms.

Chicken bouillon

Eating chicken broth can help relieve the symptoms of food poisoning, but if you or a loved one can't consume it at the moment, don't force yourself to do so. It is best to start drinking chicken broth after the acute phase of poisoning has already passed.

Herb tea

Treating food poisoning at home can be quite effective by drinking a variety of herbal teas. To make tea, you can use the following ingredients in various combinations: chamomile, ginger, lemon, mint, etc. This will help you stay hydrated and calm your stomach, while also avoiding stomach cramps.


Thanks to the antibacterial properties of this herb, you can quickly get rid of the pathogens that cause food poisoning. Extract the juice from basil and mix it with honey or add basil juice to a liter of water, then drink this mixture throughout the day. This will help significantly reduce the infection. Alternatively, you can take basil by mixing it with three tablespoons of yogurt, a pinch of black pepper and a little sea salt. Consume this mixture three to four times a day until the symptoms of food poisoning disappear.

Body rehydration product

During food poisoning, your body actively loses fluid during bouts of vomiting and diarrhea. To replenish lost fluid and improve your condition, you can use the following mixture. Add 1 tablespoon sugar, 1 teaspoon salt and 2 teaspoons fresh lemon juice to 1 liter of warm water. Drink this mixture throughout the entire period of illness. The antiseptic properties of lemon juice quickly help in treating food poisoning.


The antifungal and antibacterial properties of honey help in treating food poisoning at home. You can add honey to warm (not hot) tea. Honey helps relieve indigestion and other symptoms of food poisoning. Find out about 10 beneficial properties of honey.


Banana fruits are rich in potassium, which helps reduce various unpleasant symptoms of food poisoning. Bananas are very soft fruits, making them easily digested by the stomach. You can eat it just like that or make a cocktail from it, in any case, its use is very useful both during and after illness. Find out more about the benefits of bananas.


Cumin seeds are great for eliminating inflammation caused by food poisoning. You can make herbal tea with cumin seeds by adding salt and asafoetida, or simply drink it in small quantities with water.

On topic: Food poisoning during pregnancy - questions and answers.

Other solutions for poisoning

To lavage the stomach after poisoning, it is recommended to use a solution based on potassium permanganate (popularly referred to as “potassium permanganate”). Unlike a combination of sugar, salt and soda, this component neutralizes a wide range of toxins due to the chemical reaction of breaking down magnesium oxide. At the same time, the capillaries on the walls of the stomach narrow and the rate of penetration of those same toxins into the blood slows down. This option is suitable not only for food poisoning, but also if a bacterial infection (for example, staphylococcus) gets into the stomach area.

A manganese solution is prepared by simply adding crystals to boiled water. The nominal dosage is 10-12 crystals per liter. The finished solution takes on a rich pink tint, but remains transparent. It is very important to ensure that the crystals are completely dissolved. If one of these gets into the stomach cavity, then in addition to the symptoms of poisoning, a burn to the mucous membrane will be added.

And yes, in case of poisoning, manganese is taken exclusively for gastric lavage. That is, after taking it, you must induce vomiting. The simplest option is to press the far part of the tongue with your fingers. This kind of washing is carried out until the impurities of undigested food disappear in the vomit that comes out, and the nausea goes away completely. In most cases, 2-3 such procedures are enough. It is allowed to use the solution for gastric lavage through a tube.

A simple solution of soda (1 teaspoon per liter of water) should be used for rinsing after acid, methyl alcohol, and some other chemical reagents enter the gastrointestinal tract. It is the soda solution that must be taken in the maximum possible amount in order to achieve stretching of the stomach walls and penetration of the salt mixture into the pores of the mucous membrane. This is where toxins are most concentrated.

It is allowed to increase the dosage of soda to 1.5 teaspoons per liter of water, but only if there are signs of staphylococcal poisoning. In other situations, exceeding the usual dose is not recommended.

Saline solution is the best remedy for quickly eliminating signs of poisoning and restoring water balance in the body.

It is also an excellent alternative to pharmaceutical drugs such as Regidron, Gastrolit, Humana Electrolyte and the like. The main thing is to follow the dosage and not hesitate to visit a doctor or call an ambulance.

First aid for poisoning

The main task facing a person with food poisoning is removing toxins from the body. It is also necessary to prevent a serious disturbance of the water-salt balance.

First aid comes down to the following actions:

  • Gastric lavage. The patient should drink as much water as possible, after which he is induced to vomit. The procedure is repeated until the liquid coming out of the stomach becomes absolutely clear. If possible, replace water with a weak solution of potassium permanganate. This allows for disinfection of the gastrointestinal tract. The solution should have a pale pink color. Manganese must be thoroughly dissolved and strained through gauze folded in 4 layers. You can also prepare a soda solution (take a teaspoon of soda per liter of water). If the vomit suddenly becomes black, stop rinsing the stomach. This sign indicates gastric bleeding, which requires emergency hospitalization. This complication often occurs in people with stomach ulcers or gastritis.
  • Colon cleansing. If a person does not develop diarrhea, they need to take a laxative or do an enema. This will remove toxins from the intestines. For an enema, use plain water. It should be boiled and at room temperature. The enema is also repeated several times. We need to ensure that the waters become clean.

When first aid is provided to the patient, you can offer him folk and pharmacy remedies.

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A water-salt solution for poisoning is used in most cases. If diarrhea, diarrhea, vomiting and other symptoms of poisoning occur, most doctors advise using this particular remedy. Practice shows that such a solution provides invaluable assistance and helps the patient get back on his feet much faster . But it is important to use this tool correctly. After all, no matter how effective it is, if you overdo it, it can lead to the fact that the body will be forced to remove what it cannot cope with. Then the poisoning will only get worse. But first things first.

Indications for use

A water-salt solution should be used in the following cases:

When all the symptoms of dehydration occur (doctors call dehydration “exicosis”). This is the main and main indicator for the use of the solution. The fact is that when dehydrated, the body loses fluid very quickly, and this leads to irreversible consequences or even death.

If a person loses a tenth of all the fluid in the body, irreversible consequences will occur in the form of damage to internal organs and disruption of all systems. If he loses a fourth part, the result is, at best, shock, and most likely death!

Diarrhea, discomfort in the stomach or intestines, fever and other symptoms of poisoning. All this one way or another leads to dehydration. Even if the symptoms of exicosis have not yet appeared, but the patient does not feel better (the stomach still hurts, the temperature is high, nauseated, and so on), it means that dehydration will soon occur. This must be prevented. Acute intestinal infections. Any intestinal toxin (cholera, halophilia, rotavirus, adenovirus, escherichiosis and others) can affect both the stomach and intestines. You can recognize this by symptoms such as acute pain in the stomach, nausea, vomiting after eating, dizziness, aches, pain in the lower abdomen (the most basic symptom). Also, in this case, there is stool with impurities of mucus and blood (sometimes of an unnatural color, for example green, it can also be of an unnatural consistency, for example, too liquid), painful acts of defecation and urination.

Dehydration can be recognized by symptoms such as persistently pale skin, especially on the face, extreme thirst, dry mouth, dark yellow urine, dizziness and weakness . During the manifestation of symptoms of poisoning, it is necessary to constantly monitor the patient and respond to any change in his condition. It is best to consult a doctor, even if the patient feels better after taking a water-salt solution or any other drugs used for poisoning.

The effect of using a water-salt solution

The most important thing that a water-salt solution does is replenish fluid reserves. In general, during full-fledged poisoning (all symptoms at once) or even with diarrhea or other individual manifestations of poisoning, it is important to drink as much as possible. Once in the stomach, toxins begin to accumulate and cause vomiting. During one attack, a person loses up to 1.5 liters of fluid. Even if such attacks are not observed, up to 3 liters of water still leaves the patient’s body. Therefore, it is extremely important to replenish your water supply. But ordinary drinks are completely unsuitable for performing such tasks, especially if it is sweet water or some kind of cocktails.

If the fluid supply in the patient’s body is not replenished in time, toxins enter the bloodstream, then into the liver, kidneys and other organs, which leads to their damage. When there is no water in the body, it simply does not fight toxins.

A water-salt solution best copes with the task of replenishing fluid in the human body. Any doctor will tell you this. As for water, why it is effective was discussed above. Salt will also be very useful for all kinds of poisoning. This can be said for the following reasons:

salt restores the concentration of trace elements that help fight the effects of toxins; salt can stimulate the process of neutralizing the toxins themselves; salt restores the supply of electrolytes that the human body loses during poisoning (and in large quantities); if it is sodium salt (regular salt, which is sold in stores and supermarkets), it stops the absorption (absorption) of toxins into the stomach walls.

The latter can be considered the most important property of salt. Toxins usually enter the stomach, accumulate there, begin to penetrate the walls, destroy them, and only then enter other organs. Accordingly, if toxins act in the patient’s body for too long, their effect will be irreversible, because the walls of the stomach will remain damaged. But if you use salt, it will prevent toxins from being absorbed into the walls, so they will simply accumulate in the stomach and come out with vomit . In this case, this is the best option.

Therefore, the most ordinary water with salt can greatly help the patient cope with toxins. Thanks to it, the infection will not penetrate further than the stomach, and the body receives the necessary amount of water. But to achieve this effect, you need to know how to use the water-salt solution correctly.

How to use saline solution for poisoning

The preparation of a water-salt solution consists of the following steps:

Take 3 liters of water and heat it to room temperature (20-25 degrees), before bringing it to a boil. This is important because if the solution is too hot or cold, it will cause stomach spasms, which will be additional stress for him. Add sugar, salt and soda. Most doctors advise taking one tablespoon of sugar and salt per liter of water. As for soda, you need to take 0.5 tablespoons per liter of water. Mix all the components so that nothing remains at the bottom and a homogeneous solution is obtained.

As for how to drink salt water if poisoned, it all depends on the degree of the disease . So, if poisoning is only in the initial stages and there are no signs of dehydration, you can take 200 ml of the solution after each manifestation of poisoning (diarrhea or vomiting). If the poisoning has reached a fairly serious stage, doctors advise drinking a water-salt solution in small sips, taking a break of 10-20 minutes after each liter drunk.

If serious signs of dehydration are observed, doctors recommend drinking 60-70 ml of a water-salt solution for each kilogram of weight (for example, if the patient weighs 80 kg, he needs to drink 60 * 80 = 480 mg, that is, almost 5 liters of solution) . This should be done a maximum of 10 hours after symptoms appear. In this case, you should definitely contact a doctor and call him at home.

Features of using a water-salt solution

A water-salt solution is not the main treatment. It must be used in combination with other medications and therapies. By itself, this solution will not be able to fully cope with poisoning . This remedy should not be used if there are ulcers or inflammations in the stomach or duodenal area. And in general, if there is inflammation in any of the organs of the gastrointestinal system, it is better not to use this solution. If vomiting is caused after taking a water-salt solution, you need to rinse your mouth with plain water and drink the solution again. The end result of taking a water-salt solution is that vomiting and other signs of poisoning completely disappear. Accordingly, the solution must be used until the symptoms of poisoning cease to appear. If the patient has a rotten smell and bitterness in the mouth, alternating constipation with diarrhea and too frequent urge to vomit or diarrhea, the patient urgently needs to be hospitalized! Be sure to consult a doctor for any type of poisoning !

In addition, it is important to understand that in the case of poisoning in children, a water-salt solution is used differently. All of the above recommendations apply to adults only!

Solution for children

The saline solution for vomiting in children and how to make it are no different from the same solution for adults (the recipe remains the same). But even with the most severe manifestations of poisoning, the solution itself needs to be given much less. The maximum amount of water-salt solution for children is 50 ml per kilogram of weight . Initially, the child is given no more than one teaspoon every 10 minutes. If the manifestations of poisoning are not very strong, 10 ml will be enough.

Only the attending doctor can tell you exactly how much solution should be given to the child! Don't risk your baby's health.

Method for preparing the solution yourself

The pharmacy version of this medicine is not always at hand. Fortunately, you can prepare it at home in no time without wasting valuable time searching for the nearest pharmacy. Anyone who cares about their own health should know how to make a saline solution for poisoning. You can prepare medicine for nausea, vomiting and diarrhea as follows:

  • Pour at least 3 liters of warm water into a deep saucepan. Its temperature should not exceed 25 degrees. Too cold or, conversely, hot water can cause the patient to vomit.
  • Pour 3 tablespoons of sugar and the same amount of salt into the pan. Stir thoroughly and add 1.5 tablespoons of soda.
  • The contents of the pan must be well mixed so that no sediment remains at the bottom.

Regidron - an alternative to a homemade water-salt solution

A good alternative to a water-salt solution is rehydron . Rehydron contains the following components:

sodium chloride (aka regular kitchen salt); dextrose (sugar); potassium chloride, which is responsible for normalizing the alkaline balance (this is important if you want to avoid the consequences of poisoning as much as possible); sodium citrate, which is responsible for normalizing the acid balance.

As you can see, there are all the components that are used in a regular water-salt solution, except for soda. But there is sodium citrate and potassium chloride . It is even better. Usually the packages indicate how the medicine should be used and its dosage. But in most cases it is used in the same way as a regular water-salt solution - after each manifestation of poisoning or every 10 minutes.

As you can see, in case of poisoning, a water-salt solution is one of the main means that can help bring the patient out of this painful state. But before using it, you should definitely consult a doctor so as not to cause even more harmful consequences.

Dear friends, hello. Today we will talk about the benefits and rules for using saline solution for poisoning.

When the victim is plagued by vomiting and diarrhea, it is simply necessary so that the person can avoid dehydration.

If you do not replenish the water balance in time, then a patient with severe intoxication can face very negative consequences, even death.

Saline solutions quickly restore the amount of minerals and neutralize toxic components that have entered the body.

They must be used not only in case of food poisoning, but also in case of chemical intoxication, alcoholic and household.

Soda for poisoning

When the body is affected by toxic substances, the first signs develop: nausea, vomiting, intestinal upset. The clinical picture is treated with medications prescribed by doctors. However, it is not always possible to seek qualified help in time. All that remains is to use the products from your home medicine cabinet. Often simple soda comes to the rescue, used to prepare delicious dishes.

The process of digesting food occurs under the influence of an alkaline environment. The exception is the acid secretion produced by the stomach. If the acidity of the environment in the digestive tract increases, problems occur in all organs involved in digestion.

The main cause of the disorder is the penetration of toxic substances into the body, causing intoxication of the body. As a result, the acid-base balance changes. The environment becomes more acidic. When a soda solution gets inside, the acid is neutralized. The balance returns to normal. However, a positive influence can easily be turned into an even more dangerous one. If you take soda without control and in large quantities, there is a negative effect on the body. Therefore, admission is invariably limited and controlled.

How to make medicine yourself?

You will need boiled or filtered water at room temperature and table salt. The dosage should correspond to the body weight and age of the victim. So, here's how much salt you'll need:

• Children from 1 to 3 years: 1 small spoon of salt per 1 glass of water (250 ml);

• For children from 3 to 7 years: for 250 ml of water, 1 small heaped spoon of salt;

• From 7 to 15 years, as well as older women, pregnant women: 1.5 small spoons per 250 ml.

• Adults: 2 teaspoons of salt per glass of water.

In addition to this simple solution, you can prepare an electrolytic one. To do this, take 1 small spoon of sugar and salt per glass of hot water.

For children under 3 years old, take a coffee spoon. This composition should be drunk warm (36 degrees).

You can also make a glucose-salt composition for children. Necessary:

• 1 liter of clean water;

• 100 grams of raisins;

• 1 small spoon of salt and sugar;

• 0.5 small spoon of soda.

Pour water over raisins and cook for 40 minutes. After this, strain, cool, add salt, sugar, soda, and bring to a boil. Should be drunk chilled.

How to take saline solution correctly

  • To cleanse the gastrointestinal tract in case of poisoning, it is recommended to drink a solution of potassium permanganate rather than saline.
  • It is necessary to repeat the use of the product until all signs of poisoning disappear.

You can use salt water for alcohol poisoning, but only if you have a hangover. If the poisoning is severe, as evidenced by incessant vomiting, you should seek help from a doctor. If vomiting begins during or after drinking alcohol, you need to rinse your mouth and after a while drink NaCl solution to induce vomiting.

Important! Remember: in case of poisoning, saline solution is not the only drug for treatment. It is best to use it together with medications prescribed by your doctor.

Saline solution for vomiting in children is used in combination with glucose. To prepare it, pour a handful of raisins with boiling water (1 liter), boil for several minutes, let it brew for 10-15 minutes, filter and cool. Dissolve one teaspoon of salt and sugar and 0.5 teaspoon of soda in the resulting infusion. This product contains both sodium and potassium. Give the child 2-3 tsp. every half hour.

For infants, the dose is halved. The maximum daily dose of water with salt, soda and sugar for children in case of poisoning is 50 ml per 1 kg of weight.

How much should I drink?

You can give the glucose-salt mixture to children up to one year old, but only dilute it with water in a 1:1 ratio. Give it to your child every 10 minutes, one small spoonful.

Adults should drink this remedy in small sips. The daily dose of the solution should not exceed 1.5 liters for mild symptoms of intoxication.

When the poisoning has reached a more serious stage, you should drink small sips with a break of 10-20 minutes after drinking a liter.

In case of serious signs of dehydration, it is recommended to drink 70 ml of the composition for each kilo of weight.

So a person weighing 80 kg needs 5 liters, and they should drink them a maximum of 10 hours after the first symptoms appear. And in case of severe intoxication, it is imperative to call a doctor at home.

Be sure to drink it warm, otherwise there may be a stomach spasm, which will lead to vomiting. If you still feel sick and vomit, then drink the composition again after that.

Pharmacy water-salt preparations

For many, it is easier to buy ready-made medications than to make them yourself at home. What are their names? So, to restore the water-salt balance, the following drugs are sold:

• Regidron;

• Humana electrolyte;

• Glucosolan;

• Gastrolit;

• Trisol.

Regidon contains sodium and salt in sufficient quantities. Thanks to this, the medicine prevents subsequent dehydration.

Gastrolit can be given to children from one year old. It has a quite pleasant taste, as it contains chamomile extract. Humana and Glucosolan remove toxins from the body and restore electrolyte balance.

Contraindications for use

There are a number of contraindications for which the use of soda solution is unacceptable. If you ignore the prohibitions, you can cause irreparable damage to your health. Soda is a chemical substance, although it is referred to as “drinking” or “food”.

When not to use sodium bicarbonate:

  • diabetes;
  • malignant formations (cancer);
  • various diseases of the digestive system (especially the stomach);
  • low blood pressure;
  • allergies (individual intolerance);
  • ailments of the cardiovascular system.

Frequent use of soda solution is unacceptable. At home, only external use is allowed (not counting inhalation). Intravenous administration of sodium bicarbonate can only be carried out in hospital conditions, since an overdose of soda droppers is life-threatening.

Contraindications and nuances

• It is not recommended to drink the salt composition if there are open ulcers in the duodenum and stomach. For such people, the optimal amount is considered to be 5-7 ml per 1 kg of body weight.

• If, after drinking the mixture, you experience vomiting, then clear your mouth of any remaining food (rinse with water) and drink the solution again and drink it until the nausea and vomiting disappears.

• After the acute symptoms of intoxication have passed, you should drink 200 ml after each loose bowel movement and bout of vomiting, and so on until complete recovery.

• The formulation itself is not a primary treatment. It needs to be combined with other methods.

• When the victim has a bitter taste in the mouth, a rotten smell, frequent urge to diarrhea, vomiting, constipation alternates with diarrhea, the victim must be hospitalized.

• In case of any type of poisoning (especially in children), you should definitely consult a doctor.

• This composition is not a gastric lavage agent. For this purpose, a solution based on manganese (potassium permanganate) is used. You can read more about its use in a separate article.

Saline solution for children

The recipe for preparing a solution for a child is no different from that used for adults. Only the amount you drink changes, as well as the dosage of the medicine. Even if the child has suffered from severe poisoning, the dose recommended by doctors should not be exceeded. For children it is 50 ml per 1 kg of weight. Mild food poisoning is treated with a dosage of 10 ml per 1 kg of weight. You need to drink the solution every 10 minutes. If, in addition to nausea, the child suffers from diarrhea or vomiting, the amount of solution should be increased to 25 ml per 1 kg of weight.

If symptoms of poisoning appear in your baby, you should immediately call an ambulance. Only after this should you try to alleviate the child’s condition with saline solution.

In what cases is this composition indicated?

A water-salt solution should be drunk in the following situations:

1. When all the symptoms of dehydration appear on the face (dry mouth, constant thirst, drowsiness, excessive fatigue, headaches, urination problems, dry skin, constipation, rapid breathing, lack of sweat, pale skin).

Remember, if a person loses 1/10 of the fluid, then irreversible consequences will occur, which are expressed in the form of disturbances in the functioning of all body systems. If ¼ of the water is lost, death may occur.

2. For acute signs of poisoning (fever, diarrhea, vomiting, discomfort in the abdomen, stomach). All this can sooner or later lead to dehydration.

3. For acute intestinal infections (rotavirus, cholera, adenovirus and others).

Why does this particular composition help?

Many people do not understand why it is necessary to drink water-salt water, and not just water and other drinks. Now I will explain why.

• salt has the ability to neutralize toxins;

• it restores the amount of nutrients in the body, which prevents further penetration of toxins into other organs and tissues;

• it does not allow harmful components to be absorbed into the walls of the stomach;

• it replenishes the supply of electrolytes that were lost during the poisoning process.

If you start taking this composition in time, then the toxins will not leave the stomach, but will remain there and come out along with the vomit. If this happens, then everything goes as it should.

That's all, dear readers. I hope the article was useful to you. Good luck and health to you!

Best regards, NeTraviOrganism.RU team

Food poisoning and intestinal infections are common all over the world. Food products are an excellent environment for the proliferation of microbes; they produce toxic substances in the products, which leads to poisoning. Saline solutions in case of poisoning are necessary to avoid dehydration of the body. But it is worth considering that saline solution is only an additional remedy in the treatment of poisoning.

When toxic substances enter the gastrointestinal tract, their natural elimination occurs. This process occurs through vomiting or diarrhea. During this process, a large amount of moisture and useful mineral trace elements disappear from the body. And if you do not replenish the water balance in time, then dehydration of the entire body will occur, which can lead to the most unforeseen circumstances, including death.

The human body consists of 70% water. A person with food poisoning loses up to three liters per hour of water. When there is a large amount of toxins in the stomach, vomiting occurs. Only when vomiting, one and a half liters of water are lost from the body, and if the body’s water balance is not replenished, then it will cease to perform a protective function, and toxic substances will quickly penetrate the blood, and then the liver, kidneys and even the brain will be affected.

In case of poisoning, saline solutions tend to quickly restore the concentration of mineral trace elements and neutralize toxic substances. Saline solutions are used not only for food poisoning, but also for poisoning from chemicals, alcoholic beverages and any acid.

In case of poisoning, any doctor will definitely prescribe a water-salt solution.

What to do if children are poisoned?

If a child has food poisoning, it is very important to take therapeutic measures as soon as possible. The main thing to do is to induce vomiting in the baby by pressing your index finger on the root of his tongue. Next, the child must be given plenty of warm saline solution, which is prepared by diluting 2-3 teaspoons of table salt in 200 ml of warm water (boiled!). Alternate the procedure of inducing vomiting and drinking salt water until the baby’s vomit consists only of clear water.

The volume of liquid used for gastric lavage should not exceed 3 liters!

After gastric lavage has been performed, enterosorbents must be introduced into the body. In the case of young patients, it is necessary to take into account that not all drugs are effective in treating food poisoning. For example, traditional activated carbon is considered ineffective for children. In addition, this medicine can harm the delicate gastric mucosa of the baby. Coal also has the property of turning stool black, which can become a significant obstacle to further diagnosis.

In pediatrics, sorbents containing silicon, such as Enterosgel, are most often used.

If food poisoning occurs in a child under 3 years of age, urgent hospitalization is required, regardless of how severe the symptoms are. The body of such young children is susceptible to more rapid development of dehydration, which poses a huge threat to life. In addition, at home it is very difficult to force the baby to drink large amounts of water to avoid dehydration. In a hospital setting, such procedures are carried out by intravenous administration of special solutions.

Reasons why a water-salt solution is needed

salt, which is directly contained in the solution, restores the concentration of microelements, which helps prevent subsequent penetration of toxic substances into vital organs; salt has the property of neutralizing toxins; salt replenishes the supply of electrolytes lost during poisoning; salt prevents the absorption of toxins into the stomach walls.

The most recent effect of salt on the stomach is considered the most important sign of why you should drink a water-salt solution in case of poisoning. Once toxins enter the stomach, they begin to be absorbed into its walls, after which they quietly penetrate into all organs important to human life. If you start taking a water-salt solution during this time, the toxins will remain in the stomach itself and will be released through vomiting. This is the best option in case of poisoning.

Review of pharmaceutical saline solutions

Salt in case of poisoning is very beneficial for the body. Pharmacy chains offer a wide range of products:

Regidron – protects against dehydration. The effect is achieved thanks to:

  • dextrose;
  • sodium and potassium chloride;
  • sodium citrate.

Ringer's solution counteracts dehydration and relieves symptoms. It is prescribed by drip and used in a hospital setting.

Gastrolit , allowed for children from one year of age, is pleasant to the taste. Contains chamomile extract. It has an astringent effect, protects against acidosis, restores peristalsis and relieves spasmodic pain.

Human (electrolyte), helps eliminate toxins and restore electrolyte balance. Human with banana flavor is intended for children over 1 year old, with fennel flavor - for newborns.

Glucosolan , powder, diluted upon consumption. Indicated after cessation of vomiting and prohibited for use in cases of increased alkaline blood reaction. In the form of tablets, which contain:

  • potassium and sodium chloride;
  • citrate;
  • sodium bicarbonate.

Acesol , an injection, reduces the volume and density of circulating blood, improves the function of the kidneys and heart tissue, and detoxifies the body. Indicated for acute dysentery and food toxic infections. Contains:

  • sodium chloride;
  • sodium acetate;
  • potassium chloride;
  • water for injections.

Disol , removes toxins, reduces hypovolemia, hyperkalemia, administered intravenously. Contains:

  • sodium acetate;
  • sodium chloride;
  • water for injections.

Trisol , reduces symptoms and removes toxins from food poisoning, contains:

  • sodium chloride;
  • potassium chloride;
  • sodium bicarbonate.

Lactasol (may have names: Ringer-lactate, Hartmann's solution, lactate-saline), allows you to restore water-electrolyte and water-ion balances, protects against metabolic acidosis, is contraindicated in people with intracranial hypertension and heart failure.

Chlosol , has a beneficial effect on hypovolemia, blood flow in capillaries, removes toxins, contains:

  • sodium chloride;
  • sodium acetate;
  • potassium chloride.

Citraglucosolan is indicated for infectious diseases and poisoning. Dissolve in warm water. Contains sodium and potassium chloride + glucose.

How to make a water-salt solution at home?

The dosage of the solution, like all other medications, depends on the age category of the person and his body weight. The solution contains water, which must be filtered and boiled, as well as table salt.

To prepare the solution, you will need pre-boiled water, which has been cooled to room temperature.

For children who are in the age category from 1 to 3 years, you need to take one teaspoon of salt per glass of water. For children from 3 to 7, take 1 heaped teaspoon of salt per glass of water. For pregnant women, the elderly and children in the age group from 7 to 15, take 1.5 teaspoons of salt per glass of water. And for adults, take 2 teaspoons of salt per glass of water.

At home, you can prepare not only an ordinary saline solution, but also an electrolytic one. To do this, you need to take one teaspoon of salt and sugar per glass of hot water; for children under three years old, use a coffee spoon. Dissolve salt, sugar and drink chilled to 36 degrees.

A glucose-saline solution is also suitable for children. To do this, you will need a liter of water per 100 g of raisins, pour in and cook for forty minutes. Then strain and cool the broth. Add there 1 teaspoon of salt and sugar and 0.5 teaspoon of baking soda. Bring the solution to a boil and take chilled. This solution can also be used for children under one year old, but first you need to dilute it in half with water and give the baby one teaspoon every 10 minutes.

Dosage regimens

Intoxication is exposure to harmful substances that disrupt the proper functioning of the body. Toxins penetrate with low-quality food, liquids, and chemicals. It is advisable to take a soda solution at the first signs of poisoning.

For food poisoning

Such poisoning occurs if the food was of poor quality or stale. Diarrhea, nausea, and pain in the stomach appear. To get rid of unpleasant consequences, a person uses a solution of sodium bicarbonate (bicarbonate).

How to prepare soda for food poisoning:

  • pour hot purified water (necessarily boiled) into a half-liter jar or cup;
  • add 2/3 teaspoon sodium bicarbonate;
  • mix everything well until the substance dissolves;
  • Cool to room temperature and drink all the liquid at once.

Important! You only need to use hot water, since soda does not dissolve well in a warm environment.

After 3-4 minutes, induce vomiting. To do this, you can place two fingers on the root of the tongue. To prevent dehydration after the procedure, you should constantly drink water.

For alcohol intoxication

A sumptuous feast often ends in poor health. This is alcohol poisoning. Intoxication can also occur after drinking low-quality alcohol. Toxic substances instantly penetrate the bloodstream and spread throughout the body. Therefore, action should be taken immediately. Signs of intoxication: dizziness, nausea with vomiting.

  • take 1 liter of hot boiled water;
  • add 1/3 tsp. salt and stir;
  • add 1/3 tsp. main toxin-neutralizing substance;
  • stir until dissolved, cool slightly, drink in one gulp.
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