What foods help with heartburn?

Milk for heartburn

Milk and dairy products are one of the main foodstuffs, a source of essential proteins and microelements, especially calcium.

It is not as uniquely useful as we used to think. In recent years, a number of scientists have questioned even the possibility of using this product. Milk contains solid fats and simple sugars that are harmful to humans. But low-fat dairy products, by definition, cannot contain fat-soluble vitamins A, D, K, E, which constitute the main value of milk.

It was created by nature to nourish young mammals, so it is quite natural that some of the adult population does not digest milk.

Milk intolerance is found in every fourth inhabitant of the Earth. But its consequences do not threaten heartburn. In case of lactose deficiency, gases are formed in the intestines and do not have any effect on the “situation” in the stomach. An alternative to regular milk is lactose-free milk.

The high nutritional value of milk and dairy products is provided through casein. Milk casein stimulates the formation of mucus, so the benefits of milk for respiratory diseases are questionable. But it is precisely this ability that makes it possible to achieve a protective enveloping effect in the fight against heartburn.

Milk's slightly alkaline reaction helps neutralize the acidic environment in the stomach. Consuming a glass of milk a day will not cause any harm to health, and as an additive to cereals, milk is simply irreplaceable. You should choose a product that has a shelf life of no more than 7 days. This will guarantee the absence of heavy metal salts and stabilizers.

The only people who should not drink milk are those for whom animal fats are contraindicated: people with advanced heart and vascular diseases. It continues to be one of the most effective and safe means to combat heartburn.

Foods that reduce heartburn

You can understand what food is acceptable for such a pathological condition by studying its causes. Heartburn often develops with increased acidity. Discomfort and burning in the esophagus occur after eating fatty, highly salted, fried and spicy foods. Alcohol and drinks containing mint should be avoided, as the latter help relax soft tissues.

It is recommended to introduce light foods into the diet that do not slow down digestion, but, on the contrary, help normalize this process. If stomach diseases accompanied by heartburn are diagnosed, eat food that can envelop the walls of this organ. As a result, the functioning of the stomach is normalized, and at the same time negative manifestations disappear. Consider heartburn products that contain a large amount of useful substances, thereby restoring metabolism and organ function.

Considering that heartburn is caused by increased acidity, it is important to eat foods that will influence the process of production of gastric juice. Thanks to this, its quantity is reduced. Products must have alkaline properties. As a result, acidity decreases, and at the same time heartburn goes away. Moreover, you should choose products that are suitable for fractional meals. If you have heartburn, you need to eat food often and in small portions.

While some foods can cause heartburn, others can significantly reduce its symptoms.


Increased stomach acidity, along with dysfunction of the muscle tissue of the esophageal sphincter, leads to heartburn. Protein has alkaline properties. For this reason, eggs are recommended for heartburn. In addition, protein affects muscle tissue. As a result, with a deficiency of this substance, 2 pathological processes develop at once: the sphincter muscles of the digestive tract atrophy, acidity increases. However, this does not mean that it is necessary to introduce a large number of eggs into the diet. You can replace them with legumes and boiled lean meat.

Milk and dairy products

Until recently, it was believed that milk was beneficial for heartburn - it lowered acidity. The opinions of doctors were divided, but only until Korean scientists conducted studies that proved the harm of milk in such a pathological condition. This product can further increase the acidity level. In addition, milk is often poorly digested by the adult body.

This problem occurs in 15% of the population. Eating foods that slow down digestion is not recommended if you are prone to heartburn. However, if there are no problems with digestion, and a burning sensation in the esophagus is a consequence of overeating, then it is permissible to introduce dairy products into the diet. Kefir brings more benefits in this pathological condition, because it contains lactobacilli and other microorganisms that help restore the functioning of the digestive tract.

But only some fermented milk products are allowed for heartburn. For example, yogurt is not for everyone. It can affect acidity. Long-lasting yogurt containing preservatives, sweeteners and other chemical additives causes more harm.

Vegetables and fruits

To prevent foods from having a negative impact on the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, it is recommended to consume fruits characterized by low acid levels. This group includes:

  • melon;
  • pear;
  • papaya;
  • plum;
  • bananas;
  • peaches;
  • apricots;
  • apples (non-acidic varieties).

It is necessary to take into account the characteristics of the fruit. For example, plum affects the consistency of stool. For this reason, it is not recommended to use it if you have diarrhea. Pear is a rather heavy fruit for the stomach. It should be used if there are no dangerous diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Bananas are different in calories. They are not recommended to be included in the diet for obesity.

Vegetables have a lesser impact on acidity levels, so there are few restrictions when consuming them. The exception is tomatoes. Fruits and vegetables should be consumed baked or boiled. If they have not undergone heat treatment, the process of producing gastric juice may be activated, which will lead to increased heartburn.

A little sweet

If burning and pain appear in the esophagus, it is permissible to eat not only lean, unsalted foods, but also a certain amount of sweets. You can eat chocolate if you have heartburn, but in minimal quantities. Low-fat desserts are consumed sparingly. It is acceptable to include cookies in your diet. But preference should be given to only some of its varieties. So, biscuits cause less harm. It is not recommended to abuse sweets.


This product contains a large amount of useful substances, due to which it has an antioxidant, regenerating, and antibacterial effect. Honey has a positive effect on the gastrointestinal tract, so it can also be used for heartburn. In this case, the intensity of negative manifestations does not increase, as is the case with other sweets. There are some restrictions on its use: diabetes, pregnancy.

In this case, you need to consult a doctor. Read more in the article “Using honey for heartburn”

Nuts and seeds

If consumed in limited quantities, no harm is caused to the body. Seeds and nuts are high in fat. This is the only reason why it is recommended to reduce the portion of such foods. The benefit of their use lies in the high protein content, which has a positive effect on muscle tissue, regulates acidity and the production of gastric juice. Such products help against heartburn if you follow a diet. When a patient abuses junk food, the benefits of seeds and nuts will not be noticeable.


Such dishes are the most preferable for disorders of the digestive system. Soups, especially in the form of purees, have an enveloping effect on the stomach, reducing the intensity of the negative effect on the mucous membranes. Such food is considered easy for the gastrointestinal tract, provided that it does not contain fat. You should not consume meat broths if you have heartburn. The meat is boiled separately. The soup should be made with vegetable broth.


For heartburn, it is permissible to eat only foods that neutralize acidity. This group includes rice, buckwheat, millet, barley, and corn cereals. The leading position in demand for disorders of the gastrointestinal tract is occupied by oatmeal. Moreover, it is recommended to use it in the morning. Milk should not be used for preparation. Oatmeal in water has the best properties. Porridge should be viscous. This will protect the mucous membranes. The required effect is achieved due to the ability of the porridge to envelop the walls of the stomach.

Mineral and regular water

Water at room temperature is most useful for gastrointestinal disorders. It washes the walls of the stomach, removing excess acid. This allows you to reduce the intensity of negative manifestations. Carbonated drinks should not be consumed if there is a burning sensation in the esophagus. Mineral water can be consumed. It should be without gas. “Borjomi” and “Essentuki” bring benefits. However, patients with gastritis are advised to consult a doctor to find out what type of water is best to drink. Moreover, it is consumed 1-1.5 hours before meals.

Read more in the article: What mineral water can you drink for heartburn?

Positive qualities of mineral water:

  • helps neutralize acidity;
  • normalizes the functioning of the digestive tract;
  • restores sugar levels;
  • accelerates the removal of toxins from the body;
  • normalizes cholesterol levels.

Rescuers from the garden

Vegetables and fruits are the richest source of minerals and vitamins, found in an ideal combination, food and delicacy given to us by nature. Eating vegetables and fruits is the key to a strong immune system. A vegetable diet stimulates metabolic processes and increases resistance to infections.

Vegetables and fruits containing starch will help relieve an attack of heartburn. The champions in terms of its content are potatoes and zucchini. Because of this, raw potato juice is the best heartburn cure available. Equal to it in terms of effectiveness is carrot juice, which contains absolutely no acid. Finely grated carrots will also help relieve the burning sensation. To absorb vitamin A, you should add a little sour cream or cream.

Banana pulp is rich in iron and contains tryptophan, which can relieve heartburn.

Most vegetables and fruits contain fiber and ascorbic acid, which increases the acidity of food in the stomach and the likelihood of heartburn. But the complete exclusion of vegetables is not justified in any way: it impoverishes the diet and deprives the body of antioxidants that accelerate recovery processes. A way out may be to bake vegetables in the oven without using fat, boil them, or steam them.

Fruits that are completely safe for heartburn are melons, watermelons, dates, and pears (without peel).

What helps?

If you experience regular discomfort and a burning sensation in your chest, you should be particularly responsible when choosing food.

Certain foods and drinks cause additional complications and may make heartburn symptoms worse. And here it is impossible to predict with one hundred percent probability which food will have a negative impact and which will have a positive effect .

However, there are products that are considered gentle and not so aggressive to the microflora of the gastrointestinal tract. Here are some foods that relieve stress on the stomach and help fight heartburn:

  • potato;
  • lean fish;
  • whole wheat bread;
  • olive and linseed oil;
  • mineral non-carbonated drinks;
  • some vegetables, such as carrots and cucumber;
  • skim milk and other dairy products;
  • non-acidic fruits such as banana, grapes and strawberries.

Our diet also contains foods that have a detrimental effect on the stomach , as they lead to the production of additional acid. These include:

  • coffee;
  • smoked meats;
  • citrus;
  • hot spices;
  • French fries;
  • all types of alcohol, etc.

As a rule, the fattier and juicier the food, the more difficult it is for the stomach. Still, it is impossible to give a definite answer to the question of which food is right for you.

Eating the right foods to reduce acid production and maintaining a healthy lifestyle are important in the first steps in the fight against heartburn.

5 tips to reduce heartburn symptoms:

  1. Eat small snacks.
  2. Chew your food slowly.
  3. Use as little fat as possible in your diet.
  4. Don't eat late.
  5. The last meal should take place 2-3 hours before bedtime.

The above are basic tips. By following them, you will get relief literally immediately.

In the following chapters we will answer questions about what foods you can eat and what helps with heartburn.

Does milk help with heartburn?

Opinions on this issue vary. Some say yes, others no.

A Korean research group found that milk, as well as yogurt, cause heartburn more often than water.

The subjects' stomach acid levels increased after consuming these dairy products, similar to what they did after consuming sour citrus juices.

But there are also cases when milk helps with heartburn. This may be due to the fact that the causes that cause heartburn in some cases vary , just as patients’ bodies react differently to certain irritants.

However, from a scientific point of view, it is not recommended to drink milk for heartburn.

Kefir is a fermented milk drink with a thick consistency. Traditionally, it is prepared by combining fresh milk and a kefir grain starter. It is these living cultures that provide the health benefits.

Kefir contains beneficial bacteria known collectively as probiotics , a class of microorganisms and substances of microbial origin that help fight heartburn.

Another benefit of kefir is that kefir cultures consist of lactic acid bacteria and yeast, which are friendly microorganisms that help stop the growth of harmful bacteria in the stomach. Kefir contains several major strains of probiotics, including lactobacilli and streptococcus. The presence of lactobacilli, in turn, has a positive effect in alleviating the unpleasant symptoms caused by heartburn.

Based on the above, the answer to the question: is it possible to drink kefir and does this fermented milk product help with heartburn? – we will answer yes!

Many research results indicate that honey has a beneficial effect on stomach diseases and relieves the symptoms of heartburn. No wonder this viscous product, produced by bees, has been used for thousands of years.

Honey is rich in antioxidants and also contains natural hydrogen peroxide , which makes it effective in treating wounds. The product also has a number of antibacterial and antiviral properties.

The presence of antioxidants helps protect cells from damage caused by free radicals , and we all know that radicals often lead to chronic diseases such as heart disease and cancer.

Honey also has a number of antibacterial and antiviral properties. This natural antiseptic helps with digestive problems such as diarrhea and stomach ulcers, and also reduces inflammation in the esophagus.

There are also side effects. If you have diabetes, low blood sugar, or if you experience heartburn during pregnancy or breastfeeding, consult your doctor before consuming honey.

Does honey help with heartburn? Definitely yes! But as mentioned above, there are some nuances...

Eating low acid fruits helps prevent heartburn in the long term. The following is a list of fruits that help with heartburn:

Many people today eat foods that are high in carbohydrates and high in fat. Although these nutrients are generally essential for life, you should still reduce your intake of them.

Carbohydrates and fats stimulate the production of acid in the stomach, thereby contributing to the development of heartburn. Digestive problems caused by carbohydrates and fats can be reduced by adding fruits and vegetables to your diet.

And even if the mucous membranes of the esophagus and stomach are already irritated, low-acid fruits are a suitable nutritional option due to their relatively easy digestion.

Good porridge

Grain products are a valuable source of plant protein and minerals, especially when the grain is not steamed or industrially refined. Porridge is the main dish of dietary cuisine; it is indispensable for the efficient and rhythmic functioning of the digestive tract. Porridges do not overload the digestive system; they are filling and healthy, especially oatmeal, rice and buckwheat.

Well-cooked viscous porridge forms an additional mucous “armor” on the walls of the esophagus and stomach and turns out to be a real “ambulance” for heartburn. Such cereals are completely digestible by the stomach and do not impede intestinal peristalsis. Porridge cooked in water provides a stable level of acidity, but skim (or low-fat) milk can also be used for cooking.

What foods help with heartburn?

The most common cause of heartburn is overeating, as well as increased physical activity.
Eating large amounts of fatty foods can trigger heartburn, since the digestive system is unable to digest such an amount of food. In the majority of all reported cases of heartburn, it occurs in pregnant women, people suffering from stomach ulcers and other diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. The use of certain medications can also trigger heartburn attacks. For heartburn, products such as baking soda diluted in warm water help. Also effective against heartburn is potato juice, which should be diluted with water and drunk on an empty stomach in the morning before breakfast. An hour before meals, it is recommended to take a glass of potato juice. The breakfast menu may not be changed.

Ginger root is good for heartburn. To completely eliminate all symptoms of heartburn, it is often enough to take four grams of fresh, crushed ginger per day.

Eating applesauce helps lower the overall acidity level of the body. You can eat it in any quantity, since apples contain a lot of vitamins and fiber.

The role of water in heartburn

Consumption of quality water is the basis of a healthy lifestyle. In the absence of contraindications, any person should consume at least one and a half liters of clean water with a balanced mineral composition per day. For a person suffering from heartburn, drinking enough water is key.

By washing the walls of the esophagus, water reduces the acidity in its cavity, cleanses the walls of remnants of gastric contents, neutralizing their traumatic effect. Water entering the stomach inevitably reduces the concentration of hydrochloric acid and the likelihood of heartburn.

It is impossible to completely get rid of heartburn attacks with water; there is an effect from drinking water, but it is temporary. During an attack of heartburn, it is necessary to use alkaline mineral water without gas at room temperature. During periods of exacerbation of the disease, drinking mineral water should be stopped.

Is it possible to cope with heartburn with food?

Products that relieve heartburn act according to one of the principles: some of them reduce the secretion of hydrochloric acid by the parietal cells of the stomach, others, due to their alkaline properties, neutralize the acidic environment in the organ.

Eating certain foods can reduce discomfort or prevent its occurrence. However, it is worth understanding that heartburn can be a symptom of many dangerous diseases of the digestive tract. Including foods that reduce heartburn in your diet will only be a temporary solution to the problem. In order to get rid of the unpleasant burning sensation completely, complex treatment by a gastroenterologist is often necessary.


It is difficult to overestimate the importance of proteins in the diet. A protein diet increases the body's immunity and reactivity, and its wound-healing abilities. The purpose of gastric digestion is to fully prepare proteins for further processing in the small intestine. It is proteins that stimulate the secretion of pepsin and hydrochloric acid in the stomach and are the object of their influence.

For heartburn, it is recommended to consume easily digestible protein: milk, fish, vegetable.

The main principle of dietary cuisine is the careful processing of meat protein: grinding in a meat grinder or blender, pureeing. Steaming, boiling or baking allows you to minimize the use of fats, and therefore relieve the stomach of significant energy costs for processing food, excessive secretion of gastric secretions, reduce its irritating effect on the mucous membrane and the likelihood of an attack of heartburn.

A whole piece of meat should be boiled before baking in the oven.

Delicious recipes

Diet food can be both healthy and tasty. The following recipes are an example of this.

Cottage cheese with dried fruits

Grind the fresh product with a fork or beat in a blender. Wash dried fruits - dried apricots, raisins, prunes, cut into small pieces. Add dried fruits, a spoon, sugar to the curd mass, mix. You can drink it with green herbal tea.


Throw the chicken meat into the water, after boiling, drain the broth, add water again. After boiling, add a small amount of salt, potato cubes, peeled but not chopped onion, rice. 5 minutes before readiness, remove the onion, add grated carrots, parsley, and butter. Soup with noodles and buckwheat is prepared in the same way.

Chicken cutlets

To prepare minced meat, add salt, chopped onion, egg, and raw potatoes into a meat grinder. Roll into balls and place on a baking sheet in the oven or steamer. Prepare in 20 minutes. It is allowed to roll in ground breadcrumbs and flour.

Milk porridge, vermicelli

To 1 liter of milk add 100 ml of boiled water, 0.5 teaspoons of salt, 2 tbsp. Spoons of sugar. After boiling, throw in the vermicelli and semolina, cook for 5 minutes, season with a small piece of butter. If you are preparing milk porridge from rice or buckwheat, you must first boil it in water until half cooked, then add milk. Milk porridge is cooked in a double boiler for 30 minutes. Throw in the ingredients and select the appropriate mode.

Currently reading: Psychosomatic origin of heartburn and methods of combating the disease

Baked mackerel

The head and fins of frozen fish are cut off, cut in half, then each part is cut along the ridge. They take out the intestines. Salt and place on a wire rack. Cook in the oven at 180 degrees Celsius for 20-30 minutes. Sprinkle with lemon juice.

Cottage cheese casserole

Grind 500 g of cottage cheese with 0.5 tsp. Salt, 3 tbsp. Spoons of sugar. Add beaten egg, 2 tbsp. Spoons of semolina, 1 tsp. Spoon of baking powder, raisins. Grease the molds with butter and sprinkle with ground breadcrumbs. Spread the mixture and pour sour cream on top. Bake in the oven at 180 degrees Celsius for about 45 minutes. The dish will be ready if a golden brown crust appears on the surface.

Chicken legs

Rinse, salt and lightly pepper. Place in a sleeve and place in the oven for half an hour at 180 degrees.

Dumplings with potatoes

For the filling prepare mashed potatoes. For the dough - 1.5 cups of kefir, 0.5 tsp. Spoons of salt, 1 tsp. Spoon of baking soda, 1 egg, tablespoon of sugar, flour - approximately 3 cups. Grind the egg with sugar and salt, pour in kefir, add soda and flour gradually. Knead a dough that is not too stiff. Form flat cakes, lay out the filling, and fold the edges. Steam each portion for 5 minutes. Serve with sour cream. During the remission period, fried onions are added to the puree. Dumplings with any filling are prepared in the same way. The same dough is suitable for dumplings. Just don’t steam them, throw them into boiling water.


Pour 100 g of flour into a bowl, 1 tbsp. A spoonful of starch, add 0.5 tsp. A spoonful of salt, 1 tbsp. A spoonful of sugar, 12 eggs, pour in 1 glass of milk, then gradually add another 400 ml. Mix thoroughly so that there are no lumps, add 1 tbsp. A spoon of vegetable oil. Let stand for 15 minutes. Fry on both sides. Makes approximately 12 thin pancakes. Any filling. Place the wrapped pancakes in the oven for 20 minutes to bake.


Fry chicken, onions, and carrots in vegetable oil. Add 1 cup of rice and add 2 cups of water. Salt to taste. Leave to simmer until done. When almost all the water has boiled away, turn off the stove, wrap the pilaf in a towel, and leave for 20 minutes. The rice grains will reach, the pilaf will be crumbly.


Add 0.5 tsp to 300 g of cottage cheese. Spoons of salt, 1 tsp. Spoon of baking soda, 2 tbsp. Spoons of sugar, 1 egg, glass of flour. Stir. Roll the balls in flour and fry on both sides in vegetable oil. Served with sour cream.

Vegetable stew

Pour vegetable oil into a thick-bottomed pan, throw in the onion, and simmer until golden brown. Then carrots. Throw in potato pieces and fill half with water. Place a bay leaf on top. After 10 minutes they dock. Cook on the stove with the lid closed.

Cereal soup

A liquid diet is the basis of dietary nutrition. Rough, fibrous, fatty, sweet foods require prolonged processing by gastric juice; they linger in the stomach, stimulating the release of additional portions of hydrochloric acid, thereby increasing the likelihood of heartburn.

Liquid meals change the physiology of gastric digestion, facilitate peristalsis and avoid food stagnation.

The ideal first course for heartburn is puree soup. Its viscous consistency has a gentle effect on the mucous membrane of the esophagus and stomach as it moves along the digestive tract, and, in addition, puree soups are tasty, nutritious and look appetizing. They can be based on weak fish or vegetable broth. Potatoes in vegetable broth have an excellent enveloping effect.

In dietary nutrition, frying soup ingredients is not allowed.

Heartburn: general information

Heartburn that accompanies gastroesophageal reflux, i.e. the reflux of gastric contents into the esophagus, is manifested by a feeling of burning and discomfort in the esophagus (lower chest), and may be accompanied by nausea, an unpleasant taste in the mouth, belching and a number of other symptoms. Constant heartburn can lead to the formation of scars, erosions, ulcers, esophageal cancer and cause the development of other adverse consequences.

An attack of heartburn occurs some time after eating, which varies depending on the disease against which the pathology arose. Usually the attack begins 15-30 minutes after eating; the condition can be aggravated by bending the body forward, in a lying position, including at night while sleeping.

Since persistent and severe heartburn is a sign of a number of serious diseases, it is not recommended to self-medicate; you should visit a doctor and undergo an examination.

If heartburn has physiological causes, treatment is usually not required; the patient’s condition normalizes when the unfavorable factor that affects the body is eliminated. In addition to the main therapy, you can use medicines prepared according to folk recipes, as well as medical nutrition; in some cases, surgery is required.

What's for dessert?

You should not combine your main meal with sweet desserts and fresh fruits. Sugar and fructose provoke fermentation processes in the stomach. Under these conditions, normal gastric digestion becomes impossible. Fermentation slows down the evacuation of food, provokes the release of gas, the creation of excess pressure and belching. Along with gases, food particles soaked in gastric juice are thrown into the esophagus. This creates the preconditions for heartburn.

It is better to consume sweets 1.5–2 hours after eating, when the gastric secretions have completely soaked the food bolus.

Marshmallows, marshmallows, jelly with natural dyes, baked apples are the safest sweets for heartburn. Among flour products, dry biscuits and biscuits, homemade crackers, and unleavened bread are preferred.

Causes of heartburn

The most common cause of the problem is increased stomach acidity, and the least common cause is increased sensitivity of the esophageal mucosa with low acidity. Often a burning sensation occurs due to diseases of the digestive tract or nervous system.

  1. Bad habits such as excessive consumption of alcohol, coffee, spicy foods and smoking irritate the gastric mucosa.
  2. Overeating leads to excessive acid secretion.
  3. Fried foods, pickling, fresh bread, tomatoes, citrus fruits provoke burning attacks.
  4. Sometimes taking a nap after eating during the day contributes to the problem.
  5. Heartburn develops with increased intra-abdominal pressure. This occurs due to excess weight, carrying a child, lifting heavy objects, and wearing tight belts.
  6. Often the cause of the problem is stress, depression, and nervous disorders.
  7. Taking medications is considered to be the trigger for the release of stomach contents. These are ibuprofen, aspirin, ortofen and other drugs.

Nuts and seeds

The nutritional value of nuts and seeds is that they contain a large amount of healthy unsaturated fats necessary for the synthesis of a number of amino acids vital for the body, rare trace elements (selenium, zinc), plant fiber and almost all B vitamins. They are also able to compensate for the deficiency fats, inevitably formed in a diet with a predominance of vegetables and proteins.

Heat treatment and long-term storage of the product causes oxidation of vegetable fats, radically reducing the beneficial properties of nuts and seeds. Under these conditions, valuable vegetable fats become a source of unnecessary calories. For this reason, you should not buy shelled seeds and nuts - access to air accelerates the oxidation of fats.

You can never be sure of the safe composition of even an industrially produced product: both nuts and seeds can accumulate harmful and dangerous impurities.

Before use, the seeds must be thoroughly rinsed and lightly dried in the oven. With moderate consumption (no more than 50-100 g per day), nuts and seeds that have not been subjected to heat treatment perfectly relieve an attack of heartburn.

Authorized Products

Nutrition for heartburn and gastritis involves the use of:

  • Soups with vegetable broth. These can be vegetable and cereal soups, in which the components are well boiled and, if necessary, kneaded. Avoid frying vegetables and onions, as well as adding tomato paste. You can add an egg-milk mixture to ready-made soups (after they have cooled to 700).
  • White bread (dry or toasted).
  • Minced meat dishes, steamed or baked in the oven. To prepare them, use beef, turkey, lean chicken or pork. Cutlets and meatballs can be baked in the oven with the addition of sour cream or a mixture of milk and eggs.
  • Lean fish dishes - cutlets, meatballs, zrazy. Since fish has a more delicate texture, fish cooked in pieces can be included in the diet.
  • Porridge with water or milk: semolina, buckwheat, oatmeal or rice. The degree of boiling, kneading and consistency depends on the severity of the pain syndrome. In the presence of gastritis in the acute stage, the porridge is given a semi-viscous consistency.
  • Milk, kefir, light cream (they are added to dishes). The patient can be offered milk jelly, natural cottage cheese of medium fat content, diluted with milk. Eating dishes made from cottage cheese - soufflés, casseroles, curd creams - is also not contraindicated.
  • Weak tea with the addition of milk, herbal tea (except mint), sweet fruit juices. Honey is added to drinks to taste.
  • Butter up to 20 g per day and sunflower oil, added to ready-made dishes.
  • Vegetables with low fiber content (potatoes, beets, cauliflower, zucchini, pumpkin, squash, carrots). It should be consumed boiled and whipped (mashed potatoes and puddings) or grated in the form of salads and snacks.
  • Jelly and puree from sweet fruits, jellies, compotes.

Table of permitted products

Proteins, gFats, gCarbohydrates, gCalories, kcal

Vegetables and greens


Cereals and porridges

buckwheat (kernel)12,63,362,1313
white rice6,70,778,9344

Bakery products

wheat bread8,11,048,8242



Raw materials and seasonings

milk sauce2,07,15,284
sour cream sauce1,95,75,278


cream 9%2,89,04,0107

Cheeses and cottage cheese

cottage cheese17,25,01,8121

Meat products

boiled beef25,816,80,0254
boiled veal30,70,90,0131


boiled chicken25,27,40,0170


chicken eggs12,710,90,7157

Oils and fats


Non-alcoholic drinks

mineral water0,00,00,0

Juices and compotes

rose hip juice0,10,017,670
* data is per 100 g of product


The ability of foods to cause heartburn depends on the nature and course of concomitant diseases. There are no universal diets that suit everyone without exception. Each person is unique and has an individual, genetically determined “list” of foods that cause heartburn.

In general, the list of prohibited products is as follows:

Action providedProhibited foods for heartburn
Prolonged stomach retention, indigestion and congestionfresh bread, puff pastries, pastries, pasta, dumplings, sweets, sweet pastries
Stimulation of excess acid productionfatty meats, fried foods, pickles, strong broths, chocolate, onions, garlic
Trauma or irritation of mucous membraneschips, pasties containing coarse fiber and fiber vegetables and fruits: apples, cabbage, asparagus, pearl barley and millet porridge
Stimulation of gas formationlegumes, grapes, carbonated drinks, kvass
Stimulation of heartburn due to acid contentsour fruits, freshly squeezed juices, marinades, rosehip infusions and decoctions, hot spicy sauces

Note! Instant cereals contain flavor enhancers and industrially processed grains, so their nutritional value is reduced to zero.

A selective attitude to diet can not only slow down, but also completely eliminate the transition from the acute phase of the disease to the chronic phase.

Useful provisions

What is unusual about eating for gastritis? If you have heartburn, you can eat certain foods that will relieve you of this disease. Even for those people who are forced to take medications, it is possible to improve the acid balance using a balanced diet. This diet consists of the following nutrients:

  • Plant foods - bananas, green peas, apples, boiled potatoes, cabbage, broccoli, carrots and legumes.
  • Cereal provisions - oatmeal and rice porridge, bread made from corn flour or whole grains.
  • Lean meats: rabbit, chicken, sea fish, veal.
  • Dairy products – processed and low-fat cheeses, milk, kefir.

Green tea, still mineral water, and apple juice do not affect the functioning of the cardiac sphincter.

What other properties does the diet have for gastritis? How is it different for heartburn? The quality of dishes is influenced by cooking technique. To preserve minerals, vitamins and other substances, it is recommended to use steaming or baking. It has been found that the addition of a large number of dyes, spices and preservatives can neutralize all beneficial effects. That is why it is necessary to limit their number. The diet can be healthy without the fake condiments.

Daily menu options for heartburn

Following a diet can become an advantageous background for the use of medications and can even enhance their effect. Dietary restrictions do not prevent you from building a tasty and nutritious diet.

Option 1

Breakfast. Rice porridge with milk, low-fat cottage cheese with a spoon of cream, jelly.

Dinner. Chicken broth soup with meatballs and herbs, mashed potatoes, boiled beet salad, dried fruit compote.

Afternoon snack. A sandwich of dried bread with cheese, weak tea.

Dinner. Boiled fish with boiled cauliflower, tea with honey and biscuits.

What to eat for bloating and heartburn?

Dietary foods will help combat flatulence and an unpleasant burning sensation. These are steamed, baked, boiled, stewed vegetables, boiled eggs, lean meats and fish. It is better not to eat fresh cabbage and cucumbers due to their high fiber content. Bloating occurs when eating baked goods, legumes, rye bread, grapes and yeast dough.

Diet menu for flatulence and burning:

  • breakfast: boiled buckwheat, a mixture of apple and banana juice;
  • second breakfast: carrot juice, boiled egg;
  • lunch: carrot puree, compote, pumpkin porridge with dried apricots;
  • afternoon snack: several sweet apricots;
  • dinner: vegetable buckwheat soup, green tea, baked apples.
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