I can't stomach it! Why does my stomach hurt?

Metaphysical causes of stomach diseases

Stomach diseases can be associated with both physiological and psychosomatic factors, and the latter are observed no less often, if not more often than the former. Psychosomatics associates any diseases of the digestive tract with the influence of negative emotions. Therefore, when symptoms of gastric pathologies appear, you need to understand the information received by the brain, limit, or better yet, eliminate the perceived negativity.

Most often, stomach diseases are observed in silent people and introverts who prefer to “digest” emotions rather than splash them out. The more often a person “chews” and “swallows” negative information, the stronger and more regularly the symptoms of gastric pathologies appear.

Psychosomatic specialists most often observe stomach diseases in people with certain character traits:

  • nervousness;
  • anxiety;
  • isolation;
  • pickiness;
  • self-criticism;
  • low self-esteem;
  • self-doubt;
  • non-contact;
  • suspiciousness;
  • secrecy;
  • subject to the influence of others.

Specific symptoms are determined by the psycho-emotional state of a person. Thus, anger, fear, and depression inhibit the functioning of the stomach, resulting in problems with digesting food. And stress causes the stomach to shrink, cramps occur, and the likelihood of developing gastritis and ulcers increases.

Cancer Prevention

Even official medicine admits that laughter and positive emotions increase the activity of protective cells. There are amazing cases of recovery from cancer thanks to them. In the USA, one person was diagnosed with cancer, and an inoperable form at that. But the patient decided not to give in to despondency, but rather to spend the last months of his life enjoying himself. He read humorous books, watched comedies, and six months later... he recovered. How? He changed his life.

German researcher Professor Schmael calls the formula for cancer: “Cancer = age + predisposition + weak resistance + carcinogens . Weak resistance is the only link that can be influenced. It is influenced by the psychological state of a person. But sometimes it alone is enough to make a person sick. After all, how often do people drive themselves to depression because of little things?

This fact must be taken into account during therapy. Modern psychotherapy believes that to defeat cancer it is important to reassess the meaning of events:

  • we must overcome all hidden fears and resentments;
  • set goals for a new life, because many have lost them.

It is important to think about the questions about what I want, can and should do to be happy.

Source oncoved.ru

Many doctors are confident that nerves, emotions, and emotional mood can cause a disease called prostatitis. In addition to the pathology itself, the patient begins to experience pain, as well as sexual disorders. Psychosomatics can treat prostatitis, but initially it is necessary to establish a connection between them, and then move on to treatment methods.

Psychological characteristics of the patient

A patient with a stomach disease is extremely self-critical, places high demands on himself, and strives to achieve maximum results in his chosen task. But at the same time, he is vulnerable and needs love and understanding. Exacerbations of the disease caused by psychosomatic factors occur when a person is deprived of care and protection and does not feel protected.

A person suffering from a peptic ulcer is anxious, irritable, and suspicious. His diligence and responsibility are related to the fact that he is afraid of seeming not correct and good enough for his relatives, colleagues, and superiors. He has extremely low self-esteem, but he desperately tries to prove to others that he is needed and irreplaceable.

Psychosomatics of peptic ulcer

Psychosomatic specialists know that severe stress causes the release of significant amounts of cortisol into the blood. This hormone stimulates the sympathetic nerves. At the same time, parasympathetic nerves that control enzymatic and digestive processes are inhibited. As a result, in a person experiencing stress, digestion is disrupted, the mucous membranes of the stomach become irritated and inflamed.

When the stress is constant and strong, the stomach is constantly in a state of inflammation. The result is the appearance of ulcers. The body, reacting to the ulcerative process, releases cortisol into the blood, which prevents the parasympathetic system from working fully. The circle closes, peptic ulcer disease takes a chronic form.

An ulcer provoked by psychosomatic factors is usually detected in the upper parts of the digestive tract and is accompanied by burning pain. The degree of damage varies: from irritation of the mucous membranes to gastric bleeding.

Peptic ulcer disease associated with psychosomatics is common in people who are forced to overexert themselves intellectually and emotionally. Pathology does not develop quickly, but gradually, as stress comes under pressure. At risk are office workers and managers whose activities require high diligence and responsibility.

What is and features of psychogenic diarrhea

Mental diarrhea is a consequence of a violation of the nervous regulation and secretory function of the intestine. A similar disorder occurs in adults and children.

This pathology has the following features:

  • diarrhea develops as an acute attack without the fact of intoxication or infection;
  • the reaction can begin as a response to any emotion - from negative to positive, to obsessive thoughts;
  • there is general neuroticism of the body;
  • there is no dependence of the attack on the quality and quantity of food;
  • there is a deterioration in the condition against the background of a gentle diet, but an improvement is observed when heavy, fatty foods are introduced into the diet;
  • there are complaints about the condition of other organs and systems not related to the intestinal tract and stomach;
  • there is no response to treatment with antibacterial drugs, or after discontinuation of therapy, diarrhea resumes;
  • after a comprehensive examination, no pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract or other organs are detected.

Psychosomatics of chronic pancreatitis

The disease is dangerous; if chronic, it can lead to injury and scarring of the organ. Stones accumulate in the pancreas and cysts form, due to which digestive juices cannot enter the stomach through the ducts. Digestion of food worsens, blood sugar levels jump. The result is exhaustion of the body and the development of diabetes.

Chronic pancreatitis occurs in those who like to cope with stress and problems with the help of alcohol. Drinking makes you feel better, the body relaxes, nervousness gives way to euphoria, but not for long, so the person reaches for the bottle more and more often. This method of suppressing stress leads to persistent alcohol addiction. Even in the slightest stressful situation, a person reaches for the bottle, and the very fact of abstaining from alcohol becomes stress. The result is inflammation of the pancreas.

Louise Hay's opinion

The famous psychologist believed that the psychosomatics of stomach diseases are negative thoughts, a person’s dislike for himself. To combat psychosomatic illnesses, Louise Hay created a table of affirmations - positive phrases that need to be said regularly until recovery.

The table shows affirmations that help with stomach diseases.

disease cause affirmation
gastritis anxiety, uncertainty "I love myself. I am at peace with myself. I'm never in danger."
ulcer fearful state, self-criticism, low self-esteem "I love myself. I'm doing everything right. Nothing disturbs my peace of mind. I have a good life"
heartburn strong fear "I am calm. I can breathe freely. I'm safe. Life inspires confidence"
other pathologies I get no harm from life. I gain new experiences every moment of every day. Everything is fine"

Louise Hay recommended that people with stomach diseases not be afraid of life changes and mistakes, and learn to make independent decisions.


Stomach diseases, like other diseases caused by psychosomatic factors, should be treated comprehensively. The patient should contact a gastroenterologist and psychotherapist. The first doctor will prescribe medications and procedures to alleviate the condition and relieve symptoms. And the second specialist will help you get rid of stress, emotional problems, complexes and other psychosomatic factors that provoke stomach disease.

You cannot refuse to use medications, even if the patient is absolutely sure that the disease is of a psychosomatic nature. During treatment, it is important to eat right, lead a healthy lifestyle, and avoid stress.

You can understand that the disease is associated with psychosomatics, and not with physiological reasons, by the following signs:

  • long-term therapy with a gastroenterologist was unsuccessful;
  • symptoms increase with stress and anxiety;
  • indigestion is accompanied by pain, cramps, and impaired bowel movements;
  • I can’t quit smoking, although I really want to;
  • the blues prevail for more than a month;
  • gastric pathology is accompanied not only by typical symptoms, but also by sleep disturbances, fatigue, and overexertion.

They turn to a psychotherapist after examination by a gastroenterologist. The specialist will identify stress factors that provoked the disease, work on behavioral and interpersonal problems, and internal conflicts. Treatment of psychosomatic stomach diseases is long-term and can take from several months to a year.

The patient can help himself to a speedy healing. Psychological self-regulation exercises (a psychologist will tell you how to do them), yoga, physical training, massage, and oriental martial arts help normalize the condition.

Lack of support from loved ones or loss of a significant person can lead to cancer

Proponents of this theory (for example, Sarason) believe that when a person is surrounded by close people, he can count on their participation and support, then it is much easier for him to cope with all life’s troubles. It reduces the likelihood of developing chronic stress, and, consequently, cancer. His emotional background is more stable thanks to the participation of family and friends in his life. Such a person is more confident in himself, he is positive, optimistic and cheerful.

In the absence of such support, a person feels lonely. He has much more time for useless “soul-searching”, constantly experiencing the same failure. He considers himself small and pathetic. Prone to self-deprecation. Much more susceptible to depression and melancholy.

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And Adler and Matthews (1994) believed that social support also has a positive effect on the formation of a healthy lifestyle. Since close people help fight various addictions (craving for alcohol, drug addiction, etc.). Patients with breast cancer fought their disease more successfully with their active support during group psychotherapy.

Life expectancy has also increased. Spiegel came to this conclusion during his experiment with cancer patients in 1986. It is also believed that men are more sensitive to the presence and absence of social support, and especially during their illness (Sarason, Stephenson). From the point of view of psychoanalysis, learned helplessness is also formed due to the loss of a particularly significant loved one (loss of an object). As a result, depression may occur, followed by cancer.

It's more about lifestyle in general. Among the most risky types of behavior are the following:

  • Poor nutrition. With this everything is more or less clear. Scientists, doctors or just loved ones are afraid of people who eat the wrong way. Television, the Internet, everything is “clogged” with messages about dangerous products, the consumption of which leads to the development of cancer. These include fast food products, addiction to processed foods, fatty, sweet or overly salty foods. Alcohol is prohibited or seriously limited. Some talk about the dangers of overusing meat products. In any case, proper eating behavior will be the key to a healthy body and spirit. It’s best to check with your doctor about what exactly you should limit yourself to.
  • Ultraviolet irradiation. This applies to people who have an unhealthy craving for the “chocolate” color of their skin. Excessive use of tanning beds or too much sun exposure increases the risk of developing skin cancer.
  • Smoking. Smoking is known to increase the risk of developing lung cancer. Especially if a person starts smoking at an early age. The duration of the smoking habit is also important. The longer a person smokes, the greater the risk to their health.

But naturally, a person’s lifestyle is also associated with his emotional state. A depressed or depressed background mood forms a pessimistic style of behavior. A person in a depressed state has a completely different attitude towards their own diet, drinking alcohol or smoking. In a state of depression, alcohol dependence, drug addiction, for example, can form.

These people are most often considered workaholics. In relationships and in their perception of the world, they are prone to maximalism. They are not inclined to compromise. They tend to hide their negative emotions more than to show them. They stoically endure the hardships of life, but due to their excessive self-confidence, they are not able to ask for help.

Over time, they become centered on work or a loved one. Having fully embraced one’s social role, it is difficult to wean oneself from this when one loses a vital object – a loved one or a favorite job. They are unwilling or unable to share their pain of loss with anyone. Because of this, they risk falling even deeper into depression.

A person is not able to fight even simple painful manifestations. The growth of atypical cells increases dramatically due to this condition. Such patients try to emotionally isolate themselves from society in general. Those patients who openly show their emotions and aggression (especially against doctors) have greater resistance to the disease.

The progression of the disease sometimes causes the development of various mental disorders or diseases. For example, with the progression of gastrointestinal tumors, nihilistic delusions, tactile and auditory hallucinations (Cotard's syndrome) sometimes develop against the background of an anxiety-depressive state. Sometimes amnestic disorders are possible (as an option, Korsakoff's syndrome). Malignant tumors increase the risk of asthenic disorders coupled with emotional lability.

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