Stomach pain during pregnancy: causes, treatment

What causes pain in the early stages and how to relieve it

The cause of dysfunction of the digestive organs at the beginning of pregnancy is toxicosis.
It manifests itself as nausea, vomiting, and pain in the stomach in the morning. Toxicosis does not harm the fetus or mother and disappears after the placenta is formed. You can reduce discomfort by following simple recommendations.

  • If morning sickness occurs, drink one glass of warm water. This will provoke vomiting and make you feel better. Water helps reduce the concentration of substances that have a toxic effect on the body. To maintain this effect throughout the day, you need to adhere to a certain diet.
  • An empty stomach reacts sharply to irritants, which causes pain. Therefore, between main meals you should take small snacks, consuming a product that does not cause nausea. It is also important to take small sips of liquid.
  • Feeling hungry during pregnancy is natural. And if a woman eats too quickly, stomach cramps may occur. Therefore, to prevent discomfort, it is recommended to eat food in small pieces or sips, and chew it thoroughly.

In early pregnancy, you also often feel heaviness in the stomach area, accompanied by bloating. This happens even if the woman did not overeat or eat heavy foods. The unpleasant sensation is associated with changes in the concentration of food enzymes, as well as the intensity of their production as a result of hormonal changes. Therefore, disruption of digestive function at the initial stage is natural and natural.

Early stomach pain

When your stomach hurts during early pregnancy, it is not always dangerous. Most often, the cause of the discomfort is hormonal changes in the body.

An increase in progesterone levels, necessary for the normal course of pregnancy, affects digestive function.

But painful discomfort occurs not only due to physiological characteristics; the cause can be a serious illness. Let's see why the expectant mother experiences stomach pain.


Most women experience this phenomenon shortly after conception, when a change in hormonal balance occurs.

The most famous cause of discomfort in the digestive system is toxicosis in the early stages of pregnancy. In addition to nausea, vomiting and diarrhea, it also causes quite noticeable pain in the stomach, especially if you are prone to high acidity. During this period, intense hormonal changes occur, which reduces gastric peristalsis and impairs digestion. In addition, the appearance of stomach pain is directly affected by:

  • Stress.
  • Binge eating.
  • Hunger.
  • Intolerance to certain foods.
  • Untimely feeding.

In any case, if severe pain in the stomach appears in early pregnancy, you should visit a gastroenterologist.

Causes and ways to eliminate discomfort in later stages

During pregnancy, all parts of a woman's digestive system undergo certain changes. The stomach is an organ whose filling occurs periodically. After eating, its lower shell is level with the navel. Therefore, in the later stages, the growing uterus puts pressure on the stomach, which causes pain.

Heaviness is felt even with a small amount of food eaten. This sign is characteristic of the period when the baby begins to actively move, and the size of the uterus and the volume of amniotic fluid increases significantly.

The feeling of pain in the third trimester is a natural sign. Adjusting your diet will help reduce unpleasant symptoms.

  • Enrich your diet with easily digestible foods that do not linger in the stomach for a long time. This category includes eggs, boiled fish, raw and cooked fruits and vegetables. Beans and potatoes are excluded.
  • It is not recommended to use oil for preparing salads, because... it significantly slows down the digestion process.
  • Natural yogurt and kefir should be present in the daily menu. This helps improve digestive function.
  • The liquid should be taken regularly, but separately from food.
  • The stomach takes the longest to digest meat, so to speed up this process, you need to eat it boiled and in small pieces, giving preference to poultry and veal.

Based on her feelings, a woman can independently choose the optimal diet that will minimize discomfort after eating. It is enough to simply track the body’s reaction to a particular product and its volume.

If your stomach hurts during pregnancy, it is important to adjust your menu

Diagnosis and symptoms of abdominal pain during pregnancy

The doctor will not be able to decide what to do if the stomach hurts during pregnancy until the provoking factor is determined. In order to do this, it is necessary to conduct a laboratory and instrumental examination of the patient. But before prescribing such a diagnosis, the clinician must independently:

  • interview the patient in order to find out the first time, nature and frequency of expression of the main symptom and the presence of additional clinical manifestations;
  • get acquainted with the medical history and life history of the pregnant woman - this can sometimes directly indicate the reason why the stomach hurts in the stomach area;
  • Conduct a thorough objective examination.

The following laboratory tests have diagnostic value:

  • a general blood test will indicate the possible presence of anemia and signs of an inflammatory process;
  • biochemical blood test - will help determine the presence of a particular disease in the body. In addition, it will make it possible to monitor the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • general clinical analysis of urine and feces.

During pregnancy, the following instrumental examinations of the patient are allowed:

  • Ultrasound of the abdominal organs;
  • MRI;
  • gastroscopy - this procedure is possible only in extremely severe cases.

Pathological signs

Stomach pain during pregnancy can occur due to exacerbation of current and chronic diseases of the digestive system. The attending physician must be aware of emerging unpleasant symptoms. Regular monitoring by a specialist will help prevent the situation from worsening.

Main symptoms of the pathology:

  • Paroxysmal pain in the abdomen, which spreads down and is combined with loose stools, is a characteristic sign of an infectious lesion.
  • If pain is accompanied by vomiting and diarrhea, this indicates food intoxication. Medical attention is needed if unpleasant symptoms do not go away within 24 hours.
  • During pregnancy, it is also possible to develop appendicitis, pancreatitis and intestinal obstruction. The intensity of pain depends on the type of disease and the phase of its development. Therefore, if you feel general malaise, weakness, fever, and there is profuse vomiting, loose stools and nausea, you must urgently call an ambulance, because any delay poses a danger to the life of the mother and child.

Against the background of hormonal changes, the likelihood of exacerbation of chronic diseases such as gastritis, peptic ulcers, dysfunction of the liver, kidneys, and gall bladder increases. You should report your feelings to your doctor in a timely manner. Only an experienced specialist will be able to determine why the stomach hurts and prescribe the appropriate course of therapy. It is prohibited to take any measures on your own, because many drugs cannot be used during pregnancy.

What to do if you experience an unpleasant sensation

Initially, you need to find out the main reason for its appearance, and then carry out treatment. To do this, you need to contact a gastroenterologist or therapist.

In addition to interviewing the patient, the doctor prescribes the following types of studies:

The data obtained helps to determine the underlying cause of the pain. Based on the identified pathology, a course of treatment is prescribed. Drug therapy is carried out using gentle drugs that are not able to cross the placental barrier and harm the development of the fetus. In each specific case, the doctor, when choosing drugs, is based on the individual characteristics of the patient.

Acceptable types of medications:

  • Herbal medicines based on extracts of peppermint, angelica root, lemon balm, and licorice.
  • A drug whose active component is drotaverine hydrochloride. The medicine helps eliminate spastic pain.
  • Antacids to reduce acidity.
  • Probiotics to normalize digestive function. The medicine contains beneficial lactobacilli.

For regular constipation, microenemas can be used. The substances included in their composition do not penetrate the placental barrier and are excreted in the feces.

To relieve unpleasant symptoms, it is possible to use medicinal table mineral water. How much to drink and for what period is determined by the doctor, depending on the severity and type of pathology.

Treatment of stomach pain during pregnancy

What to do if your stomach hurts during pregnancy? First you need to determine the cause of the pain. Only a gastroenterologist or therapist will understand this. After diagnostics (ultrasound of internal organs, gastroscopy, blood test for the presence of Helicobacter pylori infection, other examinations), the doctor will establish the correct diagnosis and write a treatment regimen taking into account your situation. If the condition requires drug treatment, then only a doctor will recommend medications that will relieve the pain and not harm the baby.

For the treatment of stomach pain during pregnancy, the selection of medications is made strictly individually. It is possible that Iberogast or Gastrofarm will be prescribed. The first is a natural extract from lemon balm extract, peppermint, angelica root, licorice and other herbs. The second one is also completely safe, as it contains dried and live lactobacilli, lactic acid and protein.

No-shpa is approved as an analgesic and spasm reliever. Cerucal is indicated to improve gastric motility and eliminate nausea. It is possible that you will need to take antacids, which will reduce high acidity and eliminate heartburn, nausea, and stomach pain. For pregnant women, when choosing a drug from this group, non-absorbable antacids are preferred - Maalox, Gastal, Almagel. They do not penetrate the blood, so they cannot harm the baby. Which one to use will only be determined by a doctor, because some have side effects that are undesirable for pregnant women.

The most gentle are homeopathic remedies, herbal infusions and decoctions. Pharmacies sell gastric herbs with a combination of herbs selected for the treatment of certain types of gastritis. Infusions or decoctions are most often taken 1/2–1/3 cup half an hour before meals.

Here are options suitable for pregnant women:

  • An infusion of soothing herbs - mint, lemon balm - will relieve heaviness in the stomach and nausea. They have an antispasmodic effect and effectively relax the smooth muscles of internal organs.
  • For hyposecretory gastritis (low acidity), scientific medicine uses: chamomile and calendula flowers, cranberries, fennel, plantain, strawberry leaves, currants, etc. The positive effect of treatment with figs, cabbage juice, rowan fruits, and lingonberries has been confirmed. They also use infusions of cudweed, harmala, St. John's wort, and hops.
  • Peppermint, mountain ash, centaury, and belladonna help cure hypersecretory gastritis. Potato and carrot juices reduce acidity well. It is better to take them alternately, half a glass before meals.
  • If you are not allergic to bee products, then honey will help alleviate the condition. Half a teaspoon should be dissolved 30 minutes before eating or dissolve this dose in ½ glass of water and drink before meals. Another option is to mix aloe juice and honey in equal parts and consume 1 tsp. before eating.
  • Drink medicinal table mineral water.


If your stomach hurts during pregnancy for natural reasons, the discomfort will go away on its own after a certain time. Therefore, there is no point in focusing special attention on this.

To reduce the intensity of pain and reduce the frequency of its occurrence, you should adhere to general recommendations:

  • Eat in small portions 5-6 times throughout the day.
  • Eliminate the possibility of overeating.
  • Do not lie down immediately after eating. It is better to place a pillow under your back and sit comfortably.
  • Drink 2 liters of fluid daily.
  • Do not lift heavy objects.
  • Avoid nervous shock and emotional disorders.
  • Avoid salty, spicy, smoked foods.
  • Regularly take leisurely walks in the fresh air.

Why does my stomach hurt during pregnancy?

Stomach pain during pregnancy can be caused by various reasons and have varying degrees of danger.

The most common factor that provokes stomach pain is the constantly growing uterus, which gradually displaces the internal organs, without, of course, bypassing the gastrointestinal tract. An enlarged uterus can also affect the normal passage of food into the esophagus (reflux).

In addition, stomach pain can be caused by:

  • Stress.
  • Overeating is common to most pregnant women.
  • Long periods between meals (or so-called hunger pains).
  • Indigestion and insufficient secretion of gastric juice (hypoacid conditions).
  • Heartburn.
  • Constipation and other bowel problems.
  • Toxicosis and even the slightest tension in the abdominal muscles.

Among other things, during pregnancy, chronic gastrointestinal diseases worsen, such as gastritis (according to statistics, 70% of women suffer from it), stomach and duodenal ulcers, increased acidity; problems with the liver, pancreas and gall bladder.

Do not forget that during pregnancy, most people become allergic (even if the expectant mother was not susceptible to it before) to certain foods - this is another cause of pain.

  1. Different types of gastritis:
  2. Stressful acute.
  3. Erosive.
  4. Fungal, viral.
  5. Atrophic.
  6. Stomach ulcer.
  7. Gastric polyps.
  8. Improper nutrition, resulting in: Dyspeptic symptoms.
  9. Constipation.
  • Abdominal muscle tension.
  • Overwork.
  • Infections.
  • Damage during trauma.
  • Stomach pain during pregnancy can be caused by a viral or bacterial infection. Then the accompanying symptoms, in addition to pain, are cramps, vomiting, nausea, diarrhea. These symptoms can persist from a day to 72 hours. Food poisoning can manifest as abdominal pain and diarrhea, nausea and vomiting. Stomach pain can also occur due to a sore throat or pneumonia.

    It happens that stomach pain during pregnancy is accompanied by constant tension and pain in the lower abdomen. These symptoms may occur due to the development of appendicitis. Then you definitely need to consult a surgeon.

    The causes of pain in the stomach of a radiating nature, that is, not related to the stomach itself, in pregnant women may be diseases of the gastrointestinal tract - gall bladder, liver, pancreas, diseases of bacterial or viral etiology of the urinary system: urethra, kidneys, ureter.

    Lactose intolerance (that is, intolerance to dairy products) may be the cause of stomach pain. When such pregnant women drink milk, they begin to experience stomach pain. Such pain is accompanied by various types of food allergies. They can occur while eating or immediately after eating.

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    Stomach pain in expectant mothers is provoked by physiological reasons and is not dangerous. However, sometimes unpleasant symptoms occur against the background of diseases and pathologies of the digestive system and other organs.

    If your stomach hurts during early pregnancy, the reasons may be:

    • early toxicosis, which is accompanied by nausea and vomiting;
    • feeling hungry due to morning sickness and refusal of certain foods;
    • exacerbation of chronic diseases that the pregnant woman already had in her anamnesis;
    • hormonal changes in the body.

    In the later stages of pregnancy, the stomach hurts in the presence of the following factors:

    • excessive pressure of the uterine fundus on the stomach;
    • late toxicosis;
    • chronic diseases of the digestive tract.

    Painful sensations in the stomach can occur due to the following diseases:

    • various forms of gastritis;
    • stomach or intestinal ulcer;
    • intestinal obstruction;
    • pathologies of the liver and pancreas;
    • inflammation of the appendix.

    At the beginning of pregnancy, the stomach may hurt due to the onset of hormonal changes in the body: all organs and systems begin to work slightly differently.

    In the 2nd and 3rd trimesters, the provoking factor for temporary painful sensations is the growing fetus. As the uterus grows in size, it does not have enough space; it begins to put pressure on nearby organs, as a result of which their normal functioning is disrupted. The fundus of the uterus puts pressure on the stomach from below, compresses the small and large intestines, and displaces the lobes of the liver. This makes it difficult for the food bolus to pass further into the intestines and disrupts the digestion process.

    According to statistics, approximately 12% of pregnant women experience worsening diseases of the digestive tract, especially gastritis. In 44%, on the contrary, remission of the disease may occur. Progesterone, actively produced during pregnancy, stimulates the production of mucus, which protects the mucous membrane from adverse effects.

    Gastritis is one of the main causes of stomach pain in the early stages of pregnancy. Acute gastritis or exacerbation of chronic gastritis can be caused by poor nutrition, allergies, stress, food poisoning, repeated vomiting due to toxicosis, etc.

    The acute process begins rapidly and is more severe than the exacerbation of the chronic one. If diarrhea and stomach cramps appear during pregnancy, then acute gastritis may have developed or poisoning has occurred. Additional signs of such conditions include stomach cramps, nausea, vomiting, weakness, intoxication phenomena - fever, chills.

    With chronic gastritis, a woman is bothered by heartburn, nausea, belching, heaviness in the stomach, and rumbling. The pain is usually moderate, dull or pressing. Appear immediately or a few minutes after eating. Read more about the treatment of gastritis during pregnancy →

    Gastric ulcers are characterized by pain immediately after eating. If the integrity of the mucous membrane in the antrum is violated, pain appears, as with a duodenal ulcer: at night or 1-2 hours after eating. In this case, the woman notes a decrease in appetite, bloating, rumbling in the abdomen and other dyspeptic disorders.

    If acute stomach pain occurs during pregnancy, a woman should definitely visit a gastroenterologist. Perhaps she had an ulcer or a perforation. In this case, the pain is dagger-like, paroxysmal, cutting. These situations are very dangerous and require immediate treatment.

    Stomach pain can also be caused by the following factors:

    • toxicosis accompanied by vomiting;
    • stressful situation;
    • binge eating;
    • poisoning;
    • overwork;
    • bacterial or viral infection;
    • long intervals between meals or hunger;
    • eating foods that increase pH acidity or irritate mucous membranes;
    • persistent constipation;
    • abdominal muscle tension;
    • hypoacid, anacid state, leading to insufficient digestion of food due to low acidity of gastric juice.

    Do not forget that while carrying a child, a woman may develop food allergies or intolerance to certain foods, which will invariably cause stomach pain.

    What increases stomach pain during pregnancy?

    Pain may intensify when the disease becomes chronic.

    It is worth knowing that in 44% of cases in pregnant women with stomach pain, remission of a duodenal or gastric ulcer can occur. This occurs due to the large amount of progesterone, which is actively produced in the body of a pregnant woman. It promotes the production of large amounts of mucus, which lines the stomach and thus reduces and prevents pain in the stomach area.

    Symptoms of stomach pain during pregnancy

    Pain in the stomach during pregnancy, which is cramping in nature, can occur with neuroses, gastritis and other diseases of a neurological nature. Most often, such painful sensations begin suddenly and soon pass.

    Stomach pain is often confused with intestinal pain. Gastric pain is felt above the navel or in the left hypochondrium; the intestines are characterized by unpleasant sensations in the area below the navel.

    If the pain in the stomach during pregnancy is very strong and cutting, then this has nothing to do with the physiological changes that occur during pregnancy. You should be wary if pain occurs along with the following accompanying symptoms:

    • Constant strong spasms.
    • Vomit.
    • Diarrhea.
    • Blood in stool.
    • General deterioration in health: lethargy, fatigue, depression.

    How to determine if your stomach hurts

    Unpleasant cramping sensations during pregnancy appear in the intestines, upper abdomen and epigastric region. Damage to the gastric zone is indicated by discomfort on the left under the ribs or directly above the navel.

    The condition becomes alarming if the pain is severe, cutting and persists for a long time. Other causes for concern are vomiting, diarrhea, abnormal consistency and color of stool (dark or streaked with blood), malaise, and increased body temperature.

    How intense is the pain during pregnancy?

    Its intensity can vary - from mild to very strong. If the pain in the stomach is chronic, it may be aching, but not severe (peptic ulcer, stomach cancer, duodenitis). Therefore, a woman may not pay any attention to this pain for a long time, until the painful sensations begin to intensify. But it is advisable to consult a doctor immediately, because the consequences are unpredictable.

    Of course, it is impossible to determine by the severity of the pain what disease caused it. True, each woman has her own perception of pain - the pain threshold can be high or low. This determines whether a woman will have severe pain or mild pain that she can tolerate for some time. It should be taken into account that during an exacerbation of a peptic ulcer, pain may not be felt.

    If your stomach hurts at the beginning of pregnancy

    Stomach pain during early pregnancy has become surrounded by an incredible number of myths, mostly baseless.

    The biggest misconception is the threat of miscarriage or ectopic pregnancy. Indeed, such a danger exists, but it has nothing to do with pain above the navel.

    Stomach pain at the beginning of pregnancy is most often associated with the body's reaction to stress. It is during this period of time (the first trimester) that a woman is most irritable, and this affects the condition of the gastric mucosa. In addition, the body is additionally loaded with hormonal surges and physiological changes.

    Possible complications

    In the early stages , with severe pain, there is a risk of miscarriage. Pain and cramps felt in the central part of the abdomen at 11-12 weeks, accompanied by bleeding, are dangerous. In this situation, immediate medical attention is required. Pain at 6-11 weeks, combined with contractions and bloody discharge, may indicate an ectopic pregnancy.

    In the second trimester, the danger level decreases slightly. The likelihood of a late miscarriage occurs between 13 and 24 weeks, and in addition to pain in the stomach, light-colored bloody discharge is present.

    In the third trimester, stomach pain may indicate premature labor. Hospitalization is required at 31-36 weeks if the following symptoms are present:

    • Increasing pain in the lower abdomen and pelvis.
    • Heavy feeling in the stomach.
    • Discharge of amniotic fluid.

    Food poisoning poses a high risk to the expectant mother and her child. In the early stages, vomiting or contractions of the intestines stimulate the uterus to contract, diarrhea leads to dehydration and the formation of blood clots. Poisoning by waste products of microorganisms - intoxication - harms both organisms. Serious poisoning requires qualified assistance aimed at removing toxins, restoring water balance and, if necessary, using antidiarrheal and antiemetic measures.

    If you have stomach pain in late pregnancy

    Stomach pain during late pregnancy is due to various reasons.

    If your stomach hurts at 27 weeks of pregnancy, in most cases there are physiological reasons. The fact is that the growing uterus moves all the internal organs upward; The lungs and stomach suffer the most from this process. In addition, in late pregnancy, the tone of the gastric sphincter decreases, which makes it difficult for food to pass through. Overeating can also cause stomach pain at 27 weeks of pregnancy.

    If stomach pain is accompanied by nausea, vomiting, diarrhea and weakness, then this is a sign of food poisoning. In this case, you should immediately consult a doctor, who will prescribe the safest treatment and, if necessary, leave the woman under observation in the infectious diseases department.

    When your stomach hurts at 39 weeks of pregnancy, you should immediately seek help from a gynecologist. The fact is that in the last stages of pregnancy (37-40 weeks), attacks of stomach pain and accompanying symptoms (heartburn and indigestion) occur much less frequently, since the baby’s head drops and the uterus puts less pressure on the stomach.

    The cause of stomach pain during pregnancy at 39 weeks can be an infection; Quite often, pain at this stage of pregnancy indicates an imminent birth.

    Causes of pain

    The causes of stomach pain can have a variety of origins and pose varying degrees of danger. The most common factor in painful sensations is the steady growth of the uterus and the gradual displacement of internal organs. For the same reason, the passage of food into the esophagus is disrupted, and the notorious heartburn occurs - a companion of almost all pregnant women.

    Pain can also occur due to:

    • Stress.
    • Overeating, which pregnant women are guilty of.
    • Long periods of hunger between meals - hunger pains.
    • Indigestion and insufficient amount of gastric juice secreted.
    • Heartburn.
    • Bowel problems, such as constipation.
    • Toxicosis and other abdominal muscle tension.

    Pregnancy is a happy time, but it is accompanied by some physical discomfort associated with the restructuring of the body and weakening of the immune system.
    During this period, the body is quite vulnerable and susceptible to the influence of viral, bacterial and fungal infections. Did you know? The works of the ancient Greek physician Galen say that the stomach

    a creature that lives inside a person and has intelligence.
    It is thanks to his intelligence that the stomach, when feeling empty, sends a feeling of hunger to a person, prompting him to search for food. In addition to being vulnerable to microorganisms, the pregnant body is prone to exacerbation of existing chronic diseases, in particular, the gastrointestinal tract, for example, gastritis, stomach ulcers, liver, pancreas, urinary or gall bladder diseases.

    During this same period, allergies can worsen or even appear for the first time, even if nothing like this has happened before.

    If your stomach hurts during pregnancy and you feel constant tension in the lower abdomen, you should consult a surgeon as soon as possible and rule out appendicitis .

    The stomach may hurt if a woman has lactose deficiency , and she, either not knowing or not remembering it - because tastes change during pregnancy, drank milk.

    Did you know? The stomach muscles are exceptionally strong. Thanks to peristalsis

    wave-like contractions of muscle tissue, food in any case enters the stomach, no matter in what position
    even upside down, a person is.

    In the early stages

    During early pregnancy, the body undergoes significant changes, and sometimes, as a response to stress, the stomach, head, back, spine or some other organ hurts.

    Pain localized in the upper abdomen during this period is not related to miscarriage or ectopic pregnancy.

    A woman’s irritability, caused by a hormonal surge, negatively affects the mucous membrane of the stomach, which “repays” with spasms.

    Important! Many are bothered by early toxicosis, they refuse to eat, and in vain: deprived of minerals and vitamins from food, the gastrointestinal tract can be seriously damaged.

    The possibility of infection cannot be discounted. However, gastric discomfort is not the only symptom; it may be accompanied by fever, diarrhea, vomiting and other symptoms inherent in poisoning.

    Chronic pathologies, aggravated due to stress from the restructuring of the body and weakened immunity, especially ulcers and gastritis, can bring extremely unpleasant sensations to the expectant mother and the need to visit a gastroenterologist as soon as possible.

    Did you know? The stomach is equipped with a large number of nerve cells that allow you to feel discomfort in the abdominal cavity. Some animals have less of them in their brains. For this feature, the organ is sometimes called the second brain. A curious phenomenon

    When blood rushes to a person’s cheeks, the walls of the stomach simultaneously turn red.

    In the later stages

    In the later stages, the stomach hurts mainly for physiological reasons that are inevitable during pregnancy: the stomach and lungs “get the most” from the growing uterus. Overeating can also cause considerable trouble.

    After about the 37th week, stomach pain, heartburn and indigestion occur much less frequently due to the prolapse of the head and a decrease in the pressure of the uterus on the organs.

    Accompanied by symptoms of food poisoning : diarrhea, vomiting, weakness, fever, stomach pain indicate their infectious nature and require immediate medical attention.

    Did you know? The capacity of an adult's stomach is up to 1.5 liters. If necessary, its walls stretch like rubber.

    The nature of stomach pain during pregnancy

    Stomach pain during pregnancy can often cause complications. This may indicate that the woman may have other underlying health conditions. For example, burning pain with gastritis may be accompanied by an ulcer or solarium. Those pregnant women who suffer from chronic gastritis often also experience heaviness in the abdomen and a feeling of fullness. This feeling can also occur when the pylorus of the stomach is damaged. Such symptoms can also occur with cholecystitis, colitis, pancreatitis or other diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

    If a woman has intense pain in the stomach, the cause may be gastritis in combination with colitis and pancreatitis. Such patients may have a dull, aching pain that does not go away for a long time. But with a stomach or duodenal ulcer, the pain can be cramping, sharp, severe, and paroxysmal. But the pain, which women characterize as dagger-like, occurs with a perforated ulcer.

    It is very important to know the symptoms of stomach pain during pregnancy. The cause of stomach pain will be determined on this. This is very important for diagnosis. To determine the cause of stomach pain, you need to take into account the relationship of pain with eating. If gastritis is chronic, pain appears within a very short period of time after eating - almost immediately. Especially after sour and fatty foods. If a woman has an ulcer, pain may occur immediately after eating, but not more than a time interval of 1.5 hours. If a woman has a pyloric ulcer, pain may occur approximately 1.5 hours after eating.

    If the ulcer has already spread in the duodenum, then pain occurs later than an hour and a half after eating. If food has a very high percentage of acidity, for example, dairy (but not fermented milk) products, boiled meat, then stomach pain in pregnant women occurs later, more than 2 hours after eating.

    If a pregnant woman takes plant foods with coarse fiber, vegetable marinades, black bread, canned food, pain may occur early.

    If duodenitis or duodenal ulcer is present, pain may occur before the desire to eat. Such patients usually eat at night; the pain goes away after taking liquid milk porridges or soft, well-chopped food. For example, various purees, minced meat - fish and meat. If you take soda, the stomach pain in a pregnant woman will also become less intense.

    Pain in the gastrointestinal tract can also intensify after severe overexertion (physical) or mental stress. When a woman develops duodenitis or an ulcer, the pain is associated precisely with physical overexertion and emotional stress.

    Despite the happy 9 months, many new reasons for worry are added to your life. The body becomes more vulnerable. Diseases of the digestive tract become worse and become chronic. People who come to the antenatal clinic can often hear complaints about discomfort in the abdominal area. The phenomenon of stomach pain during pregnancy is not uncommon.

    With the right approach and diagnosis, there will be no difficulties in pregnancy.

    Treatment during pregnancy

    Treatment of pregnant women requires great care and is difficult.

    If an exacerbation of a chronic disease of the gastrointestinal tract is suspected, the doctor will prescribe an ultrasound or gastroscopy.

    Pregnant women have little medical treatment for stomach pain, but if necessary, when the danger outweighs the risks, doctors also prescribe medications. In all cases, the possible effect of the drug on the child must be taken into account.

    Did you know? Although the stomach has an extremely aggressive acidic environment inside itself, one bacterium

    Helicobacter pylori
    feels quite comfortable in it.
    Normally, it helps digestion, being a full participant in it, and yet it is opportunistically pathogenic, since with an excessive increase in the population, Helicobacter pylori causes ulcers, destroying the walls of the stomach. For stomach pain that requires medical intervention, treatment is aimed at the underlying ailment. If the discomfort is of physiological origin, medications are used only in case of severe pain that significantly impairs the quality of life.

    Moderate sensations are treated with diet, physical therapy, massages, and herbal decoctions. Symptomatically affects nausea, diarrhea, constipation and the like.

    • The period of the first trimester passes under the slogan of banning most drugs. If the pain syndrome is severe, you can take No-shpa, tincture of valerian, motherwort. Other drugs should only be taken as prescribed and under the supervision of the attending physician.
    • In the second trimester there are fewer restrictions. At this time, therapeutic exercises, walking in the fresh air, mineral water, and diet have a good effect. If it is impossible to cope with constipation in other ways, the use of glycerin suppositories is allowed. Of particular importance is the absence of stress and physical activity, and a favorable psychological environment.
    • Therapy for the third trimester comes down mainly to folk remedies. The doctor may, if necessary, prescribe symptomatic drugs such as Smecta or Motilium. Dried apricots, prunes, and a decoction of birch buds have a positive effect.

    For symptoms of gastritis with high acidity, a collection of chamomile, yarrow and St. John's wort has a good effect, and with low acidity, a collection that includes wormwood, caraway, fennel, thyme or oregano. Honey is good for gastritis if there is no allergic reaction to it. Mineral waters never lose their relevance, helping both with stomach pain and heartburn.

    Important! Of course, it is necessary to exclude salty, smoked, fatty, and fried foods from the diet. Fractional meals are shown.

    The main causes of stomach pain in an expectant mother

    Stomach pain can be explained by:

    • directly by the fact of pregnancy (the growing uterus gradually displaces internal organs, including the gastrointestinal tract);
    • toxicosis;
    • bloating, constipation and intestinal dysbiosis;
    • exacerbation of diseases of the digestive system (according to statistics, 70% of women suffer from them);
    • the appearance of food allergies during pregnancy, including lactose intolerance (milk and milk products);
    • prolonged fasting (malnutrition is fraught with consequences for the child and mother);
    • bacterial or viral infection, poisoning;
    • tension and pain in the lower abdomen associated with appendicitis or other acute pathology;
    • sprained abdominal muscles and ligaments due to pregnancy;
    • a heavy dinner or other errors in the diet (large intake of fatty, smoked and spicy foods). To know exactly how to eat properly during this important period for mother and baby, pay attention to our course Secrets of proper nutrition for an expectant mother>>>;
    • stressful situations.

    When to see a doctor

    Every pregnant woman needs to listen carefully to her body and its well-being. If your stomach hurts slightly, not constantly, and nothing else bothers you, you don’t have to worry too much, but still, at a scheduled appointment with a doctor monitoring your pregnancy, state your complaints.

    In case of acute pain , accompanied by vomiting and/or diarrhea, especially with an admixture of blood, an increase in body temperature, you should call an ambulance as soon as possible and do not refuse the proposed hospitalization, because prolonged intoxication can cause significant harm to the child. Additionally, these symptoms, combined with tension in the lower abdomen, may indicate appendicitis, which is not known to go away on its own.

    The above symptoms may also indicate a bacterial or viral infection that has penetrated the gastrointestinal tract, genitourinary or reproductive systems, or trauma to organs located in the abdominal cavity.

    Be that as it may, growing and intensifying pain cannot be ignored; you need to see a doctor about it.

    Important! You should not self-medicate, even if you are well “familiar” with your pathology, have lived with it for a long time and know how to get along with it. During pregnancy, a completely different approach and treatment methods are required.

    Various manifestations in pregnant women associated with the stomach

    1. Displacement of the gastrointestinal tract organs due to the gradual growth of the uterus (about how the baby grows and develops during this period, read the article: Development of the child in the womb >>>). This not only causes stomach pain, but can affect the normal passage of food through the esophagus (reflux). This is not a reason to panic; most likely, you may not have such a manifestation;
    2. Gastritis is a fairly common cause of aching stomach pain in pregnant women. There may be many manifestations of gastritis:
    • spicy;
    • bacterial;
    • fungal;
    • erosive;
    • antacid;
    • atrophic;
    • stressful;
    • chronic.

    It is better to inform your doctor about this at the first symptoms of exacerbation.

    1. Remission of stomach or duodenal ulcers. This can happen in 44% of chronic patients. This phenomenon should please us, and here's why. Due to the large amount of progesterone actively produced in the body of a pregnant woman, a lot of mucus is released. It lines the stomach, which means pain in the stomach area decreases;
    2. Toxicosis. In the first trimester of pregnancy, around the 6th week, the main symptom appears: early toxicosis in the form of morning sickness and vomiting. In some women it is more pronounced, in others it is minor. And when 28-32 weeks of pregnancy have passed, late toxicosis, heartburn and belching are possible. Read more about toxicosis in the article Nausea during pregnancy>>>;
    3. Acute surgical pathology - appendicitis, intestinal obstruction, pancreatitis in pregnant women is difficult to diagnose, especially in the later stages. The nature and intensity of pain will depend on the disease. With an acute abdomen, malaise and weakness appear, there is no appetite and dyspeptic disorders occur (vomiting, nausea, diarrhea), and the temperature rises. you need to consult a doctor;
    4. Heaviness in the stomach. This problem in pregnant women often begins from the very beginning of pregnancy. Do you know that feeling like you've swallowed a ball? The stomach is swollen and hurts, although you have not overeated and have not abused heavy food. The reason is a change in the intensity of the production of enzymes, gastric juice and its acidity. The olfactory (ah, those haunting smells.) and taste buds are activated. Most expectant mothers complain of discomfort in the stomach area. This means that everything is natural and not so tragic.


    If your stomach constantly hurts during fetal development, this is a reason to consult a doctor. The doctor will refer you for an ultrasound examination of the digestive organs and gastroscopy. You may have to be treated with special medications. As a rule, pregnant women are prescribed homeopathic remedies.

    Surgical intervention and a full course of medications are postponed until the woman is relieved of her burden and can undergo full treatment. Except, of course, in cases where emergency intervention is necessary.

    Most often, stomach pain is caused by exacerbation of gastritis. However, you cannot self-medicate. Only a doctor can tell you what to drink for pain. If your stomach hurts, you need to contact a therapist or gastroenterologist. A specialist, after conducting an examination and diagnostic measures, can make a diagnosis. The therapeutic regimen is developed taking into account the “interesting situation” of the patient.

    The priority areas of therapy are mild medications, herbal remedies, and folk recipes.

    There are first aid measures for stomach pain during pregnancy, which the woman herself should know about. Such activities include:

    • complete rest and horizontal position of the expectant mother;
    • ensuring access to fresh indoor air and plenty of drinking water;
    • getting rid of outer or tight clothing.

    Absolutely forbidden:

    • apply heat to the stomach;
    • give to a pregnant woman to eat;
    • use medications unless absolutely necessary;
    • rinse the stomach and give enemas.

    In a medical institution, after reviewing all the results of diagnostic examinations, the doctor draws up a treatment strategy for stomach pain, which includes:

    • taking medications;
    • diet therapy;
    • folk remedies.

    List of what you can drink during pregnancy:

    • "No-Shpa";
    • "Iberogast";
    • preparations with bifidobacteria;
    • vitamin complexes;
    • "Gastrofarm";
    • "Cerucal";
    • "Gastal";
    • "Maalox";
    • "Almagel".

    Such substances will alleviate the condition of the expectant mother and will not harm the baby.

    A gentle diet includes compliance with the following rules:

    • eating food frequently, but in small portions;
    • preparing dishes by steaming, boiling, baking and stewing;
    • eating only warm food, which in no case should be excessively cold or very hot;
    • complete rejection of fatty and spicy foods, confectionery, carbonated drinks, spices, smoked meats, fast food and other unhealthy foods;
    • ingesting a large amount of liquid - at least two liters per day.

    Additional recommendations, as well as a list of permitted and prohibited products, are provided by a gastroenterologist.

    When a pregnant woman has a stomach ache, you can use traditional medicine recipes, but only under the strict supervision of the attending physician or obstetrician-gynecologist. The most effective are considered:

    • thyme and oregano;
    • cumin and chamomile;
    • yarrow and St. John's wort;
    • milk and honey;
    • olive oil;
    • flax seeds and motherwort;
    • lemon balm and mint;
    • white acacia and fennel;
    • lingonberries and rowan;
    • calendula and plantain.

    The issue of surgical intervention is decided on an individual basis.

    If pain appears in the stomach of a pregnant woman, you need to immediately find out the cause. You need to contact a gynecologist who is monitoring the pregnancy, and then, if necessary, a local physician or gastroenterologist. As a result of the research, the doctor will prescribe medication treatment, if necessary, or recommend a certain diet.

    1. Gastrofarm (contains lactobacilli, lactate and protein) or Iberogast (melissa, mint, licorice and other herbs). Both drugs are absolutely safe.
    2. To relieve pain symptoms, feelings of heaviness and cramps, No-shpa is allowed for pregnant women. No-spa has a number of contraindications, but pregnancy is not one of them. In addition, No-shpa is easy to buy at any pharmacy, the price of the drug is affordable.
    3. You can reduce nausea and increase gastric motility with the help of Cerucal.


    In cases where a pregnant woman cannot take any medications (personal intolerance, contraindications), traditional medicine can be used:

    1. A decoction of flax, chamomile, peppermint or yarrow will help reduce pain. To prepare the decoction, you need to pour boiling water over a small amount of herbs (one or more) and let it brew for 20-30 minutes. Take as needed. Mint decoction should not be taken if there is increased uterine tone.
    2. For heartburn, licorice root tincture will help. To prepare the tincture, you need to pour 100 grams of licorice root into 200 ml of boiling water. After two hours, pour another 200 ml of water into the tincture, but at room temperature. You need to drink the medicine 2-3 times a day, 3 tablespoons.
    3. Fermented milk products will help restore normal functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, and rice and jelly will help with diarrhea.

    Medicines must be prescribed by a doctor; taking them on your own is not recommended, despite their safety. It is necessary to ensure that there are no contraindications for their use. Taking a decoction of herbs should also be agreed upon with the supervising doctor, because some herbs can cause uterine tone.

    Uterine tone is dangerous because it can cause premature birth. Even dill is one of the herbs that cause uterine tone. Peppermint tea is also not recommended for some pregnant women. Herbs will be beneficial in small quantities, but a doctor’s consultation is still needed.

    How can a woman help herself?

    I advise you, first, to try to cope with at least some of the problems yourself. For example, with heaviness in the stomach. During pregnancy, it occurs regardless of the amount eaten.

    • Reduce the portions you eat;
    • Prefer split meals: often, but little by little;
    • Avoid spicy, salty, smoked, fried foods (can be combined in one definition - aggressive food);
    • The diet menu should contain mainly liquid dishes.

    Read the article that will help you understand the principles of eating: Nutrition during pregnancy>>>

    If the heaviness in the stomach of a pregnant woman is very annoying, then you can turn to medications. But it is in your best interests to do without medications.

    Try drinking a glass of kefir, eating a couple of tangerines, and the discomfort should decrease.

    Know! Sometimes your stomach hurts during pregnancy, and this turns out to be a reaction to the vitamin complex. Try giving it up for a while and see how you feel.

    It’s difficult to fight toxicosis, but it’s necessary

    It is important to choose your own diet, determine a suitable and balanced diet to prevent nausea and vomiting. The most correct advice that will be appropriate is to follow the rules of a healthy and wholesome diet.

    The main thing: do not starve, this will only worsen the problem.

    1. Drink clean water;
    2. Decoctions of medicinal herbs are very useful for pregnant women with toxicosis. I advise you to use traditional recipes after consulting with specialists;
    3. In case of pronounced forms of toxicosis and the presence of stomach pain during pregnancy, hospital treatment is indicated.

    Medicines: pros and cons

    What medications can a pregnant woman take to treat gastritis?

    • To eliminate symptoms, there are some safe drugs that have anti-inflammatory and restorative effects. They eliminate stomach pain, increase the activity of the glands;
    • Pregnant women can use complex drugs that improve the digestion process, gastric enzymes, antispasmodics;
    • If it is necessary to reduce acidity, prokinetics are prescribed;
    • Probiotics have a positive effect, they quickly and effectively restore the microflora of the intestines and stomach, and are considered fairly safe medicines.

    Ultimately, all this together will help improve the well-being of the expectant mother.

    Attention! Under no circumstances should you take antibacterial medications during this period! They can harm the fetus.

    As for the drug Metoclopramide, which is effective for gastritis, it is contraindicated for pregnant women in the first trimester, when the foundation of the fetus is laid.

    For herbalist recipes

    Treatment of gastritis with folk remedies is the safest for a pregnant woman.

    1. A frequent recommendation for high acidity is to drink a warm decoction of peeled potatoes;
    2. You can use infusions of chamomile, St. John's wort, yarrow, knotweed, mint, flax seeds and oats. They will relieve inflammation, quickly restore gland secretion, and improve gastric microflora;
    3. If secretion is reduced, take cumin, thyme, oregano, plantain, wormwood, as well as fennel, parsley and parsnips. You can prepare an infusion of stinging nettle, calamus and chamomile. Take the healing decoction three times a day before meals.

    Know! By the way, many women successfully combine the use of medicinal herbs if the stomach suffers during pregnancy with competent and safe drug therapy.

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