How to take prunes for constipation as a laxative?

Prunes are very effective as a laxative. This property has been known to people for a long time. It lies in the ability of prunes to “take” water from the intestines.

But not only this. It contains insoluble dietary fiber and a compound called dihydrophenylisatin. When consumed in reasonable proportions, it is generally safe and has virtually no side effects.

Bowel cycles vary from person to person. Certain conditions can lead to constipation and problems with bowel movements. These include:

Poor unbalanced diet;

Sedentary lifestyle;


Some diseases;

Taking medications;

Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (GIT).

With constipation, bloating, cramps, and increased gas formation may occur. Difficulty in bowel movements can cause irritation and lead to anal fissures and hemorrhoids.

In such a situation, many people take a pharmaceutical laxative. Unfortunately, they are often addictive and affect the body's ability to absorb nutrients. Therefore, the best solution would be to eat foods rich in fiber and be physically active.

What prunes contain

Prunes are a dried fruit made from fresh berries of a special dark variety of plums. The fruits are processed in a gentle way, due to which almost all the vitamins and microelements remain in them, which is why it is so useful.

Dried berries, which have a pleasant characteristic aroma and taste, contain:

  • glucose;
  • fructose;
  • lactose;
  • a number of organic acids;
  • vitamins A, E, C, B1 and B2;
  • nitrogenous substances;
  • calcium, phosphorus, potassium, magnesium, sodium, iron.

Prunes are very useful for pregnant women, patients suffering from vitamin deficiency or anemia. It is recommended for normalizing digestion and weight loss.

If a person constantly works at a computer, experiences heavy strain on his eyes, and moves little, he simply needs a few prunes a day.

These fruits are an excellent prevention of hypertension, atherosclerosis, kidney and colds. And, of course, prunes are the first product that doctors recommend for constipation in both adults and children.

How to use it for constipation in adults

Constipation is a problem with bowel movements when stool accumulates, hardens and makes defecation extremely difficult. Usually the cause of this disease is an error in nutrition and insufficient physical activity.

But sometimes it can also occur under the influence of other factors:

  • in women during pregnancy due to pinching of the intestines by the growing uterus and changes in hormonal levels;
  • in older people - in this case, the natural slowdown of metabolic processes in the aging body is to blame;
  • after taking certain medications - for example, iron supplements;
  • in the postoperative period, for diseases such as dysbacteriosis, hemorrhoids, and gastrointestinal pathologies.

In most cases, it is undesirable to use medications for constipation; unpleasant side effects may occur that will make the person’s condition even more serious. But the problem needs to be solved, and very quickly - after all, intoxication of the whole body occurs, not to mention the fact that the patient suffers from pain in the abdomen, bloating, and flatulence. And this is exactly where prunes come to the rescue.

It can be consumed either in its pure form or in combination with other products that also have a positive effect on the functioning of the digestive tract. Maximum effectiveness is achieved if prunes are taken on an empty stomach. It is important to remember to drink enough liquid when doing this.

Of course, the easiest way is to take a few berries and just chew them - by the way, this is a good prevention of stomatitis and gingivitis. But the problem is that in dry form, prunes are absorbed by the digestive tract for a very long time; help will not come soon. Therefore, it should be processed correctly to achieve a quick effect.

The easiest and fastest way is to steam dried berries. To do this, a handful of prunes are sorted out, washed, then placed in a bowl and filled with hot water. A glass of boiling water is enough for 80 g of fruit. After this, the container must be covered and wrapped well. In an hour the medicine is ready. The broth is poured into a separate container and drunk warm. And the berries themselves are eaten, chewing well.

For adults, this mixture of prunes and other dried fruits for constipation is also suitable:

  • take ten prunes and dried apricots, five figs, rinse, add warm water and leave to swell for thirty minutes;
  • pass dried fruits through a meat grinder or grind in a blender;
  • transfer the mixture to a jar and add two tablespoons of honey, stir;
  • cover and store in the refrigerator.

This tasty mixture should be eaten one tablespoon every morning before breakfast, washed down with warm water. You can add it to kefir, yogurt or oatmeal. Then there will never be problems with constipation.

Useful information: if you don’t like the taste of prunes, you can combine them with dried apricots and figs. These dried fruits also help solve intestinal problems and are rich in vitamins and minerals.

Recipes for babies

For a baby, you can quickly and easily prepare a medicinal compote from dried berries:

  • A bag of prunes - approximately 100 g - pour 500 ml of water, add 1-2 tablespoons of granulated sugar.
  • The berries must be washed first and can be cut into halves.
  • Place the pan on the fire, let the mixture boil and cook it over low heat for a few more minutes.
  • Then turn it off and cover it.
  • The compote should cool to room temperature, but remain warm. Only then is it useful.

To improve the taste, you can reduce the amount of prunes and add dried apricots to the broth.

This recipe, by the way, is also suitable for expectant mothers, who also very often suffer from constipation, vitamin deficiencies and low hemoglobin.

You can prepare a decoction of oatmeal, prunes and dried apricots:

  • The thermos contains three prunes, dried apricots and a tablespoon of oatmeal.
  • Everything is poured with boiling water and infused for two hours.

For infants, the mixture is diluted with water in a 1:1 ratio. Mom can drink the decoction in its pure form and eat the remaining berries with cereal.

If the baby is already six months old and is receiving his first complementary foods, then you can simply grind the steamed prunes in a meat grinder and add them little by little to baby porridge, cottage cheese or yogurt. Such dishes are also very good for constipation.

But you should carefully monitor the freshness of the product. Steamed and chopped prunes can be stored in the refrigerator for no more than 1-2 days. The leftovers can be used as filling in pies for adults.

How to choose prunes and use them in cooking?

Helpful advice: only natural, high-quality prunes have healing properties for constipation. Now, unfortunately, it is very common to find a second-rate product, prepared using accelerated technology and flavored with preservatives, dyes and flavors.

Such dried fruit will not be useful, but only harmful, especially for children. Therefore, you should buy prunes only in a trusted place, by weight or in transparent packaging, which allows you to evaluate its appearance and density. It should have a black color, moderate gloss and elastic texture. If the color is brown, the prunes are too dry or spread when pressed, you should not buy them.

And one last piece of advice about eating prunes. These berries give any dish a very pleasant piquant aroma with specific “smoky” notes. Therefore, it can be added to borscht, baked meat dishes, and prepared from it in salads, appetizers and a variety of desserts. For example, a salad made from grated beets, prunes and nuts is very healthy. Or prunes stuffed with nuts and sour cream.

Prune sauce can be prepared for future use and served with both meat and sweet dishes. Then everyone at home will be well fed and healthy.

Whatever the reason for constipation, prunes, when consumed correctly, will help cope with this unpleasant condition. Prunes for constipation are an excellent home remedy, which is often prescribed even by doctors along with medicinal herbs, bran and natural juices.

This dried fruit is suitable not only for constipation, but prunes are actively used for preventive cleansing of the intestines. If in the summer season there are a lot of healthy vegetables and fruits for these purposes without nitrates, then in winter prunes are the best remedy.

Prunes - beneficial properties of dry plums

So, what are the benefits of prunes:

  1. The richness of the chemical composition in the complex determines the therapeutic effect of these fruits, when consumed they actively manifest their properties. It is most effective for constipation.
  2. Prunes are very beneficial for the intestines. When eating prunes, its motor function improves, which is important when constipation occurs.
  3. Even if constipation does not bother you, prunes can be included in your daily diet as a preventive measure. The condition will improve noticeably. This is achieved due to the content of pectin substances in it. Fiber also plays a significant role in this.
  4. Fruits can have a positive effect not only on intestinal function, but also on digestion in general. If we are talking about constipation, then compared to laxative drugs it is much more effective and less painful.
  5. If you regularly consume prunes, you can achieve an improvement in your well-being. The skin becomes smoother. There is an improvement in its elasticity.
  6. If we compare prunes with other fruits, the content of calories and sugars in them is much lower. This naturally has a positive effect on kidney function.
  7. Consumption of such fruits leads to normalization of water-salt balance in the body.
  8. Prunes help remove harmful cholesterol from the body.
  9. Fruits rid the body of excess toxins.
  10. It is characterized by the presence of a diuretic and choleretic effect.
  11. It will also help you get rid of extra pounds.
  12. Prunes are very necessary for pregnant women. With this condition, a significant restructuring occurs in the woman’s body. The body is forced to work not in its usual mode, but somewhat differently. As a result, constipation is a very common occurrence during pregnancy. Therefore, instead of laxatives, a woman is recommended to use prunes. This will be useful not only for her, but also for the child.

Prunes for constipation - useful video

Traditional medicine recipes with prunes

  • Prune infusion

For constipation, prune infusion is a good remedy. The product is proven, effective, and has been used for a long time.

How to cook it? Dry fruits must be thoroughly washed and the seeds removed.

Place a handful of prunes in 500 ml of boiling water. A mandatory point is to wrap the container in which it is located.

It is infused for 12 hours.

After this it can be consumed. If you use it, then after a few days you can notice an improvement in the functioning of the digestive system.

  • Prune decoction

A decoction of prunes will also help with such conditions. Dried fruits can be very different, but dried apricots and prunes must be present in this mixture.

This mixture for constipation with dried apricots and prunes is very effective for such unpleasant conditions. The product is proven.

The fruits are poured with water and boiled in a water bath. Naturally, they must be washed first.

The simmering time in a water bath is 1/3 hour. By taking this decoction on a regular basis, the term “constipation” will disappear from your colloquial speech for almost a long time. It will be better if you take it before bed.

  • Prunes for constipation with kefir

An excellent remedy for cleansing the intestines is prunes with kefir. Several fruits are poured with a glass of warm water in the evening. This is done at night on purpose so that it infuses.

In the morning you need to drink all this, and use swollen prunes for a snack.

  • Prunes with hay grass

Those who decide to lose weight should take note of the recipe, which contains prunes and hay. This grass is tropical.

You need to take 0.4 kg of prunes, but take 100 g of dried apricots, raisins and rose hips in equal quantities. It is enough to take 50 g of senna grass itself.

It must first be crushed. To the resulting composition add 0.2 kg of figs and honey to taste.

All this is washed and scrolled through a meat grinder. Honey is added last to the rolled mass. Storage is carried out in the refrigerator.

This mixture is used for consumption on fasting days. In this case, the amount of fluid consumed should be sufficient. Along with water, toxins will also be removed from the body.

Of course, no one will argue with the fact that prune compote is very tasty and healthy.

Many women often wonder whether it is possible to eat prunes while breastfeeding?

The answer to this question will be purely permissive. By consuming prunes, a woman receives many beneficial nutrients from them.

It can't do any harm. After all, a developing organism needs these substances like no other. In addition, the body is cleansed by eating prunes.

This will benefit not only the mother, but also the baby. However, we should not forget that these fruits have a pronounced laxative effect.

Therefore, mothers should not get too carried away with vigorously eating prunes. Instead of benefit, this will only bring harm to herself and her baby.

How many prunes to eat for constipation?

As a rule, these are 2-4 pieces. If you eat several fruits at night, in most cases you will have a bowel movement in the morning.

You can buy real high-quality organic dried fruits from France: figs, prunes, raisins and others here

Important information about prunes for the intestines

To understand why prunes are used as a laxative, you need to know the detailed composition of this product. Decoctions and infusions based on this dried fruit have an excellent effect on the intestinal microflora, promote normal bowel movements and relieve constipation for a long time.

If you eat prunes regularly, and add dried apricots, figs, and senna, then not only will the body be cleansed of toxins and harmful substances. At the same time, the body’s protective functions are strengthened, and the intestines work at their maximum capacity. Thanks to the coordinated work of the body as a whole, extra pounds are lost, the condition is normalized, the person feels active and full of energy every day.

About dosages

Upon closer examination, it becomes clear that prunes for constipation, like fresh plums, must be consumed correctly in order to help the body and not harm it. So, there will be benefits for constipation and simply for cleansing the intestines if you consume 150 grams of fresh plums per day during the season or three times less prunes in winter.


Despite the high carbohydrate content in prunes, they do not cause addiction to sweets. Because this product has a low glycemic index.

In addition to the fact that prune compote helps with constipation, it also provides benefits to the body in other ways. For example, metabolism accelerates and blood sugar levels stabilize. It should be noted a noticeable diuretic effect. If you eat a quality product regularly, you can notice improvement in your nails and hair. The body is cleansed, reduces the level of bad cholesterol, and the functioning of the heart and blood vessels is normalized. This also includes dried apricots, figs and some other dried fruits, but the most useful, without a doubt, are prunes.

How to choose prunes

To choose the right quality and fresh prunes for constipation, we adhere to the following recommendations:

  • First of all, the berries must have a beautiful black tint without visible defects. If the dried fruits are brown, this indicates that they were washed with hot water.
  • Next, pay attention to the surface of the plum, which should be matte. If there is shine, then the dried fruits were treated with glycerin. In this case, before eating, the fruit must be thoroughly washed and soaked in water.
  • The berries should be soft and elastic to the touch. Prunes should be juicy, not dry.
  • The taste of a quality fruit is sweet and sour without bitterness.
  • It is best to choose dried fruits with seeds, which have more benefits for the body.

Signs of quality prunes

So, the signs of a quality product are a beautiful matte surface, a uniform black tint of the berries, elasticity and juiciness to the touch. After soaking, the prunes should turn the water black. The taste is delicate, sweet with sourness.

Which prunes are better: dried or smoked?

It all depends on what the dried fruits are needed for. For the treatment and prevention of constipation, it is best to choose dried prunes, which are characterized by a pronounced laxative effect. Smoked prunes will have a characteristic bitter taste and smell. Therefore, it is better to taste and smell one berry before buying.

Use for constipation

How to properly use prunes for constipation; traditional medicine offers more than one recipe for preparing an infusion or decoction. However, such treatment should be taken seriously and, if possible, consult a specialist. Of the general recommendations on how to use prune decoction for constipation, some important points should be noted.

Soak the product the day before, then eat it for breakfast. Prepare for the fact that the laxative and diuretic effects of prunes will soon appear. After all, the product contains a lot of plant fibers, cellulose and pectin, which cause such conditions. Once in the intestines, the fibers are not digested, but begin to swell and this stimulates digestion. Plus, fiber retains waste and toxins, and then removes them from the body in a natural way along with decay products.


In exactly the same way as eating prunes for constipation, you can simply eat this product as a preventive measure. Modern research shows that such a diet is an excellent prevention of the development of malignant tumors of the colon.

Also in folk recipes it is noted that an infusion of prunes or a decoction of prunes and dried apricots can be drunk for excellent bowel movements in the evening. That is, drink the decoction in the morning, and then in the evening do the important task of cleansing the body. This cleaning can be done regularly; it has no contraindications. This means that prunes can also be consumed for constipation during pregnancy.

Contraindications and side effects

So, if you want to make bowel movements regular, use the following folk recipe.
Take one glass of dried apricots, the same amount of walnuts, ground in advance, and light raisins. Mix these ingredients and place them in a glass container. Add honey (half a liter) and 1 cup flaxseed, crushed in a blender. Finally, add ½ cup of dry senna herb to the mixture. This medicine should be stored in the refrigerator in a glass container with a lid. You need to use the product once a day, on an empty stomach, one tablespoon. Now you know how to answer the question of whether dried apricots strengthen or weaken. We hope that if you have problems with regular bowel movements, you will include healthy kaisa, rich in valuable fiber, pectin, vitamins, micro- and macroelements, in your diet.

To prepare dried fruit at home, you need to choose good raw materials, that is, fresh and undamaged apricots. As for the variety, it is better to give preference to those whose fruits are the largest, juiciest and fleshiest. The selected fruits should not be bitter.

After the raw material is ready, wash it thoroughly, divide it into halves and remove the pit. Eliminate black spots and inclusions. Next, put the resulting halves in a colander and keep it in a water bath for 10-15 minutes.

This procedure is necessary so that in the future our product does not acquire too dark a shade. Remove from the colander and place the fruit halves on the drying rack so that they do not touch each other.

All main drying occurs, as a rule, at 50 degrees. The product should be brought to full readiness at a slightly lower temperature (about 45 degrees).

In terms of time, complete drying of the fruit usually takes from 10 to 15 hours. It all depends on its juiciness and moisture. If you don’t have a dryer, you can dry the fruit in the open air by folding it in gauze and placing the tied knot on a clothesline. It is also possible to simply place the halves on a tray and place it in a sunny place, remembering to cover it with gauze.

To solve problems with bowel movements, the fruit is consumed both separately and in combination with other products that are rich in dietary fiber and vitamins and help cleanse the intestines.

The easiest way to eat prunes is in the morning on an empty stomach. In this case, you need to drink a lot of clean water to enhance the laxative effect of the product. Before eating, dried fruits should be thoroughly rinsed under the tap. If there is a bone, it must be removed.

It is important to be able to choose the right product. A good black plum with a visible shine. It feels elastic to the touch and does not leave marks on your fingers.

If you don’t like dried fruit in its pure form, you can prepare compotes, decoctions with it, or add it to desserts. Here are the main cooking options:

  • Compote. Take 100 g of dried plums and add a liter of water. Bring to a boil and cook for an hour. Can be consumed warm or chilled. Take a glass in the morning before meals.
  • Infusion. Pour 100 g of prunes into 0.5 liters of boiling water and leave in a warm place overnight. You can use a thermos. Take half a glass in the morning before meals. The infusion retains more useful substances than the decoction and compote.
  • Decoction. Pour 200 g of dried fruit with a glass of boiling water for a couple of minutes. Place the mixture on the stove and simmer for half an hour. Cool at room temperature, strain through a sieve or cheesecloth. Take 1 tablespoon before meals.

Kefir is a fermented milk product with a high protein content that is well absorbed by the body. It is able to restore the intestinal microflora, so its use is indicated for those prone to constipation.

Kefir can be drunk separately, but for greater effectiveness, dried fruits and other components are added.

Here's a proven recipe:

  • rinse the dried plums with running water, remove the seeds;
  • mash a few pieces with a fork and pour a glass of kefir with 1-2% fat content;
  • after 2 hours the mixture is ready for use;
  • Should be taken before meals or at night.

You can use a blender for preparation, then the drink will be more delicate. Dried apricots are suitable instead of prunes. The recipe will be the same.

Excessive consumption of any product is bad for your health. A large amount of dried fruit in the diet leads to the opposite effect. The product can cause distress, as well as allergic symptoms in the form of a rash.

Prunes should be prepared with extreme caution for constipation during pregnancy and for infants. People with diabetes or excess weight should also talk to their doctor.

Prune infusion is best used as a preventive measure on a regular basis. At the same time, you need to remember other important measures - a balanced diet, moderate physical activity, and giving up bad habits. It is also important to know how much prunes you can eat so as not to harm your health.

If any product regularly hardens and causes constipation, you should avoid it. It's best to see a doctor who can explain which foods help with constipation.

How to take for constipation:

  1. There is a simple and understandable recipe: take five prunes and add warm water. Leave until the morning, and in the morning drink juice and eat all the soaked plums. This remedy with prunes copes well with constipation and normalizes stool when taken regularly for 10-14 days.
  2. Kefir is considered an excellent additional ingredient in these cases. You will need to mix prunes, adding kefir, yogurt (you can also add oatmeal flakes for taste) and eat them for breakfast. A few hours and the intestines will be cleansed.
  3. Not everyone likes kefir, then you can prepare a decoction of prunes for constipation. You will need to take 100 grams of prunes, figs and raisins, soak for a couple of hours. Then scald the dried fruits and pass through a meat grinder. Add 100 ml of honey and senna decoction to the mixture. The product can be stored in a glass in the refrigerator and taken a large spoon in the morning for five days in a row.
  4. For a long time, in order for the stool to return to normal, you can simply change your morning diet. In the evening, soak prunes, figs and dried apricots, and in the morning just eat these dried fruits for breakfast. It’s both healthy and nutritious and heals the intestines.

As you can see, prunes can be used in different ways, including brewing, steaming and preparing infusions and decoctions. But it is definitely known and proven whether prunes help with constipation. The answer to this request is affirmative and in any form, most importantly, in the correct dosage, prune infusion for constipation brings exceptional benefits to every person.

Prunes for constipation are an excellent effective remedy of natural origin, which will not only help with stool retention, but unlike synthetic drugs, will not harm the body.

Constipation is an unpleasant condition and there can be many reasons for its occurrence. You can bring the intestines back to normal with medicinal strong and effective laxatives.

But even ordinary food products have a laxative effect. In most cases, their use as a medicine is more justified.

Eating prunes during pregnancy

With the onset of pregnancy, expectant mothers have to reconsider their diet. Some of the foods they are familiar with fall into the category of prohibited ones, while some dishes are highly recommended for consumption. After all, everything that a woman receives with food, the baby also receives. What category is our dried fruit in? All experts definitely classify it as a recommended product, since the benefits of prunes during pregnancy are obvious.

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One of the common problems of pregnant women is the weakening of the protective functions of the oral cavity. Bleeding gums and the possibility of developing caries are noted, which is associated with hormonal changes in the body of the expectant mother. Frequent consumption of prunes will help eliminate problems with gums and teeth.

With these fruits, a sufficient amount of potassium enters the body, which ensures the smooth functioning of the kidneys. And this is important for mother and baby.

If you brew prunes with black tea and drink this drink, you can avoid problems with blood pressure, which is also one of the hardships of pregnant women.

Many expectant mothers suffer from constipation. The best remedy for eliminating this problem is prunes, since the use of medications for pregnant women is undesirable.

Perhaps the only drawback of our product is that it is high in calories. Excessive consumption of berries will lead to excessive weight gain, which is contraindicated for pregnant women.


Prunes have many beneficial properties. As a laxative, the product has a not pronounced, but stable effect on the body. For rare and uncomplicated constipation, its use brings quite satisfactory results.

Substances contained in the composition


  • soften and normalize stool;
  • prevent painful sensations during bowel movements;
  • due to the high fiber content, they increase intestinal motility and cleanse it of accumulated toxins;

As a result, the patient’s well-being improves. Preparations based on prunes:

  • have a mild effect (it can be given in the form of drinks even to small children and pregnant women without fear of complications);
  • use is not accompanied by loss of strength and dehydration as with synthetic laxatives;
  • restore metabolic processes in the body;
  • have a general strengthening effect and give energy due to the presence of easily digestible sugars.

These characteristics of dried fruit are well suited for correcting the condition of stool retention

. The products can be successfully used at home, you just need to know how to make and use them correctly.

Cooking methods and recipes

Doctors often advise people prone to chronic constipation to include this dried fruit in their diet, because it has a mild, gentle effect and can be consumed for a long time. It can be taken separately in dry form in small portions throughout the entire treatment period.

In this form, taking dried fruit is suitable for adults. A more convenient form of medication is a liquid drink. Compotes and infusions are recommended for use even by small children and nursing mothers.

The medicine can be used either once for non-serious cases of constipation, or systematically in combination with other drugs.

How to make a laxative from prunes? There are several options for preparing medicine based on it.

. Which one to choose depends on the circumstances and degree of neglect of the disease, and the patient’s personal preferences. Here are simple examples:

  1. Infusion - you need to take about 100 grams. plums, put it in a saucepan, then add two glasses of water. Put on fire. After the water boils, remove from heat and let sit until cool. The finished product should be consumed on an empty stomach before breakfast, a glass a day, and a few pieces of steamed fruit should be eaten.
  2. Decoction - 100 gr. pour two glasses of boiling water over the fruit and simmer for half an hour. Take in the same way as infusion.
  3. A simple decoction can be varied by adding 200 g. oats, which have enveloping properties.
  4. The combination of prunes and senna will have a stronger effect on the intestines. How to brew it? You will need 2 tsp. senna, 5–6 pcs. plums and half a liter of water. Pour hot water and leave for 2 hours. Take 2 tbsp every hour. l.
  5. There is a good combined composition with effective action. This is a laxative of dried apricots, prunes, senna with the addition of honey, nuts and raisins. All components should be ground in a meat grinder. 1 tsp. A spoon in the evening before bed will help get rid of stagnant intestinal contents.
  6. Prune salad in combination with milk is no less effective. To prepare it, you need to take equal parts smoked plums, dried apricots and apples. Finely chop everything. To enhance the effect, drink with fresh milk. The solution to the problem of constipation is guaranteed.

Despite the fact that smoked plum laxatives have a generally mild effect on the intestines, it is worth remembering that it is not recommended to abuse them. All people have an individual reaction of the body, therefore, it is impossible to say with accuracy how long the remedy takes effect.

The laxative properties of prunes are well known. Having a mild, gentle effect on the intestines, it really helps to cope with stool retention in all but the most stubborn cases that require medical intervention. This is an ideal, simple and tasty option for home use.

Treating constipation at home does not always require taking medications. A proven remedy for constipation is prunes, prepared in a special way.

Before reaching the counter, prunes go through several stages of processing. High-quality dried fruits are obtained from ripe fruits, which are blanched and dried in special temperature chambers.

High-quality prunes should be:

  • Black, dark blue;
  • Soft;
  • With a sweet and sour taste;
  • Viscous;
  • With slight shine;
  • No brown tints;
  • No bitterness.

Only from high-quality prunes can you prepare a truly effective medicine against constipation.

Recipes and recommendations

To properly prepare an effective product, you should follow the recommendations. The fruits need to be brewed correctly. As additional components, figs can be included in anti-constipation remedies, and prunes can be used together with dried apricots and kefir. Senna can be added to the constipation remedy. If your loved ones need a laxative, give them a natural remedy rather than a synthetic one.

Preparing constipation remedies correctly:

  • Remove the pits from the dried plums and chop the pulp. Add natural liquid honey (2 tsp). The product helps to get rid of problems with bowel movements. Be sure to take 1 tsp in the evening.
  • We take the same amount of dry plums, honey and figs (200 g each). We remove the fruits from the bones, grind them in a meat grinder, and chop the figs. Mix the ingredients with honey and refrigerate for 3-4 days. Use 1 tsp.
  • A honey mixture with dried fruits will be an excellent cure for constipation. We wash the best fruits, remove the seeds and grind them. Then add a little honey. Take 1-2 tsp shortly before bedtime.
  • Eat dried apricots and plums in the evening. 5 pieces will be enough. dried apricots and the same amount of dry plums. A mixture of dry plums and dried apricots gives a more lasting and faster result.

You can also prepare medicine for constipation in liquid form. An infusion of dried fruits is prepared as follows: place a handful of dried fruits in a saucepan and brew 0.5 liters of boiling water. The infusion must be consumed on an empty stomach. It will be enough to drink prune infusion for several days to noticeably improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. Almost every knowledgeable mother gives her child a similar drink to restore intestinal function, starting from the first month of life. It is recommended to take the infusion for 6–14 days.

A decoction of prunes and dried apricots helps with constipation. The required ingredients should be dried apricots and prunes, you can add a handful of raisins. The fruits are washed, poured with boiling water and cooked for 20 minutes. It is recommended to use in the morning or before bed. This helps get rid of the heaviness in the stomach that haunts you at night. You need to take the decoction in courses of 5–10 days.

You can make prune compote for constipation. To do this, place dried fruits in boiling water and cook for 5–10 minutes, then leave for 1–2 hours. You can drink as much compote a day as you want . There are no restrictions in this case. Dried fruit helps restore digestive processes and normalize the passage of feces.

You should not include too many dried plums in your diet; this statement is especially relevant for the treatment of constipation in infants. Prunes help cope with the problem in small quantities.

Beneficial features

The benefit of prunes lies in the content of a large amount of vitamins, macro- and microelements. This is a carbohydrate product that can replace sweets on the table, but people with diabetes should take prunes carefully.

The chemical composition of the fruit includes:

  • B vitamins;
  • Vitamin and provitamin A;
  • Ascorbic acid;
  • Vitamin K;
  • Vitamin E;
  • Calcium;
  • Magnesium;
  • Potassium;
  • Sodium;
  • Phosphorus.

The effect of prunes on intestinal disorders is associated with a high content of dietary fiber - fibrous foods remove toxins and help cleanse the intestines. In addition, eating dried fruits can improve the condition of the entire cardiovascular and digestive system.

Contraindications and indications

The dried fruit has found use as an appetite stimulant, a regulator of metabolic processes, and a restorer of intestinal microflora. Even children from four months old can take it as a natural laxative, since it does not contain allergens, but is high in dietary fiber and pectin.

Patients with diseases of the pancreas and gall bladder are also recommended to include prunes in their diet. A mixture of dried fruits - prunes and dried apricots with nuts - is used as an antibacterial and choleretic agent.

In cases of individual intolerance or diabetes, it is better to refuse treatment with fruits directly, but you can use a decoction of prunes for constipation.

The benefits of prunes

Due to the high content of minerals and vitamins, the benefits of prunes for the body are very noticeable.

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The composition of this dried fruit determines the range of diseases for which its regular consumption is desirable. Prunes are recommended for cardiovascular diseases in the early stages, to normalize blood pressure, metabolism, and eliminate the problem of gum inflammation. At the same time, it has bactericidal properties. Prunes tones, restores performance, improves the functioning of many organs, and increases the body’s ability to resist various diseases. There is a bold statement that this product, being a powerful antioxidant, even helps cope with cancer. Therefore, regular use of prunes in the diet is recommended for people living in environmentally unfavorable areas.

To replenish the content of minerals and vitamins in the body, it is enough to consume 5-6 berries of this dried fruit daily. Consumption of prunes during periods of vitamin deficiency is especially recommended.

Preparing the decoction

The decoction is prepared not only from the prunes themselves, but with the addition of oats. The presence of mucous pulp will improve the passage of feces through the intestines and facilitate bowel movements.

  • 200 g oats or bran;
  • A liter of clean water;
  • 5 medium prunes;

Place everything in a small saucepan and cook over medium heat until it boils. Then reduce the heat and let simmer for 10-15 minutes over low heat. After this, remove from heat.

The resulting broth is infused for two hours under the lid, filtered and divided into 3-4 parts, which should be consumed during the day. If desired, you can eat the strained porridge with fruits.

By adding flaxseeds, you can get a really healthy breakfast, good for your figure, blood vessels and immunity. Flax seeds will not negatively affect the preparation of the decoction itself and can be added.

Infusion recipe

It is better to prepare an infusion of prunes for constipation in advance, since the components must be infused for twelve hours. For brewing you will need a thermos or other sealed container.

You will need:

  • A teaspoon of senna;
  • A glass of boiling water;
  • Slice of lemon.

At night, place the contents in an airtight container and pour boiling water over it. The next morning, strain the resulting infusion and add lemon. It is advisable to drink the infusion on an empty stomach, allowing it to cool slightly so that it is warm or at room temperature. Using the infusion for a week helps relieve chronic constipation and decreased intestinal motility.

Steamed plums

As a quick help for long-term chronic constipation, you can use not only water infusions and decoctions, but also steamed prunes themselves. To do this, pour a handful of boiling water into a cup and cover.

The contents of the cup should be kept covered for 15 minutes, then drain the water and squeeze the dried fruits into gauze, but without force. You need to eat steamed prunes immediately, and you can wash it down with a decoction prepared in advance. Eating steamed dried fruits at night allows you to have a painless bowel movement in the morning.


Considering the beneficial properties of prunes (dried) and its unique taste, this product is used to prepare a huge number of treats: salads, snacks, drinks, main and first courses.

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Prunes also occupy a worthy place in the preparation of desserts. Cream, nuts, and kefir are often used with this product. But especially prunes have become friends with meat. If you add prune extract to meat, you can maintain its freshness, while the dried fruit will not change the taste of the main product.

Using these dried fruits, you can improve the taste of familiar dishes, such as cereals and salads.

For children

Compote based on prunes has a mild laxative effect for constipation, as well as vitamin and immunostimulating properties. It is given to children for colds and intestinal disorders of a non-infectious nature.

For preparation:

  • One hundred grams of prunes;
  • One hundred grams of dried apricots;
  • Two liters of water;
  • Honey to taste.

Dried fruits are poured with water and brought to a boil over low heat. After boiling, you need to boil the compote for twenty minutes and remove from the stove. After it has cooled a little, add honey. It is not recommended to store it for a long time, as a sediment of suspended particles may form at the bottom.

For small children under one year old, it is better to prepare compote without dried apricots, and add simple sugar instead of honey. To treat constipation in infants, you don’t even have to give them the compote yourself. If the mother drinks prune compote, the baby will receive the necessary laxative compounds from the mother’s milk.

Prunes weaken or strengthen: find out

Prunes are most popular in folk medicine as a laxative. For these purposes, it can be consumed in its natural form or made into a decoction. It is prepared very simply: pour boiling water over the prunes and let it brew for 10–12 hours. This decoction is consumed as needed, the berries are also used for food. “Health candies” are another way to get rid of constipation. To prepare them you will need 4 prunes, 4 figs and one teaspoon of coriander. Grind the fruits, mix with coriander, divide into equal portions (a teaspoon each), and place in the refrigerator. One such candy will relieve even the most severe constipation. Relief will come within two hours.

Science has also proven the laxative properties of prunes, conducting clinical studies of the product in 2011. It has been proven that these berries can soften stool, acting as a mild laxative. Therefore, doctors in some countries officially prescribe prunes to patients to eliminate this delicate problem.

There is another popular tip for including this product in the diet. It turns out that drinking prune compote can produce not a laxative, but an astringent effect on the body.

So do prunes weaken or strengthen? When talking about this product, they often joke: “It weakens the stool, but strengthens the body.”

For pregnant

Constipation during pregnancy can lead to many complications. The feeling of pressure increases the tone of the uterus, and the overall heaviness leads to the development of hemorrhoids. The inevitable urge to push may even cause contractions or early labor.

Since most drugs are absorbed into the blood or pass the placental barrier, prunes are the best remedy for constipation during pregnancy. It will not harm the baby, will preserve the health of the expectant mother, and peristalsis will be restored in a short time.

For treatment, you need to eat a cup of steamed dried fruits, washed down with kefir, before going to bed and for breakfast. It is better to steam immediately before use. Prunes will act gently as a laxative, and within a day, bowel movements should pass without effort.

Other recipes

Steamed and chopped prunes can be added:

  • For home baking;
  • Yoghurts;
  • Cocktails;
  • Fruit salads.

A wonderful dessert would be nuts with prunes, doused with honey and left to sit for about a day. Honey and prunes are an effective combination for treating constipation at home. In addition, the vitamin complex contained in prunes will support the immune system during the cold season and improve overall health.

Prunes are a miraculous remedy that allows you to successfully fight a number of diseases. Thanks to its unique composition, the product is effective in the treatment of intestinal disorders of various etiologies. Dried plum fruits improve the functioning of the digestive system, help with constipation, normalize water-salt metabolism, and replenish the lack of vitamins and minerals.

Healing properties of prunes, benefits in the treatment of intestinal disorders

Prunes are one of the healthiest dried fruits. It contains vitamins A, C, P, B1 and B2, minerals and tannins, and organic acids. Without exaggeration, delicious dried fruits can be called a Klondike of healing elements of natural origin.

Due to its high fiber content, dried plums are especially beneficial for the gastrointestinal tract. It improves the permeability of the large intestine (stimulates peristalsis) and normalizes digestion.

Do prunes help with constipation?

This dried fruit can be found in various dietary plans recommended for patients who suffer from irregular bowel movements and delayed bowel movements as a result of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (GIT). Its value lies in the high content of such components as:

  • soluble dietary fiber (pectin);
  • indigestible fiber (cellulose);
  • phenolic complexes.

They have a positive effect on the intestines and allow you to achieve the following effects:

  1. Increased peristalsis, which entails loosening of stools (without excessive fluid loss and the development of diarrhea).
  2. Removing toxins and ballast substances from the body.
  3. Prolonging the feeling of fullness.
  4. Stimulation of the vital activity of normal microflora of the gastrointestinal tract.

Thus, the benefits of prunes for the intestines are obvious - they help cope with constipation.

This dried fruit acts as a mild laxative and at the same time helps cleanse the body, reduce cholesterol levels and improve the functioning of the digestive tract. Of course, it does not replace therapy with medications or other methods in serious cases, but it can be successfully used as a home remedy to improve bowel movements in patients who have no contraindications.

The benefits of dried plums - video

Sweet dried fruits:

  • help relieve constipation;
  • improve intestinal motility and disinfect it;
  • help restore the body after illness;
  • stimulate intestinal peristalsis, soften and dissolve hardened fecal accumulations in the colon;
  • activate metabolism;
  • are effective prevention against colon cancer.

Prunes - intestinal helper

Prunes are used to get rid of a number of intestinal diseases:

  • constipation Dried plum fruits have a beneficial effect on the intestines and help restore the functioning of the digestive system. Thanks to the large amount of fiber contained in prunes, stool softens.
  • . The tannic and pectin components of the fruit help to cope with this delicate problem.
  • Slagging. Dried fruit not only effectively cleanses the body of toxins, but also saturates it with energy and useful substances.

Prunes and a slim figure

The opinions of experts about the positive effect of this product on body weight are very contradictory. It is worth noting that prunes are a high-calorie product. One hundred grams of it give the body 231 kcal. The dehydrated (dried) product will give you 339 kcal. Stewed prunes contain 113 kcal, and canned prunes contain 105 kcal. The data presented allow us to conclude that the benefits of prunes for weight loss are small. This product does not have a direct effect on a slim figure, but its indirect participation in a weight loss program is quite acceptable.

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For example, prunes can be used as a snack (sometimes consumed with kefir), resulting in relief from hunger for some time. Eating five prunes before meals reduces appetite, which affects the amount of food consumed during lunch. It is a misconception that the laxative properties of prunes will help you lose weight, but it is quite possible to reduce the belly fat that may appear as a result of irregular bowel movements.

Particular interest in prunes as a product that affects a slim figure appeared in the eighties after special research. It has been proven that this dried fruit is an excellent antidepressant, so for a person who has decided to go on a diet (any diet), 1-2 prunes a day will be very useful for improving the functioning of the nervous system and improving mood. In addition, our product is an excellent sweet substitute. Many folk recipes for weight loss include prunes. There are different opinions about its ability to lose weight, but all experts agree on one thing: prunes can easily join the list of healthy food products.

Recipes for eating prunes

Decoction of dried plum fruits

If you suffer from a lack of regular bowel movements, experience discomfort, suffer from colic and cramps, indigestion, then prepare a healing potion from prunes. A decoction of sweet dried fruits will give strength and energy, relieve slagging from the body, and normalize the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.

Prune decoction is a harmonious combination of pleasant taste and invaluable benefits for the intestines.

To prepare it you will need:

  • 400 grams of dried plum fruits;
  • 2 liters of cold water.

Wash the prunes thoroughly and cover with cold water. Bring the product to a boil, cook over low heat for 15 minutes and let it brew for two hours. Strain the resulting broth and take 1 glass 3 times a day before meals.


Prune infusion helps effectively fight constipation

Preparing the drink will not take much time. Take 100 grams of dried plum fruits, pour in 0.4 liters of boiled water and let the product brew for one hour. The infusion should be taken once a day, one glass before breakfast.

Prune compote

Prune compote is an ideal remedy for regular colon cleansing

To prepare a healthy and tasty drink you will need:

  • 100 grams of dried fruits;
  • 1 liter of drinking water.

Rinse dried fruits thoroughly and add water in a ratio of 1:10. Cook the resulting mixture over low heat for 1.5 hours, let cool. You should take the compote 1 glass in the morning (on an empty stomach).

Drink with raisins and dried apricots

Compote of prunes with raisins and dried apricots will help solve a delicate problem

This remedy will saturate the human body with minerals, make it possible to improve intestinal motility and cope with a delicate problem almost after the second dose.

To prepare compote you will need:

  • dried apricots - 90 g;
  • figs - 50 g;
  • prunes - 90 g;
  • raisins - 90 g;
  • sugar - 1/4 cup;
  • lemon – ½ piece;
  • drinking water - 1.5 l.

Rinse dried fruits thoroughly and place in a saucepan. Add pre-cut lemon and granulated sugar. To fill with water. Cook the product over low heat for 35 minutes, then let it brew.

Compote take 1 glass 2 times a day before meals.

Prunes with kefir - a harmonious union

Prunes with kefir - an effective combination

Those who love fermented milk products will certainly like this product. It is not only effective for constipation, but also incredibly useful.

Take 6 thoroughly washed dried plums, chop and mix with 1 glass of fresh kefir. The resulting drink should be taken 2 hours before bedtime.

With milk

Cut a salad of dried fruits: prunes, dried apricots, raisins. Wash down the prepared mixture with fresh milk. A successful solution to the problem of constipation is guaranteed!

How to cook prunes

The best prunes come from the Hungarian Italian plum variety. The Hungarian domestic variety is also very good for producing prunes. It is possible to use other varieties. Plum fruits must go through several stages of processing.

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  • Well-ripened berries are selected (no less than 10% sugar, no more than 1.2% acid).
  • Treat with boiling water to remove plaque - this will facilitate the drying process.
  • Cool with water (preferably running).
  • Next, they dry in special devices for about 36 hours, adjusting the temperature from 80 to 60 degrees.
  • Then cool.
  • After this they sort.
  • Place in boiling water for 1.5–2 minutes.
  • Treated with glycerin (the ratio of glycerin to fruit should not exceed the norm).

After this processing, prunes of the first, second or third grade are obtained. It is soft, sweet and sour in taste, and black in color.

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If at least one of the characteristics does not correspond to the description, it means that the technology for processing the plums has been violated, and the resulting product cannot be called prunes. Surprising but true! Real prunes have unique taste qualities. It is simply impossible to confuse its taste with another product.

Features of the use of prunes for constipation in pregnant and nursing mothers

Women in an interesting position often encounter such an unpleasant surprise as constipation. A delicate problem arises due to increased levels of progesterone in the body, lack of iron and calcium, and a sedentary lifestyle.

Prunes will help improve the bowel movement process in a pregnant woman

Our dried fruit is that magical natural remedy that a pregnant woman so needs. It does not contain dyes, flavors, or artificial additives, and does not pose a threat to the health of the expectant mother and baby. Prunes have a mild and delicate therapeutic effect when problems arise with the gastrointestinal tract and promote the normal functioning of the digestive system.

You can improve the process of defecation by using:

  • dried fruit mixture. Grind raisins, dried apricots, prunes in a blender (1:1:1), add two tablespoons of honey, mix. Two teaspoons of the mixture should be taken before bed with water.
  • Prune compote.
  • A decoction of dried plum fruits.

It should be noted that before consuming delicious dried fruits, a pregnant woman should consult with her doctor.

Use during lactation

After a long period of pregnancy, the female body needs minerals and vitamins more than ever. Prunes are a remedy that will not only help replenish the reserves of nutrients in the body, but will also make it possible to restore impaired digestive functions. The main thing is to observe moderation and consume delicious dried fruits in reasonable quantities, and also monitor the baby’s reaction.

Tips for use:

  • Before use, dried fruit should be thoroughly washed and doused with boiled water.
  • If you buy dried treats from the market or store, soak them before consuming them.
  • Give preference not to bright black and shiny fruits, which are treated with glycerin and fumigated with sulfur dioxide, but to their nondescript and outwardly “overdried” counterparts.
  • It is better to consume prunes not in their pure form, but to add them to stews, salads, and casseroles.

How to choose quality prunes?

To buy prunes, you should go to a store or market. It can be smoked or dried, with or without a pit. Pitted prunes are useful, but the choice depends on personal preferences and the method of further use. When choosing dried fruit, it is important that it is black, without damage, odors or mold. The next point when choosing a berry is its appearance - the shiny shell indicates that it has been treated with glycerin. It’s better not to buy one, but if there is no other option, then rinse it well with running water before use.

High quality dried plums should feel soft to the touch, yet firm enough to retain their shape. If you have the opportunity to try the berry, it is important to note that prunes have a special taste - sweet and slightly sour. There is a simple way to find out whether the product is natural or chemically processed: put the berry in water and leave for 30 minutes. A high-quality product will turn a little white, chemically processed - it will not change.

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A tasty cure for intestinal disorders for children

Mothers of infants transferred to artificial feeding often face problems such as constipation. Dried plum berries help solve this optimally - tasty, aromatic, fleshy. Prunes should be introduced into your baby’s diet gradually, starting with 1 teaspoon of the drink. A child aged 3–6 months can be given decoctions or infusions. For babies who have reached the age of six months, you can offer purees, compotes, desserts, porridge with prunes.

09/07 and 09/08 we ate prunes in the morning))) I really liked them, on the first and second days they pooped SO SO MUCH that the diaper couldn’t stand it!))) so for anyone who has problems with bowel movements, we recommend it!))

kanapulek %D0%B2&sort=relevance

we were told this recipe - 1 prune, 3 raisins, fennel (I took my grandmother’s basket and threw a bag) into a glass of water... give 5-6 teaspoons throughout the day! pooped great.


Older children will probably enjoy jam made from prunes and dried apricots, sweets, and a salad of dried plums, feijoa, pine nuts and olive oil.

Prune candies - heavenly pleasure and benefits for the intestines

To make delicious sweets you will need:

  • 100 g dates;
  • 100 g prunes;
  • 100 g dried apricots;
  • 3 tbsp. honey;
  • 1 tsp lemon juice;
  • 40 g coconut flakes.

Grind nuts and dried fruits until smooth, add lemon juice and honey. Mix, form candies, roll them in coconut flakes.

Basic rules for use for constipation

It is advisable to consume nuts in the first half of the day, and best after the first breakfast. Before use, they must be crushed, so they are better absorbed by the body.

The daily norm of almonds is 30-60 g or 10 pcs. They are very high in calories, like all other types, so you shouldn’t overdo them, especially if you are losing weight.

During constipation, it is most effective to add kernels to salads, cereals, mix with dried fruits, or consume almond oil (a couple of tablespoons per day). But under no circumstances mix nuts with honey, this will complicate the process of digesting food.

Almond milk can also help relieve constipation. You can prepare it yourself at home.

Walnut milk recipe

List of ingredients:

  • 240 g almonds;
  • 500 ml water.


  1. Rinse the nuts thoroughly to remove any dirt and soak them in water overnight.
  2. In the morning, drain the water and dry the fruits.
  3. Place them in a blender and fill them with new clean water.
  4. Leave the blender on for 3-4 minutes, then strain the resulting liquid through cheesecloth and squeeze it out well.

Homemade almond milk is ready. You can add it to smoothies, porridge or drink it just like that.


Do not throw away almond cake; it can also be used in cooking.

Carrot and prune salad recipe

List of ingredients:

  • carrots 300 g;
  • pitted prunes 200 g;
  • sour cream 20 g;
  • sugar 1 tsp;
  • almonds 30 g.


  1. Soak the prunes in warm water for 10 minutes, cut them into small pieces.
  2. Grate the carrots on a coarse grater, add to the prunes, mix thoroughly.
  3. Mix sour cream with sugar and season the salad with this sauce, sprinkle with chopped almonds on top.

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