Why does heartburn occur from eating bananas?


If you experience heartburn attacks from bananas, the reason for this may be the following:

  • increased load on the pancreas (especially if a person suffers from chronic pathologies of this organ);
  • a large amount of the product can cause an attack due to stomach overload;
  • insufficient production of enzymes by the pancreas (in this case, fruits take a very long time to digest);
  • excessive secretion of hydrochloric acid by the stomach;
  • snack after a heavy lunch or dinner.

Important! Heartburn can also occur if you eat fruits that have been treated with chemicals to extend their shelf life.

Properties of bananas

These fruits appeared in the post-Soviet space not long ago, but immediately gained popularity. All this is connected with the properties of the fruit.

Required properties

The product contains significant amounts of elements needed by the human body. The fruit contains the following ingredients:

  • Vitamins consisting of group B and PP.
  • Antioxidants. Substances that neutralize the effects of toxic compounds in the body.
  • Microelements, macroelements.
  • Tryptophan, lysine. Amino acids are part of almost all proteins. Lysine takes an active part in protein synthesis in the body and is responsible for the production of the necessary enzyme compounds. In turn, tryptophan, entering the digestive system, is processed into serotonin, responsible for regulating the functioning of the food digestion process, maintaining water-salt balance, helping metabolic processes and promoting the removal of excess fluid.
  • Cellulose. A necessary element for the normal digestive process.

In addition to containing all the benefits, the fruit can lift a person’s mood.

Harmful properties

Along with its usefulness, a person should be interested in what harmful properties the product has. Does it have a negative or dangerous effect on the body:

  • Like all tropical fruits, it contains an increased amount of sugar. Accordingly, it is contraindicated for people suffering from diabetes.
  • When eating a yellow product, substances are released that affect the process of hemoglobin production and stop it.
  • There is a load on the digestive tract. It should not be given to young children or adults suffering from a deficiency of enzyme compounds.
  • Eating overripe fruits leads to the accumulation of tyramine in the body. This is a substance that has a stimulating effect on the nervous system, leading to a tense state of the muscles.
  • Banana provokes fluid excretion, causing dehydration and dangerous blood thickening. The risk of blood clots increases.
  • The increased calorie content has a negative impact on people who are prone to obesity or are overweight. This includes a ban on eating green, unripe foods due to the indigestible starch they contain.
  • Not native to the region of human habitation. Lack of necessary enzymes for high-quality digestion.

  • The fruits are picked green and are treated with various chemicals during transportation, including gas. The result is a substance that is harmful and dangerous to humans – a xenobiotic.


They contain useful substances:

  • vitamins, especially group B;
  • antioxidants;
  • microelements;
  • fiber;
  • carbohydrates.

Bananas are often recommended as a source of energy. They are indicated for physical and emotional fatigue. To saturate your body with potassium, it is enough to consume only three fruits every day.

These exotic fruits help in case of high blood pressure or arrhythmia. They can also be eaten during an attack of gastritis, because the pectin they contain protects the mucous membrane.

In addition, endorphins are found in banana pulp, which help improve emotional well-being. No wonder they are recommended as a means to combat depression.

Bananas during pregnancy: improve mood and save from heartburn

For many years now, banana has not been considered an exotic fruit for our citizens; it is readily given as complementary food to small children, consumed for diseases of the stomach and intestines, and is not prohibited during pregnancy. Is this correct?

Pregnancy is a special period in a woman’s life. At this moment, the expectant mother begins to think about proper nutrition and what foods can be consumed and which ones are better to avoid. Doctors do not advise eating a lot of exotic fruits during pregnancy, so is banana one of those?

Benefits of bananas during pregnancy

Bananas have gained immense popularity in our country for a long time. These sweet, aromatic fruits are available all year round, are cheap and contain many useful substances. You can easily snack on a banana when you feel a little hungry - it is a very filling fruit and easy to use.

You can eat a banana raw; it does not require any pre-processing, and if you have a snack on the street, you can safely eat a banana without fear that it is unwashed. Simply holding the fruit by the peel is enough.

Banana is actually a very healthy fruit. This is simply a storehouse of vitamins and microelements! Banana contains:

Potassium . This microelement is very useful for the smooth functioning of the heart muscle. Banana helps with high blood pressure, which very often happens during pregnancy, relieves swelling of the limbs and reduces cramps.

Vitamin B6 . Firstly, scientists have proven that getting this vitamin in the proper amount alleviates the feeling of nausea in the first trimester of pregnancy, and secondly, vitamin B6 is of great importance in the formation of the hematopoietic system of the unborn baby. It is enough to eat just a couple of bananas a day to meet your daily requirement for this essential vitamin.

Vitamin C . This is a vitamin that helps the immune system cope with infections, has an antioxidant effect, and helps a pregnant woman cope with stretch marks, varicose veins, and bleeding gums. The expectant mother must take a sufficient amount of vitamin C, and there is a lot of it in bananas.

Iron . This trace element is contained in bananas in small quantities, however, in combination with the previous vitamin, iron is successfully absorbed in the body of the expectant mother.

Folic acid . A vitamin that is extremely necessary for the development of a child’s nervous system. A pregnant woman's need for this type of vitamin is very high; to compensate for folic acid deficiency, it is worth diversifying your diet, eating a lot of greens, salads and, of course, bananas.

Zinc . Also a very important and necessary microelement contained in bananas. Necessary for the normal development of the taste buds of the unborn baby, for its normal development.

The gastrointestinal tract of a pregnant woman experiences enormous stress, and often expectant mothers complain either of constipation or sudden heartburn.

Banana, thanks to the fiber it contains, helps cope with stool retention and improves bowel function.

It will also help with heartburn - the fruit has an enveloping effect on the gastric mucosa, which will soothe and relieve the burning sensation.

In addition to its beneficial effects on the stomach and intestines, bananas have a positive effect on a woman’s mood during pregnancy. And, as you know, the mood of a future mother is very changeable! Eating a couple of bananas a day will help lift your mood, thanks to the endorphins - substances of plant origin.

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Harm of bananas for a pregnant woman

While singing an ode to the beneficial substances contained in bananas, we should not forget about the possible harm that eating this fruit can cause. Although banana is considered a hypoallergenic fruit, in any case you should not abuse it.

For example, a banana milkshake, while tasty and nutritious, is considered a mega-calorie product. This mixture will “help” the expectant mother gain a large number of extra pounds, which cannot but affect the woman’s health and appearance.

Also, do not get carried away with green bananas, they contain insoluble starch , and this, in turn, cannot be digested in the stomach and will cause bloating and excessive gas formation. When buying an unripe fruit, it is best to let it sit for some time and eat it when it is ripe, when the starch turns into sugar.

Women suffering from thrombophlebitis and increased blood clotting should forget about eating bananas. As mentioned above, bananas help remove excess fluid from the body , reducing swelling, but at the same time increase blood thickness , which entails the risk of blood clots. And this is very dangerous!

Taking into account all the factors, you should be very careful about your health, be aware of possible contraindications and not eat foods that can harm yourself and your unborn baby. Ways to eat bananas

By the way, bananas can be eaten not only raw. They make a wonderful delicacy that you can treat yourself to during pregnancy - banana chips.

Crispy pieces fried in sugar with a unique banana aroma and taste are not only tasty, but also, unlike starchy potato chips with various harmful additives in their composition, healthy.

Banana chips are prepared with minimal use of chemicals, so they can be called healthy. And yet they are very high in calories - more than 500 calories per 100 g of product. Therefore, you can enjoy them, but quite rarely.

Bananas are added to various dishes, they are fried, cupcakes, muffins, pies, mousses and creams, jellies and cocktails are prepared with them, and they are added to fruit salads. There are a lot of cooking methods, it all depends on the taste preferences of the pregnant woman.

About the benefits and harms of bananas. The program “Live Healthy!” dated January 17, 2013

Summarizing all of the above, we can safely say that pregnant women can eat bananas, but it is important to know about existing concomitant diseases and not put yourself and the unborn baby at risk.

What causes grade 1 anemia during pregnancy? The answer to the question is in this article.

You can learn about basal temperature during ovulation from this article.

And here: https://avidium.ru/posle-rodov/vosstanovlenie/uprazhneniya-dlya-zhivota-posle-rodov.html a set of exercises for the abdomen after childbirth.


Clinical studies show that such exotic fruits can increase the formation of gases. It is best for people suffering from flatulence not to consume them.

Banana and heartburn are a combination that is relevant for people with increased stomach sensitivity. They may experience an attack of ulcerative inflammation of the large intestine, an exacerbation of chronic gastritis.

Interesting! Getting rid of heartburn: effective remedies and methods

Overweight people are not recommended to consume large quantities of these fruits because they are very high in calories. And if you have diabetes, you should not eat them at all, because they sharply increase the glycemic level.

If overripe fruits are consumed, diarrhea may occur. Unripe fruits should not be eaten by people who have an increased tendency to constipation.

How to get rid of heartburn

There are many traditional methods that can help you get rid of it if signs of heartburn appear. The most effective ones are listed below.

  • Heartburn seeds. There is one caveat - only dried or raw seeds help. Fried foods will only increase heartburn. This is the best way because you can carry them with you. Twenty pieces throughout the day will be enough.

  • Flax for heartburn . Prepare a decoction of flax, which should be taken one sip before and after eating a banana. This drink will prevent a strong burning sensation. Note! You can drink a glass of this jelly three times a day. which can prevent problems with the gastrointestinal tract and esophagus. But under no circumstances should you drink the decoction for cholecystitis and diarrhea.

  • —Soda for heartburn—. This is another effective product that will help you overcome heartburn quickly. It should not be consumed in its pure form, but in combination with helping substances. Dilute a quarter spoon of baking soda in a mug of warm water and drink in small sips. Then it is advisable to lie down. The problem should disappear within ten minutes. You should not drink more than two hundred ml per day.

  • Vinegar and soda for heartburn . Take half a spoon of soda per glass of water and quench it with vinegar so that the mixture begins to foam.

  • Mineral water for heartburn . It should be highly carbonated or alkaline, like Borjomi.

  • Herbs for heartburn . This method is more labor-intensive because it takes time to brew the herbs. You can prepare the compositions yourself, or buy a ready-made mixture at the pharmacy.

If heartburn becomes more frequent, it is best to go to the doctor, as it may be a symptom of another disease. As you know, it is best to combat emerging pathologies at the initial stage.

Causes of heartburn from bananas

The question of whether bananas can cause heartburn should be examined in detail. First of all, it should be noted that heartburn often occurs due to the fact that the contents of the stomach are pushed back into the esophagus. Gastric juice itself is very acidic, so it irritates the esophageal mucosa, as a result of which an inflammatory process begins to appear, increasing the burning sensation in the chest. Basically, heartburn can occur in the following cases:

  1. If the stomach is overly full.
  2. Evacuation of food from the stomach slows down.
  3. A large amount of gas accumulates in the intestines.

If heartburn occurs from bananas, the cause is mainly hidden in the presence of chronic diseases or special conditions, such as pregnancy or rehabilitation after surgery. Despite the fact that banana is considered an easily digestible food, there may be other causes of heartburn:

  1. Eating fruits that are not ripe.
  2. The quality of the product is sometimes not very good.
  3. If a person has increased blood clotting.
  4. I have coronary heart disease.
  5. Large body weight.

Despite the fact that bananas are considered common fruits, they are still considered exotic, so you can often meet people who suffer from individual intolerance.

Heartburn due to peculiarities of the body

Doctors recommend eating bananas during pregnancy to eliminate the burning sensation in the stomach, but this option is not suitable for many expectant mothers, since the discomfort in the stomach and esophagus, on the contrary, only intensifies. There are even cases when an allergic reaction occurs to eating this exotic fruit. Bananas contain a large amount of calories, so there is a risk of gaining weight quickly.

As you know, obese people are more likely to suffer from heartburn. Removal of fluid from the body is another reason. Heartburn from bananas in this case is directly related to an increase in blood clots and is aggravated by blood viscosity.

How to Avoid Heartburn When Eating Bananas

For big fans of this fruit, we can recommend a number of tricks to help avoid heartburn after eating it. Many people do not experience any discomfort, but if they do, it is worth trying the following:

  • eat bananas occasionally and in small quantities;
  • do not eat as a main dish, only as a dessert;
  • If the fruit is eaten on an empty stomach, eating a normal meal after half an hour will help.

But bananas eaten in large quantities can cause reflux in a healthy person, so you should not abuse them.

Can bananas cause heartburn?

This delicacy has a fairly high calorie content: 120 kcal per 100 grams. Eating a lot of these tropical fruits overloads the stomach, leading to increased acid production. After eating three or four bananas, a completely healthy person can provoke reflux, because a lot of enzymes are needed to digest such a quantity of heavy food.

Anyone who eats bananas often runs the risk of gaining a lot of weight. Despite the satiety of the product, half an hour after eating it, blood sugar jumps, causing appetite. It is known that excess body weight and heartburn are adjacent phenomena.

The acidity of bananas is 5 pH, which can trigger the release of acid into the esophagus. Excessive consumption of overseas delicacies puts a significant strain on the digestive system, which means heartburn may occur.

Heartburn in pregnant women

Expectant mothers often also experience heartburn from bananas. The reason during pregnancy lies in the growth of the fetus, which creates additional stress on the legs and venous blood vessels of the woman. It is important to remember that bananas can affect blood composition and contribute to the formation of blood clots.

Doctors do not recommend that expectant mothers who are prone to varicose veins and thrombophlebitis use this product with extreme caution.

To eliminate the fermentation process from eating fresh fruits, you should not combine them with bananas. It is advisable for pregnant women to eat bananas after meals, when the incoming food is already filled with gastric juice.

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