Why it occurs and how to get rid of constipation for a nursing mother

Why does constipation occur?

The main reason why a nursing mother experiences constipation is psychological. If stitches were placed during natural childbirth, the woman is afraid to push. In addition, after a natural birth, the perineum may hurt. When delivery is performed by CS, there is a fear of the sutures in the uterus coming apart. There is severe pain in the lower abdomen, which also makes it difficult to strain properly.

Other causes of constipation after childbirth include:

  • changes in hormonal levels, to which the intestines react acutely;
  • prolonged pressure of the growing uterus on the digestive tract and subsequent sharp weakening;
  • decreased tone of the muscle network of the perineum and peritoneum;
  • poor nutrition;
  • decreased amount of fluid in the body;
  • postpartum depression.

The absence of bowel movements for several days after delivery is considered a physiological reaction of the body if an enema was performed. After 2-3 days, the stool should return to normal. If this does not happen, then we can talk about constipation. Symptoms of intestinal dysfunction also include: bloating, abdominal pain, bowel movements less than 3 times a week, and a feeling of inadequate bowel cleansing.

Some foods cause constipation while breastfeeding. Among these:

  • bakery products;
  • meat and broths from it;
  • white porridge;
  • grape juice;
  • green apples and pears;
  • pasta and potatoes;
  • eggs;
  • milk;
  • tea and coffee.

In addition to eating a healthy diet, it is recommended to stay physically active to prevent constipation.

Our expert, obstetrician-gynecologist Anna Aleksandrovna Komarova talks about constipation during lactation


  • psychological (some women are simply afraid to go to the toilet because they are afraid of the seams coming apart after the perineal incision, some simply forget about this need);
  • poor nutrition (some are afraid that the child will have an allergy; others may gain a lot of weight; others simply do not eat due to postpartum depression);
  • minimal amount of physical activity, sedentary lifestyle;
  • frequent suppression of the urge to defecate, which can occur for various reasons (the most common one is that there is no way to go to the toilet, hence constipation);
  • various diseases: inflammatory processes inside the intestine, space-occupying formations (benign or malignant) of the intestine, hemorrhoids, disruption of the nervous innervation of the walls of the colon and rectum due to damage to the peripheral or central nervous system (brain tumors, spinal cord injury, common multiple sclerosis), autoimmune diseases (systemic lupus erythematosus, scleroderma), abnormal metabolism, pathology and dysfunction of the endocrine system (hypothyroidism, diabetes mellitus);
  • taking medications (antacids, multivitamins, iron supplements, laxatives, diuretics, antihypertensives);
  • changes in hormonal levels immediately after childbirth, which also contributes to disruption and reduction of intestinal motility;
  • prolonged compression of the intestines by the pregnant uterus, which persists for some time after childbirth;
  • during pregnancy, intestinal loops change their position due to the fact that they are pushed aside by the progressively enlarging uterus; subsequently, they require a certain time to take their previous position and restore normal function;
  • hypotrophy of the muscles that form the perineum, due to their stretching during childbirth (especially for childbirth with a large fetus), due to carrying the baby;
  • stitches on the perineum after an incision (episiotomy) or rupture;
  • the occurrence of a new pregnancy during lactation.

Clinical manifestations

How does constipation manifest in a nursing mother? This is the lack of regular bowel cleansing, the problem of moving feces through all departments. When breastfeeding, this may include heaviness and bloating in the abdomen, and a feeling of incomplete bowel cleansing. Due to all this, the nursing mother’s appetite is completely absent or reduced. And as a result, pain in the abdomen, headaches, sleep disturbances, decreased ability to work, mood lability (increased nervousness and aggressiveness) of the nursing mother. In this case, the feces are hard, reminiscent of sheep feces, and their quantity is sharply reduced. There may be an unpleasant odor from the mouth, the tongue is covered with a white coating. The skin becomes flabby, inelastic and dry, acquiring a yellowish tint. All this negatively affects both lactation and the well-being of the newborn.

Fighting methods

What to do if after childbirth stitches were placed on the perineum or cervix? In this case, if there was no stool before discharge from the maternity hospital, the young mother is given a cleansing enema. And how events will develop in the future depends only on each specific young mother. There is no need to follow all the myths surrounding the lactation period. Gradually, carefully monitoring the child's reaction, you can switch to a normal diet even when breastfeeding. Of course, you should not eat foods that are known allergens (this applies to honey, chocolate, nuts, red vegetables and fruits), but limiting them cannot cause constipation in a nursing woman.

What to do if a nursing mother still experiences constipation? First of all, you need to understand the cause of constipation. You should eat more foods that themselves stimulate the intestines. Can be consumed:

If there is no swelling, i.e. There are no signs of fluid retention in the body, it is recommended to drink up to 7-9 glasses of fluid per day (you can just water or natural juices).

What to do if you have long-term constipation? You can add unchanged bran or preparations containing it to your diet. These include eubicore. It is taken one sachet 3 times a day half an hour before meals. Does not affect breastfeeding in any way.

Nursing mothers should not take common laxatives, because they are passed on to the baby along with breast milk. The result is predictable and quite unpleasant: pain in the abdomen and loose stools in a newborn.

What then is possible? One of the few drugs that can be taken while breastfeeding is Duphalac. Its dose varies from 15 to 45 ml per day (can be divided into 2-3 doses).

Another drug that can be used during breastfeeding is normase. It contains lactulose, which is. It is not digested and absorbed in the gastrointestinal tract, slightly acidifies and softens the intestinal contents. Promotes colonization of the intestines with bifidobacteria and lactobacilli.

Laxatives cannot be taken on a regular basis, otherwise the body gets used to them and stops responding. In any case, it should be selected by a doctor.

An emergency remedy in situations where constipation has already lasted 3-4 days can be a cleansing enema or glycerin suppositories. Suppositories soften the contents of the colon and promote its emptying. An enema cleanses the colon purely mechanically. And we must remember that these cleaning methods are not suitable for everyday use. Glycerin suppositories cannot be used if anal fissures or hemorrhoids are present. A cleansing enema helps to completely wash out the normal intestinal microflora.

There are foods whose consumption must be limited to avoid constipation. These include:

  • fatty and protein products of animal origin;
  • fast food;
  • products that contain caffeine;
  • strong enough tea or coffee;
  • crackers;
  • chips.

Walking in the fresh air will be a good part of the treatment. They have a positive effect not only on the overall muscular framework of the body in general, but also on the functioning of the intestines in particular, and also improve mood and psycho-emotional state.

Constipation in a nursing mother is a very unpleasant phenomenon. Firstly, constipation complicates the life of the mother herself. Secondly, constipation in a nursing mother leads to digestive problems in the newborn. If the problem of constipation in nursing cannot be resolved at home on your own, then you should consult a doctor. Because during lactation, not all laxatives are approved for use. Trying to solve the problem of constipation in nursing in this way can harm your own child. And then, constipation in nursing may not only be of a physiological nature. Constipation during breastfeeding in a mother can be a consequence of various organic pathologies.

    Dear friends! Medical information on our website is for informational purposes only! Please note that self-medication is dangerous to your health! Sincerely, Site Editor

After the birth of a child, young mothers, instead of fully devoting themselves to caring for the baby, suffer from constipation.

This trouble knocks you out of a normal way of life and denigrates the happy moments of motherhood.

What to do?

Let us consider in this article the causes of this phenomenon and methods of combating it.

Hemorrhoids go away within a week, and the “bumps” dry up in the morning! Before going to bed, add 50 grams to a bowl of cold water....

What to do if you are already constipated?

If your stool cannot return to normal within a month, you should definitely consult a doctor. The specialist will select approved medications and adjust the diet. Defecation with blood is especially dangerous, since hemorrhoids and anal fissures must be treated in the initial stages. Later it will be more difficult to get rid of them, and constipation only aggravates mommy’s condition.

Among a wide range of drugs for the treatment of constipation after childbirth, doctors choose the following:

  • Suppositories. Glycerin suppositories for constipation during breastfeeding are an emergency aid. They are used as needed, are not absorbed into the bloodstream and act within 15 minutes. Sea buckthorn suppositories have a positive effect on intestinal motility. They are used for constipation, accompanied by bleeding and the formation of hemorrhoids.
  • Enemas. Microlax is a safe medication. After administration, the solution is effective for 10 minutes. Alternatively, a regular postpartum enema can be used for constipation. It is administered using an Esmarch mug.
  • Syrups with lactulose (Duphalac). The drug is not addictive, has a beneficial effect on the new mother’s intestines and does not have a toxic effect on the child. You can take Duphalac until your stool returns to normal.
  • Phytomucil powder. The herbal preparation requires preliminary dilution of the granules in water. It has a mild laxative effect and does not affect the child.

After childbirth, during the entire period of breastfeeding, the following drugs are strictly prohibited: Guttalax, Regulax, Guttasil and the like.

What laxative can a mother take while breastfeeding? Are there safe products that will not harm the baby? What techniques do doctors recommend to combat constipation? Causes of difficulty passing stool in nursing mothers and possible solutions to the problem.

After childbirth, many women face the problem of constipation. It is caused by various reasons. The most common are weakness of the abdominal muscles due to their stretching during pregnancy, mechanical damage due to cesarean section. But there are other reasons.

  • Pressure of the uterus on the intestines. Having a child reduces it, but does not eliminate it completely, which makes it difficult for stool to move through the intestines. The uterus, which has not had time to recover, weighs about a kilogram. She will return to her “pre-pregnancy” size in about six weeks.
  • Intestinal displacement. During childbirth, its sections could move. A condition that is not physiological for your body is compensated as expected. The body is waiting for the intestines to return to their normal location, after which they can perform their functions fully. This usually takes several days.
  • Violation of peristalsis. It is caused by a woman’s psychological stress or a hormonal surge. The intestines “freeze” or, conversely, begin to work too intensely, which causes a spasm of its sections.
  • Fear of a woman. After a difficult birth with perineal tears, the mother is afraid to push so as not to cause the sutures to diverge. This fear, as a rule, is not justified, but it prevents the woman in labor from having normal bowel movements.
  • Inappropriate diet. It becomes a cause of constipation after a woman returns from the hospital. The new role of a mother and the complete lack of time do not allow a woman to eat normally and force her to “eat on the run.” A lack of fiber-rich foods in the diet leads to a decrease in the efficiency of the intestines in removing feces.

Most of the reasons that cause constipation in a young mother go away on their own. Often it is not necessary to take a laxative during lactation. If a woman cannot go to the toilet for up to three days, but there is no discomfort or abdominal pain, there is no need to use the medicine.

You should start taking medications if constipation lasts for more than three days. And it is accompanied by unpleasant symptoms: bloating, flatulence, pain. You should first determine the type of constipation that has developed, since the choice of treatment tactics depends on this.


  • The intestines react sharply to changes in the state of hormones in a woman’s body after childbirth;
  • Pressure of an enlarged uterus on the intestines during a long period of pregnancy. In addition, after childbirth, the uterus remains enlarged for some time;
  • Perineal muscles weakened due to childbirth;
  • Incorrect diet during breastfeeding. Too fatty and spicy, salty and sweet foods lead to bowel dysfunction. In addition, some foods harden the stool and interfere with normal bowel movements. These are boiled eggs, semolina porridge or strong tea;
  • Insufficient fluid intake. Remember that liquid not only affects the normal functioning of digestion, but also stimulates lactation. The required volume for a nursing mother is 2 liters per day;
  • Stress, depression and mental disorders.

What kind of constipation happens?

Doctors distinguish two forms of the disease with different natures of occurrence.

  • Atonic. It is a consequence of muscle weakness, which disrupts intestinal motility. May occur due to mechanical trauma (muscle cut). Often accompanies women who have had a caesarean section. It manifests itself as pain in the abdomen, a feeling of fullness in the intestines, nausea, loss of appetite and flatulence. If you succeed in going to the toilet, the stool is hard at the beginning of defecation, after which it passes in the form of liquid stool. May be accompanied by bloody discharge.
  • Spastic. Its cause is increased intestinal tone. Excessive peristalsis causes him to “pinch” himself, which is manifested by pain, usually in the left side. A woman may also feel nausea, lethargy, and loss of appetite. When trying to go to the toilet, the stool comes out very dense, like “pebbles”. The main cause of spastic constipation is the psychological state of the woman, stress, postpartum depression.

If a woman suffered from constipation before pregnancy, she will experience it again after childbirth. In one hundred percent of cases they develop due to the individual characteristics of the large intestine with elongated sections. When passing along a larger “path,” feces lose liquid and their removal from the body becomes more difficult.

Causes of constipation after childbirth

What to do if a nursing mother experiences constipation after childbirth? What is the reason for this trouble? Experts distinguish between psychological and physical causes.

Here they are:

Physical reasons:

  • hormonal disorders after childbirth;
  • weakening of the abdominal muscles;
  • poor nutrition;
  • lack of water;
  • enlarged uterus;
  • return of the intestines to their usual place.

Psychological reasons:

  1. postpartum stress;
  2. getting used to the role of mother;
  3. fear of going to the toilet, mainly due to stitches in the perineum;
  4. haemorrhoids.

As you can see, all the reasons are, in one way or another, related to childbirth.

If the birth of a baby is expected soon, and constipation is a chronic problem, then keep in mind that after the maternity hospital the problem will only gain momentum, so take care of your health while there is still time.

Treatment of constipation

Obstetrician-gynecologist Svetlana Litvinova recommends a comprehensive approach to solving this delicate problem. A woman has the power to correct the situation without resorting to medications.


A diet enriched with coarse fiber should be followed not only if there is a problem, but also to prevent it. The following will help a nursing mother relieve constipation:

  • cereals - oat bran, pearl barley, buckwheat, millet, muesli;
  • bread - black or with bran;
  • vegetable oil - sunflower, olive, flaxseed;
  • vegetables, fruits - pumpkin, zucchini, carrots, all types of cabbage, beets, apples, cherries, apricots, plums, raw and cooked;
  • fermented milk products - natural homemade yoghurts rich in lactobacilli.

Drinks made from dried fruits are delicious and especially healthy now. They supply the body with vitamins and gently cleanse the intestines.


When breastfeeding, you should choose a laxative based on its safety for your baby. Most of the products presented in the pharmacy chain are not suitable for mothers. You should use only those that are not absorbed in the intestines and into the blood, and therefore do not pass into breast milk.

These drugs include new generation drugs.

  • Preparations based on lactulose (syrups). Laxatives for lactation are “Duphalac”, “Lactulose Poly”, “Normaze”, “Portalak”, “Romphalak”. The active ingredient of these medicines is lactulose (fructose or disaccharide). According to the medical reference book, E-LACTANCIA is a natural compound that, when passing through the digestive tract, is not absorbed in the small intestine. Once in the large intestine, the osmotic laxative effect ceases, that is, without affecting peristalsis, it increases the volume of feces, which causes the natural process of their passage. It is excreted in feces and in small amounts in urine. There is an absence of the drug in the mother's blood plasma, so penetration into breast milk is unlikely. Medicines based on lactulose can be prescribed to young children.
  • Preparations based on macrogol (powders for suspension). The active ingredient macrogol is contained in the following drugs: Forlax, Fortrans, Forteza RomPharm, Tranzipeg. Each laxative for lactation contains the synthetic component macrogol (propylene glycol). Its molecules are linear in shape and absorb water. It does not change in the body; it reaches the large intestine, where it has an osmotic laxative effect. Does not cause irritation to the walls of the large intestine, does not stimulate peristalsis. Feces are removed naturally due to an increase in their volume and saturation with moisture.
  • Senna preparations. The pharmacy chain offers medicines such as Senade, Glaxenna, Sennalax, and Regulax. Made using Indian or Alexandrian senna, a shrubby plant. Domestic medicine does not recommend that nursing women use products based on this herbal preparation to treat constipation. They are believed to irritate the intestinal wall, stimulating similar processes in the newborn's intestines. The international directory E-LACTANCIA indicates that this information is not confirmed. And he suggests using senna-based preparations as a safe and fully compatible product with breastfeeding. The plant has a laxative effect and is not absorbed in the intestines. The American Academy of Pediatrics allows drug treatment of the mother with these drugs without the need to interrupt breastfeeding. Senna-based products are included in the 2002 WHO Model List of Essential Medicines Compatible with Breastfeeding.

Taking any laxatives for a long time is not allowed, no matter how safe they are. Over time, their effect decreases and the dosage needs to be increased. Therefore, according to doctors, a laxative during breastfeeding for a mother is an “ambulance” and not a solution to the problem. After taking it once, you should find out the cause of constipation and begin to eliminate it.

Suppositories as a laxative during lactation are less effective than oral medications. They act only in the lower part of the large intestine, while solutions of lactulose or macrogol also affect the feces located above.

Healing infusions

Instead of medications, you can use natural laxative infusions. Simple ingredients are used to prepare them, and they are completely safe for the baby.

Infusions will help eliminate spastic constipation caused by spasm of the intestines:

  • freshly squeezed potato juice with water in a 1:1 ratio, take 50 ml thirty minutes before meals three times a day;
  • figs infused in water, taken cold three times a day.

Decoctions will help reduce the severity of atonic constipation caused by poor diet or injury to the abdominal muscles after cesarean section:

  • anise, cumin and fennel, taken a tablespoon and brewed in a glass of boiling water, three times a day;
  • blackberry leaves, nettles, rowan fruits, fennel - one spoon of the mixture per glass of boiling water, take three times a day after meals.

“One of the safest remedies for treating constipation in a nursing mother is prunes,” notes obstetrician-gynecologist Svetlana Litvinova. — There are no allergies to this product. You can take it as an infusion of berries poured with a glass of boiling water.”


“The simplest and most effective way to combat constipation for a nursing mother is special gymnastics,” therapist Anna Ivanchina comments on the problem. “Physical exercise helps quickly restore tone to the abdominal muscles, which stabilizes intestinal function and increases the intensity of uterine contractions.”

To prevent constipation and eliminate it, you can perform a simple exercise:

  • lying on your back, bend your knees and take a deep breath;
  • inflate your stomach as much as possible, hold;
  • exhale forcefully through your mouth, draw in your stomach.

This exercise can be performed starting from the first day after birth. It is contraindicated in women who have had a caesarean section or have deep perineal tears.

Physical activity, proper nutrition and a safe laxative during lactation in case of urgent need will not only help get rid of the problem of constipation. They will allow you to quickly get your body in shape after childbirth and will become the basis for a nursing mother’s good mood and self-confidence. The delicate problem can be solved, you just need to pay a little more attention to yourself.


A woman who has problems in the gastrointestinal tract will most likely get them worse during pregnancy and childbirth. Constipation during breastfeeding in a mother is a pathology that requires an immediate solution, since it negatively affects the mother and child. The chosen treatment should not affect lactation and the woman’s ability to continue breastfeeding.

Relief from constipation

In general, as we see, there are no positive aspects. Therefore, the question of how to get rid of constipation for a nursing mother is extremely relevant and your task is to get rid of this problem as soon as possible. First, let's talk about drug treatment.


You should take the choice of medications seriously, since not all medications can be used while breastfeeding. To treat constipation, you need to choose lactulose-based medications. As a nursing mother, Duphalac is a good choice for constipation. Also pay attention to such drugs as Forlax and Fitomucil.

Constipation suppositories for nursing mothers are also indicated for use. Choose sea buckthorn or glycerin suppositories.

Microlax microclysters are also suitable for you.

Nutrition for constipation

What to eat when a nursing mother is constipated is an equally important question. Proper nutrition can significantly alleviate your condition, or even help get rid of the problem.

Many women limit themselves in nutrition.

They are afraid of harming their child. But poor bowel function in a mother can cause great harm to their baby. The fact is that during the first three months the child’s microflora in the gastrointestinal tract has not yet fully formed. Therefore, bloating and gases in the first months of life are a common occurrence.

If your baby has tummy problems, watch the Soft Tummy >>> seminar.

You will still have to face these problems to a greater or lesser extent, regardless of what you eat.

But proper proper nutrition is more likely to bring only benefit rather than harm and can become a powerful remedy for constipation for a nursing mother. Your diet must include:

  • Dried fruits. First of all, these are prunes, figs and dried apricots. They are effective laxatives for constipation for nursing mothers;
  • Fermented milk products are no less important for constipation. Kefir should become a regular product in your diet, provided that the baby is not allergic to cow's milk protein;
  • vegetable oils: olive and linseed. They are consumed on an empty stomach;
  • boiled vegetables: beets and carrots;
  • some types of cereals: millet, oatmeal, Hercules;
  • herbal decoctions (fennel, cumin, anise).

Important. It is better not to eat raw vegetables and fruits. In this form, they are less easily absorbed and directly affect the difficulty of cleansing the intestines.

The best ways to process vegetables and fruits are baking, boiling (can be steamed) and stewing.

You should exclude or minimize the consumption of foods high in fat, spicy and salty foods. Bakery products, sweets, and carbonated drinks also do not contribute to normal bowel function.

Attention. Not all fruits contribute to normal peristalsis. If you have constipation, it is better not to eat sour apples and green pears.

Causes of pathology

The diet of a nursing woman should consist only of healthy foods. To do this, she has to give up her usual diet of dishes. Unfortunately, proper nutrition involves regular consumption of vegetables and fruits. They are used to improve the functioning of the stomach and intestines. Their complete exclusion can lead to a number of problems.

Progesterone is a hormone that also negatively affects the smooth muscles of the intestine. Because of it, mommy suffers from constipation the first week after giving birth. Over time, its production is restored, so stool begins to pass without problems.

A woman’s body needs about a month to adjust after the baby is born. After this, it begins to function effectively as before.

Reasons that can cause problems with bowel movements in a woman:

  • Side effects from taking medications include constipation.
  • A woman is trying to restrain the urge to defecate. If the process occurs regularly, then the sensitivity of the nerve endings is noticeably dulled.
  • Constipation during breastfeeding can also occur due to the mother's lack of daily exercise.
  • During the day, the body does not receive the amount of fluid necessary for the normal functioning of the body. At the same time, the diet contains a large amount of meat, eggs and milk. These foods contain large amounts of fiber.
  • After a cesarean section or childbirth, metabolism is disrupted, which negatively affects the functioning of the endocrine system.
  • Growths in the intestines, as well as other pathologies in the intestines.

Causes of constipation during breastfeeding (lactation)

For a nursing mother

The main cause of constipation during breastfeeding is the same as during pregnancy: due to an enlarged uterus, the pelvic organs (and especially the intestines) are displaced, which affects their function. After childbirth, the normal position is restored, but not immediately. In addition, during this period the hormone progesterone continues to be produced, which has a relaxing effect on the intestines. This contributes to the deterioration of its peristalsis (contraction), which can cause constipation in a nursing mother. In addition to these reasons, the following predispose to the occurrence of malaise:

  • lack of physical activity;
  • lack of dietary fiber in the diet (many nursing women deny themselves vegetables and fruits);
  • hemorrhoidal nodules that appear after childbirth, which cause discomfort during bowel movements and inhibition of urges;
  • the presence of various diseases (inflammatory processes, metabolic disorders, endocrine disorders, etc.);
  • taking certain medications (for example, iron supplements).

At the baby's

Constipation in breastfed children is most often provoked by the following factors:

  • improper nutrition of a nursing mother (excess in the diet of baked goods, meat, rice, black tea, coffee, nuts and other foods with a fixing effect);
  • sudden changes in the child’s diet (stool disorders can be caused by a rapid transition from breast milk to artificial formula or the early introduction of complementary foods - solid foods up to 6 months);
  • lack of fluid (lack of breast milk can cause so-called “hunger constipation”, and water – deterioration of peristalsis and hardening of stool).

How does the disease manifest itself?

Constipation after childbirth during breastfeeding manifests itself in the form of the following symptoms.

In some cases, they combine into a whole complex of problems:

  • Constant lack of appetite.
  • Increased gas formation in the intestines.
  • From time to time there are pains in the abdomen that are similar to contractions.
  • Heaviness and bloating.
  • During bowel movements, difficulties arise, which indicate poor intestinal permeability.
  • A detailed examination of the stool can show its tuberosity and high density.
  • The woman is constantly in a nervous state and in a bad mood.
  • There is a decrease in performance and disruption of sleep patterns.
  • Severe muscle pain, which is sometimes accompanied by a headache.
  • There is always an unpleasant taste in the mouth.

If a woman notices at least a few symptoms in herself, then constipation in a nursing mother is diagnosed. To eliminate it, you need to choose the right treatment.

Vegetables help improve bowel movements

Treatment for breastfeeding women

So, the diagnosis has been made, the reasons are clear. This means you need to start treatment.

Treatment options

Difficulty defecating can be different:

  1. medicines;
  2. enema;
  3. folk remedies.

Before using this or that product, you should consult your doctor.

, since some drugs can have a negative effect on the baby if they enter the child’s body along with milk.


These products include candles, suspensions, and powders. The first option is the safest for the child. These candles include:

  • glycerin suppositories;
  • sea ​​buckthorn candles;
  • suppositories based on lactulose.

These drugs are harmless, have no contraindications, and are allowed during pregnancy and lactation.

Young mothers can drink both approved laxative syrups and suspensions based on the same lactulose. But bisacodyl-based products are prohibited


Is it possible to give an enema?

Another safe way to empty the intestines of stagnant stool is an enema. To achieve maximum effect, experts recommend adding a little vegetable oil to the enema water.

If constipation is accompanied by rectal cracks, then it is better to give an enema based on a decoction of medicinal herbs, for example, chamomile or string


Folk remedies

A woman who is breastfeeding is allowed to use traditional methods

. They are not as fast-acting as medications, but they are not addictive.

Here are healthy and easy recipes


  1. Fig decoction
    . Take two tablespoons of figs and pour a glass of boiling water. Cool and drink little by little throughout the day.
  2. Potato juice
    . Take a potato, peel it, pass it through a meat grinder or grind it in a blender.

    Separate the juice from the pulp using gauze folded several times. Potato juice should be diluted in equal proportions with water and the resulting drink should be drunk 50 ml half an hour before meals.

  3. Herbal decoction
    . Mix strawberry leaves, valerian, stinging nettle, mint, lemon balm and chamomile in equal proportions.

    Take one tablespoon of the dry mixture and pour boiling water over it. Take the resulting decoction half a glass half an hour before meals.

  4. Decoction of fennel or flax seeds
    . Flax and fennel grains are good for constipation. The latter, by the way, can be replaced with dill. In this case, you will get dill water, which is also useful for children against gas and constipation.

    Pour boiling water over a tablespoon of flax seeds or fennel seeds and simmer over low heat for several minutes. Drink the drink little by little throughout the day.

Features of nutrition of a nursing mother

Constipation during breastfeeding can be caused by a number of reasons. To eliminate them, a woman must carefully analyze her diet. In this case, it will be possible to balance all metabolic processes and adjust the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. To do this, you should follow the basic recommendations of experts in this field:

  • To get rid of constipation, you should drink at least two liters of water daily. The second half of this volume should be provided in the form of boiled water in a cool state.
  • The diet must necessarily contain a sufficient amount of fruits and vegetables. All legumes should be excluded from the menu, as they can cause constipation.
  • Vegetables and fruits retain all their beneficial properties when baked.
  • Prunes and figs have laxative properties. They are allowed to be eaten only in small quantities, only in this case the likelihood of allergies is minimized.
  • Products that improve intestinal microflora are cottage cheese, yogurt and kefir.
  • Flaxseed or olive oil also has a beneficial effect on the body. To relax, you need to drink just one teaspoon on a lean stomach.
  • Laxatives that cannot cause an allergic reaction in a child are carrots, oatmeal, kiwi, beets, bran.
  • To improve the digestion process, you need to eat small portions. In this case, intestinal function will be quickly restored.
  • It should be noted that the diet is selected depending on the individual characteristics of the human body. The body must receive all necessary minerals and trace elements.


“I have been treating hemorrhoids for many years. According to statistics from the Ministry of Health, hemorrhoids can degenerate into a cancerous tumor within 2-4 years after the onset of the disease.

The main mistake is delaying! The sooner you start treating hemorrhoids, the better. There is a remedy that the Ministry of Health officially recommends for self-treatment of hemorrhoids at home, since many patients do not seek help due to lack of time or shame. This is Zdorov cream-wax based on Propolis. It is extremely effective - it removes hemorrhoids in literally a week, including even advanced cases (except for very critical ones).”

Special considerations for treating constipation

For constipation, it is necessary to strengthen the intestinal walls by performing abdominal exercises. Breastfeeding mothers are advised to sign up for special classes or attend individual training. Walking in the fresh air has a positive effect on the body as a whole. There are also many video tutorials on the Internet that you can do yourself at home.

If a woman is thinking about how to get rid of constipation, then first of all it is necessary to stop ignoring the urge, which can occur quite often during the adaptation period. It is advisable to try to adjust your toilet routine.

The baby and mother have sensitive bodies, so all caffeinated drinks should be excluded from the diet. There is also no benefit in fast food or any fast food. It is recommended to reduce the consumption of fried foods and meat. The baby will react negatively to citrus fruits, chocolate, honey, nuts, alcohol and crustaceans.

You can only eat foods from the permitted list. A breastfeeding specialist can describe diets well.

During the day you should drink 2 liters of water

It is best to use folk remedies rather than medications. During lactation they are prescribed extremely rarely. It is allowed to treat the body only with those drugs prescribed by the doctor. The selection is carried out on the basis of the obtained analysis results. A woman should do all the procedures that will contribute to a quick recovery.

Suppositories for constipation help quickly, but can worsen bowel function due to addiction to the drug. Their use is allowed only as a last resort.

The birth of a baby is a great miracle. After this, you should use only safe methods of bowel laxation:

  • For dinner, you can drink a glass of beet or carrot juice.
  • Beetroot salads have a positive effect on the body. The ingredient is best baked in the oven. Sunflower oil is ideal as a dressing.
  • The newborn has a sensitive gastrointestinal tract. A woman can eat several prunes or dried apricots without harming him. To improve the effect, it is recommended to drink them with a cup of boiled water.
  • A woman should drink plenty of fluids at least four times a day. You can use a special drink for this. It consists of kefir and a spoon of vegetable oil per glass. All ingredients are thoroughly mixed together before use.

The well-being of the baby depends on the condition of the mother

Enemas negatively affect muscle tone, which leads to deterioration of intestinal function. In some cases, on the contrary, inhibition of this process was recorded. Which led to the development of lazy gut.

Normal functioning of the intestines is possible only if the mother has proper nutrition. All harmful foods should be excluded from the diet. Special exercises will help strengthen the tone of your abdominal muscles.

These requirements must be taken into account to prevent problems in the functioning of the stomach and intestines. All means to solve the problem must be approved by the attending physician. Remember that the health of mother and child is always interconnected, so the problem should not be ignored.

Constipation in nursing mothers is a common problem. The main reason is a change in diet. The woman suffers from painful bowel movements, and bowel movements may take three or four days. At the same time, other unpleasant manifestations of this intestinal disorder are observed.

Constipation in women after childbirth can be accompanied by many unpleasant symptoms:

When a woman is constipated, her breast milk contains less enzymes that the baby needs to digest food.

As a result, similar problems may arise in the baby, so when breastfeeding it is important to avoid constipation.

How to treat constipation in a new mother

To get rid of constipation, eat natural yogurt, vegetable oils, and soups.

If the problem appears as a result of fear of straining in the presence of postpartum sutures or an enlarged uterus, you should not take radical measures. With the general restoration of the body, intestinal function will also return to normal. If constipation occurs due to frequent stress and fatigue, it is necessary to reconsider your daily routine and direct treatment to restore psychological balance.

In other cases, the problem is solved by adjusting the diet, using folk recipes and exercises.

The use of laxative medications is highly undesirable, as they can harm the baby by entering his body through breast milk. Also, taking laxatives leads to disruption of intestinal microflora and atony. Together with liquid feces, bacteria that participate in the process of feces formation are washed out of the body in large quantities. Regular stimulation of the intestines with laxatives leads to its atony, that is, refusal of independent contraction to remove feces.

If addiction develops, you will no longer be able to go to the toilet without taking laxatives.

Diet is a harmless remedy for constipation

Prunes are a natural laxative, but before consuming, you need to make sure that your baby is not allergic to this product.

The mother's diet should include a variety of foods rich in essential vitamins and microelements. It is important to eat properly. The diet of a nursing mother involves up to 6 meals a day at regular intervals. You need to drink at least 1.5-2 liters of water per day. Dishes are prepared by boiling, stewing or steaming. It is recommended to avoid fried foods as they place increased stress on the stomach. During cooking, try to use a minimum of salt and spices. It is necessary to exclude from the menu any products with preservatives, flavors, stabilizers and dyes.

Authorized products:

  • dried fruits;
  • dairy products;
  • flaxseed and olive oil;
  • natural fruit and vegetable juices;
  • beets, carrots;
  • wheat, buckwheat, oatmeal;
  • dietary varieties of meat and fish.

If you introduce new foods to your diet, you need to do it gradually. After you have eaten something new, monitor the newborn’s reaction to milk; if an allergy does not appear, you can move on to adding another product.

Prohibited products:

  • persimmon, black currant and other berries and fruits with an astringent effect;
  • milk;
  • pasta;
  • potato;
  • semolina, rice;
  • eggs;
  • baked goods and sweets;
  • fatty meats and fish.

The food you eat should not only be liquid or puree. Foods high in fiber will help relieve and prevent constipation. Coarse fibers require the active production of enzymes during digestion, which has a positive effect on the intestinal microflora.

Constant stimulation of the rectum with coarse fibers will avoid rectal atony even with reduced motor activity.

Treatment of illness with laxatives

Most effective remedies for eliminating difficult bowel movements are incompatible with breastfeeding. Therefore, any medications should be taken only as prescribed by a doctor and in case of emergency.

To get rid of constipation after childbirth, use medications based on natural ingredients.

Constipation during breastfeeding will be helped by suppositories and lactulose-based medications. Glycerin suppositories and suppositories based on sea buckthorn oil soften stool and coat the intestinal walls. Thus, stagnant feces are easily removed from the rectum without causing injury or discomfort. Preparations based on lactulose are not absorbed into the walls of the stomach and do not enter the blood, but act directly on the intestines. The drugs contain lacto- and bifidobacteria, which normalize the intestinal microflora and stimulate peristalsis.

In some cases, an enema can be used to relieve constipation during lactation. But it should be used only as prescribed by a doctor if difficulty in defecation occurs for 4 or more days. Frequent use of an enema can lead to the leaching of beneficial bacteria from the intestines, resulting in dysbacteriosis and impaired peristalsis.

Why does lactating women experience constipation?

The first weeks after the birth of a child are characterized by the healing of wounds that were received during childbirth. There may have been tears or artificial incisions in the perineum.

Women are afraid to eat fruits and vegetables, which can cause bowel problems, allergic reactions and other unpleasant symptoms in the child.

Constipation in a nursing mother is a temporary phenomenon, so it is worth being a little patient and helping to relieve the symptoms.

Treatment of constipation in nursing mothers

First, you can try to cope with the problem without using medications. Constipation in a nursing mother is sometimes easily eliminated by making lifestyle adjustments.

If your stool does not improve, you can treat constipation with medication. During breastfeeding, medications containing lactulose (for example, Duphalac) are allowed. Lactulose is not absorbed by the stomach and intestines, softens stool and forms beneficial bacteria that contribute to its natural excretion.

Glycerin suppositories can help relieve constipation. They soften stool and make intestinal motility work. If used correctly, they do not cause addiction to the body. Are safe during breastfeeding. Their action is aimed exclusively at removing feces from the intestines. It has no effect on other organs.

Candles should not be placed if there are cracks or wounds in the anus.

When breastfeeding, you should not overuse medications or harmful foods. This way you can eliminate a number of problems with stool. Constipation should only be treated under the supervision of doctors and follow their recommendations.

Specifics of constipation

Constipation is a process in which there is no bowel movement for three or more days, or it is accompanied by difficulty and pain due to too dry, hard stool. The reasons, as we have already found out, are psychological and physiological. Therefore, constipation is divided into two types:

  1. Anatomical constipation in a nursing mother occurs after a cesarean section or other surgical intervention. In addition, poor nutrition can also be a cause. This type characterizes a decrease in muscle tone of the intestinal walls.
  2. Spastic constipation during breastfeeding occurs due to severe stress, depression or anxiety. In this case, first of all, it is necessary to restore mental balance and calm down. How to overcome depression after childbirth can be found here.

Most often, constipation does not require special treatment and goes away within two to three weeks after birth. If the illness does not go away for a long time, do not rush to treat constipation with medications. Not every drug is compatible with lactation. Many suppositories are generally contraindicated during breastfeeding.

Often the composition of the drug penetrates into the blood and milk, which negatively affects the course of lactation. The medicine can change the quality of milk and negatively affect the development and growth of the baby.

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