Scheme of gastroscopy
Alternative to gastroscopy of the stomach: description of the procedure, review of similar studies
Esophagogastroduadenoscopy (EFGDS) is one of the most effective ways to diagnose diseases of the stomach, esophagus and duodenum
Ultrasound of the pancreas from preparation to decoding in simple words
Home Diseases and treatment Gastroenterology March 2, 2020, 20:05 Anna 3,474 No Pancreas
Swallow gut - what is the procedure called?
How is FGS of the stomach done and how to prepare for it
Let's understand the terms: different names - the essence is the same One of the most unloved among patients
Stomach biopsy: procedure for deciphering the research results
What is a biopsy, features of taking a biopsy from the stomach? This study consists of obtaining a certain
Sedation during colonoscopy: description of the method -
Colonoscopy under anesthesia: how to prepare and undergo the examination. All the pros and cons of such diagnostics
Diseases of the intestinal tract are considered one of the most common and dangerous. In the arsenal of today's medicine
MRI of the intestines or colonoscopy which is better reviews
Indications for MRI This instrumental diagnostic technique is a method of visualizing internal organs, which
What can an ultrasound examination of the liver show? Norm and interpretation of indicators
What the doctor sees on an ultrasound of the liver Ultrasound allows you to assess the size of the liver, shape, contours and
Preparation for abdominal CT examination
Computed tomography is widely used to diagnose diseases of the abdominal cavity and retroperitoneal space. High
Lump in the throat
Anatomy of the Human Esophagus - information:
Location Schematic representation of the esophagus (in the center) and the organs located around it. It is accepted among specialists
Fine suspension in the gallbladder - what is it?
Reasons for the appearance of suspension Suspension in the gallbladder is a pathology. A healthy person has this
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