Appendicitis: which side is it on, what symptoms are it determined by?

Thanks to prompt diagnosis of acute appendicitis, it is possible to detect the disease in time and begin its treatment. This pathology is dangerous due to the appearance of serious complications, which is why it is so important to carry out surgical intervention as early as possible. To detect the disease in a timely manner, you need to know how to identify appendicitis at home.

To diagnose pathology at an early stage of development and distinguish it from other problems in the digestive system, you need to pay attention to the symptoms of appendicitis:

  1. Pain in the abdomen. With the development of appendicitis, pain is first felt in the navel area, after which it gradually moves to the right lower abdomen. Discomfort appears suddenly and is vague. Usually there is a dull aching pain that does not allow you to take a deep breath. In addition, they increase significantly when coughing or laughing.
  2. Forced body position. When appendicitis develops, a person cannot straighten up or move normally - this is due to abdominal pain. Another sign of inflammation is the forced posture of an adult or child - the patient lies on his side and raises his legs.
  3. Nausea and vomiting. With the development of appendicitis, abdominal pain is almost always accompanied by nausea. Debilitating vomiting that does not bring relief may also occur. Sometimes it happens once, but in most cases this condition lasts quite a long time. It is worth considering that in a child or teenager, vomiting is frequent, while in adults this symptom can occur literally 1-2 times. In old age there are no such symptoms.
  4. Increased body temperature. Usually this figure is 37.5-38 degrees, but in a child it can rise to 40 degrees. If the temperature increases significantly in an adult, this indicates the progression of inflammation.
  5. Abnormal stool. In most cases there is no this symptom. But if the appendix in an adult or child is located abnormally, constipation may occur. In rare cases, diarrhea may also develop. It is worth considering that in case of poisoning, loose stools bring temporary relief to a person, while in case of appendicitis the condition remains the same - abdominal pain does not disappear after defecation.
  6. Dry mouth. If abdominal pain is accompanied by this symptom, we can talk about the development of appendicitis.

Sometimes inflammation of the appendix causes frequent and painful urination. Symptoms such as pain in the genitals and lower back may also appear. The child may develop a runny nose and cough, which makes it difficult to diagnose appendicitis in a timely manner.

Methods for self-determination of appendicitis

How to recognize appendicitis? To check for yourself whether you have inflammation in the appendix, you can do the following:

  1. Lie down on a flat surface - bed or floor. Place your arms along your body, spread your legs slightly, and then bend your knees. In this case, the second person should lightly press the area in the lower right corner of the abdomen with the fingers of his right hand, and then sharply remove his hand. If pain occurs at this point, you should consult a doctor. With appendicitis, the groin, navel or left side often hurts.
  2. Lie on the floor, place your arms along your body, and straighten your legs. First, raise your right leg 50-60 degrees. At this moment, the second person should remove the edge of his hand quite strongly along the heel. Similar actions need to be done with the left leg. Pain in the right side of the abdomen is a characteristic symptom of appendicitis.
  3. To understand whether a child has a stomach ache, you should look for specific symptoms. If the baby suddenly squats down and cries a lot, this indicates the development of inflammation.
  4. To diagnose appendicitis yourself, you can try coughing. Echoes of pain will occur in the right corner of the abdomen.
  5. If appendicitis is suspected, the person should be asked to walk. When the appendix is ​​inflamed, the stomach hurts while walking. If every step is accompanied by discomfort, we can talk about the development of appendicitis.
  6. It is worth carefully palpating the stomach. Tightness of the abdominal wall will help identify appendicitis.

The listed symptoms in an adult or child should be a signal to consult a doctor, since there is a risk of appendix rupture or chronic inflammatory process.

Advantages and disadvantages of the diagnostic method

Without diagnostics, it is quite difficult to establish an accurate diagnosis. Ultrasound examination helps to see the condition of internal organs. The disadvantages and advantages of ultrasound for appendicitis are listed in the table.

The accuracy of the diagnostic method is more than 80%. The research is carried out as soon as possible. Allows you to view several internal organs at once. The examination is low cost and available to everyone.

Ultrasound examination should be performed by an experienced and appropriately qualified physician.

The method is convenient because it allows you to differentiate the disease from other pathologies. A deviation is always prescribed when appendicitis is suspected. The method does not have a negative impact on the patient's well-being.

The method is absolutely safe when used in pregnant women and children. The research should be carried out only by highly qualified specialists. Doctors without experience may not be able to differentially examine the appendix.

The study does not take much time from the patient. The method does not require special preparation and does not require surgical intervention.

Ultrasound is a safe and highly accurate method for diagnosing appendicitis

What should you not do if you suspect appendicitis?

In such situations, it is strictly prohibited:

  1. Take laxatives or painkillers. Such actions will prevent the doctor from diagnosing inflammation of the appendix in a timely manner.
  2. Take medications for the intestines or stomach. They can cause an intense chemical reaction that can cause the appendix to rupture.
  3. Eat food before consulting a doctor. If the appendix is ​​inflamed, emergency surgery may be required, and before surgery, you must refuse to eat. In addition, food can cause intestinal irritation, which will lead to increased pain.
  4. Apply a heating pad or warm compress to your stomach. Heat exposure will cause an acceleration of the inflammatory process.

If your stomach hurts and your temperature rises, under no circumstances should you hesitate. In such a situation, you should call an ambulance.

Diseases with similar symptoms

To determine inflammation of the appendix, additional examinations are often required. This is explained by the fact that the primary symptoms of the disease resemble signs of other pathologies. These include:

  • pyelonephritis;
  • Crohn's disease;
  • inflammation of the uterus, tubes or ovaries;
  • renal colic;
  • peptic ulcer;
  • colitis and enterocolitis;
  • inflammation of the testicle;
  • inflammation of small intestinal nodes;
  • tear or stretch of the anterior abdominal muscles.


To identify inflammation of the appendix, it is imperative to analyze the symptoms and conduct additional research:

  1. Urine and blood tests. When the appendix is ​​inflamed, urine analysis remains normal, and this makes it possible to exclude kidney pathologies. Through a blood test, it will be possible to identify the inflammatory process, but the exact localization cannot be established.
  2. Ultrasound of the abdominal cavity. This is the fastest and most reliable method for diagnosing appendicitis.
  3. CT scan. This study is prescribed when there is doubt about the correctness of the diagnosis.

Now you know how to identify appendicitis at home in adults and children. This is very important for timely surgical intervention. Therefore, the very first symptoms of the disease should force a person to call an ambulance - the slightest delay can provoke dangerous complications.

A painful stomach occurs for various reasons. Intestinal upset and bloating can create pain in the abdominal area. However, the cause of the discomfort can also be a more serious reason - appendicitis. To distinguish it from other diseases, it is worth looking at the accompanying signs that appear.

Appendicitis is a disease of the appendage of the cecum, called the appendix. Inflammatory processes occurring inside the organ lead to its swelling and increase in size. In the absence of the necessary treatment, the disease passes from a simple stage to an acute form with subsequent complications.

Inflammation of the appendix can often be confused with a disorder of the digestive process. Therefore, it is important to know what symptoms indicate the development of appendicitis in order to call an ambulance before the onset of peritonitis.

Abdominal pain is often confused with an ailment of the digestive system, but there are distinctive signs that make it possible to recognize suspected inflammation:

  • Pain syndrome in the abdominal area. Only at the beginning of the inflammatory process is discomfort felt near the navel, with a gradual movement to the right, to the lower corner, to where the appendix is ​​located. The attack and pain occur unexpectedly, it is impossible to take a deep breath. The pain syndrome intensifies many times when a person begins to cough or laugh.
  • Body position. When the appendix becomes inflamed, the human body involuntarily takes a certain position in which the pain is not so strong. A man walks in a bent position. In the supine position, both the adult and the child lie on their sides with their legs pulled up.
  • Nausea, vomiting develops. The inflammatory processes occurring inside also affect the intestines, causing a feeling of nausea and regular vomiting, which does not bring relief. In rare cases, gagging occurs 1-2 times; the majority of patients complain of ongoing discomfort. Schoolchildren and teenagers suffer from appendicitis more often, which is why vomiting occurs more often during this period. Adults experience vomiting much less frequently. If the disease develops in an elderly person, such symptoms are not observed.
  • Body temperature. When the body tries to cope with any inflammation, the overall temperature rises. As a rule, the thermometer shows 37.5 - 38 degrees. In a child’s body, the temperature can reach 40. An increase in thermometer readings indicates an increase in the inflammatory process and the progress of the disease.
  • Defecation disorder. It is rare for an upset bowel symptom to occur. Only if the location of the appendix itself is atypical, then there may be a lack of stool or diarrhea. It is worth noting the state of a person after defecation is liquid. If after the process there is temporary relief, then there is poisoning; if there is no relief, it is appendicitis.
  • Feeling of dry mouth and plaque. The appearance of these signs clearly indicates the development of inflammatory processes in the cecal appendage.

In rare cases, pain may occur when urinating. This occurs due to the location of the appendix next to the bladder and pressure on it (sometimes it is believed that the kidney hurts). Pain may appear in the lumbar spine or in the groin. It all depends on the specific position of the appendix in the human body. Sometimes it is difficult to diagnose the disease when children develop a runny nose and a cold cough.

How is medical diagnosis performed?

After a detailed examination and conversation with the patient, he is sent for additional research. These diagnostic measures are necessary because it is very important to determine the exact location of appendicitis and its differentiation in order to carry out the correct surgical actions.

  1. Study of blood and urine tests . These tests are required to exclude kidney diseases, but they are not able to confirm the diagnosis of inflamed appendicitis.
  2. Ultrasound examination of the abdominal cavity . This examination method is one of the most reliable and accurately confirms the location of the appendix.
  3. CT scan . This study is prescribed as an additional one if it is not possible to establish an accurate clinical picture using ultrasound.

Reference! Computed tomography may be prescribed when the patient is obese and it is impossible to examine the abdominal cavity in detail using ultrasound.

A competent specialist will tell you about the first signs of appendicitis, which allow you to identify the disease in a timely manner.

Video - How to recognize the first signs of appendicitis

Thanks to the timely detection of inflamed appendicitis, it is possible to avoid such consequences as peritonitis, sepsis, suppuration in the abdominal cavity, internal bleeding, and the formation of adhesions.

Instructions for determination in an adult

The procedure must involve two people; it is difficult to independently determine the disease. It is possible to determine appendicitis at home using the following methods:

  1. Take a horizontal position. It is permissible to lie on a bed or on the floor, as long as the surface is level. Hands fall along the body. Spread your legs slightly to the sides, try to bend them. When bending the legs, the other person presses on the lower right corner of the abdomen and sharply removes their hands. At the moment of removal, pain should flare up - the help of a doctor is required, this is appendicitis. Perhaps the pain syndrome will be in the genital area, on the left or near the navel.
  2. Lying on the floor, arms extended along the body, legs straight. You need to raise your right leg to 50 degrees. The assistant should hit the heel of the outstretched leg with the edge of his palm. Repeat the same procedure with the left leg. The manifestation of pain on the right side indicates appendicitis.
  3. Self-diagnosis of appendicitis is possible by coughing. The pain intensifies and responds in the right side.
  4. Walking is considered an important sign of the ongoing inflammatory process. Each step will begin to respond with pain and discomfort localized on the right.
  5. When performing independent palpation of the peritoneum, it is possible to feel tense muscles and a hard appendix, which indicates the development of the disease. In a healthy person, when palpated, the muscles are relaxed, the abdomen is soft, without pain.

Doctors recommend doing a small test for appendicitis at home:

  1. The patient lies on his right side. Movements must be performed carefully so as not to cause mechanical damage.
  2. Then the person assumes the fetal position: the bent legs are gradually pulled towards the chest.
  1. Find out the patient's feelings. If the pain subsides, it means appendicitis.
  2. The patient remains in this position for about three minutes.
  3. Afterwards, the person needs to turn on his left side and stretch his legs.
  4. Find out the feelings in this position. A sharp increase in the discomfort makes it possible to recognize the development of the inflammatory process in the appendix.

Differences between symptoms in a child and during pregnancy

When the appendix is ​​inflamed in a pregnant woman, the pain syndrome is slightly shifted to the side. During fetal growth, all internal organs have undergone a change in location. Discomfort during pregnancy is higher.

A child cannot always say that his stomach hurts, show where it hurts and describe correctly the nature of the pain. Adults need to self-check and find out the severity of symptoms. If a child constantly squats, there is frequent crying for no apparent reason - this indicates inflammation of the appendage. Sometimes there is also bloating and regular vomiting. An additional sign of the development of an inflammatory process in a child’s body is refusal to eat and a lethargic state.

Identifying inflammation is a priority task, but it is worth pointing out what absolutely cannot be done if self-diagnosis has confirmed appendicitis:

  1. You should not wait for complications to develop when a temperature appears accompanied by abdominal pain. You should seek immediate medical attention.
  2. It is strictly forbidden to take any painkillers or laxatives. Taking them blurs the manifestation of symptoms and does not allow for a correct diagnosis, which means timely provision of qualified assistance.
  3. You should also stop taking stomach medications or bowel medications. The chemical compounds they contain can react with the contents of the inflamed appendix, which will lead to its rupture and the development of peritonitis, which is often fatal.
  4. It is not advisable to eat or drink until the ambulance arrives. The only treatment for appendicitis is surgery, i.e. The inflamed appendage will be removed. The stomach and intestines should be free of food debris. Digestion of food is accompanied by irritation of the walls of the intestinal tract, which leads to increased pain.

When is there a need for ultrasound diagnostics?

Acute appendicitis in most cases manifests itself with symptoms characteristic of this disease. Based on the combination of these signs, examination of the patient and blood test results, the surgeon can make an accurate diagnosis. But there are also atypical manifestations of the disease, on the basis of which the pathology cannot be unambiguously interpreted. Acute inflammation of the appendix may also present as atypical symptoms in certain categories of citizens. This group includes elderly patients, pregnant women and very young children. In order to confirm the expected diagnosis in these cases, it becomes necessary to use additional methods of examining the patient. And the ultrasound method is the most accessible in most hospitals. The advantages of ultrasound diagnostics include several points:

  • Fast results. The entire examination takes from 10 to 30 minutes, and all data is processed immediately.
  • Painless and non-invasive procedure. The absence of pain during the examination is especially necessary if appendicitis is suspected in children.
  • No radiation exposure.
  • Possibility of identifying other abdominal pathologies.

When performing an ultrasound, it will be possible to identify diseases that have similar symptoms to appendicitis. In women, this can be inflammation of the appendages, ectopic pregnancy. Urolithiasis, acute cholecystitis and other pathologies of internal organs have symptoms similar to acute inflammation of the appendix. If you do an ultrasound during an attack, you can see all the pronounced abnormalities in the organs.

Diagnostics in the hospital

After delivering the patient, doctors will need a urine and blood test. As a rule, tests are taken in the hospital to rule out other potential diseases that cause similar symptoms.

The condition of the abdominal area is checked using an ultrasound. Carrying out ultrasound analysis makes it possible to accurately determine the occurrence of inflammatory processes inside the human body. With the help of the examination, the location of the organ is determined.

If the previous examination did not make it possible to diagnose the disease, it is not possible to make a clinical diagnosis, an additional study is carried out using a CT scanner. Difficulty arises when the patient is overweight. The presence of a large amount of fat makes it impossible to see on an ultrasound the exact picture of what is happening in the abdomen.

Often the first signs of inflammation of appendicitis are confused with a wide variety of attacks in approximately the same area: food poisoning, renal colic, indigestion, etc. A doctor can remove the appendix very quickly and accurately, however, with timely treatment, but this requires confirmation of the diagnosis. In order to promptly recognize all the signs of the onset of inflammation of the appendix and promptly contact a medical institution for the necessary examination, you need to know certain features of appendicitis.

It is very important not to confuse the pain associated with appendicitis with menstruation, poisoning, colic or other diseases that have similar symptoms.

What the diagnostic method allows you to see

An ultrasound examination can detect signs that indicate the occurrence of an inflammatory process. What characterizes a normal and diseased appendix on ultrasound is described in the table.

In the presence of a perforated appendix, the following clinical picture is present:

  • thickening of the walls, which occurs unevenly;

In overweight people, ultrasound diagnostics are somewhat difficult

  • the tissue structure has many layers;
  • abscesses are present;
  • there is liquid in the process.

Ultrasound allows you to accurately examine the affected area. The doctor assesses the condition of the internal organs. Only after a final diagnosis has been made, the doctor can recommend treatment.

Diagnosis can be difficult in some cases. This is possible during pregnancy, excess weight and the individual sensitivity of a particular patient.

Ultrasound examination is one of the most accurate methods. The method allows you to record changes in the tissues of the appendix. If necessary, the examination can be repeated.

Due to their physiology, women are more susceptible to developing pathology than men.

Main symptoms

The first thing that might make you think about appendicitis is pain in the abdomen. Most often, if this is inflammation of the appendix, the pain is localized mainly on the right side or in the navel area. Over time, the pain may move from the center of the abdomen to the right and down, but not reach the border of the pelvic bones. Remember that in pregnant women, appendicitis may change its location depending on the stage of pregnancy, so the pain may be slightly higher.

Try to lie flat on a hard surface and lightly press on your stomach in the area where the pain is located. If, even with fairly light pressure, you experience acute pain in your right side, call an ambulance immediately.

Usually, when you press on the stomach, you should feel that it is soft, your fingers lightly press the tissue and sink into it. One of the symptoms of appendicitis will be a hard belly, even hard to some extent. In addition, note whether bloating is present. Seek medical help immediately.

Try to stand up and walk around straight. At the first signs of inflammation of appendicitis, it is impossible to do this without feeling severe pain. And if you try to “curl up” with your legs tucked to your chest, the pain may become significantly less.

Other diseases

Knowing the exact location of appendicitis will help separate the symptoms that appear from other diseases that have similar symptoms.

  • Acute gastritis. The inflammatory process in the stomach and duodenum is accompanied by nausea and vomiting. The pain is in the iliac region. The only difference is the absence of abdominal tension.
  • Toxic infection of the gastrointestinal tract. The disease affects family members who have dined on low-quality food. Abdominal pain, nausea and vomiting are also possible.
  • Peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum. The symptoms are similar to appendicitis. First, abdominal pain, then vomiting and nausea. The upper abdomen is painful and irritated. Signs that make it difficult to correctly diagnose the cause of discomfort. The source of pain is located in different places. With an ulcer, the pain comes from the upper abdomen; with appendicitis, the pain comes from the right iliac region.
  • Cholecystitis. Signs appear unexpectedly, body temperature rises, and the peritoneum is irritated. Displacement of the source of pain to the right side, to the hypochondrium. It may radiate under the scapula or to the right shoulder. Appendicitis only hurts on the right side, below.

Main features

You should also pay attention to the other signs of appendicitis; it is not at all necessary that they will all appear at the same time; just a few are enough to know for sure that the time has come to ask for help from doctors:

You should not delay visiting your doctor if you have a very high temperature (38° - 39°). If it is significantly higher, call an ambulance;

Chills and heavy sweating indicate the presence of inflammation in the body;

Constipation, especially if vomiting is added to it, clearly makes you understand that the appendix is ​​inflamed;

Diarrhea, especially if it contains blood particles, indicates the same thing;

Back pain similar to renal colic;

False urge to defecate.

What you definitely shouldn’t do if the question is about possible inflammation of the appendix:

If, in addition to abdominal pain, you have a high temperature, you should not wait, it is better to call a doctor or an ambulance.

Under no circumstances take any painkillers or laxatives, this will only worsen the situation when diagnosed by specialists.

Do not take any medications for the stomach or intestines, they can only cause a strong chemical reaction that will cause the appendix to rupture.

Try to avoid eating until medical attention is provided; you may need surgery. This should also be done in order not to cause irritation of the intestinal mucosa, which can significantly increase the pain.

When is it necessary to call an ambulance?

If you observe several signs of appendicitis, especially if they are accompanied by vomiting and severe pain, call an ambulance immediately!

After doctors visit you, it is very important to accurately describe all your symptoms and signs. Do not ignore any violation that has occurred over the past 2-3 days (it does not matter whether it is vomiting or diarrhea). Be sure to notify your doctor about the first pain sensations that you could not ignore.

Keep in mind that for a reliable diagnosis, the doctor needs to examine you completely, including palpating your abdomen, in order to exclude peritonitis from the list of possible diagnoses. If necessary, your doctor may do a rectal examination to confirm or rule out appendicitis. With peritonitis, the abdominal muscles will be very tense.

In case of an implicit or vague diagnosis, additional examinations are often prescribed: urine and blood tests, ultrasound of the pelvic organs, a probe (an instrument in the form of a thin rod intended for carrying out diagnostic or therapeutic procedures in various cavities and canals of the human body), etc.

Research technique

Preparation for an ultrasound scan for appendicitis is not required. The study is carried out immediately. The examination is carried out through the anterior abdominal wall using a simple abdominal sensor.

Preparation is required only for planned research. In this case it is necessary:

  • refrain from eating large amounts of food;
  • exclude from the diet fatty foods and foods that cause increased gas formation.

For routine examinations, the patient must come to the hospital on an empty stomach. For urgent research, no preparation is required. You need to take with you:

  • disposable oilcloth;
  • napkin or towel.

Before performing an ultrasound, the patient should not overeat.
The patient is placed on a couch. You need to put a disposable oilcloth under yourself. The doctor applies a special gel to the area to be examined. After completing the diagnosis, you need to remove its remains with a napkin or towel. During the examination, the image is displayed on the monitor. The method allows not only to confirm or refute the presence of inflammation, but also to differentiate the disease from other pathologies. This is a significant advantage of ultrasound over other diagnostic methods.

Some good advice

The most dangerous complication of appendicitis is its rupture. During tissue dissection, all its contents end up in the abdominal cavity, which is sterile, and infection penetrates there. This may cause the development of peritonitis.

It should be remembered that in children the first signs of appendicitis may manifest differently due to the immaturity of some body systems. In addition, not all children can clearly and distinctly explain where, how and what hurts them. Most often, the child endures pain, believing that it is just an intestinal ache, and may refuse to eat and really want to sleep. Therefore, if your baby refuses his favorite dish, you should be wary and find out the reason for what is bothering him. Not all people exhibit the symptoms and signs described above.

Classic symptoms do not occur in people who fall into the following categories:

pregnant women in the 3rd trimester;

obese people;

people who have had organ transplants;

How does appendicitis manifest?

The main symptom of appendicitis in men and women is pain in the abdomen (side). Some patients cannot accurately determine which side the appendicitis is on, as they note wandering painful sensations. They can spread to the entire abdominal area, so if you suspect a disease, you should urgently call an ambulance. Sometimes the patient feels that his heart hurts. Inflammation of the appendix is ​​accompanied by nausea, which patients often associate with poisoning. The disease may be accompanied by fever.

Also, the picture may differ slightly in the following groups of patients:

  • Children. Most often, the baby cannot explain where it hurts. Also, a child may endure an attack, believing that his stomach just hurts. Drowsiness, refusal to eat and fever should be alarming. A cough and runny nose may begin. There is often no vomiting.
  • In older people, there may be no vomiting, and the temperature may also be within 37 °C.
  • In patients with chronic diseases: diabetics, HIV-infected people, cancer patients, after organ transplant operations, symptoms may not be expressed.
  • Pregnant women. There are no such clear pain sensations - the muscles of the abdominal wall are stretched by the growing uterus, and the organs are displaced from their usual location. Depending on the location of the appendix, pain may be vaguely felt in the right hypochondrium or on the right side. The pain intensifies when turning from the left side to the right.

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Diseases with similar symptoms

It is not always possible to recognize appendicitis at the first examination without additional tests and examinations. This happens only because the primary symptoms of the appendix are very similar to the signs of other diseases that painfully “give” to the same area.

So, here is a small list of such diseases:

Crohn's disease (also called terminal ileitis);

ulcer and its perforation;

inflammation of small intestinal nodes;

rupture, sometimes stretching, of the anterior abdominal muscles and more.

Ultrasound of the pelvic and abdominal organs does not always help to make an accurate diagnosis. This happens due to the fact that something can be viewed on an ultrasound machine or simply not seen due to the imperfection of the technology or the skills of the specialist. Only laparoscopy can give a 100% result in making a diagnosis.

Advantages of diagnostics using ultrasonic waves

When performing an ultrasound, you can determine the presence of the disease with an accuracy of up to 90%. The procedure itself has some advantages over x-ray examination:

  • No radiation;
  • Availability of diagnostics performed via the sensor;
  • Non-invasive examination;
  • The ability to detect all causes of pain in the examined area;
  • Speed ​​of the procedure;
  • Cheap ultrasound.

This diagnostic method is recommended for the above reasons for children and pregnant women. After all, the absence of radiation exposure is very important for the child and the expectant mother. An ultrasound of the abdominal cavity shows the area in which pain is felt. This feature is very important for the study of abnormalities in the position of the appendix, detecting pathology other than appendicitis.

The only significant drawback of diagnostics is the dependence on the qualifications of the doctor performing the diagnostics. This method is in second place in terms of reliability of results after CT. But it has become more attractive because of its simplicity, accessibility, and speed.

Causes of inflammation of the appendix

Despite the rapid development of medicine in all its fields, it has not yet been possible to fully study all the causes of inflammation of the appendix. Appendicitis is an inflammatory disease that often goes unnoticed and appears suddenly. It is impossible to predict its manifestation.

Inflammation caused by various microorganisms (anaerobes, staphylococci, E. coli, streptococci, etc.) occurs in the vermiform appendix of the cecum.

Often the result of inflammation of the appendix is ​​an excessive overload of the body with protein foods: frequent overeating and obesity due to overeating. Modern people spend a lot of time sitting at work, and then at home near the computer; such a sedentary lifestyle can also provoke inflammation of appendicitis.

How to avoid appendicitis?

In order to minimize the risk of inflammation of appendicitis, it is very important to maintain proper nutrition. At the same time, try to use only easily digestible proteins in your diet. They are found mainly in a variety of dairy products.

You should also eat fresh fruits and vegetables every day. The most useful ones will be those grown in your own garden or bought from summer residents. Try not to overeat and always watch your calorie intake.

Periodically do fasting days and monitor the health of the gastrointestinal tract, and prevent constipation.

Rupture of appendicitis is a risk of death, so do not try to cure it yourself, but get tested by your doctor or call an ambulance.

Remember, a subsidence of pain or, conversely, an excessively sharp increase in pain may indicate the onset of serious complications.

It is very important to know the first signs and symptoms of appendicitis in order to seek help from specialists in time.

At the slightest suspicion of appendicitis, especially in young children, immediately call an ambulance; it is better to make sure once again that it is not inflammation of the appendix.

Some interesting cases from medical practice

1 case from medical practice

A young 28-year-old guy came to see a doctor with pain in his right side. When asked how long ago the pain began, the answer was about 8 hours ago. His side began to hurt completely unexpectedly, for no apparent reason, and his temperature rose slightly to 37.8°.

During the examination, the doctor determined that the pain was spreading from the left side to the area just below the navel. At first glance, the symptoms indicated peritonitis.

The patient was diagnosed with acute appendicitis. The young man was immediately taken to the surgical department to the operating room for a laparotomy. During the operation, it turns out that the process of the cecum is not at all changed despite the presence of serous effusion in the peritoneum. It was decided to examine the small and large intestine more carefully. As a result, an inflamed diverticulum (embryonic bile duct) was found at their junction. It was removed because... It was he who caused symptoms similar to appendicitis. Most often, inflammation of the diverticulum occurs without any symptoms, and in only 5% of people it is detected during laparoscopy or some other operation.

2 case from medical practice

A 65-year-old man with suspected acute appendicitis was taken by ambulance to the hospital emergency room. The necessary tests were taken and additional examinations were carried out. It was decided to operate because other methods could not eliminate the pain. The patient agreed to undergo the operation.

During the operation, the surgeon discovered an inflamed appendix with a dense consistency. Its length was 3.5-4 cm, there was a fibrin coating and obvious signs of the inflammatory process. The appendix was removed. After the operation, the wounds began to fester a little, despite this the patient was discharged home.

After 21 days, a conclusion was received after an examination of the appendage. Result: appendicitis cancer. The necessary data was transferred to the clinic at the patient’s place of observation. He was called to an appointment for consultation with an oncologist. The man chose to refuse further treatment. He died 6 months later.

Case 3 from medical practice

An 82-year-old woman was taken to the hospital by ambulance with complaints of lower abdominal pain. Based on the results of the examination, medical history and questioning of the patient, it was concluded that an urgent operation to remove acute appendicitis was necessary.

The patient was prepared for surgery and taken to the operating room of the surgical department. As a result of laparoscopy, the surgeon did not notice any abnormalities of the appendix. However, upon examination of the junction of the small and large intestines, a small hole was discovered through which intestinal contents entered the abdominal cavity. The cause of this hole was a foreign body (fish bone), which was safely removed. The intestinal perforation was repaired. The necessary postoperative treatment and observation were carried out. The patient was discharged home in satisfactory condition.

These are just a few real cases from the practice of surgeons. The described cases only confirm the statement that you should not rely on chance and wait until everything goes away on its own. It is better to immediately call an ambulance and be calm while qualified doctors provide assistance.

Signs of appendicitis do not always necessarily indicate inflammation of the appendix of the cecum; often with similar symptoms, pathologies that are completely unexpected for the patient are discovered, on which his health depends.

Author of the article: Volkov Dmitry Sergeevich | Ph.D. surgeon, phlebologist

Education: Moscow State Medical and Dental University (1996). In 2003, he received a diploma from the educational and scientific medical center for the administration of the President of the Russian Federation.

It is important for every person to know how to identify appendicitis, how to distinguish it from a common cold, poisoning or muscle spasm, which are safer and do not require emergency measures.

Ultrasound diagnostic technique

An ultrasound examination can be carried out without prior preparation of the patient, that is, the patient does not have to do an enema or wait for the food taken to be absorbed. Visualization of the appendix is ​​carried out using a special sensor with the structure of the organ displayed on the screen. In order to find the appendix, the doctor first finds the cecum, since the appendix extends from it. This method allows you to quickly detect an organ if it has an atypical location. The examination is carried out through the abdominal wall; in women, if necessary, transvaginal examination is used.

When diagnosing appendicitis, most doctors use a method called dosed compression. In this case, the health worker uses a sensor to apply small vibrating pressures at the suspected location of the appendix. This allows excess air to be removed from the intestines and thus improves the visibility of the internal organs. When examining the appendix, attention is paid to the condition of its walls, overall dimensions, changes in nearby organs and tissues. A presumptive diagnosis of appendicitis can be made if the following changes are revealed during the examination:

  • Thickening of the walls of the organ. Normally, they should not exceed three millimeters in thickness.
  • Increase in diameter of the process. The norm is up to 7 mm.
  • Increased echogenicity of the fatty tissue surrounding the organ.

During the examination, it is possible to determine a perforation of the appendix. With this complication, ultrasound diagnostics will show:

  • Uneven wall thickening.
  • Discontinuous and layered structure of the organ.
  • Fluid in the appendix itself and in the abdominal cavity.
  • Signs of inflammation of the omentum.
  • Abscesses in the abdominal cavity are possible.

Diagnosing acute abdominal pathology can be difficult in obese people and pregnant women. Excessive accumulation of gases in the intestines can also interfere with good visualization of organs. Therefore, during a routine examination the day before the procedure, it is advisable to exclude the use of gas-forming products. When examining pregnant women, it is necessary to take into account that in the last stages the appendix moves upward.

Upon receipt of data indicating the probable development of appendicitis, the surgeon makes a diagnosis not only on the basis of ultrasound. Examination data, complaints, blood and urine tests are taken into account. In doubtful cases, women must be additionally examined by a gynecologist.

Ultrasound of the appendix is ​​a safe procedure for health and can be done several times during your stay in the hospital under observation. A follow-up examination is necessary to record all changes in the abdominal cavity.

If appendicitis is suspected, an ultrasound is not always prescribed. If the doctor sees evidence of perforation of the appendix, the development of peritonitis and other life-threatening complications, then the operation is performed immediately without additional examinations. After opening the abdominal wall and after examining all organs, a decision is made on the further surgical technique.

Ultrasound diagnosis is often performed after the patient has been operated on for appendicitis. In this case, an examination is prescribed for pain and deterioration of the patient’s condition after surgery.

Appendicitis is a complication that occurs as a result of an inflammatory process in the appendix, represented by the appendix.

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