What multivitamins should I take for gastritis?

general information

“Can I take vitamins for gastritis?” – many patients ask the gastroenterologist. Doctors make a diagnosis based on a combination of symptoms, which is why gastritis is called a morphological disease. In this case, taking vitamins can slow down the course of the disease or completely eliminate some of its symptoms. Vitamins for gastritis can be taken without a doctor’s prescription, but the combined use of these substances most often does not produce results - the causes of the disease have not been identified in advance.

As a conclusion, you can take vitamins for gastritis, but you should remember the importance of going to the doctor, since this disease needs to be treated comprehensively.

Natural or pharmacy vitamins?

You can get the required amount of vitamins from food. The problem for patients with gastritis is that they contain prohibited foods - citrus fruits, legumes, cabbage, fresh bread. It is necessary to look for an alternative.

Vitamin complexes are selected individually. If a neighbor recommends a drug to you, claiming that it will suit her perfectly, this does not mean that you will experience the same effect. The opinion of the public should be listened to, but clear recommendations can only be obtained from the attending physician.

Heavy medications have a positive effect on the stomach, but destroy the liver and cause kidney dysfunction. To restore all internal organs and systems, return them to normal functioning, vitamin and mineral complexes with a varied composition are indicated.

Only comprehensive rational treatment under the supervision of medical specialists will give a positive result. Be sure to contact a gastroenterologist and ask him to prescribe you vitamins.

Treatment of gastritis involves following a strict diet. It is combined with mandatory medication intake. Severe restrictions in the diet can lead to a deficiency of components necessary for health. The lack of useful substances and elements contributes to prolongation of the recovery process. Vitamins for gastritis will help speed up the regeneration of the gastrointestinal tract.

Symptoms of the disease

Since gastritis is associated with the death of the glands responsible for maintaining digestion, the initial stage of the disease is dyspepsia:

  • Heaviness in the stomach that appears after any, even the most insignificant meal.
  • Vomit. Most often it begins after eating extremely fatty or very dry food without drinking liquid.
  • Heartburn “comes with it” and accompanies the patient all the time - an unpleasant burning sensation in the stomach and frequent belching occurs even at night.
  • Pain in the abdominal area appears in the presence of all three symptoms - the disease reaches its peak and the patient either goes to the doctor, which, alas, happens very rarely, or begins uncontrolled use of No-Shpa (Soviet analogue - Drotaverine), which further initiates gastric ulcer.

Along with specific disorders of the gastrointestinal tract, the patient’s general condition and quality of life deteriorate:

  • Weakness appears, accompanied by “pulling” sensations in the joints.
  • The patient begins to get tired faster, and the usual duration of sleep is no longer able to provide the same degree of rest.
  • A person begins to slowly lose weight or stops gaining it, regardless of diet.
  • Blood pressure increases and hypertension may develop. Over time, it can lead to chronic arterial hypertension.

In particularly advanced cases, cardiac arrhythmias and pain in the heart area are observed.

Directions for use and doses

If a woman has any of the above factors, then during pregnancy planning and in the first trimester it is necessary to consume 2-3 mg of vitamin B

in a day. Also, taking the drug in a higher dosage is necessary if there is a high probability of disruption of the development of the neural tube. This risk is present in women with

Read the official information about the drug Folic acid, the instructions for use of which include general information and a treatment regimen. The text is provided for informational purposes only and cannot serve as a substitute for medical advice.

Dosage when using folic acid

According to the instructions, adults take 0.0005-0.001 g (0.5-1 mg) orally 1-2 times a day. Children receive correspondingly smaller doses. The course of treatment with the drug is 20 days. To maintain health and prevent heart disease, 400-800 mcg per day. Pregnant women and women planning pregnancy 800 mcg per day. People with depression: 800-1200 mcg per day as part of a B complex vitamin.

Recommendations for using folic acid

The vitamin can be used at any time, regardless of meals. When using the substance, combine it with 1000 mcg of vitamin B12 to avoid the development of deficiency.

Indications for use of folic acid

According to the instructions for use, this drug is indicated for: megaloblastic anemia in pregnant women, alimentary macrocytic anemia in adults and children, sprue, macrocytic anemia after gastrectomy, anemia in chronic alcoholism, leukopenia in ionizing radiation, radiotherapy, taking sulfonamides.

To prevent fetal neural tube defects; To prevent heart disease and strokes; To prevent certain types of cancer.

Contraindications to the use of folic acid

Vitamin deficiencies affecting the development of gastritis

  • Deficiency of ascorbic acid (vitamin C). Causes disruptions in the production of collagen in the mucous membrane and walls of blood vessels. Due to decreasing strength, microcracks form, small hemorrhages from bursting vessels and the immune activity of the body decreases. Usually after this the bacterium Helicobacter pylori begins to live in the body.
  • Vitamin K deficiency “accompanies” a lack of vitamin C. It reduces blood clotting, which is why hemorrhages of the mucous membrane do not disappear for a long time.
  • The lack of vitamins such as B2, PP and A (riboflavin, nicotinic acid and retinol, respectively) provokes erosive changes in the gastric mucosa, followed by the replacement of damaged areas with fibrous tissue that does not perform the functions of digesting food. Retinol deficiency also disrupts the production of gastric juice, causing food to not be digested properly.
  • Vitamin E deficiency, in addition to peeling skin, disrupts the regeneration of epithelial cells, which slows down the body's recovery and gives gastric juice more time to destroy the walls of the organ.


Many people know that a lack of iron in the body causes a decrease in the level of hemoglobin in the blood and a reduction in the number of red blood cells. Therefore, in the public consciousness, the diagnosis of “anemia” is usually associated with iron deficiency in the blood. But in reality, things are a little more complicated. Not everyone knows that iron deficiency anemia is only one form of this serious disease. Another and no less serious type of anemia is caused by a lack of vitamin B9 - folic acid. This disease is especially dangerous for expectant mothers. Folate deficiency anemia in pregnant women can lead to extremely negative consequences for the unborn child.

Indirect reasons

Indirect causes that increase the chance of gastritis are:

  • Malfunctions of the cardiovascular system caused by a deficiency of thiamine and riboflavin (vitamins B1 and B2, respectively).
  • Weakened immunity due to lack of vitamins C and E.
  • Slowing down the functioning of the nervous system with a long-term absence of vitamins B1, B12 and PP in the body.

It is important to take vitamins for gastritis, since the body can no longer obtain them from food due to impaired digestion of food, but the best option would be to prevent the disease by normalizing the diet and eliminating stressful situations.

The advisability of taking vitamin-mineral complexes

In pharmacy vitamin-mineral complexes, the composition of the drugs is carefully balanced and selected in such a way that the active substances help each other in active absorption. Different drugs have different compositions, so you can select those substances that are necessary for a particular patient in a particular case. One dose of the drug contains the daily norms of vitamins needed by the body, taking into account the fact that some of them will still come from food.

When you take a course of fortification, do not forget about drinking enough and consuming animal and vegetable fat. All vitamins are divided into water-soluble and fat-soluble. If the body does not create an environment for their absorption, then there will be no benefit from taking them.

Why is this so important?

A typical example is the following situation: a bacterium that causes gastritis and gastric ulcers can remain in a state of stasis until the immune system seriously fails, after which most of the stomach becomes infected and the disease develops.

Typically, this group includes chronic nervous disorders associated with irritability, lack of sleep and overwork, but there is no information about the reliability of such assumptions - along with these signs, a person violates his diet and often becomes infected with gastritis through food that is not sterile from Helicobacter pylori.

Therefore, to the question: “What vitamins are available for gastritis?” - answer: all those that are indicated in the list of causes of the disease. This will be one of the preventions of gastritis.

Vitamins for the treatment and prevention of gastritis

“What vitamins should I take for gastritis?” – the next question to the gastroenterologist after reporting the cause of the disease. In general, gastritis is treated using a whole range of measures to improve the health of the body. It includes:

  1. A diet that involves the exclusion of fried, smoked, excessively salty and sweet foods, as well as a ban on drinking alcohol and carbonated drinks, as they increase acidity, which is detrimental to the damaged gastric mucosa.
  2. The use of special medications aimed at reducing stomach acidity or protecting against damage from other medications. For this purpose, Omez, Omeprazole and Almagel are used.
  3. Maintaining the body's immune system by taking vitamins or immunomodulators like Interferon.

When treating gastritis with complex therapy, the following vitamins are used:

  1. Vitamin B5. It stimulates the regeneration of the gastric mucosa and reduces the acidity of gastric juice.
  2. Vitamin C. Normalizes the secretion of gastric juice, improves the condition of gastric vessels.
  3. Vitamin B6. Improves the condition of the body, alleviating some symptoms of the disease (nausea, vomiting and nervousness). It also brings metabolic processes and its speed to a normal state.

Complex vitamin preparations like Undevita are also used, but there are some exceptions. For gastritis with high acidity, vitamins C and PP should be taken last, since, despite their necessity, they increase the aggressiveness of gastric juice. The way out of the situation is to take ascorbic acid two to four hours after taking drugs that inhibit the secretion of the glands of the gastric mucosa.

Complex vitamin preparations for gastritis

B vitamins are used for any form of the disease, including gastritis with normal acidity. This group of nutrients has a beneficial effect on the restoration and regeneration of inflamed mucosa. They can be consumed with food, as well as together with vitamin complexes, which can be purchased at any pharmacy. However, you should avoid multivitamins that contain divalent iron, since this element irritates the gastric mucosa and aggravates the course of the disease.

Vitamin-mineral complexes contain a moderate dosage of useful substances that can be taken by patients with gastritis.

To get the maximum effect from the vitamin complex, the drug should be used taking into account certain rules:

  1. Multivitamins are prescribed only by the attending gastroenterologist, taking into account the patient’s age and the presence of other diseases.
  2. Before using the drug, you should read the instructions.
  3. Tablets or capsules should not be chewed or cracked; they should be washed down with plenty of water. Since with increased acidity of the stomach, vitamins are destroyed in an acidic environment, and capsules or whole tablets have a protective shell that does not dissolve quickly in the stomach.
  4. It is unacceptable to skip taking the drug.
  5. It is important to take vitamins once every three months for 2-3 weeks, especially in winter and spring, when the human body receives a minimum amount of nutrients.
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