What kind of cereals can you have for gastritis (this depends on the type and stage of the disease)

It does not create heaviness in the stomach, quickly dissolves and is absorbed, so the patient does not feel bloating or pain, as when taking other foods outside the diet. Each cereal has beneficial properties: oatmeal relieves pain, and buckwheat helps you stay calm and fight stress. Porridges contain:
  • complex carbohydrates needed for energy;
  • vitamins;
  • cellulose;
  • vegetable proteins and fats;
  • microelements, different for each individual crop.

The list of recommended cereals depends on the degree and type of disease. In addition, it is important to follow the cooking rules, because coarse fibers will only irritate the stomach tissue more, and the patient will not feel better.

Benefits of oats

The plant has a complex of valuable substances, and this in turn allows it to be used to treat many diseases. Oat grains can:

  • fight inflammatory processes;
  • improve the digestion process;
  • restore normal functioning of the nervous and cardiovascular systems;
  • increase immunity;
  • increase the strength of the vascular walls and muscle walls of the intestine;
  • improve the functioning of the musculoskeletal system;
  • stimulate mental activity;
  • fight diseases of the urinary system;
  • remove excess fluid and toxic substances from the body.

Oats for gastritis with high acidity help restore the pH in the stomach. But before using it, it is better to consult a doctor to know how to use the cereal correctly.

Why nutritionists love oatmeal

Oatmeal is rich in coarse dietary fiber, which, after entering the stomach, begins to absorb liquid and increase in size.

As they pass through the intestines, they help eliminate dangerous toxins and waste.

Here is a list of the main advantages of oatmeal:

  1. Reducing the risk of heart attack and stroke.
  2. Prevention of the development of atherosclerosis.
  3. Strengthening the immune system.
  4. Reducing cholesterol levels.
  5. Normalization of intestinal motility.
  6. Creation of a dense enveloping film in the stomach, as a result of which a person with gastritis feels less pain when eating.
  7. Prevention of constipation.
  8. Enrichment with nutrients and vitamins.
  9. Normalization of the nervous system.
  10. Regeneration of inflamed mucosa.

Oatmeal is good for the body, but in case of exacerbation, the use of the product should be allowed by a doctor.

Use of cereals for gastritis

To combat diseases of the digestive system, oats are often used in the form of an infusion or decoction. Making a decoction is simple.

  1. Wash the cereal grains and dry.
  2. Grind them (you can use a coffee grinder).
  3. ½ cup of grains is poured into 500 ml of water and boiled, covered, for 30 minutes (it is important to ensure that the broth does not run off).
  4. The broth is cooled and passed through cheesecloth or a sieve.
  5. Bring boiling water to 500 ml.

The resulting mixture should resemble jelly in consistency. Drink oat decoction for gastritis three times a day before meals.

In addition, you can make an infusion from oats.

  1. ½ cup of grains is washed and 0.5 liters of water are added.
  2. The mixture is left for 12 hours.
  3. After this, the infusion is boiled for 30 minutes and left for 12 hours.
  4. Strain and dilute with boiled water, you should get 500 ml of liquid.

After this, the infusion is ready for use. Take the product three times a day 10-15 minutes before meals.

Grains, flakes, "Hercules"

When people think of oatmeal, they think of classic cereal, but natural oatmeal comes in the form of a whole grain.
Externally, oat grains are similar to wheat, barley and other grains. The advantage of natural cereals is that they are not subject to additional processing. Thanks to this, the cereal retains maximum of its beneficial properties and has a rich composition.

Whole oat grains contain bran. Most of the vitamins, microelements and antioxidants are concentrated in them. The cereal is also rich in beta-glucan, which can reduce the level of dangerous cholesterol in the blood.

The value of bran is also that it is a kind of “brush” for the intestines, i.e. stimulate peristalsis and absorb all toxins and waste.

Despite the benefits, whole grains are rarely used in everyday life. This is due to the length of time it takes to prepare porridge from it, which makes oatmeal “inconvenient” for preparing breakfast. It will take at least an hour to prepare porridge from natural grains, while “Hercules” will be ready after 5-8 minutes.

Oatmeal is associated with strength and excellent health. This product is very popular due to its quick preparation, which is why it is often used for breakfast.

To get the most benefits from oatmeal, avoid instant oats. Buy traditional Hercules, which needs to be boiled.


Doctors do not recommend oats for:

  • cardiovascular or renal failure;
  • individual intolerance to oats;
  • gastritis with increased acidity;
  • dysfunction of the gallbladder.

To ensure safe treatment, you should consult your doctor before starting therapy. He will collect anamnesis, analyze the results of the examination and tell you in which cases it is allowed and in which cases it is prohibited to use oat-based medications.

Exacerbation period

In acute form, diet 1A is needed. According to it, from the second day of active treatment to the fourth, the diet includes only warm porridges and soups with cereals. Any crops must be boiled for a long time so that they are well boiled, and this must be done in a large amount of water. Add very little salt to the finished dish, and you can season it with milk, butter, and cream.

This phase does not last long. Many people are scared by the list of restrictions. But if you follow all the doctor’s recommendations, then within a few days the acute pain will go away and you can enrich your diet.

You can eat

  • oatmeal;
  • rice (round grain);
  • semolina;
  • oatmeal.


Drawing up a treatment regimen is the prerogative of the doctor, but it is useful to supplement pharmaceutical drugs with oats. It is indicated for gastritis with different acidity, and is also effective for reflux disease. Below are popular recipes for homemade oat-based medicines.

General strengthening decoction

If the body reacts calmly to milk, a tonic decoction will help with gastritis.

  1. Rinse and dry ½ cup of oat grains.
  2. Grind.
  3. Pour 200 ml of boiling water and place in a steam bath.
  4. When the consistency becomes creamy, add 250 ml of milk and boil.
  5. Cool and strain.

To improve the taste, you can add 3 tbsp. l. honey Drink the decoction warm, three times a day.

Oatmeal decoction

You need 2 tbsp. l. Mix flour with 250 ml of boiled water and leave in a warm place. Take the product before meals for several days.

Oat bran

To combat gastritis, you can use ground grains. They contain a maximum of vitamins and microelements. It is better to alternate dishes made from ground grains with more gentle foods or add them to other dishes.

Oat infusion

Oat infusion is prepared from whole grains. Pour ¼ cup of grains into 250 ml of boiling water. Since preparing the infusion takes a long time, it is better to make 1 liter at once.

  1. Rinse and dry a glass of beans.
  2. Pour a liter of boiling water over them and leave for 12 hours.
  3. Place the mixture in a water bath for 30 minutes.
  4. Cool and leave for 12 hours.

Before taking, the resulting infusion is filtered through a sieve and topped up with boiled water to obtain 1 liter of liquid. It is recommended to warm it up before use, and it is allowed to take it up to 6 times a day.

Oat jelly

You need to pour 450 g of cereal into 1.5 liters of water and add salt. Leave the mixture in a warm place for 1.5 days, strain and boil until the consistency of thick sour cream.

You can take the drug not only for gastritis, but also in cases where erosion forms and a peptic ulcer develops. However, it is necessary to take into account that such pathologies require drug treatment under the supervision of a doctor. With these diseases there is a high risk of developing severe and dangerous complications.

Oatmeal for gastritis

Oatmeal, if cooked incorrectly, loses its beneficial properties. To prevent this from happening, you need to cook it according to the rules.

It is better to use water rather than milk, especially if the disease is in the acute stage. Milk is difficult to digest and causes increased acid synthesis in the stomach. With gastritis, this will only worsen the condition.

You can add a little low-fat yogurt or cheese to the finished dish. The lower the fat content, the easier the porridge will be digested.

Particular attention should be paid to the choice of cereals. Oatmeal should be whole grain.

Flakes are not suitable - they are too difficult for digestion and can provoke an exacerbation of the disease. They should not be poured with boiling water, but boiled for a quarter of an hour.

There are several important rules:

  • cooked oatmeal should have a liquid consistency;
  • It is better to eat porridge warm;
  • avoid using salt;
  • it is allowed to add a little butter, yogurt or cheese to the finished porridge;
  • cook porridge in water.

You can add honey or pre-steamed dried fruits to the dish: dates, dried apricots, raisins. For gastritis with high acidity, fresh fruits and vegetables are prohibited. However, any supplements are allowed only during remission, and during exacerbation of the disease, the diet should be gentle.

Oat tea

Unrefined oat grains are ground in a coffee grinder. The powder is poured with hot boiled water in a ratio of 1 to 1 and left to infuse. You can drink the prepared infusion instead of regular tea.

Oats are effective for gastrointestinal pathologies, but in no case should you neglect the means of traditional medicine and self-medicate.

Neglecting medications can cause a deterioration in the condition and the development of complications that are dangerous not only to health, but also to life.

Remission period

Only patients with the chronic form go through this stage. In this phase, nothing hurts anymore, digestion has calmed down and is working relatively normally. But you still don’t need to relax if you don’t want the acute phase to come again.

The diet excludes heavy, pickled, fried foods so that they do not irritate the digestion and cause an exacerbation of the disease. Table number 2 is the main recommendation during this period. The diet is balanced and can be followed for a long time. It includes soups with cereals in vegetable or low-fat broth (from fish, mushrooms or milk), and porridges remain boiled. You can actively introduce vegetables, for example, pumpkin porridge. Make sure the food is warm. Don't skip a dose or go hungry - this will have a bad effect on your well-being.

Whole grain cereals (for example, flaxseed porridge) are not recommended for gastritis. All crops except rice and buckwheat will irritate the walls of the stomach and can lead to exacerbation.

You can eat

  • buckwheat;
  • oatmeal;
  • semolina;
  • rice;
  • corn (with caution);
  • wheat porridge;
  • barley (with caution).

If you carefully monitor your diet, the disease may not go into the acute phase. The extent to which you follow all the recommendations determines whether you will continue to suffer from acute pain.

About the benefits of the legendary “Hercules porridge”

At first glance, it’s a simple and inexpensive cereal, isn’t it? Taking a closer look, we notice the impressive chemical composition:

  • B vitamins. Mostly B1 and B6.
  • Vitamins PP, E and N.
  • Monosaccharides.
  • Fatty acid.
  • Dietary fiber, starch.
  • Macroelements are represented by phosphorus, magnesium and sodium.
  • There are also a lot of microelements in oatmeal: manganese, iodine, zinc.

We asked nutritionists what nutritional value does rolled oats have. We share with you the result obtained:

  • 100 g of product contains 61.8 g of carbohydrates.
  • Fat – only 6.2 g.
  • Protein – 12.3 g.
  • 100 grams of cereal contains 352 calories.

The benefits of porridge for gastrointestinal diseases

Oatmeal is recommended for use in all forms of gastritis and peptic ulcers. Contraindications for use may only be for those who suffer from gluten intolerance and allergies, but even the youngest patients and pregnant women can eat it.

Oatmeal differs from other cereals in the following beneficial properties:

  • Availability of vitamins A, B12, E, K.
  • Contains magnesium, iodine, sulfur, iron and many other trace elements.
  • Satisfies the feeling of hunger, which is especially important for patients with hyperacid gastritis.
  • High content of proteins and lipids, antioxidants.
  • A pronounced astringent effect reduces pain during exacerbation of the disease, and also prevents it.
  • A kind of antidepressant that prevents relapse in the presence of stressful situations.
  • Restores damaged mucous membranes, that is, promotes its regeneration.

How to choose a quality product?

A wide range of oatmeal is available on the shelves of modern supermarkets. Here you can see traditional cereals, cereals and even newfangled muesli. All of them are a different interpretation of the product and differ from each other only in appearance, time and method of preparation.

Let’s immediately say a few words about muesli made from oatmeal. If you have gastritis, it is better to refrain from consuming this type of product, since it contains dried fruits, candied fruits and nuts, which are contraindicated for people with problems with the digestive system.

Compressed flakes made from oatmeal are especially popular among domestic consumers. They cook three times faster than whole grains, but at the same time retain all the beneficial properties.

When choosing a product, it is better to give preference to a product with flakes or grains of a clear shape. The bag of cereal should not contain any foreign matter, such as crumbs or dust.

What to do if your stomach hurts after eating oatmeal

Oddly enough, stomach pain and heartburn most often occur from oatmeal. This may be due to the following reasons:

  • improperly prepared dish;
  • individual intolerance to porridge;
  • adding foreign ingredients to a dish.

Most often, abdominal pain occurs when eating oatmeal, which, according to modern fashionable recipes, has been pre-fried in oil. Such a dish can cause not only pain in a person, but also nausea and vomiting, because eating fried food in such a state is strictly prohibited.

Unpleasant sensations in the stomach may occur when using instant cereals. It is especially dangerous to consume oatmeal, which contains artificial colors and flavorings. They will certainly cause irritation in the stomach.

Heartburn and pain also occur when eating burnt porridge. The opinion that burnt food can cleanse the intestines of toxins is incorrect.

It should be understood that even properly prepared oatmeal can worsen a person’s condition if fresh fruits, full-fat milk or other non-dietary ingredients are added to it. Also, taking a product that is too hot can cause a spasm.

If a person experiences stomach pain after eating oatmeal, they should stop eating this dish or replace the porridge with a decoction. To relieve unpleasant symptoms, you need to take the drug recommended by your doctor.

How to prepare oat decoction: recipes, recommendations

How to prepare oatmeal broth? There are many recipes for making this drink. It all depends on the purpose for which it will be used.

We will look at all available recipes for preparing oat broth. But first, here are the basic rules that should be followed during the cooking process.

  1. You should not use oatmeal to prepare the product. For this purpose, grains cleared of chaff are suitable. Although, if it is not possible to purchase them, you can use flakes.
  2. First, rinse the oats well and then soak them in clean cold water. Proportions: 1 liter of water per 1 cup of cereal or cereal.
  3. The mixture should be infused for at least half a day. During this time, the oats will have time to swell well.

Only after completing the preparatory stage can you start preparing the oatmeal broth. Now let's look at the most interesting and useful recipes for this medicine.

Water-based oat decoction

To prepare oatmeal in water, you need to pour 200 g of cereal into 1 liter of water. After infusing for 12 hours, the mixture should be put on low heat and brought to a boil. Then cover the container with a lid and simmer the broth for another half hour.

Remove the container with the finished drink from the heat and wrap it well. After 12 hours, the liquid should be poured into a glass container, which should be stored in the refrigerator. Take half a glass of water-based oatmeal half an hour before meals.

Oat decoction with milk

Before you think about how to properly prepare oatmeal broth with milk, you need to make sure that there is no hypolactasia. This is a disorder characterized by lactose intolerance and in this case is a strict contraindication to drinking the drink. Most often, this medicine is taken for exacerbation of gastritis or inflammatory kidney damage.

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