How effective is Hilak Forte for diarrhea?


The active composition contains germ-free aqueous substrates of metabolic products of four beneficial bacteria:

  1. Escherichiacoli (Escherichia coli);
  2. Streptococcus faecalis (fecal Enterococcus);
  3. Lactobacillus acidophilus (Lactobacillus acidophilus);
  4. Lactobacillushelveticus (Lactobacillus helveticus).

In addition to the main active elements, the drug contains: sodium phosphate heptahydrate, potassium phosphate, potassium sorbate, lactic acid, citric acid monohydrate, concentrated phosphoric acid.

Effect on constipation: description of the drug and effect on the gastrointestinal tract

Hilak forte does not contain lactobacilli, but enriches the body with autoflora metabolites. They stimulate the body to independently increase the number of beneficial bacteria that bring the intestinal microflora into balance. Additional components are artificially created acids - lactic, citric and phosphoric, as well as potassium salt and amino acids. The emergence of new beneficial microorganisms allows you to restore proper intestinal function, reduce stool acidity and normalize the absorption of vitamins.

Additionally, the water-absorbing capacity of intestinal tissues, associated with the work of peristalsis, which helps promote digested food, is restored.

1 ml of the drug has an effect similar to the activity of one hundred billion microorganisms.

When should you not take it on your own and should you seek treatment from a doctor?

Hilak Forte should not be taken independently if the patient has a special sensitivity to the composition of the drug. In addition, you should always consult a doctor before giving Hilak Forte to children, as sometimes side effects may occur after taking it.

Despite the fact that Hilak Forte is, judging by its composition, a safe medicine, it is always better to consult a doctor before use, since any medicine has contraindications and adverse reactions.



Kefir grains and lactobacilli acidophilus are beneficial microorganisms that are found in Acipol and eliminate dysbacteriosis. The medication can be used after acute infectious diseases: salmonellosis, rotavirus gastroenteritis and dysentery.

The price tag for Atsipol is around 330 rubles (pack of 30 capsules).


A domestic preparation made from the biomass of living bacilli prevents the growth of opportunistic bacteria, the increased activity of which leads to constipation. The medication has a moderate antiallergic effect.

The cost of 1 bottle (10 ml) ranges from 310 to 350 rubles.


A mild lactulose-based laxative that restores peristalsis. After the substance is broken down in the colon (after 2 hours), constipation quickly disappears. The product is not recommended for use in case of: galactosemia and intestinal obstruction.

The cost of Duphalac varies from 290 to 320 rubles (200 ml bottle) and from 680–700 rubles (1000 ml package).


The popular product is sold both in capsules and drops and is intended to eliminate digestive problems.

Indications for use

Hilak forte helps not only with diarrhea. The drug can cope with the following diseases:

  • when intestinal physiology is disrupted, for example, after taking antibiotics, or ionizing radiation;
  • for indigestion;
  • for diarrhea, constipation, flatulence;
  • with catarrh of the stomach or intestines (gastroenteritis);
  • with inflammation of the colon mucosa;
  • with chronic or atrophic gastroenteritis (more often in older people);
  • for any gastrointestinal disorders that may appear after a change in climatic conditions;
  • with hypocidal and anacid gastritis;
  • with pathology of the liver, gall bladder;
  • for allergic skin rash;
  • for acute infectious pathologies in the recovery stage (including in infants).

Restrictions for children and pregnant women

The medication can be used for diarrhea, both during pregnancy and during breastfeeding and is completely safe.

However, before you start taking drops, it is better to consult with your pregnancy doctor or pediatrician.

Efficiency of using Hilak Forte

Diarrhea syndrome occurs unexpectedly and is familiar to every person. It develops as a result of various reasons and requires proper treatment. When eating low-quality food, digestive upset occurs due to toxins, but harmful microorganisms may not be detected. Or, conversely, diarrhea may appear as a result of an intestinal virus. In one case it is advisable to take an antibiotic, in another it is useless. Hilak Forte for diarrhea is a universal drug that helps in all cases of bowel dysfunction.

Its goal is to restore the intestinal microflora and have positive effects:

  • activate the protective, excretory properties of the digestive system,
  • normalize intestinal microflora,
  • strengthen local and general immunity,
  • accelerate the production of important substances,
  • normalize the level of acidity in the stomach,
  • accelerate the restoration of the epithelium.

Side effects of the drug

The drug may have side effects on the body, but they are practically not observed.

On the part of the gastrointestinal tract, diarrhea may intensify, or, conversely, constipation may appear. Allergic manifestations on the skin, itching or hives may occur.

Hilak Forte is approved for use by patients of any age and is usually well tolerated by everyone.


No cases of overdose with drops have been identified, but when taking the drug it is worth monitoring the patient’s reaction, especially a child.

Mode of application

Hilak forte are drops that are taken orally during meals, and are pre-diluted with any liquid, except dairy products.

An adult patient should take 40–60 drops three times a day to achieve the desired effect. When treating infants, it is enough to limit yourself to 15–30 drops, which are also taken three times a day. Children from the age of two and adolescents are usually prescribed 20 to 40 drops three times a day. In some cases, if improvement occurs, doctors allow the dose of the medication to be reduced by half.


There is no information on cases of overdose of Hilak Forte drops, as well as on methods of treating its consequences. This issue has not been studied.

Side effects

As a rule, side effects of Hilak Forte drops include allergic conditions. This may be a worsening of an existing gastrointestinal disease. There is a possibility of flatulence, bloating, nausea, vomiting, loss of appetite, and diarrhea. In some cases, taking the medicine causes skin rashes and itching. Unfortunately, there are more serious consequences. Urticaria may also appear. If allergy symptoms occur, you should immediately stop treatment with the drug and consult a doctor to eliminate unpleasant symptoms and prevent serious damage to your health. In addition, in such a situation, it is necessary to select a more suitable and gentle treatment regimen for the body.

special instructions

The use of Hilak Forte drops by pregnant and lactating women usually does not cause harm to either the mothers themselves or the children they are bearing or feeding; however, therapy, even with a medicine that is harmless, in the woman’s opinion, should begin with a preliminary medical consultation. This is a preventative measure against side effects and any situations where the treatment may harm the patient.

Storage: terms and conditions

If there are children in the family, they should under no circumstances have access to the place where Hilak Forte drops are stored. The maximum permissible storage temperature for the medicine is 48 months. If the package has already been opened, then after one and a half months of storage the drug must be thrown away.

Release from pharmacies

A doctor's prescription is not required to purchase Hilak Forte drops.


Hilak forte drops are available at every pharmacy kiosk. In addition, they can be purchased by ordering the medicine online. The cost fluctuates. The minimum price for a 30 ml bottle is 128 rubles, the maximum is 157 rubles. A bottle containing 100 ml of medicine costs from 320 to 634.12 rubles.


Analogues of the drug Hilak Forte are, as a rule, probiotics. These are, for example, Bifidumbacterin, Bifikol, Acilact, Lactobacterin, Acipol. The last three medicines contain lactobacilli, on the metabolic products of which Hilak Forte drops are based. They cost less. Available in the form of powders, tablets, suppositories. Those probiotics that are produced in the form of suppositories are suitable not only for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, but also for gynecological problems. Each medicine contains various excipients, so the most suitable remedy in each case should be selected by a general practitioner or gastroenterologist.



When the child began to actively grow, he developed functional constipation, although before that he constantly suffered from diarrhea. The feces were not present every day, and they were distinguished by very dense clots, almost “stones”. Ordinary laxatives were of little use; after a few days the problem returned. I don’t consider the appearance of extremely loose stools on the first day after taking it to be a positive effect. The pediatrician suspected dysbiosis and prescribed Hilak Forte. After completing the therapeutic course, the stool returned to normal. The effect turned out to be long-lasting - there was no constipation for several months. We repeat the course periodically.


I took antibiotics for a long time to cure nail fungus. A predictable development of events was the appearance of digestive problems, and I suffered greatly from constipation. Enemas helped very little; on the advice of a friend, I bought Hilak Forte and drank it for the maximum period specified in the instructions. The taste is tolerable (although quite sour - reminiscent of lemon), and did not cause any particular disgust, so you can safely drink it without dissolving in juices or compotes. The action is reminiscent of Linex, but it gives me another problem - intestinal upset.


We gave Hilak Forte to an infant for 3 weeks after we noticed problems with his stool. The product helped the tummy well, but the taste is very sour for a child. He constantly writhed and grimaced, but every time he drank. Now he is 8 months old and I think that he will no longer drink this solution - he will spit it out.

Useful video about the drug

Operating principle, effect

Normally, intestinal flora assumes a certain balance of microorganisms, which can change due to various diseases, poisoning, taking antibacterial agents, poor nutrition, after radiation or surgery. There are many signs of intestinal distress, which include diarrhea.

Through the use of Hilak Forte, the balance of microorganisms in the intestines is restored and stabilized. The composition of the drug is characterized by the presence of metabolic products of a normal set of beneficial microorganisms. Their natural balance in the intestines is stabilized during treatment, and the condition of the organ mucosa is restored.

The medication is characterized by a multicomponent composition, which includes lactic acid of biosynthetic origin with its buffer salts. This component allows you to bring acidity in the gastrointestinal tract to normal levels, regardless of where it pathologically deviated (decreased, increased).

Hilak Forte accelerates the formation of natural symbionts in the intestines, which ensures the normalization of the biological synthesis of vitamins K and group B. The medication also provokes the body’s immune response, due to which its protective functionality increases.

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