How to sit correctly to avoid hemorrhoids?

Hemorrhoids are a disease of the rectum, accompanied by the formation and loss of nodes. The pathology is directly related to blood circulation, so lifestyle and exercise can affect the patient’s condition. Patients should know whether it is possible to sit, lie or walk with hemorrhoids during remission and during exacerbations.

Hemorrhoids are a disease of the rectum, accompanied by the formation and loss of nodes.

Is it possible to walk?

During remission, walking will be an excellent preventive measure. The benefits of walking are obvious: blood stagnation is prevented, which is especially important for varicose veins. The risk of developing thrombosis, colon cancer, and digestive disorders is reduced. Movement prevents constipation. The muscle corset is strengthened, which allows you to remove excess stress from the tissues. Exacerbations occur less frequently.

Race walking is a permitted sport for hemorrhoids. Beginners are advised to walk 2-3 km during the lesson. After preparation and adaptation, you can increase the distance to 5-7 km. Exercises will help not only improve blood circulation, but also get rid of excess weight. The training is relatively gentle, but for joint diseases, abdominal obesity and problems with the spine, it is better to choose another sport.

Race walking is a permitted sport for hemorrhoids.

It is necessary to inform your attending physician in advance about the advisability of classes. The specialist will be able to objectively assess the patient’s condition, taking into account the severity of symptoms, the location of the lumps and the presence of underlying diseases. The doctor will select the optimal training regimen and give recommendations on intensity.

Warm up at work

How to sit correctly with hemorrhoids while at work? There are basic principles of body position: absolutely straight spine, straight shoulders, hard seat. You cannot constantly sit, stand, or lie down (during shift work). Periodically, every 1.5–2 hours, do a warm-up or walk to protect yourself from excessive blood stagnation in the pelvic area. If there are no breaks, you need to do a few simple exercises (you need to sit on a hard chair):

  • Tension and relaxation of the gluteal muscles.
  • Raise your legs bent at the knees towards the abdominal muscles and back.
  • Alternately cross your straightened legs.

Perform as many repetitions as possible.

Charging at work

Is it better to walk or lie down for acute hemorrhoids?

Aggravated hemorrhoids should be accompanied by a complete refusal of physical activity. When walking, mechanical injury to the nodes occurs as a result of friction. This causes a rush of blood and increases inflammation and pain. The effectiveness of therapy decreases. Swelling prevents the reduction of cones. Bleeding may occur.

It is especially important to provide the patient with rest in the last stages of the disease (3 and 4).

It is especially important to provide the patient with rest in the last stages of the disease (3 and 4). If it is impossible to give up walking and physical activity, sudden movements, bending and lifting heavy objects should be avoided. If an urgent need arises, you need to move slowly. The maximum weight that can be carried is 2 kg. If discomfort occurs, you need to take breaks.

Do I need to move after surgery?

Following medical instructions after surgery will help shorten the recovery period and prevent complications. The fastest recovery is observed as a result of the use of minimally invasive techniques for removing lumps in the anus. After hemorrhoidectomy, you should adhere to the following rules:

  • Maintain bed rest for the first 10-14 days.
  • On the fifth day, you can take short walks lasting no more than 10-15 minutes.
  • In the first three months, do not engage in strenuous sports.
  • Use an orthopedic pillow when sitting.
  • Do not lift heavy objects.
  • Follow a diet.
  • Don't sit for a long time.
  • Maintain intimate hygiene.

Any physical activity recommended for hemorrhoids is part of the treatment course, since therapy for this disease requires an integrated approach.

A combination of taking medications, using folk remedies, sports training, as well as following doctor’s orders regarding other important issues (how and what to sit on, whether to lie down, etc.) will help you quickly and effectively cope with the disease.

Which is correct?

To reduce the load on the venous system when walking, you must follow the following rules:

  1. You should keep your back straight. Often patients slouch to relieve pain. This only helps temporarily. Incorrect posture leads to uneven distribution of load on the musculoskeletal system. As a result, chaotic muscle spasms occur and blood circulation deteriorates.
  2. You need to monitor your condition. Long walks and fast pace should be avoided. For hemorrhoids, only vigorous exercise can be beneficial. Overexertion will lead to aggravation and bleeding.
  3. It is necessary to relax the muscles of the perineum and buttocks. Excessive contraction causes compression of the veins, which later causes nodes to appear. The walls of blood vessels are weakened.

You should sleep on your side with a pillow under your leg. It is not recommended to bend the limbs, as this impedes blood circulation. You should not sleep on your stomach or back. In the first case, the spine is bent. In the latter, stagnation occurs and pressure on the rectum increases. The mattress must be flat. It is advisable to purchase an anatomical product of medium hardness. The surface should keep the spine straight.

Is it possible to have sex, go to the bathhouse and drink alcohol if you have hemorrhoids?

We talk about the causes of the disease and when you should visit a proctologist.

Hemorrhoids occur due to enlargement of hemorrhoids (cavernous vascular plexuses). These formations are normal, they are present in a person from birth, and only create a problem when they increase.

As Vyacheslav Vtulkin, a proctologist at the Naedine clinic, explains, cavernous plexuses can increase due to constipation and prolonged straining when visiting the toilet. These factors lead to blood stagnating in the joints, they enlarge, and as the disease progresses, dystrophic changes appear, which can lead to the nodes falling out.

Lifestyle also influences the occurrence of the disease. Lack of sleep, poor diet, sedentary work and decreased physical activity are all factors that increase the risk of developing the disease.

Depending on the location of the nodes, hemorrhoids can be external, internal or combined. With external they are located in the area of ​​the anus, with internal - directly in the rectum, and with combined - both there and there.

How to recognize

The main signs of the disease are blood on toilet paper or peculiar “bumps” in the anus - prolapsed hemorrhoids. In later stages, they may include itching, discomfort in the anus, mucus secretion and fecal incontinence.

Could there be a fever? Does your lower abdomen hurt?

As a rule, high temperature is not typical for hemorrhoids, notes Vyacheslav Vtulkin. A slight increase - 37 - 37.2 degrees - can be a reaction to inflammation and pain, but this happens quite rarely.

This disease does not cause pain in the lower abdomen. This symptom may indicate diseases of the digestive, urinary or reproductive systems. If you are concerned about pain in this area, undergo an ultrasound examination, FGDS, colonoscopy, or consult a specialist.

Treatment and surgery

At the first and second stages, the disease is treated using conservative and minimally invasive techniques, at the third and fourth (sometimes also at the second) - with surgical methods. Surgery is also used when the first two methods do not produce any effect.

Conservative treatment is a change in lifestyle and the use of medications. First of all, the patient is advised to move more and adhere to a certain diet. Compliance with these recommendations helps reduce the intensity of symptoms of the disease. If this does not help, then the doctor may prescribe medications that affect stool, microcirculation, and painkillers for pain. Sports activities, running, gym, walking, cycling are limited only during an exacerbation period.

At the initial stages of the disease, if there is no effect from conservative treatment, minimally invasive treatment methods are performed (infrared photocoagulation, sclerotherapy, ligation). These methods are painless, and after them the patient quickly returns to his normal lifestyle.

For stage 3-4 hemorrhoids, it is recommended to perform excision of hemorrhoids using a radio wave method under medicated sleep in the presence of an anesthesiologist.

Can hemorrhoids appear after treatment?

If the recommendations given by the doctor are not followed, neighboring hemorrhoids may become inflamed. As a rule, patients who have once encountered this disease begin to be more attentive to themselves and their health: they monitor their diet, bowel movements, and maintain hygiene, which leads to long periods of remission.

Do hemorrhoids go away on their own?

The symptoms may go away without treatment, but they are likely to return again. Moreover, if the disease is ignored, it will progress to later stages or lead to complications. For example, prolonged bleeding can cause anemia (low red blood cell count or hemoglobin). Therefore, the sooner you start solving the problem, the better.

Treatment at home and folk remedies

Vyacheslav Konstantinovich notes that often in his practice there are patients who prefer to be treated with traditional methods. But due to the fact that this is ineffective, a person simply remains ill longer, hoping for recovery, and the disease not only does not go away, but also progresses. Therefore, the use of folk remedies often complicates the process of subsequent treatment by a proctologist.

Can hemorrhoids develop into cancer?

Hemorrhoids do not turn into cancer. But it is worth considering that the symptoms of these diseases are similar, so consult a doctor at the first sign.

Is it possible to go to the sauna, take a bath, or drink alcohol?

In case of exacerbation, it is better to avoid baths and hot baths: thermal procedures during such periods are undesirable. During remission there are no restrictions.

This also applies to alcohol. In case of exacerbation, it is worth eliminating it or reducing it to a minimum. If the symptoms go away, then you can allow yourself to drink.

Is it possible to have sex?

If we talk about sex, traditional forms of hemorrhoids are not prohibited, but anal sex can injure hemorrhoids and cause pain and bleeding.

Briefly about the main thing:

1. Hemorrhoids are an increase in cavernous compounds that are present in the human body from birth. They can increase due to constipation and long straining when visiting the toilet.

2. Symptoms - blood on toilet paper, peculiar “bumps” in the anus (prolapsed hemorrhoids), itching, discomfort in the anus, mucus discharge and fecal incontinence.

3. The disease is treated both conservatively and surgically. The operation consists of removing enlarged nodes.

4. The disease cannot go away without treatment. Symptoms sometimes disappear, but if nothing is done, they reappear.

5. Self-medication and the use of folk remedies can lead to complications of the disease and its transition to a more severe stage.

If you have questions that you cannot find an answer to, ask our specialists and we will try to answer them.

Photo: Sergey Zykov

On this topic


Pain when going to the toilet and hemorrhoids. Delicate questions for a proctologist

How to sit correctly?

It is important to pay attention to choosing the right chair. The seat surface must be hard. It is advisable to give preference to metal and wooden products. The height should be such that the legs reach the floor and bend at a right angle. This pose promotes proper blood circulation. The back should be flat and comfortable. It is important to relax the spine to prevent muscle spasm. It is advisable to purchase a chair with armrests. This will help keep your upper shoulder girdle and arms in optimal position.

You should sit up straight. It is necessary to monitor your posture. Your feet should rest firmly on the floor. The legs need to be relaxed. At first, this position causes discomfort. When changing position, the pain is relieved due to the redistribution of the load. However, in the long run, correct posture will prevent circulatory problems.

You should sit up straight. It is necessary to monitor your posture. Your feet should rest firmly on the floor.

It is highly recommended to take a short rest and change position every 30-40 minutes. You can organize a walk or exercise. Therapeutic physical exercises prevent blood stagnation, but you can only exercise during remission.

During exacerbations, cold compresses are used to relieve pain. However, overuse can lead to loss of vascular tone. When symptoms intensify, it is advisable to take a horizontal position, since in a sitting position there is increased pressure on the nodes.

Not only sitting correctly

Sitting or lying down correctly with a disease such as hemorrhoids is very important, but this is not enough to get rid of it. You need to see a doctor in time, undergo the necessary examination and a course of complex therapy. It includes medications, rectal suppositories, special ointments, compresses, and diet.

It is allowed to use safe but effective traditional medicine recipes for the treatment of hemorrhoids. It is necessary to lead an active lifestyle, move more, but not abuse heavy physical activity, lifting and carrying heavy objects.

A patient with hemorrhoids must make every effort to alleviate his condition and get rid of the symptoms of an unpleasant disease, follow the recommendations of the attending physician, get rid of bad habits, lose weight, eat right, and fight constipation. Those who have undergone surgery to remove hemorrhoids must prevent the appearance of new ones and the progression of the disease to an advanced state. These recommendations are at the same time methods of prevention; by following them, you can maintain health and quality of life by avoiding hemorrhoids or overcoming them at the very beginning of their development, even during sedentary work.

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Pillow for hemorrhoids

Special orthopedic pillows can relieve pain and reduce the risk of exacerbations. The shape of the products ensures unimpeded blood flow from the rectal area, which reduces the load on hemorrhoidal cones. The pillow prevents contact of the anal area with the seat. The fulcrum is transferred, most of the work falls on the femur and pelvic bones.

Orthopedic pillows are used for prevention, during pregnancy, and also for those people who have to spend a lot of time in a sitting position.

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