Calendula suppositories - how to use correctly for hemorrhoids

Due to its medicinal properties, calendula is very often used in medicine. It has an anti-inflammatory effect.

And in this regard, rectal suppositories with calendula for hemorrhoids are one of the most popular medicines.

Hemorrhoids can appear in both young and older people. The symptoms of the disease are most often the same - pain during bowel movements, which is accompanied by bleeding and burning in the rectal area.

What does calendula contain?

Calendula (marigold) consists of substances and trace elements valuable for the treatment of hemorrhoids:

  • bitterness (has a beneficial effect on digestion, preventing constipation);
  • saponins (lower blood pressure, eliminate swelling, reduce tension in the nervous system);
  • phytoncides (kill germs and bacteria, which reduces the risk of wound infection);
  • carotene (participates in the formation of skin cells, removes toxins);
  • essential oil (antispasmodic, anti-inflammatory);
  • resinous and tannin substances (increase blood clotting, stop bleeding of prolapsed nodes by forming a local blood clot, without disrupting blood circulation in neighboring tissues);
  • coumarins (anti-inflammatory effect in the anal area).

The chemical composition of the inflorescences is varied. Copper, manganese, iron, zinc, magnesium, calcium, selenium, contained in small concentrations, have a beneficial effect on the body and are involved in curing anal problems.

Dosage forms of remedies with calendula for hemorrhoids

Calendula-based pharmaceutical products are available in several forms. They are chosen individually, the choice depends on the location of the lesion, stage, and nature of the disease.

Ointment or cream

Calendula ointment is effective for hemorrhoids at the stage of prolapse of rectal nodes. When applied directly to the affected area, it quickly relieves swelling and inflammation, increases the rate of cell and tissue restoration, and acts as an antiseptic. The cream should be applied twice a day, morning and evening. You can buy the ointment at the pharmacy or make it yourself.


Calendula is used for hemorrhoids in the form of a tincture. The effect of the product on the sore spot occurs with the help of sitz baths, microenemas and compresses applied to the anus to reduce inflamed nodes. Helps with exacerbation of the disease. An alcoholic tincture of a medicinal plant has antimicrobial properties.

Rectal suppositories

In the conservative treatment of hemorrhoids with internal lesions of the rectum, herbal preparations are used. Antihemorrhoidal suppositories with marigold extract are a homeopathic remedy that provides relief from signs of the disease and a speedy recovery. Pros: inexpensive, effective, easy to use.

Why does calendula help with hemorrhoids?

Calendula is rich in various substances, the benefits of which in the treatment of hemorrhoids are difficult to overestimate. This:

  • coumarins, which have an anti-inflammatory effect;
  • carotene, which accelerates healing;
  • essential oils that have an antiseptic effect;
  • flavonoids and organic acids, which not only reduce inflammation, but also strengthen the walls of capillaries, which is very important in inflamed areas.

These three properties of calendula for hemorrhoids allow you to quickly get rid of the unpleasant symptoms of the disease at its very beginning. In principle, all drugs for hemorrhoids have these properties.

Pain from hemorrhoids is a sign of inflammation. There are medications that can temporarily relieve pain, but usually they are not completely harmless.

Using calendula preparations will not completely remove the pain immediately, but with each use the inflammation will decrease, and so will the pain.

Therapeutic effects of calendula suppositories

The form of the drug is used for local targeted action on areas of damage to the rectum. Rectal suppositories can:

  • slow down inflammation;
  • relieve pain;
  • eliminate itching and burning;
  • reduce swelling;
  • stop bleeding of nodes;
  • destroy pathogenic organisms;
  • improve trophism of rectal tissue;
  • accelerate the healing of cracks.

The expected effect of calendula suppositories is more pronounced in the early stages of the disease. In advanced forms, the drug is recommended to be used in combination with other drugs after consultation with a proctologist.

Suppositories based on calendula

Calendula for hemorrhoids appears to be an effective remedy that quickly eliminates the uncomfortable symptoms of the disease, while ensuring complete recovery of the patient at an early stage of the pathology.

Each suppository contains 57 mg of plant extract. They accelerate the healing process of injured mucous membranes, enhance cell regeneration, and relieve pain.

The medicinal plant includes flavonoids, carotene, essential oils, mineral elements and other useful substances. Essential oils destroy pathogenic microflora, and tanning components constrict blood vessels and stop bleeding.

Rectal suppositories are a good way to combat the unpleasant symptoms of proctological disease. However, despite the herbal composition of the medicine, the drug cannot be recommended in the following situations:

  • An infectious inflammatory process localized in the rectum.
  • Acute form of tuberculosis.
  • Permanent hypertension, problems with the cardiovascular system.
  • Diabetes mellitus, complicated by a decrease in the immune system.
  • Acute osteoporosis.
  • Ulcerative lesions of the rectum.

A contraindication is hypersensitivity to calendula or auxiliary components of the drug, as a result of which an allergy with skin manifestations develops.

As for the likely development of adverse reactions, they are rare. Reviews from patients indicate good tolerability in most cases. However, some patients complain of itching and burning in the anus after using suppositories.

During therapy, it is recommended to avoid drinking alcoholic beverages, as alcohol reduces the effectiveness of the medicine, as a result of which the treatment will not give the required result.

Making suppositories at home

Experience proves that calendula for hemorrhoids is a proven remedy. In order not to give up the healing effect of the plant due to intolerance to the additional components of the candles, they are prepared independently.

The base is alcohol tincture. Use 1 tbsp. a spoonful of dry calendula flowers. Pour 5 tbsp. spoons of alcohol, place the resulting mixture in an airtight container and leave at room temperature for a week.

Drain the finished tincture, add butter, stirring in a water bath, until it reaches a uniform consistency. The mixture is frozen in the refrigerator, poured into molds. Treatment with homemade suppositories is carried out as if purchased from a pharmacy.

How to use calendula suppositories

Suppositories for hemorrhoids are inserted into the anus 2-3 times a day for 7-10 days. The regimen and course of therapy vary depending on the nature of the disease and the patient’s condition. In the initial stages, one injection per day is enough.

For the effect of the rectal remedy to be effective, you should thoroughly empty your intestines before use. Doctors recommend an additional cleansing enema after defecation. Introduce the candle immediately after opening the package - the product quickly reacts to heat and melts in your hands. Recommended positions for inserting a suppository are knee-elbow, lying on your side.

After inserting an antihemorrhoidal suppository into the rectum, you must spend half an hour in a lying position so that the drug does not leak out and is absorbed.

You cannot use suppositories for hemorrhoids with calendula simultaneously with barbiturates and medications that contain:

  • ginseng;
  • poppy;
  • hop;
  • valerian.

Homemade suppositories for hemorrhoids with calendula

There are 2 types of rectal suppositories based on calendula inflorescences:

  1. cooling and relieving swelling in case of severe inflammation (ice based);
  2. oil-based softening and healing.

Using an infusion of calendula and fat, you can make candles for hemorrhoids at home.
To prepare the first version of suppositories, you will need to pour the calendula infusion into cylindrical molds and put it in the refrigerator, and then use it for its intended purpose. To make the second, you should mix the calendula infusion with pre-softened vegetable or butter. Take proportions 1:1. If desired, add 2 tablespoons of honey to the mixture. The consistency of the resulting mixture should resemble thick cream. You need to make candles out of it with your hands, put them on paper and put them in the freezer. When the oil freezes, the preparation is ready for use.

When not to use and what are the dangers

Calendula does not have any negative effects on the condition of women when carrying and breastfeeding a child, so its use in the treatment of hemorrhoids is safe. Patients rarely experience allergies to individual components of suppositories in the form of skin peeling, redness, and a mild rash. If signs appear, stop therapy with calendula suppositories.

The only serious contraindication is low blood pressure in the patient. Calendula is characterized by hypotonic properties. People with diabetes mellitus, tuberculosis and arrhythmia should undergo an examination and consult a doctor before starting to use the product.

Cost, analogues

Calendula suppositories (instructions are included with the medicine) cost between 60-100 rubles. They can be purchased at any pharmacy.

If for some reason the Calendula candles are not suitable, then they can be replaced by analogues. Among them:

  • “Calendula DN” candles cost around 200 rubles, are made in Russia (Moscow);
  • Russian-made Calendula ointment (MosPharma) costs around 80 rubles, Belarusian - about 30 rubles.

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If the use of suppositories with calendula in the treatment of hemorrhoids does not produce results, the doctor can replace them with a drug with a different composition, but a similar effect. These may be the following medications:

  • "Hepatrombin G". The price of the ointment is about 200 rubles, the suppositories are around 270 rubles, the drug is produced in Serbia.
  • "Gepazolone." The cost of the medicine varies within 300 rubles for 10 suppositories; the medicine is manufactured in Russia.
  • "Nigepan." The medicine is produced in the Russian Federation, the cost of 10 suppositories is 260 rubles.
  • "Relief". Produced in Greece, 12 rectal suppositories cost around 400 rubles.
  • "Natalsid." The medicine is produced in Russia, the price of one package is 360 rubles.
  • Sea buckthorn candles. They are produced in Russia and cost about 100 rubles.
  • "Methyluracil". Suppositories are manufactured in the Russian Federation, the cost of one package is about 80 rubles.

These and other medications are no less effective than calendula suppositories. And they also successfully cure hemorrhoids. You should not select a replacement medication yourself. This should be done by a doctor, based on the picture of the disease and the patient’s condition.

Reviews of candles with calendula

Natalya, Omsk, 39 years old: I try to be treated with folk remedies or natural ones. I had to face a misfortune - hemorrhoids. I consulted with my friends and went to see a doctor. He prescribed rectal suppositories containing calendula. I knew about the properties of the plant for a long time, so I boldly bought it and was surprised by the reasonable price and speed of action. After 3 days there was relief - no side effects.

Olesya, Kirov, 26 years old: Difficult pregnancy, large child. Consequence - knots came out around the rear hole. There is no time to treat right away; you can’t run to the doctors with your child. Launched. The nodes began to become inflamed, itchy and bleeding. The pain is terrible. I decided to ask advice at the pharmacy, they gave me rectal suppositories with calendula and told me to insert them twice a day. After two days the pain stopped, after a few days I stopped noticing blood. There are 7 suppositories left, I hope to forget about hemorrhoids.

Gennady, Izhevsk, 43 years old: I’m not enthusiastic about medicines in the form of suppositories in principle. With large hands it is difficult to hold a small slippery candle. While I inserted it, half of it remained on my fingers - it melted before my eyes. I lay there for 30–35 minutes, went about my business, and began to feel something leaking. It’s uncomfortable to use, although the pain has subsided and it doesn’t itch much.

Maria, Kazan, 48 years old: I sat at work and got hemorrhoids, an extra 30 kg of weight. Occasionally I scratched the problem area, then it started to get hot. During hygiene procedures I felt nodules. I decided not to resort to chemicals and try to cure it with herbs. I found information about calendula. I went to the pharmacy to buy dried flowers to prepare a decoction for washing, the pharmacist advised me to take suppositories based on calendula extract. I used the decoction and suppositories at the same time. After 10 days, there was no trace left of the nodes and itching. At the initial stage of the disease, suppositories helped.

Nina, Rostov, 56 years old: The hard work of a village resident led to a painful illness. I tried to ignore the slight discomfort. When the pain intensified, I turned to a local paramedic and referred her to a doctor. When the blood began to flow, the bumps came out, I had to go to the doctor. He said that it had already started, the operation would help. To alleviate suffering, he advised me to buy a package of suppositories with calendula for hemorrhoids. Indeed, the pain began to subside, even the bumps decreased, and the bleeding was less frequent. It's a pity that I didn't use the product earlier.

To eliminate the early symptoms of hemorrhoids, it is better to use calendula-based suppositories. Numerous positive reviews show that the effect of the drug extends to the first signs of the disease, stopping bleeding, healing of wounds and cracks.

Extracts of medicinal plants are widely used in both folk and official medicine. Natural anti-inflammatory drugs are low-toxic, have virtually no contraindications, but at the same time they have a therapeutic effect and are combined with other methods of treatment. Today, almost 40% of pharmacological drugs are made on the basis of medicinal herbs. The share of herbal products compared to synthetic analogues is steadily growing.

The scope of many medicinal herbs is not limited to one group of diseases. As a rule, plants have a complex effect, and some forms have an exclusively local effect. One such natural medicine with a broad spectrum of action is calendula, or marigold, - the flowers of the plant are used for therapeutic or preventive purposes.

A few words about calendula

Calendula, or marigold, as this plant is sometimes popularly called, is famous not only for its beautiful orange flowers. Calendula is a medicinal plant that has long been successfully used in various branches of medicine. The effect it has is due to the unique composition of different parts of the plant. Most often, dried flowers are used to isolate the extract and further use for medicinal purposes. So, what components can be found in inflorescences:

  1. Sterols. This component has the ability to prepare the body for stress. In terms of their effect, the action of sterols can be compared with immunomodulators of natural origin.
  2. Carotenoids. When applied topically as part of calendula suppositories or ointments for hemorrhoids, they help protect cellular structures from damage. In addition, their positive preventive effect against cancer processes is known.
  3. Bioflavonoids. They contribute to general and local strengthening of the immune system, and also prevent the formation of malignant tumors. Bioflavonoids also have a mild anti-inflammatory and antiviral effect, and therefore rectal suppositories with calendula will help with hemorrhoids of an infectious nature.
  4. Triterpenoids. These are anti-inflammatory components of natural origin that act no worse than chemically created compounds.
  5. Coumarins. This component acts as an anticoagulant and is often used for the prevention and treatment of thrombosis, including in the rectal area. The mild antispasmodic effect of coumarins is also known, and therefore suppositories with calendula extract for hemorrhoids will help relieve muscle tension in the anal sphincter area.
  6. Essential oils. There are several types of them in calendula. In addition to the numerous medicinal properties of each type of oil, they have the ability to enhance and increase the absorption of other components that are in close proximity to them.
  7. Minerals. Violation of the integrity of the skin is often observed in individuals with a lack of nutritional components in the cellular structures. Calendula suppositories will restore the imbalance and help restore natural strength to cells.

The healing properties of calendula

The healing properties of the plant are due to the biologically active substances that are part of calendula:

  • Carotenoids, which give marigold flowers their bright orange color, are essential for the synthesis of vitamin A.
  • Alcohols similar to cholesterol (sterols) reduce the level of this fat-like substance in the blood.
  • Triterpenoids, which have an anti-inflammatory effect, help improve the transmission of nerve impulses.
  • Flavonoids promote the healing of damage, relieve spasms of smooth muscles, eliminate or prevent neoplasms, and stimulate the production of bile and urine in sufficient quantities.
  • Essential oils that have an antimicrobial effect inhibit the development of harmful microorganisms.
  • Coumarins that enhance the anti-inflammatory effect of flavonoids and triterpenoids.

In addition, the medicinal plant contains calcium, potassium, zinc, molybdenum, selenium, magnesium, iron and other minerals. In general, marigolds help strengthen the immune system and have antiseptic, healing, anti-inflammatory and antifungal effects.

Pharmacological properties of the drug

Calendula suppositories for hemorrhoids give excellent results. They successfully relieve negative symptoms and are especially effective at the initial stage of the disease.

Calendula extract contained in the medicine perfectly heals wounds and cracks. Relieves inflammation and swelling. Relieves a person from painful sensations. Stimulates tissue regeneration processes. Disinfects and soothes. Prevents the development and spread of pathogenic microorganisms. The essential oil contained in calendula is characterized by tanning properties and constricts the vessels of the rectum. Reduces bleeding in hemorrhoids. The medication is effective both during the period of exacerbation of hemorrhoids and during the chronic stage of the disease.

The drug has no significant contraindications, as it is used locally. It can be used by older people, as well as pregnant and lactating women.

For hemorrhoids, calendula suppositories can be used as a stand-alone medication or in combination with other medications. The use of rectal suppositories can be combined with the use of traditional medicine recipes.

The unique properties of the drug improve the patient’s condition on the 2-3rd day of using the suppositories. Despite the natural composition of the drug and its safety, you should consult a doctor before using this drug.

Use of calendula in medicine

In medicine, calendula is used as part of complex therapy or as a prophylactic agent. Decoctions and tinctures of marigolds are taken orally for coughs, hypertension, neuroses, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, liver and gall bladder. Calendula tea is useful for diseases of the cardiovascular system and digestion. Externally, the infusion is used for gargling and mouthwash, treating skin lesions, and douching.

The variety of dosage forms makes this plant almost universal. Not only decoctions directly from dried flowers are used, but also oils, ointments, and candles. Calendula is used in gynecology and proctology; various emulsions are made from it.

Suppositories with marigolds in gynecology: local use

Calendula suppositories are used in gynecology as an anti-inflammatory agent that has a local effect. The main advantage of the dosage form is the safety for the female body and the speed of action of the suppositories. Due to a special base that melts at human body temperature, the patient usually notices improvements after the first use. Calendula suppositories are used for various ailments. Instructions for use of a specific drug indicate indications more specifically depending on the presence of additional components. Usually the medicine is prescribed by a doctor for the following diseases:

  1. Vaginitis (colpitis) is an inflammation of the vaginal mucosa, which is accompanied by discomfort, itching and burning, discharge of various types, and pain when urinating. The disease is viral or bacterial in nature.
  2. Endometritis is an inflammation of the inner layer of the uterus that occurs as a result of infections from the urinary system, disruption of the vaginal microflora, after gynecological manipulations or childbirth. Endometritis is manifested by general weakness, fever, menstrual irregularities and uncharacteristic vaginal discharge.
  3. Endocervicitis is an inflammatory process localized in the cervical canal, which is often combined with vaginitis due to a general infectious occurrence. Signs of the disease, as a rule, are not clearly expressed.
  4. Salpingoophoritis is an inflammation of the uterine appendages that occurs due to the penetration of pathogens or the activity of opportunistic microorganisms. The disease can also be a consequence of inflammation of the appendix.

In addition to direct indications, vaginal suppositories (calendula and other medicinal plants) can be prescribed to normalize the microflora, for irritation or cracks, dryness or for fungal diseases of the vagina.

The use of calendula suppositories during pregnancy

Pregnancy is not an absolute contraindication to the use of marigolds for irritations. Calendula suppositories in gynecology can be prescribed by a doctor during pregnancy (at any stage) and breastfeeding according to indications. The medicinal plant is an effective remedy when most pharmacological drugs can have a negative effect on the baby.

In addition, during pregnancy, suppositories with calendula are prescribed for hemorrhoids. An unpleasant problem often overtakes women in later stages due to the constant pressure of the fetal head on the venous plexus, which impairs blood circulation and contributes to the formation of nodes. Another important advantage is a significant reduction in pain, which is noted by many women who use suppositories with calendula for hemorrhoids.

When should candles not be used?

Medicine with calendula extract has virtually no contraindications. The exception is hypersensitivity to the substances included in the medication. Also, suppositories should not be used by persons under eighteen years of age.

Calendula suppositories for hemorrhoids are allowed to be used during pregnancy, but only if the benefit to the mother significantly outweighs the risk to the unborn child. Pregnant women should be observed by a gynecologist during the period of using the drug. The drug is allowed to be used by women who are breastfeeding. Suppositories act locally, so they do not pass into breast milk.

Using calendula suppositories during menopause

Menopause for many women is accompanied by unpleasant symptoms, including:

  • vaginal dryness, itching and burning;
  • irregular menstruation;
  • insomnia and fatigue;
  • hot flashes, which are characterized by increasing heat in the upper body;
  • increased blood pressure;
  • irritability and frequent mood swings.

Calendula suppositories, the instructions for use of which, as a rule, describe the method of use for each specific case, can effectively cope with some conditions characteristic of menopause. Decoctions are used that relieve attacks of hypertension, and baths that facilitate the decline of the reproductive functions of the female body. Homeopathic suppositories (calendula is their main component) or douching during menopause eliminate dryness and discomfort in the vagina.

How to use calendula suppositories

Even such a natural and safe remedy as calendula suppositories should be prescribed exclusively by a doctor. Self-medication can lead to a worsening of the condition and the appearance of accompanying symptoms, complicating the process of establishing an accurate diagnosis.

Suppositories in which calendula is an active ingredient, other medicinal herbs or synthetic drugs are inserted into the vagina in a horizontal position. First, you should wash your hands thoroughly with warm water, and after administration, lie down for about half an hour. A panty liner will also come in handy, as some of the liquid from the suppository may leak out of the vagina even if inserted correctly.

Rectal suppositories with calendula during pregnancy or hemorrhoids caused by other reasons are administered after bowel movements, preferably before bedtime. The tip of the candle can be lubricated with a small amount of Vaseline, and then inserted in a horizontal position: lie on your side, one leg fully extended, the other bent towards the stomach.

Indications for use

Calendula-based medications can be used for various conditions that are accompanied by a decrease in the body’s general resistance, inflammatory processes, swelling and deterioration in the patient’s well-being as a result of the development of acute intoxication.

Rectal suppositories with calendula can be bought without a doctor's prescription at any pharmacy. However, before starting any medication, you should consult a specialist. Only a doctor can determine the presence of diseases or conditions that actually require the use of a particular drug.

In the case of calendula in suppositories, its use is advisable for the following pathologies:

  • initial stages of hemorrhoids;
  • chronic hemorrhoids or in the acute stage;
  • prolapse of hemorrhoids;
  • preparation for surgical treatment;
  • anal fissures;
  • inflammatory diseases of the distal rectum;
  • prostatitis;
  • urinary tract infections.

Read also

How are suppositories with novocaine used for hemorrhoids?

In the treatment of hemorrhoids of any degree, rectal suppositories based on calendula are widely used.

Reviews on the use of phytosuppositories with calendula

Rectal or vaginal suppositories (calendula), patient reviews of which are mostly positive, are fast-acting. Many women note a significant improvement in their condition after the first use. Patients value the naturalness, low cost, ease of use (one suppository per day is often enough) and the high effectiveness of calendula-based medications.

Main contraindications to the use of suppositories

This universal medicinal plant has only one contraindication for use - individual intolerance. The combination of calendula and alcohol or other suppositories is also undesirable. Despite their effectiveness and low toxicity, rectal or vaginal suppositories (calendula, chamomile, sage, linden and others) require prior consultation with a doctor, adherence to the treatment regimen and dosage.

According to WHO, up to fifty percent of the world's inhabitants experience hemorrhoids. The disease brings physical and mental suffering. Patients are embarrassed to talk about their illness. It is important to alleviate the suffering - you need to provide a first aid kit with the necessary medications.

When hemorrhoids worsen, the main symptom is severe pain in the anus. Caused by damage and deformation of the rectum. It is necessary to select local medications with analgesic and anti-inflammatory effects. In case of bleeding, it is important to choose a drug to stop the bleeding.

Tablets for hemorrhoids are used at the initial stage of the disease. Centrally acting painkillers - Ketanov, Pentalgin, Drotaverine. It is recommended to take the tablets in combination with the use of suppositories and ointments. Complex treatment will give a positive result.

Tablets for hemorrhoids will not have a positive effect in the acute stage. Suppositories with adrenaline are a proven remedy for hemorrhoidal pain. Suppositories are made to order in a pharmaceutical institution with a license for the manufacture of medicines - they cannot be found in pharmacies.

Anesthetic suppositories for hemorrhoids are used once or twice a day, carefully inserted into the anus, after washing your hands. Afterwards you need to lie down for about forty minutes until the drug is completely dissolved. You will have to endure the urge to go to the toilet.

Important! To effectively treat hemorrhoids, follow the rules of hygiene. After defecation, wash the perianal area with chamomile decoction and a weak solution of potassium permanganate.

Anesthetic ointment for hemorrhoids is applied using a special nozzle to cover the surface of the venous node that comes out and the inner segment of the rectum with the medicine. You cannot rub the ointment in; the thin skin of the perineum and the mucous membrane of the rectum are distinguished by their ability to absorb medications.

The cream is not used in proctology. The ability of creams is not sufficient to fully treat the disease. Ointments are preferable - a fatty base additionally softens and heals the wound.

If an attack of hemorrhoids began suddenly, there are no medications at hand, and pain relief therapy is simply necessary, remember the old-fashioned method of rectal anesthesia. Cut natural fresh butter into bars 0.5 mm thick and 3 cm long. Place in the freezer for a few minutes to harden. Then gently insert into the anus. Frozen butter will reduce swelling, relieve inflammation, and ease pain. The vessels will narrow, bleeding will decrease in abundance. The method is repeated more than once, the oil is safe, and there is no need to fear an overdose.

In case of an acute attack of pain, painkillers in tablets are indispensable. Local anesthetics help.

Instructions for use of ointment

There are several ways to use the ointment, which differ slightly. However, the preparatory activities are the same. Before using the ointment, you need to wash the affected area with soapy water (use baby soap) and wipe dry with gentle movements.

The first application involves applying a thick layer of ointment around the anus. This manipulation is carried out 2-3 times a day. It is recommended to remain in a horizontal position for an hour.

The second option is to use a compress. Take several layers of sterile bandage, apply the medicinal substance to it, and distribute evenly. Apply to the anus for 2-3 hours. Perform manipulation up to 4 times a day.

If you observe symptoms such as itching, burning, etc., the compress with ointment must be removed, and it is better to refuse further use.

Treatment of rectal fissures with ointment:

  1. Apply the product to the tampon and insert it into the anus.
  2. Empty your bowels before administering the medication.
  3. The course of therapy is until complete healing.

If hemorrhoids are bleeding, the ointment should be applied in a thin layer to the affected area twice a day - morning and evening.

Dosage form

In ancient times, suppositories (candles) and ointments were used for hemorrhoids and rectal fissures. Cocoa butter was used to make candles. Characterized by the ability to heal wounds. Cocoa butter becomes liquid at human body temperature, bypassing the softening stage. Candles are made from the oil in pharmacies with a special production license. Factory-produced suppositories consist of complex mineral compounds that do not produce a therapeutic effect individually.

Composition of pain-relieving suppositories

A common mistake among patients is the belief that suppositories and rectal capsules are intended for the treatment of chronic hemorrhoids. They are used in cases of acute hemorrhoids.

To relieve pain during inflammation of hemorrhoids, suppositories containing local anesthetics are used. Local, working locally, in the painful area:

  • Lidocaine;
  • Novocaine (procaine);
  • Cinchocaine;
  • Lauromacrogol;
  • Anestezin (benzocaine).

Lidocaine and Novocaine are water-soluble drugs that are absorbed and enter the systemic circulation. These features are taken into account when prescribing medications to pregnant women. Novocaine is safe for them, Lidocaine is contraindicated.

Anestezin is practically insoluble in water and has a local effect.

To achieve a greater effect of pain relief, the suppositories must contain an ingredient that provides an anti-inflammatory effect. The composition includes substances:

  • Hydrocortisone;
  • Prednisolone;
  • Fluocortolone;
  • Diclofenac.

Hydrocortisone, Fluocortolone and Prednisolone are anti-inflammatory hormonal medications. They cannot be used for viral or fungal diseases. Suppositories containing hormones are used for a short course, up to a week. Effectively relieve itching of the anus.

Important! In pharmacology, the rectal method of administering medicinal substances is equivalent to intravenous administration! Water-soluble medications introduced into the rectum enter the bloodstream, bypassing the liver. The action resembles intramuscular injections. The number of receptions and doses indicated in the instructions for use of suppositories must not be exceeded.


Before using products with calendula, you should read the instructions for use, as well as the following list of contraindications:

  • diabetes mellitus, accompanied by severe weakness of the patient;
  • individual intolerance to the calendula component;
  • tuberculosis in acute form, as well as localized in the anus;
  • erosions and severe open bleeding in the rectum.

Temporary refusal to use suppositories and ointments with calendula is caused by diarrhea in the patient. Once the function of the digestive tract is restored, treatment can begin.

Review of drugs

Various antihemorrhoidal suppositories are sold in pharmacies. Let's look at the names of medications, the composition and effect of which are used for pain caused by hemorrhoids.


Contains benzocaine, bismuth salt, zinc oxide, menthol. The ingredients of candles are insoluble in water. They act exclusively in the perianal area and have no side effects. Menthol cools, improving the condition of the inflamed area of ​​the anus. Benzocaine can numb swollen nodes.

There are no side effects. Contraindications: age under 12 years, work related to concentration.


Contains lidocaine and tribenoside. The drug effectively and quickly provides pain relief thanks to lidocaine. Tribenoside reduces the permeability of the vascular wall and increases its tone.

Side effect: intestinal motility increases. Allergies are common. Contraindications: pregnancy (first three months), liver problems.

Relief Advance

Contains benzocaine and shark liver oil. Copes with pain relief from cracks and heals the surfaces of hemorrhoids.

Side effects: possible swelling, itching. Contraindications: age under 12 years.

The price is inadequately high, the benefits of oil, and actually fat, of shark liver have not been clinically proven. As a pain reliever for hemorrhoids, a 200 mg dose of benzocaine provides immediate relief, but the risk of overdose increases.


Ingredients include heparin and benzocaine. Suppositories with an anesthetic in a dose of 50 mg are not very popular; the dose of benzocaine is not sufficient to quickly relieve pain. Heparin in a large dose - 1000 units - eliminates bleeding. Used for established rectal vein thrombosis.

There are no contraindications, with the exception of individual intolerance.

Proctosedyl, Proctosedyl M

The identity in the composition of the suppositories is considered to be the presence of framycetin, esculoside, butamben and benzocaine. Hydrocortisone was added under the letter M.

Small rectal capsules. The dose of benzocaine is 5 mg. The required anesthesia of the affected area will not be achieved. The size is too small to cover the affected area; it will take at least five minutes to completely dissolve.

Side effects: burning, discomfort, dryness, irritation. Contraindications: viral, fungal infections of the anus, tuberculosis, pregnancy.


The medicine contains heparin, prednisolone and lidocaine. Each anesthetic suppository for hemorrhoids acts quickly and reliably.

There are no side effects. Contraindications: pregnancy, age under 12 years, viral and fungal infections of the perianal area.

Gepatrombin G

Ingredients: lauromacrogol, prednisolone, heparin. You should not expect immediate pain relief from suppositories. Lauromacrogol is a weak analgesic, the main effect is venosclerosing.

Contraindications: pregnancy, viral and fungal infections of the anus.


The suppositories contain lidocaine, triclosan, prednisolone, dexpanthenol. The combination of components helps in pain relief, relieving inflammation, disinfecting the wound surface and regenerating effect, relieving itching.

The list of side effects is impressive: burning, dryness, irritation, diaper rash, contact dermatitis. Side effects occur with long-term use. Contraindications: pregnancy, age less than a year, fungal and viral infections.


The combination of cinchocaine and fluocortolone provides quick and effective pain relief and relief of inflamed edema. Cinchocaine is one of the most powerful anesthetics in pharmacology. Toxicity is increased. Ultraproct is suitable as a means for immediate relief of inflammation in hemorrhoids.

Side effects: irritation, dryness, allergic rashes. Contraindicated in pregnancy, children under 18 years of age, syphilis, tuberculosis, fungal skin infections.


A combination of benzocaine, sulphaethidol and sea buckthorn oil. 100 mg of benzocaine is a pain reliever for hemorrhoids, sea buckthorn oil helps healing, sulfaethidol provides an antimicrobial effect.

Side effects: allergies, loose bowels, loose stools. Contraindications: hypersensitivity.


Ingredients: bufexamak, titanium oxide, bismuth salt, lidocaine. The combination of the non-steroidal analgesic bufexamac with lidocaine affects pain relief. The components quickly enter the bloodstream and differ not only in their local action.

Side effects: dryness, itching, burning, allergies. Contraindications: tuberculosis, syphilis, pregnancy, age under 12 years.

Suppositories with Novocaine

The composition is simple: 100 mg of procaine. They work quickly. It can be taken in case of fear of defecation, for anesthesia. Side effects: low blood pressure, drowsiness, weakness, fatigue. You cannot use more than four candles per day. There are almost no contraindications, except for an allergy to procaine.

Most topical treatments for hemorrhoids are over-the-counter medications. The choice of drugs rests with the patient. Complaints about the lack of the desired result are due to a person’s inability to select the necessary medication.

For acute pain, use products containing lidocaine or benzocaine. After relieving pain and inflammation, it is the turn of regenerating and healing medications.

Hemorrhoids during pregnancy

When expecting a child, the use of medications is agreed with doctors. Acceptable drugs for the treatment of hemorrhoids during pregnancy and lactation:

  1. Heparin ointment.
  2. Suppositories with sea buckthorn oil.
  3. Relief (with shark liver oil, without other components).
  4. Suppositories with propolis.
  5. Suppositories with calendula.
  6. Suppositories with ichthyol.

To relieve pain from hemorrhoids, pregnant women can use suppositories with novocaine. For pregnant and lactating women, it is recommended to use painkillers - Proctosan suppositories or Relief Ultra.

How to use?

It is quite easy to use rectal suppositories in the treatment of hemorrhoids.

In order to achieve maximum effect, it is enough to follow a few preparation recommendations:

  • empty your bowels;
  • install a cleansing enema;
  • Wash the anal area with warm soapy water.

To insert the suppository correctly, you need to take a position on your left side, press your knees to your chest and relax. After removing the suppository from the package, it must be immediately inserted into the lumen of the rectum; this must be done carefully so as not to damage the mucous membrane of the ampoule.

After administration, you need to take a horizontal position and allow the medicine to be absorbed into the bloodstream. Therapy requires one dose per day at night. The course of treatment lasts no more than two to three weeks, after which you should take a break for one week. If necessary, courses can be repeated several times a year. A noticeable effect develops during the first days after starting to use the candles.

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