How to properly insert suppositories rectally – Fashionable and beautiful

Benefits of rectal suppositories

Rectal suppositories
A wide range of specialized medicines are offered for sale, differing based on the type of effect on the human body. The drugs have an anesthetic effect, anti-inflammatory effect, help to quickly and efficiently treat hemorrhoids, get rid of cracks in the anus, and much more. It is important not only to choose the right specific type of products, but also to know how to insert them correctly into the rectum.

Therapy should be prescribed by a proctologist, if the medicine corresponds to the indications of the disease.

The undoubted advantages of treatment with rectal drugs are the following factors:

  • Strengthening the walls of blood vessels.
  • Prevention of thrombosis.
  • Eliminate itching, burning, discomfort.
  • Emergency stop of bleeding.
  • Healing of wounds.
  • Improved blood circulation.

To get the expected result, you need to competently know how to properly place suppositories for anal pathologies and hemorrhoids.

Depending on the components, there may be additional characteristics; products with glycerin stimulate intestinal contraction, as well as:

  • Relieves irritable bowel syndrome.
  • Softens stool.

Rectal suppositories are an effective treatment for both adult patients and infants and pregnant women. Many medications have virtually no contraindications due to their natural composition.

Despite their safety, you should not use the drug too often, because the body can get used to them.

Types of rectal suppositories

Rectal suppositories are produced with one or more active ingredients aimed at alleviating the patient's condition.
The active components not only act locally on the inflamed areas of the rectum, but are also absorbed into the bloodstream. Through the vessels that the rectum area is rich in, medications spread throughout the body, affecting it as a whole properly. All medications of this type of use come with instructions indicating when to use this type of hemorrhoid medication.

But not all patients know exactly how to insert the wax cylinder correctly in order to get the maximum effect from the therapy.

Indeed, if the use of rectal remedies for hemorrhoids requires careful study and impeccable adherence to the instructions, then isn’t it easier to replace them with other remedies, the method of use of which is more understandable? Do not rush to give up suppositories, even if you do not know how to administer them.

It is not difficult to learn how to insert suppositories following the instructions, and the effect obtained from their correct insertion is very high. Suppositories act directly on the inflamed area, and also, when absorbed into the blood, affect the causes of its occurrence.

Other advantages of their use include:

  • ease of use;
  • minimal risk of side effects if instructions are followed;
  • a small number of contraindications;
  • high therapeutic effect.

Suppositories are best used in the early stages of hemorrhoid development and in the presence of internal hemorrhoids. In other cases, they may only have a short-term effect. This dosage form is also used in preparation for surgery on the rectum area or after surgery during the rehabilitation period.

In any of these cases, it is important to follow the instructions and use the suppository correctly. How to insert a suppository for hemorrhoids? Despite the simplicity of the manipulations, you should prepare for the administration of the medicine:

  • The instructions clearly state that a suppository for hemorrhoids should be administered after a bowel movement or a cleansing enema.
  • After bowel movement, you should perform mandatory hygiene procedures: thoroughly wash the anus with warm water and soap, dry it with a soft towel.
  • You need to insert the suppository while lying on your side. This position is the only correct one, although many people, in violation of the instructions, try to insert the medicine in the “standing” position.

According to the instructions, the suppository should be removed from the plastic packaging only before administration. This is because an open candle at room temperature may begin to melt. The use of this medicine is not recommended. You need to insert the candle quickly for the same reason: it can melt in your hand, lose its shape and become soft. In this case, its use will be difficult:

  • If the candles in the package have been outside the refrigerator for some time, before placing the suppository, place it in the refrigerator so that the wax base hardens.
  • The suppository should not be inserted too deeply, as its active substances should act on the hemorrhoids located in the rectum.
  • To place the candle correctly, spread your buttocks slightly. Insert the suppository with the pointed end into the anus using your finger. Don't forget to wear sterile gloves before handling.
  • The use of rectal suppositories for hemorrhoids is recommended by the instructions before bedtime, since the maximum therapeutic effect is achieved when the body is at rest.
  • If there is a need to put a candle on during an active time of day, you need to lie down on your stomach for half an hour after the procedure. This time will be enough for the wax base to melt and the drugs to start working.

Some suppositories for hemorrhoids, after their administration, may cause a feeling of the need to cleanse the intestines. If you can’t wait, you can perform an act of defecation, and after a quarter of an hour, reintroduce the suppository. In the case when you went to the toilet twenty or more minutes after using the candle, there is no need to reuse the drug.

If the doctor has chosen the drug correctly, if you have no contraindications, and the side effects described in the instructions do not appear, after just a couple of minutes you will feel the effect of the medicine, which is explained by excellent blood circulation in the organs and systems of the pelvis. But to achieve maximum therapeutic results, you should not jump off the couch immediately after the medicine is inserted. The wax base should completely melt in the rectal area.

  • irritation of the mucous membrane and skin;
  • allergic reactions;
  • burning in the anus;
  • diarrhea;
  • intestinal spasms and colic.

If you experience these manifestations, the administration of the drug according to the instructions should be stopped.

Also, you should not insert a suppository into the anus that has expired.

The candle must be properly packaged, otherwise it can cause poisoning, which is due to the property of drugs to oxidize to toxic structures under the influence of external factors.

The modern pharmaceutical market offers a large selection of medications and their dosage forms for the treatment of hemorrhoids. As practice shows, rectal suppositories (RS) are in greatest demand.

They are characterized by fast and effective action, so a person stops suffering from discomfort in the problem area within a short time.

Suppositories can be prescribed to patients of any age, so it will not be superfluous to find out what it means to administer suppositories rectally. Rectal suppository

As a rule, experts prescribe suppositories for patients suffering from internal hemorrhoids.

Suppositories help in removing:

  • Inflammatory processes
  • Painful sensations
  • External hemorrhoids,
  • Hemorrhoidal bleeding,
  • Itching and burning in the anus,
  • Formed blood clots,
  • Anal fissures.

As a rule, suppositories for treating patients with hemorrhoids are prescribed as part of complex therapy. Suppositories are widely used to treat men and women from the following diseases:

  • Constipation,
  • Haemorrhoids,
  • Prostatitis.


Important! In gynecology, rectal suppositories are often used to treat women from thrush and inflammation of the appendages.

Before starting to work with MS, the patient should find out the contraindications to the procedure.

These include:

  • Hypersensitivity to the active and auxiliary components of MS,
  • The presence of diseases that prevent the insertion of RS into the anus,
  • Diarrhea,
  • Intestinal bleeding
  • Psychiatric disorder that does not allow the use of MS independently.

In order for the medicine to give maximum results, you need to perform some preparatory measures before using it.

The patient must have a bowel movement on his own or with an enema.

Compliance with this condition is very important, since in many cases, rectal administration of suppositories provokes the desire to go to the toilet in a big way. Before inserting a suppository, it is necessary to empty the intestines

The procedure should be performed after washing or bathing the patient. The procedure minimizes the risk of pathogenic microorganisms entering the damaged rectal mucosa during the administration of the suppository.

Before inserting a rectal suppository into the rectum, an adult needs to make sure that the pharmaceutical product has been stored in the refrigerator. Compliance with this condition is very important, since only in this case the drug will retain its effectiveness and will be easier to insert into the anus.

  • Lie on your side, tuck your knees under your stomach. Some patients practice inserting suppositories in a standing position with the body slightly tilted forward, but this is not always advisable, especially if the patient has not had to use suppositories before,
  • Remove the drug from the protective packaging.
    This should be done immediately before use, since the candle will begin to melt and it will be difficult to place it,
  • Take the candle with one hand and spread your buttocks with the other.
    Bring the sharp end of the suppository to the anus and push it in with your finger as deep as possible. To facilitate insertion, the suppository and anus can be lubricated with baby cream or Vaseline,
  • To prevent the candle from leaking, the patient needs to turn over on his stomach and spend 35-40 minutes in this position.
    If during this time the patient has the urge to defecate, he must restrain it,
  • The patient is allowed to change position 40 minutes after completion of the procedure.
  • The above technique can be used to administer a suppository to yourself or a bedridden patient.

    As practice shows, after using the suppository, leaks appear. This is due to the fact that candles often contain petroleum jelly or paraffin, and they can leak out. To prevent them from staining your underwear, it is recommended to use daily sanitary pads or dry wipes. Self-administration of the suppository while lying on your side

    If it is uncomfortable or painful for the patient to take the suppository while lying on his side, he can try other positions:

  • Knee-elbow. This position is advisable if another person will insert the candle into the patient. In this case, it is very inconvenient to carry out the procedure yourself; the risk of the candle leaking increases several times,
  • Lying on your back, legs raised as high as possible (you can place a cushion under the sacrum). This position is the most comfortable, as it completely relaxes the body and minimizes pain when inserting a suppository,
  • Standing on your feet with your body tilted. This position is not very convenient for inserting a suppository on your own, but it causes pain in the legs.

Be careful! The use of RS is allowed for the treatment of hemorrhoids in women during pregnancy and after childbirth. Only a doctor should prescribe the appropriate drug and the duration of the therapeutic course.

To date, there have been no cases of RS overdose in medical practice, but their improper use can negatively affect the result of the therapeutic course.

To ensure that the procedure for using a suppository does not cause discomfort in the child, the mother must act very carefully and precisely. Experts recommend adhering to the following tips.

Option 1

With one hand the mother holds the suppository, and with the other she lifts the baby by the heels. With a smooth movement, the candle is completely inserted into the child’s anus.

What do suppositories look like?

Medicinal product
Rectal suppositories are a cone-shaped or oval preparation of small diameter (1.5-2 cm). For painless insertion, the developers make the end rounded.

Each suppository package offers a detailed diagram of how to accurately use suppositories for hemorrhoids.

Once in the body, specialized medications begin to melt, and the active substances immediately penetrate into the intestine.

In order not to cause harm and to receive quick, effective treatment, the hemo suppository instructions for use regulate the rules and dosage of use, depending on the disease and the individual characteristics of the patient.

Thanks to this, the drugs penetrate the mucous membrane, into the blood, beginning to act actively, relieving painful symptoms.

What else is useful for taking medications rectally?

Rectal administration of medications is carried out, as you probably already guessed, not through the mouth, but by introducing the drug into the anus.
Let us immediately try to explain why such an introduction in some cases turns out to be absolutely irreplaceable. The fact is that the rectum is equipped with a dense network of blood vessels; in addition, it lacks enzymes, which means that the drug that gets into it will very quickly begin to spread through the blood and lymph throughout the body. Now you can turn to mothers of infants and older children. It often happens that after vaccination or for other reasons, your baby develops a fever. You, of course, will immediately go to the pharmacy for an antipyretic drug. But this cannot be an ordinary tablet - it is so difficult to divide it into three or even four parts to give to the baby!

In addition, try to force him to drink this bitter medicine. Children also drink syrups very reluctantly. This is where rectal suppositories, such as, for example, Nurofen, come to the rescue. It has an exact dosage for babies, and there will be no problems with its administration. The temperature will drop, but the baby’s ventricle will not be damaged.

Rules for introducing suppositories

When visiting a doctor, you need to ask how to properly insert suppositories for hemorrhoids.

The specialist will tell you in detail and show you the features of the procedure, which you can do yourself at home:

  1. Initially, visit the toilet and empty your bowels if you need to administer a mini-enema.
  2. Be sure to perform bath procedures and wash yourself to avoid infection.
  3. According to the instructions, Gemo Pro suppositories are best placed before bedtime.
  4. Place intimate hygiene products on your underwear to avoid staining your clothes.

Hand treatment

To prevent infection and inflammation in the rectum, special attention should be paid to cleanliness and hand hygiene.

How to properly use rectal suppositories for hemorrhoids is written in the instructions, but there is no information about hand treatment! Before practicing therapy at home, you need to wash your hands with soap or antiseptic, dry them and use sterile medical gloves during the process. It is recommended to cut your nails short before using the suppository.

Where and how to insert it rectally?

Not all people know basic medical terms, and therefore the phrase “How is it rectal?” doctors or pharmacists often hear from patients. Therefore, now we will consider this method of using drugs in detail.

What does it mean to insert rectally?

Any medication must be used correctly, otherwise there may be no benefit from it at all. To understand how to use the medicine, you need to read the instructions, and here questions may arise.

Rectally - this means injecting the medicine into the rectum.

This method of using drugs allows them to begin to act much faster, this is especially convenient if the effect is local (for diseases of the intestines or reproductive organs).

Taking medications rectally seems like an unpleasant procedure for many people, but it only seems that way at first. If everything is done correctly, then this method will not bring any noticeable inconvenience, only mild discomfort, but the benefits to the body will be many times greater than with oral or other methods of taking medications.

What rectal medications are there?

We have already decided where to insert drugs for rectal use - into the anus. Now let's look at what medications exist. For rectal use, two types of products are used:

  • Rectal suppositories.
  • Enemas.

Enema Rectal suppositories

The first option is better known to people as rectal suppositories.

They contain a certain component composition, which, upon entering the rectum, is quickly absorbed into the bloodstream and distributed throughout the body, and has the most powerful effect in the pelvic area. These candles may contain components of plant or synthetic origin, but this does not play a special role in the method of their use.

Enemas are used to treat the intestines or relieve constipation. They come in different volumes (depending on the amount of liquid supplied - from 100 ml to 5 l).

The use of enemas according to the algorithm is very different from the use of rectal suppositories, and it is also of great importance who is prescribed what kind of enema.

Let us consider in more detail the algorithm for using various groups of rectal medications.

Rules for using candles

First, let's talk about the drugs themselves. These are small torpedoes, approximately the size of one phalanx of a finger, which have a dense consistency.

But if the suppositories are stored at room temperature (even more than +5°C), they will quickly lose their appearance and problems will arise with their insertion into the rectum.

Therefore, rectal suppositories should be stored on the door in the refrigerator and taken out a few minutes before the procedure.

Rectal administration of suppositories involves the following algorithm of actions:

  1. Wash your hands well with soap and dry. It is advisable to wear disposable medical gloves or a fingertip so as not to come into contact with biological fluids when administering the drug.
  2. Remove the rectal suppository from the refrigerator and unpack it.
  3. Lie on your left side (if the person is left-handed, then on the right).
  4. Pull your right (or left) leg towards your chest to increase the gap between your buttocks.
  5. Insert the candle into the anus about 1-2cm, slowly and deliberately pushing it forward with your finger. It is important to insert the candle the right way - the pointed end.
  6. Remove your finger and squeeze the sphincter muscles for a few minutes so that the candle is tightly fixed and begins to melt in the intestines.
  7. Roll over onto your back and lie down for a few minutes.
  8. Wash your hands well with soap.

Putting a rectal suppository is not difficult. There are just a few points to consider:

  • It is better to take a shower or wash the groin area so that the procedure is carried out in the cleanest possible conditions.
  • It is advisable to place a candle at night, when a person moves minimally and the medicine can be absorbed well and for a long time, bringing more benefits to the body.
  • A rectal suppository must be appropriate for the person’s age and dosage, so you should always carefully read the instructions for use.
  • The candle should not be melted or dented - it should look like a torpedo, and if it needs to be cut, then this should be done along, not across.
  • The muscles must be relaxed before inserting the suppository; you can also lubricate the entrance with a small amount of anal lubricant.
  • Don't worry about whether the candles leak - if you lie down for at least 5 minutes, there won't be any problems, but in the morning it's better to take a light shower.

The rectal method of taking medications is very effective and you should not refuse it for fear of pain or discomfort. Following the algorithm, the procedure will go smoothly and quickly. One of the main causes of constipation or diarrhea is poor nutrition

Therefore, to improve bowel function, you need to drink a simple drink

Read more…

Rules for using enemas

Sometimes it is not possible to take certain medications to improve bowel function or treat it orally, and then you have to resort to an enema. If the enema has a large volume - more than a liter - then a special device is used for this - an Esmarch mug.

The action should be carried out like this:

  1. Fill the mug with the required amount of liquid.
  2. Hang it on a tripod so that it is at least a meter higher than the level of the person’s body (in a lying position).
  3. Lubricate the tip of the tube with lubricant and insert it into the anus a few centimeters; you should not insert it deeply, as you can damage the intestinal walls.
  4. Serve the liquid in a low flow and in small portions.
  5. Lie down for 10-20 minutes after administering the last portion of liquid.
  6. Empty your bowels.

If microenemas are used, then administering them is completely simple. Insert the tip into the anus and press on the enema bulb, the liquid will quickly flow into the intestines. If the enema volume is 20-50 ml, but you need more, then you can do this action 2-3 times.

Suppositories and enemas are very convenient in the treatment of intestinal diseases, as well as the elimination of temporary pathologies (constipation). The rectal method of using drugs is also good because the medicine does not pass through the liver and stomach, which means it does not affect these organs at all, but some drugs could greatly disrupt their activity.

Therefore, if the doctor suggests using rectal medications, then you should not be afraid of such treatment; you need to clarify all the nuances and boldly take action.

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Methods for rectal administration of medication

There are two ways to administer drugs rectally:

  • enema - injection of a drug into the rectum of liquid medicinal solutions (enemas and mini-enemas are distinguished depending on the drug and indications);
  • suppositories - administration of medications in the form of suppositories.

Method of administration: enema

Most often, an enema is given for constipation to cleanse the intestines. The required solution is poured into a one or two liter enema container, and the tip is inserted into the anus. The container is raised about one and a half meters and the medicine begins to flow through the rubber hose to the right place.

If the amount of medicinal solution does not exceed 100-200 ml, then microenemas are given. Microenemas are also used by extremals to administer alcohol and drugs through the colon, thereby reducing the effect on the liver, since the substance does not pass through it.

How to correctly insert a suppository or a suppository?

The medicinal substance is in the form of suppositories, which simplifies the administration of the drug into the desired opening of the human body. It is recommended to store suppositories in the refrigerator, since at body temperature they begin to melt or disintegrate.

There are two types of suppositories:

  • vaginal suppositories - used for treatment in gynecology;
  • Rectal suppositories are medications administered through the anus.

Rectal suppositories are prescribed in very different cases: for hemorrhoids, for constipation, to improve immunity, for children with high fever and many others. Suppositories begin to act much earlier, as they are absorbed into the bloodstream faster.

Preparation for the procedure:

Suppositories or suppositories must be kept in the refrigerator, but even if they manage to fall apart or melt, do not be discouraged. In this case, the candle can be placed in the freezer for 30 seconds or held under cold water for several minutes.

Before starting the procedure, inserting a suppository into the rectum, be sure to wash your hands well, or you can disinfect them with an antibacterial agent.

For greater safety, it is recommended to wear gloves or a finger guard, since the hand will come into contact with the part of the body where fecal matter collects.

Your hands must be cool, otherwise the candle will begin to melt right in your hand under the influence of heat.

For better insertion of the suppository, it can be lubricated with lubricant. Do not use Vasiline as it is petroleum based. You need to take a water-based lubricant, especially since the body will accept such lubricant much better.

The procedure itself:

The patient should lie on his left side and bring his right leg to his chest. The buttocks need to be spread slightly to see the anus. After this, the lubricated suppository must be inserted into the anus and pushed inside with the index finger or little finger if the procedure is being performed on a child. If this is not done, the candle may slip out. The index finger is necessary

How deep do you need to push the candle? If the procedure is performed on an adult, then at least 2.5-3 cm, but if for a child - 1.5-2 cm.

For a few seconds, you need to squeeze your buttocks and lie quietly for several minutes.

After the procedure, you must wash your hands thoroughly.

One of the effective antiviral drugs is Viferon suppositories (Vitaferon), which belong to the interferon group. They must be prescribed by a doctor. But their effectiveness has been reliably confirmed.

They are also safe even for the smallest sick children, including infants. The introduction of these suppositories is painless, and you do not have to worry too much about how to insert the suppository correctly.

Candles are used to treat and prevent various diseases.

Source: //

Preparing the suppository for administration

To prevent pain and complications, the suppository must be properly prepared and you need to know exactly how to use medicinal rectal suppositories:

  1. If the drug was in a cold place, you need to leave it at room temperature for 10-15 minutes. This makes it possible to eliminate discomfort during insertion.
  2. If the doctor prescribes half the dose, the suppository must be cut with a sharp knife.
  3. It must be cut cold.
  4. The packaging must be removed immediately before administration.


If a person does not know how to use candles, then the tips indicated above should help him

However, it is important to always remember hygiene. It is also necessary to read the instructions, because sometimes there are other requirements when using the drug

Any medication must be used correctly, otherwise there may be no benefit from it at all. To understand how to use the medicine, you need to read the instructions, and here questions may arise. Rectally - this means injecting the medicine into the rectum.

This method of using drugs allows them to begin to act much faster, this is especially convenient if the effect is local (for diseases of the intestines or reproductive organs).

Taking medications rectally seems like an unpleasant procedure for many people, but it only seems that way at first. If everything is done correctly, then this method will not bring any noticeable inconvenience, only mild discomfort, but the benefits to the body will be many times greater than with oral or other methods of taking medications.

Adopting the correct posture

The insertion technology requires taking the correct position so as not to injure the walls of the rectum:

  1. Lie on your side, extend one leg, bend the other at the knee.
  2. The final result will depend on how to correctly insert the suppositories rectally. It is necessary to separate the buttocks, treat the place where the suppository is inserted with warm water, this will help simplify the procedure.
  3. Treat the conical tip of the suppository with natural lubricant: vegetable oil, baby cream. This facilitates insertion and prevents injuries and microcracks.

Introduction of the candle

Before use, you must carefully study the algorithm for using the suppository:

How to insert a candle correctly

  1. Take the suppository with your fingers and insert the conical end into the anus, slowly push the suppository 3-4 cm deep.
  2. Squeeze the buttocks tightly for 1-1.5 minutes so that the drug lingers inside.
  3. How long does it take for a rectal suppository to dissolve? It is recommended to lie down for half an hour without getting up so that the drug dissolves and is absorbed into the intestinal walls.
  4. Remove gloves and throw away packaging.
  5. If you feel the urge to go to the toilet, you should hold back so that the medicine remains inside.
  6. Incorrectly placed suppositories can cause pain and adversely affect therapy. If you experience any discomfort or problems, stop treatment and consult a doctor.

Self-medication is strictly forbidden; therapy should be carried out only as prescribed by a doctor.

Important nuances

Adults can insert candles for themselves. The main thing is to choose the most comfortable position and relax. With children the situation is worse. Often the process of introducing suppositories becomes a real problem. It is difficult for them to explain why they should use medications in this form.

Where should rectal suppositories be inserted for children? Nothing changes for babies, just like adults, they need to be inserted into the rectum. To facilitate the process, it is advisable to lubricate the anal area with cream before using the candle.

It is difficult to place children in the correct position most suitable for inserting a suppository. Parents should think in advance about what measures will have to be taken to minimize the pain that will arise due to tension. If the child spins, it will be extremely difficult to insert the suppository.

Often, after the drug enters the ampoule of the rectum, the urge to defecate appears. Adults are advised to lie down and hold back at this time: it should be understood that this is a reaction to irritation of the sphincter. Time must pass for the active ingredients to be absorbed.

It is more difficult to explain to children how and why they should restrain themselves. It is advisable for them to put candles after bowel movements. This means that you should wait until the child goes to the toilet and empties the rectum. If you follow all the rules, the urge will be tolerable. You can try to distract an older child.

Administration of suppositories to a child

It is easy for an adult to independently administer rectal elements of therapy, which cannot be said for a child. Fundamentally, there are no differences in the technology, but it is better for children to introduce them during sleep, especially when the baby is very small.

How to insert a suppository into the rectum for children with hemorrhoids and other diseases? Administer the drug according to the same schedule as for adults:

Inserting a candle into a child

  1. Carry out a bowel movement in the baby and wash him to prevent inflammation of the hemorrhoids.
  2. Before use, remove the suppository from the refrigerator and keep at room temperature for 10 minutes.
  3. Place the child on his side, bend one leg and press him to the chest.
  4. Spreading the buttocks apart, carefully insert the suppository.
  5. Close your buttocks and hold for 2-3 minutes.
  6. Continue lying down for 20-30 minutes.

Important! If the child is very small, the therapist may prescribe 1 suppository at a time, cutting it lengthwise.

How to insert vaginal suppositories correctly

A vaginal suppository is inserted differently from an anal suppository. It needs to be bent first. The bend is measured by the length of the index finger.

Each medicine contains its own ingredients, which should be taken into account when prescribed by a specialist. After all, one person’s body can easily tolerate something that another’s body cannot withstand.

You should perform hygiene of the genital organs before inserting a suppository into them, i.e. just wash it. You cannot use the drug if a woman is menstruating, because the therapeutic effect of the suppository in this case is completely neutralized. Hands are also washed. No soap is used, nor is there any intimate hygiene gel, only warm running water.

In addition, you need sanitary pads, because in the morning all the substances that were processed overnight will pour out of the vagina.

To properly insert the suppository, you must lie down. Some types of this drug have special applicators that will greatly facilitate the procedure for a woman. Next, the knees are pulled up to the chest, after which you need to carefully spread the labia with one hand, holding them, and insert a candle with the other

If there is an applicator, then after immersing the drug in the vagina, it is carefully pulled out

If there is a need to insert a suppository during the day, you should lie down for about 20 minutes. But in general, all vaginal suppositories are used at night, before going to bed. The thing is that only during this time the composition of this drug will break down completely. After which a gasket is applied.

Possible problems during the procedure

Be careful
Despite the safety of suppositories, women should use them with particular caution during pregnancy. In this case, it is better to give preference to a suppository with propolis or sea buckthorn.

Sometimes, after administration of the drug, increased gas formation may be observed, this is due to partial absorption of the active components into the intestinal walls. Gases can cause considerable discomfort. To prevent injury and related problems, you must first learn how to properly insert a suppository for hemorrhoids into the anus.

Rectal medications are used in the treatment of a large number of diseases, the only inconvenience is the administration procedure.

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