How to use Bepanten ointment for hemorrhoids?

Bepanten ointment for hemorrhoids is one of the most popular drugs for treating the disease. The cream itself is intended directly for healing various cracks and abrasions on the skin, including in the anus.

Bepanten ointment for hemorrhoids is one of the most popular drugs for treating the disease.

Description of the drug and release form

A person suffering from hemorrhoids, first of all, is looking for those remedies that will help quickly save him from unbearable pain, itching, a feeling of heaviness, bleeding and anal fissures.

This drug copes well with all the symptoms of the disease, and in the first stages it also eliminates its cause - the dilation of the anal veins formed due to impaired blood flow.

To find out whether it is possible to smear Bepanten ointment on hemorrhoids, you just need to apply it very slightly to the affected area of ​​the mucosa. And in a moment you will feel how the unpleasant sensations pass, and you feel much better.

Bepanten can and should be used in the treatment of hemorrhoids, since the main active ingredient in its composition, dexpanthenol, has powerful:

  • anti-inflammatory;
  • antiseptic;
  • regenerating and restorative;
  • wound healing abilities.

When interacting with skin proteins, it quickly forms pantothenic acid, which it needs for constant renewal. Metabolic processes are restored at the cellular level, which allows for faster healing. Damaged skin heals, new, elastic and elastic skin is formed.

The drug is instantly absorbed without leaving any traces. It is excreted naturally after a few hours through urine and feces, without causing any harm to the body.

Bepanten cream is available in the form of ointment and cream; it has a homogeneous, homogenized structure of white or yellowish color with a barely audible odor of lanolin.

It is a product of Bayer JSC.

Packaged in tubes of 30 and 100 g.

The cost depends on the region in which you live, on the manufacturer, pharmacy markups and packaging. The initial price of Bepanten is approximately 350 rubles, the final price is within 650 rubles.

The pharmaceutical industry produces another type of drug called Bepanten Plus, which additionally contains chlorhexidine.

It has pronounced antibacterial properties, heals anal fissures even faster and relieves pain. According to user reviews, it works even more reliably, and is used only once a day.

Description of hemorrhoids

The disease always appears at the wrong moment, thereby confusing a person, disrupting his usual rhythm and way of life.

Patients develop nervousness, disturbed sleep and decreased appetite. Among the main reasons for the development of hemorrhoids are:

  1. Insufficient activity, which often happens during sedentary work.
  2. Obesity.
  3. Pregnancy and childbirth.
  4. Tendency to retain stool.
  5. Heavy loads.
  6. Hereditary predisposition.

The disease is quite delicate and requires the right approach and choice of treatment methods. However, when the first symptoms appear, you should immediately consult a doctor.

This allows you to diagnose the problem in a timely manner, at the beginning of its development, when the pathology is not yet complicated.

Among the main signs that indicate the need to see a doctor are:

  1. Pain in the anus, especially during bowel movements.
  2. Back of the anus, preventing normal sitting.
  3. Burning.
  4. Feeling of foreign objects in the anal area.
  5. Discharge of blood after defecation.
  6. Frequent constipation.
  7. Prolapse of hemorrhoids.

If the described symptoms exist, then you should immediately consult a doctor to assess the severity of the disease and determine a treatment regimen.

Bepanten can be used for hemorrhoids, but it is better to avoid using it without a doctor’s prescription. Like other medications, this ointment has side effects and contraindications.

Composition of Bepanten ointment and cream

Treatment of hemorrhoids occurs through intensive nutrition of the skin and mucous membranes, which contributes to their rapid recovery, maintaining integrity and functionality.

Bepanten contains:

  • Dexpanthenol is the main active ingredient, has powerful restorative and regenerating properties, quickly relieves inflammation, pain, and relieves itching.
  • Protegin X – provides a creamy base.
  • Stearyl alcohol – softens and structures the shape.
  • Beeswax – restores strength and elasticity to blood vessels, relieves pain.
  • Palmitic alcohol is responsible for the viscous consistency.
  • Lanolin, or sheep fat, is able to penetrate into the deepest layers of the dermis, providing the skin with moisture for a long time, and is involved in the processes of nutrition and softening.
  • Almond milk – replenishes the lack of vitamin E.
  • Paraffin in liquid and soft form - provides hydration, creates a thin surface film that retains moisture.

Due to its composition, the drug has a wide range of uses both in childhood and in adults.

It helps infants with diaper rash, nursing mothers with cracked nipples, and saves bedridden patients from bedsores. Relieves pain and heals cuts, bruises, burns of various kinds, and other injuries. Bepanten cream is also very effective for hemorrhoids.

Interaction with other drugs and overdose

The instructions indicate that “Bepanten” for hemorrhoids is applied to damaged areas twice a day. But if you need to get rid of cracked nipples, then ointment is used more often. It is used to lubricate the cracks after each feeding of the baby.

Diaper rash in newborn babies is also treated after each diaper change. This means that you can apply ointment to problem areas much more often than twice a day.

There have been no cases of overdose with the use of this drug. The ointment can be used simultaneously with other drugs. There is no evidence of negative drug interactions.

Is it possible to smear Bepanten on hemorrhoids? Yes, this external remedy is used when it is necessary to heal damaged skin.

Many proctologists prescribe it as part of complex therapy for the appearance of hemorrhoids and anal fissures. Before applying the ointment, wash and dry the problem area. The product is applied in a thin layer to all protruding hemorrhoids and fissures.

Before putting on underwear, it is advisable to wait a few minutes until the product is absorbed. Doctors advise applying it in the morning and evening, as well as after each bowel movement.

Pharmacological action and indications for use

The main active ingredient dexpanthenol has a number of properties that explain why Bepanten ointment helps:

  • antiseptic - open and often bleeding wounds in the anal area are the gateway to various pathogenic microorganisms, which, when entering them, cause inflammatory processes, including purulent ones. Therefore, it is very important to prevent them from entering and destroy them immediately;
  • healing and regenerating;
  • analgesic and cooling;
  • anti-inflammatory – stops inflammation, and over time gets rid of it completely;
  • softening and moisturizing.

The instructions for use contain a list of problems that can be combated with the help of the drug.

  • feeling of dry skin when injured;
  • gentle care for sensitive and delicate skin of the breast and nipples during lactation, to heal cracks and moisturize;
  • relief from unpleasant symptoms of diaper rash in an infant, from itching during diaper dermatitis;
  • acceleration of skin healing processes in case of violation of their integrity due to injuries and burns, after surgery, skin grafts, and bedsores.

Main advantages in the treatment of hemorrhoids:

  1. It has an instant effect, quickly relieves painful symptoms and discomfort with anal fissures.
  2. Has powerful anti-inflammatory properties.
  3. Normalizes blood circulation, eliminates congestion in the veins of the small pelvis.
  4. It works effectively both in the acute stage of the disease, relieving itching and pain in anal fissures, and as part of the general treatment of chronic hemorrhoids, reducing hemorrhoidal cones and reducing the number of relapses.
  5. Able to normalize stool and relieve constipation.
  6. It is inexpensive, unlike its analogues, and is sold freely in pharmacies without a prescription.
  7. It has no contraindications or age restrictions, and is effective at any stage of the disease, during pregnancy and after childbirth. The active substance is not absorbed into the blood, but is excreted from the body naturally.
  8. Recommended by the country's leading proctologists as one of the most effective medications for hemorrhoids.

Bepanten cream and ointment are quickly absorbed, leave no traces, and form a protective film on the surface of the anus.

Reviews from patients about the use of dexpanthenol in the treatment of hemorrhoids

Reviews of the use of Bepanten for hemorrhoids are almost always positive. Patients consider it an ideal remedy for anal fissures. Bepanten for hemorrhoids, according to reviews, quickly relieves discomfort and pain. The inflammatory process stops.

As an indispensable remedy, Bepanten plus for hemorrhoids is reviewed by pregnant women and those who have recently given birth to a child. In both of these situations, women often suffer from hemorrhoids, and medications for its treatment almost always have contraindications for such periods. Therefore, the safe and effective Bepanten for pregnant women and during lactation is practically unrivaled. He helped many not only solve the delicate problem of hemorrhoids, but also cure injured nipples and relieve the baby from diaper rash.

There are reviews from patients who tried Bepanten suppositories for damage to the mucous membrane inside the rectum. They note a decrease in pain and general discomfort, and bleeding is eliminated. As a rule, the doctor recommended suppositories as an addition to the ointment.

negative reviews about treatment with dexpanthenol ointment for hemorrhoids . It is extremely rare that patients experience itching or burning after lubricating wounds with the drug. This is usually due to increased individual sensitivity. Not everyone is happy with the cost of the drug. Since it is imported, it cannot be called budget. But patients with a limited budget get out of the situation by using similar domestic drugs that are more affordable.

Use of Bepanten ointment for hemorrhoids

Before you start using the drug, you should consult your doctor. Especially with hemorrhoids, when it is necessary to observe the exact dosage, time and duration of use. The doctor must calculate all this individually, based on the symptoms, stage of the disease, results of previous treatment, etc.

Using Bepanten for hemorrhoids is very simple. You just need to follow a few simple rules:

  1. Wash the perineal area with any antiseptic.
  2. Be sure to thoroughly dry the anorectal area so that the drug acts more effectively, especially with anal fissures, bleeding and the presence of hemorrhoids.
  3. It is advisable to empty your bowels.
  4. Lie on your side.
  5. Squeeze a pea of ​​the product onto your finger and carefully, without damaging it, apply a thin layer of Bepanten ointment to the mucous membrane, working in a circular motion on all the nodes and folds near the anus.
  6. If hemorrhoids are internal, then it is better to use a special applicator, which is included in each package.
  7. Lie down for a few minutes until the drug begins to act, only then put on your underwear and get up.
  8. If the wound is weeping, it is better to use the drug Bepanten Plus, which contains chlorhexidine.

Frequency of use - 2-3 times a day after bowel movement, course duration is usually no more than 2 weeks. During this time, the painful symptoms disappear, and the venous outflow of blood stabilizes.

But it also depends on whether you are treating internal or external hemorrhoids, using it in case of exacerbation or as part of general therapy for a chronic form of the disease.

Bepanten and inflammation of the hemorrhoidal node

Hemorrhoids are a very delicate problem, and not every patient is ready to talk openly about it even with a doctor. Usually the situation is left to chance and specialists are contacted in case of acute or chronic inflammation of the hemorrhoids.

At the same time, you need to realize that delay in this situation threatens surgical intervention and even infection in the blood!

The main symptoms that should alert you:

  • pain in the anus with enlarged hemorrhoids;
  • unpleasant itching in the anus;
  • constant burning in the rectum;
  • bleeding of any form;
  • problems with bowel movements.

Bepanten Plus for hemorrhoids helps get rid of the symptoms of hemorrhoids, preventing the need for surgery. This is a method of therapeutic treatment.

Which is better: Bepanten cream or ointment and how they differ

The question simply does not make sense, since both forms have the same composition and properties. Therefore, there is no big difference in which drug you buy.

Both do not depress the nervous system, so you can drive a car and work with complex mechanisms with complete peace of mind.

In the treatment of hemorrhoids, proctologists point out some features.

What is the difference between Bepanten ointment and cream in this case:

  • It is better to purchase Bepanten ointment if the hemorrhoidal cones are located externally, but there is also internal damage to the mucous membranes of the rectum. It has the ability to be absorbed faster, and therefore act;
  • For healing cracks, itching and pain, a cream with a greasy consistency is suitable. Enveloping the mucous membranes and the surface of the skin from the outside, in this case it acts more effectively.

Composition and action

Often patients who suffer from hemorrhoids are looking for a medicine that can quickly relieve painful inflammation and severe pain in the anal area. The disease causes severe discomfort, which is accompanied by an unpleasant burning sensation and itchy skin. To find out for sure whether Bepanten helps with hemorrhoids, you need to apply a small amount of ointment to the site of inflammation. Within a few hours you can feel significant relief from your health.

The active medicinal substance dexopanthenol quickly penetrates the cells of the skin and forms pantothenic acid in interaction with the human body. It is pantothenic acid (vitamin B5) that determines the therapeutic effect of the medicinal ointment. The acid is actively involved in the synthesis of the substance acetylcholine and promotes faster regeneration of the mucous membrane of the rectum and tissues of the anal-rectal area. When treating hemorrhoids, the drug Bepanten normalizes cell metabolism and increases the resistance of the fibers of the surrounding tissue.

The medicinal ointment is quickly absorbed into the skin and rectal mucosa, effectively suppressing the activity of pathogenic microorganisms in the anal fissures and reducing the inflammatory process during the disease.

Before treating hemorrhoids, it is necessary to carry out hygiene of the anal area and sphincter. Then a small amount of medicated ointment is carefully applied to the inflamed hemorrhoids and anal fissures. It is better to carry out the treatment procedure in a lying position.

You need to lie quietly for a few minutes while the medicine is absorbed. You can use Bepanten plus ointment for hemorrhoids two to three times a day, as well as after each bowel movement. For internal hemorrhoids and anal bleeding, a small amount of ointment must be carefully inserted into the anus using a special dispenser or finger.

Bepanten plus is an effective drug that contains dexopanthenol. This medicinal substance is completely non-toxic and safe. Medicinal ointment is contraindicated only in case of individual intolerance to the drug or an allergic reaction to the active substance.

The drug is used on any hairless and hairy areas of the skin. After applying the medicinal ointment to the inflamed areas, pantothenic acid quickly interacts with blood proteins. After some time, the acid is excreted from the body in feces and urine.

Bepanten is produced by the pharmaceutical industry in the form of ointment and cream. Due to its safe properties, this drug is also used in the treatment of newborn children, in the treatment of various wounds, abrasions, and skin cracks.

For those patients who are wondering whether it is possible to smear Bepanten on hemorrhoids, doctors especially point out the safety of the drug. Bepanten plus is effectively used in the treatment of anal fissures due to hemorrhoids, in the treatment of mammary gland fissures, in the treatment of various wounds and abrasions.

In addition to healing properties, this drug has an excellent analgesic effect. Medicinal ointment is effective in treating any irritation and damage to the skin caused by chemicals. The drug also copes well with skin burns.

This drug quickly normalizes metabolic processes that occur in the thickness of the skin. At the same time, it maintains the integrity of the fabric. This is especially important in eliminating hemorrhoidal “bumps”.

Treatment during pregnancy

Almost every second woman suffers from hemorrhoids during pregnancy. This is due to various physiological changes in the body of the expectant mother. In the plexuses of veins and blood vessels, blood stagnates, resulting in the development of varicose veins.

Hemorrhoids cause excruciating pain to a pregnant woman, causing great discomfort, burning and itching in the anal area. A pregnant woman cannot sit or walk normally; hemorrhoids cause inconvenience during bowel movements and disrupt sleep. Hemorrhoids can often occur after childbirth due to overstrain of blood vessels.

Sometimes the expectant mother does not know which medicine can be used during pregnancy and after childbirth to treat hemorrhoids. Many modern medications have special contraindications during pregnancy, since not every drug can be used during pregnancy.

Medicines can have a negative impact on the development of the fetus and cause many defects in the body of the unborn child. Before using any medicine, a mandatory consultation with a doctor is necessary, who will select the safest medicines for a pregnant woman.

One of these medications, according to doctors, is Bepanten ointment and cream. This remedy will allow you to effectively cope with hemorrhoids of any degree at various stages of pregnancy, and will also help in eliminating the disease after childbirth. In maternity hospitals, gynecologists prescribe treatment with Bepanten quite often.

Bepanten for hemorrhoids during pregnancy allows you to:

  • quickly cope with inflammation of hemorrhoidal “bumps”,
  • normalizes blood circulation in the vessels and veins of the rectum
  • helps get rid of pain and discomfort in the anus.

The cream is widely used not only in the treatment of hemorrhoids in pregnant women, but is also prescribed for the treatment of cracked mammary glands in nursing mothers. Vitamin B5, which is part of the drug, promotes the production of collagen, so the ointment can be used in the prevention and elimination of postpartum skin stretch marks.

Bepanten in pediatrics

This drug is absolutely safe for the treatment of irritations of the anal area in children of any age. The medicine also copes well with diaper dermatitis and is used as an effective preventative under the diaper against various rashes and the development of skin irritation.

Also, this drug perfectly heals any damage to the skin - abrasions, scratches, wounds from falls. Recommended by doctors for use in the treatment of children of any age.


Additional active substances included in the drug are dihydrochloride and chlorhexidine. These antibacterial ingredients are absorbed into the surface of the skin and mucous membrane very quickly after applying the medicinal ointment. In the blood vessels they interact with blood proteins and, together with dexopanthenol, are converted into pantothenic acid in the body of a sick person.

Bepanten ointment and cream are characterized by a great depth of penetration into the skin. The medicine should be applied only to dry skin surfaces. For wet areas of the skin, it is better to use Bepanten cream. The ointment is usually used with a gauze dressing.

The most famous analogue of the drug Panthenol. However, this medicinal drug is usually produced by the pharmaceutical industry in medicinal sprays. The composition of Panthenol is identical to the composition of Bepanten. There are also similar medications such as:

  • Dexpanthenol,
  • Pantoderm,
  • Korneregel,
  • Moreal plus.

These medications are absolutely safe and non-toxic and can be used in the treatment of young children and pregnant women. Each drug has a different cost.

The price of Bepanten in different domestic pharmacies varies in different ranges. Approximately it is 350-650 rubles.

Bepanten is a drug that can quickly and effectively cope with the inflammatory process of hemorrhoidal “bumps”. This medicine also has an analgesic effect and eliminates the discomfort that occurs with the disease.

The drug is effective in the treatment of anal fissures and has a healing effect on various skin lesions. Thanks to its anti-inflammatory effect, the medicine actively affects hemorrhoidal “bumps”, reducing their size and inflammation. Bepanten is absolutely safe and has no contraindications, except for individual intolerance to the components of the drug.

Reviews of the use of the drug Bepanten for hemorrhoids

Review #1

I am very familiar with this drug. From time to time I am bothered by hemorrhoids, which are in the second stage. Inflammation causes terrible sensations during exacerbation of the disease. The bumps swell and become painful. After defecation, they fall out, but they are reset.

To quickly cope with hemorrhoids, I use only Bepanten in treatment. A little expensive for the product, but very effective. I use the cream twice a day, morning and night. Literally on the fourth day of treatment, the bumps are already shrinking, and a noticeable improvement is felt.

In my family, this cream is also used to heal scratches and wounds of children. Bepanten perfectly treats broken elbows and knees, which so often occur when children fall. A very effective antiseptic.

Kirill, 38 years old - Moscow

Review #2

During periods of exacerbation of hemorrhoids, Bepanten is the best medicine. Quickly relieves pain and has a great effect on the vessels of the rectum. This wound healing cream is great for treating hemorrhoids. Before using it for inflammation of hemorrhoids, I used many different ointments and creams for hemorrhoids.

So, Bepanten is the best ointment, since it is a medicine of a new generation. Previously, only Panthenol spray was used for wounds. Today this wonderful cream has appeared, which helps to cope with hemorrhoids very quickly. It treats anal fissures and hemorrhoidal cones, and also effectively prevents anal bleeding during illness. I recommend that everyone who suffers from hemorrhoids try treatment with this medicine.

Natalia, 56 years old - Novosibirsk

Review #3

I have known about the therapeutic effect of Bepanten since the maternity hospital. When my daughter was born, bleeding and painful cracks immediately appeared on her nipples. But you have to feed a newborn baby! The doctor prescribed Bepanten plus for me. The nipples healed perfectly. In the maternity hospital, one friend used this cream to treat severe hemorrhoids after childbirth.

Was a great help too. Since then, I always buy Bepanten for my home first aid kit. I use the medicine to heal abrasions on the hands and knees of my three-year-old daughter. The cream heals all scratches and wounds very quickly. You don’t need any green stuff - the cream perfectly disinfects the wound on its own. I wipe the wound with hydrogen peroxide, and then apply the cream. And that’s it, the child’s broken knee has been treated. Good and high quality medicine.

Bepanten ointment for hemorrhoids is one of the most popular drugs for treating the disease. The cream itself is intended directly for healing various cracks and abrasions on the skin, including in the anus.

Bepanten ointment for hemorrhoids is one of the most popular drugs for treating the disease.

Treatment during pregnancy

Often, women expecting a child ask their gynecologist whether it is possible to use Bepanten ointment and cream during pregnancy, to which they only give a positive answer.

After all, the active substances included in its composition are not absorbed into the blood, which means they cannot harm either the expectant mother or her fetus.

During pregnancy, the symptoms of hemorrhoids increase in those who suffer from them. The disease may appear due to increased pressure from the fetus on the pelvic organs, which leads to intestinal dysfunction and constipation.

Urgent assistance required. In addition to unbearable pain and discomfort, there is a risk of infection, especially with bleeding and open wounds.

Many drugs have contraindications and are prohibited during this period.

Bepanten, on the contrary, is approved for use from the first days of pregnancy, in any trimester, and can be used as much as needed without risk to the future of the baby.

Its main actions during pregnancy are:

  • restoration of blood microcirculation in the pelvic organs and elimination of stagnant processes;
  • rapid relief of pain and inflammation;
  • first aid for itching, to stop bleeding and reduce hemorrhoids.

The drug does not affect the quality and composition of breast milk and is allowed during lactation.

Analogues of Bepanten for the treatment of hemorrhoids

Bepanten ointment has many analogues. Almost all of them have a similar composition, the therapeutic effect is due to the active component dexpanthenol. Excipients may differ. One of the most popular analogues is D panthenol for hemorrhoids. It is produced in Croatia, at a price close to Bepanten. You can also buy domestic D panthenol for hemorrhoids, produced in Nizhny Novgorod. A 30 g tube will cost much less than its imported counterpart, approximately 140 rubles.

Analogues of Bepanten also include the German drug Panthenol-ratiopharm. Russian pharmaceutical companies produce ointments and creams Pantoderm, Panthenol, Dexpanthenol. Since the active ingredient of all analogues is the same, they act approximately the same, an equivalent replacement of one drug with another is possible.

Side effects and contraindications for use

The only contraindication for use is individual intolerance to the components included in the formula of this drug.

Therefore, side effects are associated with the appearance in this case of allergic reactions of the body in the form of:

  • increasing itching, scabies;
  • skin irritations;
  • allergic dermatitis;
  • skin fever.

If side symptoms appear, use of the ointment or cream should be stopped and then consult with your doctor.

No cases of overdose have been identified, although experts suggest that it may occur if the drug is applied too often and in a thick layer.

You should be careful not to get it on the mucous membranes of the nasopharynx and face. In this case, you should immediately rinse them with plenty of water.

Instructions for use of Bepanten

Cream and ointment are intended for external use only and cannot be used internally. You should also avoid getting the product in your eyes.

According to the instructions for use, apply a thin layer of ointment to areas of the wound surface of the skin or areas of inflammation. Ointment with depanthenol for hemorrhoids is used several times a day. The surface of the skin on which the ointment will be applied must first be cleaned. This is best done with water and mild soap, and then dry thoroughly. The ointment or cream can be lightly rubbed in. Since it will take some time for the ointment to be absorbed, you can use a sterile napkin so that the product is not removed prematurely by the laundry. After defecation, it is recommended to thoroughly wash the anal area with water, wipe and repeat the treatment with ointment.

Typically, tissue regeneration in hemorrhoids with dexpanthenol occurs quite quickly. But if the size of the wounds does not decrease, healing does not occur within 10 days, hyperemia increases, swelling is added, pain intensifies, you should immediately consult a doctor. There is a possibility of developing sepsis.

If treatment with ointment causes a local allergic reaction, it must be stopped. Dexpanthenol extremely rarely causes hypersensitivity. But in order to completely eliminate the possibility of an allergy and not to aggravate the already painful symptoms of hemorrhoids, you can first test the effect of the ointment on the skin of the inside of the forearm. If redness does not appear at the site of application of the ointment within half an hour, you can begin treating hemorrhoids with Bepanten.

Properties of the drug

Bepanten has the necessary properties for the treatment of hemorrhoids and anal fissures. However, use without a doctor’s prescription is not advisable; negative reactions to the components of the drug are possible.

  • the ointment perfectly relieves pain and reduces the itching that accompanies this pathology;
  • has a healing effect. Not only the recovery time, but also the prevention of secondary infection depends on the rate of regeneration of damaged tissue. The longer the skin is damaged, the greater the chance of pathogenic microorganisms;
  • antiseptic effect prevents infection;
  • reduces the inflammatory process;
  • has a cooling effect;
  • softens and moisturizes the skin.

The main effect of the product is to restore metabolism in the rectal mucosa, which promotes rapid regeneration of the damaged surface. Proper use of the product allows you to achieve lasting improvement in internal and external components. You can buy Bepanten in the form of an ointment or cream.

Important. The active substance is instantly absorbed in the area of ​​application and brings relief immediately after use; if there is no effect after treatment for several days, you should consult a specialist.

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