Is it possible to eat herring under a fur coat if you have gastritis?
All types of fish, including herring, are enriched with protein - a building material necessary
Causes and treatment of pain in the anus in women
Sensation of a foreign object in the anus
Oh, how it hurts, burns and cuts... Pain in the anus can be pronounced,
Do they give sick leave?
For how long and in what cases is sick leave given for hemorrhoids?
Hemorrhoids are not at all a disease of pensioners, as they think due to youth and lack of experience
Diet for pancreatitis of the pancreas
Acute form or exacerbation of chronic inflammation When the period of exacerbation of chronic inflammation of the pancreas begins
Gallbladder shape: where does the norm end?
A bend in the gallbladder in a child is a pathology or a variant of the norm. The mechanism of development of a bend in the gallbladder.
Is it possible to eat lemon if you have gastritis with high acidity?
August 30, 2018 Gastroenterology Olga Bukataya Gastritis is an unpleasant disease in which the stomach
Is it possible to eat shrimp and crayfish if you have pancreatitis?
People whose pancreatic parenchyma is affected by pancreatitis are advised to select foods for their daily diet as carefully as possible.
List of the most useful foods for cholecystitis
Herbal medicine for pancreatitis Inflammatory process in the pancreas, accompanied by severe pain in the lower part
What does a dysbacteriosis test give for allergies?
Peculiarities of manifestations in dysbacteriosis Toxic elements that are released by bacteria seep into the circulatory system. Happening
exercises with a doctor
Is it possible to play sports with pancreatitis?
What is pancreatitis? The diagnosis of pancreatitis is given to patients suffering from inflammation of the pancreas. Causes of this pathology
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