Biliary dyskinesia in children (BDH): causes, symptoms, treatment, signs
Dyscholia is a mysterious concept for parents, because in most cases they do not know that
Suppositories for hemorrhoids for pregnant women
What suppositories can be used for hemorrhoids during pregnancy?
Suppositories for hemorrhoids for pregnant women Today, the pharmaceutical market is represented by a large assortment of drugs for the treatment of hemorrhoids,
Special nutrition for pancreatitis and diabetes can prevent a sharp increase in blood glucose levels and an increase in the patient’s body weight.
Effective treatment of pancreatitis with folk remedies and the most effective recipes
How to treat inflammation of the pancreas at home General recommendations After identifying pancreatitis, the patient needs to
Female doctor coloproctologist
How to treat hemorrhoids so you don't have to have surgery?
Treatment in a hospital Hemorrhoids are a chronic disease that is aggravated by an incorrectly selected diet, lifting
Causes of abdominal hernia and methods of its treatment
An abdominal hernia is the exit of an internal organ under the skin and its protrusion
What to do if bleeding occurs due to hemorrhoids
Ointments Ointments are a convenient dosage form, the therapeutic effect of which depends on the substances
What the drug Trimedat treats: how is it taken - before or after meals
Trimedat is a drug that regulates the intensity of motor activity of the digestive tract (mainly
Physical therapy will help with early manifestations of hemorrhoids and in its later stages.
Hemorrhoids develop in men several times more often than in women. Although this is a disease
Symptoms and causes of reflux esophagitis
Diet for gastroesophageal reflux disease
What is reflux esophagitis? Acid reflux, also called heartburn, is caused by acidic stomach juices that
Why does the lower back hurt when hemorrhoids are inflamed?
4 main approaches to treating grade 2 hemorrhoids
Acute disease This disease is not fatal. It can be treated as
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