Yellow vomiting: reasons, what to do?

Vomiting is a reflex-based contraction of the diaphragm and abdominal muscles. Under its influence, the contents of the stomach are removed from the body through the esophagus. When vomiting begins, the victim’s skin turns pale, sweating increases, and general weakness of the body appears. The color of vomit depends on various factors, including the color of the food ingested and in the stomach and certain diseases. In people with diseases of the digestive system, vomiting is preceded by nausea and sometimes abdominal pain.

Nausea is a reflex localized in the epigastric region of the abdomen, which sends a signal to the body that an infection has entered it or that poisoning has occurred. Pregnant women often experience morning sickness associated with toxicosis as a reaction to hormonal changes in the body. Those who have overdone or been poisoned with alcoholic beverages the day before can also feel sick in the morning. In most cases, the color of vomit helps determine its causes, so you should definitely pay attention to this indicator. The article discusses answers to frequently asked questions: what could be the reasons if yellow vomit appeared, why green vomit appeared, black vomit, causes of what diseases and health problems, what to do if red vomit appeared.

The main precursors to the appearance of vomiting are poisoning (food, alcohol, chemicals, medications, etc.), diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, mental disorders, and head injuries. The article discusses the main causes of red vomit, the causes of green and yellow vomit, why black vomit appears and its causes. You can also find answers to questions such as: what the color of vomit can mean, what diseases there may be, and when you need to seek help from a doctor if red, black, green or yellow vomit appears.

What affects the color of vomit, what determines the color of vomit?

By the color and nature of the masses annealed by the stomach, it is easier to determine the reason that provoked their appearance. It is also necessary to note whether the vomiting was preceded by pain in the stomach and what its nature is (after eating or independently of it, dull or acute, how sharp and intense), whether the use of any drugs was required for the onset of relief. It should be remembered that it is dangerous for health and life to attempt independent diagnosis and self-medication. If vomiting occurs, you should definitely consult a doctor who, if necessary, will prescribe tests and examinations to correctly determine the diagnosis and choose a treatment method.

Yellow vomit, reasons why vomit may be yellow?

Yellow color of vomit and its causes. The main reason vomit turns yellow is the presence of bile in its composition. In most cases, yellow vomit indicates food poisoning. If yellow vomiting occurs, you should check or remember whether the patient has consumed spoiled foods or those that have expired, heavy foods, incompatible foods, etc. Additional indicators of poisoning, in addition to yellow vomiting, are diarrhea and increased body temperature, especially if the body has been poisoned quite severely.

Why is the vomit yellow? Vomit is also yellow due to the development of intestinal infections and appendicitis. Considering the seriousness of these diseases, if yellow vomiting begins, it is necessary to pay attention to other symptoms inherent in these diseases. If one is detected, you should urgently call an ambulance.

After the loss of a large amount of bile, a person’s stool is disrupted, becoming liquid. This is explained by the fact that only excess bile is removed through the stomach and esophagus, and its main part enters the intestines and is absorbed as food. Bile irritates the intestinal tissue throughout its entire length. Diarrhea in this case is one-time and does not lead to dehydration.

If the vomit contains not only bile inclusions, but also mucus, a brown tint and an unpleasant smell of feces, and it contains particles of undigested food, the most likely cause of the malaise is a failure in peristalsis. When the primary symptoms are combined with diarrhea and blood, abdominal pain, fever, you should immediately seek medical help. These symptoms often occur with intestinal obstruction. To get rid of this problem, surgery is necessary.

Yellowness in vomit, what does it mean? Cholelithiasis and urolithiasis are expressed through constant vomiting, which occurs regardless of meals.

Stones are set in motion by excessive physical activity, especially that associated with frequent vibrations. For example, stones can begin to move when traveling in a vehicle on a bumpy road, as a result of a sudden shock or fall. Blockage of the bile or urinary duct with a stone results in yellow vomit with a pronounced bitter taste. In those suffering from cholelithiasis, vomiting attacks are accompanied by severe pain from the right hypochondrium.

In urolithiasis, vomiting is the result of impaired fluid outflow. Spasms begin in the internal organs, which contribute to the release of bile. If you feel very sick and vomit yellow vomit, what is it? The body, due to tension in the intestines, does not have time to remove it naturally. In addition, the pain becomes more severe when changing body position. If the stone still does not leave the body on its own, it is necessary to undergo surgery.

If yellow vomiting is repeated, and the patient knows why it occurs, it is important to follow a gentle diet that will not burden the functioning of the digestive organs. Fatty, smoked, fried foods, as well as carbonated drinks should be excluded from the diet. To alleviate the patient’s condition, it is necessary to eliminate spasms, for example, with No-shpa or Spazmalgon, and stop vomiting using antiemetics such as Cerucal. What to do if yellow vomit appears? Having noticed that the vomit contains elements colored yellow, it is necessary to establish the cause of its occurrence. If such vomiting is repeated or lasts more than four hours at a time, you should go to the hospital immediately.

First aid for vomiting

With the help of vomiting, the human body is freed from toxic substances.

An exception is vestibular disorders due to motion sickness, a condition after a traumatic brain injury, severe nervous strain, or stress.

First aid rules:

  • You cannot stop the act of vomiting, you should wait until it is completed;
  • After this, the person needs to be seated, cover the chest and knees with a towel or clean rags, place a bucket and basin at an accessible distance;
  • If a person suffering from an attack of vomiting can only be in a lying position, you need to try to keep his head below chest level;
  • An unconscious patient should tilt his head to the side so that he does not choke on vomit;
  • After each attack, you need to rinse your mouth with cool water;
  • Bed rest during such attacks is observed only when feeling unwell;
  • To stop vomiting, Motilium, Cerucal, mint drops, Scopolamine (for motion sickness), and, if necessary, sorbent (activated carbon) are used.

Particular caution should be exercised if there are blood impurities in the vomit; they look like coffee grounds. This is a sign of stomach bleeding and requires immediate medical attention. Losing large amounts of fluid through vomiting leads to dehydration. It is necessary to return lost fluid as quickly as possible by drinking plenty of fluids and restoring the optimal concentration of mineral salts.

Solutions for relieving mineral deficiency:

  • Regidron, Trisol – normalizes water and electrolyte balance, prevents dehydration;
  • Gastrolit - in addition to the above properties, it has an anti-inflammatory effect, since the drug contains chamomile extract. Gastrolit is poured with boiling water and left to cool completely;
  • Homemade saline solution - add 1 tsp to 1 liter of boiled water. salt, 1/2 tsp. soda, 7 tsp. sugar, mix thoroughly until the components are completely dissolved.

Any saline solution should be taken in small sips every 5-10 minutes. You can alternate this drink with unsweetened tea or a 5% glucose solution. This technique will help avoid excess salts.

Black vomit, causes of black vomit, what to do, how to treat

Black vomiting occurs extremely rarely and in most cases its appearance is influenced by the color of the food eaten the day before or the medications taken, which could give the stomach contents a dark tint. If the patient’s condition worsens with the appearance of black vomiting, first aid measures do not bring results, it is necessary to call a doctor or an ambulance at home. Black vomit can be a very dangerous symptom, so if such a problem occurs, you should take the appearance of such a sign seriously and be sure to seek help from a doctor, and if necessary, call emergency medical care.

Internal gastric bleeding followed by vomiting occurs for a number of reasons. Black vomiting, what could be the reasons? The most common source of an unpleasant symptom is peptic ulcer, which destroys the mucous membrane of the internal organ. Such disorders are provoked by excess pepsin and hydrochloric acid. If the disease is not treated in time, during the period of exacerbation, erosive processes lead to bleeding from the vessels. It flows into the lumen of the digestive organs and, under the influence of enzymes, acquires the consistency of coffee grounds and leaves the body along with vomit.

Black vomiting occurs in people susceptible to cancerous tumors when elements of the digestive system are damaged by metastases. It should be noted that vomiting, similar to the remains of brewed coffee, in cancer patients can occur as a result of internal bleeding caused by damage to tumor tissue.

What to do if black vomit occurs? The appearance of bloody vomiting is not always a symptom of chronic pathology or alcohol abuse. It also indicates that foreign bodies accidentally eaten during meals have entered the stomach and intestines and damaged the tissues of internal organs. The greatest danger is caused by sharp objects: fruit seeds, pins, hairpins, glass and plastic fragments. Most often, small children suffer from bleeding of this kind, as they put everything they can get their hands on into their mouths. Therefore, it is very important to always closely monitor your child.

What to do if you have yellow vomit?

To stop yellow vomiting, gastric lavage should be performed. In adults, this can be done by asking the person to quickly drink about 1.5-2 liters of slightly warmed water without breaks, and then induce vomiting. This procedure is not suitable for people suffering from gallstones, ulcers, gastritis and hypertension.

It is worth remembering that vomiting can cause dehydration, so the patient should be given periodic drinks in small quantities. In this capacity, you can use herbal decoctions, unsweetened fruit drinks, mineral or plain water, and weak tea.

If the cause of vomiting is alcohol or indigestion, then the patient should take any absorbent, for example, activated carbon. It promotes faster removal of toxins from the body. Before taking the absorbent, it is advisable to rinse the patient's stomach. After the procedure, put him to bed.

Red vomit, why is vomit red and what to do when it appears?

The red color of the vomit is due to the discovery of gastric bleeding in the patient. Less commonly, blood inclusions, clots, and traces of blood discharge in the vomit are found as a result of severe stomach cramps that occur directly during the process of vomiting. Red color of vomit, what could be the reasons? Considering that red vomit indicates the presence of blood impurities in it, which means a violation of the integrity of the vessels or tissues of the stomach, it poses an increased danger to human health. When red vomit appears, the only correct solution is to immediately call an ambulance.

The most dangerous situation is in which the vomit blood has a bright scarlet color. This indicates a high probability of damage to large blood vessels. If you vomit red vomit, what does it mean? Vomiting containing bright red blood or streaks of it indicates fresh, rapid bleeding that has opened in some part of the digestive tract. The blood in the vomit may also be dark red, brown, or black. Consistency ranges from liquid to mushy, reminiscent of coffee grounds. The blood remained in the stomach and reacted with its enzymes and gastric juice. Bloody contents are an obvious sign of disorders that occur in the human body, because blood loss, no matter what it is, is already a damage to health.

There are many reasons for vomiting with blood. The most common:

- acute inflammatory process of the gastric mucosa as a result of taking non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs or alcohol;

— violation of the integrity of esophageal tissue under the influence of alkaline or acidic irritants;

- rupture of the vessels of the esophagus or stomach, associated with an increase in pressure on the veins located in the abdomen;

- rupture of the esophagus due to severe overeating;

- inflammation of the esophagus as a consequence of radio wave treatment;

- tear at the point of transition of the esophagus into the stomach during intense vomiting;

- ulcerative formations in the stomach caused by diseases, burns, alcohol consumption, various injuries, and surgery.

The presence of blood in vomiting is also observed under the following circumstances:

1 Damage to the mucous membranes of the stomach and vascular network of the esophagus. Its appearance is the result of inflammation, internal mechanical damage, and a reaction to the components of medications. The risk of bleeding is especially high with stomach or intestinal ulcers and cancer processes.

2 Varicose veins in the walls of the stomach. If the detected blood is bright, it means the bleeding is fresh. As a rule, it closes quickly and is not dangerous. If its remains are dark, we can conclude that there is long-standing and prolonged bleeding, which can lead to a significant deterioration in health.

3 Ulcerative processes. Causes bleeding in the upper parts of the digestive system. About a third of bleeding is associated with the formation or exacerbation of a stomach or duodenal ulcer.

4 Gastritis in the acute stage. Vomiting of blood in patients with gastritis occurs rarely, mainly due to the consumption of alcoholic beverages. The attacks are short, the volume of blood lost during them is small.

5 Cirrhosis of the liver. Vomiting with blood is a sign of the disease that appears after drinking alcohol. Bleeding is caused by high blood pressure, which ruptures the walls of the vessels in the esophagus. This condition is dangerous for a person’s life; if it occurs, it is necessary to take the patient to a medical facility or call an ambulance as quickly as possible.

Human health in many cases depends on his attention and responsibility. Always remember that blood in vomit is a signal of serious problems with internal organs that pose a threat to your life. Having discovered this symptom, you should not hesitate and self-medicate. Seek assistance only from qualified personnel.

How does bile enter the stomach and what does it look like?

Vomiting with bile in an adult is a nonspecific symptom that accompanies many diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Occurs with inflammation, obstruction of the biliary system, impaired motility of the duodenum, gall bladder, pancreas, etc. Bile-laced vomit appears green or yellowish. The presence of a black mass indicates tumor diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and internal bleeding.

Bile is a yellow-green or light brown liquid with a bitter taste and specific odor. It is synthesized by hepatocytes (liver cells) and enters the gallbladder through the hepatic tubules. From there, the fluid enters the duodenum through the bile ducts to digest food that comes from the stomach.

If a person produces bile during vomiting, this means that it has entered the stomach from the small intestine through the pyloric valve. In the absence of disturbances in the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, it closes when semi-digested food, along with gastric secretions, enters the duodenum. The penetration of bile acids into the stomach signals a malfunction of the hepatobiliary system.

Green vomit, reasons, what to do if vomit is green?

There are many reasons for its appearance. We can only say unequivocally that vomiting is evidence of an illness, especially if it is repeated several times. When you overeat or disrupt the processes of digestion of food by the stomach, what you eat is rejected by the body almost in the same form in which it entered it. If the food was green, then the vomit will be green. Nausea preceding such vomiting may indicate severe food poisoning. Frequently recurring attacks of nausea and vomiting can also affect the acquisition of a greenish tint by the rejected masses. When particles of undigested food enter bile, vomit can become yellow, yellow-green (most often) or green in color.

Green vomit, what causes green vomit? The appearance of green vomit often indicates a malfunction of the organs involved in the digestive process. Serious diseases are also indicated by the appearance of bitterness in the mouth during such vomiting. Green vomit may be due to the fact that there will be a certain amount of bile in the vomit. The causes of bile vomiting, that is, the causes of green vomiting, can be very diverse, but the main diseases that can cause green vomiting are:

Some pathological processes are accompanied by bile entering the vomit. Most often it occurs with dysfunction of the liver, gallbladder and excretory ducts, reflux, acute pancreatitis, cyclic vomiting syndrome, and obstruction in the small intestine. Colic attacks are accompanied by bloating, severe pain, nausea leading to vomiting, and a sharp increase in body temperature. The vomit contains bile inclusions. Vomiting is quite frequent, repeated about once every two hours, after which the patient does not feel relief.

With cholecystitis, a person feels severe pain on the right side under the ribs, his skin and whites of his eyes turn yellow, and itching occurs throughout the body. Bile streaks in rejected masses usually appear as a result of eating fatty and fried foods. Periodic attacks are repeated quite often. If a person is diagnosed with liver pathology, vomiting is provoked by bile reflux, which arises from a stomach ulcer, duodenal ulcer or complications after surgery. With reflux, bile rises to the higher organs of the digestive system - the stomach and esophagus, sometimes even reaching the oral cavity. Abundant accumulation of bile in the stomach becomes a source of nausea, heartburn and vomiting.

Cyclic vomiting syndrome, when the body loses a large amount of bile, is characterized by periodic vomiting attacks without visible preconditions. This condition can last several days, sometimes up to two weeks, while in other respects the person will remain completely healthy. Constant contact with vomit causes irritation of the stomach walls, as a result of which bile is produced more actively and the body tries to remove it. Green vomit, what does it mean? With pancreatitis, a person experiences multiple inflammatory processes in the pancreas. Pathogenic changes are accompanied by abdominal pain, which worsens when sitting or standing, and subsides when the person lies down. The unpleasant sensations are complemented by the rejection of stomach contents with clearly visible bile inclusions.

One-time yellow short-term vomiting with simultaneous diarrhea should not cause concern. To normalize well-being, it is enough to provide the patient with plenty of fluids, preferably mineral water with released gas. After a few hours, you can return to your usual diet.

What to do if green vomit appears? If the occurrence of yellow mucous vomiting is natural and appears after every meal, most likely the person has a diseased liver; this symptom also often accompanies pathologies of the pancreas and gallbladder, in particular pancreatitis and cholecystitis. It often occurs with gastritis, ulcerative processes, intestinal infections, food and toxic poisoning, diseases that are not related to digestion: meningitis and encephalitis. If the gallbladder and excretory ducts are clogged with stones, vomiting occurs, regardless of food intake. In some cases, bilious vomiting is a consequence of fear, a stressful situation, or prolonged nervous tension.

Causes of vomiting

If the cause of vomiting is an infection, it is almost always accompanied by fever and other symptoms of inflammation (for example, sore throat, abdominal pain). If you have a cold, you can cure it on your own within three days. If the condition worsens or does not improve, you should visit a doctor. A sore throat or acute sinusitis almost always requires antibiotics, so you can’t handle it alone.

Microorganisms that cause food poisoning (contrary to popular belief - all year round, not just in summer) are characterized by varying degrees of virulence, and their ability to fight the immune system is an individual matter. That is why, in the event of mass poisonings, some people need advice from an outpatient clinic, while others have to stay in the hospital longer. Even the bacterium itself can have various mutations, and this causes various consequences.

If you feel very unwell and have unusual symptoms (eg neurological balance disorders), your condition worsens and the vomiting is very severe, do not delay and seek help. Even if there is a seemingly harmless head injury, call an ambulance.

Regardless of the cause, vomiting can be dangerous (especially for children) and can lead to dehydration. When the body loses a lot of fluid, it is not enough to just drink. An IV is often needed.

Do not use antiemetics on your own. If there is such a need, the doctor will prescribe it himself. Since these drugs cause many side effects, “blurring the picture” of the disease. For mild pain, you can try natural methods (our suggestions). For more severe ones, always consult a doctor.

Vomiting blood after alcohol, causes

If a person drinks alcohol frequently or in large quantities, especially if the amount drunk exceeds the norm that his body can withstand, a protective reaction is triggered in the form of rejection of the contents of the stomach - the gag reflex. Thus, our digestive system self-cleanses itself of harmful substances that enter it along with the ingested liquid.

The process of alcohol intoxication is accompanied by venous expansion of the stomach. It leads to bleeding and blood coming out in vomit. The described combination is often a sign of deep ulcerative damage to the gastric mucosa that has reached the vessels. Often, alcohol abuse (binge drinking or frequent drinking) serves as an indicator of the progress of a peptic ulcer, when blood streaks are found in the rejected stomach contents of a drunken person.

What diseases can be caused by red, black, green or yellow vomit?

People often experience pain after eating due to gastritis. This often happens due to increased production of gastric juice or sudden spasms of the stomach walls. Below is a broader list of painful sensations in the stomach.

Nausea and vomiting as consequences of overeating

The most common and understandable cause of nausea and subsequent vomiting is overeating. When the stomach is filled with a large amount of food over a short period of time, its lining stretches. Because of this, painful tremors occur soon after eating. The way to resolve the situation is simple - you need to control the amount of food you eat and make it more moderate.

Gallbladder diseases: how do they affect the color of vomit?

If the functioning of this organ is impaired, nausea and vomiting can appear at any time, without reference to food intake. The gallbladder is located in the upper abdomen. During inflammatory processes, the likelihood of stone formation increases, which manifests itself through the patient’s feeling of bitterness in the mouth, lack of appetite, indigestion and rapid weight loss. If you notice these symptoms, you should definitely and immediately consult a doctor for examination and treatment.

Irritable stomach syndrome and the color of vomit

This malaise manifests itself through repeated belching after eating, more like attacks. Immediately after finishing a meal, the stomach begins to sharply narrow, causing cramps. Unreasonable nausea may also appear. If you notice these symptoms, you should definitely see a specialist.

Diseases of the pancreas, details about the disease

Attacks of nausea and vomiting after eating are frequent companions of people suffering from diseases of the pancreas. The patient may also experience aching pain in the right hypochondrium or bloating. Chronic nausea and vomiting, in addition to the above-mentioned disorders, is caused by hormonal imbalance in the body, infection with viruses, as well as the occurrence of tumor processes. If the patient's condition worsens, which is expressed through an increase in body temperature, you should go to the hospital for examination and examination.


Nausea and vomiting most often bother a person as a result of food and alcohol poisoning. If painful symptoms begin a short time after eating or drinking, it is most likely their negative impact on the digestive system.

Allergic reaction and vomiting

Allergies can be expressed through nausea and vomiting. Certain foods or their components may simply not be accepted by your stomach and may be rejected, as if poisoned. You should exclude such foods from your diet.

Toxicosis in pregnant women can also lead to vomiting

Most pregnant women experience unpleasant sensations in the form of nausea during toxicosis. Expectant mothers can independently reduce its negative impact on well-being by building a balanced daily routine. You should devote enough time to walking in the fresh air, avoid stress and psychologically stressful situations.

The diet of a pregnant woman requires special attention. It should be excluded from alcohol (primarily), spicy and fatty foods, foods with a strong or specific odor. Meals should be fractional, portions should be small. It is necessary to eat simple natural foods rich in proteins and complex carbohydrates. To relieve nausea, it is recommended to start the morning with hot tea with mint or mint candy; you can also drink small sips of still mineral water. The individual needs of the body should also be taken into account, since many pregnant women have their own ways to overcome nausea: pickles, lemons, kiwi, etc.


If a patient regularly vomits stomach acid, he should definitely undergo examination. Depending on the type of pathology, suitable treatment is prescribed. Pharmaceutical products are also used to prevent attacks:

  • for motion sickness - AviaMore, Dramamine, acupuncture bracelets;
  • neuroleptics and tranquilizers - Phenazepam, Etaperazine, Aminazine;
  • dopamine antagonists – Cerucal, Metaclopramide;
  • antiemetics - Motilium, Domperidone;
  • against poisoning - Smecta, Polysorb.

Any vomiting increases the risk of dehydration, so you should additionally take electrolyte solutions, for example, Regidron.

Important! To date, there is no specific treatment for vomiting and nausea.

You can prevent the urge with the help of diet or the use of herbal remedies: valerian, mint, chamomile. If you experience uncontrollable vomiting, you should immediately consult a doctor, especially if it is accompanied by fever, diarrhea, or severe abdominal pain.

Vomiting is a natural defense mechanism, the purpose of which is mainly to remove toxins from the body or to protect some part of the gastrointestinal tract from excessive distension. Vomiting should not be related to digestion at all. It occurs during pregnancy, motion sickness, sometimes due to throat irritation or symptoms of a urinary tract infection. But this is no reason to panic. If vomiting is very severe or recurrent, you should of course seek specialized help, regardless of the cause. Especially when the question concerns a child and the color of the vomit is unusual. Green, coffee-ground vomit mixed with red blood—this type of vomit requires emergency treatment.

Probably everyone knows what “normal” vomiting looks like. This is usually a liquid characterized by a pungent, unpleasant odor. It’s enough to eat something bad, catch an acute virus, or have a little too much at a party - and you’re done. Most often, vomiting follows unpleasant nausea and abdominal pain, and brings relief and improved well-being.

Traditional methods of treating nausea and vomiting

Among traditional medicine there are also recipes aimed at relieving the symptoms of nausea and vomiting. Among them it is worth highlighting the following:

1 Herbal decoction, including one part valerian, 2 parts peppermint and chamomile flowers, 3 parts dried marsh flowers.

2 Warm dill decoction for nausea.

3 Take potato juice (0.5 tbsp) before meals for nausea.

4 Consumption of quince fruits in any form, quince has an antiemetic effect.

5 Teas made from mint leaves, parsley, ginger root or citrus fruits help eliminate nausea.

It is important to remember that if there is no positive effect after using any medicine for nausea and vomiting, or if the patient’s condition worsens, you must immediately seek help from medical specialists.


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