Colon hydrotherapy colon cleansing: Beneficial or harmful

Benefits of hardware colon cleansing

How to remove waste and toxins from the body - Methods and methods of cleansing from waste and toxins
Shank Prakshalana - Colon cleansing with salt water from yoga practice

Cleansing by fasting - Daily fasting according to Paul Bragg

Nutritional Cleanse - Jensen's Cleanse Diet

Cleansing the body with rice – Rice breakfast

Colon cleansing with herbs in capsules – Ready-made scheme for colon cleansing with herbs in NSP capsules

The modern diet consists largely of refined, highly processed foods that are high in fat and low in fiber. The consumption of such products, especially in combination with overeating, stress, allergic reactions, and drug exposure, is harmful to intestinal health.

The lumen of the colon contains the largest colony of microorganisms living in the human body. When intoxicated, toxic substances upset the balance of beneficial and harmful bacteria. Colon hydrotherapy reduces the impact of dietary and environmental hazards, which also affect the immune system.

Many experts believe that hardware bowel cleansing helps solve the following patient problems:

  • constipation;
  • bloating, flatulence;
  • candidiasis and dysbacteriosis;
  • chronic fatigue syndrome;
  • skin diseases;
  • stomach ache;
  • bad breath;
  • depression;
  • allergic diseases;
  • inflammatory diseases, for example, chronic sinusitis.

Risks of the procedure

The dangers and risks of hardware cleansing of the body depend on whether the procedure is carried out in compliance with all contraindications and implementation techniques, under the supervision of an experienced specialist.

It is now believed that hydrotherapy equipment belongs to the class of medical equipment that can only be used to cleanse the intestines before medical procedures. If it is used for the general health of the body, the staff must undergo special training, and the service itself is subject to licensing.

In many ways, restrictions on the use of colon hydrotherapy were introduced after 36 people became infected with intestinal amoebiasis in the United States due to poorly cleaned equipment. Cases of cardiac arrest caused by excess absorption of water into the bloodstream due to electrolyte disturbances have also been reported. If all sanitary standards are observed and the patient is examined before a course of hardware bowel cleansing, this procedure is practically safe.

Opponents of colon hydrotherapy claim:

  • water washes away beneficial bacteria, disturbing the balance of microflora;
  • The body is capable of self-regulation, so frequent interference with its work disrupts these functions.

Therefore, such a procedure is carried out only according to indications, after consulting a doctor, taking into account all the pros and cons of hardware bowel cleansing.


Colon hydrotherapy is indicated in the following situations:

  • obesity and poor digestion;
  • “lazy bowel syndrome”, chronic constipation, laxative dependence;
  • bloating, excessive formation of gases, flatulence;
  • colitis, mild Crohn's disease;
  • menstrual pain;
  • chronic fatigue syndrome;
  • constant load on the liver;
  • parasites of the digestive tract;
  • intestinal dysbiosis;
  • frequent diarrhea;
  • improvement of muscle tone of the abdominal wall;
  • prevention of colon cancer;
  • weight loss in obese people and weight gain in malnourished patients due to better absorption of nutrients;
  • disappearance of allergy symptoms;
  • improvement of the course of inflammatory diseases, including candidiasis;
  • reducing cholesterol and triglyceride levels in the blood;
  • improvement of sexual function;
  • stimulation of the immune system.

The treatment program is intended for clients both as a preventive method and for patients with the following diseases:

  • digestive and intestinal diseases (constipation, irritable bowel, diarrhea, flatulence, diverticulitis, hemorrhoids and others);
  • chronic fatigue;
  • loss of sexual activity;
  • infertility;
  • migraine;
  • allergy;
  • psoriasis;
  • acne;
  • lower back pain;
  • chronic arthritis.


In some cases, colon hydrotherapy cannot be performed. These are the following diseases and conditions:

  • intestinal surgery performed within the last six months;
  • surgery for hemorrhoids within the last 6 months;
  • severe heart failure of functional classes III – IV or other serious heart disease;
  • cirrhosis of the liver;
  • high blood pressure that cannot be treated;
  • moderate to severe anemia (hemoglobin less than 90 g/l);
  • hernias: linea alba, umbilical, inguinal, femoral, postoperative;
  • aneurysm of the abdominal aorta;
  • previous colon cancer;
  • anal fissures or rectal fistulas;
  • renal failure, including those requiring dialysis sessions;
  • first trimester of pregnancy;
  • breast-feeding;
  • active intestinal diverticulitis;
  • severe Crohn's disease;
  • taking glucocorticosteroids;
  • uncontrolled epilepsy;
  • systemic lupus erythematosus;
  • suffered perforation (perforation) of the intestine.

You should not hide information about your health from your doctor. Hardware cleansing of the intestines is a serious procedure that, if performed without taking into account contraindications, will do more harm than good for the body.

Colon hydrotherapy - results

After reading the list of indications, it becomes clear what exactly should change for the better after a course of colon hydrotherapy. Obviously, colon hydrotherapy alone is not enough to solve all problems. You cannot do without a healthy lifestyle, including proper nutrition and exercise.

My personal results - I got rid of the last reminder of psoriasis. I had psoriasis since childhood, in a mild form, but itchy spots on my elbows, knees and feet haunted me for many years. After switching to an almost entirely plant-based diet, psoriasis practically disappeared, but one spot on my leg did not go away until recently and only disappeared now, after several sessions of colon hydrotherapy.

Naturally, the more health problems from the list, the more noticeable the results. But even in the absence of any diseases, colon hydrotherapy is beneficial. The functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and digestion improve, the skin becomes cleaner and smoother, the overall health is more cheerful, and the appearance improves. In the long term, colon hydrotherapy can be considered as a preventative measure.

Those who want to completely cleanse their body can start with colon hydrotherapy. A correct and effective body cleansing program according to the program includes several stages. The first steps are cleansing the intestines, liver and kidneys. Colon hydrotherapy completely replaces intestinal and liver cleansing, but I would recommend additional kidney cleansing. Thus, to completely cleanse the body after colon hydrotherapy, the following measures should be taken:

  • Kidney cleansing.
  • Cleansing the body of toxins.

If there are problems with blood vessels or joints, if these problems do not disappear after completing the full course of cleansing the body, you can take special additional measures:

  • Cleansing joints.
  • Cleansing blood vessels.

We should also talk about cleansing the body of parasites and pathogenic microorganisms. Although colon hydrotherapy effectively cleanses the intestines and liver as well, in some cases it is worth taking additional measures:

  • Cleansing from parasites.
  • Cleansing from pathogenic microorganisms.

Cleansing the body of parasites and harmful microorganisms should be carried out simultaneously with colon hydrotherapy or with home methods of cleansing the intestines, liver and kidneys.

What is it and features of the procedure

Colon hydrotherapy is an effective way to cleanse accumulated toxins and harmful structures. The method consists of introducing clean water and healing herbal decoctions into the rectum. The removal of soluble masses is carried out by the apparatus. Indications for the procedure:

  • problems with the large/small intestine;
  • the course of gallbladder diseases (dyskinesia, chronic cholecystitis, inflammation of the ducts);
  • inflammation of the skin (dermatitis, eczema, rashes and acne);
  • development of colds; infection;
  • lethargy, drowsiness, depression and sleep disorders;
  • body obesity;
  • gynecological disorders, prostatitis and urolithiasis.

Hardware cleaning prevents water from entering the small intestine. Most people experience discomfort after the procedure in the form of nausea, weakness and anxiety in the abdominal area. There's no need to worry. The condition will not last long. Drinking 250 ml of warm tea and using a heating pad on the stomach will normalize the condition.

History of colon hydrotherapy

Even in ancient times, people noticed that many diseases begin with intestinal dysfunction. The first attempts to improve the health of the body were made by the healers of Ancient Egypt. For washing, hollow reeds were used, which played the role of an enema tube. Through it, water was supplied to the rectum - this way the patient was relieved of constipation and digestive problems.

In the ancient world, colon cleansing was considered one of the most effective therapeutic methods. The founder of medicine, Hippocrates, recommended this method to combat fever, indigestion, and prolonged constipation. In his treatises, the great healer wrote: “Food that is not digested by the sick person eats him up.” Therefore, regular cleansing prolongs life, and moderation in food and proper nutrition becomes a medicine that preserves health.

In the early 20s of the last century, American researchers heeded the postulates of ancient healers and developed devices for irrigation and cleansing of the intestines. The first devices were imperfect, however, they immediately found application and gained particular popularity among representatives of show business and Hollywood stars. Fit beauties, with slender figures and glowing skin, advertised this method as a panacea for all diseases and a means to maintain youth and beauty.

In the USSR, the cleansing procedure was called an intestinal shower and was used in the treatment of patients with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. In sanatoriums of the 50-60s, intestinal cleansing was carried out with mineral water from natural sources. Over time, the procedure was improved, becoming more modern and safe.

Interest in colon hydrotherapy or intestinal lavage has seen a resurgence in the early 21st century. A large group of healthy lifestyle enthusiasts has emerged, obsessed with the idea of ​​eternal youth. The procedure was used to reduce weight, stimulate gastrointestinal functions, remove toxic substances, and smooth out wrinkles. During these years, installations for colon hydrotherapy were effectively improved and modernized, equipped with pressure sensors, disposable nozzles and other components that ensure the safety of the procedure.

Today, many clinics, medical centers, sanatoriums and beauty salons offer this popular health service. Should we believe the tempting promises, what are the benefits of the procedures and do the myths about colon hydrotherapy correspond to reality? Let's figure it out.

Colon hydrotherapy and weight loss

Hardware cleansing of the intestines leads to weight loss for several reasons:

  • a person eats less food, some of it is excreted through the intestines in an undigested form;
  • the procedure causes additional calorie consumption;
  • When cleansing the intestines, metabolism is activated, and nutrients become a source of energy, instead of being deposited as fat reserves.

After 2 weeks of treatment, on average, about 5 kg are lost. It is useful to follow these dietary rules:

  • you can eat fruits and vegetables, watermelon, grapes in their natural form, in the form of juices, smoothies;
  • You can also eat lean chicken and fish, season with lemon juice or red pepper;
  • Red meat and legumes are prohibited.

Colon cleansing combined with such a diet will help treat obesity more effectively than colon hydrotherapy alone.

Ineffective bowel cleansing before colonoscopy results in underdiagnosis of colon cancer and precancerous conditions, as well as increased costs associated with the need to repeat this study. In this case, it is not so much the well-tolerated procedure that is important, but its effectiveness. Hardware cleansing of the intestines meets both of these criteria.

Before a colonoscopy, it is better to clean the intestinal cavity as high as possible and at least 85%. If the doctor assumes that other methods commonly used for this will be performed incorrectly by the patient, or that he will not be able to take the necessary medications (for example, Fortrans), he can immediately prescribe a colon hydrotherapy procedure, the effectiveness of which is beyond doubt.

One of the most common colon hydrotherapy systems from LIBBE is approved for use in the USA, Australia, and New Zealand. Other similar systems usually have the same principle of operation.

Water with a temperature of 36.8 degrees passes through a carbon filter, which removes large suspended solids, rust and chlorine. After this, the water is purified by ultraviolet light from microorganisms. A session requires about 45 liters of water.

The purified water passes through the tip into the rectum and, under its own weight, rises to the higher parts of the colon. The thickness of the tip is no more than 1 cm; the patient himself can place it in the rectum. The continuous flow of water gently stimulates the body's own peristaltic action to release softened waste. During the session, washing can be repeated many times. The built-in odor control system ensures that the indoor air remains clean.

The stand for the procedure is located 90 cm above the floor. It is designed in such a way that the patient himself can see the tip placed in the anus. There is also a shower attached to the unit, which is used after the procedure for personal hygiene.

After each session, the system is easily and quickly disinfected by a specialist. At the same time, during colon hydrotherapy itself, the client remains alone, which removes his embarrassment from the procedure. The doctor is in the same room, if necessary, performing abdominal massage or adjusting the tip.

During the procedure, clothing is not removed from the upper body, and the patient is covered with a sheet from below.

Another system for hardware cleansing of the intestines is the Hydro San Plus model. All waste rinsing water and unpleasant odors do not come into contact with the environment.

The system allows you to gently and safely introduce warm water and remove it from the intestines. The device uses 4 stages of filtration. All elements of the cleaning system are sterilized.

Other systems for hardware cleansing of the intestines are often used:

  • Colon HydroMat (Germany);
  • Toshiba (Japan);
  • AIOC - 2B (Russia) and others. All of them provide hygienic intestinal lavage, differing from each other only in a set of additional functions.

New in hardware intestinal cleansing is the saturation of water with oxygen. This ensures the fight against anaerobic microorganisms, removes fermented (rotting) food debris from the intestines and eliminates harmful microflora. This machine also allows for post-session supplementation to further cleanse, detoxify, and increase nutrient absorption.

In order to get the maximum benefit from machine colon hydrotherapy sessions, you need to properly prepare for them:

  • during the previous three days, do not eat foods that cause gas formation and bloating (rye bread, legumes, mushrooms, carbonated drinks, tea, coffee and alcohol);
  • you can eat lean meat, chicken, cereals, fish, fermented milk products, jelly, green tea, clean water;
  • within two days before the procedure, the doctor prescribes Espumisan or activated carbon to bind excess gases;
  • in the evening before the session, only a light dinner is indicated; you can do an enema to cleanse the intestines;
  • You shouldn't have breakfast in the morning; you can drink tea or water.

Benefits and harms

Colon hydrotherapy, or colon lavage using a machine, has both advantages and disadvantages

First of all, it is important to understand that this is an exclusively medical procedure and cannot be prescribed independently. Secondly, it is important to consult not only a gastroentorologist, but also a therapist and psychotherapist

Especially if nervous bowel syndrome is observed in everyday life.

Structure of the large intestine

Benefits of colon hydrotherapy:

  • Cleansing even the deepest parts of the intestines. In the process of cleansing, not only the colon, but also the rectum is eliminated from toxins;
  • Feeling better. Along with old sediments in the intestinal surface, waste, growths and other contaminants are also removed;
  • By improving the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, the immune system is significantly strengthened. The skin becomes clearer and more radiant, sleep and appetite improve;
  • Metabolism is normalized. Sudden attacks of hunger or thirst disappear (meaning, not related to real needs);
  • Baroreceptors are strengthened. Very few people face the problem of uncontrolled defecation. And along with psychological methods of struggle, colon hydrotherapy is one of the most effective procedures;
  • Restoring the normal size of the large intestine. Under the constant influence of feces and the accumulation of waste, the intestinal walls stretch, which is why the stomach visually becomes flabby and large. Several cleaning sessions will help return it to normal;
  • Flushing the intestinal cavity is very useful not only for the digestive organs, but also for other systems. In particular, for women, colon therapy helps to activate the functioning of the uterus and increase blood flow in the pelvic area. The results are noticeable immediately after the procedure.

But the technique also has significant drawbacks. First of all, even the use of specialized solutions based on medications or herbs washes out the natural microflora. This slows down bowel function for a while. If the method is used too often, gastrointestinal disorders and various inflammatory processes may occur.

Harm of colon hydrotherapy:

  1. Such a simple procedure has quite complex complications: colic, bloating, and even exacerbation of other gastrointestinal diseases;
  2. Colon hydrotherapy flushes out the natural microflora to some extent. Therefore, it should not be done too often. There should be a gap between sessions. Minimum – a week;
  3. Such cleansing of the body is not a replacement for normal bowel movements. There is no need to regard intestinal lavage as a daily practice. These are either urgent measures or a course prescribed by doctors for certain reasons;
  4. Cleaning with water and saline solutions irritates the intestinal walls, aggravates the painful state of inflammatory processes and can cause complications.

Colon hydrotherapy – benefit or harm

Monitor colon cleansing allows you to thoroughly cleanse the colon using water. Deep cleansing is not for everyone. The therapeutic procedure is used to normalize weight, care for the figure, neutralize rashes and improve appetite. The technique is effective for improving metabolism and intestinal motility. By strengthening the immune system, a person becomes less susceptible to colds. Over time, cholesterol levels return to normal and swelling subsides.

Disadvantages of colon hydrotherapy:

  • Washing leads to cleaning, incl. and from beneficial bacteria.
  • Irritation of the intestinal mucosa.
  • Inflammatory processes in tumors, polyposis, diverticulosis.
  • An elastically weak intestine occurs against the background of strong fluid pressure.
  • Illiterate operation of the device leads to damage to the folds of the organ.
  • Risk of nausea and gag reflexes.
  • Psychological disorders are possible.

Colon cleansing is prohibited without first consulting a doctor. A poor-quality procedure leads to dehydration of the body. As a result, the electrolyte balance is destroyed. Bloating and mild nausea are common side effects. Doctors recommend drinking a lot of water after the procedure. Mineral liquid is suitable.

Yes, Colon Hydrotherapy is a really useful procedure if the patient has no contraindications and the course is carried out correctly, not only are procedures performed to cleanse the intestines of toxins, but also to restore normal intestinal microflora.

Contraindications for the colon hydrotherapy procedure are the postoperative period, pregnancy and the following diseases: diseases of the cardiovascular system, ulcerative colitis, acute hemorrhoids, intestinal polyps, the presence of a hernia, cirrhosis of the liver, intestinal obstruction, internal adhesions, vascular aneurysm, Crohn's disease and others .

Therefore, before undergoing a course of colon hydrotherapy, it is important to visit a gastroenterologist or therapist, who, after reviewing your medical history, the results of laboratory tests, and ultrasound, will determine the feasibility and individual nuances of conducting a course of colon hydrotherapy.

Only with this approach to deep intestinal cleansing procedures can you avoid exacerbation of chronic diseases and not cause harm to the body.

After a course of colon hydrotherapy, it is imperative to take measures to restore the disturbed intestinal microflora, and to maintain the results obtained, dietary support is highly desirable.

Only if all these rules are followed, colon hydrotherapy will bring real benefits to your health.

Potential harm: yes or no

Quite often on the Internet you can find information that colon hydrotherapy is harmful to the body, since under strong pressure of water, not only fecal stones and toxins are washed away for half an hour, but also beneficial flora. Microorganisms are necessary for synthesizing enzymes, vitamins, maintaining immunity and resisting pathological flora.

If, after colon hydrotherapy, harmful flora settles in the intestines, it will not be easy to cope with it, and it will be almost impossible to restore the previous balance. Even taking bacterial drugs does not always solve the problem.

In addition, it is important to consider the fact that a license is not required to carry out the procedure; in fact, it cannot be called treatment. Colon hydrotherapy specialists are not trained anywhere; sorbents and dietary supplements are used as solutions.

Side effects include helminth infection, blood disease infection, circulatory problems, embolism, and dysbacteriosis.

At the same time, a procedure done according to the rules, as prescribed by a doctor, will help cleanse the intestines, improve bowel movements, improve skin and hair health, “deflate” the stomach, and reduce weight.

Patient reviews

"Hello. A few months ago I was experiencing stomach and intestinal problems and colon hydrotherapy helped me a lot. It reduced abdominal pain and diarrhea. I underwent the procedure once every 3 months. It helps remove fecal stones and other waste from the intestines, which gave me extra strength. The main thing here is to find a qualified specialist.

During the procedure, you must remove your underwear and put on a sterile disposable gown. Then I lay down on the left side of the couch and pressed my knees to my stomach. The doctor checked with his finger how the rectum was going and immediately after that he very slowly inserted the tube into the intestine. The tube is well lubricated with something like Vaseline or gel. Then a water supply tube is attached to the side.

After this, you need to lie on your back and bend your legs. The tube will not fall out during the entire procedure. A special device introduces warm water into the large intestine, while the specialist gently massages the abdominal sections. Then all the water comes out through the second tube.

There is no unpleasant odor during the procedure. Sometimes there is a feeling of fullness of the intestines with water, which quickly passes. Pain may occur when the intestine is distended by gases, but after their removal it goes away. The water leaves a pleasant feeling; it has body temperature.

After removing the water, you need to sit on the toilet for about 15 minutes so that all of it comes out. Afterwards I felt really good, I had more energy, my stomach was really flat and I had no bloating, no diarrhea, just a really nice warm feeling in my stomach.”

The patient left a very detailed positive review about hardware bowel cleansing. So, this procedure does not cause discomfort, it is painless, and after it the person feels much better.

Benefits of colon hydrotherapy

There are a lot of diametrically opposed reviews about colon hydrotherapy. Some consider this procedure very beneficial for health. Others, on the contrary, are sure that it does not bring any benefit. What arguments do opponents of colon hydrotherapy give? Firstly, slags do not exist at all. Not a single pathologist saw any waste in the intestines when autopsying a dead body. And among certified medical specialists, the word “slag” generally makes them smile. Secondly, it is believed that this procedure is contrary to nature itself. And thirdly, colon hydrotherapy can disrupt the natural intestinal microflora.

Of course, everything is good in moderation, so you shouldn’t get carried away with colon hydrotherapy too often. However, if there are certain indications, colon hydrotherapy, according to reviews, is not only good for health, but also for your figure.

After colon hydrotherapy, accumulations weighing up to two kilograms are removed from the intestines. Therefore, body weight decreases and the stomach becomes toned. According to reviews, colon hydrotherapy activates metabolic processes, improves the appearance of the skin, and helps eliminate acne and rashes on the body. In addition, the intestinal microflora is normalized, since some pathogenic microorganisms are removed from the body along with toxins. The functioning of internal organs is normalized, immunity is improved, and the aging process of the body slows down.

In any case, before doing colon hydrotherapy, you must consult with a therapist and carefully prepare for the procedure.

Preparing for colon hydrotherapy

Intestinal colon therapy allows you to remove accumulated waste, fecal stones and radionuclides. There is no special preparation for the cleansing procedure. It is recommended to follow a diet and avoid eating foods that cause flatulence: cabbage, pea dishes, fresh bread and pastries. Carbonated drinks and alcohol (including beer) are prohibited.

2 days before the procedure, drink activated charcoal (6 tablets per 24 hours). 5 hours before colon hydrotherapy, refrain from eating. Emotional mood plays a key role. Don't worry, don't be shy about the procedure. Experiencing discomfort will make the cleansing worse.

Proper nutrition before colon hydrotherapy consists of eating light cereals and boiled meat. Focus your diet on fish and black bread. Among the liquids allowed are green tea, sour juices (without sugar) and low-fat fermented milk products. It is allowed to use the drug Espumisan to alleviate intestinal conditions.

In some cases, doctors recommend that patients undergo a cleansing enema. In this way, ease your own condition. Make sure that the tip of the tube is disposable and sterile, this will prevent infection of the body.

Colon hydrotherapy for weight loss

Many people decide to undergo this procedure solely because of advertising, which claims that intestinal lavage is an excellent way to lose extra pounds.

Indeed, practice shows that in 5–7 sessions the patient can lose from 5 to 10 kg of weight, but this will not be pure weight, but the intestinal contents removed from the body.

To fully lose weight using these procedures, the course of colon hydrotherapy must be repeated periodically, and in addition to this you should:

  • go on a dietary diet (excluding flour, sweets and fatty foods, refusing a large dinner);
  • maintain physical activity (by visiting a gym or swimming pool, walking, dancing or team sports);
  • adjust hormonal levels;
  • carry out cosmetic procedures (wraps, anti-cellulite massage, scrubs);
  • sleep at least 8 hours a day.

Only with such an integrated approach can you achieve a slim figure and external beauty, and colon hydrotherapy will be a good addition to this process. Take care of yourself!

How to enhance the benefits of colon hydrotherapy

Hardware cleansing of the intestines can be carried out not only with the help of clean water, but also by adding various useful substances to it. The most commonly used ones are the following.

Everyone understands the benefits of green juice, but almost no one actually takes it internally. Therefore, introducing such liquid into the intestines can be a good alternative. Advantages:

  • restoration of acid-base balance by alkalizing the intestinal contents;
  • activation of the immune system;
  • decreased blood pressure;
  • suppression of inflammation;
  • strengthening detoxification processes.

A person does not get enough greens from food. Lack of physical activity, taking medications and constant stress do not allow the body to fully absorb the small amount of healthy foods that do come from diet. The way out of this situation will be sessions of hardware cleansing of the intestines with the introduction of a cocktail consisting of well-mashed wheat grains containing vitamins, minerals, enzymes, fiber, which is immediately absorbed.

Coffee enemas have long been used to cleanse and treat the colon. Caffeine administered rectally stimulates the bile ducts, which facilitates the release of toxins from the blood by liver cells with bile. Benefits of caffeine administered rectally:

  • liver cleansing;
  • reduction of chronic abdominal pain;
  • elimination of parasites in the bile ducts;
  • help with depression and stress;
  • improving mood and controlling aggression.
  • Probiotics

effective for digestive problems such as gas, bloating and constipation;

  • help in the treatment of antibiotic-associated diarrhea and irritable bowel syndrome;
  • useful in the treatment of intestinal candidiasis;
  • help reduce stress hormone levels;
  • eliminate symptoms of depression and irritability.

Cost of colon hydrotherapy

The price of hardware cleaning varies significantly depending on the level of the institution in which it is carried out. The cost depends on the device and the price of disposable nozzles, solutions used, and the service provided to the patient. A course of procedures is cheaper than a one-time visit.

There are alternative methods of cleansing the intestines, including taking medications that provide gentle cleansing and colonization of the intestines with beneficial flora. Your doctor will help you make your choice.

How does cleansing happen?

Colon hydrotherapy colon lavage is based on the use of a device. Digital electronics make the work of medical personnel easier. The device controls water pressure and disinfects the liquid with ultraviolet light. The magnetic system in combination with the red beam creates a healing effect.

Heated water is supplied to the rectum in intermittent bursts. Feces and undigested food elements are removed. Toxins, germs and mucus are removed from the body. The process of colon hydrotherapy is distinguished by its simplicity. Basic moments:

  • the patient takes a lying position on the couch (exactly on his back), allowing the intestines to relax;
  • to activate the intestines, it is allowed to do a light massage of the abdomen using circular movements;
  • a disposable hose tip is inserted into the anus;
  • heated water is supplied through the tube, and as it fills, the urge to defecate arises;
  • the device removes feces from the intestine and discharges them into the sewer system;
  • Injection of clean liquid is repeated; repetition of cleaning depends on the degree of contamination of the organ. The average duration of the procedure is 40 minutes. Sometimes monitoring of the gastrointestinal tract condition is done.

When the intestines are gradually filled, the liquid cleanses the muscle structures. The medical device automatically controls the water temperature (warm-cool). Hardening stimulates intestinal tone and reduces spasms. In specialized medical centers, the liquid is represented by medicinal herbal infusions that have an anti-inflammatory effect. The risk of inflammation is minimized.

For the result to be successful, you will need to perform 5-8 procedures. People feel relief after the first session. To avoid the development of dysbacteriosis, biotics are added to the solution, which have a profound effect on the microflora. The intestinal microflora will be restored. Colon cleansing should be done under the supervision of a doctor.

Harm and benefit

The procedure must be taken seriously, since it will require the help of both a gastroenterologist and a therapist and psychotherapist. You should also take into account the positive and negative aspects of therapy, which will allow you to prepare for the appropriate outcome and not encounter surprises.

The procedure has advantages and disadvantages


It is necessary to be aware of all sorts of side effects encountered as a result of therapeutic manipulations. These include:

  • deterioration in the performance of the gastrointestinal tract, bloating, colic;
  • with a weak intestine, there is a risk of causing negative consequences due to the strong pressure of water that enters through a special apparatus;
  • Dysbacteriosis is a violation of the microflora, which is partially washed out, which is why high frequency of repetitions is not allowed. Deprives the body of vitamins such as B1, B2, B6, B12, K, which are vital substances. 1 week is the optimal time interval between sessions;
  • the removal of significant volumes of fluid provokes attacks of vomiting, nausea and disrupts the emotional balance of a patient with increased sensitivity;
  • natural removal of excess from the body is preferable to artificial, which is prescribed in case of emergency. If you do regular washing, it will cause weakness and loss of strength;
  • the intestinal walls react negatively to salt and water solutions used during cleansing. There is a risk of complications and pain in the presence of inflammation;
  • damage to the integrity of the intestine is a rare phenomenon, but sometimes it happens.


In addition to the negative ones, there are positive aspects of water therapy, which include a beneficial effect on the functionality of the body. The advantages include the following:

  • stabilization of the working process of the gastrointestinal tract, which affects the improvement of appetite, sleep, protective properties of the immune system, and the skin is cleansed and looks healthy;
  • it is possible to get rid of excess in hard-to-reach places of the intestine, and this helps to free the colon and rectum from toxins;
  • well-being becomes better, elimination of residues, growths, harmful substances, whose accumulations were inside for a long time;
  • allows you to return to its previous size the large intestine, which changes under the continuous pressure of residues. The intestinal walls expand, due to which the shape of the abdomen changes for the worse, it becomes huge. Several procedures eliminate the emerging deviations;
  • lowering cholesterol levels;
  • has a positive effect on metabolic processes, as a result of which the constant feeling of hunger and thirst, which appears for no reason even with sufficient consumption of food and water, disappears. The natural phenomenon when there is a need to replenish food and water balance after a long absence of necessary resources is not taken into account;
  • increases the functioning of the uterus in women, improves blood exchange in the pelvic area;
  • weight loss by 5-7 kg due to the removal of excess, the stomach becomes retracted and flat;
  • strengthening the receptors responsible for the process of defecation, a violation of which is encountered by a small number of patients, but with such problems the method will have a positive effect.

The procedure has a beneficial effect on the body.
The doctor determines the duration of the courses, attention is paid to the individual characteristics of the patient, including weight, lifestyle, and the presence of diseases

IOC course: how many procedures need to be done

After a full course of procedures using special equipment, patients note the following effects:

  • weight loss (5 – 7 kg);
  • improvement of appetite, return of strength;
  • disappearance of constant fatigue and frequent headaches - signs of chronic intoxication;
  • normalization of stool, absence of flatulence, excessive formation of gases and bloating;
  • increased emotional resistance to stress and depression;
  • strengthening the body's defenses, reducing colds.

The condition of the skin, its color improves, acne, porosity and unhealthy appearance disappear. The functioning of the nervous system is normalized - sleep is restored, daytime sleepiness disappears.

The period of the therapeutic procedure is 30 minutes. The session is supervised by a qualified specialist responsible for intra-abdominal pressure. The patient’s well-being remains an important criterion. How many procedures are considered acceptable? Depends on the individual characteristics of the body. Doctors conduct a preliminary examination of the patient's body. Diagnostics determines the condition of the gastrointestinal tract and the level of functioning of other systems.

The range of colon hydrotherapy is 3-10 procedures. The treatment is painless. In rare cases, discomfort is felt in the intestines. To normalize the condition, apply a heating pad and drink warm tea. The surface of the body should not get wet. Monitoring studies show accurate results that affect human health.

During 1 session of colon hydrotherapy, 20 liters of liquid are injected into the patient’s intestines. The water temperature gradually decreases. The patient, experiencing mild pain, will require a decrease in the pressure of the supplied fluid. There are a couple of doctors on duty during the cleansing. The cost of medical services is affordable. The preparation process takes place in a couple of stages. The benefits of treatment are obvious.

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The effect of colon hydrotherapy procedure

1. The functioning of the gastrointestinal tract is normalized

. Lymph and blood circulation improves, colon peristalsis and intestinal motor function are restored, constipation and diarrhea, bloating, etc. disappear.

2. Reduces cholesterol levels


3. Feeling better

. The patient feels a surge of strength and vigor, headaches and chronic fatigue go away, and sleep normalizes.

4. Decreased weight and appetite


5. Skin diseases go away

, complexion is normalized.

Types of therapy at the RHANA clinic:

  • Irrigation with medicinal mineral waters. Promotes weight loss, fights urolithiasis, has a positive effect on motor, secretory, hormonal activity, has anti-inflammatory, choleretic and diuretic effects.
  • Coffee cleanse. Restores microflora, prevents the development of cancer.
  • Administration of placental drugs. Promotes regeneration and restoration of the intestinal epithelium, has a positive effect on the immune system, and provides an antioxidant effect.

You can do all these types of colon hydrotherapy in Moscow at the RHANA clinic.

Frequently asked questions and answers

What is colon hydrotherapy, intestinal douche, intestinal lavage and hardware bowel cleansing? It is the same?

Colon hydrotherapy and hardware cleaning are a safe and effective method of removing fecal stones without the use of drugs in absolute hygienic conditions. After introducing warm purified water under the right pressure into the colon, these formations are softened and removed. Water also helps remove parasites if they are in the intestines.

Why is bowel function so important?

The large intestine is a kind of “sanitary” system of the body. This is the place where digested food remains are stored in the body. If the colon is not healthy, with constipation or diarrhea, a person will not feel well.

How many treatments will I need?

The number of required sessions is determined individually, since the health status of each person and the goals of the procedures vary. Colon cleansing can be used as part of a regular health program for people who are interested in continually cleansing and toning their body.

What is a colon hydrotherapy session?

For most people this is a fairly convenient procedure. A well-lubricated tip is carefully inserted into the rectum about 5 cm. A small amount of water is constantly introduced and removed from the intestines to remove fecal stones. This is repeated several times to ensure thorough irrigation. A gentle abdominal massage is used to stimulate release. The session lasts about 45 minutes, clients feel warmth and comfort, maintain confidentiality, and their modesty is not affected.

Is there a risk of intestinal perforation?

The equipment used is configured in such a way that the pressure in the intestine cannot exceed 0.12 atm, and rarely exceeds 0.08 atm. The intestine can be damaged if the pressure in it rises above 0.3 atm. Therefore, the procedure is safe for tissues.

Will the treatment affect beneficial microflora?

During the session, both beneficial and harmful bacteria are washed away. However, it is worth paying attention that if you have problems with the intestines, the number of pathogenic bacteria is much greater than normal. Moreover, after the procedures, the doctor prescribes pre- and probiotics to restore normal intestinal microflora.

Is hardware colon cleansing the same as an enema?

No. An enema involves the introduction of a certain amount of liquid into the rectum and partly the sigmoid colon, which a person retains to the best of his ability. Colon hydrotherapy is irrigation of the entire colon up to the appendix. There is no need to hold the solution with muscle force, since it flows freely through the tube. There is also no need to quickly visit the toilet after the procedure.

Will my stool become dependent on enemas?

No. The procedure irrigates and cleanses the intestine, improves its motility and evacuation function. The water used does not create an addictive effect. After a series of sessions, bowel movements and bowel movements become more regular.

Colon hydrotherapy

Improper or irregular nutrition contributes to the accumulation of persistent fecal deposits on the intestinal walls, which release toxins into the body.

To improve the functioning of the intestines and other internal organs, experienced specialists recommend taking a course of colon hydrotherapy 1-2 times a year.

The cost of deep intestinal cleansing is low and affordable to almost everyone, and the amazing effect of the procedures can be felt after the first session.

Colon hydrotherapy is a safe rinsing of the colon with aqueous solutions or warm water in order to restore mineral balance, intestinal microflora, and, of course, to remove fecal residues from the body. After the colon hydrotherapy procedure, the condition of the skin improves, the risk of hemorrhoids decreases, and the general condition of the gastrointestinal tract returns to normal.

Benefits of Colon Hydrotherapy

  • Maximum approach of the body cleansing process to natural methods of removing waste and toxins.
  • The procedure is completely safe.
  • Colon hydrotherapy helps improve the functioning of the intestines and other internal organs, as well as improve overall health.
  • After the procedure, depression disappears, vigor and good mood are guaranteed.
  • One of the best qualities of the technique is getting rid of excess weight.

Is it possible to carry out the procedure at home?

Is it allowed to perform intestinal lavage at home? The procedure is permitted provided there are no contraindications. The preparatory stage is based on the same principles as in specialized clinics. Cleaning techniques vary. Key points:

  • drink 200 ml of salt water on an empty stomach (proportion of the product: 1 tablespoon of salt per 1 liter of liquid);
  • perform simple gymnastic exercises;
  • alternate water and gymnastics 5-7 times (until the first bowel movement occurs);
  • cleansing continues until the water exiting the rectum becomes clear. Getting rid of toxins is gradual.

The secret of preparing water for the procedure is simple. Form a classic saline solution with a concentration of 1%. The liquid in the intestines will be absorbed gradually. The kidneys will remove the purified material and restore the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. Considering that salt water causes nausea, prioritize colon hydrotherapy with qualified professionals. The organ should be cleansed according to the system.

An alternative option is an enema. Prepare 3 liters of boiled water, which will be poured into Esmarch's mug. Carry out colon cleansing on an empty stomach. Treatment is carried out at 6-7 am. Light decoctions of sage, calendula, and yarrow are suitable as a solution. It is better to take the correct recipe from your doctor.

About the procedure

This physiotherapeutic procedure has several names: colon hydrotherapy, monitored bowel cleansing, colon therapy. All of them mean cleansing the large intestine of toxins by washing it with a cleansing solution. It is pumped by a special apparatus under pressure through the rectum and has a certain physiologically determined temperature.

The pressure of the water jet and its temperature can be adjusted depending on the purpose of the procedure and the patient’s condition. Additives are added to the solution to enhance the effect of the procedure, medications, sorbents, herbal infusions recommended by a specialist in cleansing the body. In parallel with the supply of the cleaning solution for cleaning, the waste liquid is automatically pumped out.

After filling the large intestine with water, a gentle abdominal massage is performed. This should lead to the separation of fecal stones from the intestinal walls and their release to the outside. The required amount of liquid is not administered at once, it is divided into several parts and each portion enters the intestine sequentially. This filling of the colon, alternating with the removal of fluid, creates a flushing effect, increasing the tone of the muscles responsible for intestinal motility.

Patients usually do not experience any discomfort during the procedure or strong pressure, although it lasts quite a long time, about 40 minutes. For full effect, you need to carry out several such procedures under the supervision of a doctor. According to experts involved in this practice, a regular course of 5-6 sessions is equal in effectiveness to an extreme diet or a three-week course of fasting. To consolidate the effect, you need to undergo up to 10 procedures.

Often at home, supporters of intestinal cleansing conduct a course of cleansing the intestines of toxins using large-volume enemas (Esmarch mug). To do this, you have to find time in the morning, endure inconvenience and restrictions. Meanwhile, one colon therapy procedure in its health-improving effect is equivalent to the effects of 25–30 such enemas.

During the course of colon hydrotherapy, a specialist gastroenterologist will recommend following a specially designed diet.

When this condition is combined, you can notice a striking effect - the appearance of patients is rejuvenated. If you maintain this diet even after the cleansing course, the resulting effect will be permanently consolidated.

What can and cannot be done after the procedure?

After the end of the session, it is recommended to refrain from eating, observe a work and rest schedule, and refrain from excessive psycho-emotional and physical stress. After the first session, an exacerbation of chronic infection, deterioration in general health, and decreased ability to work are possible. If the intestinal walls are damaged, the likelihood of infection increases with the subsequent development of complications.

At the initial stages of recovery, the diet is reviewed. Include fiber, fresh vegetables, fruits, leafy greens, seasonal or frozen berries, seeds, nuts. They adhere to the principles of separate nutrition to prevent the processes of rotting and fermentation in the stomach. The course of treatment is recommended to take place in the spring and summer seasons for better adaptation of the body.

After colon hydrotherapy, you need to adhere to a special diet so that the body does not experience stress. Fiber-rich foods are the best choice.

Nutrition rules to consolidate results

To consolidate the positive therapeutic effect, it is recommended to review your usual diet. You should not eat fatty, hot, spicy foods, refined foods, store-bought sweets, margarine, alcohol, trans fats, smoked foods, pickles, sugar. Green and black tea, coffee should be replaced with herbal drinks. Stevia and erythritol are used as sweeteners.

High-quality cleansing of the gastrointestinal tract is a method that helps cope with constipation, autoimmune processes, metabolic disorders, chronic pain impulses, and disability. At the same time, it is important to remember the dangers of self-medication and go to modern clinics where the procedure is performed aesthetically, painlessly, and with a high level of safety. A preliminary consultation with a gastroenterologist is required.


  1. Konopleva E.V. Study of the effectiveness of the use of herbal medicines in combination with the method of colon hydrotherapy in patients with somatoform autonomic dysfunction and latent depression. Health is the basis of human potential: problems and ways to solve them. 2010. T.5. No. 1: 359.
  2. Makarova G.A., Muravyov S.A., Dmitrieva O.A. The use of colon hydrotherapy in RDT. Medical science and education of the Urals. 2007. T.8. No. 2: 24-28.
  3. Nazarenko L. I., Baranovsky A. Yu. Nutrition and inflammatory bowel diseases. Medical academic journal. 2012. T.12. No. 2: 28–34.

Indications for use

Irrigation of the intestines with special liquids (mineral water, saline solution, herbs) is carried out only as prescribed by doctors. Self-prescribed colonic lavage may do more harm than good.

Indications for colon hydrotherapy are as follows:

  • long-term chronic constipation;
  • helminthic infestations that affect the large intestine;
  • intestinal disorder caused by medication, alcohol or drug abuse;
  • bloating and increased gas formation;
  • obesity;
  • intestinal (colon) dyskinesia;
  • frequent viral diseases;
  • acne and other skin problems that are caused by intoxication of the body with accumulated feces;
  • BPH;
  • pseudo-erosion;
  • cleansing the intestines of toxins.

Carrying out colon hydrotherapy

Colon hydrotherapy is performed using a special device, and therefore the patient will not have any difficulties associated with going to the toilet.

How the procedure goes:

  1. The patient is asked to undress from the waist down and lie on the couch on his side.
  2. A tip with a connected tube is inserted into the rectum, and a small amount of water or a special solution is supplied.
  3. When there is a desire to empty the intestines, the water supply is stopped and all liquid from the intestines begins to be removed into a special container.
  4. Next, the tip is inserted again, but deeper, to clean most of the large intestine.
  5. The supply of water and the discharge of “waste” is carried out until the entire large intestine is cleansed.


As colon hydrotherapy progresses, about 20 liters of fluid , the temperature of which will gradually decrease (from warm to cool) to stimulate independent bowel function.

Throughout the procedure, a specialist is located next to the patient who monitors the temperature and pressure of the fluid. Normally, the procedure takes place with slight discomfort, and if pain occurs, you should mention this so that the pressure of the supplied fluid is reduced.

Effect of Karlovy Vary Mineral Salt in cleansing the intestines

The effect of mineral drinking water on the body is determined by chemical, mechanical and thermal factors.

Natural Carlsbad salt, dissolving in water at the recommended concentration, represents low- and medium-mineralized drinking medicinal and medicinal table mineral water with an optimal ratio of the main components (bicarbonates, sulfates, chlorides) and belongs to bicarbonate-sulfate-chloride waters.

Hydrocarbonate ions (HCO3 stimulates gastric secretion. With normal and increased secretion, they inhibit the activity of some enzymes, reducing the secretion of hydrochloric acid, inhibiting the formation of gastric juice pepsins and gastrointestinal hormones - gastrin and secretin. On the contrary, accumulating carbon dioxide dilutes and removes mucus from the stomach and through receptors of the enteric nervous system stimulates the acid-forming, secretory and motor functions of the stomach. Neutralization of gastric contents is accompanied by a reflex increase in the secretion of the small intestine, pancreas and an increase in intraduodenal pH by 0.2 - 0.8.

Hydrocarbonate ions inhibit the formation of uric acid and accelerate its excretion in the urine, preventing the formation of uric acid salts. Urates and oxalates dissolve well in an alkaline environment. Such water dilutes sputum, reduces its viscosity and increases separation from the tracheobronchial tree.

Chlorine (Cl) ions in the stomach combine with hydrogen to form hydrochloric acid. They stimulate the formation of intestinal juice, choleretic and diuretic functions of the liver and kidneys. In combination with calcium ions, chlorides stimulate osteoblast differentiation and tooth growth.

Sulfate ions (SO4) reduce secretion and speed up the evacuation of food from the stomach. In the intestine, they are practically not absorbed and increase its motor function, having a laxative effect. Sulfates stimulate the tone of the muscles of the gallbladder and relax the sphincters of the bile ducts, which leads to an acceleration of the directional movement of bile from the liver to the duodenum. In combination with calcium ions, sulfates activate the microsomal enzyme system of the liver, thicken the vascular wall, reduce the content of intracellular water and mucus during inflammation of the walls of the gastrointestinal tract and urinary tract.

Sodium cations (Na+) Entering the interstitium and blood, restores their osmolarity, which is of fundamental importance in the transcapillary transport of nutrients and fluids, the distribution and excretion of water from the body by the kidneys.

Calcium ions (Ca2+) restore the excitability of neurons in the brain and skeletal muscles, enhance the contractile function of the myocardium, and increase blood clotting. The ions of other microelements (AL3+, CU2+, Co2+, NI2-, etc.) contained in Karlovy Vary mineral salt increase the activity of specific metalloenzymes.

The thermal factor of mineral water changes the motor and secretory activity of the gastrointestinal tract and the rate of absorption of chemicals in it. Warm water when cleansing the intestines reduces increased motility, relieves spasm of the pylorus and reduces gastric secretion, slows down the rate of transfer of water from the stomach to the duodenum and, by relaxing the muscle layer of the intestine, causes stool retention. On the contrary, cold water increases the motor and secretory activity of the stomach and enhances intestinal motility, quickly passes from the stomach to the intestines, moves in it and has a laxative effect.

Mineral water as a mechanical factor in the oral cavity stimulates the formation of saliva, changes the physicochemical properties of the stomach contents (cavity effect), causes stretching of the walls of the gastrointestinal tract, irritates the mechanoreceptors embedded there. As a result, an incendiary portion of juice is released, the secretion of gastrin, hydrochloric acid and gastohormones increases (pyloric effect). In the intestines, Mineral water enhances the secretion of pancreatic juice and bile, as well as the secretion of enterogastron and peptides that inhibit gastric secretion (duodenal effect).

Thus, mineral water restores the dynamics of secretory, motor and vacuatory activity of various parts of the gastrointestinal tract, disrupted during the disease, and corrects various types of nutrient metabolism in the body.


Colon hydrotherapy is not allowed for everyone, and therefore contraindications should be carefully studied before rinsing the intestines.

Intestinal irrigation cannot be performed:

  • people with cardiovascular diseases;
  • during pregnancy;
  • people with hypertension;
  • patients with urolithiasis;
  • people with tumors of any part of the intestine, especially the rectum;
  • people with intestinal polyps;
  • children under 16 years of age;
  • people with anemia;
  • people with inflammatory processes in any part of the intestine;
  • in the presence of Helicobacter;
  • during adhesions;
  • people with diverticulitis, fistulas, Crohn's disease and other intestinal diseases.

Cleansing will be useful only if the patient has previously consulted a doctor and has been approved or even prescribed colon hydrotherapy for treatment or prevention.


Advantages and disadvantages

Colon cleansing with large volumes of water has recently become very popular. But such a deep and complete cleansing is not suitable for everyone, as it has a number of consequences that may be unacceptable for a person in one case or another.

Weight loss and a feeling of lightness appearFlushing not only cleanses the intestines of harmful substances, but also washes away beneficial bacteria - dysbacteriosis occurs
The belly decreases, the figure becomes slimmerThe intestinal mucosa becomes irritated, and if the body is weak, inflammation may begin.
The rash goes away, especially on the face, a healthy glow appearsIf you are not sure of the complete health of the intestines (absence of tumors, diverticula, polyps), then you can significantly harm the body
Appetite improvesColon hydrotherapy is a big enema, and weak intestines may not be able to withstand the water pressure
Metabolism is restoredIf poorly trained specialists clean the intestines, then damage may occur in the places where the intestines bend due to inaccurate operation of the device
Improves intestinal motilityA very large amount of fluid comes out of the intestines, which can lead to disorders (nausea and vomiting), as well as affect the mental state of an unprepared, impressionable person
The immune system is strengthened, a person is less susceptible to colds
Reduces cholesterol levels
Swelling goes away

To cleanse the intestines, you need to carefully weigh both factors and decide whether colon hydrotherapy is really necessary or you can do without it.

Where to do it and how much does it cost?

Prices for colon hydrotherapy will vary greatly in many cities. Also, the cost will vary greatly depending on which clinic or hospital you decide to undergo the procedure at. It is cheaper to do hydrocolotherapy in public clinics than in private ones.

  • Purgation. Colon therapy procedure
  • Shank Prakshalana: colon cleansing with salt water
  • How to prepare for surgery

During colon therapy, the colon is repeatedly filled and emptied using a special rectal machine that allows irrigation fluid to be delivered to the upper part of the large intestine. Thanks to this, from 30 to 60 liters of water are passed through the intestines during the procedure - while the patient experiences virtually no discomfort or pain. In addition, the device automatically controls the pressure and temperature of the supplied liquid, and the visual observation unit allows the doctor to assess the type of intestinal contents being washed out. As for the washing liquid, it is used as saline solutions, laser-structured water, solutions of medicinal herbs and substances that restore intestinal microflora.

The choice of liquid for colon therapy depends on the goal that needs to be achieved during the procedure.

First of all, the intestines are washed with structured water, which washes away fecal stones and mucus, and then the medicinal solution is injected fractionally. The quality of colon therapy is directly related to the qualifications and experience of the personnel performing the procedure, the preparation of the patient for cleansing, as well as the preliminary medical examination. The last factor is mandatory, since it allows you to find out what treatment solution will be used during the procedure, and whether this procedure can be carried out at all. But colon therapy is prohibited in the presence of any acute and chronic diseases, liver and kidney failure, severe anemia, adhesive disease, cholelithiasis, intestinal bleeding, acute hemorrhoids, intestinal polyposis, tumors, pregnancy and prostate adenoma.

After colon therapy, fecal stones, mucus and dead epithelium are removed from the intestines, along with intestinal parasites and pathogenic microorganisms. After the procedure, patients should consume fermented milk products rich in probiotics - they populate the cleansed intestines with beneficial bacteria and significantly improve the condition of the renewed gastrointestinal tract. Due to the gentle effect of a water jet supplied to the intestines, the tone of the intestinal walls is normalized, their normal size and position are restored, and microcirculation in the walls is significantly improved.

As a result of improving the functioning of the intestinal walls, the absorption of minerals, vitamins and other beneficial substances increases.

Since the large intestine is connected to the digestive organs, large volumes of water cause the gallbladder, as well as the bile and pancreatic ducts, to reflexively contract. At the same time, the condition of the pelvic organs is normalized, in which the necessary microcirculatory processes and blood circulation are also activated. After a course of colon therapy, clients of medical institutions are surprised to note a thinner stomach and a noticeable decrease in overall weight, accompanied by an improvement in the condition of the skin and its color.

Cleansing the body of toxins and waste is gaining popularity every day. The most informed begin cleansing from the intestines. The most proven and common way to remove harmful waste from this organ remains an enema. However, there is a more civilized solution to the issue - colon therapy.

Nutrition after colon hydrotherapy

You must refrain from eating for 2 hours after the procedure. The following diet should be followed:

  • the first day - low-fat cream soups, pureed vegetable and fruit purees, berry fruit drinks, herbal decoctions, teas, compotes;
  • the first week - exclude animal fats, light carbohydrates, starch;
  • further - eat more protein foods, fresh greens, cereals, limit sugar, alcohol, carbonated drinks.

The most useful is separate, fractional meals at certain times in small portions. This way the body will develop a mechanism for secreting enzymes, and, as a result, the natural elimination of waste.


Colon hydrotherapy is an effective therapeutic and preventive measure used to normalize the functioning of the digestive tract. A correctly performed procedure improves health, removes waste and toxins, and improves general condition and well-being. Compliance with recommendations for preparation and recovery after the course minimizes the likelihood of complications and side effects.

Opinions of opponents of colon hydrotherapy

Among patients and medical workers there are not only fans, but also opponents of the colon therapy method. Among their arguments, the most common are the following.

  • The human body is a self-regulating system, so there is no need for forced cleaning.
  • The procedure harms the digestive tract and all organ systems, as it leads to an imbalance of microorganisms.
  • Carrying out colon therapy is extremely stressful, which can subsequently negatively affect your health.
  • Even if body weight decreases, there is a high probability of regaining the lost kilograms.
  • There is a possibility that there are pathological processes in the body that have not yet manifested themselves. The cleansing procedure can provoke their rapid further development.

Attention! Before deciding to undergo colon therapy, you need to carefully weigh the pros and cons, take into account contraindications, consult a doctor, and undergo a preliminary examination if necessary.

Only a competent and attentive approach to the cleansing procedure can lead to positive results and excellent well-being.

You can watch more about the pros and cons in the video:

Colon hydrotherapy at home

Hardware procedures are carried out only in medical institutions. Cleansing at home is carried out according to the following method: within 1.5 hours you need to drink 10 glasses of salt water.

  • Take 10 glasses (i.e. 2 liters) of purified water at a temperature of 40 degrees;
  • 1 tsp. salt (sea, table) per liter of liquid;
  • dissolve salt in water;
  • drink 2 glasses on an empty stomach in small sips.

Wait a while, then drink water slowly, one glass at a time. Salt water has a strong laxative effect, so the urge to defecate will soon appear.

The last glass of saline solution should be drunk at the moment when almost pure water leaves the body. The total duration of the process is up to 1.5 hours. It is recommended to start the procedure in the morning.

2 hours after completion, it is useful to drink fresh vegetable juice or salad (for example, carrots and cabbage), excluding vegetable oil.

Carrying out colon hydrotherapy at home is impossible, since this procedure requires stationary equipment.

An enema can be a substitute for colon hydrotherapy at home. You should prepare in advance 2-3 liters of cooled boiled water, an Esmarch mug and allocate enough time for both the procedure itself and for rest after it. It is best to give an enema on an empty stomach, in the morning, at 5-7 o'clock, in accordance with a person's biological rhythms - this is the most suitable time for cleansing.

It is good to cleanse the intestines using decoctions of medicinal herbs - chamomile, sage, calendula, oregano, yarrow, etc. The solution should be prepared strictly in accordance with the recipe and it is better to consult a specialist before the enema.

An effect similar to colon hydrotherapy at home can also be achieved by taking a laxative. But it is advisable to choose such drugs on the recommendation of a doctor.

Products for cleansing the intestines of waste and toxins

These drugs usually include drugs with laxative effects. Among them there are compounds with more and less aggressive action. If you need emergency cleaning, purchase Fortrans powder. It is drunk diluted in a liter of water within an hour.

Of the mild laxatives, prefer those that are comfortable to take in any life situation. It would be a good idea to consult a pharmacist.

Herbal products do not have an aggressive effect on human internal organs, which is very important in the process of cleansing the intestines. After all, if you are faced with the need for such a cleansing, this means that your body already has a number of problems that, with a reasonable approach, cannot be aggravated by herbal preparations.

If your regime allows you to devote some time to this before leaving for work, then you can first of all start with this old effective method.

How many times should you do it

Intestinal lavage at home can be performed only if there are no contraindications. The home procedure requires the same principles of preparation, but has a completely different technique.

In the morning on an empty stomach, drink a glass of salt water (prepared at the rate of 1 liter and one tablespoon of salt - as much as needed), bend to the sides and do breathing exercises. Then a glass of water and breathing exercises alternate seven more times. After this, the first bowel movement occurs.

Next, a trip to the toilet is made after each “water-exercise” complex until the fluid coming out of the intestines becomes clear.

It is important that the water is saltier than saline solution (1%), then it will not be absorbed by the body through the intestinal walls and excreted by the kidneys, but will completely pass through the entire intestinal tract. But since many people feel sick from salt water, it is better to conduct colon hydrotherapy with a specialist.

Prices for colon hydrotherapy will vary greatly in many cities. Also, the cost will vary greatly depending on which clinic or hospital you decide to undergo the procedure at. It is cheaper to do hydrocolotherapy in public clinics than in private ones.

KyivClinic "Hippocrates"Ivan Lepse Boulevard, 4300 UAH
Moscow"Hippocratic Oath"Lubyansky proezd, 19 St. Trofimova, 36, bldg. 1 1800 rubles (8000 rubles for five procedures)
Saint Petersburg"Petroclinic"Furshtatskaya, 472000 rub
SochiMishilen Detox {amp}amp; Wellness St. Bolshoy Akhun, 7 2750 rub.

Depending on the indications, washing can be carried out from 3 to 6 times in two months. You cannot attend cleaning procedures, or perform them yourself (with medications and an aqueous solution) more than once a week.

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